Spiritual Awakening Series, Pt.2

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hallelujah i was at the table somebody said it was 1 49 and two minutes later it was 201. i was like what's going on the time passed so fast well bless the lord everybody had a good lunch you're ready not too full still woke tell them to cut the air down so we can keep everybody woke [Laughter] amen amen listen before we get uh minister kevin up and started i just wanted to announce if there is anyone here who has been in and or have family members that were in masonry or secret societies we have mr early here raise your hand who has literature on why those secret societies are not good and so we are our brother's keeper right and so if you know someone that is into that um we want them to know that they should not be so i think three people he has some free books and literature that he can give you up to three of you if you have somebody that you know that is in that situation we want them to know the truth the bible says and the truth shall set you free and so he is his table is outside and you want to get that information because so many people are misled behind those secret societies and the good things that they're doing but it's not a god thing amen amen so without further ado let's put our hands together for minister kevin this afternoon amen all right beautiful let us just bow in where the prayer heavenly father we thank you excuse me for your goodness for your grace for your loving kindness for your peace for your joy thank you for the hour of deliverance this morning thank you for those that were delivered thank you for revealing and manifesting your presence in the sanctuary in this conference now lord let your word of wisdom your word of knowledge your word of understanding come forth and let your people not just be hearers of your word but to be hearers and doers also so lord we bless you we only react these things and the matches in the mighty name of jesus christ amen and amen it is good to be back with you once again and as usual i'm always excited when my leg of the conference comes comes about last night just to do a short recap we were talking about spiritual laws and what we were making abundantly clear was that nothing just happens because it could happen there are laws that we either activate or deactivate whether we are aware of it or not that are supposed to produce a pre-determined result for example when we talk about the law of gravity gravity dictates that whatever goes up must come down so our part in that is we have to toss something up then the law itself run its course from that point forward right so are the same as spiritual laws last night we spoke about several laws we spoke about the laws of divine direction and so on and so forth and the reason why i really wanted to pound that into your understanding is because i want you to leave from this conference fully cognizant that you should be fully aware that from this point forward you must pay more attention or focus or become familiar with the laws that govern life why is this the reason for this is because laws once practiced assist you with identifying what you are called to do it also assists you with knowing your destiny with that being said every law like we said last night is inherent meaning that every law has incorporated in it punishment and reward so like i said god isn't looking from heaven with a big stick willing to walk you across the head when you do something wrong nor does he have a celebration committee when you do something right embedded in the laws are the rules sorry are the penalties and the rewards so the truth is god isn't the one judging you the law is judging you all right so whether i see you or not is irrelevant and this is why last night i was pounding so much on the different churches and their policies i call it uh with covering and pastoral covering and church covering which is utter nonsense and total junk and garbage i i have no apologies for it because what it's trying to do is circumvent the rules of god and saying that you must come through a human okay in order to get to god that's utter nonsense because when jesus christ died he removed all of the clutter that could cause you to come to him so all of us have the right to boldly come before the throne of grace making our petitions to god we don't have to go to pass the pope or parcel to the third degree multiply by six and carry the one you don't have to do none of that okay we don't have to do that see and for me i become very very angry with that because me personally i've been held back many years in my earlier you know going to church you had to jump so many hurdles and even after jumping those hurdles you still got nothing in the end all right so it's been my life mission to just kick that garbage straight in the bush where it'll be long all right it has no place in the kingdom of god so at the end of the day the laws of god are to protect us to preserve us we spoke about the law last night in psalms 41 verses 1 to 3 and it says blessed is he that considers the poor for the lord will help him in his time of trouble the lord will preserve him and keep him alive and not turn him over to the will of his enemies what i love about this law is because it's all on saundry it didn't say blessed is the righteous that considered the poor it didn't say blessed is the pastor that considered the poor blessed is he he being generic of everyone so a sinner could participate in this law and receive the same benefit as the believer then there are some laws or some rules that are only specifically for the believer for example proverbs 11 31 the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth not the sinner and well they will be recompensed but from an evil perspective but the righteous is going to be the one who is going to be recompense for their losses uh we know for a fact that if a person is going to be recompensed then that says to us initially they would have suffered some injury or loss now this is powerful because i'm sure a lot of you in here have suffered some kind of loss you lost your home or car husband wife or whatever the law now incorporated in the law god says listen for you the righteous this particular law is for you whatever you have lost he says you will be recompensed okay that's the old testament the new testament in uh hebrews 10 and 35 i think it is or 38 i believe it's 35 it says the believers cast not away your confidence or your belief in the word of god for it will work for you the believers a great recompense so the prefix there is saying that you wouldn't just receive a return but it will exceed what you originally had i don't know about you but i love that law you know okay i love that law so when i look at that man i get excited of these things because now when someone break it down to me like that the bible isn't just reading the bible anymore this got so much meaning now this got so much things i could anticipate look forward to and guess what i'd have to spin around and give my neighbor a high five and all that garbage in the bush without again what i want is something that's going to produce that's what i need so in having something that produce because that's what i'm going to stand on i don't need your trickery i don't need you to say to me you need five people to sow this i'm not sowing nothing to you all right the only thing i'm gonna sow is the word of the living god don't hear your story i said to you the words the the laws are inherent again the penalties are in there i took you to deuteronomy 28 which proves this deuteronomy beginning at verse 1 of 20 chapter 28 it says if you observe to do all my commandments and observe all my laws then then shall these blessings come upon you so what does this mean very clear first of all in this particular scripture moses as an article of god is speaking to who the children of god he's not talking to any foreign entities here as a result of that he's making it unequivocally clear to them that the blessings are not automatic even though you're a believer because people like to say lord i'm saved blessed i'm highly favored but as we're going to read in the scripture at least in your time you're going to see here that even though you're a believer there is still a protocol to manifest the blessings so becoming a christian makes you a member of the body of christ to receive the benefits of the body of christ we have to participate in the laws the rules and the principles that are there so don't fool yourself for six minutes and believe that because you claim jesus as your savior and you're not a satanic worshiper and you're not a freemason then god should say hey you know what you don't have to do nothing for the blessing just go and grab it and just run away with it no that's not gonna happen so this is why every church every church whenever a pastor stand before a pulpit or stand before a congregation that pastor be the woman or man or whomever the emphasis should be on the scriptures from start to finish we don't want to hear your opinion we don't wanna hear how your mama did it we ain't gonna hear our papa and pookie and boo boo them do it we don't care about them because they make no laws and what they say don't change squad so what we need is the rules so when we leave from these sanctuaries we're not going to practice bishop opinion we're going to practice the creator of all things rules to bring about the manifestation of what he promised so you have to become i mean adamant about that you should not be comfortable sitting anywhere where some person is ranting and raving uh who you know the church bought them a lexus and god has blessed them and they were able to buy four gold teeth and a crown and what what would that have to do with me how is it going to profit me you know when i'm seriously i mean i sit down listen to this mess sometimes and i'm like how could people sit and listen in this nonsense no no then after that the people run around they got the power and jerking all over the place man look here if i wanted to what could i go to the gym see what did we come here for we came here to learn father what are you gonna speak to me today what rule is kevin gonna distribute as you use him that's gonna affect my life what i love about jesus jesus spoke on specific topics and there were thousands of people as multitudes but even though he's speaking on this one topic this topic was affecting each individual life there you know so this this is what it's all about what what what rules is this preacher teacher evangelist or whatever it's going to issue here so in deuteronomy 28 we talked about the blessings that comes as a result of doing the law not just observing them but actually doing them when we drop down to verse 15 uh to 17 it says but if you choose not to obey my rules and not to observe to my commandments but he's still talking to the people of god then shall these curses come upon you so here's what i see what i see as a believer there's a lot of curses and penalties surrounding us but they have no access to us unless unless the believer decide to agree with this uh going against the laws of god once that happened then we're now inviting or giving it the legal right the spirit of oppression and poverty and lack and frustration and all these other things that are contrary to the word of god but they could not come outside of us granting them access i gave an example about eve and i said to you how if the devil just wanted her to break the law so what he did he made the narrative appear to be it was about a fruit no you can't eat no fruit what did god rule say about the fruit he said the day you eat of that fruit you should surely die and she said yeah that's what you think are you thinking i don't know the lawyer no god's a viking of any other tree except that radio so get your lines up for mania he said yeah you do know if you eat of this fruit you'll be just like god you'll be able to create just like god and speak things in existence just like god and god been holding back on you now that they tell you the secret go eat it so the bible said the the tree that she knew was against the law previously she now says you read the scripture it says now she look at it she view it her perception now has changed it now look like something good to eat now soccer didn't look like something good deed earlier so what does this mean when it's another law firm you're the law of association whatever you entertain long enough you become it talk about the law of association i think i don't know if someone was able to check it but i think it's proverbs 13 and 20 i'm not sure and it says here to keep it company with wise men shall become wise and he that keep company with fools shall be destroyed so that law speaks of association if i keep company with kevin i'll eventually become like kevin i'd have to sit down and write notes no for some way somehow spiritually i begin to patent after him it is the same thing if you're in bad company if you see him with you with a bunch of losers if you say with people who love poverty guess who love poverty church people oh they love it they love it with a passion yeah oh yeah i know you're saying what do you mean people love oh yeah yeah man they wouldn't pay their bills right but let the pastor call for a thousand dollar offering oh yeah man they were in the cell they show you what this means no man no no no no no no god they didn't call you to a ministry of poverty then we talk about the law of success uh joshua 1 verse 8 where it says this book of the lord shall not depart out of your mouth but meditate upon this book day and night then it goes on to say i can't remember the peace but it's really talking about now not just reading it and meditating but acting upon what you're meditating on then shall you be prosperous then shall you have good success you know psalms chapter one beginning at verse one it says blessed is the man that uh uh i had gone out uh donuts received badly consoled don't stand in the way of sinners don't sit in the seat of the scornful of the proud but his delight verse 2 is in the law of the lord and in his law doth he meditate then day and night and as a result of doing this what should happen he shall become like a what tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf shall not wither whatsoever he do it shall prosper these are rules these are spiritual ordinance but this is what i like about that scripture let's get to the part about the fruit it says as a result of him meditating day and night he shall be like a tree we can talk about this today it's giving you a simile or a symbol of what he would be like it did not say he was a tree and he talked about a tree being near to rivers of water it's talking about this tree that's going to be on a consistent basis furnish through the water that it receives from the river to keep it flourishing but the bible is giving the simile that when you read the word and study it and do it you become an unmatchable force in the spiritual realm then he says he'll bring forth fruit in his season i love this because guess what the fruits are not for him you tell me a mango tree producer fruit have you ever seen the mangrove tree consume its own fruit the fruits of who those who come and pick up the mango tree right so what the scripture is saying here the scripture is saying here listen you are going to be so furnished you are going to be so fortified that the fruit that you are going to produce like what kevin is doing right now there are people going to come from all over the world to pick of his fruit and that's what god was cultivating through his rough times through his divorce through his uh being uh whatever on the job all that what i thought was so so horrible god was saying just calm down man let's take it easy got some more next video up the road but just know that i am here with you but you watch watch what i can watch what what was going to be produced from all of this and now i have people listening to me today yeah all over the world youtube everybody's seen me one time it was uh i think it was in florida i was in uh it was raw somewhere they said they said minister join yeah be me yeah yeah she's saying she said me and my husband they were from trinidad actually she said me and my husband they came over the shop and she couldn't believe you know that she actually met me in person now to be honest with you for them that's a big deal but i mean i don't think i've arrived there yet where this really become a reality to me you know but the point i'm making here is that this is a fruit you're looking at not for me to consume but god has put me through all of that train me conditioned me to bear fruit for you to eat from and that's what i want you to do that's what i want you to become right then we talk about the law uh of uh poverty i i think i kind of missed one last night proverbs 21 verse 17. this is so powerful i have this baba friend of mine sparkle and i mean he's always in different relationships and every time i come in the barber shop i see them all the time i said to him i said listen proverbs 21 and 17 says that he that love with pleasure shall be poor so he said kevin why you always tell me that i say every time i hear you you're entertaining some chicks you all you're bawling you can on i said that scripture guarantees you poverty as an end result to your behavior i said in my i didn't write the scripture another scripture on poverty uh proverbs 11 verse 24 the first part speaks about the law of increase he that scattered shall increase the second part says but he that holds on to more than what he needs shall surely come to poverty these are rules all right if god has blessed you with a good job or giving you more than enough funds to take care of you and your own then it is his intention for you to share with other people the scripture says i think it's in first corinthians 9 verse 10 something around there where it says that god ministers see to the who so what if god is giving you something it is his intent for you to now he know you're gonna sow it that's why i'm giving it to you gavin these are rules these are laws and that's why you find a lot of people a lot of people who hold up money all their life one sickness came along and ripped their bank a quarterback now they get okay and a fish fry and sell and come for the snout and all kind of stuff they got going on to raise funds to take it up seeing people who never gave you nothing all kind of gofundme uh and then they got a little sad story you know paul was a community he was no community man let's try to mess [Laughter] but what i'm saying to you is that these are rules they're rules for marriages christ made it clear he says love your wives as christ loved the church and gave his life for it women submit to your husbands but of course we have the activists who change the narrative you know equal rights blood man we ain't getting into all that let's just stick with the law what are you polluting this thing for what you what you what just stick with the loan i've had a lot of people who come to me that you know see they come to the wrong person because i don't put up that garbage okay i say to them i did not write the laws i am not a co-author of the bible neither am i an author of it so i have all i do is teach the rules now like any other rule in life you don't go to obed so don't come change no narrative here don't tell me i am a male chauvinist no allah no i mean you could say i don't care but what i'm saying to you is that ain't gonna change my view so don't try to let people pollute your belief and trust me but they come after me or they come after me every time they come they get the lex where they come for she'll try that now i just want to end with this recap with something that i didn't conclude last night my wife reminded me i get so excited in these messages that sometimes i get forget to come back to my point i was telling you the story last night about samson and it was right off of the heels of the prophet who disobeyed the rules that god had given him not to eat from these people that he go and prophesy to and never ever to return the same way that he came in and basically what i was trying to show you is when we obey the law there's a reward when we disobey the lord the laws they not only are their penalties but some of those penalties can become detrimental now with samson in uh uh judges chapter one verses one two seven it spoke about how this angel appeared to samson's mother and told her these specific instructions do not drink or eat any food that would defile you you were going to have a son and do not cut his hair for he would be a nazirite until the day that he dies right let me jump over to judges chapter 16 it now speaks about samson about to attach himself to someone that's going to change the course of his destiny we know this person to be delilah right we had he had no knowledge that she was contracted by the philistines to to find out the secret to his strength the certain things about you that god has invested in you that only you supposed to know and the day you reveal that to somebody else they go and capitalize off of what god had now they will never be able to do it as good as you are but they just put another obstacle in your way by revealing that information to them so delilah make sure that his head was there not laughing stroking his jerry curls or whatever right and she said now baby these big muscles you got here i don't see you to the gym i don't see you down by the way i'm saying we get these big fat muscles [Laughter] you mean this baby so yeah damn my lord they're so big where'd she get your secret from so the bible said she began to torture him and he constantly deceived them but the enemy is persistent yeah the enemy's persistent always be careful of someone who always won't get up in your business but never reveal this [Music] yeah what's your plan what you up to you barely know me you know my personal information for say when you bank again i banked and none your business that's why they got plenty of customers that just like you so he finally revealed to her he said luckily the lie i tired of you these seven locks in my ear the day i cut them that's it for me you serious yeah serious anyway get from my own go sleep here you go sleep you got a problem with that and she went to the philistines and told them she got us here and she said again samson philistines are coming for us yeah i got something for them all of a sudden those big muscles couldn't work no more they couldn't work no more he revealed something that was supposed to be a secret which was also a law in order for him to retain his strength when he exposed that or defy that law let me put it that way when he defied that law there was a penalty to pay there was a penalty the penalty now his oppressors had the upper hand over him the bible said he gorged his eyes or cut his hair and made him uh tied him to this thing and made him uh whatever it was they had him doing and as a result of that he was a laugh in stock there are many of you in here right now listen to me many of you filled with ideas and beautiful i mean aspirations and there are many people who you can find and told your your uh personal stuff to and they was like you s my girl oh that is so good oh man that's nice you had no idea that behind your back they were cursing your efforts i helped mary never make it in life whenever she put her hand to her she will fail talking fool but he won't open up a restaurant dog food will taste better than that now you will never think that because see you're not that way and that's what we go wrong see because you're not that way that doesn't constitute that your friend is in that way no so even that your prayer should be father god i mean i don't know who's talking about me but let their words fall to the ground and never take shape in my life your word declares that no weapon form against me shall prosper isaiah 54 17 and any and every tongue that has risen up against me in judgement what might i do condemn it but did it say only the tongues that i hear no amy tongue those what i hear and those what i don't hear many people have your destinies tied up through sorcery and witchcraft and so on because of the things that you smoke and that's why every time you make an effort to advance you can only get so fast like there's a line drawn in the sun that you could never ever cross why because when they spoke against you it wasn't just words there are ordinances that they're speaking against your destiny it's literally arresting you in the spiritual realm you have everything physically to advance but spiritually you are anchored through the words of their mouths that's why the bible says watch the law again proverbs 18 and 21 death and life still resides well in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof uh the word also says i think it's in our province thirteen and three oh fifteen and three it says a man shall eat good by the fruit of his lips that's what it says in matthew i recorded it last night i think it was matthew matthew 12 35 36 somewhere around there says a good man of the good treasures of his heart shall bring forth what good things an evil man of the evil treasures of versace bring what evil things so when your friend every little minute slipping and saying a little little little you know stuff about you that you don't like chad i only played with you you don't play with me i'm coming on your filthy nasty heart that's where it came from and that's who you are but stupid me always trying to take up for you and keeping you in my company but i should have kicked you here a long time yeah i know it sound harsh but sometimes you got to introduce them to the shoe i we can go there we are christians we are loving people we love god [Laughter] so today after that recap what i want to talk about today i want to talk about yes we talk about the laws what i want to talk about today is the uh spiritual intelligence branch of the spiritual realm every army let's use america america of the navy the marines the coast guard and all these other groups of people to protect their borders right but that's not sufficient in every army there was a branch known as the intelligence branch and their job is to go into the enemy's territory and retrieve information that they can use against their opponents all right i think there's a military term called recognizance mission right you go in there and you retrieve information for example before the americans went and fight into iraq or even afghanistan i mean months ahead of the war they had their drones flying over a long time snapping different sections of their land and surveying the territory we need to know where they fuel up we need to know where their missiles are we need to know where the barracks are why is this so when we get back to our base and we decide to launch an attack we're not going to just arbitrarily throw stuff and hope it hit no no no no we're going to strategically come after because see if we shut down all of your aircraft saying none of those planes getting up in the air so we can dominate there with our aircraft because yours can't get up there them trucks ain't going nobody gonna ride the last bit of gas over there because going to shut down all your fuel and spots so this is what is called taking that information and strategically using it for your benefit the same thing happens in the spiritual world unfortunately we are not taught these things so therefore we we make statements we make statements in church before it is so funny we make statement in church i remember growing up right and we stopped walter call let's go to prophecy church and the part of the is to call you up you know because i used to get saved every week [Laughter] because that's what they said to me they said to me listen now i see that you couldn't honestly i'm not kidding they said in the prophecy church back then they changed it now that once you become a christian you cannot sin and if you sin you will never a question in the first place so every week they have all the call i had to go yeah all right so in in all honesty i would save according to them at least about 800 times right at least about 800 times so you have to go up there and you know you need guy will come to you you know with some bad breath on this idea come on jesus come on jesus come on jesus don't follow me lord jesus but then there's some religious jargons that's what i want to get at that they would see in church you know god is going to give you double for your trouble there's a chef in the atmosphere the blessing right around the corner there none of these things can help you man and i always say listen to me i don't know where this corner is right here give me some coordinates give me some gps something let me meet it halfway so all your life you jump off of that and some prophet coming there god is saying that that there's a shift that there's a you know there's someone out there and and and god is going to turn that thing around for you i think we think he's gonna run for me he's all-knowing and he can't say what the thing is because this can't be the god of abraham so all of those years you know i kind of held on to that nonsense you know and and then what what they're doing to you you don't realize this they're training you and you're going to tell us if you get your own church you can say they see a mess the lord is telling me there are five people in here hallelujah hallelujah i feel the spirit right now my help is coming on right here hallelujah i feel it oh the lord is telling me the five people in here five thousand dollars remember this video [Laughter] [Applause] and we bought into that nobody's giving you a principal nobody's giving you a rule nobody's giving you any ordinance any laws any commandments you left or deal with riddles and rhymes and the only one that god gave the money to was him talking nonsense right here man no so the intelligence branch once we get into the rules and the laws of christianity the spiritual realm which is the origin of all things where everything happens first before it is manifested physically and that spiritual uh intelligence prize would be our dreams where we peer into the spiritual realm and begin to see the things that are pending for or even against our lives a lot of churches dismiss it believe it or not i don't know why when the bible is littered with dreams and great men and women of god who were given specific instructions to follow and as a result of it save the nations so i want us to turn to genesis 37 and we're going to read from uh verse 1 to verse 11. if i don't read all i just want to have give you the scripture so in your time you can look at it genesis 37 beginning at verse 1 and it says and jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger in the land of canaan verse 2 of genesis 37 says these are the generations of jacob joseph being 17 years old was feeding the flock with his brethren and the lad was with the sons of bilhah with the sons of zelfur his father's wives and joseph bought unto his father their evil report so he's snitching on his brothers verse 3 says of genesis 37 now israel who's israel jacob now israel loved joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age and he made him a coat of many colors now you know problems can start here right listen to verse four and when his brethren or brother saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren they hated him and could not speak peaceably unto him verse 5 and okay just put this on here that's the devil i don't think it was all of it yeah okay you know what i can tip this right in front of you i go all day all right so very verse five and joseph dreamed the dream and he told his brethren or his brothers and they hated him yet the more and he said unto them here i pray you this dream which i have dreamed now before we go any further let me explain this what's about to happen here or what has happened as a result of this well not a result but before this happened joseph had a dream where he was asleep i have to make this clear in these teachings because i don't just want you to skip this he is physically at rest but the real joseph which is his spirit is now interacting in the spiritual realm and he's able to have a privy or preview of future events all right he says in verse 7 for behold we him and his brothers were binding sheaves in the field and lo my sheaf arose and also stood upright and behold your sheath stood round about and made that same word there to my chief and his brethren said to him shall you indeed reign over us now this is powerful now this is powerful this fella just had a dream he ain't telling nobody he can rule over them he telling nobody he can be their master none of it but with the scriptures revealing that yes he has that gift of dreaming but it is also revealing that his brothers have a gift of interpretation but when you insert jealousy in the equation you overlook other people's gif and your gift sorry and criticize other people lord so they should say oh wow brother we are able to figure this out for you no but instead they're like hold on you ain't gonna be no boss up in here so you see and listen this spirit of jealousy is so subtle that you may be sitting there saying but i'm not jealous you know trust me everybody got a little bit of jealousy and we needed to make a balance but some people just let that thing get out of hand you need to even pray now father if there's any jealousy in me remove it because it's going to cloud your view to who you are in your efforts to criticize somebody else and his brethren verse 8 said to him shall thou indeed reign over us or shall thou indeed have dominion over us so they understood the dream that if all of us are binding our sheaves so because when they bind them they would lay them down and joseph said in the stream you all said was laying down but my own stood up meaning that you all were bowing to me so they interpret those symbols to mean that one day you are going to be a ruler over us he had no knowledge of this he didn't even have an inkling that that's what the dream actually meant but nevertheless forget what he thought or what they interpreted to be the dream itself from a spiritual perspective is revealing the future of joseph now here is why this is so powerful this is powerful because well i don't want to jump ahead of myself so let me just say this this is powerful because i said to you everything happens in the spiritual realm first meaning that if next week you're going to come into a million dollars or if someone is going to be killed next week that has happened already spiritually time and opportunity now manifests what has already been conceived in the spiritual world and this is why if you follow any of my teachings i say to you if you have bad dreams cancel it rebuke it challenge it because outside of that you are by default coming in agreement with it verse 8 and his brethren said to him shall die indeed reign over us or shall thou indeed have dominion over us and they hated him yet the more for his dream that's crazy i didn't force myself to have this dream i didn't go to sleep like a dream i could be better than y'all no people sick first night and he dreamed yet another dream this guy wasn't getting it and told his brethren and said behold i have dreamed a dream more and behold the sun and the moon and eleven stars made that word to me and he told it to his father and to his brethren and his father rebuked him widow if i have a dream what are you rebuking me for that's like you know what i'm gonna whop your behind for being five foot eleven what i have to do with that i didn't force myself to grow this height watch this and his father verse 10 i'm sorry and he told it to his father and to his brethren and his father rebuked him and said unto him what is this dream now watch his father about to reveal his gift the father now got this gift watch this he says and his father rebuked him and said unto him what is this dream that thou dreamt shall i and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to this earth you stupid boy you crazy but he didn't say that but the father with this brilliant gift of interpretation realized that the son being the greater light must be him the moon being the lesser light must be the mother and the 11 stars must be the 11 brothers but nobody is marveling that they can interpret they so hate this law that they attacking him that's crazy and i listen i'm saying this because i've experienced this where people so hate you for your gift that they're overlooking the gifts that they have wow retired man crazy verse 11 and his brethren envied him but his father observed the saying meaning that his father noted it so here we have a classic case of uh joseph and not joseph but his yes he having the dream but his family being interpreters and they are seeing things that god has already concluded on in the spiritual world and this right here sharing you the reality that there is a world more real than the world we live in right now and as a believer of jesus christ this is where your focus should be your focus shouldn't be on material things because the material things are automatically going to come to you when you follow the rules of the of god the scripture says to us in matthew 16 33 it says seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness or that what righteousness means the god-approved way of doing things and he says all these other things shall be added to you i have to run behind it i follow the rules and the rules will now cause these things to be manifested so here it is now this boy had the glimpse god is letting them see don't mind who would he look like now you could hate him all you want i didn't change squat now he's going to go through some stuff and that's why a lot of us in here including me god never said kevin one day uh i'm gonna put you on stage and you're going to preach before a bunch of people but let me show you the details they're going to hate you they're going to work witchcraft on you they're going to do all these things too you know how to tell god you know i keep keeping i don't need that but i got to go through all that no no let me just be a regular heating i don't want nothing to do with that no no but you see god is never going to give you the details that's not your business he's showing you the end from the beginning and that's what's going to give you the incentive when you have the days of depression and sadness and discouragement remember what i showed you because you're gonna see this before i ever started ministering i used to have dreams that was almost tormenting night after night where i'm standing before thousands of people preaching the word of god i've had dreams where i this limousine picked me up and took me to this church and these bunch of security guys rushing me in there i said that's the kind of dreams i like that's the kind of dream it's just snapping on the bathroom yeah yeah that's the best way right right you can't go there right and i would have these dreams over and over one dream i remember i had where i had pulled up in this church in this limousine and they had all of these guarded rails on the side and the people were just cheering on and they were escorting me in there and oh i play in the park just like are they doing it [Laughter] so and and just how i had those dreams i'm watching them manifest just like the same guy we're talking about god was giving me a glimpse and during that time man i was experienced i made tremendous evil in my life i mean listen i'm talking crazy stuff i was very discouraged but i was i was still holding on to god because that's all i had everything else was there was nothing you know what i was at a point there was no other alternative and that's where some of you may be that's where some of you may even be in the future but let my life be an example to you that that is all the ingredients and making you the fruit for other people that's all it is so this guy god is showing him the future this is what you were going to become and these are the symbols that is being revealed to you from the spiritual world how it's going to happen your brothers just how are they jealous you don't worry about them you're going to be the one to save them in the long run so what does that mean there are a lot of people who dislike you they're a lot of haters so they don't worry about them god call you to save all of them they have no idea that the very person they're trying to take out is the one who's gonna save their lives in the future number chapter 12 verses 68 number chapter 12 verses 6 to verse 8. now just to give some background to this story uh miriam and aaron which were the brother and sister of moses had an issue with him because he had married this cushite or this black woman and god had summons them before the temple and this is god now speaking to them in verse six he says and he which is god said here now my words if there be a prophet circle out if there be a prophet among you i the lord will make myself known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him in a dream if there is a prophet if you are a dreamer if you see visions according to that scripture you are a prophet now i know that those who will tell you well you may be a prophet but you're in the office of a prophet i don't know a lot of prophet is a prophet man oh give me all that garbage man you take me to no uh nonsense you're always polluting stuff i tell you you have no idea how much that just aggravate me man everything that i have some claws now just accept god word for what it's saying if you is a prophet what a prophetess someone who speaks on the behalf of god who sees things in the future and god revealed to him whether in the office or whether i sit in a chair if there's a prophet as a prophet yeah someone was telling me the other day our christian shouldn't drink wine so i said okay when paul talk about it but paul said it was for the stomach said well it was for his finger sake he drink wine right are we convoluting and polluting this stuff why are these issues all of this information i've given you all is you don't know you hanging up on who don't drink wine who don't worship on the sabbath who don't some assault what would that have to do with anything so he said if there'd be a prophet among you i will speak to this prophet in dreams sorry and he said he'll now my word if there be a prophet among you i the lord will make myself known unto him in a vision i will speak unto him in a dream all right listen to voice 7 though my servant moses is not so who is faithful in all mine house with him will i speak mouth to mouth even apparently and not in dark speeches and the similitude of the lord shall be shall he behold therefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant so what is he saying here he's saying okay there are dreamers there are those that see vision and the lord will treat them some of them like he treated uh joseph not joseph but his brothers give symbols to bring about an interpretation but he's saying because of the relationship between me and moses which is like none other at that time i'm not giving him no riddles or or tax speeches or symbols no no he said just how i showed him in the dream is exactly how it's going to pan out in real life so there are two types of dreamers in the sense they are what i call uh direct dreamers that's how they see it in the dream it's exactly how it's revealed then they are symbolic dreamers where you see all of these different signs and all of your mother-in-law running behind you with a shotgun and all that sort of stuff they symbols that you interpret and that's the easiest thing i'm going to shoot you you don't need no time for that you don't need no type of idea she coming after you so we're calling the police i want you to write this scripture down uh job chapter 33 job chapter 33 verses 14 to verse 17. job chapter 33 verse 14 to verse 17. and this scripture here is going to reveal to you uh dreams that are from god because there are three uh sources of dreams this first one i'm giving you dreams from god job chapter 33 verse 14 to verse 17 says for god speak once yea twice yet men perceive it not or they don't understand it so what does this mean you're in your car and you just going through the frequencies and you back up on this gospel station and this guy is preaching to you uh uh stop talking back to your wife listen this fella so you go to some uh business establishment they got some christian pamphlets and a minute to open it stop beating your wife okay i read that either so so the bible says here that in verse 14 that god is trying different ways to communicate his message to a person verse 15 now says now he resorts to coming at you in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep fallen upon men and slumbering or dozing upon his bed so what god is saying now now that i tried to address the physical you in the physical realm and you didn't respond then i'm going to now deal directly with your spirit because when you go to sleep you are physically unconscious to this world so the the real you with your spirit god is now going to communicate with that and this is where just like with this case with joseph brothers they saw these symbols in the spiritual realm which had a greater spiritual implication he says here now in verse 16 after he's now used this method of communicating to man verse 16 says then he opened the airs of men and sealed their instructions now this is powerful here's why it's powerful because first of all the fellow ass was open when he was awake right so what's the difference though the difference is he's speaking about a spiritual air he's talking about the spiritual aspect of the man let me just digress a little bit here uh there's a scripture i think is in i think it's in second king six or first kings six uh verse 16 somewhere around there elijah remember that guy elijah lives in a city called dothan him and his servant gaziai all right and the syrian army came and circled the city so the servant got out there early in the morning and he saw the syrian army guys and all their chariots and he runs back inside and he says the last master the syrian army is here to take us out so elijah's 82 years old right so elijah said will you say he said he said listen the syrian army so dear syrian emir watch elijah's response elijah says son fear not there are more that are with us than those that are with them so the fellow looking around because elijah got to be smoking something up and yeah we need to discover this fella is high right but going back to the scripture right here though he said he opened up his ears what he is revealing here elijah is saying there is an angelic host that is not visible that are waiting to do war on our behalf and they outnumber he didn't say he outnumbered the syrian army he said those that are with the demonic host that's influencing the syrian army read the scripture so again these are little nuggets where the scripture is showing you the reality of the spiritual world whether you believe it or not and it's not waiting on your belief your belief is irrelevant you'll miss the boat like everybody else if you choose not to believe it so he said there are more that are with us than those that are uh our gangsters whatever so watch what he says next so elijah at this point realized that this fellow was just he just had him lost he had him lost so he said okay the bible says he put his hand on him elijah and he prayed and he said listen what he says now he says lord open his eyes that he may see open his eyes the fella just tell you what he's all right but it brings us right back to what he's really talking about this spiritual eyes he's not talking about nothing physical here how do we prove this because after the prayer he goes back outside and he saw something that he didn't see before this is a good prayer point with your father opened my eyes to see the things that i cannot see in the natural reveal to me what's being hidden from me the plot of the enemy because it's there it's set for you show me and this all of this building your spiritual mind and putting you in such a position that you see beyond the physical the physical is tricks it's manipulation it's distraction our focus should always be on the things of the spirit always so yeah so in the scripture says that he opened the airs of men verse 16 and what is he doing now he's sealing their instructions he's giving them the laws the rules the principle what to abide by why is god doing this what's the next verse that he may withdraw or pull man back from his purpose what you mean his purpose let's go back to another law proverbs 16 and 25 there is a way unto a man that may seem or appear to be right which is his purpose but the end therefore is dead for him so god says i'm going to come to you with a dream in the spiritual realm and i'm not going to give you the rules the regulations to withdraw you from this road of destruction i have a minister friend of mine's back home he's on a second march right his first marriage uh i think a month before he got married he dreamt how him and his bride was walking down the highway to the preacher to be married and midway in the aisle way his wife turned into a demon well he married him yeah super demon actually yeah so my point is the dream showed you made it clear meaning that if you were having the issues before all of the signs she was giving you pride too and you was playing stupid too will the dream not show up yeah you think i'm nicey yeah the dream is go listen to me the dream is going to make it unequivocally and abundantly clear you could deny it like i was telling you last night when we love things we always tie god on it god this is my husband we tied god right there i got this big tattoo this bunch of gold jesus said that i must save him look at him have fun with that [Laughter] that he may withdraw a man from his purpose and his purpose and do what and hide pride from man he keeped back his soul from the pit and his life from perishing by the sword all of these things are the spiritual rules god says listen man i don't want you to perish i don't want you to die but the only way i can achieve that objective is i have to give you an advantage by giving you my laws my rules my principles just follow them if you follow them even though you're on a bad road now some way somehow spiritually by following these rules it's going to take you off of this course and i'll put you on the course that you're supposed to be going on you need no one to rub no oil on you you need nobody can you behind you don't need none of that all you need is to follow my rules so when the scripture says here that god is had opened his ears and seal his instruction he's talking about his spiritual airs just like in the case of elijah god opened his eyes that he may see he's not talking about his physical eyes open up his spiritual eyes so that we can see the things in the spiritual world that's pending against or even for his life or even the lives of others then that's again dream from god then you have dreams from satan dream from satan matthew 13 verse 25 matthew 13 25 it's a parable but even though it's a parable the parable is basically exposing a principle and it says that while man slept his enemy came and saw tears among the wheat while you are sleeping the enemy which is spiritual now enters in your dream and begin to interact with your spirit in children not your physical man physical man is still your sleeping knockout don't know what's going on in this world but the scripture is very clear it says wild man slept so the enemy is going to take advantage of the ability of taking advantage of you in the spiritual world because it is what he's trying to convince you that that's just a dream i had a dream just before i came here and in this dream like i told you i resigned from my job two weeks ago right a couple weeks or three weeks ago but in this dream i had i was back in my office sitting behind my desk and there was this one particular lady who she don't care for me on the job so in the dream she comes into my office she rests this paper down and just when she's about to exit the office she said by the way uh congratulations on your retirement and she left right now what the enemy is trying to do is get me to focus on her but he's gonna underdo it all see the mere fact that the dream is taking me back to a place that i'm already done with we're dealing with the spirit of setback we're dealing with the spirit of backwardness i'm done with that but it's job and that's what's gonna happen the more you begin to understand dreams the more complex your dreams are going to become you're dealing with the devil man this devil don't play fair no he is going to target your ignorance so when i woke up i said rebuke that spirit of setback and delay everything that has been hindered in the realm of the spirit i overturn it by the blood of jesus by the power of the living god and that the will of god and the counsel of god for this period and ahead for my life will come to fruition unhindered shut that baby right down up and down try that i know better no so he says while man slept his enemy came all of a sudden you didn't break up with this particular person six million years ago you married now they're coming on your dream calling you baby baby i don't know you would have intercourse and kissing you up for wow get get me behind me satan see to you you might think it's just intercourse intercourse is a symbol of covenant but the spirit is masquerading as your ex-partner you don't know what the spirit represents but you will know if you hook up and don't rebuke rebuking mark from that point forward and watch all of the travesties are going to take place in your life a lot of people don't realize it i did a video i did a video series sometime back uh talking about dream markers i was using this reference uh this lady who've had like about i mean double digit abortion not abortion miscarriages but every time she would get pregnant every time this unknown gentleman will show up in the dream having the course at all a couple days that she's bleeding lose the baby but people will say that ah come on man you're gonna hear this funny talking about this hocus pocus stuff nice fellow drugs and drugs what what what is the common denominator even if i didn't know anything about dream won't you find it to be suspicious that every time you're pregnant this one particular dream pops up and right after that you are about to experience a miscarriage no so when you see these things you become proactive as it relates to the physical realm because it was already revealed to you in the spiritual world all right so the bible says while men slept his enemy came and sowed tears among the beasts so that's dreams from uh satan now the last one in terms of sauce are self-manufactured dreams you'll find this in ecclesiastes chapter 5 uh verse 3 ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 3. it says for a dream comet through the multitude of business and we've all had this especially people who have to take hiv tests right you take the hiv test now you know you okay i mean you're right but you know the devil can message your head right so you thinking about this so much so you had this dream where the doctor come back and say buddy hey look he's already tell you this we're looking at you you're full of hate money you could die so you're thinking there's so much that you i call it self-manufactured dreams now let's be clear here it does not mean that these dreams do not have significance it does because the enemy can also use these dreams for you to come in agreement with to now begin to produce these things in your life because remember in the spiritual world the spiritual world is about making covenants spirits are not looking for casual relationships with people it won't benefit them what they need is a covenant they need something to tie themselves to this person or even by extension their bloodline their future generation because what they want to do is take ownership of this bloodline they don't want to just come here and annoy you and then walk away no no no they want to own you and this is why when you see a lot of the major deliverance where these demons speaking out of the people they talk about their ownership how grammy sold her to us we own this family because of the covenant that was made so those three ways in which uh dreams are sourced from now what i want to show you now is how a covenant is made in dreams and this is powerful this is serious information because a lot of the dreams that you are having well i can boil on to this again boiler into a covenant why are you constantly having dreams with sexual intercourse and perversion why in the dream you are a male you love women but in the dream you're acting as if you're gay now the first thing you would say i know you played me got nothing to do with that no a person who is a homosexual lesbian the reality is they're confused yes right now of course science was polluted again and tell you something else you know they were born that way and yeah whatever but the point i'm making here is that a person who is uh confused with their gender they're trying to become something they're not so if you see yourself in the dream like this right like that no whatever all right so the dreamers are saying that you're gay the dream is showing there are some things in your life that you're trying to be that you're not so that's what you need to focus on you might see the same thing for you may have a dream where somebody else is acting gay in the dream now i have to put this disclaimer we have to analytically look at the entire context of the dream because it could also be showing that while the person may not be like this physically it is showing the spirit that's attached to them so they're probably battling that homosexual spirit they all match on the outside yeah brother what's up yeah yeah [Laughter] so what does this mean though just like with joseph because the lord is revealing this from the spiritual realm for you you begin to attack it in prayer father i come against that homosexual spirit and johnny i break the power of that that foul spirit that's trying to attach itself to his life see because johnny don't know better but god is giving you that spiritual insight to deal with this deal with that all right so let's go to let's go to uh genesis let's go to genesis no no no yeah yeah let's go to genesis go to genesis well before we go down let's go to matthew chapter five and we're going to read verse 27 to verse 28. they're trying to tie something in here matthew chapter 5 and we're going to read from verse 27 to 28 all right and this is now jesus speaking all right i'm not going too fast right right taking too long because i could stop right now if you want me to no yeah i know y'all you all say that okay so if i take long you all said it anyway matthew chapter 5 verse 27 what does it say this is jesus speaking ye have heard that it was said by them of all time or the o law thou shall not commit adultery right verse 28 says but i say unto you that whosoever look on a woman to lust after her he have committed adultery with her already but where did he commit this adultery right so jesus says yes in the old testament in fact you will find that let me give you the scriptures where it's found in the old testament that's in exodus chapter 20 verse 14 exodus 20 verse 14 and also deuteronomy 5 and verse 18. so those two laws that i just gave you g back then before jesus the rule was if you have intercourse with a married person or whatever that's adultery jesus says i'm going to put a sub clause here that yes that that law still exists but this is the subclause right subclause says if you look at her say boy [Music] boy that he said you have committed adultery just as if you are physically slept with this person now let me show you why i'm going to bring this to you because we go right back to the dreams again so what you're being judged on here is not an act but the intent follow me right now with that said at the bill a little foundation here let's go to genesis 20. let's go to genesis 20. we're going to read from uh verse 1 to verse 8. then we're going to take it from verse 17 to verse 18. so that's genesis chapter 20 beginning at verse 1. now i want that concept i just gave you a spiritual rule it says that if a man look upon her and lust after her in his heart according to biblical law he has committed uh even though he didn't touch him he did nothing to her physically but god says you you might as well the toucher because the it's equivalent so in genesis chapter 20 beginning at verse 1 says and abraham journeyed from fence towards the south country and dwelt between kadesh and sher and sir john or journey in guerra and abraham said to sarah his wife she is my sister an abimelech king of gara sent and took sarah now he didn't want him to kill her kill him for her because she was a very beautiful woman so he said they agreed that he would say that this is now the truth was sarah was his sister sarah was his half sister sarah they had different mother but they had the same father tyra tyra was their father tyra had uh abraham nao and uh heron heron died but i against all the history i can show off next week leave that later okay so the scripture goes on to say here verse three but god came to abimelech and what now let's be clear here now before we go any further in the scripture abimelech asleep king abimelech is asleep in his king-sized bed the problem we have here though is that he have another man wife next to him now i know what you're saying well he didn't know that was that the lord didn't say if you don't know didn't read that no but god came to abimelech in a dream by night and said to him hold on back up who are you having a conversation are they sleeping so you couldn't be talking about the physical abraham i mean abimelech right no see why it's good to take your time with these things you get so much more revelation now watch it he says god but god came verse 3 of genesis 20. but god came to abimelech in a dream by night and said to him behold thou art but a dead man by the picture of my sleep so fast [Laughter] so the spirit of the living god is speaking to the spirit of abimelech while the physical ability is at rest the shell the uniform to exist in the earth because i'm talking to that one i want to go on recent things out no let me deal strictly with your spirit but god came to a biblical dream by night and said to him behold thou art but a dead man for the woman which thou has taken for she is a man's wife but abimelech had not come near her and he said lord will thou slay also a righteousness oh you're righteous nigh oh now you're righteous you had this whole woman laying up in your bed now you're righteous watch this now verse 5 said said he not unto me or didn't abraham say to me she is my sister and she even she herself said he is my brother and the integrity listen to the stood now and the integrity of my heart an innocency of my hands have i done this father now just to give you a heads up this brother is married so this innocent innocency and integrity nonsense you run around with i don't really think talking to you verse six and god said unto him who is him abimelech but like who abimelech is spirit and god said unto him in a dream yea i know that thou didst this integrity of thy heart for i also with healthy from sinning against me therefore suffered iv not to touch up so what are you saying to abimelech yeah skip all that you had nothing to do with this i stopped you from touching abraham's wife now this is true because a lot of us did some foolishness in the past right you know you're going to do some nonsense right and you all hot up and your car i tell you flat you know you need to be someplace because you got some illegal businesses to go do right right but we never saw i wonder if this was god saving us here could it have been a car crash we would have lost our lives because you know in your heart you're gonna go fornicate in your heart you're gonna commit adultery that's that's a done deal the rest humans may not know but god already know what you can do and before you die in your sins and you are hurled to hell fire god say uh gabriel angel go gabriel go let the other full time please so a beverly here is trying to act like he's some scout fella you're doing the right thing right god says no no no i was the one that prevented me from touching of verse seven now therefore restore the man his wife for he is a prophet and he shall pray for thee and thou shall live so you see what's happening here because he has troubled the man of god goods there is now a sentence invoked on his life and the sentence that's on his life is dead but you can see something deeper than this because as we're about to read this from the moment he took sarah in his bed every last one of the females were barren in his particular community so what does this tell me that's why we should take our time in these scriptures when you're challenged with certain things we look at these type of examples what could someone in our lineage have done in the past to violate a man or woman of god never repented of it and has invoked this particular evil over all of us because he's making it clear and here he didn't say just abraham he says profit this guy who was a mouthpiece of god you're troubling his home and there's a penalty that comes along with it watch this now verse 7 now therefore restore this man his wife for he is a prophet and he shall pray for thee and thou shall live and if thou restore her not know thou that thou shalt surely die thou and all that are thine for say therefore bim like rose early in the morning and called all his servants and told all these things in the air and the men were so uh afraid okay so let's go here now to verse 17 verse 18. watch this now so abraham prayed unto god and god healed heal the bible like what do you what was wrong with him this healing he didn't meet him sick no when he messed around was she named that's when all this come out he says he healed and sorry so abraham prayed unto god and god heal a pimbalec and his wife abimelech's wife so what sarah was doing you better where your wife was sleeping so god so abram prayed unto god and god healed abimelech and his wife and his maidservants and they bear children so what did he heal him from from being buried but did he meet them by her no no no when your leader decided to take on god's man's wife he brought the curse of barrenness here so that's why god says you better let her go and they could be slow like that now go ask his pardon and you better call convince him to pray for you all not all of you all tie up in here verse 18 for the lord had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of who abimelech because of who don't get clearer than that right don't get clear on that right now you know now everybody i don't touch god said no it might get from my own anointed no i'll be talking with the fake ones but the genuine ones you have just seen an example there that while god may not have struck you down and take your life there can be other spiritual implications so you say there's something hold on now none of the women in our family have no children something right here maybe your ma your grammy curse the man of god try to send witchcraft against the man of god but guess what grammy thought she got away because some little things might have manifested in his life his car was total or whatever but he lived but grammy or mommy didn't know that because of what they did all y'all sibling suffering as a result of it but in this case abimelech was warned first of all released this man his wife and begged the prophet what's the protocol now meaning that he didn't well how come i couldn't just come to go and say god okay good let me give him back because now god forgive me no no no no no no no don't work like that no follow protocol go to him abraham tell him you tell him you are no good okay tell him that voice and now when you're done with that now you better convince him somehow to pray for you because that's the only way i'm going to heal your wife your mates and everybody else here but what is all of this is happening again in a dream but what am i really trying to show you here did abimelech sleep with sarah i really was rubbing her shoulder and whispering sweet nothing in the ass no in fact he just was there hoping for the right time playing sleep but the point is this is what i want you to see that's why i took read the thing about the adultery he is being judged on the intent he didn't physically touch him he didn't write no love notes that's just like you you could be sitting right in church let the devil use your brain lesson after the pastor lusting after the woman of god but you don't know these rules you have all these fantasies intent but you don't notice no one is teaching you this and you're wondering why your life can't get ahead so you say what everybody has to say monday they got witchcraft for me no you got rescued with yourself but as you can see here the intent has caused the whole nation to suffer that's powerful the intent has the bible says that abraham had to pray for god to heal abimelech's wife and all of the the maidservants there but they didn't do anything it's another revelation whatever your leader into want to make this clear now if you are under somebody whatever they dealing with whether it's secretly or publicly if you are open to whatever wickedness on them it will automatically fall on you kevin you gotta give me scripture for that well i'll give you the scripture law of protocol psalms 133 how blessed and good it is for brethren to dwell together y'all know that right just how the oil comes down the what bed of aaron comes down it's gone and all the way to his hem so it tells me whatever affects the head hello will come down automatically to the rest of the body oh yeah if a man ain't living right and cheating on his wife and doing a bunch of nonsense god forbid if you've got children yes they can be challenged i remember talking to lady one time she's about to get married and in the conversation because i was telling it if she could tell me as much as possible his side of the family other side and she just casually said well i must say now all of us brothers they have extra affairs yeah so why you marrying him well like all of them they feel they could be some savior you know so i say i'm not discouraging you to marry in this person i don't know the full details but i'll tell you this though uh if you see a sequence here all right stevie one andre charles can see you got a problem in the future okay you gonna have a problem in the future now the probability is highly likely it may not happen but my advice to you deal with this on a spiritual level before you say i do with it because what you fail to deal with it being the obvious will deal with you and if you don't i'm going to see you again but you're going to remind me of what i said to you earlier if you don't deal with this now because i've seen it happen over and over no so the intent is just as is as equal as the physical act and this here makes it clear and that's why jesus said if you look and you lust he said you might as well go there and do the act let's go to genesis chapter 15. genesis chapter 15 and we're going to read from verse 1 and quickly jump down to verse 18. genesis chapter 15 beginning at verse 1 and it says after these things the word of the lord came unto abram in a vision saying fear not abram i am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward and abraham said and abram sorry said lord god what will thou give me seeing i go childless and the steward of my house is this eliza of damascus and abram said behold and abram said behold to me thou has given no seed and lo one born in my house is mine heir now this is the second time god is visiting abraham the initial time is in genesis chapter 12. so god is now coming back and reiterating these original promises and abraham like anybody else is kind of peeled off like malachi i try to hear these stories but i can have a child blah blah blah father many nations i wanna hear that show me some proof so in showing him some proof you can read it on your time i'm just going to summarize it to you he said set up an altar he set up an ordinance and i'll get these specific animals and cut them in half and lay them on the altar and the bible says that abram went into a deep what sleep so with that said he is not conscious of what's going on physically and god now begin to tell him what the future will be i'm going to make you a father of many nations your seed will be like so and so blah blah blah but they were going to captivity for 400 years to a strange nation but after that 400 years i would send in a deliverer and pull them out with a mighty hand and all this other stuff we promised them so as you can see we'll talk about this on sunday with that altar erecting from those altars are dreams showing you events of the future that's what a good alter on a satanic altar that's why a lot of you would have dreams where you see yourself in someone shooting at you or someone stabbing your kids or some which you would call nightmares but the reality is if there are alters attached to your life through you dabbling in any kind of sorcery or even your lineage then that altar will make itself known in your dreams and this is why some people they would wake up to hear someone calling them and only them lived there kevin or they will wake up with certain scratches or marks some people call it death marks and nobody say that but all of this are these spirits from the altars marking their territory or some of you will wake up at night or even be sitting in your bed and smell these strong cigar or cigarette smells or sweet perfume at that moment somebody is servicing the altar so whenever they're using alcohol they're spewing it or or burning incense you're gonna smell it as if it's right here with you so the altar now is because it's attached to that poison true family lineage the altar now is speaking to their destiny so that also will begin to show them the things that the altar wants to do in this case the altar is showing abram the things that god is going to perform in the future for the children of israel so this is why it's important we can talk a lot about this on sunday it's important to deal with those altars in your life because the purpose of any demonic altar is to stagnate and even permanently stop your god intended destiny that you never ever participate in that you have a life of failure anti-marriage uh uh anti-relationship rejection uh you name it you could every time you put one step forward you gotta take ten but there's a line drawn in the spiritual sign that you could never go beyond this point guys will come and love you and take you around the world and jet set you only to drop you like nobody like they never knew you and you see a pattern of this you go on a job in china you don't even speak mandarin at all and they're in chatting i hate you [Laughter] why are they rejecting me the altar when your parents when you're you're you're especially especially those who are tied to these uh freemason and eastern style garbage listen when your ancestors go and every level that they try to go to in terms of these different degrees in this organization even the sorority and the fraternity wherever you have to make a pledge you know what go online and read the pledges then read it and you would see exactly why would i pledge this but the reality is you're pledging to another god and when you make these covenants ignorantly then from that point forward remember i told you spirits are not looking for casual relationships no it don't benefit them they need a covenant they need to tie you down permanently and work its way through the lineage until someone break it so the altar in this case you'll start showing all the good things that god is going to do but when we drop to verse 18 of genesis 15. it says very clearly in that day god made a covenant with abraham so what's going to happen now same thing what happens to an evil altar the spirit that god sorry that abraham made a covenant with which was god that spirit is now going to walk through the lineage and visit different members of the family the first one he visited was isaac isaac was in the land of guerra when they were experiencing a family he wanted to go to egypt like his father and god says no eusterity i'm going to bless you one hundredfold right here but when he showed up he had identified him the god of your father abraham let me drop down to genesis 26 he showed up to isaac's son which was jacob he said i'm the god of your father abraham and your grandfather whatever you did abraham and jacob whoever yeah him too yeah i am that god so who was showing up the spirit of god so when someone raised an evil witchcraft altar when they went and made pacts with demons and devils to to facilitate whatever that is why people suffer with science called sleep paralysis those for you from the caribbean we call it hag or the witch ride you know all this sort of stuff but they're all the same nevertheless this is why you wake up at night and you feel as if something have you pinned down to the bed you're trying to move it's like your spirit moving but you physically cannot move you cannot talk why is this happening because the spirits from the altars that were raised by whomever is now visiting you just like how the spirit of god visit abraham and everybody else yes so that's sleep paralysis that's the true understanding of it when you see these things happen to you there's an altar speaking against your destiny behind every altar where the covenant was made there are enforcers of that covenant which are the familiar spirits or evil spirits and their job depending on the agreement that was made then the family now becomes limited so what happens as a result of that you now begin to see a consistency in negative patterns none of the women will get married and even if they do get married it's short-lived they'll have kids for for men but the men will always leave them all the brothers in the family will never amount to nothing they will never own a home they will have 5.6 million children with all these different women they'll never take care of them then they will have children and the cycle will start all over again and until the covenants have been broken and that's why i said in my some of my teaching i said speaking or praying and say lord break the curse lord no no christ the curse is a is a branch the covenant is the root so when you break the covenant the curse is automatically broke off so this is why it's important it is very very important to know these things like i guess i'm going to speak a lot of this on on sunday it's important to know these things because now you know what is your real fight so jumping around having the holy ghost and spinning around doing all of those things and and people throwing water on you know like that don't break covenants a covenant is an agreement between two or more entities or things and the bible says in uh exodus 20 verse 24 one of the principles of the altar god says if you raise an altar unto me i god will visit that walter and i'm going to bring with me blessing so what do you think happened to an even altar cursus comes but you don't notice and this is the real problem even the practitioners of that altar who's facilitating the work of that altar they are also included in the covenants that are made by those come seeking solutions and they don't even know so what are you going to see now in these families you're going to see a consistency of cancer you're going to see a consistency of high blood pressure and diabetes why how come this family across the street don't have it because they never mess with no altars but how come this family have it but they're christians yeah they are safe but they are ignorant to the rules so as a result of that they become a victim to the very thing they should be challenging again that's why the scripture makes it very clear again hosea 4 and 6 my people perish why are they perishing because they lack knowledge scripture goes on to say in my favorite scripture again proverbs 11 9b it says that through knowledge shall the just be delivered not by nobody hawking and spitting on you and throwing gasoline on you trying to light your fire no man i can't help you i could remove you permanently you're right you wouldn't have that problem no more but you have no problem no no so we need to equip ourselves with the necessary knowledge to specifically zoom in on the real issues your partner cheating on you you don't beat up the partner you can't be the spirit you come against the spirit of adultery you come against the spirit of lying you come against the spirit of deceitfulness and and insomnia and only they are spirits and all they're looking for is for someone who would agree with them hence the dreams because in the dreams are the most manipulative ground you could be manipulated on i'm going to end with this we've got a lot more here but we'll cover it another time in the book of deuteronomy and the book of leviticus it speaks about sexual laws you know you shouldn't sleep with your mother and all i don't know who would do that but these are what the canaanites were doing at that time before israel possessed the promised land and moses said the reason i'm telling you this is because this is what they're currently doing over there and as a result of that the land had vomited them up so you'll find a lot of stuff in there it says if you sleep with your sister uh of course that's wrong but it will give what will happen some will be barren some will be cursed and all these other things now why am i telling you this we're going right back to uh the intent so you had a dream and in the dream you were sleeping with your uncle you wake up yeah that's the nastiest thing ever yeah did you rebuke it though you don't identify as being nasty okay we clear there but did you rebuke it why because when you look up the law in the sexual laws of the bible if i'm not mistaken it says if a person sleep with their uncle let that person be barren but you may say kevin i am my uncle i mean i never sleep with him yeah abimelech didn't sleep on sir either you saw what happened there so what the enemy will do to you in your dream is deal with the sin of intent so if i could get them on the intent because if you were really against us you would have rejected it in the dream but the mere fact that you entertain it you have now come in covenant with that spirit i was pretending to be your uncle and now all of a sudden you can't have guests where could this happen everybody else because you're not hanging on see when you go through the rules you go through the law and begin to identify where you went wrong and now you begin to target uh that specific area all right so i'm going to end right there because i know you have a lot of questions for me and i know you're going to be very nice to me i know you're going to be oh one more thing i want to add before i go i want to talk about this last thing right here dreaming of the dead dreaming of the dead one of the worst dreams outside of sexual dreams one of the worst dreams you could ever have is dreaming about deceased loved ones i've written several articles on this and i've had people all over the world trying to challenge me on this my grammy came to me in my dream and it's the young and i'm not listening to you because she gave me some instruction and exactly what she said i did and it worked out for me i'm fighting you all i'm doing is giving you the scriptures now if you want your no good grammy uh mislead you in these dreams then you go right ahead let's look at some scriptures let's look i'm going to give you three scriptures to solidify my point let's look at ecclesiastes chapter 9. and we're going to read from verse 5 to verse 6. ecclesiastes chapter 9 and beginning at verse 5 it says for the living know that they shall die but the dead know not anything right that's what you read neither have they excuse me anymore a reward for the memory of them who is the day who's the damn the dead it's forgotten for six also their love who's there the dead their love and their hatred and their envy is now what perish neither have they any more a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun not a scripture right and scripture is final right so if your deceased loved one shows up to you in the dream that could not be a deceased loved one according to that scripture what it really is though is a familiar spirit a masquerading spirit as well known masquerading taking on the impression of the loved one well kevin i i hear you but i think you're making stuff up now you gotta give some scripture now no problem no problem the bible says hope i quote this right and uh i don't know if it's voiceover second corinthians i think is uh chapter 11 and verse 14. anyway i'm going to say what it is you could google it so you could find the exact uh text it says that marvel not for even satan himself could transform into an angel of light okay transform means to change into to become something else so that's now giving you a law where evil spirits have the ability uh to to take on the appearance or the likeness of something i've did a lot of uh writing on what we call masquerading spirits and monitoring spirits it's very very common where you have deceased loved ones or ex-husbands or boyfriends or ex-wives or girlfriends popping up in your dream but how do you know that these are familiar spirits or monitoring or masquerading spirits for the most part they will never look you directly in your face and even if they do there will always be a it will never ever be the full likeness of the person and for the most part they're silent i remember doing a teaching somewhere one time and was doing the question and answering thing and one of the ladies she agreed she said and when she said in the dream you are not my mother and the thing look like this and walk away from her what are they really looking for agreement see once you come and start interacting oh grammy mommy or uncle oh where you been all this time that's all they want i mean you are convinced that you believe that you're we are your deceased loved one the agreement has been made so whatever they represent even though they look like your loved one what does the spirit represent does it represent poverty sickness confusion because when you agree that that's the likeness of your whatever the truth is you're agreeing with that spirit so the spirit would have achieved the objective and getting you to covenant with it all right so that scripture just showed us that when a person is dead that is it for them okay that's that's final mamma minnie to the funerals to say mama looking out from heaven i don't know whichever she's looking out from because there's no scripture there that says that it's nonsense she is when we taking them to the graveyard we are taking the uniform that their spirit once housed okay now some people believe the spirit goes straight to heaven or hell some believe that there's somewhere floating in well wherever it is right here deuteronomy chapter 18. deuteronomy chapter 18 and we're going to read from verse 9 to 11. beginning at verse 9. when thou art come into the land which the lord thy god giveth thee thou shalt not learn to do after the abomination of those nations he's talking about canaan now there shall not be found among you anyone that making a son or daughter to pass through the fire remember that is that you don't sacrifice your children a lot of people do it believe it or not a lot of people do it they sacrifice their kids now does that mean they grab them put them on the altar and just run a knife to them no sacrifice mean that they're going to dedicate them to the spirit world as a result of that it's a set time on their life when they're going to have a tragic death in the part of leaving design or when they would just flip and just go crazy they'd be sensible people been to college got all that stuff and one day they walk in the road nude or or doing stupid stuff because the agreement that the parent made for whatever reason but it's for health wealth or whatever or trying to get a higher level of demonic powers they are using something that they love because in order to achieve that power they must present a sacrifice sacrifice is giving an exchange something you love for something greater so that child living right in the house with them this child has been sacrificed and they don't know the child though will begin to have dreams they'll even have their dreams so they see themselves on an altar or they will see people chasing them in the dream or these guys look like rasters or mad men trying to come after them with dogs always trying to attack them all of these are signs that you have been surrendered to some altar all right verse 10 says there shall not be found among you anyone that making the son of his daughter to pass through the fire or that user divination tarot card reading palm reading all this other stuff or any observers of the time of time sorry or an enchanter or a witch verse 11 or a charmer or a consultant with what familiar spirits listen to this now or a wizard or a neucromancer a nuke romances those who claim to communicate with the dead they have a program that used to come on years ago can't remember it but there was a gentleman that used to do not so lady and she would come in here who who's mary mary oh mary your mama's saying it's going to be all right your mom says she's what you couldn't protect me when you was here you could protect me now so all of this but again though they pray on the ignorant they pray on those who don't know this because our bible is giving us direct commands that the dead don't that don't they don't exist no more and finally i want to look at this one let's look at luke 16 luke chapter 16. and we're going to read from verse 19 i'm going to give you the the verse 19 of verse 3 and we're not going to read all i'm going to paraphrase it for you so that's luke 16 verse 19 to verse 31 all right so listen what it says there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fed sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named lazarus which was laid at the gate full of what sauce verse 21 and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his swords 22 and it came to pass this is key and it came to pass that the beggar what happened to the beggar beggar died so you would agree with me that the previous verse they were speaking about their living state right good so 22 says and it came to pass when the beggar died and was carried by the who angels into the into abraham's what bosom then something else happened it says and the rich man also did what died and was what buried now the poor man uh who sorry lazarus who was taken by the angels his physical body wasn't taken by the angels his spirit when he died scripture is saying that the angels of the lord took him into abrahams muslims before jesus christ where they lived in paradise or what have you right now it says here next though the rich man also died that's what it says right where we know verse 22 right listen to verse 23 and in hell he which is who the rich man lifted up his eyes being in what torment and see it abraham a fire off and lazarus in his bosom so would we agree now that while these two men who have physically died and their physical bodies are decaying in their caskets on the earth their spirits are still living and existing but in the spiritual world so watch what happens in acts now it says that the rich man opened up his eyes so he could see we can see he could hear he could taste he could he still retains his senses however he is not accompanied with his physical suit and he lifted up his eyes verse 23 being in torment and see the last abram of fire off and lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said father abraham have mercy on me and send lazarus that he may dip dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for i am tormented in this flame but abram said son remember that thou in thy lifetime receives the good things and lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art in torment so these two men who have died but they are in two different areas of the spiritual realm one is in uh torment and he is feeling every part of it as it relates to his five senses the other one is comforted in the bosom of abraham so the scripture is making it clear that when we die life does not end when we die when we over those caskets and crying and trying to pull pookie over the casket pookie is not there poki isn't there pookie wish he was there if he didn't make it right he wished he could come back and sort things out but pookie is gone all right so they are still existing our loved ones are existing but according to the scriptures they are not existing anywhere on this planet so if you had a dream and your mommy or daddy or uncle what deceased came to you and gave you specific instructions or whatever the case may be you are not dealing with those people whom you know to be them in fact you're dealing with masquerading spirits the only thing they're seeking is to forge a covenant with you to establish or to facilitate their evil deeds in your life so if you're having dreams about dead people you must reject those dreams immediately rebuke especially if they're feeding you in the dream trying to bring spiritual sickness to your body what a spiritual sickness spiritual sickness you feeling stuff moving in your stomach like some snake or whatever things coming out on you or you feeling weak but every time you go to the doctor and they run the test for so and so everything's come back negative it's a mystery but you know what you feel and you know what you're going through you everybody think you're crazy you're being manipulated spiritually because when you ate that thing in the dream remember you didn't eat it with your physical mouth but just like with abimelech and everybody else spiritually you ate it so you're polluting your what spirit and this is the reason why you're going through it so i'm going to end right there i'm going to end ready i have a lot to cover but i'm not going to go through all that so what i'm going to do is open up the floor for some questions because i know you guys want to go it's about four o'clock so we're going to open up the floor for some questions and go right ahead and so basically now we the current relationships are left to you know where they are right so let's just say my father i don't right so that means anything he's doing right now is i am going to bury that if you're not covered by the blood of jesus so basically if i call myself with the blood of jesus if you're a christian that means if you're a christian and you're covered by the blood of jesus being a christian then you could renounce those things you could break those covenants they will never affect you if you apply what jesus died for on the cross you have to apply it it's not going to automatically happen so you have to you have to challenge it just like when we're breaking curses and we'll be breaking him over for the most part we're bringing him over christians so one would say okay if i'm a christian how come i still dealing with this curse well it don't automatically come off of you but what jesus did on the cross give you the right to break those curses so that's what i'm so if y'all if you're a christian and your mom or dad still work in sorcery and if you haven't renounced those things and break them and clear you of it then even as a christian you will be affected so you have to uh clear it for that is it possible the human spirit can project itself no it cannot project itself that the rules won't allow that it has to be initiated by a demonic force or if god decides to come just like ah he would have uh uh what's his name ezekiel if you read the book of ezekiel where he would make statements like and the hand of the lord came upon me and took me into the spirit stuff like that you'll have to be initiated by god or the person would have to be involved in some kind of sorcery to astral project and do stuff like dream one that and then with these birds that were trying to attack me and i was rebuking it in the dream and they turned they were black birds so they shrunk and they became smaller but they were still coming at me right and as i'm rebuking these birds this lady appears from nowhere and she starts yelling all these curses at me and i'm yelling back but i'm moving backwards but in my spirit i'm like oh my god this is a human like a human spur in my mind i told myself this is a human spirit and i don't know how to deal with with this so i just moved back and i just reviewed whatever she was saying right you know well here's what you actually remember when you're asleep your physical body is at rest but your spirit man is very active in the spiritual realm so the truth is you are fighting but you're fighting from a spiritual perspective those black birds that you saw they were demonic forces being sent to attack your spirit the woman that appeared that was the person behind it that was the witch but because you were fighting them off she had to show a person need to deal with you so just by you saying that though boy i tell you ah there's a serious attack against your life it's a fight there's a fight i don't know why but there's a fight for your soul i can't explain what happened today but god got you covered though like it's constant like ever since i listened to your teachings on youtube i just fell upon them and i started to apply and fast and i mean all hell break loose yeah even the birds started following me and it just like i think it was friday i was walking from the store i was praying in the holy ghost and i saw four what's that kind of vultures sitting up there oh my god like like it's like it's relentless right keep on pounding me and the food all the time trying to feed you constantly see but what it's saying to you though this that mean you are tied to some altar okay there's a parable there are two parables in the bible one about the coin and the other one about this sheep and it says how this farmer he had a hundred sheep but one went missing so he he the fellow was short of 1999 but they all went looking for the one the same with the coin that's how it is with alters if there's an altar race against a family the spirits from those altars are the ones that enforce the rules that was uh covenant at that altar any person in that family that try to get saved or know jesus listen those spirits will leave the one they get and put all efforts on the one who's trying to get away i have a friend right now she her mother was as a result of her father having an affair she have five girls so six girls every one of those girls except one all of their children are for married men now the one who is married who've never had the situation like them listen what i tell you eternal hell breaking loose and our marriage from and they're christians why because the same principle applies so this is why my advice is you attack the altar don't look at the things that they're throwing or dealing with distract you no all of that is to keep you off of what the real source is but when you begin to fire prayers and you have to fast in doing this you fast and you're coming against the altars trust me things can get worse but trust me after you don't get over that period you can watch things level radio go ahead like somewhere in that vein so after you know certain deliverances i had taken up a seed to sow right i think i think you mentioned when you mentioned something like pay attention after you it's like it's like a sacrifice a sacrifice right you did it in the church you said no i did this on my own no no i mean you sowed the seed in the church i saw it in an individual's life okay okay okay go ahead okay go ahead who was constantly praising me so every time i call her to intercede with me she prays for me so i you know i i took my salary for that week and i said okay this i'm gonna sew and i sewed into her life and so the dream i had prior to me doing that because i remember you saying you got to pay attention to it and so there was this guy in this dream and he was trying to get to me or get on to me or something and i kept pushing him back like resisting him and then in a split second he got called away for some reason he just got pulled away and and as i'm walking i just saw the blood like just like he died like he blew up or something happened i just saw and as i'm walking i'm like oh my god this ambulance that guy who was with me just died and i in my ears i hear my brother speaking and he's speaking about life and there needs to be life and so i wasn't sure like what is the you know what is god saying to me now okay this is what god is saying remember i gave the example uh well i didn't give it that's the one i didn't discuss but i can discuss it now and uh i think his first of second kings chapter three from verse two to verse seven uh solomon which was the son of david had just taken over the throne he is now the third king of israel right and he had a major sacrifice he sacrificed a thousand sheeps in verse five it says that because of the sacrifice which is the same as just making that sacrificial seed into that person's life i think you got that from isaiah 58 because that's a part of a genuine fast which is equivalent to a sacrifice when solomon did that the scripture says that god came to solomon in a dream this is in uh verse five i think of uh second or first king chapter three and he said to solomon what would you have me to do for you what do you want from me so solomon said you was good to my father blah blah blah all i want from you is the knowledge and understanding and he says bill i've already given you that the point i'm trying to make here is when you make that sacrifice because that's what the scripture says in isaiah 15. when you go on a fast while you're on the fast you must find someone who you could pay their rent give them food money so whatever that's a true genuine fast if you're going on a fast to fight these forces or break covenants and you're not following that pattern you're really wasting your time what's going to happen now because of that sacrifice the spiritual what is going to open up to you begin to show you things in your spiritual life whether it's good or bad in your case it was showing you something was coming at you but it also showing you where somehow it was destructed and destroyed whenever you have a dream and you see things moving about but you don't see hands moving it it's the spirit of the lord working for you so the dream is showing you god is showing you true your sacrifice look here no matter what's coming at you i got you covered i got you protected you don't stop doing what you're doing no matter how rough i get no matter how debilitating frustrating all of that is to discourage you and the day you stop doing what you're supposed to do you think hell breaking loose now you will see more hell in the future continue fasting continue breaking those covenants because there's an altar against your life in fact when we were praying this morning that's what the spirit put in me when praying for you there's a serpent altar against your life and as we were beginning to pray and i was calling on the name of jesus and pleading the blood and i began to watch your body move like a serpent on the floor serpent spirits so that means whatever altar is raised on your life there are serpents that are just like they have an altar uh with people photos and you'll see food and stuff there all this stuff that all that what's against your life is a serpent or what was against your life because we shut the baby down today so you need to continue fasting why is this now because you're purifying your spirit man and while you're fast you're going to continually gorge on the word of god to build your spirit and you know you're going to know you win it because your dreams are going to shift now before when you were running away from things now they run away from you trying to like witchcraft that flying but once i started attacking it in the spurs a familiar spirit came to me and was trying to have sex with me and as i rejected him that spurt you know he went into some bathroom and he became violent right you're the raffling going on and as i'm trying to escape my body wants to elevate and i'm like i'm like no i'm not supposed to be like immediately dropped down to the ground and i started to pray but it's like it's a constant record a switch graph you tell me something you have anybody in your family that practice witchcraft sorcery or anything because these are all evidence of that yeah someone in your family served with some altars and as just like the bible says god will revisit that iniquity the 34th generation and i mean i'm so happy what happened this morning with you because i just have begun the cycle of uh breaking those altars that are imposed against your life here is my advice to you very very simple saturate yourself from this point forward with the word of god let that become your life whether you're listening to some earplugs whether you're reading it you have to because it is the word of god that's gonna build your spirit man your spirit is depleted it is malnourished because it needs the word of god now and when you do that you are going to see things move in your life that you have to put very little effort to but your spirit man needs to be built don't go try fighting no demons now you need to build you okay it's important that you build you uh the scripture that we used last night was uh proverbs 24 and we started at verse 10 and we went to verse 5. verse 10 says that if a man fail in his day of adversity his strength is weak right and but it's not talking about physical strain here and in verse 5 of proverbs 24 it says uh i'm going to paraphrase it here basically what it's saying is that the more knowledge a person require the stronger they become so clearly we're not talking about physical strength when we're talking about spiritual strength we're talking about gorging on the word of god and i mean literally hogging it up and i'm telling you you are going to be a force to contin i'm speaking to you from experience i used to see whatever you talk about now i experienced all that one night i woke up woke up to hear this thing flying in my room i couldn't see it all i could hear was but i was very knowledgeable about these things i sat up in my bed and i said in the name of jesus and the scriptures began to come out of me and i had the little plastic blinds this is years ago and i watched those blinds part like the red sea like someone hold them open and this gushing when running through there what was happening someone's sending curses sending curses see but they need my agreement i kind of fall up and become fearful and let those things whatever they wanted to do to me so the more knowledge you attain trust me they're going to up their aunties they're going to do that but you just don't worry about that your focus is studying the word of god gorging on the word of god quit it mr kevin i have two someone text me a question i'll go with hers first she says she keeps getting scratches at night she's a christian um she studies the word but she keeps getting scratches uh she says she knows coming from an altar but how does she tear down the altar okay key you cannot tell on an altar outside of fasting jesus made it very clear when dealing with specific spirits matthew 17 21 he said this kind the word kind speaks about a different class a higher level he said this kind will only come out through prayer and what fasting that is key now secondly you can't go on these fast and still got bad nasty ways ain't forgiving people not that it ain't gonna work you might as well go partnership with the devil and say devil let me teach you how to do me because you ain't doing it right so so you have to live a righteous life righteous life simply means living the god-approved way righteous does not mean walking around as a female in long white robes to your ankle and looking pious but inside you don't speak to your neighbor no no it means that you are forgiving and you're doing your best to live according to god roots so they must go on a fast now one would say well kevin what kind of fast do you recommend well what i normally recommend is that you allow the holy spirit to lead you if you're not getting a leading there i would normally say if you're dealing with sorcery or uh evil altis or freemason or whatever i would recommend a three-day dry fast that's a very brutal fast but very effective fast three-day drive fast means uh three days or 72 hours non-stop no food no water now what i normally suggest prepare for the fast before you go on it prepare me load yourself up a lot of fluids meaning water not a bunch of sweet drinks all right kind of two weeks before you go on that fast cut out all that fried food and a lot of stuff start weaning yourself off of that preparing your body to go because to be honest with you i did a 40 day fast before with just uh water and a little like juice no food to me that was easier than the three-day drive for us yeah yeah yeah so fasting should be a normal discipline for the believer okay that should be something because number one it's a sacrifice that you're making and as a result of that you're going to get a lot of dreams which is very important always have your pen or what i would tell people who don't like the idea of writing dreams get the your phone have a little recording there this person begin to speak into it as soon as you wake up because you're more clearer with what you just dreamt so you begin to speak you know pookie numbers running behind me and i had to punch poke in his mouth [Laughter] so so you just begin to just literally because as you go throughout the day the dream is going to escape you so what will happen sometimes you will wake up and you knew you had a dream but you don't remember squat so going through the day certain things or trigger pieces of the dream whoa now that i see mary i remember i dreamt about you last night now there's a reason why this is happening though whenever a person is under heavy spiritual attack the enemy job is to erase your spiritual intelligence so we will wake up and immediately it will just erase like you right on the edge of bringing it to your remembrance but you cannot and now how do you try to bring it the more dissipates from you so i will tell people when you get this stop trying to recall leave it and you just begin to pray father god your word declares in proverbs i think 10 and 7 it says that the memory of the justice bless i called for whatever i dreamt last night lord bring it back to me if you're still not getting it then you dream you pray the most relevant prayer ever father i know i had a dream i don't remember it i don't understand it if this dream is of you then i come in agreement with what you want to do with my life if it is not of you then i reject renounce i denounce and disassociate myself from any covenant that would have been established in that dream so you can't go wrong there but it's all a part of protecting your spirit man that these forces are trying to afford your covenant with next question yeah my question was um let's see if i can word this i've heard people say and i'm talking about christians not just people i've heard christians say well you know god is in charge if it's god's will check that's true but then we talk about um us operating not operating under the law so which is it yes god is in charge right it's god's will that things happen good or bad to us but then we talk about we have to operate under law so that these things won't happen to us whether it's from our ancestors whether it's whatever how does that work right very simple the bible which is the constitution meaning that there's no law no rule no principle greater than that the bible can be looked at looked at in two ways it can be looked at as a book of prevention meaning that i do what it tells me to do so i would encounter those issues or it can be looked at as a book of cures meaning i dismissed the rules now i got to find a remedy from the bible to fix it for me god threw rules and this is why listen i am a fanatic when it comes to rules the biblical rules you know why because the rule set order and this is how god uh this is how he gets control or this is how control is established because he have rules in the earth he already said them he ain't trying to tweak none of that he's just sitting back and he's letting people do what they want to do he is in control through his rules why because i said to you earlier that the rules or the principles or the laws are built into the rules this is why he's in control are what rewards and what penalties so with that said i'm in charge i set a rule that in order to be a preacher you have to have a associate's degree so i'd have to be going down by the dean's that mission to see who coming in and who got i know i set the rules so the only person supposed to come up here was those with the associate's degree and this is how god operates my rules are in place you do my rules you are rewarded you reject my rules you are punished i'm in control so the rules facilitate control but ultimately the rule set order and that's what it's all about next question um you mentioned about smelling um also like hot steel like it's right you mentioned that it's um us all to be in service right is that present there or somebody actively the moment you smell it it is actively being serviced actively at that very moment moment have you if you she's asking the question about the alters when i was talking about different orders coming from the autist and so on and she wanted to know if that meant if it's actively being serviced or something some time ago if you're smelling that scent right at that moment there at that altar right there right there servicing the altar they're calling up say because it's the spirits that's doing the manipulation at that moment and that's why you need to get on your knees immediately and begin to rebuke and shut it down and um this is just an experience when things was going on i remember i was asking the most high to i don't know why i just asked him who was doing this who was doing this who was doing this and this is no joke i saw it wasn't as if i was in prayer i mean i was like it was just like almost i'm not kidding it was like a literal vision i saw who it was i saw the position they were in i saw what they were wearing i saw what they had on their head i saw the candles that was around i couldn't believe it nowhere in this person's life for so many years but i know the connection is another family member that's been carrying news right to this position right and we've never gotten along so that would give them the good reason to use you as a sacrifice are they also and this is why this knowledge is pertinent to know because now you know how to fight uh i remember there was an incident years ago i was probably in my 20s which wouldn't have been far but anyway [Laughter] i remember there was this lady i used to date and her mother was a a witch yeah she was a witch i think she was she had a phd in witchcraft right and the daughter who i dated at the time uh she used to work along with the mother but i didn't notice but anyway when i got connected with her i the first thing that started to happen to me i did a teaching on these two signs of witchcraft in your life the first thing i began to battle with was confusion depression and forgetfulness they were key like i couldn't focus on nothing whatever i try to focus on it's like my mind could never stay in one vein i would be all over the place i would be watching television the tv went on a commercial i had planned before i get up to go in the kitchen and probably get some water by the time i get the kitchen i know what i'm here for right but all of this is witchcraft manipulation so anyway it got so bad the next stage i started i couldn't save my money i was always good at money especially saving it and i could not keep a dollar in the bank every couple days i would go to the atm taking off money and couldn't show you where you know the evidence of where this money was going uh depression became a coat for me so much so and this all witchcraft when i got home and this is what witchcraft does to you it isolates you you cut off your friends you don't want to communicate with anybody i would come home and close all of my curtains and everything and there was a little toolbox i had in my kitchen i would sit on and play the saddest music ever i don't know how i forgot i was helping myself and i would sit on that thing and just cry nowaday the good parts of it because it got worse during the night whenever i did get the opportunity to sleep i would be awakened because only me lived there then by my pots and pans moving in the kitchen or i would hear footsteps coming up the aisle and i remember one night i woke up and i heard this elderly that's how it sounded like an elderly gentleman it was to the point where the fair factor wasn't there anymore i was just so confused and out of it that i didn't even have the opportunity in fact fear was a luxury for me at that point that's how bad it was and the only person that i would tell my stories to was my mother you know the church wasn't here and you know none of that other stuff and i remember one night i'll never ever forget this at this point i'd already accepted jesus christ and i didn't like reading before i told you last night i got into reading and the lord was just revealing him i mean i was just overwhelmed one night i was on my couch and the reason why i was on the couch was because the room that i slept in every night i go in there i would be attacked by spirits i'd be held down i'd hear voices or even i would have the tv on the tv would turn down by itself and these different languages i would hear so i stopped sleeping in the room so this i decided to sleep on the couch so i'm on the couch my television is on i'm watching tbn ben ian is on so i got all the lights on because i figured they didn't get me with the lights on so you know i can all the lights on right so i got all the lights on and i used to print i say lord what is this what is this in this room that's always harassing me so the lord decided to show me so i'm watching benny and i fell asleep so i'm sleeping on the couch my feet down today and my head up and i'm on it like this i woke up and when i woke up i sat up on the couch as usual and i heard this voice internally said to me get up very calm voice and go towards the aisle wait that's where the rooms were beside look around the voice came back again even more calm very tranquil get up go towards the aisle so i got up and when i got up the television is on the lights on i could see everything but when i turn around and look at the couch my physical body is asleep on the couch so i don't have none of this here so what was building up as fair immediately was depressed voice comes again go towards the aisle way so when i went to watch the eye we had to take a bend to get to the highway and just before you got to my master bedroom i saw this and the only reason why i call it a human because of the shoulders the shoulders it's shaped like a triangle the shoulders was like twice the size of a man's shoulder and it had it was naked but it had no sexual organs no nipples no vagina no penis no nothing just skin and this huge box head but these thick locks was coming over the face so automatically it's like this what i would say is like this i know better now this spirit of boldness came on me and i began to walk up the aisle and took this hand right here and i rested on the head i kind of feel the box shape of the head and the thick coarse locks and i began to the scriptures i mean was like pouring out of me and as the scriptures were coming this body was just shrinking shrinking shrinking vo tell it disappeared now i wake up for real and i'm wondering if this was a dream but when i woke up and got out of the chair this arm right here was paralyzed for the next 30 minutes i couldn't move it all of this again god was preparing me for now showing me and i mean i'm just scratching the surface what my life went through just showing me the reality of the spiritual world the same person who was doing it i wanted to get to one night i was in my role because after i had this experience it didn't bother me anymore i was in my room and i said lord i know there are people fighting me reveal to me who these people are now i had an idea who it was but i had no real proof so after i did that i read the scripture went to bed went straight to sleep which is not normal for me went to sleep and now my spirit is hovering in the ceiling of my ex-girlfriend mother's room okay i have this aerial view her bed with the the floral sheets she had two uh night stands and the side that she would be on that was kind of you know wasn't made up and then there was this candle white candle with this paper so as i zoom into the paper guess what i see on these people kevin you and kevin you and kevin you and kevin you and kevin all over the people so her bathroom what she has in the room they had a little crack i didn't see her but i know she was in the bathroom so anyway about two days later i bucked into my ex-girlfriend now at this point she wasn't speaking to me for whatever reason but because they didn't succeed they would be up so anyway i said i just want to ask you a few questions what you want to ask me i said i know this can sound off the wall but i had a dream last night i just want to see if it's about a significance and i began to describe her mother room to her and so she stepped back like this she said you know that because everything i said too was exactly how the mother room outside of the candle i didn't tell none of that i didn't want to tell her i know their secret but again god was now revealing to me through the dream through the spiritual world what was pending against what they were trying to do and this is why i encourage people man i'm not saying to worship your dreams or to become a fanatic but go according to the biblical rules and law as it states for dreams because it's going to unveil so much revelation to you a lot of unnecessary pain that you've been through or going through or will go through can be alleviated if you put these principles into practice next question i have a question let's not relate into dreams after jesus was um after he completed his past and he went into the wilderness to be tempted his response therefore was it's written it is written my question is where was it written there was no bible written at the time it was the it's the old law it's the five books of the bible yeah man should not live by bread alone you'll find that in the old testament it was written yeah okay david old testament he couldn't make it up it was still yeah yeah and that's a good point though because again this is how we ought to attract uh sorry challenge spiritual forces with the word of god and jesus again left an example that again you didn't read in there uh spray supplement people motor or throw some shoal around their face and kidnap them something no what you see there is god is you jesus is using the spiritual tools in fact you know the bible says the bible says in the book of ephesians chapter 6 as it talks about the or the whole arm of god it talks about the sword which is the word of god then in hebrews uh chapter 12 verse 4 somewhere around there where it talks about it says that the word of god is sharper than any two-edged sword cutting what asunder spirit and what soul so a spirit that attaches itself to your life a spirit of lust a spirit of poverty the scripture is just giving the antidote how to eradicate it from our lives first of all it says that that spirit is attached to your soul your soul will be your mind your will your intellect your memory basically the administrator of your body and i said that's what that spirit that sort of lust attaches itself right there but the scripture now tells us how to remove it through the word of god because the word of god according to that scripture it is the only thing that the bible say will cut a sunday the spirit from your soul follow me so this is why when we are challenged by forces we don't focus on lord who's doing this to me that's irrelevant and in fact the enemy will use that to get you to violate the law how is this you now begin to pray against that person that's a violation because the scripture says that we wrestle not against what flesh and blood because even the flesh and blood that is using demonic things to fight you they are being they are puppets to evil forces because remember now whatever they sow they will reap and god is very clear in his word he says vengeance belong to who him not to us next question great hit um right he has right with demonic spirits he calls him out by name he's on youtube he's 21 years old he is homeless he has such a uh heavy adhesive cage as you would call it um the generational curse was witchcraft sorcery divination i found you in may i've been delivered god showed me in the dream complete and total complete deliverance my question is how how how else can i how what else am i missing i am on petitioning i am pleading i'm fasting is he reprobate you said to see the lord says the seat of the righteous shall be delivered where does free will come in where where how can i move reprobation out of the way i'm i'm getting everything you're saying but i'm still struggling with well what's what's happening here is you're struggling unnecessarily here's why and a lot of people find themselves in your position they want it now get right now god take this from my son and you have a right to feel that when i agree with you however again let's look at some biblical examples the bible says in daniel chapter 10 that daniel was on a fast for 21 days right and during his 21 days just like yourself he was like you're not happening but the bible now begins to paint this picture of what was going on in the spiritual realm when daniel thought nothing was happening physically and it says that the angel appeared to daniel and said to daniel uh gabriella says the lord heard you 21 days ago or from the first day you started praying but the prince of persia which stood challenged or resisted or delayed me now let's be clear the only human in this story so far is daniel only human the prince of persia was the principality over persia that'd have been iraq iran and kuwait or whatever else right so the bible says that there was an entity in the second heavens it was the principality of persia this was the principality that orchestrated the evil in this this territory and it was this evil that stopped the messenger angel now this is important to know because gabriel wasn't on power with the principality gabriel was in the principality gabriel was a messenger angel let's be clear so much so that they had to summons help from michael hello someone who's on par so michael show up so what's going on here michael grab him we're gonna get down here man go you go now you go he'll go yeah yeah so what i'm saying to you what you may not see physically panning out the god of abraham is working your case out for you in the spiritual realm you must have the faith and that's what faith is all about but even though i don't see it i believe with all my might that god if his word say the seed of the righteous is delivered that's gospel for me i don't need to hear no more everything that comes out of my mouth now will be in compliance with that scripture father even though i don't see it right now i believe my son is delivered i believe my son is going to be on a good job he's going to have a good family that's how i'm going to speak i'm not going to let the devil put no garbage in my head and questioning god god his word is forever settled in heaven his word cannot return unto him void whatever he's that's the end of it mr satan get he gave me a dream and this young boy was sitting across from me there was a familiar home from where i grew up and there were hornets on the ceiling and i said oh luke russell look at the hornets and they all coagulated together and the door opened on its own the hornets came out and then the doors shut on its own there you go is that the offsets before you the hornets that he went and he sent to no what that is is the the lord of abraham is eradicating the evil out of your life shutting the door permanently on them deliverance is your portion man you just have to come in agreement with what god has already done see what you're doing is you're in it's normal don't think you're the only person like this you're overthinking the situation and i understand it's your kid you love him i would be the same way but this is where we really have to put our faith in god now in order to aid that we have to focus more on the scriptures as it as opposed to our circumstances whenever you focusing more on your circumstances compared to the scripture you'll always find yourself in a uh anxiety type state or what if he dies tomorrow and the devil will use you during this point and inserting all kind of stuff in your mind so it's imperative that you whatever the devil come at you with it is written yes yes yes remind you just let he remind you but his junk will you remind him what the word of god says the word of god says in psalms 112 uh verses one and verse two it says praise he the lord blessed is the man that feared the lord and delighted greatly in his commandments for his seed shall be mighty upon the earth and the generation of the upright shall be blessed so this is what you speak man this is what you decree this is what you declare i told people about my son all the time when it was time to go send him to college i didn't have two pennies to rub together but i say you going because before when he was in primary school i used to pray this boy is going to college and i will hear nothing else so whatever i did it was speaking in the affirmative of that well he graduated last year and december his bachelor's degree he'd get all his life now i'm not going to entertain something that i already know i already know why you know many ways i'm uh operating around saying that you know money don't go to college you're going to college no no no no i am going to decree i am going to call those things that be not as though they are i'm going to walk by faith and not by sight that's what i'm going to do we can shut that devil down being let him come and put junk in our head when he come we coming twice as hard as him and that's the attitude so when you speak about your son you cover him with the blood of jesus you remind god of the promises that he made to you as the righteous the bible say doha and join in hand though evil forces are working against him it says that evil will not go unpunished but the seed of the righteous you are the righteous your son is your seed the seed of the righteous shall be delivered meaning that we don't need no board of directors to come figure out nothing here that's the deal and that's it so yes in fact what's your surname father god i pray for russell right now in the name of jesus christ every opposing force that's coming against his life father god just like how you rain down fire for elijah rain down fire on every evil demonic spiritual force that is fighting his destiny every evil altar whatever is coming against him spiritually that is hindering him that is delaying him father god i pray that you'll remove the spiritual impediments out of the way i pray that you'll restore his mind his spirit his soul his entire life father redirect him realign him to his original destiny in the name of jesus father i bind my faith with all of those that are here right now and we petition the throne room of grace asking you to not only have mercy on him but father god to reinstate his life in the name of jesus christ we break the covenants we destroy any form of agreement we come against any sacrifice father god we even repent of the sins the iniquities and the transgressions of the ancestors that may have facilitated his life right now in the name of jesus we prophesy decree and declare and come in accordance to your word he shall be mighty upon the earth he will advance he will be slingshot into his destiny father god he will be a walking example to many others many others will be saved because of him many other lives will be turned around because of him so we thank you for what he's going through because your word declares that we ought to give thanks in all things yes for this is the will of god concerning us in christ jesus so father god we end this prayer believing right now that even though we may not see physically what you're doing but whatever you're doing behind the scenes in the spiritual realm it will manifest physically for a better life for russell in the matchless in the mighty name of jesus christ amen and amen shut that baby down shut it down question testimony go ahead a year ago and as you were teaching about different spirits some of the spirits i didn't even recognize they were for example the spirit of fear right and intimidation that used to affect me so much and as you start teaching though god revealed to me bring back to me how the spirit of fear came into my life i remember when i was nine years old i had a dream and i had a bag on my shoulder and when i put my hand into this bag i felt something held my hand when i saw darkness in the world and from that time i realized from that time i had fear in my life i intimidated him to stand up to foreign but as i started to use what he thought the war nothing went for my you know i used to battle i used to battle with fair and i could tell you how it came into my life i was about six years old and back then uh my mother used to wash out here in the little uh the bathroom little zing there and when she put i had under the little faucet there i felt i was getting drowned i would begin to fight and from that point forward i had i mean immense fear in my life you see me doing this here now my listen if somebody had told me this 20 years ago i accidentally smoked grass not me i think you could catch me up there i was fearful of everything i felt inadequate even when conducting relationships i wasn't born like some fellas you didn't give the first kiss on the date no man i wait for you to kiss me because i ain't got that kind of knife to do that i used to be intimidated about everything and it was so bad that i mean i knew what god had called me to do but i was very nervous to do it and i gave this testimony all the time one day i prayed to god i said god listen if you would take this fear away from me your boy would be unstoppable and believe you me but obviously he moved it and when he moved that man luckily i was going forward ever since so i could totally relate to you i'm happy that god led you to those videos and break that spirit of fail in your life yes my friend outside of the word of god what are the teachers have impacted you in your ministry that's interesting outside of the word of god meaning like outside of preachers preachers outside of right right who in your life has impacted you right or who who do you study well i what's his name les brown i used to listen to uh les brown quite a bit even before i became a christian uh very much and the reason why i'm telling you why i used to listen to him because again i knew i had a calling on my life but i was so fearful but listening to him i mean this guy can take the most saddest moment and just turn into something just to celebrate so i liked uh listening to him i listened to uh with a guy named the tall gentleman tony right but not much uh much but i i would listen to them now i'll tell you this though uh and i kind of like motivational speakers but i like more spiritual motivational speakers but nevertheless my reason for listening to the sky is because again i knew there was something in me but i needed someone to help me pull it out now back then we didn't have i would say we didn't we we didn't have much spiritual encouragement we had someone just screaming at you all day come on may you who made you angry you shouted before you know god said and god said so you leave from there no but again when i would listen to a les brown and he would tell you look at life from a different perspective and enjoy your life now and make the best of this moment right now while he may not have been putting scriptures to it it still had a scriptural law base that you could springboard from so yeah now i read a lot i read a lot of books by spiritual leaders of course uh mary kay braxton uh mary sorry rebecca brown and a whole myriad of books that i read especially on spiritual warfare now not because i wanted to again when you're following the laws of god i don't know how to put this but it's like the lord just directs you in the past you're supposed to go i never signed on for for this i never said you know one day i'm gonna be a speaker on dreams interpretation spiritual warfare and so on no no but everything that i got connected to was related to this so what else that tells me that tells me which i will tell you your greatest challenge in your life that's on a consistent level is more than likely is a part of the gift that god has given you to give to others it's a part of your calling so the more you try to fight it the more you the more miserable your life is going to become because this is what you were called to do so for me right now i'm in my element i can do this tomorrow morning because i love it when i when i'm done with this i feel like i i'm accomplished but i know i have to travel to minister there's no nervousness there's no butterfly that's not i just cannot wait to get out there and interact with my crowd and i just riddle in off those scriptures bringing those points together painting this picture being funny i love that that's why on my job as an account executive fedex i don't want to see another report i don't see another spreadsheet i don't care about that no no and your best life is when you are doing what you are called to do i don't when i was on my job my two my two important moments on my job period five o'clock that was it they were my holy days they were my sabbath and that was my sabbath right there yeah five o'clock sorry weekend also five o'clock weekend payday whenever they come the spirit is about to move right now so but doing what i do and if you if you watch most of my videos i always start off saying get to know what you are called to do trust me the the monies are going to automatically come you got to fight for that you don't got to pay tricks for that people are going to pour into your life uh especially uh when when you're doing what you're quality you're affecting people you will never meet on this planet but what you're doing for them is you're changing the course of not just their life but future destinies and they will do whatever it is to to meet your need you don't have to ask for it so that's why you will never see me on a video if you sow into this ministry god is going to uh bless you you know and he isn't just going to bless you i i see god telling you to go into that wallet and write me a check for three million dollars right now move by faith quickly [Laughter] no no listen to me the greatest the greatest life the greatest life you could live is doing what you are called to do and that's why i'm at right now when i walked off of my job and i gave my resignation it's like i passed them back their burden and now i can come i'm sorry but you said something this weekend i heard you say it three times he said when you walk in your gifting you also unlock other people's yes yes i shared today when i spoke that at the end of 2017 i was already a believer i was actually a minister at my church but sherland and i fasted at the end of that year didn't hear you yet fasted and was fed up of just being stuck being in this place where you know you got to jump through groups right you always talk about to get to where you need to be wasn't doing much wasn't being me right i came across a video someone shared that's a friend of mine i don't even remember who it was you were live on the radio program and that video changed my life wow because after that day and i started to listen to you con consistently after that day it was like someone took the ceiling off of my expectation off of my performance off of everything that i was doing but with some type of limitations right and questioning whether i was overstepping right right right to be me right i went to the first spiritual awakening as an attendee last year today i spoke right there you go because of you being who you are or obediently walking in your gifting it lifted a ceiling off of my wife and i and i can't even begin to thank you i i praise god right right but i thank you for your obedience because you know we still work our jobs and whatever right and i relate to you because i love pathetic right right right right right right right right but i can't imagine not doing what god has called me to do right and the freedom and the i don't want to use the word hi right of doing what i was meant to do is i can't wait to be at the next thing right an opportunity comes up for me to do what i love doing right so thank you you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome um you said to me last year i attended the first time in the first awakening and you said to me just focus on your ministry just focus on god we're always doing and there were plays over every day and i kid you not the enemy has come as a flood about everything and i just say i just need to stay focused if i can just stay focused every day i have been and i thank you and i told you this last night there were just every day as played because i said i can do it if i just focus on you god if i just follow if i just got you frame it yesterday in a different way like the laws but if i just if i just do everything that you tell me i know i'm following you and so the same i just wanted to say thank you because their word i literally can say has saved my life even two weeks ago i knew it was another the god of israel that was with me i would not be here today i knew that i know it gave me confirmation but he said just focus amen you make it so thank you you're very much welcome great um i just wanted to add to what they were saying i have just two things um i got introduced to you through a friend of mine and but before that i had questioned god i've been in and out of church constantly i'm sure of coming from the west indies we were dragged to church i call it drag to church because i never wanted to go no we relate but um i had bouts of always wanting to be with god and wanting to know that and i know i have a calling on my life i do because the enemy has tried to destroy me many times tried to kill me when i was a little girl tried to just wipe me out and um i know that the angels because i felt where angels actually grabbed me and pulled me out of situations where cars could have knocked me out or bus could have passed and rip off my head and in that type of gruesome way he was trying to get rid of me from since i was a child but i've always had an issue with the church and so when when i always would go into church then back out of church and into church then back out of church i got to a point where my god i've had enough i've had enough of church i've had enough of pastors i've had enough of sewing and giving offering i was the one that would be running first to the altar you just had to say give a thousand dollars and god will bless you i'll be like right here my check is ready give i would give my rent check i would be like god i don't care my biggest sacrifice is my rent my biggest sacrifice is my food whatever it is i'm giving you for you to bless me because they say if in malachi 3 blah blah blah you give so i would be the first one to run up to that also until my mom used to be like what is wrong with you i would follow winitab i would follow all the big names you understand so it was like i got to a point where i'm like god i've had enough if you don't tell me or show me what i need to do or what it is for my life or if you i know you're real but if you don't show me what i am doing and i need to know who you are and what you want i am not stepping foot in another church i am not i don't want to hear another preacher i don't want to hear nobody talking about you and then my friend sent me a video she sent a group chat to us and it was your video okay and i was like i called i was like sharon oh my god seriously i don't want to hear i just finished talking to god [Laughter] and you're sending me this video she's like no i want you to listen to it because ruty had sent it to her right and so she i don't know okay and so i put you on and i'm like okay all right okay and i it was like you touched something in me my spirit and i remember that night i put you on the side i put on your video on the side of my bed on my phone and i listened to the videos constantly and then you were talking about um like altars and all of these things and i remember when i was about 16 i came up my mom sent us to um america to serve my aunt but my my mom had just met my my dad's sister and she didn't know what she was involved in at the time and she was a high priestess wow in the shanghai show and you know as a young person you know coming from trinidad you know about baptists and stuff like that but i've always been one when i was little i was always curious about things so we my brother and i was up there and we we started going to them to their outings and we'd be beating the drum and i don't know nothing i'm like yeah this is pretty cool i'm beating the drums and all this kind of stuff you're going to the lakes and i saw things that i was like i saw a purse a woman walk on fire go down in a lake without breathing for a long time came back up walking fire and i thought that was pretty cool as a young person because i'm like well okay you know that's pretty cool um it's religion but you didn't know at the time that that was a bad thing but i remember before we when i was there mike we were sleeping downstairs in the basement she had a stepdaughter but i didn't know the stepdaughter was being abused by her son well it turned on me where when i was sleeping my brother my little brother was sleeping on one side of the couch i was sleeping on another another and he came and literally had you know he abused me but i at the time i was afraid to tell because she one time she put me to sit down because she said some of our money was missing because my mom told us when we got to america give your aunt all your money so because you know we are children so she said she put us to sit down and she lit a candle and she said if you're lying i will know if the flame goes a particular way i would know and then she blamed me and i was like oh where how would i take my our own money i don't even know where you did it so i was afraid of her so when when i i didn't want to tell her what was going on and it for the whole summer that we were there he abused he was abusing me but before we left i remember we went to a feast that they had and they killed the goat and with blood and all of that and they put me in a circle and they were at the time they were dancing and she was beating me with a cookie broom and all of these things and ever since that then when god brought it to my members ever since that time i was very rebellious and also i whenever i would get close to marriage i would i would have been engaged many times but would never i was married one time but that ended in divorce then but every time i would i would be asked a man to get married because i am a good woman i react to get married but i would never get close i would never get that marriage and i would always be like god what is going on my brother is married my other brothers are my because my my father was a stumbling rock um so it was like he i i'm like my i don't know my question because i didn't want to talk to them i didn't want to bring it up i heard in the spirit god was like you need to to talk about this because you know it's like god talks to me all the time and he tells me i need to write a book and tell people about my life and i'm so i look at you because you tell people about so much about your life and i have always been like oh god how would people look at me because i've done some things that but when i listen to you it's like he is actually coming and telling people what has been going on in his life and and you know you're not perfect and it's like but other passes make it look like they're so perfect and they're like holier than that and i thank you for being open and just being so open and just transparent and letting us know what you have been through so i need to know how because i do want to get married i do want to have a good have a family and i do want to enjoy that married life that i have been always wanting since i was a child and it's like i keep asking god what is it i need you to show me what is it i need to do to get to that point that i'm always so close but never could get that point i'm 50 years old now and i'm like what the heck is going on it's a nice story like that but here's where the problem is that initiation did not shut down your life right now yeah and i can't wait for the more to explain this in more detail when a person when a person is initiated into sorcery or they make parks or covenants like in a large whatever they are literally changing the god ordained order for their life you see again we said it last night before you entered this world god has already blessed all of us with all spiritual blessings and heavenly places chosen us in him before the foundation of the world so whatever you were supposed to become and do in life god already sold all of that out what sorcery does through initiation is that when they speak of you in the different languages they're changing that spiritual order from the original order of god to a demonic order so in a nutshell witchcraft for sorcery is to either hinder or stop the natural progress of a person for example the bible says in genesis chapter 1 verse 28 it says and god bless them meaning adam and eve but when he blessed them which was spiritual it enabled them to be fruitful to multiply to replenish in the subdued meaning outside of that spiritual blessing those things couldn't happen so that's called order for their lives same thing as us we're supposed to advance in every area of our life that's supposed to be a natural process so when someone initiates you or bring you into the covens or whatever the order is now change in fact in uh if you look up the scripture in colossians chapter 2 and verse 15 or 16 they talk about the handwriting of ordinance that was against us has been blotted out as a result of what jesus did on the cross so as you can see our lives are literally god spoken ordained rules for us to perform a specific way while we exist here so when people are writing your name or using your hair or whatever and taking it to an altar they're making an agreement with blood relatives or ancestors or whomever we don't want kevin to prosper we want to release a spirit of anti-marriage so what will happen now the spirits of that altar are like police officers in the physical realm police officers do not legislate rules and laws they enforce it so those spirits the the the the order that we have a spirit to this altar is that kevin must always get to the brink of a marriage but never to get married so life has now been designed by these forces to ensure that you connect with people that will secure if it's a divorce it's a curse of divorce and it will be divorced if it's a curse of anti marriage it'll be that and let me bring one let me get poisoned with you my my grandmother on my mommy's side she's divorced my mother's divorce most of her family members are divorced i'm divorced all of my brothers are divorced my cousins are divorced so this don't sound like no blessing to you right right right but when we go up and begin to research through the family there's some things that took place that wasn't too godly all right and that's what started the initiation but nobody knew mind you my grandmother became a christian those children all of them are saved no jesus washed in the blood and all that but did that stop them from being divorced no and that's what i keep telling people the crisis don't automatically stop you got to recognize it and take the verdict that was established at the cross and begin to break those covenants and tell the covenant that was established with your life when they did all of that stuff until that is broken you have kids no okay even if you let's say you had kids listen even when you would have moved on what would have happened spiritually is that baton of anti marriage have been passed on to them so that's why i keep saying this spirits are not interested in casual relationship they don't want to go for lunch with you and have a little dinner date no we want a long-term relationship and the only way that can be achieved is through a covenant once that covenant so when your aunt whomever had you surrendered to that altar there was something in it for her there was something in there for her whether it's wealth whether whatever the case may be there was something in it so she had to give something that was there to her to the altar in exchange for what she want from them so i'd have to based on my advice like i told a little you have to go on a fast and break that covenant and you know how you know you're going to break in that cousin or in the process of being broken all hell can break loose in your life but that's a good thing because it's showing you that you are unseating the forces that was once sitting on you but you got to shut that down and you know what when you shut that down man let me tell you something your life i tell you when those covenants were broken uh i got married to this beautiful woman in the back here i got a promotion on my job and when i tell you it's almost like i was almost scared to take these things somebody tried to set me up somebody somebody trying to set me up and i tell you the feeling is like no other feeling that this stuff really is real because they're like nobody came to me and give me six million dollars to take you all my bills and bring happiness to my life no i literally watched the walls and the petitions and the stumbling blocks cleared out of the way after i did my 40-day fast and that don't mean you have to take a 40 day fast and like you said it was the most difficult right the three day fast sharon so i had someone there we were like we are doing this thing right with each other every day we were in it together and if i did not have her there i would have because that is when i love sweets so that is when every sugary thing was right right right very delicious yeah no no no so it was the most difficult three days i know it was like a desert in my mind i know dry trough i know everything and i was working within that time so i would walk i'd take care of a baby so i would be walking and i would feel weak and i'd be like oh god just help me just help me so i did it and but you know what after within that time frame we heard from the lord the lord prophesied to us my friend she was we were talking in tongues and i would hear okay when we were talking in tongues the spirit of the lord would say she's speaking arabic she's speaking this and the interpretation would come through so we got we it was our spiritual man was really being elevated so anyone who is having difficulty in trying to do this three-day pass i am telling you it's going to be brutal it's going to be brutal the most brutal thing you could ever do in your life but it is so necessary it is so necessary now tell me this uh you have siblings sisters lost they married yes most of them okay so just you and a few of them are not married yes what about you have uh male siblings yes what are their lives like um one of my brothers he he's he's successful he works with verizon my other brother um which is on my mom and dad he is um he's left his job now but he was doing okay but he doesn't have children either that's my brother with my mom and dad right him and i don't have children but he's married as well too but it's difficult and he always we always helping people and he said that i'm always helping people that but then when it comes to me things are always difficult and then my other siblings because my dad had children with other women so it's like their life has been a little bit difficult but they are also married some of them are married some of them have been murdered some of them were killed some of them um have been a little bit wayward you know and that sort of thing but um i it's like i find that with me because my my brother told me something and it sort of stuck me he said you are meant to be the gem of our family that's supposed to bring us out of things you know and i'm like i'm like i know god put me here for a reason for that but and i think that is what made me my aunt saw and when she passed i didn't i stopped speaking to her for years and it was just last year i heard the lord say go and talk to her and forgive her so i went and i spoke to her and i said you know auntie molly i forgive you for what you did and she was like forgive me for what i was like um you know you know and she's like you know what whatever you say but she passed away um last year as well too after i went to see her and her children my even when my mom went to the funeral she said they did not even take care in burying her it was just like they just threw her on the slab and sent her through the crematorium like go burn in hell kind of thing you know so um it's because i guess i found out after that she became the highest of the highest of the highest in the baptist official except that she was in she was like the madame i don't i mean like i said i don't know how high you can go but she was the highest of the high so what that also says to me if she was the highest of the high then that mean the initiation should have done with you wouldn't have been a normal initiation now here's what that also means uh even in what you're doing now in terms of the fasting you said something early that you didn't start to speak to the last year because that also would have fueled your existence in this state see people miss this all the time because they don't preach this in church that any form of unforgiveness in your heart you are literally at the same time or simultaneously putting your relationship with god on whole because the scriptures are clear forgive others so that he will forgive you if god hasn't forgiven you then he hearing nothing you're telling him so you have to sort that out a lot of people don't realize that this because of their bitterness their unforgiveness their anger unresolved anger towards others is fueling the very thing they're trying to rid out of their lives that is becoming she already did what she had to do her covenant's already in place now a person will go on a fast and do this and do that and still they don't see a significant change but it has nothing to do whether or not god is working and have a lot to do with their hearts scripture says in proverbs sorry psalms 66 18 very clear if we regard iniquity in our heart god will not hear us proverbs 28 and 13 he who hides his sin shall not prosper isaiah 59 verses 1 and 2 for the hands of the lord i'm not sure that he cannot reach us as heirs are not clogged that he cannot hear us but our iniquity has separated us from our god and our sin has caused him to hide his face from us so these are the impediments even though someone did us wrong these are the impediments once they are not resolved or taken care of as it relates to the scriptures then we are now co-laborers with our enemies against ourselves so it's mandatory because for the most part what the devil will say to us all they did to you look what she did to you she jack up your life she delayed you these are true statements but are we living righteously meaning are we living the god-ordained way are we retaining anger bitterness unforgiveness okay do whatever we speak about the person that has hurt us is it always negative or derogatory or condescending way see all of these factors is literally speaking about your what heart why because out of the abundance of the heart the overflow what's going to speak your foot no your mouth so don't tell me i love kevin but every time kevin name comes up this old dirty dog think he better than other people no good bump loser you can't you're telling me you love me but whenever you come to others this is so the bible say your heart will now begin to to snitch on you don't have to force you to tell you how you really feel it's like you're overflowing with this anger and unforgiveness so before we even deal with her we have to do an inventory on ourselves and sometimes that's going to require literally asking god god please help me to rid myself of this particular thing the people who are telling you about did all the wickedness to me i remember i was advised by others you need to send prayers back to sender so i used to be placing my house lord i said these no-good dogs god lord strike them knock their kneecaps straight out make them limp whatever they gotta go lord oh man oh god this really no and one day the revelation hit me like a ton of bricks no vengeance belong to who god that's his portfolio what's our portfolio we must forgive and then the lord began to just litter me with scriptures to the extent i made a series on my radio show with it you know you can't say you you you you want god to fix a situation for you when you're trying to take care of the situation yourself she don't do what she had to do god will judge her but we need to first go in a state of repentance asking god to clear us up all right we go on our fast do what we need to do sometimes it might require more than one fast because the truth is the fast the first one is dealing with us okay and now we can go on the fast forward we really want to be done but god is always searching the heart of men look at me right now i said boy kevin really got it together he's a nice guy man i like this guy you don't know what i deal with when i'm in the dark when you when i'm not before you and that's why i tell people don't put no faith in me don't put your faith in christ i am not your jesus and i am not christ i am a mere moral just like you trying to live a right life to the best of my ability again i'm not captain crunch i don't spend no webs i don't fly on no chance i don't have that ability and i always tell people it's because some people get so caught up with me oh i love you so much in this and i appreciate that but i don't ever want to turn into the very thing that i despise i hate to see people worshiping other people and that's why god never told the church of israel where moses's body was because he know if he told me to go on and worship it he shut that down even the devil was asking will you put the body down your business shut up get from around you think you have a question for me go ahead let me tell you why that's happening first of all and not saying your grandmother was this way but i'm just giving you something that is normal in such cases normally when you see a person suffering from alzheimer's and dementia to the extent when they become very vile and gross then what happened is that person at some point probably even up to that point also still operating in sorcery the spirits that they use throughout their lives to do their bidding those same spirits eventually turn on them so go ahead see it don't make sense and a lot of times and i know of many cases like this where christians are the very ones they're in the hospital on their dying beds especially the male guys and telling nice what they want to do to them sexually you know i used to be a bastard right and they just carrying on but it just shows to you their secret life is now coming out full force now see what they were done what was done in the dark just like the law says is now coming to light because let's go back to the scripture again the scripture says what a good man out of the good treasures of assad will only bring forth what good things so if you are christian all your life you're always in church and now you on your death bed or suffering dementia and you telling people but they underneath knowledge other stuff something right here some kind of confused here so when we use the law not to judge people but to make an assessment now we see something is wrong here's what we do now you now have to intercede for her and start off by breaking covenants shining tell you that most people and i i i have people telling me you know i came when i went to mummy because you said that you must always find the origin and see what they was dealing with and mommy time to get from all right i said don't worry about her based on the things you saw in the past and now based on the scriptures i've given you you are able to make an assessment that some way somehow she was involved so you begin to pray from that perspective because shane could tell you i mean come on who's going to walk around come come here tommy now you know i fixed your power right who can say that you know your power give me all this money because i had to tire it up nobody's going to say that and because they're not going to say that then we have to use the biblical laws to bring about that assessment and then we forward ourselves from there as it relates to you have to fast for her how old is she go see god sparing our life sparing our life you know never three score intention living on some of our time now so you got to pray for her before the lord slipping into eternity you have to pray for her pray for her soul fight for your grandmother's soul you see i always say this and this would kind of help me get over those who despise me in the past see what you do here to me is temporal when you slip from here over there that's eternal there's no coming back there's no even if i decided to forgive you 50 years after you die that don't change the fact that where you are is eternal and that's why people who carry around hate and bitterness as if it's some kind of reward or trophy they're sick people because if you die in that state i don't care how prestigious you were to your church or how well-managed you will go to hell i don't care what you did good if you forgive others your heavenly father what will forgive you so fast for her cover i had to up her in a facility because i just the vile thing she says and just totally against the bible i try to bring the bible out too and she won't give it away from me and just tell me how my dad is coming in there every night that's the spirits i give you we had a situation back home years ago there was this lady i mean husband was a pastor actually so she i guess you guys call her voice lady and she she played the paddle i mean she was super duper righteous and all this other stuff anyway she was stricken with breast cancer they had to take one of the breasts off but i had already had spread at that time she died very peaceful death at a home a couple days later they found under her bed uh this book called i think they call it either the five books of moses anyway it's a witchcraft book this first lady now first lady have a sorcery book under her bed so what i'm saying to you yeah i get that part uncle was a christian all that this is why the scriptures say god assess the hearts of men and my brother is a pastor and he just see something wrong see some covenant some something is wrong i mean when we look at the rules something is fundamentally wrong here is wrong and what is wrong is spiritual because when you see a person at that age with those vile things and resisting the word of god that ain't that person man there's a spirit that's now intervened in that situation and pulling the shrinks to everything that you guys got to fast pray coming agreement to break the covenants that's the key whatever covenants were established is giving those spirits the right to do what they're doing to her so that have to be dealt with more questions i could go now and you come under these barriers of attacks is it wise for you to be praying for them like that you have to the more you pray the more you come on here you have to pray so why wouldn't you want to pray your life is like a constant what you're saying it's crippling to think straight when i go in there and i get that now let's look at the scripture see now you're going to see what i say all the time if it is scripture i don't hear your feeling i don't hear your opinion because when you do that you're in violation of the rules the bible says in luke chapter 18 verse 1 men are always the one and not what that's what it says right that's the scripture you ought to pray for all mankind especially our enemies it says that we ought to pray for those that despitefully use us and say all man of things against us we ought to bless those that curse us this is what the scripture says but why is the scripture saying this though the scripture is saying it for this reason that is still a soul it is not god's desire that any should perish but that all shall come to return that's what scripture says right now let's flip the script let's say you was in that position she telling you she's safe but you see any safe actions going on there you need to pray for that woman's soul the the evidence listen carefully again out of the abundance of the heart which speaking now it ain't you casting it she is the one out of the again let's stick to the rules let's remove our personal feelings out of the situation i know that's your mom your grammy whatever i get that i'm not insensitive to that but let's put let's take the law you're a lawyer right when you get a client the client say well um i didn't feel like this and and my opinion is this that the judge interested in that no the judge is interested when you present that client's case you know what the judge is listening for the laws the rules was it violated was it in breach the lodge judging i say well you got a nice suit today man come on here go free no no no no no no no so what i'm saying to you is that the the the law is what's speaking here out of the abundance if her heart was filled with good things according to the scripture not kevin then good things should come out of her that doesn't mean she's a wicked evil no good person i'm not saying that what i'm saying that now that we see the evidence then we begin to operate in prayer and fasting from what we see right we're not condemning or we're not trying to get all we're trying to save up and trying to save her we got to look at the laws and based on just like with you when you go with a client come to you and say you know what uh they got me on a murder charge you're not gonna go look in the laws we're dealing with stealing right you're dealing with got to do with murder so right so we look under these particular rules in the bible what can we put in our prayer what can we use to come at the situation because i'm telling you based on what you guys tell me now there's a major fight for us all right now but it also tells me her demise is very now so you've got to fight cover her i don't care what you do put some olive oil on your hand rest it or not if she move behind you don't worry about that you keep praying you keep covering up ask the blood of jesus to break the spiritual cords and bondages from our life and release her to truly accept jesus christ you need that because i don't want to hear she would have passed because i know where your mind gonna go now did she make it in so we don't want to wonder about that let's do whatever we can from our end to ensure that she make it into the have this kingdom um i i just found you this year yeah yeah maybe maybe a couple of months ago but i realized too that uh all of a sudden more than ever this year this year i had started having these really dreams about uh i mean like things jumping over my bed and everything and so um i i would learn how to do the spiritual warfare prayer and go into this in the scriptures and everything and um sometimes i'm asked you know this is a small establishment but i'm asked to to to minister to bring the word and i had started to do it a little different now i started to like bring it as if we're definitely coming from the word of god and trying to teach because i know because that one time i asked god i said god i don't want to go there no more then all of a sudden i found myself going back there but not like every sunday so they have one sunday where i will minister and so when i started ministers differently and started praising god and coming from the word of god and and and speaking about demonic forces and everything they're on you well the minister actually this minister that says there she always has someone else minister and she always go to haiti every year [Laughter] for some reason for as long as i can remember i would say i can't wait i gotta go through hey i got to go minister to haiti but i remember one time i had before before audition before i started like really getting into spiritual warfare that's just recently when i really started growing in it um because at one time i said i told her uh i'm gonna go i'm gonna go to haiti and you know she like like that i mean i noticed that she did that right and so and then every time i had acts she never encouraged me i i seen her encourage other people so i said you know what i saw so after just just recently i said to god i said you know what lord if you know you know what i ain't even gonna even think about going over to haiti anymore i said because you know what if you don't tell me to go over there and she never asked me to go over there i am not going i said once i started reaching this way she said oh you are you are you not you know you know what mr dan you you never been to haiti why don't you why don't you go with us this time i think and i'm and i said i mean it's not the fact now that i know about spiritual warfare it's the fact that i'm thinking about i'm going with someone that can then don't practice spiritual warfare wow and you're going to hear but they've been going over all the time and i've been out and then now i started my their lifestyle and everything i've been around and monitoring their lifestyle i said what would it be like if i go over there and they and they're being in a caramel situation like they always be you know so i'm praying about it you know and it doesn't seem like i have gotten gotten okay to uh to really go because i know that yeah i know about the brother jesus being covered in the blood of jesus i know what's going on i know there's a lot of things right going on here right in america so but so that's that's my question i know that that's where i'm at right right here's how i would answer that right and you should wait to get confirmation from god and i i have to place emphasis on this and this is generally not because you i believe of jesus christ not because you are blood bought you can go anywhere no in a matthew i think one or two sorry go ahead no i when i was thinking about telling you this here the scripture came up and says that go ye in all the world and to preach the gospel right and and i'm saying that i know this he may come up basically but i'm still like saying all of a sudden it's like i think you know in a way earlier this year when this year's uh demonic forces were coming and attacking me and i was praying and in my bed i i i literally know where to go i have my own spiritual altar one time they even tried to come here i was praying in my spiritual office you're attacking me when you say day who who's the demonic do you know where they're coming from um no no no not really but but i think it might be coming from like family members not not from the church member but i mean just one time i have i have in my in a certain room where i go praying the altar right plead the blood of jesus and i have on tapes and say uh evil uh authors come down and scatter and all that and one time i was like sometimes at one time i was a thriller like really tired i said i just i knew that i shouldn't be this tired why am i trying to be so tired and i was in my right there where i go to pray with god i i knew that i was that that there were things moving around in my room in in that area and and i was just saying of course you know i wasn't not going to paralyze a sleep but it was like in the name of jesus jesus in the name of jesus jesus and you know because yes i do have a cat and my cat but this afternoon i thought oh that's my cat coming back and i said but when i woke up i realized my cat was nowhere around it wasn't i didn't i knew it was some kind of animal and everything let me ask you this question i'll cut you off have you had any dreams about your church members at all your pastor not to my acknowledge no have you had any dreams about your family members negative dreams oh yes i had a dream about my uh i used to always have dreams about my sister basically basically and sometimes my brother because my mom she's still alive she's in her 90s in my and and what they did behind i i forgave them and everything but what they did behind my back was to take care of my my mom's business sell her house do everything not let me know not even which i felt as though that was that's a sin how can you do that because my mind is a little like not all there basically but how can you do that and because i was really trying to be close to my mom but even though i know when i was coming up my mom used to always get like kind of like bullying me sort of and um and so i kept on having these dreams because i remember one time i noticed that the house where my mom lived i went on like you know you could google a house i grew up in the house and i seen the windows up and i said what's the window stored up my mom's not there so i asked my brother what's going on over there oh they oh my brother start arguing with me my and i called my sister she started cussing me out nope and and he just said i'm doing something there and then i let it go and then about actually a year or so i still uh okay what did you do with the house we sold it but in between that time i was kept having dreams about my sister and what she's doing in the dream that's what i'm trying to focus on most of the time that dream i'm telling her you know what you do better if you move out if you get out of the house like i'm back into the old house i think i'm really back into the house that they sold i said you could and uh and she had family she had maybe her kids or something and she would i said if you don't go um i'm i'm i'm going you got to you've got to move this stuff and i you know see what i'm trying to nail down right now you said about these things that's going on in your room these supernatural things and you're not convinced that it's the church it's coming from you believe it's your family yes so i'm asking you about dream because i'm trying to make the correlation here because here's where i'm at in order for something like to happen in your home you being a christian there's a disconnect here there's either something as a point of contact that you have in that home that you would have brought there or somebody given to you that literally is giving these forces the right to harass you to come against you so that's what i'm trying to make the correlation you talk to me about your church and then go into haiti you talk about uh they don't do no kind of spiritual warfare teaching i suppose in your church what have you now my next question to you is your church itself i mean uh there are signs one there's miracles there people being saved delivered you know uh no right every church that i've seen so far i've been a part of even when i was a part of a deliverance church it's mostly a social thing i really don't really i really got to the point these past years not really like saying i'm a member of a particular church i will go to fellowship in the church and this one particular church just wants me to come they really want me to be there all the time but i won't it's the same church we're talking about who you are not yeah so there are no signs there's no one there's still miracles no nothing no and they don't have no kind of teaching on spiritual warfare and she goes to haiti every year excuse me she goes to haiti every year you say he goes to haiti she's been going ahead for over 15 years okay let me let me solve this right now for you let me stop this right now for you and we're going to wrap up right here here as we go the bible is clear matthew 15 verses 6 of verse 7. jesus said to the pharisees and the leaders of the church he said because of your tradition the word of god is of no affect meaning you will not see no signs you will not see no oneness you will not see no deliverance you will not see any of that what you will see though is a form of godliness you will see all of the theatrics the praise and worship team the lifting holy arms uh god is going to do this do not sow this so that but you will never see the promises of god begin to manifest itself now even though you may be looking in the direction of your family members and based on what you've said so far the contribution or what will cause that will be because of them selling those and whatever that personal stuff was but the truth is it could be the very place that you call church that could be the source of all of your issues right now because the purpose of a church is to bring change deliverance to set people free and if you're just making uh tours down to hades and so on for whatever reason but there's no manifested power being uh demonstrated in the place that you call worship we have an issue here yeah that's like having a mechanic store and every car that comes here cannot be fixed no something is wrong here so my advice to you is you need to revisit god as it relates to whether or not you should be to that place because especially when it comes to you all of a sudden starting to preach on spiritual warfare and now they want you to come to haiti like that qualifies you know you preaching without being shot you know let's go lady no so when you look at all of these factors again we're not judging the church we're not judging the pastor and this is why every time i give advice i'm giving the scripture because i want you to look at the scriptural law that i'm basing this uh view on so that's what we're looking at so for me if you're not being fed there if you're not growing spiritually if nothing is changing in your life then i agree with you as a social club that's all it is and i don't think a social club is where you want to spend your life looking for things of the spirit you want to find yourself in a place that is uh going to feed your spirit man i'm going to take one more question and that'll be it for me with my powers [Laughter] no not working he's here okay so um you mentioned see paralysis earlier um i have a couple questions go ahead okay so i used to have sleep paralysis all the time where um i would feel like something evil was coming like in a room and then it's like around me um it hasn't happened in a while but when i do i'm able to get out of it how do you get out of it just force myself to wake up but you ever call on the name of jesus plead the blood of jesus no do you call on the name of jesus or plead the blood of jesus to get out now you just work your way out when was the most recent time you've had it um probably had one like last year like february what exactly do you feel just something pinning you down like i feel myself waking up um like but my body is not moving moving right now do you know of any other family members that would have experienced this she did yeah all right well like i explained before sleep paralysis is as a result of somebody in the family working sorcery at some point they were involved in witchcraft they don't have to be recent family members it could be generations past as a result of that the spirits from that altar the spirits that they have conjured up and made packs or agreements or covenants with they are going to now begin to visit family members we use the biblical example of when abraham who originally uh made a covenant with god or god made a covenant with him in genesis 15 and 18 as a result of that covenant the spirit of the living god now begin to visit his family members starting with isaac then with jacob and as you go on you will see with the spirit of lord through that lineage begin to visit them so sleep paralysis is as a result of an altar that has been raised in evil altar of course and in that case that spirit that evil spirit is coming to visit the family members to harass them you need to have sleep paralysis you'll hear voices someone calling your name you'll wake up with different scratches on you or these red blotches they call death marks but that happens like every month you see being visited by these spirits you would uh find yourself especially with with insomnia you'll have a lot of that you'll have a lot of uh nightmares always gross dreams and what is really happening is that the spirits from that altar is now showing you spiritually their intent for your life or even that of other family members or other people so you might see your cousin in a horrible plane crash or an accident that's not just a dream that is things being conceived or in the spiritual realm seeking an agreement with a human agent to manifest it so that brings us to this point here how do we get things from the spiritual world to manifest in this physical world well they always have to be a covenant they always have to be an agreement between a spirit and a human being once that agreement has been achieved then the manifestation of what was once conceived spiritually will now pan out physically this is why people raise altars evil altars to get the spirits to do their bidding we need to call up uh they call it ancestors but the truth is the ancestors have nothing to do with us these are foul spirits they're calling up but again we learn this tomorrow what they don't know in making those parks or agreements those same spirits are bringing along with them curses so they're slipping in this covenant the curse of diabetes the curse of cancer the curse of liver failure the case of kidney failure but you don't notice because all your focus on is i'm coming here to get so and so back or whatever the case may be so until the curse sorry the covenant has been broken then the effects of that covenant which are the curses will continue to prevail in the family so you will continue having the scratch on your backs you will continue being tormented by spirits and so on and so forth as you get older in life it's going to become worse yeah so my birthday was sunday or whatever i can't remember if i had to drink right before my birthday or after but i had got shot in my dreams and i couldn't feel no pain but i knew i was like about to die and then um something was like go ahead just die spirits of the altar to be shot in the dream these all represents uh spirits of death shot in a dream stabbing a dream you see someone throwing stones at you especially if those stones are hitting you if you see someone in the dream either verbally where you can hear them cursing obscenity at you or if they're speaking they're talking but you don't hear anything coming out all of these are curses are being sent at you in a dream so if you're shot in the dream you die in the dream remember to really use your spirit so if they kill the spirit well they can't kill the spirit of the spirit dies in the dream which is symbolic of death in the natural then it's just a matter of time before that manifests itself if you don't cancel it if you don't have someone interceding for you so again these teachings are vital because what it does for you now is it makes you proactive or you should be proactive when you have these encounters so it is mandatory especially with the dreamer you got shot you have to go before god asking god to destroy whatever is going on in the spiritual realm to for your demise because that's what it's trying to do so if you see yourself being shot in the dream or you see someone stab you or throw an arrow at you anything to do where you're going to be hit with something it speaks of a spirit of death not only that going back to the laws of the bible where there's a scripture in the old and new testament and it says that if a child curses his mother or father let that child die to death or something of that nature so if you see yourself in the dream and you're fussing with your parents and being totally disrespectful again it's a familiar spirit masquerading as your parent trying to get you to break this law but you say but that isn't my real parent in real life right but you acted as if it was so it's the intent that you're not going to be judged on so again all of these things are important because again the whole purpose of the dream is to forge a covenant with the victim whether it's from the kingdom of darkness or the kingdom of light to facilitate whatever it is that they want to do in your life now most people could scratch it on the side and say okay man this hocus pocus is no more will it be to their detriment because this goes on every day and this world that you live in right now which you see and feel which seems so real to you this is an after effect because the parent world is the spiritual world and whatever happens there what is ever conceived there is seeking through rules laws regulation to manifest itself you need to here jesus christ as your lord and say that's the first thing you need to do you need to get your life right with god that's key a lot of people will skip that just go to the quick fix what can i do what pill could i take what good exercise no you need to have a relationship with god now why is this important because with that relationship comes benefits okay it comes benefit i just like you going on your job before you got on that job none of those benefits you could have participated in now that you have the job there are many benefits that are open to you so accepting jesus christ you're covered by the blood of jesus there's an angelic host at your disposal according to the word of god there is blessings for the righteous you name it they're all there but if you choose not to take that avenue then you're open game in the realm of the spirit unfortunately so my advice is to sort things off with christ all right okay that's it for me i'm done
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 42,689
Rating: 4.966361 out of 5
Keywords: bible study with me, christian vlog, christian vlogger, christian youtube channels, freedom in jesus, how to study the bible, in-depth bible study, kevin l a ewing, law, metaphysical laws and principles, minister kevin l a ewing, scripture, spiritual awakening, spiritual freedom, spiritual growth, spiritual insight, spiritual laws, spiritual laws in the bible, spiritual laws of success, spiritual warfare, spiritual world, spirituality, the word of god, unseen world
Id: afaUi-jcrRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 29sec (13649 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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