Your Heart is a Mirror | Kirby de Lanerolle

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[Music] thank you guys what an awesome morning what great stories it truly seems like good news all around is isn't that cool that you come to a place you put on the tv and you you go through the channels and all you hear is bad news bad news and then you come to a place that they've got good news all around it's all about life in every single area but it's your finances but it's your health different areas that affect you you've got good news you've got a promise that you can look at and it can become truly you and that's what we've been teaching so i want you to be very attentive i'm going to explain again what i've been explaining all this time and i'm trying to bring a closure to the i am story that i've been explaining for the last couple of weeks uh where john four talks about as he is so are you in the world and perfect love casts out fear there will be no fear in judgment at times of judgment at times of condemnation at times when things look bad like dylan's story there will be no fear in judgment that's the stories that you heard there was no fear with them because they know the perfect love that means mature love casts out fear there will be no penalty because as your god is so will you be now that's in the bible as your god is so will you be that is in the bible that is in 1 john 4 it's truly there as your god is so are you in this world and so story after story you see the manifestation of this god that you intimately know and it's so important you learn to intimately know epic new epignosis means you intimately get to know this god as he is because so will your life also reflect mirror and be you and do you understand that we heard a story previously uh uh when when jason spoke it was a wonderful story about uh this god of w at wow i want to call him the god of wow the god that makes us all go wow okay because yeah this this wow god okay his name is jesus of course but uh unfortunately i've been uh in christianity for a long time my grandfather was a methodist priest you know we've been in and out of pentecostal and charismatic revivals and i've realized that when we speak about a teapot or a teacup your teacup can be very different to my teacup someone heard what i was saying sam das and he's a guy who works at uh he's a c he's a he's a i think vp at uh um some big company dale or something like in india and um so he was he actually took this to his office room and he said all of you just draw a teacup and it's and they realized that every teacup they drew was completely different he said give it some detail you know and he says i just said to draw a teacup you can see that all our teacups are different and just with a little experience and not much as as a 45 year old man in this world i've realized that we can talk about something but we can all say it looks it's the same thing but as i went through the charismatic revivals and the pentecostal revivals and every church and this church and that church throughout my life i realized that jesus was different at every church and so we need to be able to define because this jesus that we are speaking about we have a reference point to this jesus don't we with these stories that you hear you are all a mirror images of that when you hear when you hear of dilan's story of financial success when you heard about the healings and the miracles that happened when you hear about jason who was on a bike doing 100k and who was a who who was competed in iron man all three by the way all three competed all three i've been swimming running and what is that other one cycling yeah sorry uh cycling yes he's coming to compete in all three of them but then decides to take on a group that is new but also realizes because what he sees he's got to be in his leaders in his fathers the sons cannot do anything of themselves except what they see the fathers do do you just see that you see so when he sees that son he realized that philip was one of those people that has taken him all the way his stories he's in phillips coach group you know he he sees that philip has laid down his life for him he's seen the time the cost that philip has has given him to to stop and wait for him to come along and he sees that and then he applies that same practical thing because he sees the father doing something and he applies that same thing because we can only do what we see the father doing do you understand and that's what jesus said he said we can only do what we see the father doing the son can do nothing of himself john 5 but accept what he sees the father doing now that spirit of the father has been given to each one of us you see and so we become the bible truly says this it says that you cannot say that you love god but hate your brother that means literally what he's trying to explain is there is no such thing as a vertical relationship in christianity did you just get that there's no such thing as a vertical god loves me i love god i don't know about you who cares about you it doesn't work like that this is uh if you want to call it a theology a philosophy or a concept an idea whatever semantics you want to put or whatever teacup you have on it okay you need to know who this father is and who the son is because that reference point that god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son have you ever heard of a god like that a god who will stop come down slow down walk down wait for the last to come do you understand that that's the god we have and when we see the father do that then we ourselves can apply the same thing and somehow life becomes awesome and wonderful you understand that when a when a triathlete stops and waits for the last person to come do you understand that because he sees the father doing those very things but if you ask him what got affected and this is where i want to go deeper with each one of you this morning and just keep be very attentive as i go try try to take you down this story you see as you understand who this god is okay he said i spoke to jason last night he dropped in at home after the after our trip and he said you know my conscience spoke to me okay this is very important to understand and we'll get to philip's story as well because that's what he was saying he said my conscience spoke to me and so we'll realize that i i used to learn it in in a very strange way i used to when i used to go to my room those days i have a picture a wonderful picture of jesus that i really see him uh like that even now because that's now in my heart so it's it's you know wonderful blonde hair and you know with a beard and all this and that's a picture of jesus that i have and it's deeply engraved on my subconscious mind and because of that uh i just have a picture of jesus looking like this at this justice just his face you know in the room and then when i grew older i would uh i didn't smoke joints but i i did i did i i did i like uppers let's put it like that okay and so when i would go into my room i would see this picture of jesus you know staring at me and then i realized who my god was very fast because i would take the picture and put it down how many of you done that yeah you're dying yeah you should don't look at me now this is not a good place yeah yeah you know you know what i'm talking about and then you realize that your god was not he's not a blonde guy with long hair and a beard you realize that very fast if you're if you're self-reflective you realize that your god is your conscience because all i'm looking at a picture of jesus because you and i both know now that jesus never looked like that okay but who was it really talking to you was your conscience and therefore we will hide from a conscience just like adam and eve hid from their god but he asked them where are you do you get that where are you is the same question that would have been echoing in the atmosphere when abraham walked up that mountain because he started up the mountain hearing this god say take and sacrifice your son it will cost you everything and then the where are you question was asked on top of the mountain at the bottom of the mountain where you are you will hear give it all i'm a god who's angry i want all of you i'm gonna take everything of you i'm gonna give and take away the way i want i'm a tyrant i'm schizophrenic once in a while i'm nice to you today but bad to you tomorrow even if you say a bad word it'll cost you your life that's a god at the bottom of the mountain and i realized very fast as i went through all these revivals all over the world preaching that our teacups are very very very different and that's why i like to say the jesus of wow there's a wow jesus that we experience this is our wow reality this jesus is merciful this jesus is gracious this jesus when you fall he picks you up this jesus gives you an abundant when you make mistakes i learned to pick that face of jesus up in my darkest and deepest days while i was deep in sin i learned to pick that face up again for my room and look at that jesus and look at him in my very state of sin while i was flying on drugs i i was able to pick the jesus up somehow the words that i heard from my father nilow sacra caused me to pick the jesus up and speak to the jesus while i was in the mess i was without denying that jesus but telling him about my weaknesses knowing that he can look into my heart and see me in perfect love because perfect love casts out fear there is no penalty in the day of judgment and my my ability to speak to that jesus and say jesus this is who i am do you see everything the word is so powerful it's separate soul and spirit and my ability to do it and see him in love transform my heart because that same person neil obey sacra my father my spiritual father as he saw you in the world there's no vertical relationship i saw jesus in him he would come with me in my darkest days he would come to the club with me sit in the club with me bring the champagne with me he's not insane he doesn't get drunk okay watch me sneak into the bathroom do my lines of cocaine and come out and not abuse me accuse me or was not asking me but walked with me and never left me walked me out of the misery walked me out of the pain walked me out of all those things i met the jesus in my father the son cannot do nothing of himself unless he sees the father doing it as he is so are you in this world you understand perfect love casts out all fear we are called to be somebody we call to be a son many times in our lives they're called to be fathers many times in our lives there is only when people in this nation when they look at you they will see the father you need to understand how profound disease and when they see the father accusing segregating compartmentalizing when they see the father in those ways what happens is they realize is that your god and so that's what you're manifesting and so guys this is so important to understand and if you look at philip's story he said he didn't use the same semantics that we used to talk to his people but he spoke to them with the spirit of the father do you understand that and then he saw that yes if you understand the oil the oil that i was talking about was hidden stuff and stuff like that please come on tuesdays we're ministering the spirit in this place on tuesdays we're going deep in the world but we're also prophesying healing the sick you know all that kind of stuff we're ministering to spirit on tuesday so please come on tuesday it's going to be awesome meetings on tuesdays but it's going to be crazy meetings on tuesdays but it wasn't just the oil but the oil was is a part of that story of abraham you know the the i prayed you remember i told you i see i said it's not jehovah jireh when you went up the mountain you saw a new when you're up on a mountain you see a new perspective where are you when you started where is adam where are you when you started where are you when you end up up the mountain when you take those first steps into sacrifice when you take your first steps into the cost of what it looks like walking with jesus do you understand that because i mean our conscience speaks to us we realize our conscience is god god comes and dwells in the human heart do you understand he's given i mean where is it in what theology of philosophy do you have god saying i am elohim elohim means and this is the beginning in the when genesis starts saying i am god you know his his form he gives out is elohim i am elohim the word is a plural form but i want you to understand he's literally saying i am the creator now i want you to understand that's the character nature of god is great the first name of god in the bible is the creator god so we must always know him and so when he made us what did he make us for to create that's what we do that's what you're doing every single day that's why the heart is important because the heart is the instrument it is it is the machine he uses to create the world god has not stopped creating the world he said let us make man in our image do you see anyone like god no he's still creating the world he's wanting and making man to become just as his son you understand it and he has given each one a heart and he dwells in the heart of man and he uses the heart of man to create the rest of the world you just get that god is still creating but he is creating through your heart did you just get that okay so as he is so will you be and so will the world be so god is the creator god and so therefore when he introduced himself to abraham and isaac and all these people he came as el shaddai and not saying that he is he is restricted only to your heart i'm not talking that he's that he's just in your heart he is the supreme eternal one he was el shaddai the multi-breasted one the one who provides and that's his very nature so he loves the world he gave he gave he gave but when he when he wanted man to know his character he changed his name in exodus 6 and he said to now pharaoh and you know what pharaoh is like i will be as he is that is his name he said now i will be as pharaoh is who is this god who is asking for these people for my economy for the people who are working for me who is this god pharaoh asks moses and moses says just like you did you just get that you have the same story coming with adam and eve in the bible when eve when he looks at eve and he says hey who is this he says just like me when when moses asked god who do i say are you the god of abraham isaac jacob oh you're the el should die you're the elohim the creator he says no no no all this time i came to your father's in that name but from now onwards i will be known to man and to pharaoh as just as you do you understand it i am who is the i am do you understand that that name came from the place so it's important to understand that now god wants us to understand that he comes as the i am constantly in the bible you have this reflection god jesus is explaining this when he says i want to see the father he says if you've seen me you've seen the father a man cannot do a son cannot do anything of himself unless he sees and the word seeds is important and that is why i'm talking about the oil and the angel and the whole thing that experience that i had because up on the mountain what happened was dependent on where they are god was different now that might be a story in your life depend on where you are when you started off your life in a place where god was wicked angry guess what was happening to you you were so strict legalistic angry wrought full impulsive come on isn't that your story that's what i was i know that when i went and heard about the law of moses and i'm supposed to keep it like this and keep it like that and don't do this and don't do that guess what happened to me i would look all around me and see people's mistakes and their faults and see how they'll fail in their ten commandments and not only in the ten commandments every damn thing was so apparent to me even my prophecies even when i started getting prophecies it will always be about you know people's mistakes and their faults have you seen prophets like that you see it's because we are now reflecting who our god is according to the promises in our heart you just get that so therefore when we travel up the mountain and our self our ego dies somehow we see him differently and abraham clearly saw him as the provider i'm not saying there is no provision there i'm saying that he saw him as the one who provides but he had new eyes do you understand it he had new eyes because some of you up that mountain jason up a couple of kilometers realized he saw god in new eyes do you understand it when philip spoke to them he spoke to them kindly he spoke to his people kindly it wasn't like before suddenly the watch was left out they were they were able to pick the picture of jesus up again and have a conversation she was able or he was able i don't know who or she or he was but he did that he picked that up and say i know that you can see this you are the god that sees and i'm speaking to you now and i know because i saw it in my master i saw it in my father to love the forgiveness the grace and therefore here's the watch and the watch was given back so we realize that we cannot move away from our conscience and who god is we cannot move away from our conscience and who god is the new testament is all about the heart or the conscience you know they have they've done you know how i like my science they've done uh i'm reading this guy andrew newberg and mark i kind of waldman okay they're doctors and their neurosurgeons and neurobiologists and stuff like that and they've done like phenomenal uh experiments and one of these experiments were and i i'm i'm doing my own commentary with this but so but these are the kind of stories that they were they were saying they were saying that when you have they at certain points in in certain areas in hotels and places like that they would have something called honor bars you know honor bars is that you can get your tea and you can get your chocolates or you can get your whatever and you pay whatever you want okay it's just you pay whatever you want but if you have a picture of a flower or a tree or a garden or something like that they've realized that what people pay in was they were not collecting as much as they'd expect but as they put a mirror or they put eyes okay they realized that they got three times more of the value just understand that because we are reflecting who we are aren't we you know it's it's a picture of jesus it's a funny thing yeah it's a funny thing and and and but just imagine depending on people are leaving that place depending feeling in different ways a legalistic christian is feeling condemned you understand a man of grace is feeling loved he's reconciling himself with christ when he pays that cost do you understand that so many people can leave the place with different ways depending on who you think is looking at you with whose eyes if it's gazing at you it depends doesn't it you know when i when jesus was looking at me when i was in the law and when i was read the bible i picked the bible up and read psalms or something like we'll get scared and close the bible like this sometimes i pick it up you know how many of you done this you pick your bible up and you turn to whatever page i need a solution for something so and you pick it up and then suddenly it says you know jesus is crying out to god why have you forsaken me [Laughter] what do you think you know desperate most moment jesus christ is crying out to god why have you first look at me what do you feel you're like no not a page i've i've read psalms and i've been scared i'm like oh my god god is going to kill me there are stories like that you you can get two theological people on two sides of the fence believe me they'll fight till morning come because there are places where god calls moses and then tries to kill him what do you do with that how does your theology work with that okay but then there are there are places where god saw the world that he gave his only begotten son it will depend on your teacup and will depend on what you hear truly it'll depend on what you see your fathers do do you understand that that's how you're going to reflect it man okay so where was i with this this is so good yeah so i mean this is so i mean how did we miss this when god in the old testament comes and says i am as you are how do we miss it that god constantly and continuously is now going to come as the mirror image do you understand that and he's decided to create the world he knows how he's going to create the world if you start reflecting the father of our lord jesus christ the god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son you see i mean look at the look at other gods i mean no disrespect and please understand i'm living in a multicultural country but i'm just trying to look at other gods i mean look at greek mythology okay we have you we have zeus okay and we have thor i like thor okay a lot of people like thor okay but you know i mean here he is with a hammer and and his father is he was right this is his fault odin odin yeah sorry sorry odin yeah okay jews with someone anyway uh but uh but i'm just trying to say look at them and then you look at then you look did you hear the biblical story and then you look at our god and what do you see do you see a guy with like muscles and blonde big blond hair with muscles or do you hear a scrawny guy with nothing you're not really blonde here i know they're trying to make me clad yeah but who do you see you see a a suffering man on the cross wow because isn't that our lives and we realize that our god comes in and he presents himself as the suffering servant not some guy who is far detached from us upon a mountain who's throwing lightning from the sky okay we can go we have a wand and everything is okay but a god who comes and suffers with priyan dylan goes through it with them as them as their friend who says i have gone through everything and you know the story of jesus christ he comes into the world becomes as you suffers as you takes the pain as you goes through everything like jason was on his cycle you know what wait for the least so when you go through your pain it's written in hebrews 12 consider jesus you are the joy of a set before him he endured the cross you understand it because you see our god who suffered like a man as a man walked as a man gone through everything that you have you know it's so bike riding again you know it was it it's so encouraging to have a buddy a bike buddy why because at your speed at your pain at your distance you got someone to go in with you you got it and so jesus presents himself as you are you cannot go away from the i am he presents yourself as you are and then he says you have not resisted up to bloodshed hebrews 12. you when you look at a cross and you look at your suffering he says consider him are you going through some pain man consider him who went through suffered with you as humanity and if you can look at that and if you can say man i know the full story i can continuously look not only at the cross but how he transcended pain and how you resurrected from the dead you realize that you yourself can do the same because a son can do nothing of himself except what he sees the father do you see a god aloof somewhere with a hammer in the sky okay a god who doesn't know but i think the last thor had that i liked it he had a bit of jesus in it you know he came down he lost his hammer i think lost his hair lost everything you know just he was as a man you know so that was good that was good that was good i see the pattern you know the light shines out to present the pattern of jesus christ you see because that's what we're looking for right we're looking truly for one who understands our pain understands the suffering but also who'll transcend with us know our pain intimately but also transcend with us and that's who jesus christ is now i want to show you something okay in matthew 25. andy and and this was a good experiment because i tell you conscience is so awesome because if you look at what they did and this really spoke to me um yeah we go to 1925 i'll take it from there i'll read it out to you and then we'll i'll tell you the story 1925. this is amazing story and it's a story of the talent and i'll i'll explain to you some guy gets five talents from god father master we don't know who okay some guy gets two and some guy gets one okay interestingly the one who gets five because he's got an abundance of it okay he's understood how abundant the father was takes the five multiplies the five and guess what god comes and gives him more this is the story okay 1925. the guy who gets two he i think you know he was not victimized i would tell this story it's a funny story he didn't get victimized by the two he didn't say no way i i don't agree that guy got five he was able to take the two you've been given different talents at different times at different variations do you understand it at different times different speeds like jason was saying you got it and it when he takes the two he didn't look at the five and says god that's not justice he takes the two and guesses thank you so much for my two not victimized he multiplies the two but here's a guy who got one and the guy who got one guess what he takes he looks it he looks at other guys and he's like man this is not right there's injustice here there's injustice in the world i'm just speaking to the situation in the world right there's so much wrong you know things go bad you know we could say the markets have collapsed you know oh my god it's so unfair i'm not going to do anything i'm going to stay at home or you can hear and see what the father is doing see what philip is doing see what dylan is doing see what the father is doing don't worry about your one don't worry he lost his job he heard the one he was the one going to one actually not even one he had zero don't worry about that do you see what the father is doing the son can do nothing of himself unless he sees what the father is doing okay the angel the one who sees up the mountain sees differently when you go up the mountain he sees from give me everything i'm going to take i'm going to give and take away to suddenly up the mountain he says provide a god you see he changed and so but this guy with the one look what he says i wanted to show you what he say is really interesting okay are you ready to go with me where's 20 where's 24 he says this therefore he says therefore he who had received the one talent came and said lord i knew you to be a come on read it out what a hard man come on read it out this is good i knew you to be a hard man read it out together where where are we very very well done 24 24 yeah okay and then he had received one talent came and said look at this lord i knew to be here come on shout it out hard man reaping where you have not gathering where you have not scattered seed and i was afraid and i went and hid your talent in the ground look there you have what is yours whoa he didn't see the abundance of god he didn't see because remember as he is come on remember as he is so are you do you understand that so he saw he saw god like that i want you to see this this is quite amazing story okay you decide how you can frame this theologically and figure out wow you'll know how to do this okay because here it is he says i was afraid and i was afraid and went and hid your talent in the ground and there you have what is yours now listen to verse 26 but the lord said answered and said to him you wicked and lazy servant you knew that i reap where i have not sown and gathered where i have not scattered seed so you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers at my coming and i would have received back my own with interest wow so take the talent from him and give it to him who has 10 talents that's what he got dylan come on do you understand that now you might think that is really unfair but as you are he is because he doesn't dispute that he doesn't dispute that he's different but he is depend on where you go depend on what part of the mountain you are do you understand that yeah and watch this this is so good so good and this is wonderful and then he says for everyone who has verse 29 is it there more will be given is that is that there and he will have abundance but from him who does not have even what he has will be taken away wow isn't that cool you have a little bit of happiness a little bit of optimism a little bit teeny bit just one talent of optimism one talent one talent of faith in this season one talent of optimism one smile one smile on the face put it one smile for the day okay guess what you will get more come on that makes that's good that's why it says a mustard seed of faith you don't need a big amount a mustard seed or fate why because it grows very fast don't worry keep going it will increase you understand that that's what it says here man you see because who has abundance more will be given it sounds unfair but truly that's your customized god it's so good in the bible but if you don't believe me he doubles down on it he doubles down on it right here okay because he says it here in verse 34 if you're going towards 34. in verse 34 then the king will say to those on his right hand come you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundations of the world listen carefully for i was hungry so good so good for i was hungry huh and you gave me food i was thirsty and you gave me drink i was a stranger and you took me in i was naked and you clothed me i was sick and you visited me i was in prison and you came to me then a righteous will answer and say lord when did we see you hungry come on is it there when did we see open your eyes when we see you hungry listen carefully okay when did we do this lord why should that answer say when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you drink when did we when did we see you a stranger and take you in a naked or clothed you or when were you sick and in prison is it there and the king will unsensitive assuredly i say to you as much as you did to one of the least of my brothers jason stopping going waiting that was him that was him that was him there is no vertical relationship as he is you are if you say you love god but you can't understand this there is no relationship with god this is it as he is so are you do you understand it as you stretch out your hand okay you get the same back do you understand it it's a mirror image a mirror image a mirror image and that's why god came as a son why so that he could mimic what the father does you understand that and so he says this is it this is the whole thing when you look at your brothers and your sisters and then you see me and then you reflect my heart guess what you're doing it for me that's worship do you just get that that is worship because we can save your relationship with god but as you understand that i am who i am who is this god pharaoh us moses this god is you and he says what do you mean this god is me come on i have all kinds of gods i have all these different different types of gods ra and all these mighty gods who is this god this god says that he will manifest himself as you and then he goes on to say you have enslaved his son he will kill your son mirror image do you understand that mirror image and then my god you see that is why the conscience is so so important we're close with this story it's a really cool story uh yeah turn to john a to be close to this john 8 one more little worse okay and then we'll really close with this you see they did the same experiment with a couple of people and uh they go into a room and they put a uh a camera in the room and they put a hundred dollars in one dollar notes on the table and so you can go in there and you can collect whatever you want okay and so they put that camera and you'll see that people will go in and correct but you click one dollar dollar by dollar one two three four like this you know so every time you're collecting it takes time you know like jason going up there and then realizing you see when when you go up the mountain something changes you're collecting collecting now you collected 50 collected 55 credit 65 is just about and or you have an option to leave it for the table it says for someone else to come in and collect up to you okay and they realize that people would go in and collect everything because they don't care about the next person it's like the cookies on the table sometimes at home yeah okay and then and then what they did was they start putting in mirrors you see and so as they start putting mirrors to this place and people saw themselves the reflection in it you'll realize that as i saw the mirror there or they realized hey you know what i see myself okay just like the picture of jesus they realize that they would start being a little more generous leaving something for someone else really interesting really interesting because he is just as you are you start reflecting what happens if your god was tall just trying to say what happens if your god was tall you don't have a reference point of giving of sacrifice you have no reference point of cost you have no reference point of a god that comes to the earth and suffers with you you'll be going in there and taking the hundred dollars all the time because as he is so are you you can only do what you see the father doing you understand that you don't leave anything for anybody and therefore you take everything on the table but as you see the mirror somehow something changes you start seeing your reflection and as you start seeing your reflection certain things start changing on what you do with the table interesting interesting story was was i don't know whether it but is appropriate here but but they go deep into that experiment a really interesting experiment and then they said we can go with two people and the two people are going with two people and uh the one person has a sovereign right to decide the other person cannot negotiate he has to say just yes or no and so they keep a hundred hundred dollars on table and that person can share but the other person when they share he can say no oh yes straight he can say yes that means he can take what that person shares and leave the room or he can say no and no one gets anything okay so interesting isn't it yeah so you see this guy and um he goes in and he goes in with his buddy and he takes 99 and gives his buddy one what do you think what would you do think about it what would you do you take the one or you say no come on i'd like to see a show of hands here who'll take the one who'll take around come on who'll take the one come on there's someone who'll take the one philip are you sure you won't take the one who's gonna take the one you'll take the one good capitalist yeah but but i'm trying to say yes that's fine capitals are fine i love capitalism you're not a capitalist speaker so so they realized that yes you can take the one because at the end of the day i mean at least you get one you didn't have one before you get what i'm trying to say and then they realize what happens i mean just understand this is such a cool experiment because if you said no he doesn't get anything if you take the one you get one he gets 99 and then we realize my god this is when do we say no and they turned it around and they said hey what happens if we put a million dollars in there okay and this is so cool and then you'll see okay why don't we and these are things that you don't conclude on these things you progress with your conscience okay and you put them because why didn't we why did we say no most of us said no there was one two people in the house who said yes but most of the people said no why because i value what you're thinking because it's injustice isn't it it's absolute injustice so that that guy takes 99 you take one it's absolutely injustice you're going to say no so you value justice and the integrity of your conscience am i correct but guess what you exchange when it's a million dollars how many people take one million dollars just raise your hand come on are you going to still say no he can have 99 million dollars you have one million dollars 100 million 150 million rupees 1.99 he can take 99 million he'll give you 1 million dollars 150 million rupees anyone anyone going to say no just raise your hand if you're going to if you're going to say no raise your hand this time if you're going to say no raise your hand this time okay it's that's okay that's okay because that's the lesson of your conscience because suddenly you realize that you will exchange justice for money and it depends on where you are on the mountain huh but but then you realize i can't point fingers at all those guys who are doing wrong things that's what should work i can't point fingers i pick the paper up and look at oh my god this guy and oh my god this guy look out how much he's taken this and that i know it's all corrupt but hey who are we as you are so will you be come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on because it's a mirror isn't it you know your conscience can shift and change strangely in in funny ways depending on where are you adam you see you can say well god is a generous god you can take the mountains uh bottom the bottom of the mountain approach and say the legalistic approach but i'm sure none of the legalists would have uh not taken the million they've taken a million for sure but when it was one dollar they would have brought their legalism out and presented a legal them i'm not talking of you i'm just talking about this is how it works you guys are true because you're wow we're true with our conscience in our hearts and we're working on how to have a perfected conscience they brought the legalism out and say it's so unfair and so unrighteous and that's wrong but then when the million dollars is present before they would see but god is such a provider you see the silver and gold is that you know you would quote me bible scriptures and you would see the god who provides you see differently but my question is at what point when you're dealing the money out like he's given you one million so his account so that's his hundred dollar denominations hundred dollars hundred dollars hundred dollars and he comes to one million and then he starts serving his side at what point a hundred one million hundred dollars do that does that conscient get affected and says oh no i'll wait to two million greenland because all you can say is no yes and then the experiment is over he loses and you lose you can't negotiate and say look i'm going to change my mind that's what we'd like to do right buddy you stopped at 1 million give me give me come on if you can negotiate you would negotiate it wouldn't you yes but it's a lesson in our conscience like when does our conscience when does that happen here's a god who saw you take the million dollars and not give one cent to the other this is how your father worked and how he did it was he saw you take the 1 million robbed someone completely and then he said you know what just because you did that i'm going to come into the world i'm going to give off everything i have in fact i myself will die you understand it and i'm going to give the person who missed out i'm going to pay your debt do you understand that and we humbly humbly become capitalist on the mountain and say god i'm all messed up inside please pay my brothers back do you understand that pay them for who i am as i am everyone hurts in the world but i want to learn how to be you and i see the father doing something he gave his only begotten son he gave his cost jason rodgers singer stopped and helped the person at the end philip spoke to them in a good way and they changed the way they thought do you understand that it's all the same story different paradigms different elements different semantics but it's all the same story why could they do it why could they stop why could philip put charges i don't know how many charge how much he charges for an hour but literally literally charges for the hour why could philip stop and give six hours seven hours eight hours to somebody sometimes in one day sometimes daily why would he stop and give someone that plays is because we saw how jesus did it do you understand that we were able to share because we saw our conscience spoke because we've got a wow conscience about jesus you understand that you just end up with this okay and it's in the band can i have you up it's in john 8 phenomenal story jesus is saying in john 8. he talks about abraham of the mountain and here it is so they tell jesus i want to see it again okay listen carefully okay jesus says remember in john 5 that he said they said you know you make yourself equal with god and we want to kill you and stuff like that and jesus says i can only do what the father is doing the son can do nothing of himself you see that statement there he says the same thing here verse 37. all these miracles you see it wow you come unto you do you see miracles you see healings you need to see that you need to see crazy signs and wonders you need to see that that's those signs and wonders is what causes someone to stretch and know that the same miracle if if god can do a simple thing like that for little old me a small tiny thing a small miracle for me in in this place that's the same god who will answer my prayers when i'm in financial crisis or when i'm sick you need to see miracles because as you see so are you do you understand it because that's who you will become what you are seeing and so it says it here jesus said tells the pharisees in verse 37 he says i know that you are abraham's descendants but you seek to kill me because my word has no place in you is it there my world the language that it was a language problem they didn't have the language of sons who were bold who testified who remembered their god who had seen wondrous signs and wonders they didn't have the language so i say he says i speak what i have seen look watch this i speak what i have what seen with my father do you just get it there so you have seen the father in this place do things you've seen the abundance the grace of your god so he says i have seen what my father does you see there and you do as your father does come on the son can do nothing of himself except what the father is saying and doing does he say there so he literally says that people will do what their father is doing if you've been in a situation in your life where you have been victimized and you hold on to everything that you have you not seen people with generous hearts abundance not heard a god who gave his only begotten son and because of that will give you all things i'm not a prosperity gospel preacher but i am a gospel teacher of an abundant generous lavish extravagant god and that doesn't mean money it means with love with kindness with absolute fatherly heart money included healing with signs wonders a god who answers our prayer while we're driving in our car not a god you understand that that's how you see this god a god who's free a god who loves your freedom so we see that god and he says you will do only what you see your father doing is it there they said he said pharisees and this is the story if you want to understand why this church is different from other churches because this they do what they see their father doing that's all that's the difference you can only do what you see your fathers do there's nothing else and he explains this beautifully here and you just do what you see your father doing and then i want you to see this in verse 54 and jesus answered and they said in verse i think it was in you speak about abraham and jesus answered i want you to see what he talks about abraham on the mountain he talks right here he talks about abraham on the mountain remember when he started on a mountain he heard god say come kill your only begotten son do you understand that and then as he goes up the mountain he realizes that the father wasn't talking to him about himself but the father was talking about himself that he himself will give his only begotten son for us something shifted and changed something shifted and changed from suddenly seeing that that's what the father wanted from him to realize that was the father what the father was giving and doing for him you see something shifted upon the mountain and so jesus speaks about that situation like this if i honor myself my honor is nothing in verse 54. it is my father who honors me of whom you say that he is your god yet you have not known him gnosis epignosis do you not known him but i know him is it there okay now watch this in verse 56 your father abraham is he there rejoice to see my day now when did he see his day right up on the mountain he saw jesus day because he looked the angel came held his hand and said abraham stop he says look and he looked into the bush and he saw the lamb that was provided for the sacrifice and he realized that while he was climbing up the mountain on one side like this like this thinking that he needs to give all cost all you know i've done that so many times in my life i was telling hope recently that i went to um all the way to dubai one day because i loved my ministry so much i was ready to pay the costs i went up to neil my father and i said pastor neil i want to give up this church he said my son he said no because i don't want it to become an idol to me and so i walked up the mountain not knowing on the other side of that same mountain was the provision that was coming in the form of the lamb and when i went up that mountain god said hey i know you love this i saw your heart ready to sacrifice for this but guess what i have provided the lab do you understand that because to thick or thin i would have been happy but whether they had a miracle or not they were happy they said you know what i'm going to believe i spoke to him many times he said i'm going to believe i'm going to i'm going to believe i know my god i know he's good they're going to be happy and they maintained that realm of peace and joy constantly and continuously and i'm sure it was hard i'm sure there are times that they were anxious but they were not like that guy who had the one who said god is wicked god is bad he gives and takes away you know he punishes okay i made mistakes maybe it is because all the mistakes i made there were times when dylan spoke to me and he said am i i don't want to be a pharaoh he said sometimes to the people i work i said iran i said god loves you you know he's there for you we reminded him about his father you understand it as he understood the love of god he knew that no matter what has happened in the past it really doesn't matter you know god will provide he's not going to hold you to your past he will still be the provider to you despite that you got it and now he says this beautiful words beautiful words 56 your father abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and he was glad i love that because up the mountain abraham would have been like oh my god i can't believe i'm going to do this i'm ready to do this this is what if this who is if this is who god is i'm ready to do it we all walk that to pentecostal charismatic doctrines we walk through if this is who god is i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready when he was up the mountain he saw jesus and he was glad how glad would you be when you realize you don't have to pay that cost do you understand that that despite the mistakes that you made he comes and pays them off every single one including you he says he saw my day and i'm just i can picture it when jesus said because jesus was there and he said when he saw my day he said you you say you're abraham's children but you don't even know abraham you don't understand when abraham saw my day at the bottom of the mountain abraham saw god as a god who gives and takes away a god who wants to take everything that it will cost you your life but up on the mountain he was glad when he saw jesus's day do you understand it and that's the god that we see here and then they asked the question they said and the jews said to him you are not yet 50 years old and you have seen abraham you see there and i love this and jesus says this assuredly i say to you before abraham there you go that's what he says was i am isn't that cool yeah does god take them all the way back he said this is the way it works man the son can do nothing of himself if you see the father and who the father is you will do in literacy you will do what you see your father do we do what we see our father does there's a father who loves us in this house a father does miracles in his house just please stand up let's worship god i'm going to pray over you there is a god who can provide at times of famine there's a god you're going to come next next sunday to church tell your friends to to watch it philip is going to talk about a god who provides in times of financial collapse a god who doesn't run out a god is constantly continuously abundant who loves us and we have seen the people in this place because when we see them we see god if you've done this for the least of them you've done it for me you've seen a generous church come on haven't you seen it here you've seen a generous church here a generous god a generous church an abundant god an abundant church you will be and have exactly what you see how do we just thank you lord that as we see you in new light despite the condemnation the accusation and all the things that religion and tradition can put on us lord we know that you are good in the new testament you come to seal the deal you finished it you paid for all our mistakes our sins you have presented us before the father as holy as righteous as sons of god ready to receive an inheritance god father because of that we're going to be generous with our kindness generous with our affection generous in our waiting generous in our patience generous with every single thing with our finances our love and all that you have given us lord because we truly see you [Music] you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 5,315
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek
Id: rBUW1uZO9Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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