A Diligent Person According To Scripture

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good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning one and all good afternoon good evening to some good night to others and it is a pleasure once again to be here with you let me just quickly check my social media pages to ensure that everyone is going to get a piece of this knowledge this morning here we go so let me just check here to make sure i'm on facebook and to ensure that i'm on uh wow there we go there we go okay why am i not seeing myself live this is interesting okay let's try this here maybe i did something wrong so i'm just checking here to make sure i'm on i'm definitely on a youtube i'm definitely on youtube here but i don't see me here on facebook right let me try something else to make sure i am good all right here we go let's try this and as usual this nonsense always happened just before i okay yeah all right all right okay i see people are coming on in so while you guys are coming in i am just doing my checks here to ensure that i do not have any interruption in this uh alleged brief program all right i don't see me on my main page and i'm not able to get on the other ones why is this okay here we go okay all right i guess it'll come together i'm not gonna hurt my head right now so we're 288 we're 288 and we have a very very interest uh teaching today and that teaching has to do with diligent all right one second yeah here we go okay yes so there we go right now uh there we go boom that's what's trying to get there a diligent person according to scripture this is going to be very very very very interesting okay i seem to be on board here with everything so i'm just going to wait till she get to 500 i'll be at 336 i trust you guys are having a wonderful morning those of you who are those of you are experiencing evening and afternoons i trust that you're also having a a wonderful wonderful time uh i have a meeting in the next hour so i don't have a choice then to make this quick so i was just compelled to really get this out there because there's something that really needs to be and i'll go on in another session i'll go in more detail on what i'm trying to convey here but this message is uh for quite a number of people but particularly those who are so adamant about depending on others all right now that could be from from clergy to politicians to family members and so on where they lack the confidence of achieving things on their own or don't feel they have the ability to to achieve something so they are so hell-bent on waiting on someone else to do it for them so they are the mercy mind you they have sense they have intelligence they they may not have the the accolades as the other person but they have the basic to get done or achieve what they want to achieve but they have been conditioned to depend on others and as a result of that their lives are at a standstill or at best the mercy of someone else god did not call us to live that way god did not call us to yes we are to be uh mentored trained advised guided by other people but never to the extent where those people become our final authority this is not what god has called us to do and one of the reasons why i decided to to bring this message up is because the opposite of this is very very tragic it's very very debilitating for any human being to make gospel the the the decisions of somebody else are not their own there is nothing in my opinion that is more tragic than not because clearly we are borderlining on idolatry in terms of making this person our god but more so you basically transforming yourself into an imbecile a fool because you feel you cannot do uh without this person all right so what i'm gonna do here i'm gonna put up the definition of the word diligent so you'll know exactly where we're going here the word diligent the diligent person is one that is constant in effort to accomplish something they're attentive they're persistent in doing anything so even to become that you must be convinced that you can do whatever it is that you settle to do you know you have to make up in your mind that you're going to follow this through and you're not going to allow someone to be your beginning and ending it unless it's god and this is important this is important to note because again where we're going with this teaching this morning you have a lot of people like that a lot of people who are easily duped who are easily uh persuaded because they lack the confidence to accomplish anything with persistence or being attentive and committed to it they're not committed people and so they leave that responsibility to someone whom they trust but the reality isn't so much someone whom they trust they themselves are just too lazy they themselves are just too uh lackadaisical to get it done so they say okay let's leave it to kevin let's leave it to pastor let's leave it to my husband let's leave it to my children okay so they feel more comfortable and at ease letting someone else do the work they just want the benefit of it this is the most dangerous position anybody could ever find themselves in because basically they're rolling on the red carpet for themselves to be bamboozled by someone who see an avenue to take advantage of them okay so this is going to be a very very interesting teaching again the word diligent the word diligent is to a person that is constant in effort to accomplish something they are determined to get the job done they are they don't care whatever it takes they're going to do it they are committed to it and the real thing i want you to look at is look at here's somewhat the opposite of diligent they're not depending on someone they don't take what someone say as gospel they are diligent in proving it they are diligent and looking at the facts they are diligent and looking at what what is the statistical data what history can i go on okay to make the decision to take the route that i want to take to accomplish my goal all right now to give you just a quick example of it is we're talking about the the well i'm not talking about that today but i'm just going to use this as an example to get my point across you know social media has become a very very uh powerful and in some cases deadly tool as far as propaganda as far as gossip as far as rumors are concerned some truth too but as you would all know a rumor would spread much faster or faster sorry than any truth all right now the interesting thing about that and just talking about the vaccine thing we have all of a sudden a lot of social media uh people who have overnight become experts in the vaccine and what it's what it is and what it's not and while some may be true and some may not be those that are not true will spread faster than the facts so you have a lot of people and again let me be clear i'm not advising anyone to take it or not to take it i have made my decision and that's my decision you've made yours and not yours and anyone that is calling you foolish if you didn't take it or foolish if you did take it they're foolish they're bullies but i'm not going there today where i'm going today is so many people who will tell you about the vaccine will tell you you know it's the market obese and and and how they have these different things in it right and they'll say they did i did my research on it and then i have to ask and again i'm not an advocate for it i'm not an advocate against it listen what i'm saying to you what i'm asking you is uh mr diligent did you did you get a vial of that thing based on your medical and biologic biological and chemical knowledge because clearly you have that and you ran them under these tests and flask and so after you came up with that not the knowledge that what you read on social media what was your empirical facts what was your data that you got through going through the prop for example if a person wants to know if they have hiv okay we don't go online and say well if you have a bump under your right eye that's hiv we don't do that right what do we do we go to a medical facility to that facilitate these things to bring us to the conclusion that's called diligence but the data don't happen what happens now is that a person who didn't finish high school a person who just have access to the internet is now a biological engineer is a medical doctor and they're advising other people with no background in these things with no statistical evidence and they're telling you what to do and what not to do and if you do it because they say so you are stupid you are ignorant you are a fool and you have taken the mark of the beast okay where can we go in scripture seeing that you have failed miserably in the biological medical part of it okay now show me biblically about the mark show me show me where you may we could read based on statistical evidence based on empirical evidence based on forensic evidence where could we go in the bible that says that the short in it is a chip and you have the mark of the beast and now to be of the mark of the beast we cannot buy anymore but i know plenty of people who didn't take it sorry i know plenty of people who didn't take it self-punches and stuff as well as those who did take it so what i'm trying to say to you today be diligent in the information that you subscribe to do not take the advice of a dummy and i use the word dummy in that they are not qualified to advise you in these areas when they themselves have the their statistical and empirical knowledge and evidence is what they got off the social media all right so again i'm not here this have nothing to do with my teaching right now all i'm doing is using this as an example because it seems to be a waste of time going to school to be a doctor now or an engineer because at a period of me as if you come right on social media read a few nonsense and then all of a sudden you could crown yourself as an electrical engineer as a doctor as whatever garbage you want to so unlike some people i don't listen to foolishness i am i love knowledge i love reading i love studying i love i'm diligent in what i do okay now my point to you is sometimes you just gotta look at what's real okay and again i'm not a i'm not advising anyone to take a vaccine i'm not telling them to take it that is not what my discussion is you will never ever see me impose nothing on anybody and the main reason for that is because i respect you see when you respect people while you may not agree with the decision that they make you must also understand that that is an adult and if you call that adult a fool because they did something you didn't like you're a fool because where do you get the authority to tell me as an adult or you as an adult what i can and cannot do if you want to make suggestions okay well i'm listening to you i i get more layers i will take that into consideration but because i didn't go along with it you're stupid you're ignorant you're this you're that no that sounds more like you have anger issue problem that's not like you have a lack of self-control to the extent that when someone don't agree with you you see the need to debase to degrade to make disparaging remarks why because i didn't agree with you because you are not a doctor and i decide not to take your medical advice you non-doctor you non-physicist you non-chemical engineer no no so again i'm not i'm not advising you to take a shot i'm not at and preachers out there i see a lot of preachers are getting on pulpits and and preaching foolishness by telling people that the short have the devil in it i've seen and it's so disappointing is so disappointing because there is absolutely no kind of evidence that they could bring to the people what you really should be looking at is these people they gotta look at you with a squint eye give the people the facts i am not a doctor kevin is not a doctor i've never been to medical school while i have may have basic knowledge of these things i am not an expert in these areas so i could never advise you to take it or not to take it however you are an adult you can read and if you can't read let somebody read for you and after you have gathered as much as you need to being diligent then you make the decision and nobody have the right to call you names because of your decision that's like you having sex with your husband and someone yeah i made love to my husband last night you are full you're dummy why why am i dumb again you're stupid poison don't you know that if you have sex with someone you you could catch something wow i wish you could catch a brain like that that'd be very nice for you so so you really you really gotta step back sometimes some of you gotta pull back from social media because social media has become your classroom unfortunately and as a result of that you begin to spew nonsense okay that that makes absolutely no sense so i just wanted to correlate that do be diligent look at the word diligent diligent constant an effort to accomplish something you're attentive and persisting in doing it i am determined to find out the real deal about these vaccines not what social media say not what my my great-grandad who who never went to prime finish primary school not that i that's not degrading but what i'm saying is she's not qualified to advise me and something she has no knowledge in because i could say the same thing to okay grammy you you saying this bush medicine to make me feel better what school did you go to to know the ingredients and there's no child that's what you do okay your great grammy them take this you and yeah i see where they are today in the grave today so don't you try that okay so let's be let's be let's be wise here okay so today we're talking about a diligent person according to scripture here is why i came up with this on the weekend you know i didn't do my show on saturday and nothing was wrong with me a lot of you wrote me to ask me nothing was wrong physically what was the problem was is that i was having difficulty with my uh simultaneous simultaneous streaming and i didn't want to do the show in the radio station because the only ones that would have heard me were those locally and you guys wouldn't have been able to do it so i said let me just cancel it get this sorted out and next week i'll continue so that's the reason why i had cancer in the show all right now coming back to this teaching all right the reason the main reason why i wanted to do this teaching was because and going back to stuff that i'm familiar with church and i can remember on many churches that i went to all of them actually you know the members especially when it came to their finances they were all in my opinion and i based on anybody you have any kind of intelligence the the the congregants were made to be financially irresponsible and when i say that you would hear jargons and foolishness from the public you must uh step out and feed and so not only your best seed but if it's the last hundred you have forget your mortgage forget your children milking whatever food step out believe god and sow this hundred so whatever go on your bank account and make a move of faith and take the money off because only a sickness could come and wipe it out but invested into god so when you hear these things and coming from the pulpit because you've already come in there with the mind said that this is the house of god this is the man or woman of god then i must do what they say not only that what they are offering me a sign so sweet that if i go and take my last 1200 of my account and give it to god then god is going to just multiply me and take me out of debt okay really and what scripture could be fine i have yet to attend any church in my lifetime september will make 51 years of living on this planet god spares my life i have yet to visit one church in my lifetime that i was a member of where the members were trained to be financially responsible and when i say that what i'm about to show you right now in scripture i have never seen this what i have seen was training people to live a cycle of poverty live a cycle of defeat but this is the part which brought this teaching live a cycle of depending on everything this man or woman is saying up there to keep me broke to keep me hustling to keep me struggling while it seems like those who are asking of it seems to be the only one getting of this blessing that they're telling me i would achieve one day but that's good for you and the reason why it was good for me too good in a bad way because had i read had you read the scriptures what they're asking you do is so much against the word of god especially what we're about to read right now you have a responsibility to be diligent in the resources that god has given you and you should let no charlatan robber or thief come along and use the word of god to make you not only go against the word of god to but but but to become financially irresponsible how could you take your whole paycheck every january and give it to these people and they say what you do with your first fruit seed watch god do with the next 11 months of it and year after year you notice the same pattern not the way it should you know why because you're not following the scriptures you're not being diligent as you are required to be god gave you resources god gives you the wisdom to budget to plan you know what are your biblical requirements you cannot allow someone to call themselves a preacher dress up in some monkey suit and telling you that because they are whatever that god said do this nobody saw them reading of the bible and the bible isn't saying this so where are you getting this from all right so let's go at this scripture okay remember our topic okay diligent person according to scripture that's the topic a diligent person according to scripture not according to the preacher not according to kevin not according to the pope not according to whoever you look at as your religious leader you are diligent what does the word diligent mean someone that is constant in their effort to accomplish something they are attentive persistent in doing it they are checking they doing all the checks and balances they are not going on getting information from social media or off the streets they are doing whatever it takes all right not to be i told you before when god delivered me from the spirit of poverty and so on i promise i listen i will never be broke another day in my life i would never even make that confession but that's not gonna happen because i spend my money foolishly no that's gonna happen because i'm diligent i'm diligent in the resources i know what my commitments are i know what my commitments are to other people and that's what i i deal with that deal with that save your money these are the things that you ought to be taught so that you don't have to depend on somebody else or looking for handouts or begging all the time or trying to sow seed for god to make you rich because you over draft your credit card because your money would god bless you with to pay your rent you let the snake oil salesman tell you give it to him and god is gonna give you more but then the rent man kick you out or you want to take him to court why because you were not diligent because you were irresponsible and what is more tragic is you allowed your leader to train you vehemently and how to be irresponsible with your finances try that foolishness so let's go to proverbs 27 and let's look at verse 23. proverbs 27 and verse 23 and listen to what this says here right remember we're dealing with diligent a diligent person according to scripture god is gonna honor you hear me okay if you are diligent you got your stuff set up myself this is what i do every month this is how i plan my finances the first week in every month i pay all of my bills but prior to that week the week before the last two or three days in the month before before i get into the next month like i told you deidre and i we have families that we support all right we deal with that first now that is our way of following the scripture of dealing with the poor before you do any distribution of any finances you have you deal with the poor voice accord this is why we do it because of luke 14 12 14 that's number one number two the bible says when you give to them you are giving to god you are giving to jesus christ so our first fruit this is our first fruit our income before we pay any bill the last like today is toward the 24th the 25th oh hey beginning tomorrow is where we now begin our distribution to the poor okay where we send out the monies and the commitments that we've made like i say some real one for six months somebody having for 12 months now it does have nothing to do okay nothing to do throughout the month if god says okay bless this one or do this i have nothing to do but this is our commitment so we deal with the poor first at the ending part of every month now when we go into the next month because we've already done our first fruit thing when we go into the next month we pay off all of our utility every bill is paid so by the time we get into the second month sorry the second week of that particular month everything is paid power bill phone bills uh every utility bill has been paid this now puts you in a better position to save some money why because all of your mandatory bills are taken care of whatever income you have left you put it aside that's been responsible that's been financially you're not just arbitrarily paying here rob and peter to pay paul and going to church giving on him and that's not what the scripture says and it was one thing i learned and that's why i'll never go back to that mindset is to go to a place that makes it believe that if you give to this church if you give to this pastor you you you're gonna be rich statistically where is the doctor because the doctor that i have witnessed rece research and singing where the majority let no less than ninety percent of them are broke are struggling have credit god card that belts why because they will they foolishly bought into the idea that if i give my first fruit to pastor i give all my money to this church i can call you and turn it around for me yeah let me see it happen so listen what the bible says proverbs 27 verse 23 be thou diligent be thou diligent what does the word diligent mean that's why i left it up here to be someone that is constant in effort to accomplish something you you want a home you want to put your family you don't want to pay rent anymore you want to own your car you hate uh asking your co-workers to pick you know they upset with you you see the attitude so you must be diligent that i'm gonna save my money excuse me i'm gonna put something aside i'm i'm gonna shut off this mindset of depending on people so much so that you've taken them for granted that you get angry when they say they can't come pick you up for work today and they've been doing it for the past three years you have become so tied to them that you refuse to be diligent in planning your own financial strategy ahead by talking to somebody today so it says in verse proverbs 27 23 be thou diligent to know the state of thy flock okay and look well to what i heard now this is a metaphor meaning that he's not literally talking about sheep and goat and all these other things no when he says be thou diligent to know the state of thy flock you must be cognizant of how much money do you have what do you have as assets how much money you have in the bank what's what's your does your note on this car per month you he says you must be diligent what is diligent someone that is constant in accomplishing something they are attentive and persistent persistent in doing anything i need to know if i know i only have a thousand dollars in the bank and i'm drawing a salary of four hundred dollars a week why am i going to max out my credit card why am i gonna plan trips with my co-workers knowing that i'm not financially uh stable to do these things so the scripture is telling us be diligent know the state of what you're dealing with know the state of your resources stop trying to be like the june so stop trying to live for people stop going to put yourself in debt by in some sports car to give the impression that you got it going on when you know because you bought this on the car not on this you got to determine whether you're going to pay this car note or you're going to buy groceries this week or this this month then you go to a church who has don't care about your finances and telling you sometimes you got to take that car note and trust god and sow it and watch god what scripture can i find that because it's going directly against proverbs 27 verse 23 to try that see when you don't read your bible you can fall for those gimmicks when you don't read your bible you will stay broke i used to be one of the nice to go to those places and i stayed broke until i left and followed the scriptures i always tell you that i stayed broke i stayed hustling i stayed boring i stayed praying that god will drop a sack of money down and and give it to me and guess what i thank you jesus he never did because harry did i was well trained to just do what i always did no priorities nothing in place no diligence in what i do not taking the state of my flock but i just got more money to do what i always did at a faster rate that's all money is money does not make you a financial guru if you were a racer and a spender before you got money well when you get the money you will be uh same thing but one who could do it quickly you could get rid of it quickly now if you were a saver if you were shrewd if you were a financial planner prior to the million dollars you received you will continue doing that planning and distributing it wisely so don't say to me i can't wait for god to drop this million dollars i mean that's why i so pastor my best seed and my first fruit okay and what what classes did you take to learn how to budget what scriptures to judah here to learn how to give to the poor and distribute it according to the scriptures none none what you did though is you went on with ju listening to them is just like listening to social media then you look at your pastor's life who was always struggling who was always trying to make ends meet but this he's telling you every week that if you so go god it's going to turn me that need no no no see i always say this right and people get mad at me if you're going to advise me on something at minimum at minimum you should be doing just a little bit better than me you cannot tell me i'm a save to get a vehicle and get my priorities straight when you catch bus all your life no no no no no i don't know you think you talking though you might as well be a preacher all right you can go go sell them that snake oil and and even though i'm being comical here i'm trying to show you unlike what the preacher said not all of them unlike what most preachers are telling you so they saw that so they saw that give this gift that first last fruit nobody nobody's training you to be financially independent financially shrewd and wise and and and i always believed that and i was i shared this before with you guys early in my ministry and i and i through the form i will stick to it i believe with all my power and i'm i'm mincing my voice because it's something i don't want to release here okay but in any event i believe with all my might i told my wife this okay when we launch to the next phase of what we're working on right now we believe every ministry every ministry should have a section to train their people financially everyone that comes to a ministry and that's why i tell you you're being trained to be broke if you every time go to your pastor pastor the light off he give it to you pastor the water off he give it to you possibly getting ready to kick me out he give it to you what is he doing he's training you to be broke he's training you to be irresponsible here's what i believe i believe every ministry should have a financial class a budgeting class a class where they deal with your expenditures your revenue your assets your liabilities your income and in my opinion they should do it for free they should hire people all of that first food and stuff they collecting hire somebody so when you come you say pasta i need to now i will lend it to you i belong at you this time but you will have to make a commitment to join the club for free you don't have to pay for nothing you for free so we have someone who's professional who could sit you down and you could lay out what you're dealing with every month what is your revenues that you're bringing in what are your expenditures and let them give you a plan that you will have to go by if you want us to continue to help you but you don't you don't train someone you don't train people by telling them god is going to turn it around i hear god says take a chance and make a sacred no you are a liar because listen to what we are reading here proverbs 27 verse 23 be thou diligent to know the state of your flock to know the state of your resources to notice it of your finances to know the state of which you're dealing with that's what i'm reading i'm not reading here god say show your mortgage i didn't read that i didn't read that you are a liar preacher you are a deceiver and a work of inequity you you are lying see but you will get away with that because folks don't read this and they definitely can never hear it unto you god wants you to be responsible in fact the bible says if we follow god's law you will be the lender not the borrower according to deuteronomy 28. so if that's not happening to you right now then that means there is a violation of the law hence in the curses part the cursing part of that scripture of deuteronomy 28 it says but if you do not hearken or listen unto the voice of the lord thy god you will not become the borrower and not the lender you will now be the tail and not the head but based on what i'm reading here this is not happening because it could happen it is happening because some way somehow you activated the law to either work for you or against you and the key note speaker to all of that you either will be or this will be the laws of god scripture very true very true so that the most churches i'm telling you most churches and it is getting worse and worse and worse and worse money money seed seed seed and when i do my teaching on the pharisees part two comes saturday god spares life you're gonna see me delving deep into this and showing you how these guys were money hungry bandits at the expense they spared nothing to to pillage the people and put burdens on them this is not what god requires of you listen to the scripture proverbs 27 verse 23 you the responsibility is levied on you be thou diligent to know the state of thy flock you must be diligent constant in your effort to accomplish something meaning that i must know i know i have a hundred dollars on my checking account i know i only have five hundred dollars saved why are you planning a three thousand dollars vacation to go israel with the church why school fees are due you don't know how you're going to pay it so why are you listening to this person when the scripture says you must be diligent in knowing the state of your flock this is what the scripture says why why are you listening to him and caulking his hand his ass and say god say why would god go against his word why would god go tell you tell you take a risk and go go sow your car into somebody's life and you have five children and two of them go to two separate schools you have a job why would god who gave you the boy okay i i sometimes i wonder if people underspell and don't get me wrong i used to be one of those people until i came from under that uh simon of samaria smell and literally look at the word for what it is and followed what it said and i can be rip at you it was kind of difficult for me because i couldn't believe i allowed myself to be full all of this time what did i stop paying the tide i stopped giving the first food i'd stop all of that because when i read it what i read here was totally and it was only when i did those things my financial status couple again with my fasting turned around listen to me indefinitely it wasn't no season like getting a couple dollars here and then i broke the next one again no man i took note diligently of the state of my flock when i started to give to the poor first not pastor not apostle then i addressed listen when i tell you well many of you have already witnessed it so i have to convince you okay so this is why i say to you not me said you but the scripture you you have this not the pastor not the bishop not the apostle you have what i'm reading here be thou diligent to know the state of your flock know the state of your resources stop putting we say in the bahamas don't put your basket higher than you could reach it okay know the state of your flock and look well to thy herd look at what you look at your job look look at the things that you have that will bring revenue all you got is this one job just one job you if you lose this job everything in this house is dependent on that job god so you better look good before you go make these stupid decisions listen to these corn artists listening to these people who getting their vacations money together for them and their children to go on some mediterranean cruise off of your expenses but using god to con to convict you to oh boy listen lord anyway all right go there listen to the scripture proverbs 27 23 be thou diligent you must turn over every stone you must do every you must sit back and be real where am i going to be in the next five years the next two years to forget that then next year from now what is going to be the state of my flock covert was a clear classical example of those who never diligently check the state of their flock and when i say that again this is just metaphoric it means that check your resources check your finances what you have in the bank what you have saved would he says check it so when covert came around we knew who were the diligent ones and who weren't we knew immediately because when they lost that job because that was the only lifeline to them that was it for them they had no resource to say because their mindset was give it to the church i can borrow from kevin i can borrow from this one that's how they live their lives so now every people use the who they bought for making money where you can go now i know hey the pastor's fighting open church they opened up the liquor store but they wouldn't open up church but the only reason why people open up this place because we need that money so we could tell you some more stuff you know to be responsible and give us the money even though after years you haven't received anything but don't worry about that and don't listen to that kevin guy he's very discouraging the devil is in him you give us your first fruit because when you give it to us you're giving it to god really what scripture it is what scripture does it says if i give to the pastor the apostle the priest i'm giving to god none but i do see scriptures that says if i give to the poor i'm given to god is your pastor paul is your church paul read scripture that's what i just read i love scripture not opinions not ideologies not social media good jargons scripture be thou diligent to know the state of thy flock and look well listen he says don't just look look well on thy herd look at your resources look at it can this resources maintain you taking care of what you have plus putting some aside for later and assisting others cannot do that because if it can't do that you need to now do some restructuring of your finances but nobody is telling you that in the church they're telling you just give and give and god love a cheerful giver keep giving us your money don't ever come access for it if hurricane is stuff coming hey church is not a bank oh you're not a bank now so what were you when you were taking and taking and taking but i i blamed them because what they should have done was to bring in a financial higher higher a financial advisor every okay bible study every tuesday night bible study every tuesday night whatever night you pick and let it be two nights out of the week and make sure let the members know if you do not attend these classes please do not come to this church looking for anything and they might say well i ain't giving a moment don't you give any more what you're doing and they can understand in the long run i'm trying to help you i'm trying to teach you to be fine you have children you want to put them through college you want to advance you want to enjoy life you want to go on vacation the church is bringing in a team that is willing to teach train follow up to ensure that you get your finances and resources and so on on track but no church a church is doing a disservice by just taking and taking and taking and taking and taking and labeling it under different seeds sowing in all this garbage but never ever teaching you how to budget how to manage how to make sacrifices none of this is showing you none of it none and that is a sin in my book that is evil it is not right all right now let's look at another scripture let's read this again be thou diligent to know the state of thy flock and look welted i heard look where are the resources you have look at what you're dealing with all right let's look at proverbs 10 verse 4. proverbs chapter 10 and let's look at verse four okay now listen to this now i love this because it's coming right off the heels of uh proverbs 27 verse three proverbs 10 verse four he become it poor listen listen how how is it going to come poor become poor that deal it with a slack on here pastor he is this for the church just for this again let me be clear am i discouraging someone from giving to the church no am i discouraging someone from giving to the pastor no am i just no you know that's never what i'm saying i am saying to you to be responsible that's what i'm saying to you according to scripture he that become it poor how how is he going to become probably tell you that deal it with a slack hand so how was that he never was diligent in checking the state of his flock he never was diligent in saying okay i made this amount this month and this is the amount of bills that i have so i can't spend all so let me see let me work this it ain't always be this way but let me train myself to overcome partying this weekend or or going out with the girls or the boys or whatever it is you do no no no i i have to make some cuts i have to make some some adjustments because i don't want to live like this for the rest of my life but that's not going to automatically change because i don't want to live that way that's going to change by me being responsible and not only checking what i have as resources but how to appropriately and better in a beneficial way distribute it that's how it works it isn't going to work because i give it to the church because no i keep telling you there is no scripture that will say to you give your money off first fruit to the pastor give your tithe to the pastor give your offering to the pastor you will never ever find a scripture like that does kevin are you saying don't give it to them no i'm not saying that to you that is not what i'm saying i am telling you your priority your priority in terms of where you give your monies first according to scripture not my opinion will be found in luke 14 verses 12 to 14 you give it to the poor first which is what my family do and many others who took this advice they follow the same thing and they will tell you right now they are not worried about being broke no we're not multi-millionaires but you're not living under the stress of financial bullying anymore why because god now need to do his part why because we are heirs with with god and joining us with jesus christ meaning there's a power that's required of us and then he will do the part that we cannot do that's how it works that's how it works all right don't let nobody bamboozle you talking nonsense all right your commitment in the distribution of your resources must be initiated by giving to the less fortunate i keep telling you and you all know i repeat this for those of you that that donate to my ministry i say to you do not send a penny here don't send a copper here unless you give dealt with the pawn first for those of you that say well kevin i don't know no port and i say okay when you send the donation he sent a note kevin this for the poor or this for you or kevin sent give all of this here to the poor we have to follow the scriptures if we want the result of what the scripture promised and not with some personal thinking but taking each one of disney world trying to accumulate funds no no no we want the scriptures now if you get mad king you mad at the lord of god but your anger is going to make me change change what i know to be true which is the word of god so listen to the scripture says he that become it poor proverbs 10 verse 4 deal it with a slack hand i love that scripture you know why it's telling me you didn't become poor by chance you didn't become poor by accident you didn't one day some your money just vanished no you followed a protocol and what was that protocol here you dealt with a slackhead what do you mean by that kevin you never sat down and look at your finances and appropriately set up excuse me set up a plan and allocate or distribute your money wisely you never did that pastor said give a thousand hey yeah yeah pastor give me the house the pastor said go on you can't take all my yeah yeah they get here so now you poor and you shock but the reason why you shock is because he told you the person the apostle the teacher whoever said that if you give it to god god will pay you back and he is basically saying he represents god but that's interesting because when you get the money it's going on your account and you're going to spend it for your personal or church purposes where does when does god get it but i know when god get it according to scripture matthew 25 he says when you gave to the poor when you gave to the needy when you clothed them what did he say you were giving it to me oh new testament new testament say if you won't give to god how how do i give to god by giving to the poor god you're wrong you're wrong now jesus you mess up i know you're perfect but i catch you because i was totally give it to the to the church i was told to bring the first fruit into the house of god so that there'll be meat in this house and read the scripture when were you giving to me jesus when you give to those that are less fortunate and that's why i cannot put enough emphasis on it you have to address the needs before any distribution to the poor you really want to take a risk when your expenditures out do your revenue but before you make any distribution no matter how small or large it is invest the initial distribution of your resources to someone that's less fortunate why because god says that you are giving it to him again if i am wrong if i am talking nonsense show me the scripture that if i give to the pastor i'm giving to god if i give to kevin i'm giving to god if i give to the apostle i'm giving to god show me one one scripture just one again i'm not saying don't give to them your priority and giving should be initiated by giving to those who are less fortunate so the bible says in proverbs 4 verse 10 verse 4 he become a reporter deliberately slack on but but i love this piece but the hand of the diligent how is he going to become rich because he's diligent in what he's doing so you mean you mean that a sack of money from heaven isn't going to fall on him because he give a seed no he he looked at his expenditures he looked at his revenue he looked at his resources and his assets and his liabilities and he sat down and he meticulously went over what he had because he has a goal he want to put his family in a nice home he want his children to go to school this isn't going to happen because he give to the church this isn't going to happen because he bypassed the suit and finds and gives her favorite no this is going to come because the rip sorry the hand of the diligent will make him rich now i may be wrong and you know me i have a teachable teachable spirit i'm always open to be corrected and if i'm wrong you know kevin you all know me right i come and i hide behind nothing and i try no nothing i say and i was wrong i thought it wrong and this is from not scripture this is how it should be done you all know me you all know me to be that kind of person so therefore i am reading here the hand the hand of the diligent who's the diligent i have it right here someone that is constant an effort to accomplish something they attentive and persistent in doing it constant mean that they're committed that listen every month i'm gonna put aside a hundred dollars by the end of the year i will have twelve hundred dollars i'm gonna keep doing this i'm never gonna break this he's diligent i am cons i am i i want to send my children to school i don't i cannot do it based on my salary but i understand they have this college thing going on if you contribute this amount of money this will happen by the time definitely he is diligent they have the savings plan at the bank that if you put up this amount they will match it so and so he's diligent he is not sitting back saying i'm gonna do whatever i want to do i'm gonna go to the fancy restaurants and born like a king because at the end of the day once i sow my seed like breath told me god is going to drop a whole 1.6 million dollars right in the back of that shack i have in the back of my yard lies that is not what the scripture is saying the scriptures are very clear the hand of the diligent will make him rich no gimmicks no snake oils no seed sowing no buying shofars and buying salt and pigeon peas and all of these garbage [Music] no that isn't what we're reading man my bible differently the hand of the diligent the hand of the diligent make him rich he is truly understand i have four children and some of you have been with different baby mamas you don't mess up right take care of those children take care of those children why because there's a law that if you don't take care of the children well then you are now activating a law of poverty the bible says not only is a person who don't take care of his family wasting an infidel but the bible says anyone that brings harm to his family shall inherit the wind here in the wind what is the win nothing scripture start my rules he said he that become a poor dealing with a slack hand but the hand of the diligent diligence of making rich let's look at another one let's look at proverbs 12 verse 24 proverbs chapter 12 verse 24 a lot of y'all give up your voice and second fruit lot yesterday you're trying all kinds of stuff yesterday only to live another cycle of poverty only to say once again child i so broke you broke because you are not dealing with the hand of the diligent you are broke because you are subscribing to stuff that the bible never said but because you are in a church building and because it's coming from a religious leader you take their word over the word of god that i'm showing you so therefore you are following all of the protocols to attain poverty at the end of your exercise so you shouldn't be shocked proverbs 12 24 what does it say the hand listen to this of the diligent shall bear rule oh definitely definitely definitely the hand of the diligent shall bear rule but the slothful shall be under tribute or subject to someone else the scripture says that the borrower is slave to the lender okay the hand of the diligent will bear rule because he's he have the power based on his resources that he's meticulously distributed and managed over time he he got to say now he's the one who run the show here now you can't run no show with what you have no resources in fact you have to beg him i saw you think you could let me you could let me you don't know you can't pay it back cause you know you don't owe everybody and their uncle you notice but you can lie you think you could let me a hundred dollars till next week friday poverty makes you a liar poverty makes you dishonest that's what it does to you you say things and make commitments that you know you will never fulfill you all you go on is exactly what you were trying to do in that church you go on this this hope that has no affiliation with scripture but i hope god do something between now and friday so i could pick tom back but when you asked him for this money and making this commitment you knew you knew you knew you wouldn't have been able to pay him back and now what you're gonna do now you went from being a liar you now play for the dodgers what do you mean because you're always dodging this poison you're playing for the you all of a sudden uh you're playing for the dodgers your dog every time you see them you dodging because you know you owe them no man look look look at what a slack hand look at what an irresponsible mindset is causing you to do all because you're going against scripture but the one who's leading you against scripture is the one you honor the one who's ensuring that you don't have nothing and you don't enjoy life it's the one you're listening to but never listening to the scriptures so continue being a lie and continue playing for the dodgers continue doing it if that's what you choose so verse 23 sorry verse 24 of proverbs 12 the hand of the diligent the one who's always taking account of his finances yeah i i was telling my wife one time ago early in our relationship and i was saying to her i said dee i asked her if she has her notification set on her accounts so she said no i said no no no you need to have that done because you need to be abreast of your finances in terms of and she she's no silly spending person and i didn't mean it that way what i meant is that because of the level of scamming and and uh hacking people account the notifications of your in every bank has it now if you have uh if you have supplying software and or whatever so any transactions done on your account you immediately get a notice so that you will know whether this transaction was made by you or someone who was hack your account and of course she did it and and again this is a part of dealing with a diligent hand you're keeping this knowledgeable of the state of your flock which is symbol symbolic of your resources you can't have nobody hacking into your account and taking out monies you've worked hard for and save or you have put purpose for in the future so you need to be cognizant of these things don't just say i know much money i got there you know why you don't norms because you ain't got none there a person who's got plenty money in the bank always will know that all of their money there so he says here a hand the hand of the diligent buried rule but the slothful the lazy the lackadaisical be on the tribute always looking for a handout always looking to beg always got a sad story oh child oh the devil saw the devil busy now when you was balling huh when you was jet setting all over the place while boys and aoe was saving their money because they had better more permanent plans while he was buying the gucci hand bikes and six point nine million dollar weave remy weave and all that when he was doing all and ain't no wrong don't you know what i'm saying to you is your priorities all the way then what you did is you roll up on this preach me happy church and i know some of you bought your weave and you spend the money but god is saying sow that seeds oh the last that you haven't watched god right so what he's saying basically is god is gonna reward you glory be to god for being irresponsible for balling and having a good time in life and never taking a coat of your actions god is gonna make sure you get more money to do more of what you're doing more stupidity that's what he's basically saying to you but if he or she really cares about you they will have a new program in the church now and this program is how to manage your money how to manage your resources you will get them to come just tell them the church is here to help you financially if we can of you in a position to do it but the new rule is if you want us to do that you have to be a part of this course you have to be in fact you're going to graduate with a certificate and you're going to worry the church is going to pay for it and you must be consistent if you miss two classes and you don't have a relative reason you got to start all over again see you're putting a demand on people you're putting a demand on them to be responsible they can say now before i go to brother kevin before i go to pass the zone so now he didn't lay the rules for the first thing he asked me he ain't interested in no title whether or not you pay that forget that he shouldn't be asking that anyway what he should be asking you did you do the class well i cannot help you now i know i i cuz remember the first time we can help you the first time we will help you if it's in the resources to do so but you ain't gonna make the snow come back every minute every time i can ball here because i know i can get it from pasta so and so well i don't know pastor but you couldn't mean this one year if you're not a part of this class because we're trying to help you do not dirty your mouth to come seeking help yo again the first time you come we're helping you under this condition we're going to give it to you or the best we can but if you seek any assistance in the future you have to complete this course that we provide at this church for free now i don't get better than that you don't have to pay you don't you going to teach you how to set up a budget they're going to teach you how to put your credit and your balance here do you let all of that so you you'll be training you we're training you to be diligent in the state of your flock following scripture we're training you to be cognizant we can teach you how to activate all of your notifications on your banking software we're gonna teach you how we gonna bring people in who are highly educated in this type of stuff this is a branch this is a ministry in this ministry okay now you got two choices you could not do it and then come and we tell you no and then you go tell people be no good and we don't have the pawn go tell them that but tell them the full story train people how to be responsible with their resources proverbs 12 verse 4 sorry verse 24 the hand of the diligent that's what we're teaching you to have a diligent hand the hand of the you will bear rule people will honor you because they see that you are an astute person a person who is diligent you are consistent you follow up you're committed they won't make you the leader because you got leadership skills you got leadership excuse me the ability to lead others because we see it in you but pastor you've been broke for the past 50 years struggling and you're telling us so and god is going to turn it around but you are not an example of what you preach why should i listen to you you've been building this church for 99.64 trillion years and every year you beg every year you are so seen every year you ask for sacrifice and you're barely making it bishop why why should i listen to you because everything that i'm saying from you is a clear example you have not dealt your life with a diligent hand other than that why is god punishing you for dealing with a diligent handing don't you try that let's look at another scripture let's look at proverbs 13 verse 4. proverbs 13 verse 4 let me look at my time oh wow proverbs 13 verse 4. i got to make this quick it says that the soul of the slugger the word sluggery means the lazy the one that is lackadaisical the procrastinator you really gotta do all that child you're always saving money gonna spend it one day you can dead one day yeah but before you're dead you're suffering so he said the soul of the slugger let's break this down now when they talk about the soul he's talking about a mindset because the soul is a person's mind their will their emotion their intellect it is basically the administrator of their triune being spiritual body so he didn't just say a slugger desire it he said the soul so he's showing you he's taking you straight to the core of where all of his erroneous non-diligent activity is being manufactured from oh i love this so proverbs 13 verse 4 says the soul of the slugger desire it but have nothing what does that mean he doesn't deal with a diligent hand so what does he do boy boy so boy i wish i could have the mercedes boy boy you know boy if i had some money right now boy you know i'd buy a better bed well i wish i had a nice suit the soul of the slugger desire it but he has nothing he has no resources to accommodate his desire why because he give it all to the church he give it all in partying and traveling all over the world he did all of that listen to the scripture listen to the scripture the soul of the slugger desired and have nothing but but the soul or the mindset of the diligent shall be made fat that term shall be made fat also means to be made rich or wealthy i love proverbs 13 verse 4 because now in this teaching on the diligent person according to scripture it's dealing with the co where everything is being manufactured from where is he garnering the ability to be diligent or not to be diligent it's coming from his soul it's coming from his mind but where did that come from but let's look at the environment that he's in let's look where he come from let's look who or what he subscribes to don't let's say because he just subscribed for from a church that means he can be wealthy the scripture never said that because you could be wealthy which is very common in the church sorry you could be in a church and be broke which is very common so clearly the church is in the place manufacturing is for the most part or they're not listening if it's being taught he says but the soul of this person so i could be for example there are many of you listening to me right now and you're probably upset with me you're angry and what is what do you always say he's this man is always coming after the church he's always bashing the church so you see your soul is just like the slugger you're knocking all out here but this guy oh he's still talking about pastor but the diligent be like but that's true never knew giving to the poor was what i was supposed to do first i never knew the promises that was attached to it hmm let me add this to my portfolio of trade being diligent in what i do i mean after all this isn't something he's pulling out of our heart he's actually giving us the scripture here this is in his opinion i've yet to hear his opinion all i'm hearing is this man talking about the bible this man is taking not only is he telling us the scripture the man is breaking it down to us in such a way for a child to understand it so you have to walk away with an understanding oh at minimum be challenged that boy wow let me let me try this way as opposed to i hear god say see when they call this are you getting robbed right now i hear god say what did god say let me uh let me hear what god said it's gonna go against his word god says take the last that you have and bring it here i didn't read that because according to proverbs 27 23 i must be diligent in the state of my affairs or the state of my flock what are you talking about you liar it's not scripture it's not scripture proverbs 13 before the souls the mindset of the slugger he desired but he will never have nothing because he ain't got no resources together with he said but the soul of the diligent the one who is constant in effort to accomplish something that attentive and persisting in doing it i'm determined i'm never going to be broke another day in my life i'm determined i am not going to borrow from sally no more mary jane i am determined i'm not going to a bank to put myself in debt for the night next five ten the only way that i could lift to that commitment is i have to restructure my resources get the necessary information as to to charter the way forward to not be those things that once ruled and governed me but an anger come from no church because the rules of god is telling you how to do it and anyone that's going contrary to what i'm telling you right now is a liar let's go to proverbs 21 verse 5. proverbs 21 verse 5. what does it say i love this it says the thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteous how can i increase what i have now so he's now finding so he's diligent he isn't just doing this for a one-time thing to achieve a goal and i said no he is looking for other ways to live the abundant or the plenteous life but you're gonna do it through scripture though how do i i need to okay listen i bought this boat this boat is causing me like three four hundred dollars in gas every time i take my family out this doesn't make no sense this is consuming this this is aside from its maintenance this is aside from the rental where i have to put the boat they charge me another 150 a month so what is he doing let we don't have to have this in fact we can rent a boat and cut this course all together if we are voting people so he's always looking for ways to cut back on unnecessary stuff all in an effort to have plenty in the future so the scripture says in proverbs 21 5 his thoughts the thoughts of the diligent tends only to plenteous but to everyone that is hasty to want oh i gotta have this i gotta have that see that's the trap right there so you will do anything to get it i have to have this uh louis vuitton but i have to have it now you have no money now or in the future so i can borrow this because you're going on this design that you have to have it you're not contemplating how you're going to pay it back let me go borrow this from sally sally you think you could lend me 1200 dollars anything i you know tell her what it for you say it's an emergency i can pay you the spark so you go get the 1200 oz because you're hasty and you go and get this i'm doing a teaching on this to those people who i talk about this early let me in my last teaching but i can teach more on it people with an anxious spirit boy some of the most people that are prone for tragedy but anyway you're getting this because you're anxious there's no real purpose behind it there's really no all you want people to say look at your gooch that i love that bike now when they said that they give you a thousand dollars no did they give you 500 it looks so good i got to give you a hundred dollars and you would have accumulated the 1200 degrees early but no so yeah listen the soul of the slugger the mindset of the slugger he desire it but he will never have none so listen to this the bible is very clear his mindset is that i need to have this now because it's others have to see i live in large scripture so therefore these are the only ingredients that he need to sustain and maintain his poverty state i i strongly admonish you to watch my video on uh god economics or economics of god just type it in facebook or youtube and listen i talk about the difference between poverty and being poor which is two separate things all together most of my life i thought they meant the same thing but you would when you listen to the teaching you will see they have different meanings all together which speaks directly to what we're talking about now listen to this again proverbs 21 verse 5 the thought of the diligent tends only to plenteous but to everyone that is hasty they only want something okay so let's look at proverbs 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 verse 29 what does it say it says seeth thou a man diligent in his business crossing all the t's dotting all the eyes okay he shall stand before kings and he shall not stand before mean men let's use myself all right as an example of this so you will get a better picture of what i'm saying there are many preachers who started out before me there are many preachers who are educationally decorated way beyond where i am they're doctorate of divinity their doctor reverend all of these titles there are many of them who are well known but a lot of them have yet to accomplish what i have accomplished or to rise to the level to where i'm at even though they have churches even though they have so on and so forth but they're normally limited to in terms of invitation to their little circle of people that's the apostle front of the road so he'll invite him there every mother's day and on father's day then you will invite him to your church and so on what the scripture is saying here because it i tell him a perfect example of it a man that is diligent in his business i am extremely diligent when it comes to reading the word of god if i was to take my camera and show you my home right here now littered with books i have books on ethmology the root of uh of words i have books in the greek the hebrew arabic i have books bible dictionary but every type resource book i have so when i study i am diligent i i'm trying to cover every area and go outside and inside of the box to get a full understanding and i have i have broken the format of church in the terms of i didn't hold what they said as the benchmark of what i'm studying i have i've changed that a long time ago the benchmark of what i'm studying which causes me to chew the meat and spit out the bones meaning i could read a paragraph take out what makes sense and then important according to scripture and spit out the rest of it i can do that because my benchmark now is the bible so i'm diligent just like right now when i teach i teach in a diligent manner i'm not all over the place i'm consistent and on a particular rule or principle that's being diligent so what does the bible say about you kevin a diligent man sorry seeing thou a man diligent in business he shall stand before kings and not stand before me men so what does this cause me this has caused me to be invited remember i don't have a church building i don't have physical members i'm preaching in front of in a church building because according to the system this is what you need to have i don't have that however the opportunities that i got i transcend those limitations i've traveled to europe i've traveled to america the carib i've traveled to these places based on my diligence in the world now social media has played a major role in that so many would say who is this how is it that he people are listening to him why are so much people following him why are people so into what he has to say and these long messages they're long but you got people listening to every bit of it and playing it over why because he's diligent what he does the cypher spiritual have the big church and this and that he's surfaced though i hear god it's going to bless you god is going to i hear god say the enemies you see today you will see no more god is going to bless you mary god is see they're not being diligent and saying hey god is going to bless you but like every blessing is going to be opposition and god says you need to get your life together you need to change there's some curses in your life there's some generational stuff that needs to be dealt with so that there will be no hindrance on the appointment of that blessing nobody's being diligent in telling you that so now people have heard that for years i won't listen to kevin mann because yes he is saying that we will be blessed but now he's talking about some obstacles that are mandatory that were put in place way before you even existed that is now hindering what you should already have that's being diligent and the bible says as a result of that he would stand before kings and i've preached to to to audiences with high dignitary same kevin who don't have all the reverend dr peter pan all that i don't have that i don't have none of those things i have something greater than that and what is that diligence of the word of god i love studying i love teaching i love giving freely what god has given me because i know the impact that will not only make on the hero but the not only their life would be changed but the lives of their family i i know that they will come in heaven with god will say kevin look look look what you did look through your decision making and minister walking in your gift and studying my word and teaching look at the people there in kenya look at the people in jamaica look look a gran came in look at the netherlands look at the lesson tell it look at these places that you will probably never meet these people but what i've placed in you and you being diligent look how it's changed their lives and you've you've re written the history of their lives they that were once under the curses because you taught my word and they followed it look how they're changing look how the families are look how the next generation is changing because of your diligence talk to me somebody talk to me you didn't teach them kevin to so to you you didn't tell them if they so into annoying you you you did not take the baton of ensuring that they lived the cycle of poverty under the guise that one day god is gonna bless them because they give money to you no you gave them the true conditions on how it's ought to be done you never said don't give to a preacher you never say don't give to apostles you never say don't give to a church but you told him the order to give it in diligence that's what it's called and the bible says see it thou proverbs 22 verse 29 see it thou a man diligent in his business diligent and whatever it is in my case it's the word of god it could be on your job it could be in your own business see is thou a man diligent in his business he shall stand before kings he shall be all the only way you will stand before a king is a view on it or they only you or they respect you he shall stand before kings he shall not stand before mean men this is powerful because a lot of them will say but i will never invite him to this church i will never invite him to my church sorry why you think you're doing it off your own but go out and say yeah well i'm gonna protect you i'm not gonna i'm not gonna allow you to go before mean people so they think they're they're spiting you by saying i'm not going to invite them to my church but kevin it is my will i don't want you there they're all programmed to fail because they worship the leader of modern they worship me and they will not hear you kevin no thank you jesus oh lord i love you so much last scripture proverbs chapter 12 verse 27 and we finished proverbs chapter 12 and verse 27 what does it say it says the slothful or the lazy whenever you say that word slowed full it means lazy someone who suppressed procrastinated one who was lackadaisical they they they are the ones who want you do everything kevin you read the word man you that's your gift man you read it just tell us what to do in fact don't even tell us what to do whatever you say to do you do it for us okay you saying that we need to fast well you fast for us man kevin you spend two hours on you're teaching the word of god and breaking it down but i need not first write the scriptures down for us be too lazy to do that you know we won't pause it and write it down that's too much work come on man i can't ever you think this is you saying kevin you gonna give to the poor we just won't be here with our hearts open to catch it now you give it and let go there's a way there's some program you could redo this and and you so to see it and kevin b get the benefit kevin man i said i have a dream for you man only 966. go to these and give me answer please i i see your blog i will read that i will watch it let me remember too long man i into that but i hear god say the one who sold this god is gonna fix that thing for you you don't have to do nothing just so that's it see that's what they want so the scripture addresses them in the screen in verse 27 of proverbs 12 the slothful man roasted not that which he took in he too lazy i like the analogy so here it is he he got her an animal in the desert sorry the wilderness now rather than preparing it to eat he did catch it but anyone doing under it so let me give you the equivalent kevin now kevin you've got us roll you up on kevin whoever your favorite teacher is and here your your your animal terrorist is the word of god here now this is yours now you you use it so the bible say a slow for man roasted not which he had taken in from hunting let me just put it right there now i hear the word knee make a lot of sense but i i come on man that's too much it's fasting by three days a day i know but all of that buddy this kevin does something wrong with him i know about that no no i gotta be another way man i let's turn to somebody else okay let me turn to seed man see preacher seed my god said so i see it you're coming that's what you want here so that sounds better so let me let me i only got 200 on my call but i believe god because it's easy to do i'm gonna i'm gonna send this 200 to pasta seed man uh slash hook i'm going to send it to him and the court is coming to sit back i'm going to sit back okay i'm going to do the word i'm interested none of that and let me just watch god turn that thing around for me a slothful man proverbs 12 verse 27 roasted not that which he took in hunting but the substance of a diligent man is precious those of you who've been following my teachings not me but the word of god that comes through me you could attest that this was precious to you because you've practiced it and you saw the difference you did it and you saw your some of the breakthroughs are just trickling in right now but if you are consistent because that's what a diligent man is if you are committed because that's what a diligent mind is if you are persistent and attentive to the word of god i'm gonna keep just like how minister kevin kept doing it over and over until his breakthrough came that's what i'm going to do i'm not going to wait on no pastor i'm not gonna wait on no first lady i'm not gonna wait for someone to call me to tell me no i have the ability i have the whatever it takes to do what the scripture is saying i don't need nobody to advise me erroneously when i'm reading this radio kevin has taught the word he has broken down the word he has given every resource possible for free the iphone uh up the android app he got his blog site his videos his podcast every plus he comes on live he does his due diligence and come on live and break the word down that even a child could understand it what more do you want from this man what more he is diligent he is consistent from the day he started he stuck with what he believed which were the scriptures he determined that he will not be like where he came from so he never beg you for money he never hustled you he never pillaged you he never taught you to be financially irresponsible but he said to you do it god wait and you will get a god result and the reason why he's telling you that is because he did it himself and now he is the prime candidate he is the poster child for what he preached so don't talk no fool to me don't tell me the past i've been building a church for 20 years now and every year some something go wrong but he's telling you if you give to god given in jesus name why are you broke why and again being broke it isn't a bad thing but it can't be a good thing if you're telling me listen listen your motivational speech if i give to god god is going to bless me god is going to turn it around god is going to cancer well why hasn't the god who you're representing and speaking on the behalf i've done it for you as yet come on people huh you're selling me a pill that tell me it's gonna make me younger and i'm going to see it eventually no less than five days you're the manufacturer of it but you look older than methuselah how are you going to convince me to take this pill make me understand it please i didn't fall off the idiot truck i'm sorry i must see the demonstration in your life i must see the evidence i must see you practicing what you preach i must see i tell you you the bible said you will know them by their fruit you're telling me how good of a preaching your apostolic and and all of these things that you want to give me the appearance of you being diligent but there is no evidence that i could look on and see where i looked on your social media site nobody don't follow you i look on youtube your church is scattering nobody comes there you got the same old song and dance and you're wondering why you're getting the same results you something wrong so i told you when i left that place i didn't leave with anger i didn't leave with a truck because you know they like to throw that at you i didn't leave at a church none of that i left because i could not take it anymore i could not take the pump and pageantry i could not take the god is getting ready i could not take anything could be spewed from the public but because i'm the leader you must believe it because god is using me even though it's going against the word of god i could not take that anymore so i had to make a decision and the decision was very very clear i'm going to leave that to do the word of god and that's what i did heavenly father i thank you for your word i thank you for your wisdom as usual your knowledge understanding and i thank you for preparing the hearts of the people to not absorb what i say but absorb the scriptures which i constantly saturate them with because i want them to be not pointed to me but pointed to you my job as your servant my job as the last on the list of the five-fold ministry according to ephesians 4 and 11 and that is father god to equip your people to train them for ministry only to launch them into their ministry to do what you've called them to do to win souls to the kingdom to educate people to advance them about the things of you mentally to change their mindsets so basically i'm just a spiritual traffic director for them from the kingdom of light directing people on an ongoing basis to jesus christ to the bible not to me not to give me their savings not none of that the simple message of pointing people to the rules the laws the principles and the ordinances of god father i pray now that these messages will not just fall on deaf ears but they will be doers of your word so father we bless you we only be praising we ask these things in jesus name amen and amen so folks that is it for me and until we meet again thanks everyone who have donated to the uh the chat line i thank you and all that i've committed to paypal and so on thank you very much again always make the poor priority follow the laws commands rules and ordinances of god and it is mandatory that you will get a god and result and
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 23,973
Rating: 4.8647885 out of 5
Keywords: Spiritual warfare, Kevin L A EWING, MINISTER KEVIN EWING, economy, spiritual motivation, inspiration, spirituaL inspiration
Id: PEXlI7Fz8wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 4sec (5584 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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