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you can draw this in Procreate it seems like a lot  of you enjoyed the last like pen and ink type of   you can draw the tutorial that i have created so i  thought why not make another one of course i will   be guiding you through all the steps you don't  need any experience just check these results from   the previous you can draw this video tutorials or  these awesome results from my patrons at Patreon   where you can find even more procreate tutorials  for this tutorial you don't need a lot you only   need one color and that is black and we are using  three brushes and those are actually brushes from   my treasure chest which you can get through if you haven't already also   be sure to keep an eye on the weekly newsletter  to get any new brushes that i add to the treasure   chest for instance for this tutorial i have added  one new brush to the treasure chest what you'll   also be needing for this tutorial is a paper  texture photo you can download it through the link   in the description or you can just go to Unsplash  and search for paper texture and you'll find a   whole bunch of paper texture photos oh and the  canvas by the way is 2 300 pixels by 3000 pixels   so if you're ready go and grab your pencil or your  finger and let's get started first let's import   the photo texture with the paper texture you can  do that by going to the wrench you know what first   let's zoom out a little bit so we can see the  entire canvas then go to the wrench then to add   and then to insert a photo of course you do need  to download the photo that you want to use first   so you have it on your ipad select import  photo and then select the paper texture   i can see that it's not filling the canvas  entirely so you need to drag like these corners to   let it fill your entire screen then you can just  click the arrow again to get out of there and now   we have a nice paper texture for our background  now let's go to the layer menu and make sure that   you make a new layer by clicking the plus we don't  want to be drawing directly on our paper texture   and for the brush we are going to use the fine  liner brush which is in the treasure chest and for   the color we are going to use pure black you can  grab pure black by just going to that color ring   and then double tapping here at the bottom and  then you'll get pure black and from now on we   won't be going to the color menu anymore we will  just be using black first we are going to create   some guides for the jar that we are going to  create we are going to create an oval um the   brush opacity by the way is at a hundred percent  and the size let's set that to 10 i love this new   feature in procreate now just draw an oval hold  your pen in place to make it snap to a quick shape   and then try to make it like horizontal and  big enough it's it's a bit tricky but you can   also just go to edit shape and then move the  handles around and that's that's a lot easier   we'll go for something like this so that the space  on the right side on the left side that's a little   bit smaller than the oval itself so try to get  it horizontal and then you can go to the move   tool that's the little arrow here at the top  and make sure that you have snapping turned on   and then when you move it around you'll see that  orange line we'll want to make sure that our oval   is in the vertical center and then just place  it around here and then click the arrow again   now we are going to duplicate this oval you can  either do that by swiping down with three fingers   like this and then selecting duplicate or you  can go to the layer menu slide to the left and   click duplicate there and go to the arrow tool  to move it we're going to make it slightly bigger   just slightly do make sure that you have  uniform turned on so just slightly bigger   and we'll go down just slightly to around  here and then click the arrow again   then we'll be duplicating this one again you  can do it in the layer menu or swipe down   with three fingers and select duplicate then you  automatically go to the move tool so that's handy   and then just go down a little bit let's go  to about here and we'll duplicate it again and go down just a little bit more click the arrow again then we are going to  duplicate it again swipe down with three fingers   select duplicate move it down but now we are going  to make it a bit bigger because we are going to   that like body of the jar it can go a little  bit smaller just make sure that you place it   in the center so something like this then we are  going to duplicate this oval again so i duplicate   and we'll go all the way down  for the bottom of the jar let's say about here and we are going to duplicate this one more time  so swipe down with three fingers select duplicate   we're going to make it a little bit smaller and  move it down just a little bit and then click the   arrow again now let's go to the layer menu let's  squeeze the top two together then click the brush   and then click and hold the eraser tool to make it  switch to the fineliner brush so now the fineliner   brush is our eraser and these two layers that we  have merged those are the two here at the bottom   and we can go ahead and make our eraser bigger  let's say 30 and we can erase a part here because   we are making guides but actually these lines are  at the bottom we can use them we can keep them   use them as our final lines no need to make  them again all right so we have the bottom   of our jar now let's go to the top area let's  just merge these layers together so we'll   pinch them all and then let's lower the opacity  here let's do quite a lot let's go to 20   then we are going to draw on top of it but use  these lines as a guide so make sure to make   a new layer on top by clicking the plus and  now we are going to use the fine liner brush   so make sure that you select the brush again  we're going to use the fine liner brush   and draw our jar now we are still using the brush  at 10 and of course you can rotate your canvas a   bit to make it easier to follow the lines  first we are going to follow that top line try to make a confident stroke  but it doesn't have to be perfect   it's nice if it's a little bit wobbly it  gives some character to your illustration   and over here we'll go to the  front we'll follow the entire oval you don't have to do it in one go and  if you feel like your line is a bit   too wobbly then just use  two fingers and do it again i do that all the time undo must be my  favorite favorite feature in procreate so we have the top part now we can go  down over here and go to this little line and attach it to the top part we'll do the same over here  attach it to this little line then we'll go down and follow this little curve   and here we can follow it along a little  bit longer to about here then on this side   you can make it a bit different here  you can follow it a bit less long   to vary the left side and the right side then  we'll go down over here again follow that curve and let's make it even longer here and on this side as well follow the curve and then add a little line here  now we can make some extra lines and just follow   these guides that we have created for  instance we can add a short line here   right in between these lines and perhaps we  can make a bit of a longer line over here   just using that low opacity layer  as a guide one line over here and a line here so something like this   now we're moving to the inside of the jar  we are going to follow these top two lines just follow that curve and the other one again don't worry if your  line is a little bit wobbly   that's okay that's adding interest to your drawing and that's not just an excuse great so now we  have to add well the rest of the jar to make that   easier we are going to use the symmetry tool let's  go to the wrench then to canvas then you need to   turn on the drawing guide and then go to edit  drawing guide and here at the bottom you'll see   symmetry and then with symmetry whatever you  draw on the left side it'll also show up on   the right side and vice versa just click done here  at the top and now just pick a side that you feel   comfortable with i feel comfortable with the left  side making that curve over there so let's start   here we'll start a bit below that curve here and  then we'll make a curved line along that oval   and then we'll have to go all the way down you  can actually use the quick shape tool you can   start here make a line going down and then  just hold your pen in place to make it snap   but it does feel a little bit too straight so  let's go along the line and make it a bit more   a bit more wobbly a bit more natural looking it's okay if it's a bit thicker in some areas let's make it a little bit thicker here at the top that makes it look more natural all right now let's zoom out check our jar i  think it's looking good let's turn off that   vertical line we don't need that anymore so go  to the wrench turn off the drawing guide if you   go to the layer you can see that it's still  assisted you can turn that off if you still   want to use this layer you can click it turn off  drawing assist now symmetry is totally turned off   we can get rid of this layer those  are the guides we can just remove it   slide to the left click delete and we can merge  these two layers you can click the top one   and then go for merge down on a new layer  underneath our jar we are going to get started   with the landscape first click layer 1 then click  the plus then use the brush still using the fine   liner brush and we are going to draw a mountain  range here at the bottom go a little bit up here   and then let's make a wobbly line from the left  to the right let's go down here then back up again down over here all the way to the right side now  let's add some extra lines for instance here where   you have this little dip  make a wobbly line going down over here as well a little  wiggly line and here from the top add a few of these lines from the  mountain tops and these all these little   dips not sure what to call them but also  some lines some wiggly lines along the   longer lines to add some some interest  to these mountains give them some texture wiggly line over here and a line over here i think this is already  looking quite mountainy next we are going to use   the stipple brush and i have adjusted the original  stipple brush i have created the stipple brush 2.0   so we can easily create more stipples with one  stroke we're going to add stipples to the bottom   area but first let's make a selection  we'll go to the selection tool that's the s   shape ribbon use free hand make sure  that you don't have color fill turned on   and then just select that bottom area  try to not go outside of the edge this is a great exercise for stability then loop  around and close the selection when you have a   selection active you can only paint inside  of the selection so when we use the brush   and go over this area by the  way the opacity is at 100 and the size is at 30 and now we  can just go over that lower area push harder here at the bottom add more  stipples there and less stipples as you move up to add a little bit of a shadow area there then  click the s shape ribbon again to turn off the   selection and we are ready to move on we are  going to add more mountains behind this mountain   and again we are going to use the selection  tool for that so again click the s-shape ribbon   and then start here on the left side and make  a mountainy shape behind our other mountain and then make a selection  along this mountain range follow those lines all the way to the left then back up  and click that little circle to close   your selection then go back to the stipple 2.0  brush and go over the tops of these mountains also go down i'm pressing very lightly and  then i'll press harder here near the tops so we get some sort of a gradient  with a lot of stipples at the top   and less and lighter stipples near the bottom now  that we got this let's make more mountains let's   go to the selection tool again click it once click  it twice then make a selection for more mountains   behind the ones that we have just created we can go down here then follow the  mountains that we have already created   you don't have to be super precise and then  close the selection go back to the brush   and stipple away add the most stipples to the top so that it appears as if there's  some mist near the bottom like that then we'll make another  selection so double tap it   now let's make a selection over here  for even more mountains behind these and this way you can work your way to   the back adding more and more mountains  let's make another selection start about here i'm giving less peaks to this one following these mountains so we won't go  over those too much when making the stipples then go back to the brush and i want  to make these a little bit lighter   i'm using very little pressure making these mountains  lighter than the ones in front and then click the s shape ribbon again now  let's add some trees in front let's go to the   layer menu click the plus for a new layer and  then in the treasure chest brush pack let's go   and use the pine tree long brush the opacity of  the brush is at 100 and let's set the size to   40 percent and let's just add a  few trees here in the foreground just tap a few times on the  right side and on the left side   then let's turn them off  for now go to the layer menu   use this check mark to turn them off and then make  a selection of the bottom area of the jar again go along the edge then over here loop around then once you have that  selection you can go back to that layer turn it on   click it and then use mask now  whatever is outside of the jar   is automatically masked now let's go back  to layer four click it again and go and use   the fine liner brush where is it there it is  and then just add some extras to the trees   to make it look more chalky just go  over the tops add a few branches perhaps so that it blends with the  rest of the style a bit better and so that they don't look completely the same this is fine actually let's go and add a moon  and clouds and stars and the final touches   let's start off with a moon  let's make a new layer for this   let's click the plus in the layer menu and  now let's change the brush size we are going   for six percent in size opacity is still at 100  and let's just draw a circle over here hold your   pen in place to make it snap to a quick shape  and then hold your finger on the screen to make   it snap to a perfectly round circle and that's  how you can create a circle super easy click the   brush again and now let's add some clouds we're  going to make nice poofy clouds with big circles so circular motions make it a bit smaller here   then add another one here and then we'll  make the bottom part we'll make that flat by just adding these these wispy shapes  let's create another cloud over here another one let's make these rounded shapes so these are pretty basic clouds very stylized let's make a small one over here kind of  looks like butt cheeks and a flat area here   now they look kind of boring like this let's add a  little bit to them we're going to add some texture   we're going to make these lines just some dashed lines you can also  make some dashed lines over here   giving the sense of more rounded shapes there and some lines on the flat area as well  at the bottom so this is just some texture   and this is adding interest to these clouds a rounded shape over here  follow this rounded shape then these butt cheeks this is looking better now in case you want to  move them around in case you're not happy with the   placement you can easily fix that by just using  the selection tool the s shape ribbon and then   for instance select this cloud click that little  circle to close the selection and then go to the   move tool and then you can just move that that  little cloud move it around and place it where   you want it and then just click the arrow again  to get out of the menu now all we need are some   stars to finish this project we are going to make  the same type of stars that we did in a previous   tutorial in which we created a inky artwork so we  are going to make like the upside down v v shape   so like the diamond shape and we are going to  make like these cross shapes little circles and just in these open areas where you see  some space go and fill it with some nice shapes perhaps another diamond shape here and let's  also add some that are coming out of the jar so over here but also here as if these stars are coming out of the jar a  circle another cross perhaps across over here i feel like we can add some here as well maybe a little diamond shape here i think this is looking great you're done that is  if you have thought about clicking that thumbs up   in case you enjoyed the video and  if you have thought about commenting   if you did then you're free to go and share your  results of course if you go ahead and share it   on instagram then don't forget to tag me in the  image not just in the description that way i will   be able to find your work and perhaps we'll see it  in the next video i want to thank you for watching   i will see you next time what did you think about  my nails today by the way i i think they're not   quite matching with the theme but i wanted to  add something colorful i'll see you next week
Channel: Art with Flo
Views: 20,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you can draw this stylized landscape in procreate, you can draw this landscape in procreate, anyone can draw this, you can draw this, procreate easy drawing, you can draw this landscape, procreate drawing tutorial step by step, art with flo, free procreate brushes, you can draw this procreate, easy procreate tutorial, procreate tutorial for beginners art and design, How to draw, pen and ink drawing procreate, ink drawing procreate
Id: kXQkGZ3-k6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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