There Is A Set Time For DELIVERANCE Pt.1

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okay wow this is interesting all right guys i have just spent the last almost one hour trying to get on i don't know what the deal is anyway that's uh let's see what's happening here good afternoon good morning good evening to everyone uh we're at 301 let me just make sure we're up on facebook and youtube and then we're gonna jump right into it i do apologize for the late start but this was well beyond my control my internet was just going in and out and giving me a bunch of crazy readings so let's just make sure we're open live yes we are we open live bingo okay all right here we go all right all right okay all right all right so we're back at it okay folks as promised as promised we are at that pivotal point we have done our two uh pre-courses or uh spiritual warfare and again all leading up to this particular teaching here on there is a set time for deliverance there's a set time for deliverance and i'm just going to wait for us to get to like about 600 we had 413 right now and then once we get to 600 we will jump right in to this today's gonna be just tonight actually it's going to be very interesting because we're about to discover uh some interesting components here we're going to have this is going to be one of three parts uh so we're going to end this on today's world tuesday the wednesday thursday thursday night will be the last night of it i had to do it in three parts because we're gonna be covering different aspects of this particular teaching and again we're dealing with uh deliverance being a set time and what that basically mean and it's kind of going to dispel the the foolishness that we someone someone called me today and we were just having a this is after i did my show we were having a light a light conversation initially but it got a little heated not in a bad way it got a little heated uh afterwards anyway i was asked they said to me well kevin uh no offense but why is it that you always i must say always but you you're coming down on the the prophets and so on so harsh so immediately when he said that i i got a little irate but i recognized it so i held back until he was done with what he had to say say so i said to him i said you finished i said can i answer you i said now let's be clay and i didn't interrupt you so don't interrupt me all right because i will make my point very clear i said the problem we have with the church with christians with believers is that they're so used to the acting that they don't even know when they're acting i said think about this for two seconds i said you're a believer i'm a believer and because we're so used to the believer's circle we don't ever think about people on the outside and i said that's what the problem is i say think about it there are people on the outside who are contemplating giving their life to god just think about this for two seconds all right and all of this mumbo jumbo they see every second they see some prophet some evangelist somebody making a prophecy now remember they want to get close to god they want a relationship with god and they're saying these people are saying oh god is gonna jesus told him that he's coming in the next two weeks uh some kind of tsunami is gonna come here or whatever the case may be and i say now let me be clear here there are true prophets who make true predictions and they come to pass but when you have almost 70 percent of people coming up talking foolishness now remember because you're in the christian circle you're trained to defend them no matter how no matter how inaccurate and how often their inaccuracies are you're trying i i don't do that you're trying to do that here's how i'm thinking these jokers every two seconds saying there's foolishness these people who want to come to the kingdom of god but they they don't want to come because they say god can be real if these representatives of him are always giving these fake prophecies it's almost like the the story about the boy who kept crying wolf he keeps thinking the wolf is coming the wolf is coming so everybody's running out there with their guns and weapons and so on until one day when he cried wolf and the wolf truly came that nobody paid attention to him so from your perspective from your religious circle from your limited uh understanding of your little circle you don't see outside of it i see it because i sit with them every day i talk with them every day i talk with sinners as well as christians alike but more so the unbelievers who already had challenges with christianity you already had challenges with the representatives of christ then they're watching your people because they don't belong to me your fake prophets come up there make predictions they're watching them come back now and says oh uh we're still going to stick to the prophecy but it's just that you know god had mercy or always an excuse put yourself in that position so what i'm saying that is because you need a kevin ewing you need someone who doesn't have any affiliations to the so-called apostolic the covering and all of this mumbo-jumbo that have nothing to do with preparing and bringing souls to the kingdom of god you need a real person like me who's going to tell those from the outside looking in do not pay no attention to them they are not of the body of christ and here is the scripture to prove it the scripture says if one makes a prophecy and it does not come to pass he or she is not of god so we don't have to be judging all christians are like mom sir don't pay no attention there's a scripture for them now those whose prophecies are coming to pass those who are preaching from the bible they're the ones who you need to pay attention to so i to tell my friend you are you're the average believer you're the seasoned believer who have been caught up in the cycle of christendom and you you live a form of god you're satisfied that you claim to be saved and you just go along with the program but kevin ewing don't do that and that's why i walked away from the so-called building almost 10 years now because i got tired of that song and dance i got tired of the deception the actors and the actresses and god is saying this and and i hear i got sick of it so i understand where they're coming from so i will not be part neither parcel of that nonsense i will not be in fair on the day of judgment i stand before my savior to give my account i wouldn't have to worry about oh well god i didn't realize i was playing games with these people i mean after all no i'm not going to do that so i tell him if if you have a problem with that or anything that i do then why do you foolishly punish yourself why do you follow me why why do you watch my programs because you you give me a whole cadre of what i do so clearly you're finding something interesting what i say what you're upset about is that i'm not taking the baton of nonsense and following you that's not gonna happen and i'm not gonna lead anybody astray telling them lies telling them they have to pay for miracle tell them they have to drink miracle water telling them they gotta wallow on the ground and scream out because demons and them and the deliverance minister haven't taken an order for the chinese restaurant while he's delivering them i'm not gonna do that so if you have a problem with that so then why don't you just carry on smartly you don't have to listen to me but i'll tell you this though you will not change what i'm doing let me be clear here that will not happen so get lost while i try to bring people into the kingdom of god so get rid of that garbage i had to set him straight don't you try that did you talk no no man everybody want to tell you how to run your program everyone will tell you how they're not bringing nobody to jesus christ in fact they're running them from jesus christ because every week their seed asking gets higher and higher they're pushing people out of the kingdom of god i mean literally grabbing them by their draws and just flinging them on their head because they don't have the right seed so you see it's nothing it has nothing to do with christianity anymore there's nothing to do being saved anymore it has to do with the selfishness of men and women who have no heart you know why because everyone's doing it so kevin you're the oddball how dare you preach to these people and don't give them an invoice are you crazy kevin no no no you're crazy so get over here that nonsense so don't talk no fool to me a bunch of devils i don't want to do it y'all you're all you're on the road to hell fire deceiving the people of god but apostolic juice and all this foolishness but again i always say this i don't blame you no more you you've already proven you're a habitual serial rubber but the people who foolishly entertain your nonsense simply because they don't know the word of god okay so we at 877 let's get started so our topic tonight and for the next two nights is there is a set time for deliverance and in a nutshell here's what i'm saying here i'm saying to you that in order for god to be god and that is to be in control of everything to to be aware of everything to have things in order even though life may appear to be in disarray or disorder for example we're looking at the tragedies or the stuffed in and saint vincent and the grenadines and the volcano and and our prayers are with those people but as devastating as that is and things will become make no mistake god is in order i'm gonna explain that to you you see you can't take your little world and because you don't have any control over it you think that now is an indicator that the entire world is out of control if that were the case then god wouldn't he he wouldn't be all-powerful all-powerful or sovereign will mean that he anticipated this was going to happen this was on his schedule he knew this so while we who didn't know it was going to come about would be up in arms he's still relaxed because he's watching his plan run its course hence set time for deliverance came to me in that a lot of times you watch programs people you would see people in this deliverance program you know like everyone that comes to them and they touch them they're delivered they're fluttering on the ground they're doing a bunch of somersaults and all kind of stuff and then we don't hear from them no more we just bring them on and pay them a couple dollars and do this fake testimony whatever the case may be set time of deliverance is just that being on god's schedule for your set time for freedom your set time to be released from your bondage whether it's you you're not married whether you're barren whether you could never be promoted whether it's fair whatever it is god in his in his ability to be in control of everything has set a set time on everything to happen whether it's good evil indifferent and i'm gonna prove that to you tonight in scripture the reason why i want to go to because i want you to be more concerned about your set time as opposed to being caught up oh i gotta go over here to bishop timbuktu because you see how these have demons come out of the people and everybody on the ground and all this foolishness no you are gonna be more acutely aware that i need to get more into the word fuel myself with the world practicing the word until my set time come until the time and guess what your set time like it was for me wasn't where somebody else delivered me my set time i told you i fasted i prayed i fasted i prayed i got into the word and i was delivered from some things and didn't even realize it till i look back in hindsight hey look i don't have those desires no more i don't do this no more how come i don't feel this this temptation to do this particular thing anymore because guess what i in my my i encountered my set time didn't even realize it all because i was getting into the word and feeding my spirit on the word of god so that is basically what we're going to get into but we're going to get into an even deeper aspect of it okay now the word deliverance excuse me when we speak about deliverance deliverance the action of being rescued or set free excuse me from something or someone there's some of you listening to me right now who are bound by fear you are so fearful that you're almost afraid of your own shadow you always think the worst when you hear if someone call you i mean it could be a big sunny day and your phone ringing and especially if there's a it's a is a private call meaning that you couldn't tell who's calling you don't know the number of the name came up the enemy has used you in a way to make you i mean just begin to think the worst what if my kid got shot what if someone was in an accident what if i they calling me to fire me from my job your whole life is being eaten away simply because you you you are disabled as it relates to enjoying your life why because the spirit of fear which has you in bondage is controlling your life so what does a person need well they need deliverance they need to be rescued or set free from the spirit because there are many people that person's age there are many people whose lifestyle is basically like this except they do not have or they are not incapacitated by the spirit of fear so this person over here is living their life freely they don't they're not having those experiences but this one was under bondage is is is being controlled by the spirit of faith so this person needs deliverance okay good now this person now they will agree that's true i really need deliverance child i mean i i sometimes i'm afraid of my own shadow now they're not thinking that everything that's going on in their life and especially they need needing to get more into the word of god is the protocol to their deliverance because they've been of custom that the way that we see it on tv some guy wearing 500 pieces of suit must come here and you know they need to crank up the music and then they need to pick me up and body slam me over the chairs and then we get the entire church uh ushers rush us with some covering our legs and so on and on a whole cadre of events and we're delivered but i'm going to show you some scriptures tonight as it relates to deliverance as it relates to rescuing rescuing you or setting you free from these invisible bondages that for the most part you're not aware of that has incapacitated your life and it does not require the theatrics that you see on television and all of this glamour and hollywood stage foolishness i put one at you right now and you know i repeat it all the time it's my the favorite scriptures in all of my teaching proverbs 11 verse 9b and listen to what it says it says that through knowledge and that's going to be the prerequisite to deliverance through knowledge shall the just be delivered you're going to see this even beginning tomorrow night as we begin to look into jesus's ministry and wherever he was delivering and setting people free and healing them you will see where he preached or he taught first why because he's following this prerequisite that i have to give them knowledge they need the understanding of god not theatrics not lights not people running around with clothes to put over you you fall to the ground after this guy do his jacket over and all this foolishness no what we need is an understanding of how the spiritual world works hence i gave you the two crash courses in spiritual basic warfare yesterday and the day before because you need an understanding and once you have an understanding you realize i don't really need to go up to timbuktu church for him to put his hand on me i don't need to do that hence if we go back to the story with the centurion in the bible when he told jesus says look here one of my men this guy is a sick man you know they really i know you're into the healing business and i believe you are and i see you're a man of authority just like me so jesus said i'll come there okay he said no no no now this is a man that the bible does not label or categorize as a follower or even a believer of jesus but he believed that if this is what you do then i believe that your authority will take care of the matter he said i believe if you just said your word it will be done so this is how we need to be thinking meaning that we're not saying that you shouldn't look at me let's use me you shouldn't say but boy i would love to come to the obama because i know if brother kevin paid for pray for me man i know i'm going to be free i this guy got some serious prayers you you already at a loss because what you're doing is you're trying to you're trying to label the power of god and reduce it to a human level the scriptures are clear the day you got saved just like me he says behold i have given you power you don't have you accepted jesus you don't have to go and do some jumping jacks and and run a quarter mile every morning to get this power the problem is is that what you've been exposed to over the years is that you have to now jump all of these different hurdles in order to be like uh to be healed or to heal someone or to pray for someone no i can't pray kevin i would wanna pray but man i can't pray like you you can't pray like me yeah i hear you i you're praying like me you so you're telling me that god only listens to the way that i pray because of how i pray the scriptures are clear the scriptures are clear he said because of what jesus done you me the novice had prayed the season that prayer those who are seizing that prayer can come boldly before the throne listen to require the requirements he say a broken heart and a contrite spirit i will never despise he didn't say that an eloquent prayer or someone who got it all together he said no so what i'm saying to you my job is very difficult you know because i have to de-program you i have to help shed the nonsense that you received over the years that has done one thing kept you in bondage kept you limited kept you second guessing yourself it has ripped every shred of confidence from you because you believe that i either gotta pay for this or i gotta be a great prayer or man i wanna quote those scriptures like my brother kevin over there none of this the bible is requiring of you the scriptures come as you are get into the word of god and the holy spirit that is in you and if you're feeding yourself of the word of god these things are going to automatically come forward so this is the the travesty that i have this is the difficulty that i have because when people come to me they're coming believing that i know i have another hurdle to jump because that's i know i know the routine and they think that's normal that is not of god this is not the way jesus christ intended it to be and that's why i'm telling you if these people don't get it right hell fire is going to be their final destination it is so evil when you when you charge for the free gospel when you tell people they gotta come through you to go to christ that you're not rescuing them hence paul said in the book of romans chapter eight do not be entangled into the bondage do not be entangled again sorry in the bondage that you came from you came from a world of sin you now gave your life to christ who has now severed the spiritual cause that gave the enemy the legal right over you because you were not a child of god so if you if you accept jesus christ right now all of the benefits that this bible have you immediately have them you don't have to be christian for four years before you have the gift of healing or whatever in fact you had those things before you became a christian the gifts are without repentance you know in fact you could go straight to hell with your gift if you're not safe so again i i have to de-program folks because where they came from has incarcerated them so tightly mentally that when you tell them how simple the free gospel of christ is they find it suspicious kevin you're telling me you and i can hold hands right now and come in agreement that the lord will free me from this fair no boy kevin oh no no kevin i got to give a seat i got to do i say no you know i say let's where in the bible you're going to find this well i say again let me be clear i'm not saying that if god leads you to give someone a seed or whatever that's different i'm talking about the norm that we see today the norm the foolishness i read on facebook the nonsense about how you have to give this and that for god to do to do what anyway we can shut all that down today so deliverance as i have up here is the action of being rescued or set free what is interesting is every christian needs deliverance every believer it is automatic that the unbeliever needs it first he need to get us all right and then now begin the process of being delivered from the various vices and generational curses and all of the uh spiritual obstacles that are in their bloodline or even been uh transferred from their spouse's bloodline to them seeing that they marry them they are now one so every believer needs deliverance i i was a christian and i was locked down with spiritual vices that had me in a habitual state of performing sin that i didn't want to do just like what paul said in uh roman seventh but then he came back in roman 80 says hey now hold on now hold on something listen he says let there be for therefore no condemnation now watch the prerequisite for those who are in christ jesus those who are committed and not walking after the flesh but after the spirit of the living god if you're committed to do that he's saying no matter how much time you fall get back up and keep on with your commitment but don't let some joker come talk fool to you with this uh puppet dress on with this clown circus hat telling you nonsense let's go back to the scripture let's practice the word of god to get the benefits of god not this foolishness you are alone with you talking nonsense so our base scripture tonight we have two base scriptures okay and remember our topic is there is a set time for deliverance psalms 102 we're going to look at psalms 102 and we're going to look at verse 13. psalms 102 verse 13. i'm going to take my time and read and explain these i'm going to give you two base scriptures psalms 102 verse 13 now listen what it says psalms 102 verse 13 says thou shalt arise that's god now god or thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion zion in the bible is referred to as the church or the people of god thou shalt arise and have mercy upon zion i love this so much for the time to favor her the time to have mercy on her listen what he says the time to favor her yay the set time i like that is come let me sit back here because i already on fire already let me calm now just a little bit cause i get excited the scripture is now now let's let's let's let's let me just reel back just a little bit god could favor zion on a 24 7 basis and we can get deep into this what i'm about to lay on you right now but there was a specific time just like your deliverance just like some of you out there who who are barren some of you are not yet married some of you who have been who haven't been promoted in years listen to me what you should be asking god based on what this man saying i hope i haven't passed my set time i hope father god i wasn't caught up in some joker church some cult or some place where it was called in the house so god had me given seed every minute not knowing that while i was in there wasting my time and giving up my resources my set time was passing me by cannot hear that garbage talking fool he said thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time has come god is sitting back in heaven because he know the times for everything he's a god of auto and we can get there and in order to have order you need to have rules and principles you need to have ordinances you need to have uh uh uh laws in place but aside from that there's something else you need you need time and seasons that's why every ceo every president of a company every head of a family every in order for the leader no matter how big the staff or the subjects are here after the lead he or she the best way after he got he got he got to put things in order he could have a set time to do this and a set time to do that that's the only way he will have true control and putting the right people in place and they have to report you in the sense that they're doing what they're supposed to do at the set time talking to somebody today i talk on the summit i try to reel myself in right about now so he says thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time there is a there was a time set on god's schedule that's why he was never under no pressure that's why when the fake prophets was running around and everybody was getting upset that when god would strike these fellows down god said what about them there's a set time for them there's a set time there's a time and i'm going to arise okay to give favor to my church to now really i gave them enough time to get it right i sent kevin i sent everybody to warn them just like in the days of noah there was a set time the flood came a hundred years after god told noah that the flood was going to come he was 500 at the time the flood couldn't come at 550 years the flood couldn't come at 525 years there was a set time 100 years from the date that i told you i'm about to show up at the promise now whether they believe you or not we're not interested in that so all of those folks who had a hundred years to get it right laugh that noah look at this fool this dummy building out in the desert it hasn't rained out here and yes and this is not case out here building a whole ark where where now where the water can come from to float the same water we're gonna drown you in the next hundred years so god gave you a time god said look here get it together this is going to happen but you see because they're so fleshly and they just see they're they're limited knowledge of just the physical things they don't see beyond that so the bible say for thou shalt arise and have mercy upon zion for the time to favor her the time has now arrived to favor her but then he he added mortar he says not just the time i'm saying here has come but this was a set time it couldn't happen before and it couldn't happen after this is the set time that god has scheduled that i'm about to arise right now and i'm about to throw down right here somebody listening to me right now when you're gonna have a baby for your husband this is now five years right now someone listen to me father when you are going to heal me what you should have been doing is getting in the word of god and everything to have to do with being fruitful and multiplying in terms of your offspring everything that had to do with your healing you should have been feeding yourself on the word of god so when the set time come you will be able to recognize it not some joker up on a stage with a clown suit throwing people all over the place and doing a bunch of kung fu where where's the police because these fools need to be locked up they need to be caged they have the the house of god for a cyclist and you sit back and defend them why is scaring your pastor god knows it i just can't get past that you call that church the fellow quote no scriptures the fella is telling you riddles all day he's slapping you he's embarrassing you he's walking on your pregnant stomach someone just sent me something that yesterday where a preacher in africa somewhere is firing on people to heal them wait let me tell you i can't wait god knows that i can't wait for when the set time come for god to deal with these fools because that's what they are so he says the set time to favor sorry he says for the time to favor her has arrived but it's not just the time it was a set time for it to happen god says i'm coming to deliver my church now i'm coming to deliver but this deliverance isn't haphazardly this deliverance isn't just happening because i just got tired one day he said no no no no no because i'm all-knowing because i know the end from the beginning because i'm the alpha and omega and a part of me being in control is that i have to set times and seasons on everything so when that comes upon the schedule i will deal with it it was never out of order from my perspective i knew it was going to happen now i'm coming to set the order let's go to our next theme scripture let's go to uh ecclesiastes chapter three and we're gonna read from verse one to verse eight these are two themed scriptures and then we're gonna just plunge into this i'm loving this already so this here is now going to prove my point to you even myself i tell you when i was going through the witchcraft attacks the depression and literally i was in tears but sometimes when i was praying i had to stop because i couldn't catch myself i was so crying god if you could only take this pain of depression if you could only relieve me of this heavy burden if you only could just for 10 minutes i'll i'll be happy he never did it and and and you know when you go on with your regular life sometimes the thought comes up to you well if god is so powerful then why don't take this pain but i don't fix this cancer why don't do this you got it now that you're coming into the understanding about set times you see if god don't have sad times not only will he not be in control then he will be our puppet think about it oh god uh i broke today uh put two hundred thousand on my account for me then somebody in pakistan oh god uh you know what these fellas run you bother me all the time some of the legion angels and just take off all layers to show them who run things up in here he would be a puppet he would be like oh i have to please my people so ever he'll be all over the place he don't know what to do no no no no no we have a set time which most of these jokers don't respect because they running the circus show up in godhouse but i didn't go out house it was set time and if you are delivered while under them that was your set time so your mind should be father god thank you for this understanding lord but lord i pray i didn't miss my set time because you can't miss it and god is aware that you could miss it and how you notice because he now comes back in his law and he makes this provision in uh joel 2 and 25 and listen what he said because he know you would roll up on these fake prophets he know you will roll up on these fake apostles and pastors and these money-hungry dogs he knew that so you know what he said in this word he said now come here read this right here joe 25 he says i will restore unto you to restore means to make new again to restore means that you've had losses so i'm going to repair it or repay it i knew i knew you would have rolled up on something called church i knew you were the one growing up on some circus clown who's pretending to be an agent of me i knew that i knew and i allowed you to go through it but i was hoping that you would be uh cognizant and pick up on the nonsense i do so when i pull you out you will be fully prepared to recognize them and discern them from a mile away and to teach others how to design them he said now guess what i'm going to do i'm going to restore you the years where the cankerworm the catapulted locus and the palmer worm has eaten away no no insects were eating at you but these are all symbolic of spiritual forces eating away at your spiritual blessings your spiritual set times while they will play giving you uh hocus pocus pie in the sky promises every week taking your money every time you come there they're taking your money god says so this god says so that god says sow into this apostolic garbage or you just give it because you are trying that hey if that's the preacher you must honor the preacher don't don't don't ever look at his fruit don't ever assess him by the fruit forget what god say just be a donkey and a fool and just give up your money and give them everything and give them your children college fund give them all your kidney transplant money give it to them because god is going to use them according to them to bless you and the only one being blessed is them what are they doing now eating at your set time because you're not focused on god anymore your confidence is mere mortals that time your spiritual opportunities are just passing you by but god says you know what like i have to arise for zion because a set time has come yo is coming too in fact right now some of you are gonna receive it through this message so going back here to ecclesiastes now and verse if ecclesiastes three verse one listen what he says he says to everything everything i was sharing the same teaching with somebody uh sometime last week i was discussing it briefly with them and they said to me they said now kevin are you saying to me because if i think i got you right are you saying a sad time like like god got a set tank so you're trying to tell me if i if i got a problem now and i say lord deliver me right now like god wouldn't do it i don't know excuse me because if it if you say god hear me right now just may be your set time so i don't know what i do know is that there is a set time or not just deliverance because what we are about to read there is a set time on everything that is how god is able to be in control ecclesiastes 3 verse 1 to everything you know what everything man to everything or all things there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven the day you were supposed to get married the day you supposed to have children the day everything life is saturated everything that god has promised you everything is on a schedule that's why he said in ephesians 1 three he says listen i have already blessed you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places i've already set you up what you don't know is that they're all on a set time they're all on a schedule so don't let these people tell you god told me that he's gonna turn you around get that nonsense over here could you kindly show me the scriptures can you kindly walk me through the scriptures to have an understanding while you get over your asthma good get the guys asthmatic pumping and correct yourself so in fact go heal yourself talking nonsense around here man i just tired of them i tired of their wickedness i titled their foolishness i'm tired of their deception a bunch of crooks man so the bible say to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven now here's how it starts so listen the first after that first line i said listen to verse two it's a time to be born and a time to die now let's stop right there so what the bible is saying once you are first of all you got to be born in the earth to be a participant of the set times that are already in place for you because everything that you're going to read there's a time to love there's a time to embrace there's a time to do that there's a time to do that none of that could happen without your existence so the protocol here is you must be born first so he said there's a time to what he says is the time to born the time to be born and there's a time to die so what that statement is saying between when you are born and when you die now what goes on as a time to plant any time to pluck up a time to kill any time to heal a time to break down all that is going on between the day you were born and the day you die so your life is on a schedule your deliverance you're having children you're being healed you're being delivered from certain vices you're being elevated in the body of christ you're being increasing and you're not all everything is on a schedule talking to somebody everything is on a schedule so when some joker come to you because he is mr boss profit antiseptic motor oil calling for your engine profit as if he could alter god set time okay how long you were sick now two years okay and another prophet prophesied that you would be healed within a year okay and that has been two days he told you that okay well i'm gonna tap into my express apostolic healing uh skills and i'm going to speed up that time how could you do that how could you speed up god's set time make me understand that seeing again when you don't know these things out of respect for them you sit back and you listen see but listening to them after a while you really can begin to believe the nonsense that they are saying to you the bible is clear that to everything there is a season that's the reason why in the previous scripture that we read which was our psalms 102 verse 13 he said thou arise o lord for the time to favor uh zion yea the set time it is only in in correlation with the scripture here there was a season and there was a time already set where god says i'm going to rise now and i'm going to deal with this situation i'm going to bring the favor they've been praying for years for you know and it wasn't i didn't hear them but they're gonna not get me to speed up my set time now why is all of this making sense because this is the revelation god gave me because i'm telling you during my times of going through and deliverance and even after i was delivered i was always challenged like god why you never healed me or delivered me during those rough times those times that i really thought i would would not have made it through the next day or made it through this night for the next day why didn't you deliver me and to be honest with you this was the main reason why this this teaching came to me here is what the lord shared with me the set times that we have in life it's not to punish us it's not to frustrate us but forget the set time for right now what is going on prior to that next appointed time well for the most part you're going through for the most part you catch in hell for the most part all kind of help but the truth is you're being conditioned the truth is you're being trained the truth is you're in boot camp just like me i was going through all of these witchcraft for these different ladies i was with all on the edge of losing my mind all of this and i thought it was most egregious and sometimes i was mad at god i told this before that i had even stopped praying but in hindsight now that i have already arrived at my set time had i not gone through that had he not allowed that season in period of frustration and troubles and all of that i would not have the knowledge and the wisdom i have today i would not have the acquired uh understanding of these things had i not gone through that so here's what i'm saying let's say right now okay you're going through you want to be the manager on your job you've never been through the difficulties on that job you don't know what it's like to deal with human relations and looking at two sides you know none of that so let's say you say god i want a promotion right now and boom he made you the ceo you know what you will do you will mess it up but let me tell you why you'll mess up because see this that the time before you get here set time was to deal with you to deal with your bad ways deal with your spitefulness deal with your frustration and your inability to be patient with people dealing with your anger so he gave you everything which you asked for you would be a spoiled child talking to somebody you talking to somebody today you would be a spoiled little brat so now that i understand it in hindsight that's why i say to you all the time but father i thank you for my enemies boy you all don't know what you all did for me i could not see the the conditioning of what your opposition was doing to me i could not see it i couldn't see it tell in hindsight if it was not for them i would have never done a 40 day fast i would have never done a 21 day i would have never done a seven day listen to me i would have never gone out on a beach and sit in that car and pray for hours i would never ride the streets of my island just praying praying praying praying at 12 midnight praying at 3 a.m in the morning i would have never done any of that and i had no idea all of this was leading up to my set time but even when the set time come i would have been fully conditioned because of my haters because of my enemies so this joker who's coming in now talking food but he's super profit and all this garbage you you are a joke because you don't understand god's system you don't know you are misguided you are delusional god is at work whoever you listen whoever's listening to me right now i don't care how bad your situation god is at work in your life and the bad situation and the enemies are grooming you they are the chisels and the hammer that god is using you to to to groom you to his finished work when you come to your set time i'm talking to somebody right now i talking don't be looking at that people oh lord how come it happened for him that's their set time what are you getting jealous for this person over here got promoted that was their set time this was in place before the foundation of the world you had them neither you had any control over that appreciate where you are now because something better coming because in the same scripture in ecclesiastes 3 verse 1 not only is it making it clear to us that there is a time and a season the mere fact that there's a time and a season for everything the overall understanding is that absolutely nothing can go on forever nothing and now you're gonna begin to appreciate the set times that god has ordained in your life that's why when you hear me praying sometime i say lord father god i pray it now that every opportunity that i've missed in life or even if i'm praying for someone father i pray for so and so right now lord you said in your word that you'll restore unto them the years that the cankerworm the caterpillar the locust and the palma woman's eating away this is your promise so father god everything that has passed them by every opportunity okay here we go okay so we're back we're back i don't know what just happened but anyway forget all of that forget all of that so like i was saying earlier we all of us there are set times in our life to be delivered to be healed there's sometimes when you will be sick there's a period for sickness and there's a period for being healed there's a period for frustration there's a period in your life where things are calm i'll use me again for example at this point in my life life is beautiful life is calm life is sweet life is everything that i wanted at this point right now now this doesn't guarantee it's gonna be like this up the road later but what i'm saying to you and this is why the bible says to us we must give thanks in all things for this is the will of god concerning us in christ jesus first thessalonians 5 verse 18 we must focus on those set times focus on the sense that not saying oh lord one of my set time today no whatever you are going through you shouldn't be complaining you shouldn't be talking nonsense father i guess this is my time for this right now but i'm looking forward to something even better in the future you've said in your word that you'll restore me so i may think i'm suffering losses now because uh you had a divorce and you had to sell the home and you had to start back from scratch again you lost your job high paying job now you're making minimum wage that ain't gonna be forever and and the only reason why they will may go on forever is if you keep speaking it to be forever things never happening for me every time i put one step further gonna take two bucks stop talking that junk and speak life because according to god's timing there's a season there's a period there's a time set and etched out for this particular situation scripture so let me put up my scripture back again so back here to ecclesiastes 3 to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven first of all you got to be born so he's saying there's a time to to to be born and there's a time to die but in between those times he says and there's a time to plant a time to pluck up that which is planted a time to kill and a time to steal a time to break down and a time to build up a time to weep and a time to laugh before i even go any further here you know i started off by saying to you there's some people who are overwhelmed by fear and anxiety and so on you know what they're really doing when they don't have no control over that they're stealing into their future set time for favor set time for joy set time for happiness what i mean by that where they're so overwhelmed with fear and worry and but stuff that may not even happen that even when those set times of joy and happiness and traveling with family and enjoying life come they can't because they too they're busy oh god lord one i hope john you don't get killed i hope mary don't get shooting ahead oh jesus these young people so violent around you oh lord they all over the road speeding around and these loud music jesus lord what next you know what they're doing they're reaching over into their future time of joy and and robbing themselves through the fear and anxiety that they have right now calling call you that kind of life man and i and i refuse to live that way i will never in this life live that way no i and not only that the more you practice that nonsense you are going to become perfect at it so what happened now when you get up in age 60 65 70 75 you scared of your own shadow why because all throughout your 30s and 20s and 40s you were training visually vigorously like a soldier how to be fearful when you get older no boy i'm putting up with that i'm putting up that foolishness boy i'm training to be a prisoner to myself that's nonsense and then when my set times of joy and opportunity and wealth and stuff come i can't enjoy it because i scared i ain't sleeping with the lights off a whole lot let me put 50 locks on this door because these crazy people smoking grass all day coming in your house and shooting me up no no i'm not living like that and you shouldn't be living like that either god isn't god is in court do not let the enemy steal from you your set times no the scriptures are unequivocally clear proverbs 6 30 to 31 i love he says the thief be found have you discovered a thief in your life god says i'm not going to do this for you i'm giving you i'm i'm authorizing you to do this you must command and demand the thief the enemy to return unto you at minimum seven full of what he originally stole from you then god backed it up in uh joel 2 and 25. he says now i will restore unto you the years that they took from you because god know that there are some people who are going to to reach over into their set times and rob themselves with fear and worry anxiety and depression no there are many people who i know who being challenged a bit with depression and so on now this is something i never did i will tell you this when i was going through my period of depression like i told you nobody knew i never discussed it with anybody so when i finally came out and discussed it with the world my best friends many of my close friends were shocked they were like but we never knew this but then they remember but i remember when you used to be so isolated you cut everybody off and you never came up you never met with us but that was the time i was going through it i in hindsight now i realized that i got through it by the word of god and through the fasting and so on but what i also realized i never extended that time of depression because i never sat down and constantly complain about it oh lord this depression this i never jumped on the phone and said you know i have a depression right you know that right oh yeah man i just want to talk to you man see i never did none of that but i didn't know what i was doing was good at that time i just was isolating myself but again in hindsight it benefited me because i didn't have anyone to rehearse this nonsense in their ears and and and robbing me of the future joy and these moments right here that god had set for me so i'm talking to somebody tonight man you you're rehearsing the same garbage over and over and over and over again you're rehearsing the same nonsense but that happened 980 million years ago and for some reason i don't know if it appeases you or if it gives you some kind of authority but look at your life what is changing by you saying that what is changing by you re put repeat that's why the kids are rebellious against you that's why your husband don't even sleep in the same room with you he's tired of trying to reach out hug you kiss you show some affection only for you to run over some garbage rehearsing that same foolishness what are you doing you are in a set time where you and your husband are getting along good you're on a set time where the man is actually home but all you could run on with is something that can happen in the past you all need to get safe boy you don't need to get safe you need to get saved you're letting the enemy rob you so let's look at another scripture because you know i want you to take your time and read from ecclesiastes chapter 3 verses 1 to verse 8 because it talks about all of the the set time for everything i want us now to go to daniel chapter 2 because you're going to see more evidence of this daniel chapter 2 i want us to look at verse 21 daniel chapter 2 verse 21 all right and it says and he which is god changed the times and the season he's the one responsible for moving you or changing the time from this time of depression kevin i'm gonna take you into a time of joy i'm going to take you into a time where you're going to appreciate right down to the grain of sun on the ground because you remember the days that you couldn't see the the city for the smoke you remember when you were so frustrated you couldn't think straight you couldn't even form a sentence to write nothing because you were down so god says here it is he it is he that changes the time and the season it is him who remove kings and set up kings he give it wisdom unto the wise and knowledge to them that no understanding him is him this is his schedule so what i'm saying to you no preacher no kevin the teacher no apostle no prophet they don't change no time they don't all they're doing if they are real they are coming in alliance with god already said before the foundation of the world when they sin we can get into two scriptures on that tonight when someone prophesied you that's not coming from them if they are real what they are being doing to the holy spirit who is responsible for all truth the spirit is revealing to them something that's on the schedule that god had done before the foundation of the world that's coming up so you don't look at them like some superhero they are a vessel just like me right now in my teaching being used for the honor and glory and the uplifting of god that's all it is so they don't superpower stop worshiping people i don't know what is the obsession with the relationship because that seemed to be the module for the day but in any event in any event when someone prophesied the prophecy is the result of the holy spirit advising them kevin in the next two days is going to be blessed not because he is saying it but because the spirit who understand the scheduling of god is saying his schedule his time of favor is right there tell him tell him right now but don't you come doing all of this like like like like you you in the mind of god in this garbage get out of here you don't need to kick them for manual these people are devils and then they'll give you a an invoice you're going to get an invoice after he told you quote unquote what the spirit of god showed him yeah god showed me that but uh you know you ain't getting away like that i need to because you know the frog gonna be you know i need i'm gonna need that little thing gonna need that i'm gonna need that seed all right because that's an apostolic uh motorola coolant prophecy i'm gonna need that seed get that seed ready glory be to jesus hallelujah and if you don't have the full seat uh just let the i should take you into the finance department the apostolic prophetic finance department where we can work on a payment plan with interest and we're gonna put a little uh we're gonna put a little uh a little uh prophetic discount on there for you of zero point zero zero zero two percent call my child and say no more see that's what you like you like foolishness just like that you like garbage with these crooks well let me tell you something god is gonna whip them all across their head but in any event when whatever prophecy come whatever deliverance come whatever healing come you just read it i just showed it to you god said to you and his law and his rule in this principle kevin and mary and tom and sue and peter and tommy olly all listen there is a there are times and seasons that i have already set i've already said what it means is that your situation is not forever however i also said that a man shall eat or or will live good by the fruit of his lips so if you're in a season of depression if you're in a season of poverty if you're in a season of trials and temptation do not keep reiterating it do not keep repeating it because according to my law death you're either going to give life to it or you're going to give death to it based on the words that you say when we when we when we break it down it means that you're either going to extend the season that was only supposed to be for two months you know you now in the fourth year of this because you can't keep your silly mouth shut shooting off garbage all day instead you speak the word of god instead you decree what you wanted i know i'm gonna have my house debt-free i know i'm gonna have a good marriage i know my children are gonna go to college i know they're gonna preach the gospel i know every last one of them are gonna be saved sanctified and filled with the spirit of god before they leave from time into eternity why are you not saying that why are you not saying that but you talking mess all day and talking full with bishop then say my season round the corner yeah you're getting the season all right season salt that's what you're getting talking nonsense tiny people preaching nonsense to you foolishness let's stick with the scripture i don't know why that's so difficult let's stick with the word of god so in daniel here he says listen god there's a sea saying as god who's making these changes it's god who's the one who's changing it from this bitter season to the beautiful season it's god who is changing it from a season that you came from that was so good and now you got to go through some trials and some tribulations and some people talking about you why because this is to condition you for the next season of your life god know what he's doing this is what control is god being in control is that he is the one who is changing the seasons he is the one who's transitioning you into the next the devil ain't doing this the devil can be the one who can challenge you but when you understand that this can't go on forever yet that will bring your best shot on because whatever it is god is using you to chisel me to what i need to prepare for in the next season of my life try that boy don't you come without foolishness so watch this now we understand here that in order for god to be in control of everything not just your personal life but all lives the universe look how much look how much the ceo of creation is responsible for he's responsible for the galaxies the planets he's responsible for the right amount of mixture in the air oxygen nitrogen all this other stuff he's responsible for how that plane is going to fly based on the gravitational laws he's responsible for your health all of these things he's responsible for he's responsible for heaven he's responsible for everything how does god keep everything in order and control through set times that's how we do it through set times to appointed times there's a set time i remember when i worked on my job and there were times when we had deadlines to meet and sometimes used to be frustrated i'm like when these people always got these deadlines but now when i put myself in a position that's how they run the company this is why they're successful because there's a certain deadline they need you to meet because this deadline you're supposed to meet this is now supposed to go with somebody else stuff to bring about this result that we all counsel ourselves on as the ceos and the administration to bring about a certain result so what i'm saying to you whatever you are going through right now whether it's pleasant or unpleasant it is all preparing you for the next season the next set time of your life don't discount it don't don't curse it don't row it whether it's a bad relationship whether there's horrible people on the job whereas good people on the job don't become uh so caught up in it oh i love working with you all y'all are the most beautiful people in here trust me that's the season don't worship that don't fall in love with that because those same people during this particular set time well there may be a part in there where they can turn on you but what you should do after coming into this revelation okay you all acting stupid now well i guess this is a part of the set time but father god give me the patience to go through this help me to learn what you want me to learn from this because i know something coming up and i can need this training here to to be effective where i go it that's how we need to look at it set time there's a set time for your deliverance it's a set time when you will be released or rescued there's a time already appointed for that and nobody tell you no fool there's a time set for that okay so so so order let's go back to order now the bible says that god is not the author of confusion what's that what does that mean see confusion means that there are no set times there were no set times there were no appointments so everything is in confusion the bible says god is not the author of that he is a god of order and if he's a god of order that we need to put rules and principles and laws and ordinance in place to to to to to ghana to ghana a specific ordained end result when he put the rules and the laws in place for gravity it simply means that whatever is flying about the night sky is going to be there temporarily in ganga fly forever whether it's a bird or whether it's an aircraft so god knows what he's doing he's not lost he's not what these jokers are painting him to be like some jackpot you just put couple dollars in and he spit out all kind of mercedes benz and nonsense that is that is the god of this world which is the devil that's not the god of abraham that we serve he operates on set times so the basis of his operation is the rules and regulations and the ordinance and laws along with the set times and seasons that's how we do it so your deliverance is for a set time don't let the spirit of anger and impatience and frustration get the better part of you what you should say now that i'm showing it is revelation father what is it i'm supposed to learn here because guess what if i don't get the lesson during this boot camp when i get to the next side of this i will not be prepared to deal with what coming no so when god pulled me out of the depression pulled me away from these people doing nonsense all day look where i am today i'm prepared to minister the gospel with passion with boldness with no fear of nobody i could come and say what i want to say about the word of god with no restrictions why because my times of the past prepared me for this come with no nonsense i didn't have to go with nobody break no can oil over my head and four fellas kung fu slapped me on the ground and with some apostolic garbage i'm not following that voodoo garbage i am following what god has called me to do i ain't following no man-made rules all of that restricting you all of that is keeping you from your set time you will never be what you are called to be when you are confined and committed to the the demonic rules of men when are you gonna get that think about it you're not even living for christ anymore you're just putting in your time because one day you go past the die so that you could be the assistant pastor which will never happen because this child is going to be it you can forget that right now and his child never like you know so they can kick you out of the church so you don't put in 35 years only to get a whole boot up in you because you was more about a system as opposed to the things of god and you deserve it too you deserve it so watch this god is in control as a result of his set times his set seasons and in those times and even seasons they all revolving around his laws his rules as principles so he is in control god isn't scratching his head like us oh my god this is happening in china this is happening in obama's old my lord what i'm going to do no he wouldn't be god if that was the case you know what's making him god what is making him god the mere fact that he have everything on a schedule everything is on a conveyor belt being governed by his laws his rules his principles that's what you ought to be to be getting into now i now i'm gonna take take you into a scripture two scriptures to be exact and i'm gonna show you everything that i've said to you so far this is a set time for deliverance i'm going to show it to you in scripture every point i in a hit i hit already i'm going to show you all of this in scripture right now okay so watch this let's go here now to second kings this i still love this here let's go to second kings let's go to the second kings you you're gonna enjoy this trust me second kings chapter four second kings chapter four and we're going to read from verse 13 to verse 17 second kings chapter four and we're going to read from verse 13 to verse 17. now let me just give you some background the prophet elijah all right and his assistant uh uh however you choose to pronounce it there was a certain widow sorry there was a certain lady and her husband with more so hot who used to see elijah you know as who saw him as a true man of god so every time he come into the city doing the work of god it it struck her heart one day and she shared with her husband you know why don't we you know refurbish this room right here and put a bed and you know some you know stuff in here and let the man of god stay here because i could see he's a true true man of god so every time he would come in the city they would tell him you could stay here man free nothing you've got we can take care of everything food whatever you want so one day elijah he was so overwhelmed by it he told his assistant gay she said go go go ask the lady what is it that she want would tell her whatever her request said just just tell me what it is right so we're gonna pick up the story we're gonna pick up the story from there so i'm gonna go to verse 13 of second kings chapter four let's go to verse 13. verse 13. sorry let's start from verse 11. second king sorry chapter 4 verse 11. and it fell on a day that he came there and he turned into the chamber and laid there now this is elijah he's now into the chamber or this little efficiency that the woman had put there for him verse 12 says of second kings four and he said to ge zee who is he elijah elijah's the prophet is his right hand and elijah said to hazy his servant call the shinomite and when he had called her she stood before him and he said unto her say now unto her sorry and he said unto him say now unto us so this is elijah saying to gazia he's giving him instructions what to say to the woman so let's take it from verse 13. and he said unto him say now unto her behold thou has been careful for us with all this care what is to be done for thee or what do you want thou be spoken sorry what what is thou be spoken for to the king or to the captain of the host i wish i'd met a bible i don't like reading from his king james all this stuff anyway and she answered i dwell among my known people verse 14. and he said what then is to be done for her and gehesian said verily she had no child and her husband is old so you hear this now so she's barren she's saying she don't need nothing she got her people around here she's doing well enough people can help her so elijah elijah now says the key is okay well she don't want him but what do you think she want you you observe anything so he says well her husband is old and she don't have no children so verse 15 now says and he said call her is elijah now and when he had called her she stood in the door i loved this piece radio verse 16. and he said i love this here i love this because now he's it's being downloaded to him that what is on god's schedule for this woman's life okay now watch verse 16 of second kings four and he said this is elijah and he said about this season according to the time of life so he ain't just picking no rabbit or no here he's now talking about the conveyor belt of god appointments and seasons that's where he's speaking from so he says in verse 16 and he said about this season according to the time of life thou shall embrace a son and she said no my lord thou man of god do not lie unto thine maiden and the woman conceive and bear a son at that season that elijah said unto her according listen carefully to the time of life so what is the season and time of life he's speaking about well let's go back to ecclesia ecclesiastes 3 chapter 1 there is a time and a season for everything under the sun talk no mess to me talk no foolishness around here you see it right there living color living color you see it he didn't pull nothing or he she was gonna have a baby because he said so he was tapping into god's scheduled time she didn't even know about it he said check it out according to the time of life and season get ready get ready get ready because your baby coming i don't care what you think you may not believe me you may think i'm lying to you but guess what the proof is going to be in the pudding come the season but i see you again and the bible says she conceived but i want you to look at the wording here that's what i want you to see verse 16 says and he said which is elijah he says about this season according to the time of life meaning that when the season come back next year whatever he said according to the time of life what does he mean by according to the time of life remember when we read in ecclesiastes 3 verse one he says there's a time and a season for everything and purpose under the sun and when we drop the voice too what is the first thing they say there's a time to be born and there's a time to to die so what he's saying here when he says in verse 16 he says and he said according to the season according to the time of life according to your existence because god is showing it to me in the spirit according to your existence according to your life well guess what next year the same time this same season according to what i'm seeing in the spirit here according to what the spirit is showing me you are going to be having a boy i hope you are getting this here i hope you are getting this he didn't do this i see but you have a forehead i see where there's here i'm looking at you and i'm seeing in the spirit you have a nose and i see lips i'm looking at you and i see where you have a profile you didn't go into all of that garbage he didn't go into all that ignorance he didn't go into all that foolishness he didn't go into all that theatrics because that's what you see today you see a bunch of clowns on stages with a bunch of likes and a bunch of jokers playing along with them talking foolishness this man god gave him the ability and guess what yo i can blow your brain out right now check this out god has done that to many of you because he's done it to me remember i told you before what i was going through my go-to when i couldn't see the city for the smoke i would have dreams where i'm seeing myself preaching before thousands of people hundreds of people i saw myself traveling i saw people embracing me but the dream didn't make no sense to me because what i was going through at that time boy i didn't even have time preaching i got i tried to get over these demons but god was showing me what he had on his schedule god was showing me the seasons and the time this was my encouragement i didn't notice it back then i didn't even know what that was was but god was saying listen these dreams i'm showing you i'm only giving you incentive to keep on going kevin keep on going this soon finish this is soon this isn't going to be over and when this is over and you take it for what it is you are well prepared to go and minister my word you are going to change lives you are going to cause people to reevaluate what they subscribe to for years try that foolishness boy so what i'm saying to you listen to me carefully do not despise where you are right now do not be upset do not complain thank god father this is difficult to do but i thank you because i believe just like this lady just like mr ewing just like many other people i believe this is my season for this but i don't want to complain because i will hurry up get out of this learn from this only to be the best thing for the next season to try that so the bible says in verse 16 of second kings four and he said about this season meaning next year the same time as i think how the niv would void it next year at the same time but listen though listen what he says next according to the time of life according to god's schedule for your life based on what i am seeing spiritually you didn't ask for this from me but i'm telling you what god say next year this time you're going to have a baby according to the assigned time of god now if you're not excited about that then you ain't excited about other people's happiness man listen that blow my socks right off when i read that that blew my socks right off but let's look at some more let's look at some more of this all right let's go to let's go to let's go to genesis chapter 18. you can see more of this and then i'm only giving you more empirical evidence see i laid the foundation you know i gave you psalms 102 verse 13 i gave you eccles see i'm building the foundation that what i'm about to say next this ain't just hocus pocus your life my life everything in life is on a schedule there are times in their season it ain't gonna be hot every day they ain't gonna be cold every day some days they can be joyful some days you can be sad but this is life life is about cycles and seasons and times people who don't like change people who love to complain they will never enjoy the good times when they come because they're already rob themselves in advance they don't want nothing to do because they complain complain complain complain just don't come around because i wanna hear your story i'll check you right away i don't wanna hear it i i understand now so watch this genesis chapter 18. this this is powerful genesis chapter 18 and i'm gonna read from verse one verse one to verse fourteen i'm gonna read it from my ipod right here genesis chapter eighteen this is powerful i love this so much here i love this genesis 18 beginning at verse 1. now listen to this now and the lord appeared unto him in the plains of mammary the lord apparent who the lord appeared unto abraham now even though they're using the lord here you're going to see an interchanging at one point i can say the lord and they say the angels all right that's a whole new different teaching so being a god here right now all right and the lord appeared unto him who's him abraham in the plains of mamrie and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day and he lifted up his eyes and looked and lo three men watch this now stood by him and when he saw them three men stood by who abraham okay stood by him and when he saw them he ran to meet them from the ten door and bowed himself towards the ground and said my lord now isn't this interesting the three men but he's saying my lord if now i have found favor in thy sight pass not away i pray thee from thy servant okay verse 4 of genesis 18. he say let a little water i pray you be fetched and wash your feet and rest yourselves under the tree and i will fetch a morsel of bread and comfort ye your hearts after that ye shall pass on for therefore are ye come to your servants and they said so do as thou has said verse 6 and abraham hastened into the tent unto sarah and said make ready quickly three measures of fine meal knead it and make cakes upon the heath verse 7 of genesis 18 and abraham ran unto the herd and fetched a cough tender and good and gave it unto a young man and he hastened to dress it and he took butter and milk and the calf which he had dressed and set it before them and he stood by them under the tree and they did eat now watch this now that's the body we'll get to and they said unto him where is sarah oh i love this where is sarah thy wife and he said behold she's in the tent verse 10 of genesis 18. i love this oh i love this and he said i will carefully these these are the men now he said i will carefully return unto thee according listen to this according to the time of life lord lord lord let me calm myself down let me let me get myself together let me get myself to get here because i i get too excited i get too excited let me let me before i say this you're going to see a repeat of what we just read but remember elijah said according to the set time of life but these guys weren't no prophet these were actually spiritual beings okay and they're about to say the exact same thing everyone who's truly a part of god can't understand the scheduling system they understand fully when you hearing from god and this ain't got nothing to do with you god is in his spirit is using you at this time to tell you what's up what's your next season is gonna be like and you don't have to pay for that these bunch of crooks but see it so and get out here so verse 10 of genesis 18 and he said i will certainly return unto you sorry unto thee according to the time of life and lo sarah thy wife shall have a son and sarah heard it in the ten door which was behind him and now abraham and sarah were old and well stricken in age and it ceased to be and it ceased to be with sarah after the man of women meaning that her period had stopped she couldn't even have children anymore but the fella just tell you now you may not be seeing your period you may not having those uh ovaries and stuff come down to be fertilized by abraham i don't care what they say over there is the doctor office i don't care about that i'm telling you based on what god has done for you sarah and you abraham before the foundation of the world well based on this schedule you're about to bring a boy up in this world which you can do now i'm speaking to somebody tonight who has been frustrated god did not put you on this live because he had nothing else to do he puts you here to encourage you he puts you here to say stop looking at what's around you focus on my set time focus on whatever i've told you already according to ephesians 1 and 3 that i have already blessed you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places that's where they are located for you i have placed it there for you don't let these destiny robbers come and tell you otherwise yeah you've been to the doctor and they say you've been barred and this is your your ninth year trying to have a baby but you should be saying lord when is my set time talking nonsense get out here that foolishness when is my set time of life what is schedule in the conveyor belt of life for my life in the next season i love this god i love this let's read that again verse 10. and he said this is one of the three men i will certainly return unto thee meaning i'm gonna come back here but listen what he said the same thing elijah said according to the time of life according to your life sarah according to your life abraham they say when i return back here you're gonna be embracing your child watch this now we can read all the way from verse 14 verse 11 says now abraham and sarah were old and we're stricken in age i'm talking to somebody right now they tell you you cannot have children you will never get married forget them what is happening here listen to me even though this is on god's schedule for you and whatever went down in life and put obstacles in your way this does not change the scheduling of god this is what i'm saying to you so so listen what the bible say after this after this father says now look at sarah you're gonna have a baby now according to what i've seen in the spirit according to your time of life you're gonna have a baby but what should the bible say in verse 11. now abraham and sarah were all so what the bible is showing you know all of the the factors that were against them but this means nothing because based on god set time of favor you will be having a child try that nonsense verse 11 says now abraham and sarah were old and well stricken in age and it ceased to be with sarah after the manner of women therefore sarah laughed within herself saying after i am wax all shall i have pleasure my lord being old also and the lord said unto abraham where for this wherefore did sarah laugh saying shall i of a shirty buried child which am i all verse 14 the guy says is anything too hard for the lord listen listen at the appointed sorry at the time appointed lord i don't think you're listening to this right you know what listen to look focus zoom in zoom in on verse 14. okay listen to what he said to abraham he says is anything too hard for the lord that's a question but watch what he says next because now he's reiterating in a different way of what he said in in verse 6 and verse 10 he said at the time appointed let us sink in a little bit at the time appointed you're all up in it it couldn't happen sarah and abraham and you're always in your 30s it couldn't happen because it wasn't scheduled for them it couldn't happen in your 40s it couldn't happen in your 50s it couldn't happen the the time that god had set based on his season based on his time based on his schedule talking nonsense that listen what it says you know what an appointment is it is a reserved time it is a piece of time reserved for a specific event or poison or thing the guy said in verse 14. it's anything too hard for the lord he said at the up at the time appointed i will return unto thee what he says again according to the time of life according to the scheduling when this baby will come forth according to the time of life and sarah shall have a son man this guy ain't talking like he he pulling this out of a hat this fella talking like he got i mean document signed by the governor he talking from me like hey like this going down i ain't here to debate with you i ain't you're trying to figure out whether or not god know what you're talking about based on what i am seeing based on what god has revealed to me based on your specific time schedule for your specific life i see you having a child sarah yeah you up in age yeah your your period and stuff your menopause and ain't no chance of having a child that according to biology but i telling you what the person who told me who created biology time set time you should get excited right now there's a set time you don't need no no no profit to get you all friends here i want you to shake you down for a couple dollars no you could get excited right here you know but well one thing with this program you ain't got away with nobody shaking you down here all right so you could you could feel free to give a praise right now it could cost you a penny okay ain't no praise seed and resurrection seed garbage no no you could praise your jesus and freedom because i'm giving you his word he said to her at the time appointed i will return unto thee according to the set time the time that you're supposed to be having this child i can be back here god set time i love this here let's go to genesis 17 let's go to the to the scripture just before that okay now watch this genesis 17 and we're going to read from verse 20 to verse 21 i love this here genesis 17 verse 20 to 21 listen to this now genesis 17 verse 20 to 21. all right okay this is god speaking to abraham about future events right so let's take it to verse let's take it to verse 20. excuse me verse 20 says of genesis 17 and as for ishmael this is god speaking i have heard thee behold i have blessed him and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly twelve princes shall he beget and i will make him a great nation listen to verse 21 of genesis 17. but my covenant my agreement okay will i establish with isaac because that's the promised child even though you and sarah go on mess around okay with hagar and bring forth this ishmael guy that was not what i promised you but watch what he says here now but the covenant will i establish with isaac which sarah shall bear unto thee this god speaking now at the set time in the next year now remember this is the scripture before the other scripture where the three men who came and now reiterate what god is selling them here but what i'm trying to show you i'm trying to show you there's a sequence of events where everyone is talking about these set periods and according to the timing of these people's lives that there are things that are already put in place that they don't even know about and that time is like a conveyor belt taking these people to their next appointment taking to these people to their next time and season we're talking to the night man scripture now let's look at another scripture let's look at this this this this last scripture and we can wrap up right here let's look at genesis 21 genesis 21 because we can see now some manifestation genesis 21 okay and we're gonna read from verse one to verse two now you see god said in genesis 17 hey look here there's a set time that sarah's gonna bring forth now god sending his boys to abraham and in in chapter 18 he go on cook up all kind of uh uh olive gardens and stuff for them and they tell him he said now okay we're getting ready to to to see in the spirit now and we ain't seeing no condos and cars mercedes we see and what god put in place for you and what we see here according to the set times in season i know you all been trying for a while and i know you didn't bring forth ishmael messing around here but i see a son coming through your wife as god covenant with you in genesis 17. genesis 21 beginning at verse 1 and the lord visited sarah as he had said and the lord did unto sarah as he had spoken listen to verse two now for sarah conceive and bear abraham a son in his old age but this is the part that i love she did it at the set time of of which god had spoken lord i just thank you for your word listen i finished tonight i even i what time it is 1 25 this is the earliest i ever get off the night i'm telling you all right now now if you all ain't convinced but they start on your own something wrong with you all and you'll need deliverance the scriptures are clear i didn't add i didn't take away i read them for exactly uh what they're saying and it is clear here there is a set time you you cannot rush that time you cannot put no pressure on god i've heard preachers pray and i even did it before too when i was back there in those cages because the preacher knows what i did and they say oh god do it speedily jesus oh hallelujah oh no dude turn it around lord in record time oh god do a guinness world book of records miracles kevin ewing right now oh jesus hallelujah oh lord i hear god say i hate that here i hear god say he's gonna he's gonna turn that thing around in record time for you oh man the speed of light god don't smear the light jesus uh oh get out of here boy set times you can't put my savior under no pressure you think this is you think you're dealing with set times get it in your head you old hypocrite you you crook get it in your head ain't nothing what is a speedy turn around no in the time that he is appointed because in between that time he is conditioning you in between that time he's training you he's preparing you he's taking out of you what are they supposed to be there and putting in you what's supposed to be conditioning you for the next season to your life according to the scheduling of your life don't let nobody tell you no nonsense don't let nobody tell you now now that i don't share it with you give me fifty dollars sow a seed into my life give me a resurrection give me an accurate prophetic word seed they are all thieves and liars and hypocrites and and listen they are the most evil people ever god said it is a set time you can't change that you can't speed it up you can't slow it down it's a set time now whether you took the training or not because the time coming the time is coming and all you went through all the hell on the job all the lowness you went through god is preparing you for management he's preparing you for elevation but he says now in order for you not to be like where you came from i had to put you through the stress i had to show you what it's like on the receiving end so i don't want you treating people like that when i make you the supervisor when i cause you who don't have no degrees but i'm gonna make you the managing director they don't even know how it's gonna happen but all the only degree you need is to be uh vigilant in this current season of adversity this current season of failure this current season of depression know for sure that i am chiseling you into what i want you to be so when i present you for the next season you will reign and dominate in that season talking nonsense i hope somebody listened to me tonight there's a set time for your life there's a god is going on the schedule of your life he said he says listen michael gabriel any one of you all bring me the file for kevin right now bring his file here for me let me see if he's on let me see if he's on course is he teaching my people is he giving them the gospel please tell me he ain't begging them for money please tell me he ain't hustling them please tell me he isn't giving him an invoice if they if he give them a word please tell me please tell me he didn't become like the rest no no no jesus no god he didn't do it okay so what's the next schedule for his life what we got for him next because i need you to go down there and prepare him for the next season of his life god talking to somebody it's a set time the the the angel said to abram in verse 14 of genesis 18. he say at the appointed time oh i love that here you know what that does for me hey listen i get chill bumps right now i'm so excited what that does for me two things number one nothing is forever and i am living proof of that i tell you there are days that i thought i wouldn't make it through the night there are days when i said that doesn't make no sense living anymore that life was nothing but sadness but no no kevin no you don't see you don't get caught up in the moment because you must always look over the horizon because as lo the bible say wherever there is life there is hope there is hope for you why because there's an appointed time there's an appointed season that's already scheduling on god calendar of events for your life nobody talked full to you i finished my heavenly father i thank you i bless you father god we bless you we honor you we praise you tonight and we praise you for this divine understanding this divine revelation father god that we don't become consumed in these current moments that may not seem uh joyful for us but we must look at them as preparation for the next stage of our lives the next appointment the next season the next time father god we pray and ask your forgiveness for every time we complain not knowing how you do things we we we ask your forgiveness for murmuring we ask you for forgiveness for being so ungrateful and complaining about now and when we look back in the years past and see that what we have now we didn't have then and we prayed for what we have now but now that we get it we're still completing father forgive us forgive us lord forgive us for being so ungrateful so selfish so all we think about is ourselves not knowing that you are conditioning us for a people for a specific group to get your word out there to encourage them you are going to use our lives and what we go through like you've done for me to be transparent and tell the world what you've been through tell the world what your voices are your word says that they overcame by the blood of the lamb and their testimony how would we have a testimony if we don't go through the times and appointed seasons of stress and hardship and poverty only for the great i am to pull us out i have to be a condition and now put us into a season of plenty father forgive us forgive us for the ungrateful spirit forgive us for following these charlatans who training us to look at you as some kind of slot machine to put coins in and then you spit out blessings but never putting us into the scriptures and teaching us the word and showing us how we must look at the scriptures and digest them and eat them and and consume the word of god no they're not doing that but there's a set time for them also father we thank you for your word there is hope in the word there is hope in the word of god that nothing is forever absolutely nothing life is all about cycles life is all about seasons life is all about appointments and set times life is is it's a revolving door and the quicker we understand that and embrace ourselves and just strap in god put us on the horizon what do you have set next for us i thank you lord because you are a proactive god i thank you god because you are all knowing i'm thanking you because you know there are times during our appointed times that we would be delayed however whether it's true some marrying the wrong person whether it's through uh being connected with somebody who would would pull us back in life but the mere fact that we got through that period according to your word you say okay now that you're back on track i'm about to restore you now i'm going to restore you like i have promised according to joel 2 and 25 and i said to you i will restore unto you the years the cankerworm the caterpillar with the locust has taken away so i don't care how old you are right now look at sarah sarah was almost 100 years old sarah had stopped seeing her period she could not get pregnant but that had nothing to do with the set time of god on her life so what am i saying to those or who's probably experiencing the same thing god has set a time for you yes you are delayed yes you've been denied yes you've been set back but that's not the end of life the mere fact that you are still living the scripture says that where there is life there is hope and our hope should be embedded in our lord and jesus our lord and savior jesus christ and and it's all about his set time so we should be praying father reveal your set time to us father just how you used to encourage kevin when he was going through and he was giving him dreams you were giving excerpts of his future just like with joseph god joseph way back then as a 17 year old who brothers despised him okay but you were you were giving him excerpts and glimpse of his set times of the future you showed him that he would be a leader you showed him that he will be ruling and dominating over his mummy daddy brothers sisters all of them you showed it didn't look so then but it did not eradicate what you have etched in stone which was the set time for his life didn't it come to pass didn't he become the leader the second in charge of egypt a country would who despise the hebrew people that's how we know it's god because he's going to make it happen in in in these uncanny circumstances where they're asking you for a degree where they're asking you for 10 years experience god says that it's because it's your set time i don't care what they're asking you for i am going to put you in that position so father we thank you we give you glory well in advance for now that we understand father i don't know what the set time is for tomorrow it might even be some bad times but i'm not gonna reject it because i understand that even though it's bad times it's preparing me for the good times so father we appreciate what you are doing we thank you that we have uh judged you foolishly but for the most part because of these jokers who claim to represent you telling us everything except what your word says so we pray for them we pray that they would get saved before their time run out and find themselves in a christless hell so father we bless you we honor you we praise you and we ask these things in jesus name amen and amen so folks that's part one two there is a set time for your deliverance now this only scratching the surface of what we can deal with tomorrow and on thursday so listen i pray that you would share this just to encourage someone who feel that they're the end of their rope they see they're saying that on their limited imagination they have no idea with the god of abraham isaac and jacob has set on their time schedule for them so encourage them to watch this and to even follow in the remaining two days as we continue with this series there is a set time for deliverance so god bless you until we meet again tomorrow at 8 45.
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 53,720
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Keywords: set time, deliverance, time and season, minister kevin l a ewing, kevin ewing, kevin l a ewing, bible study, bible study with me, minister kevin ewing, bible study live, christian youtuber, spiritual warfare, spiritual insight, spiritual world, spiritual laws, spiritual awakening, how to study the bible for beginners, laws of the spirit world, christian vlog, self deliverance, god's timing, god's timing is always right, god's timing motivation, in-depth bible study
Id: qsg9176n8j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 20sec (6380 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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