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[Music] [Music] this place looks pretty cool i'm gonna go left side it looks really different with the crazy lumps everywhere i think they're a little too aggressive though too much yeah i can agree with that for a landmine now there's a lot of loot on the floor from somebody for sure someone dropped this yeah i saw a chest rig like right outside the barrack drop the camo building is closed bunkered up yeah you should probably get to a sweet spot to watch the camo billion door once we're done looting and i'll open it from a distance this door was also closed though so who knows yeah just to be safe oh okay 101 we got anything for that nice dude i got the mag for that and i think the heli has a bunch of ammo unless you took it i didn't take it no i took it i took five six oh wait five sixes yeah it is yeah five six it's badly damaged yikes that's how my sks is wait did we just get visibility back i think we did i think we did get them out did this well no no let's just leave this place and uh go back to the heli then goddammit we're gonna [ __ ] tease all day it's your call man i mean i'm down to go on foot from here because we're in a good spot but you know we got the distance to do something with the headlights we run out of fuel here i'll put the you got the ak i'll put the mag in here i don't have it but i'll grab it too for that picture well do you want this help uh not bad for now i guess if you're dropping it that is if you want to keep it cause it's like you're only going that's not damaged there you go christina um 45 or 45 or 45. thank you all right i'm just gonna open this door i'm not really going to beat it and see what's up this thing looks like [ __ ] oh man what the gooey shoe no this gun i'll show you once we clear this oh yeah check it oh yeah it's all scraped up and [ __ ] it looks too terrible super badly damaged we just gotta find one cleaning kit is that military just thought of it oh i think it can spawn a military loop but also like hunting loot i think i really don't know dude i just feel like i find at least one every life no matter what i do i like sheds too right like some sheds have it oh hunting and hunting spots maybe we could find one there i don't have a compass but probably could see it now that we have visibility place is really cool i can see why people go here there's even all this back here yeah there's more military back there that says only gross is probably my favorite town ruined heat back i'm gonna red dot for your okay yeah i have uh iron oh [ __ ] there's a dude there's a fresh dead guy over here like super fresh what the [ __ ] do you feel like a cc 750 sniper rifle i can't okay i see another dead guy too on the railroad tracks traded uh oh my god there's a [ __ ] dude over here stan wait there's a dude standing up over here dead as well there's three dead guys full of gear four maybe four dead guys fully geared what the [ __ ] was this what we heard check it out one check yeah i don't know check this out he's standing up dead maybe we should fall back i got a bad feeling about this and then over this way there's a third and a fourth there's a dead on there's that guy on the tracks there might be somebody around here healing up i don't know if we should be here another dude there's there's five six one two three four five dude what happened hello there's two more bodies over here yo there's got to be a guy around the corner there's no [ __ ] way this had to have been what we heard i checked this little winner i'm gonna check this little outpost right here dude i gotta feel it i think of this one nothing what the dude that first guy has the seat 750 i think we should just hit him first i mean one should lose one should look out i think yeah well here come back in here real quick i'm just dropping this uh camera if i said you want wanted but there's a red dot for ak no battery working battery all right i'm in no rush salute i'm happy and there has to be somebody around here i mean it could be long gone there doesn't have to be this we never heard any of this until like while we were flying is all we heard so this could have been like these bodies could be almost despawning you know this guy seems to hurt this guy seems pretty loose don't have clutch these have flies right okay i think they all do you're right you're right all right we'll [ __ ] it let me just leave this first oh he's got the good suppressor [Music] oh he's got so much oh [ __ ] dude you know that that guy was on the ladder he just despawned so you're right let's just they're probably about to all disappear yeah we should we should strip their stuff throw it on the ground okay i'm putting all this guy's stuff in the target container that was you or me i got shot at i thought it was at me i thought it was me but i don't know either way oh oh oh um okay left of camo somewhere between camo and fire station he's on top of fire station that's not at me no way i might be able to line this guy up hold on yeah he was just shooting at me i saw him he's in all white top of fire you said um rooftop of fire yeah yeah he ran down he's in the tower of fire running down or repositioning one of the windows of fire yeah i got a white helmet on he's definitely repositioning because he's not shooting him anymore by the body where you going i'm at the front of like the entrance of this place the entrance of the military spot where we came in okay i'm trying to guard the street i think he's going to try to push like aggressively so i'm kind of getting post up for it okay i'm grabbing this guy's ak real fast falsely gilly's terrible here i don't know where scott went um so he was on the middle roof and then he just booked it back to the tower to reposition the green tube the green tube are you dead yeah he's going to finish me uh it's good though he's on the railroad track i gotta go to bed anyways but it's on the railroad track right where we saw that first body it's a different guy dude there's two one's got a helmet and one's got a uh a green or a white beret [ __ ] dude one rush the other one's still sniping somewhere i think it's scary but uh yeah dude good luck you're in the freaking war zone hey they're still fighting what's going on they're still shooting is that you you're dead no dude i'm long dead there must be like two or three kids yeah there must be two groups dude holy [ __ ] this is crazy uh foreign no way he's going the route that i [ __ ] took what dude i thought i just heard someone next to me what good is that that sounds insane it's so loud there he is i don't understand i just saw where'd he go no way he dipped uh so much to look at man oh my god i saw his i saw him walk right past this body well well not that one but one of them i i don't think he's the kind of oh i kind of like this one though this could be sick well this could be terrible this would be a great spot to stash all of that loot that's convenient locked locked from the side too i swear i like this angle there's so many bodies so i think he's still in this tube that's crazy was he there from the beginning he said that he was in here so i wonder if he was actually i think smoke was right there there was actually a guy left over in all that carnage okay well this just got interesting i have to let this play out i'm not shooting those guys i have to let it play out i want to know what's going to happen with those guys running in as much as i want to leave right now because it's late i also have to know how this plays out with those with these guys running in so they're probably just about at the military spot right now a snack in the meantime better than combat snacking right i should bump into each other in a second i think it's gonna take them a little bit they have to loot the military spot they're gonna loot the military spot oh there it is okay so his buddy definitely just died okay so these are the two guys that i saw let's see the tip of the head they're fighting they're fighting the other guy there's the guy right there one just got blasted dude this guy's a [ __ ] killer whoever this guy is he is insane this man is talented [ __ ] he's just owning everybody so somebody died and the other one got away oh hey [ __ ] it let's let's go join in it's about the end of my night anyway i was gonna try to get a nice like a sneaky shot off the problem is my gun is [ __ ] my gun is about to jam right so my gun's gonna jam after a shot or two so i gotta hopefully get lucky this map looks so different with these little lumps so where the heck uh spooked him [ __ ] santa claus huh dude there's a guy still in here are you [ __ ] kidding me this is insane they have to be teammates looks like they were doing a lot of the loot swapping right here i want to win the fight you know that's the [ __ ] problem with this i'm stuck that's the guy i shot at [ __ ] see like i know that i know that i could just run at them but i want to win the fight i don't want to just throw my life away in hopes that it'll work like i want to kill the guy i killed the guy so now i'm happy now he was clearly looking out for somebody and he was shooting at somebody i think or somebody was shooting at him i can't really tell um i'm pretty sure there's a guy in here because i heard it i heard the guy running around stepping on metal i just don't know if they were buddies probably not they're shooting at each other there's a guy in this building so much loot here it's crazy well i killed the guy i wanted to kill so if i die to another person who the [ __ ] cares i guess this is a loud foreign dude these little these little canals and these little like dips are literally what's causing me to get around so well without anyone seeing me there's so many bodies here my fps is tanking is that his friend oh maybe hey guys all right all right all right all right so now they know where i am obviously if there's more which there might be but i need a better gun i'm gonna take the risk here i'm gonna go to some of these bodies i need a better gun am sk so this is uh i feel like i feel like i won i'm not gonna lie i doubt there's three i might have won seriously anyone that anyone else that kills me right now is probably um it's probably just another team i feel like i beat those guys oh god i feel like i beat those guys wait i knew there was two let's go see i'm gonna start by listening here oh that's a zombie in there holy baited i thought that was a uh i thought that was a player please don't blow up there's tents everywhere in this [ __ ] ah i think we're good huh so this guy was jiggling right here wow his body he stripped his buddy that quickly i don't know man i don't know if i believe that that's kind of weird who does like an in combat kind of swap the [ __ ] balls this is a pretty good spot that's why i'm clearing it just in case got a pretty good sight line all right let's go tundra who's doing that with the tundra really so what the [ __ ] did his buddy have i need to know wait he cut his buddy up his there's no gun here ah i don't understand ah my god oh i'm gonna bleed out i want to bleed out [Applause] i'm gonna bleed out you [ __ ] oh he was bleeding too all right well that's a good ending [ __ ] yeah all right holy [ __ ] ah good stuff dude good kills man ugh there were so many people there i feel bad dude i like i had to grab that guy's stuff because it was all so much better than mine and as soon as i ran out the door there was a guy just watching my container spraying me down but uh dude you wasted like what three or four of those guys three yeah dude that's crazy that's a good way to go out man dude we've i've never i don't think you ever gonna like come across a graveyard of that many like geared looking people you know like some of them are looted but most of them weren't and just like four more geared guys that was awesome dude do you think it was us floating our heli for so long that was pulling these people there because we were floating and floating and floating that maybe people were just running from as far as they could because they couldn't see anything so they just ran to the shots or the heli it could have been yeah i mean i think the heli probably contributed to at least like four of those dudes maybe not all of them but yeah i that's why zelen gorsuch is so cool dude it's like the western hot spot i freaking love it it's like such a good meeting area for players my heart on that last fight dude i'm not good at cqc i'm more of a kind of guy to like you know take one shot reposition take another shot reposition but when it comes to like cqc fights man i suck at him well the cq i mean the the close quarters and daisy is rough anyways man like full auto versus full auto shotguns and [ __ ] like anybody can win those fights man like mid range and long range is where it's at to be consistent i'd say but no that was good dude like [ __ ] you were a shot away from killing that guy but you're gun jammed or something i don't know what happened i don't know what happened it's like it's like what he was like he was spraying at me and it's like the shock of my character stopped my gun from shooting because i because after that i looked i looked i looked bottom left after that and there was no symbol to to unjam it right you weren't jammed yeah i just think he hit me and my character stopped holding the trigger yeah yeah it's like earlier i was bandaging and i got hit in the head by a zombie and it stopped my bandage animation it's the same thing like sometimes it disrupts your character yeah like put your arms down or something no it's cool dude i mean there's probably the very last guy there something very last guy gotcha or something like that well dude it's good that i [ __ ] died i wish i could have put up a fight with you but i gotta go to bed so i can try to wake up and play in the mosque and try to play the map dude are you gonna try to skip it for a day are you gonna try to play i'm gonna try to wake up sakurail said he's playing um he's i said i'll try to be on and then maybe you know play with zack grill or something um hopefully we'll bump into you i'm definitely gonna yeah i'm gonna go in solo and just team up with you know whoever i run into and [ __ ] so hopefully run into each other if not maybe after we both learn the map a little bit we can we can get back after it but yeah we should try the games dude i'm gonna get some rest yeah we should just try to sync up what's like whenever you get on if you get on before me just like pm me what server you're on on twitter just so i can follow up and join that same server whenever i get on if that's cool yeah okay yeah yeah i'll get up get some food and send you a message and get on so all right man it's gonna be a blast dude i'm looking forward to it thanks for playing and i'll uh i'll talk to you later ggs thank you man have a good night yep later jesus i wish i won that fight i really do but at the same time i worry that if i did win the fight i would still be online like i'd still like i'd kill the guy bandage look around look at the loot see somebody else get into another fight it would have just delayed it right that was fun though that was fun so basically in in nine and a half hours dayz the lead developer of dayz is launching a brand new map which is an old map from daisy mod someone modded in this map in daisy mod like eight or ten years ago or however long it's been now i don't even know nine years maybe um someone made this map and it was all time favorite map for me it was the very first map and game that i started streaming like eight years ago or seven i don't remember when it was now but it was the very very very first map that i ever streamed and i loved it it was [ __ ] awesome it's a winter map it's very cold there's going to be hopefully some new mechanics there's apparently like some bloodsucker weird like boss mob or some [ __ ] i don't know if that's actually true or if it's a rumor back in the mod there was a goss rifle and it looked like a fallout rifle and it shot like some crazy [ __ ] bullet um apparently modders are gonna bring that back as well so it'll be fun [Music] is is
Channel: Virb
Views: 18,395
Rating: 4.8218622 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, DAYZ
Id: bl-cFSKa02c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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