PLAYERS ARE GETTING BETTER | Let's Play Super Auto Pets | #04

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hello hello everyone and welcome back to super ultra pad so the main reason i'm not doing too many episodes of this game is because one of the servers i mean i think this is this game is made by two people and one of their servers went down so it's been lagging it's been i wouldn't say unplayable but pretty much unrecordable um for for quite a couple of days even even the day the last time i actually made an episode it was pretty bad and i've been trying to record but usually i just end up just getting frustrated but today finally er it seems like it's back to normal and uh we don't have any lags we don't have any w where we need to close the game and open the game all the time and all that kind of stuff so it seems it's back to normal so we're getting back into it here customer size custom customize something here so i've been playing it quite a bit uh between the episodes and uh i got 695 points i'm probably gonna earn up to to a new hat i think i want i want i want them i want the biggest of them all i want the golden poop head i don't know if i get that even the normal poop hat for 2000 and we're gonna play with you know what i'm gonna go over to the normal and if we don't win we're gonna switch over to the expansion after that so let's try the normal pack here yeah i'm usually going in between those i mean i'm i'm playing both of them i'm not playing only one kind of deck so here we go i also have a new background if i didn't show you that the last time and see a horse so that's a pretty meter game isn't it a dog and a mosquito i feel like it is never a good thing not to buy them all three but i could eat what i'm wondering here because the horse is not really good in this situation right now with this setup i think i'm gonna take the mosquito and the dog and then reroll and take something else the beaver this is not exactly the start i was hoping for but yeah let's um don't really want the horse i don't like that kind of build i don't really like that kind of build but we might have to go for it but yeah it's it's it's very good early game the halls if you do get the crickets and stuff like that and also the honey but i'm gonna freeze it because it is a very a very good build if i do just get one cricket and then i can do the honey and the horse as well it's just a good build to have for the second round but this round i don't think we're gonna win the first round crunchy streamers nefarious streamers hooting um crunchy nefarious uh i don't know hooting patina crunchy crunchy mushrooms crunch the mushrooms all the crunchy mushrooms there we go so the first bite here against whoever that guy is okay we win this one i don't know what he's doing i don't know i don't know what the he's going up to here but i was terrible that was i have no idea what that was but okay fair enough i'll take that because i thought we would lose it so we do get a cricket i think that's pretty much how we're gonna go here take the horse as well get the honey on you know what i'll i'll sell no i won't sell the dog this time around i'm gonna keep him around i'm gonna sell the beaver instead get one more mosquito and then get the honey on one of the mosquitoes it seems yeah go ahead oh not enough gold okay yeah never mind then uh i did too many things now i'm actually fine with it i'm fine with it i don't really need the honey here i feel like maybe potentially i don't know pigs nah re-roll again oh no please no server you've been so nice to me for the past half hour but now it seems to be back yes there we go okay okay a little bit dark now i don't i think i'm going to keep the mosquito i might i might want to go for a bit more buff mosquito here because we can actually get a level 2 mosquito so yeah the honey is frozen good yeah in the turn let's see what we're up against if it's just an easy as before i would be very glad now that's that's a bit that's just a lot harder actually not only a little bit harder that's a lot harder i was not really good here um okay that's nice that's nice that was really nice one nah that's not good that's not a good nah nah he's gonna win this one yeah not even close not even close okay that's a tough battle very tough battle indeed okay we got level two animals ooh the dude that's a very early doo doo and the crab but see here's the thing this is where we probably want to get rid of the holes because the horse is not playing into what we are seeing here or what we are giving and we also got that mosquito would would be nice to probably get to level two i mean i could keep the holes for now just because it's also giving us um it's giving us the animals we get ooh and orcs oh that might not be bad in front of the mosquito right now instead of anything else oh yeah i'll take i'll take i'll take an ox and also i'll take an honey because that's it's upgrading the orcs every time so like uh and and it's also helping the horse well well the the bees are good with the horses so and i'm not gonna go for those two i guess we're going for yeah i don't know what this build is but it's it's definitely something that could be working out for us because this guy could maybe take two hits then the b will take one hit that means he will be at least getting six plus damage and of course the melon armor but yeah it's it might work out it might work out i think we're gonna re-roll here yeah i might want the flamingo but i don't know it could be good instead of the cricket no i instead of this dog actually uh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna freeze that yeah sure in turn see playing the flamingo and then put a pill on it so it will upgrade one of our units especially the orcs would be pretty good oh that's a tough build as well here actually it might not be that bad we'll see we'll see that was a really nasty hit on us because now the fish can actually kill us directly so annoying but okay we get we get that melanoma going and also the pluses and then the p is going to kill the fish and we will kill that one that's nice and i think we will draw this one okay ah well tough goings here from the beginning but at least we're not losing so oh yeah that peacock is also pretty good a peacock with the arcs [Music] it's not bad i'm definitely going to go for the dark selling here and the horse i don't know if i want to upgrade the horse i'm not that in i mean for now it's decent but i think i would rather get that peacock yeah yeah i'm gonna go for that instead and peacock and the flamingo now the question is what kind of i could actually go for and i'll i'll keep the flamingo for just now the flamingo is giving the two friends behind it you know what i think i think i'm gonna kill this flamingo and get something else it's giving me one goal that means i got one more yeah um i'm gonna re-roll and find something else here i mean i could take the holes again but two two holes [Music] it it's not bad i mean it's giving me also it's it's also giving me quite a lot of damage from the crickets and the um it's definitely not bad but and i need that one in front no actually i need that one in front probably want to do it that way actually it seems a little bit odd doing that but how does it have melanoma already wait what because i sold someone in front of it oh yeah it fainted so he will just have a melanoma from from the get-go now what the hell oh that's so good but i still don't want him in front i want probably the peacock in front [Music] yeah i don't know probably probably like that you know what i'm gonna re-roll i don't want that horse yeah the crab is not a bad one to take here because he will get seven health out of it this one could give me one gold which is also not bad um nothing i think i'm gonna go with the crap here and put it up here the cricket is terrible i mean i'm gonna get rid of that the next time but for now that's that's that's not bad i'm pretty happy with that but i will probably do that instead to have the awesome a little bit further ahead because we do need his damn actually the mosquito have the same amount of damage but i kind of want him here instead because the crab will survive a little bit longer than the mosquito and that way we might get one more plus out of it one more plus two out of it so that's fine and i'm gonna re-roll again i don't really want more honey i don't want the cupcake nothing there no no none of these animals none of this food in turn okay i mean i i mean i don't i'm not comfortable but i feel like we got a the okay why does the why does he have the whale in the front here because he doesn't have anyone else that give him any benefits actually okay interesting interesting i think we're gonna win that one yeah do a trade and then we can kill that one as well that's nice then he got a one five giraffe that's actually really good for us oh wait yeah the ox is not uh yeah the orcs need to so mosquitoes should probably be in front of the ouch and we want that one uh the mosquitoes could probably be in front of the yorks i might want to get rid of the ox as well i don't know i mean with the melanoma is pretty good already double upgrade here on the peacock and crab but i probably need to do this just because then the oaks will get plus two plus two oh well he he will get more pluses out of it the camel heard give a friend behind plus one plus two hmm yeah i don't know we already have a couple of units that yeah i'm not gonna go for that i'm gonna upgrade the peacock and also the crap um what else oh it actually doesn't gain anything from leveling i forgot about that huh well that's all right that's all right um i'm okay with upgrading it once just for one one well actually it's just just it's just one so it's actually not a good upgrade upgrading the crop is actually crap um i think we're gonna re-roll and find something else instead of the cricket here i don't see anything else i want uh well that is i mean the muskie twister but it's a four five and right now that four five is definitely better than anything else i have the flamingo the another orcs do i want to upgrade the orcs or do i wanna get a flamingo instead of the cricket good question it's a five six now yeah i'll take that and meat bone i'll freeze that i wanna probably put it on the peacock or the crab maybe the crap actually i probably want garlic on the peacock instead so yeah that's probably how we're gonna roll and well we can roll end the turn and see what we get hmm the crunchy mushrooms versus the desperate housewives of course it is four eight six eight okay and he got yeah he's gonna kill our guy because he got the meat bone that's that's scary okay we killed him and wow i think we're gonna lose this one i think we might lose this one yeah wait wait we got that rat now but no no we are gonna lose that one okay yeah he's gonna hit that no okay i thought actually the rat would kill my cricket but it didn't fair enough apparent over the feed that is not exactly the animals that i would like to see i think we're just gonna go for the meat bone directly i think that's one of the most valuable kind of food you can get over the game is i would have liked to get it even earlier but you know no such luck roll garlic i'll take that sure i'll take that um oh that now that snail is definitely worth taking instead of the cricket here because it's upgrading everyone lop that's really good um and then we can get rid of it next turn for something blowfish is pretty damn good but i don't know i don't think i want it in this situation right here uh i think i'm just going to go for a reroll and see what we get here a sheep hedgehog the hedgehog might be good but nah nah sally ball could be good nah i'm i'm i'm gonna go with just a complete re-roll after this turn yeah i think i'm good with this it actually it looks quite decent except from the snail of course but other than that it looks rather decent we don't really have anything really synergizable but it it kind of works just having big numbers in the mid game and that's a pretty big blowfish can we we kill it in two turns oh that's annoying oh okay but he's also gonna kill us okay fair trade that's nice good crap and okay he got us there three three i think we win this one yeah we we got it we got it yeah that's good that was really good that was um that's what we needed it's definitely what we needed at least i want to get up to like seven trophies that's like my that's that's like where i want to go i think average probably is four or five but i want to go to seven every time because i'm i feel like i'm that good but i usually don't get that high actually well yeah yeah i i i what i was trying to say i do get that high i get to like seven very often but i don't get to nine or 10 very often um kangaroo not [Music] it's not it's not bad but it's definitely not bad i could put it behind the orcs i could put it behind the the peacock but then i would have to get rid of the crap and get it somewhere else which i don't really like you could also just put it behind the crap it's it's probably a very very good way to go here i can even give it the garlic so it will you know what yeah i'm gonna go with that it's pretty it's pretty good it's pretty good it's gonna it's gonna be quite decent it would be better to have it yeah but but i think this is actually the perfect spot for it the mid is actually probably the best one to go for in this case and then we still got the off and the mosquito doing some decent work back here and take yeah take the garlic for sure and roll i think yeah i'm gonna take the canned food i want to start getting some better units out here because we're also getting a higher tier units and that way we can easily just web out some of the things we we have ah the monkey's actually not bad at all but i don't really want it right now i'm just gonna go with the upgrade and then re-roll again i think yeah a deer dude upgrade doo doo so it's gonna give someone a three is that gonna be helpful here not really not really i think we are just gonna go with a complete reroll don't really see anything i really want over this kangaroo i could potentially sell this kangaroo again but also it depends on what else we get um i'm not sure but i think it got a good got a good chance of actually at least ramping up to like an eight eight or nine or whatever it can get up to i don't i don't think it's gonna get to two um okay let's see oh he since that was that was not a good trade for us i don't think eight nine oh that's not good either can we kill him here yes we do okay that's good there's gonna be a six seven that's not gonna be enough no we're gonna lose this one i think or maybe not wait hold on it's gonna be a draw isn't it no i think we win we win oh that was a close one that's a close one good dogs good dogs the aux is really turning up big here for us and we get an upgrade on it i'll take that yes sure um yeah it's gonna be pretty good the turkey friend summoned i'm gonna go with no i mean i could take the deer and turkey that's not a bad deal definitely not a bad deal i need to consider that actually but instead of what that would be instead of the mosquito and the kangaroo i think wait no not instead of nah i don't like it i don't like because i don't really have a lot otherwise that is summoning stuff so i don't really like it right now i think i'm just going to go for a re-roll yeah go ahead canned food i'll take that and i'll take the hippo for sure although now that giraffe is too slow i want something with a bit more damage and a bit more possibility of gaining stuff here i i think i think the hippo instead of the craft here is the way to go or maybe instead of the mosquito nah i still feel the ox gaining too much from the mosquito to to take it out i feel like it's better to take the crab out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't know see the hippo also wants a garlic but it's not a bad it's not a bad option here because if the hippo you know get hit like four or five times the kangaroo is gonna go crazy so it's definitely worth it think it's for sure worth it here and just annoying that i get rid of my meat bone for doing it i'm doing less damage but potentially more damage with the kangaroo it's it's for the long it's for the long run here i i did that because i'll probably keep the hippo for a long time a 7-7 rooster wow um well that's a lot better than the mosquito that's for sure i'm gonna freeze both of them i might want to keep them i don't know maybe you know what now i'll probably find something else instead of the mosquito and the orcs i'll probably keep the ox for some time just because i got melanoma in this and is an 88 level two so i'll probably keep that for a long time but i want something else instead of the mosquito in front of it right now and garlic armor i'll take that for the hippo thank you kindly meat bone nah nah okay uh i think i'm good okay in turn this is gonna be one of those turns that is gonna decide how far we're gonna go is it gonna be five or six wins or is it gonna be seven eight nine or ten wins probably five wins of all wins it seems like i don't think we're gonna win this one and if that's the case i don't think we're getting that far yeah that's no no we're done we're done that's uh that's a loss definitely a loss yeah that was uh that was a really really strong opponent jesus that dudu is absolutely crazy okay well he he only did win with a 2-3 penguin so we're not that bad but still that's not good that is not good what do we get here mmm the cow uh the reason i'm wondering about the cow is yeah i think we're gonna take the cow instead of the mosquito here because we get so much out of it so we take the garlic for the uh hippo and then we sell the mosquito and we take the cow and we get some drinks for the hippo so it's going to be at 12 15. that's really good and we could sell the cow again or actually the kangaroo because it's not really that helpful but i don't really i could take the doodoo instead of the kangaroo and just buff the hippo but we don't have time to upgrade the doodoo that much so i think we're just going for a reroll and see what we get deer in front of the augs is not bad at all that is not bad at all but we also have a hippo here which i 100 want do i want that cow in this round um rhino seal seal might also be good i mean all of this is is doable for sure but i think i think it's better just to take the hippo directly and then maybe freeze the deer for next turn i'm not even sure if i want to keep the deer that's the thing here i might want something entirely different here in the back line also there the kangaroo is not really it's not really doing it for me [Music] i can i can i can definitely get rid of this cow right now and take something else i mean just for this round i'm gonna take the deer because it's just so much better for the orcs to have something that gets summoned so it will get that extra damage and the boss is also pretty damn decent hmm okay um yeah that seems decent these are three guys up here with their actually the peacock might get out soon because we do have another tank now i might get rid of the peacock [Music] yeah that might happen because we didn't really get it upgraded much okay here we go the dry arms so let's see how is this gonna go down okay he killed us there and oh that's a bad hit on us that's actually not good that's a good hit okay that's good and then we get enough to kill the fish kangaroo is not getting upgraded enough to kill anything that's not good the oh the garlic armor there is terrible we're gonna lose this one i think we're out i think we are out of it nope nope uh the melon armor is saving us jesus christ okay okay so what what was that for five wins that's five wins okay so at maybe we can get to those seven wins but yeah we only got one live so okay what do we have here oh the two sheet nah this the two sheeps is just as good as the deer actually or actually worse another cow now that cow looks nice i think i'm going to get rid of my kangaroo what am i yeah it's just it's just not working out it it needed more it needs more base damage and health by now to be working out yeah i'm gonna get rid of it i feel it it feel it feels a little bit bad doing it but i'm gonna get rid of it and i'm actually gonna buy a cow first and then get the milk in and it's of course going to be on the hippo and i could get the rhino but i feel like i don't really need it but also just by the ah um i'm gonna re-roll more than likely i'll get something that i want dolphin or the crocodile is not terrible also the shield is not terrible but i would need to upgrade it to be really good and i think i'm just gonna take the crocodile it's not a bad shot definitely not a bad one i'm probably gonna re-roll again just to see actually the pair i'll take the pair over anything here actually you know what freeze it and then re-roll do another re-roll could get a deer and keep that upgrade actually upgrading the uh yeah that's way better than the pair actually i'm definitely gonna do this and then i'm gonna paint nah keep nah that you know don't freeze that unfreeze the pear and freeze the deer and that's about it isn't it i think i'm cool with this i think i'm cool with this the question is do i want this crocodile here or in the back i think i want it in the back it doesn't really matter it well it only matters in terms of these guys and i might want them in front i don't know if it's actually doing any differently but yeah uh yeah let's get into this and let's see if we can find a sixth win or we are just gonna blow out as an average five six seven okay that's fine well we're gonna die to this first spider that's nice we killed someone over here i didn't see what it was that's actually a terrible draw that's good that's good is this the same guy as before i think it is i think he's gonna win this time maybe okay i can't how did he what did i not have melon armor how did he kill me there i'm so confused how that happened i had melon armor did he more than 30 damage he must have done like he must have done like 30 damage or something like that well there we go let's try another one and we're going with the normal animals again same start almost well not exactly that's this is a really bad shop actually i'm gonna take these two guys but i'm i'm not gonna take the horse or should i we're gonna lose the first i mean yeah i know i'm gonna reroll and find something else i'll take the fish sure and turn um fussy edible edible puppies people are gonna hate me for taking that that's why i'm doing it edible puppies that sounds really terrible eating small poppies oh god oh he got a three three [Music] ah well there we go lost the first one okay okay okay and we get a little fish i'll take that um upgraded ant nah nah i think i'm actually you know what i don't know i'm going to keep the dog from uh the dog no the duck for now but i think i'm just going to take a cricket and then reroll take another dock i don't want to upgrade it i just want to keep it there er not the best not the bit i don't feel comfortable about this but i mean next round hopefully we can get a lot of these dogs and sell them and get some good animals in the shop but yeah we're probably going to lose this one as well let me go to crickets that goes to two crickets that's not really gonna help anyone there we go off they are boom they are dead and we get a buff on the duck and it's gonna kill the fish that's actually not bad at all but yeah i think we're gonna lose anyway no it's gonna be a draw isn't it oh we win wow there we go cool did not expect that first win one lose one win okay peacock yeah that's um i mean the other two are not really that great to upgrade but yeah i'm still gonna do it just for the peacock's sake because that's gonna be a three seven peacock i'll take that any day of the week shrimp is also not bad since we are probably gonna rid of these twos anyway at some point i'll take that as well actually i'm taking all three i'm taking all three i'm getting rid of this cricket again i'm taking this flamingo there we go ah i mean the meat bone on why who do i want the meat bone on you know what i'll i'll take it on i'll take it on the peacock for now and the question is do i want that in front yeah i probably do do i want that in front as well you know what i'll put it on the fish actually i'll take a puffed fish because it's pretty hard to kill a four five oh wait a five five that's pretty hard yeah that's actually quite nice i could also just put it in front but i wonder yeah i think this is better i think this is just a better setup for now i'll probably get rid of the ant next turn but we'll see we'll see okay okay actually we can re-roll yeah let's re-roll another fish i'll take another fish for sure the sleeping pill is actually not that bad i might want to use it on the end two one for three well actually it only cost one so yeah that's definitely worth it i'll take it i'll take it and in the turn yeah i don't want the elephant here do i i mean the peacock and the elephant is working well together but i don't know [Music] questions questions questions it's not a bad way to go i'm gonna go in with no gonna go with no okey-dokey what do we have here we got i can't tell i can't tell here i usually can't tell but here i have no idea okay now we win we know we win we should be able to win this yeah yeah yeah we got this good easy fight actually easy fight we also had a really good turn there with the peacock getting so buffed from the ducks there we go second win cool then we got the fish and the pill on the end but we don't really have any other animals but we can probably find someone actually hold on i don't want to do that yet do i yeah because i'm not keeping it anyway and i don't want to keep any of these anyway actually i think i might want to re-roll here to begin with so i can find something that will actually get buffed on the fish when i get that yeah oh yeah i think we're gonna go for the elephant in the room so to speak um no don't sell it sleeping pill on the ants nice ah that's perfect and then take the elephant put it up front the flamingo is a bit odd here i think flamingo should probably be in front uh and then the fish to upgrade everyone sweet deal snail no we don't need the snail a six-four flamingo what the four six elephant six nine peacock by force rim and we can definitely get rid of the fish easily here and but i don't see anything right now that i want to get rid of i think we're just gonna reroll see what we get nothing important could take the hedgehog instead of the fish but i'm not sure i want to do that right now the sleeping pill on the flamingo not worth it not worth it just to re-roll again okay i'll take that and upgrade us ramp [Music] probably not no but i will upgrade the elephant actually actually i don't know because i don't really yeah maybe i do want to upgrade the elephant but i don't want to upgrade before i have something that could work with it damaging it that's the thing that's the thing about the elephant you don't really want to upgrade before you actually have some kind of synergizing strategy with it so end the turn here but i'm i'm gonna freeze it just in case we get something that could work with it like the blowfish or something like that okay easy easy i think we got this oh okay i forgot about the crap but that should be fine let's see let's see this elephant can take a couple of blows i think it would be good well then the then this guy is gonna be all sorts of crazy okay yeah i mean he's not gonna kill it oh he's gonna kill us no he's not okay that's fine we got it we got it we need a lot more health on that peacock that's for sure but uh yeah no problem no problem so we got what our third win out of four possible so that's good what do we get headshot flamingo upgrade i don't know i don't know solid is definitely not bad if it went on the elephant and the peacock anyone else i would be a little bit annoyed uh i think i'm just going to go for a re do i want that no i'll take a reroll turtle [Music] hmm that's your badger is decent i'll probably say instead of the fish oh that garlic on the elephant is i don't even know if i want it on the yellow fender i might want it on the peacock but the people do have that bone attack as well but i don't really want the bone attack on the peacock anymore to be honest but i don't think it's worth actually just taking it away here early game so um yeah i'll get rid of the fish for the badger that's that's nice it's it's nice to have it back here it's gonna do some yeah it's gonna win us some games from time to time actually putting the honey on the battery is not a bad deal it will often win the game with the honeybee coming out but is it worth doing that right now yeah that's the question that is the question i'll take that elephant upgrade for now because it's not getting to level two just yet i can wait with that but just getting it plus one plus one is not bad either i think i'm gonna go with the re-roll here i don't don't really want the garlic but i did i'm gonna keep the elephant for quite a while so let's just take it and re-roll and see what we get here nothing i want nothing i want and turn okay okay i still feel we like we are pretty strong we're still pretty strong seeing here compared to the enemy yeah it seems okay you gotta achieve that's a little bit annoying and we're not killing that peacock directly also a little bit annoying yeah at least we're not dying to the peacock or are we we are no we are not so that's good so we will take care of the sheep as well and this peacock is going to get all kinds of buffed that's pretty good but do we have do we have enough damage we i i mean it seems still a little bit four five five five that's okay that's fine and that's fine okay so it's gonna be a draw so if i had that funny on that patcher we would have won that oh yeah there you go [Music] no thank you nothing here i mean the salad i mean the cellophane i mean if i feel like if you get it on the elephant of the peacock all the badger i would be okay with it you know what let's freeze it and just reroll and see what we get box doo doo not upgraded camel oh yeah that actually worked with the elephant hello instead of what yeah instead of uh the shrimp that is going to upgrade that peacock to something [Music] quite quite insane because it's getting so much health maybe it's worth i don't know because that that camel is probably gonna die here hmm interesting but i'm definitely gonna go with it for sure for sure let's re-roll and see what else we get here because i don't really want to take that salad right now huh blowfish oh the blowfish is nice but do i want it by now do i really want that now it would be instead of the camel which no i'll rather take the camel and yeah and i don't really want that garlic i think i'm just gonna take this salad bowl because i could get it on four characters that i wanted on of course it's gonna go on the flamingo and the bat here the two probably the two i wanted the the the least on so there we go of course it is do i want that garlic not really i don't really want it i mean the turtle is also pretty cool but where would i put it in the front instead of the flamingo now i'd rather have the nah nah nah no no just a note just a hard note just reroll and see if we can find something we need upgraded badger i don't even know what is getting upgraded too what is this upgrade deal attack damage to adjust on enemies it's gonna do double it's like that i don't know i don't think i've ever operated the batcher huh is that a ball uh nah nah i'm not just re-roll again two blowfish well i should have taken it then now i'm still not gonna go for it a whale on the other hand probably not as cute as i think what would i swallow here not really anything um it's gonna be a no as well i guess i'm i kind of i think i'm missing something i probably should have taken the blowfish instead of the patcher but i don't know it kind of missed a lot of points here uh the opportunity to put something on but whatever i think we're still a bit ahead of the curve here so hopefully it's not gonna hurt us too bad well we will find out soon enough that's a pretty hot fight that's a really hot fight a 109 and wow okay 11 10 10. okay that's uh that's not good because he's gonna kill my um my elephant directly yeah i think we're gonna lose this one maybe uh that's that's a really terrible yeah this is just oh man this is all this has gone completely wrong completely wrong and i think it's going to be a draw actually because of the patcher yeah yeah it's going to be a draw okay i'll i'll take a draw here i'll take it wrong it's fine three wins one loss okay blowfish again jesus so we got the hippo again as well ooh canned food and pear i'm probably gonna take canned food pear and then the hippo instead of the bad shirt or yeah something like that something like that or the flamingo i mean the flamingo is nice and all but it's between the flamingo and the badger i'm gonna sell the the badger i mean yeah it won us the last fight but i'm gonna sell it here and i'm gonna take the hippo or do i i really like the hippo but it's not synergizing well with the uh elephant the blowfish is it's still a five seven blowfish but the but the elephant is not upgraded so i'm gonna upgrade with a pair here i'm definitely gonna upgrade the elephant i think yeah nah i don't know i could also upgrade the hippo to be honest i'm gonna take the hippo and then i'm gonna freeze the pair and see what we get here a worm okay that's interesting that is very interesting penguin you've all are level two and threes no we don't really have that a sheep and a kangaroo kangaroo is not that important here no i think we're just gonna take the pair oh and the sleeping pill is also pretty good i could go for a sleeping pill and then take the worm and just wait with the pear nah if i do that i do it next round and take the pattern this round because i kind of need to do that i kind of need more damage and stuff at least the elephant needs a little bit more health to make sure that i get a bit few more hits on the camel [Music] hmm do i want that worm no not really i'm just going to re-roll find more cans that is exactly what i wanted to see the pear is also good but nah i'm going to go for the canned food instead i kind of need to bump up the shop animals because i'm probably gonna take the camel out i'm probably gonna take the flamingo out maybe the elephant i don't know it could change um our build could change completely here in the next couple of rounds if we get further okay that's good that's not so good oh no no no no no no no that's some bad bad things going on here that's some bad okay we we survived that we survived that we killed that but that won't survive ah defeat and we only got three crowns okay okay two canned food wow wow sir i'll take the upgrade dolphin here sure why not why not hopefully we will get okay that rhino is also a big one um but i can't afford it this round oh my god yeah sure why not if we if i mean if we get through the next round it's gonna be sick nine nine rooster i mean that rooster could be a really big one i kind of don't want the rooster but i also kind of want it now because it's so high nah i'm gonna take another two canned food next round then everyone is gonna get before four and then i can just swap out everything if we get that far i have a feeling we might not get that far but i have this when i get this middle game like a lot of canned food mid game it it usually turns out well it usually turns out really well so where we're gonna go for that and just hopefully get through this round and not die i mean we're not dying we're just losing a hill if it is this is the same guy as before i feel like the same guy i think he changed a couple of things out swept things around he's not going to get through it this time i don't think i think we got him could be wrong could be wrong because that mosquito is going to take care of my elephant but my um my peacock is probably gonna oh he got the third oh okay okay okay that's nice okay cool got him threw that round got through that round that's nice and new set of things here i mean like that's going to be a big crocodile when we have upgraded the doodoo is also going to be absolutely naughty oh yeah that is a doo doo i want do do me there yes get a doodoo and put it there i think so the peacock will get the damage and i will probably likely also take out this hippo for this croc yeah because that is a 1613 with also doing seven damage to the least the damage to the last enemy on their team that's not bad at all or could be good that could potentially be um you know game-changing that 2-5 camel is not gonna do it for me anymore he is gone next round but for this round he is still in some that that peacock is gonna be a really really bad killer if he survives that's the thing he kind of here's my worry right now my my tanks are not really that tough should i no i can't really put the doodoo any further up because this oh yeah the elephant is actually hitting two behind it now so it should be fine but i must i'm still a little bit worried because if this elephant is dying in the first round then we probably did if this elephant is getting one hit now we're probably dead let's see let's see it is not okay it's surviving the first time but then did we kill that hippo in the second hit yes we do okay okay wait no what oh he got bumped up by something what the hell happened oh that's okay okay we're done we're done we're not gonna survive that then nope nope that's uh that's that's done for wow that that's annoying that snake is really annoying oh wait it's gonna be a draw okay cool cool i'll take that didn't expect that but it's still probably only gonna be a five trophy game but that is how it is for the most part oh we need that blowfish i mean how can i not take that right here scorpion 11 11 scorpion [Music] it's it's even better than the peacock as well i mean i think i'm taking i'm gonna do this i'm definitely gonna take the camel out the peacock is pretty good because it's getting so much damage i want definitely this blowfish in i'm not sure about the scorpion actually i'm gonna freeze it don't do i take chocolate i don't if who is it worth is it worth on any is it worthy to take it on anyone here i don't feel like it is no re-roll it okay that is a big seal but it's only giving plus one plus one eleven now not what uh nuts double scorpion i mean upgraded scorpions are not gonna give me anything but [Music] oh yeah that doo-doo is giving me so much damage i kind of don't have enough health on that elephant [Music] and i don't need the peacock to do the damage i think i'll rather just have a scorpion in there [Music] but then then the elephant is not really working well with this synergizing thing anymore and so in that case i need to take out either the crocodile or the doo-doo but the doo-doo is just popping someone insanely do i take the elephant out that's the question here do i take the elephant out it seems crazy to do it but do i just buff the doo-doo i mean this one is not getting any health anymore that's my worry peacock is not getting any bigger tough choices i really i really need to need to sit here and think about it for a second how i'm gonna set this up i think i'm okay with how it's set up right now for the next turn but after that do i really want that scorpion and probably not and if that is the case what am i gonna buff who what is the most likely for me to keep probably the doo-doo actually because it's giving someone else 11 damage as well so it's just so good and putting the pair on that it's just giving someone else two more damage as well but i'm worried about my health here and i don't think i'm gonna take the scorpion now when i think about it again and i'm probably gonna re-roll here to see if i can find something for the next turn that's big rooster but yeah i'm not gonna take it no thank you i'll take that upgraded peacock and i'll probably take the canned food as well upgraded crocodile now i'm gonna take something else at some point worm nah it's too late it's too late for that probably gonna take the canned food and crap but it's already a 1313 so but that also makes it a bit interesting in terms of the doodoo but i don't really have anyone that is that buffed in health so again it doesn't really make sense no reroll now upgrade doo-doo i'll take that i'll take that the cow is also pretty cool the blowfish is pretty cool now we are talking now we got a lot of stuff going on i'll probably take the cow as well just for the upgrade i mean this plus two plus two is not that important and then again it is for the doo doo you know what i'm okay with this i got plenty of options here and at good options as well um sure in the turn i was actually not too bad because that just leaves me a lot of options next turn i'm probably not going to take the peacock because it's just a one one upgrade the canned food and the doodoo upgrade is way better okay doesn't seem like a bad fight for us but i might be wrong i might be wrong oh how did he how did he do that oh it was it was the skunk oh that bastard skunk is a level two skunk oh that's a big blowfish as well uh how's this going to go 13 18. okay my blowfish is gonna die my peacock is gonna die okay we got it okay cool interesting uh a little too skunk there that just took out my health but i didn't have a lot of health tip i guess it turned out well another doodoo oh yeah i'll do that i have no idea what is getting upgraded to but i want to see it wait hold on we gotta nah i i don't [Music] i don't i don't think the i still don't know what to most what what to do with the mushroom to be honest let's do the canned food first and then the doodoo and another doodoo because i why not dragon 1820 dragon but yeah okay so what he's gonna do attack to two friends ahead oh my god oh that's insane so these guys are both gonna he's gonna get 15 and he's also gonna get 15 health jesus christ i didn't know what exactly was doing so that's uh that's pretty cool um i'm gonna keep those and i'm gonna re-roll fly nah i don't really have anything that works well with it i want to get rid of the crocodile for something it's going to be instead of the cow for at least one round but yeah the garlic is pretty good on the blowfish but it's also pretty late for garlic i'll probably rather get a melon or something like that instead now but uh yeah that's and the turn that was still pretty decent because just that upgrade to the doodoo is giving us 15 extra attack on the blowfish i'll take that for one round sure that's that sounds pretty good oh that's that's okay that's an interesting end but other than that he doesn't seem to be too scary but uh let's see can we take care of that and yes we take care of that ant but he also takes care of us oh that's a big kangaroo as well but we do take care of that kangaroo i think no not anymore well no yes because we had the bone oh that's oh do we win this no it's gonna be a draw okay we'll take it all still on five another drone okay kangaroo the kangaroo might soon be worth it as a 14 15 kangaroo behind the as you see here's the thing we don't really i'm gonna take this upgrade but now it's a 1418 and the blowfish could get a small upgrade from that i think i'll rather take the cow get those milk in on probably peacock to be honest if i get that in i could get the kangaroo in behind the peacock and i think that would be pretty damn decent i think that would be pretty damn decent um yeah i think we can also get the blowfish actually we get that kangaroo in then the doo-doo at the back here just buffing up our um kangaroo and peacock to incredible amounts of you know what i might do that instead because the peacock is also is already getting a lot of damage in and the blowfish is not getting any damage and it's still surviving for quite a long time but not as long as yeah i think i'm gonna do it this way instead because i want a bit more i i i don't know if it's gonna make sense but um let's take the blowfish as well 16 18. yeah i think i'm good with the kangaroo behind the blowfish for now it's not it's not it's probably not gonna get completely crazy in this round but hopefully in the next round it will it depends it depends it depends on how much health and how much damage that unit is gonna get on it this looks a little bit tough with the camel and the bison back here we will see how it goes i think i need to get something else on the elephant i don't think it's going to work out he's not getting puffed okay i mean he is doing the elephant is doing me a favor in terms of doing a bit of damage on my blowfish and the peacock but he's usually dying after two hits so it's it's not really worth it anymore specifically a peacock did really well so now it's all about that buy something is that in one go as well 31 15 okay kangaroo might be good when he is this big but we might just get something else that is just better wow another canned food are you kidding me yeah i why not why not why not go for it and herd gift friend behind right hmm see that's that's pretty interesting for see this this elephant is just not it's just not keeping up to the rest of these units here um it's just not good enough anymore i mean it's it's nice but it's just not good enough i think putting the camel in could potentially be better just because of the health it's gonna give [Music] we already had one camel and i'm putting another camel in that's terrible isn't it the doodoo is definitely worth it yes it is i don't know what to do here and turn now that's two that's not quick enough buy one bite here one animal no that's not quick enough i mean it's a 20 22 but nah i'm tempted to reroll very tempted to reroll pizza you know what i'll take that pizza why not okay it's on the elephant that's interesting um go for a re-roll i think i'm just going for a pair actually maybe [Music] because what would i consider taking out here the elephant is the 12 14 with the garlic armor so he can take a couple of blows at least one maybe at least two i mean never give him 16 health it's still not that good but [Music] turtle nah not not really not really you know what i'm just gonna give i'm just gonna um i don't really want to do it but could i give it actually give it to the doodoo instead why why wouldn't i do it give it to the doodoo instead there we go i i yeah i'm a little bit worried about this this battle we're going into but let's find out i can't i mean we we i decided what to do this and i'm worried about my elephant dying in the yeah yeah that's my worry here that the elephant is just getting completely killed by some big unit now and he's not really giving me much value [Music] yeah also the blowfish is not giving me much value either because it's not upgraded uh that's a big peacock but he's also gonna die in the next round against the camel but it's still decent value and i think my kangaroo will win it for me 37 yeah yeah good and then the duty will take the the last battle okay good we are up to what was that seven okay cool we might go all the way who knows that's probably worth it um that's probably also worth it and chocolate probably not worth it i'll take i'll take the two upgrades here wait hold on gorilla probably not tiger cast their ability twice oh [Music] i mean that's a lot of attack isn't it but who would i take out that's the question i could take out the kangaroo but he's quite a good unit wait hold on who would this go crazy on that i feel like the tiger might be something i could plus two plus two but that's not a whole lot plus four okay what's more damage i think it would be behind the doodoo if anything what about this guy nah this does that that's just a small amount of damage and health it's not it's not worth it i don't know i don't i i think i'm gonna go for a re-roll instead i might want to keep the chocolate in case i can operate someone that would actually be the kangaroo if i'm upgrading anyone actually don't don't don't take it then well i'm not going to get anything to level 3 here it's too late for that i feel like i might be wrong but um yeah that's that's not what i like to see i'm taking the sushi yeah sure go ahead and turn so we are keeping with what we have and it it kind of works out but we might not get all the way wow that's that's a crazy squad that's an interesting one yeah yeah i think i think he i think he got us with that badger in front i think he got us that's a crazy badger it's a funny one it's a funny character he's gonna kill us oh he's gonna do the crazy to us oh my god this is insane that's a really nice way to go and then an extra elephant that's gonna puff the rest of them really nice i like that that's the first time i've ever seen that combination i think it was really cool that was really cool another peacock sure go ahead re-roll the melon on the blow no no no it's not worth it the melon on the kangaroo might be awesome i feel like the elephant is just not doing it but the thing is i'm not getting anything else that can do much better that's the problem here huh would i just get rid of the elephant and then put the battery in the back [Music] i mean the rooster is also just good to get up here because the rooster will do 17 damage and then it will summon another chicken doing 17 damage unless it's getting killed somehow it's it's almost doing more than the elephant and it also gives me the option to take the melon for the blowfish i don't i don't really don't like doing this because it's synergizing so well with the other two characters but but at this moment i just don't feel like the elephant is going to do it for me um this seems absolutely crazy actually let's put the melon on the rooster why not let's reroll see what we get elephant chocolate might consider it 1616 fly uh hmm that's that elephant is actually not bad i only got 19 health but i just needed the garlic again but yeah nah and let's see again here the scorpion looks tasty i might want that scorpion instead of the rooster but then again it's not gonna survive more than one hit anyway so kangaroo is still pretty decent because it's behind the peacock and also get a lot of damage from the doo-doo actually that doesn't matter it could be any one back hero that gets the boost from the doo-doo uh at least one level three no we don't have that on a stick well i think i think we're dead i don't think we snowballed hard hard enough in the last couple of rounds to manage to get to it 50 50 orcs a piston whoa okay that's interesting that is interesting see that rooster actually did fine for us jesus christ the 50 50. that is gonna kill us yeah he won he won the game i mean i don't know if he won the game but that's a pretty good solid the last two we saw was pretty solid and we got to the seven so i'm pretty happy about it i'm i mean i'm i'm okay about it i'm not i'm not too uh salty i i first run five next run seven i would say that's above average um and and it feels like the further this game has been out the harder the opponent seems to get so i had the advantage of playing this really early on and meeting a lot of i i wouldn't say really terrible people but the the avarice player seems to be better now at least um so it's it's harder to get the wins so i'm okay with a five trophy and a seven trophy run because it is getting really hard to to win these days uh it's it's like they're people probably getting better at the game but also more people that kind of like these games is opening up for the idea that a free game like this emoji super auto pads can be a good game which is it it is it is a good game so there we go no wins today guys but um well i'm probably gonna come back and try again maybe not tomorrow maybe in a couple of days but who knows when i'm capable of playing again because i'm also kind of concerned about the servers lacking a lot today nothing so that's fine so hopefully i can play again soon and i will see you next time then see you around
Channel: Rellom Q
Views: 485
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: RellomQ, playthrough games, playthrough ep, let's play, gamers react, gamer music, games, gaming pc, a gaming channel, a gaming youtube channel, gamer react, pc games, lets play a little game, lets play a game, Let's try, super auto pets strategy, super auto pets guide, super auto pets all animals, super auto pets gameplay, super auto pets game, Super, Auto, Pets
Id: N_jx9oKfkXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 9sec (4209 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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