The Battle is the Lord's (Part 2) (May 20, 2017)

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[Music] interesting choice of music I'll get to that in a second I always enjoy songs where the person is speaking about being a lily in the in the valley Song of Solomon was obviously written by Solomon but it's really known as the Song of Songs it's one of the greatest songs it's not the greatest song ever that's why it's called Song of Songs like King of Kings Lord of lords it's the song of all songs and he wrote it when he was young and and knew and that's like a lot of us when we have a honeymoon with Lord right when we knew and then sometimes we we get a little mature and we learned about things like proverbs we learned proverbial and words of wisdom and then somewhere along the line we get jaded and we write Ecclesiastes and that was his tract but most people think it's about him and his wife it can't be about him his wife I mean which one and and you can you can apply the song to your relationship with God but the song is is written by God through Solomon about how God feels about Israel and when Israel says I'm a lily in the valley I don't know if you've ever been there Israel or you can look at the picture you can go to images on you know some kind of search engine and find a lily in the valley the lily in the valley stands out but the beautiful thing in the song is when Israel says I'm a lily in the valley right Lord and he says oh no you're better than that you're a lily among thorns he draws even a greater contrast and so because because he loves Israel with an unending love he'll never stop loving her he'll never stop protecting her he'll never divorce himself from her because you're grafted in among the Gentile nations then he feels this way about you then you can sing the song but you have to interpret it before you apply it interpretation before application you can't just grab scriptures and throw them up on your fridge you'll never understand what the word means with that being said you know last week I told you when I was praying Saturday night and the Lord said the battle is mine you know I don't really memorize Scripture like some do but when you read the Bible a lot and you hear a word from the Lord you know where to go like when I heard the battle is the Lord I knew okay second chronicles 20 okay First Samuel 17 okay Exodus 14 you follow and when you hear certain things you know okay that's second Timothy four you might not know that it's verse 12 but isn't it wonderful that you can be almost your own concordance and go right to the area when you hear something you know that's Isaiah 49 isn't that wonderful that's that's far superior I think then then being able to quote 20 or 30 verses because there's 31,000 verses so 20 or 30 over a hundred so it's good to be able to navigate yourself through the Word of God and when when when you have to go somewhere you know where to go or when God's leading you you know where to go so when he said that to me I knew I knew that you know Jehoshaphat knew the battle was the Lord when he flipped the ammonites and the Moabites we went over that last week right if you didn't if you weren't here for some reason I really really recommend it's a very encouraging word and I know people can use encouraging words these days I really recommend if you have nothing better to do or in between whatever you're doing just take out you know fifty fifty five minutes and listen to that message it's really important and and this week you know we're going to hear from somebody else and everybody loves a good David and Goliath story right but there's no better David and Goliath story than the story of David life they are the originals really the best so we're just going to go over it we're just going to stick in first and we'll go over it and try to pull out some what I think and Nuggets about this this story okay so let's let let me let me just backtrack a little bit and go with the first samuel 16 okay verses 14 and 15 it says now the spirit of odd annoyed left shall rule instead an evil spirit from Illinois would suddenly come over him shall all servants said to him do you notice that there's an evil spirit from God that suddenly comes over you now I'm sure they said it sheepishly you know if you're serving the king you don't walk up to him say hey you're nuts right but based on his based on his conduct based on his conduct based on his behavior if Saul King shuttle was around today he would be diagnosed with manic-depressive insanity that's what he was experiencing with periods of intense gloom and occasional outbreaks of homicidal violence for no particular reason that would be his diagnosis now I am NOT I know today people want their pastors and their rabbis to be a CFO a chief financial officer in the back office handling you know the financial aspect of the synagogue they want him or her to be a teacher in the pulpit a teacher of the Word of God they want him or her to be a counselor a psychiatrist and a psychologist I'm a rabbi what I do is I teach the Word of God and I try to inspire people to get close to God and to reach out to God and to fall in love with God that's that's my job and I tried to Shepherd the flock in that way my job is to share my life with the Sheep to gain their trust in order to bring them to a great pasture to feed off of so they can grow in the ways of the Lord that's my job I'm not a psychologist but I can tell you there is a tremendous wave of people struggling with mental illness and depression the likes of which nobody's ever seen I mean the third leading cause of death among teenagers is suicide I'm not I'm not being insensitive to that but I am telling you that if you see warning signs and somebody get them help get them help you you well you might not ask what if Seoul was so evil why was he anointed king and and why why did they need a king when God specifically said and in judges and he said it in first samuel he said i i wanted to be their king but they didn't want me as a king they wanted what other nations had so if god wanted to be their king and the people were calling out for a king why did why did he allow us all to be anointed king and and one answer is guys if you push god that you want something bad enough he just may give it to you but it it usually doesn't work out it usually doesn't work out now you might also say rabbi is there an apparent discrepancy here because clearly in Deuteronomy 17 you spoke about having a king and yet he's saying he would be the king yes God would be the king of all kings and he'd have a leader that would administer and execute the way he wanted things to be executed like Moses was a mediator but Moses only only went to the Lord and asked the Lord what he wanted and then he executed the only issue Moses had is when he slammed the rock that was all we could find maybe there was more but that's all we could find how would you like to go before the judgment seat of Messiah and all you did was slam a rock now of course the king of all kings Yeshua only did what the father told him okay he was 100% obedient but God has leaders we need leaders and Families we need leaders in school we need leader in the workplace we need leader in the synagogue place and hopefully the leader is curbing and trying to prevent people from going hog-wild if you will Saul was not the guy not because he struggled with with mental illness but in Chapter 13 of 1st Samuel he there was sinful sacrifices he didn't want to wait on the Levite so he took it upon himself to sacrifice onto the Lord chapter 14 he made rash valves where his son Jonathan almost got killed because of his what he said remember chapter 15 he spared a gag which almost destroyed all the Jewish people chapter 22 he murders a him Allah and eighty-four priests whole blood murders eighty-four priests and then what about chapter twenty-eight when he tries to call up through a median the which attend or I mean he was just a train wreck he was just a train wreck but the children of Israel wanted what what the nation's had and you know it said he was head and shoulders of everybody else if you if you do any archaeological studies you'll find that men back 3,000 years ago may be average height five five five five average height five four five five five six it said that saul stood head and shoulders so here's a guy like six six they said he was incredibly handsome you know like the TV evangelist we have now his son had beautiful hair was flowing so much remember that it got caught in the branches saul probably had a flowing head of hair and he was probably incredibly and this is sadly enough today where more exterior like maybe maybe i would have more millenials if i get some ripped jeans but is is that is that going to bring the holy spirit listen if I thought ripped jeans to bring the holy spirit I'd be all torn up but that's not what's going to bring the holy spirit and you don't have to you don't have to worry about what century it is because God doesn't change and the Holy Spirit still convicts and still save souls whether it's three thousand years ago what today what we need is the Holy Spirit we don't need somebody who's hip and contemporary so they come to him sheepishly because he's really he's really losing it right but but it says an evil spirit from Illinois isn't that interesting I don't think we give God enough credit sometimes if you disobey God enough because if God is God guys if God is God then you have to realize everything that happens is either promoted by him or permitted by him and if it's either not promoted or permitted by him then God's not God and if that's true that God is God then that changes everything guys that changes everything let's go to the next couple of verses and we'll get into the David and Goliath story it says in in chapter 16 verses 16 to 18 let our Lord now command his your servants so the servants is speaking to sol about his condition they want him to get help they care about him let our Lord now command-u servants who are here with you to look for a man who knows how to play the lyre now a lyre is like a it was actually an instrument from Greece it's done in Greece and it's got a box it was made out of a turtle show and strings it's like a little handheld hawk okay usually 10 strings it says then if the evil spirit from God comes over you he will play and it will do you good now I don't know if you notice but the two songs that we heard today we're very soothing they were not the kind of solos you wave your hand you just kind of get lost in them a lot of music is like that a lot of people listen to music whether it's secular spiritual to be sued right people come home and sometimes they put on some music at the end of a rough day and they sit back and they just want to be certain music will do that for you and that was the recommendation music is from God so the servant said look let's find somebody who plays beautifully to soothe you tusu view when when this comes over you so she'll said to his servants that it was a good idea said find me a man who can play well just don't find me anybody because you know if the guy plays like some people today I'll go crazier and he says bring him to me so one of the young men the servants answered here I've seen one of the sons of Yishai Jesse the bet looks my from Bethlehem the Bethlem Knight who knows how to play he's very very very very accomplished he's a brave soldier so now Saul's a king and he's a warrior so not only can he play but he also knows how to fight which is a good thing because you know everybody's always have to get the king the Kings always worried that somebody's going to take the throne so it's not bad to have somebody who can sue them and also fight for him right he chooses his words carefully so David had something going for him guys he's a special special man and he's pleasant looking now sol was very good looking so they just threw that in hey the guy can play he could fight and you know what he's nice to look at sol is probably much more caught up in the exterior than the interior and nothing's new Under the Sun it's the same thing today it was the same thing three thousand years people spend more time with the external than the internal and today it's worse than ever my god source than Emma besides now this is this is this is crucial guys this is the key right here that last line not only is he a you know he's accomplished musician he's a very brave soldier he knows how to fight he's not going to say anything stupid he thinks before he speaks and he's good-looking besides that the Lord's with him the Lord's with him Saul God is with him God has blessed him God has highly favored this man so Saul servants suggest that the King found somebody to soothe and calm him and what you have to realize is David has already made a name for himself before he encounters the giant a lot of people think he came into his own when he encountered the giant no David was known obviously I mean you know it's not so bad to be known as a brave soldier who chooses and words carefully and that Avenue is with him I would like to be known like that that's a that's a beautiful thing now we'll get into the story I just want you to see that David had already God was already choosing him God already had an anointing God already had a path for his life like he has a path for your life 1st Samuel 17 1 2 3 it says the Philistine Philistines and you know that the Philistines you know that in 135 CE E or ad the name of Judea was changed to Palestina do you know that the history no I'm sorry emperor henry but the key is is that it used to be called judea Capitolina Judea by the Italians by the Romans and they changed it they changed it and wanted they change it because the Philistines were the arch enemies of Israel so they wanted to stick it to Israel and change it that's where you get the term Palestine from there's no such place in the history of the world known as Palestine there never was a Palestine they never will be a Palestine and there isn't a Palestine it is a political fabrication by the enemy and most of you fall for it in fact your Bibles when you look at the maps it says the map of Palestine that's sacrilege they will five areas you know the five areas on the Mediterranean that belong to the Philistines ekron GAF Gaza which is there today Ashdod in Ashkelon those five cities were occupied they weren't Semitic Palestinians aren't even Semitic if they're from the Philistines they were Greeks not Semitic Greeks not Semitic and they came in 1250 that's just history I think it's really important to know history I'll give you an example thank you this week I had an interview with Fiske universities anybody know Fisk University it's an all black college in Nashville right well there was a host and they interviewed me for an hour so there was a co-host but the colors didn't say much he sounded young but one point he got on he said rabbi can I ask you a question I said well yeah that's what I'm here I said sure and he said is it true that the leader of Israel hates blacks and I said um well um who we talking about who's the leader and he said uh I don't know I said we talked about the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yeah I said well I really totally can't answer that because I don't know him personally but but what I know I would say no but you know what I'm not I'm not totally sure where did you read that I'd love to authenticate it he goes oh I didn't read it it's just a rumor in our community listen I'm not making this up I wish I was it's recorded and so I said you sound like a young person do you know do you know the history of your people and I don't want to see American I'm really not being arrogant I'm really just talking to you and he says well what do you mean I said well are you aware of what happened in the 1950s in the south places like where I'm standing right now and Macon and places where you're standing in Nashville he said not really I said well maybe you're not aware but Jewish attorneys from the state of Pennsylvania in the state of New York and New Jersey the tri-state area they came down here in the 50s and they fought pro bono which means free they fought for your black civil rights and if they did not come if God did not send them you would not have the rights you have today he said I I did not know what I said it's it's just fact I'm not I'm not making this up it's fact and I said the reason is because Jewish people who follow the Torah believe that we will want a Lian's in Egypt nobody knows more about slavery than the Jewish people so because we were aliens in Egypt we shan't we cannot treat anybody like an alien that's in the Torah so we come to the aid of those and that's what Israel does is a nation she's a first responder and he said to me then what happened because a lot of black people don't necessarily get along with Jewish people I said you probably have a lot of people listening and I'm sure it's mostly african-american I said do you really want me to tell you what happened he said yeah and I said okay I said the Jewish people were loved by the african-americans I said gee are you familiar with the NAACP I said that was started by a Jewish man the first president the NAACP was a Jew I said in dr. King who I adore loved my people for obvious reasons he said what happened I said well I have to King got shot there was a militant uprising and I was no longer Jewish I was just white you see I can say that you know why because it's just one it's the truth and two until you people deal with the truth you'll never be free you see I was raised by a mother and father who taught me we were aliens don't treat anybody like an alien so if I had a girlfriend who is african-american or Asian she was just Adrienne she wasn't black Adrienne or Asian Adrienne you follow that's the way I was raised that's the way I was marinated now I know if you grew up in here you'll probably marinated differently because I have some black folk here that told me I was taught not to like white people I've white folk here that told me I was taught to hate black people so I told this all to the lady and she said what's the problem I said the problem is it simple you got to be born again that's the answer you have to be born again and then when you're born again it's not like it all goes away but God starts working on your heart and he breaks prejudice in your life it's a stronghold and it's from the enemy there's nobody more prejudiced than Satan so that's a little bit of history and then you have histories about the Philistines so the next time you talk about the Palestinians it's not it's not true it's fabrication that's the truth just look into the history that's the truth the Philistines rallied their troops for war they just couldn't stand Israel they constantly had war with her they assembled at Soho and Yehuda and settling up camp between Soho and Isaiah and St I mean which is it's a southwest of Jerusalem not far from Gath south west of Jerusalem right close to guess one of the Philistine cities the Philistines occupied a position on one Hill and Israel a position on another Hill and the valley between them so here you have it they drew up battle lines okay you have the Philistines on one side and the Israel's on the other and they're ready to go into battle let's continue with verses four through seven there came out a champion from the camp of the Philistines named Goliath which from God which is Goliath from Gath now there are people who will fight you over this about cubits and spans according to Hebrew reckoning he was 9 foot 9 inches tall there are people who actually go to the mat with you because they say he was nine foot six nine foot six or nine foot nine I defer to the fact that he was a really big guy okay some from the Septuagint which i think is just a mistranslation from the Old Testament into Greek say he was six foot six I mean Sol was six foot six that wouldn't be a big deal it just won't be a big deal I totally disagree with that and I think anybody that teaches that is not looking at the Scriptures correctly anyway he had a bronze helmet on his head you know how the helmet came down right here I'm here he had a bronze helmet on his head and he wore a bronze armor plate wing 120 pounds that's not his full on but that's just the armor plate okay he had bronze armor protecting his legs and he had a bronze javelin in the back javelin between the shoulders the javelin is for long range fighting these guys that were trained they can throw a javelin 40 yards and hit you in the heart it I know you like saying come on rabbi I'm telling you because they trained every day all day from the time they were a little boy that was their job that was their job and they were incredibly proficient they knew where to stick the sword they knew the kill shots they were proficient they could cut off your ear trust me the shaft of his spear was as big as a Weaver's beam now the spear was for mid-range fighting the javelin long range the spear usually between eight and ten foot and the spear head alone weighed 15 pounds now I don't know if you've ever held 15 pounds out 10 feet but not only is it hard to just keep up but to fight with and his shield bear went ahead of him so here you have Goliath and based on his size and based on his armor okay his arm would be between 175 and 200 pounds can you imagine putting on 200 pounds of armor and being able to move with finesse so so experts and scientists say he weighed anywhere on the short side of 600 pounds and on the high sides of 750 pounds and and david was a youth which means in adolescence would means anywhere from puberty to maybe nineteen years old so we don't know exactly how old he was he's probably fifteen sixteen you know a fifteen-year-old kid maybe he weighed about 140 pounds hundred thirty-five pounds and that's if he really weighed a lot five six times the size I just want you to see perspective let's continue on with the story verses 8 to 11 and 16 he stood and yelled at the armies of Israel you know why come out and draw a battle line you know like because obviously they were incredibly afraid and I'm the Philistine you know very proud people very proud and they were on the Mediterranean they had beautiful real estate they wanted to take over all of us really want at all like warriors usually do and the plunder the goods the booty I'm a Philistine and you are servants of shall rule in other words with Philistines man with fighters with trained military men Israel really he says I'll make it easy for you if we go to war with you we'll destroy yourself in we know we'll go outside right like gentlemen if he can fight me and kill me we'll be your slaves and these were men of Honor they would have deferred we'll be your slaves but if I beat him and kill him it's a fight to the death then you'll become aussolas and serve us the Philistines had added I challenged Israel's armies today give me a man and we'll fight it out when shall all in all Israel heard those words of the Philistine they were shaken and terrified meanwhile the Philistine approached with this challenge imagine every morning and every evening he comes out for 40 days 40 days and 40 is just an interesting number it has to do with deliverance and victory and overcoming in gamma trio so they gripped by fear right but understandably so right I mean you can imagine it's it's you know they do human beings now verses 17 through 18 hang in there guys wake up just stand up and shake yourself around a little bit yeesh I Jesse said to David the son please take your brother's five bushels of this roasted grain so he wasn't even on the battlefield he's the youngest of how many kids eight and how many are on the battlefield hurry and carry them to your brothers at the camp three three we're on the battlefield the three oldest also bring these ten cheeses to their field officer and find out if your brothers are well meaning go and look they're hungry you know give him some food and come back so David's mission all his mission was was to deliver food and then give their father a report back and if you're delivering pizza there's no shame in it because David did it 3,000 years ago right cheesy bread 3,000 years before Little Caesar let's move on First Samuel is 17 20 22 24 David got up early in the morning I mean he's gonna of course obey his father he's an obedient son and he gets up early in the morning and he leaves his sheep because he's a shepherd and that's that's his priority to guard the Sheep but he leaves his sheep with his assistant who's going to take good care of him and he takes the load that his father gave him as as Jesse autism okay it wasn't a suggestion hey you know how some people say they're kids hey would you like to take out the garbage I don't ask my children if they'd like to take out the garbage if somebody asked me if I like to take out the garbage I'd be like no I just tell him to take out the garbage he arrived at the barricade of the camp just as the troops were going out to their battle stations so he arrives just then as the troops come out one Philistines on one hill and the Israelites on the other hill David left his equipment in charge of the equipment guard and ran to the troops went to his brothers and asked if they were well so you see he leaves his stuff he leaves the stuff and he he's so concerned about his brothers he runs to his brothers because he's a very compassionate caring person and as he was talking with them there came the champion all of a sudden the Philistine comes out lo and behold perfect timing right because he didn't say it all day long you probably just said the first thing in the morning and God's timing is perfect right so all the sudden the Goliath comes out and starts to them so he's saying the same words as he did before and David even though he's talking his brothers he hears the Giant when the soldiers from Israel saw the man they all ran away so David's listening and and and they just take off right so said they went on a retreat and I think a lot of people go on a retreat but I don't think we go on enough advances I think that's part of the problem in the in the body of Messiah I want to point fingers but courage is when you're shaking in your boots but you still mount your horse it doesn't mean you know courage doesn't mean you're not afraid because if you weren't afraid why would you need courage and over and over again Yahshua says courage courage courage so it's obviously we get afraid it's okay it's a human condition now let's see what happens the story gets really really great this is a phenomenal story guys the soldiers from Israel said to each other you saw the man who just came up like to David he has come to challenge Israel whoever kills him the king will give a rich reward he'll also give him his daughter exempt his father's family from service and taxes in Israel David said to the men standing with him wrote what reward will be given to the man who kills the Philistine and removes this disgrace you know sometimes I think David wasn't thinking about the money I don't think he was thinking about marrying the princess although he'd be in line to be king I think it was like we won't have to pay taxes great the government was hated back then too the government will always be hated because the government exists just to enslave the people doesn't matter what the Constitution says they exist the slave in slave the people and we're enslaved who is this uncircumcised Philistine anyway that he challenges the armies of the Living God it just doesn't seem like this little boy had fear it wasn't I don't even think he was he didn't call him a giant he said this detestable this man who doesn't know God this this this disgusting heathen who is this tig to challenge god he's not even I don't even think he's concerned I don't even think he really realizes how big this guy is I don't know how close he was to him he was close enough to here in the valley so it couldn't be that far away I'm sure he had a daunting voice but I don't think he was even thinking wow the guy's so big he's just like what what it what Elliot his oldest brother heard when David spoke to the men and it made Eliav angry at him he has to why did you come down here with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert meaning what aren't you worried about the Sheep and then he has the nerve to say I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is like Joseph you know his brothers were jealous you just came down to watch the fighting what do you think is going on with Elia of the brother why do you rebuke David I think it was to mask his own cowardice he didn't go out to look to fight the Giant all of a sudden his little brother is willing to that's going to make him look bad right so I get get lost you know sometimes when you're doing something for God believers will assault you they'll just assault too even though those believe is who will assault you are usually doing absolutely nothing and they feel bad about their nothingness so they trying to cut your legs out from you to make themselves look taller said state of the face okay so David's like now this isn't going to work for me it's not going to work for me I gotta be honest with you guys when I hear people speak poorly about God I go after him you might say is that your place I look at God as my fault I'm not letting anybody badmouth my father okay I'm going to say something with her on a plane what I'm saying I'm sorry excuse me same thing I mean I'm not going to kill him but it where did you come up with that do you know my father do you have any relationship with them what what is he not done-for-you because I don't know him like that so let me understand your experience only nobody bad Mafia father crazy first handle 17 31 to 33 it says David's words were overheard and told the shoal so obviously some of the soldiers heard what he said that he had that he kind of stuck up for the Lord and so they reported to Saul like you know we got somebody who seems that like they're interested you know so she'll says bring him to me now soul knew him right he was playing the hop form right he knew so david says to show no one should lose heart because of him you know cowardice spreads like wildfire do you know the bad news spreads so much quicker than the good news I wish the good news in Macon spread is fast is the bad news people love bad news and they love to talk hated he was getting a divorce he did he he who lost his church hey did you hear who God's hating right now because the gossiping people love bad news I don't know why I just think it's it's the old you know it makes them feel better about themselves he's like adamant no one obviously he's watching the whole army of Israel stymied frozen he's like he's not being a big shot guys he's not being arrogant no one should lose heart because of him your servant will go and fight this Philistine Saul said to save it you can't fight the Philistine you're a boy you're a fourteen-year-old boy Skye's a 750-pound trained warrior from birth he has a sword he has a spear he has a javelin the whole army estai me if you're a boy he's been a warrior from his youth a warrior highly highly skilled 40 yards put a javelin in your heart Saul had legitimate doubts and maybe he didn't want to lose a good praise and worship leader I don't know I have to so the giant comes after me I'm sending one of them they'll pick straws so let's continue the story because the story speaks for itself I guys I'm just telling you scripture speaks for itself you just got to read it and you got to take your time like I'm taking I don't take this time because I have nothing better to do or I'm trying to bore you to death I'm teaching you how to read scripture it might sound arrogant but one verse in the morning while you're running out the door having coffee is not going to get you a relationship with God it's not it it's not it's not something that you get on your email that you read for three minutes is not going to do it and while you're running around trying to read it try try pouring coffee the next time running around your house God's not going to fill you up if you're running around Mary chose the better portion she said of this feat David answered shall you know your servant used to guard his father's sheep when a lion or bear would come and grab a lamb from the flock I would go after it hit it snatch the lamb from its now now do you believe this I'm here to tell you that I was in a desert region a desert region in Argentina and I met a guy called Puma man who killed 32 Pumas with a club that's who's known everybody was kind of scared of him for obvious reasons but it's it's it's not it's not like something supernatural okay these were the Shepherd's of old they were very highly skilled so your servant has defeated both lions and bears and this uncircumcised duty keep saying this heathen this ungodly foe this son of the devil will be like one of them because not because I'm so strong because he has challenged the armies of the Living God do you see what the onus is the onus always has to be on the glory of God you don't ever touch the glory don't ever tell me how many people you saved a led to the Lord you lifted him up but it was the Holy Spirit that drew the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God that he blesses you and puts it in your temple but it is by His grace and mercy and love it's not by your power not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of the Living God it's always about God's great name and God's great glory that's what you're defending not your own then David said to said I don't know the Lord who has rescued me from the poor of the lion and from the poor the bear will rescue me from the poor this Philistine do you see the confidence but the confidence wasn't in his ability to slay the Giant the confidence was in the Lord do you see the differ you see if we keep putting people in the pulpit that eloquent and beautiful and brilliant then who's going to get the glory but God uses the weak he uses the fool now some people are a little more foolish than they need to be but that's beside the point I don't know who rescued me from the poor the line and from the poor the bear will rescue me from the poor of this Philistine shall all said to David go ahead give it a shot really he's like we got nothing else if we don't send somebody out to fight they're going to overtake us my people when you're afraid you can't fight it takes the fight right idea there's no way you can do it when you're fearful so he knows what they're going to kill us they're going to plunder us and then we're going to be a slaves anyway what do I got to lose right basically it's what he's saying go ahead give it a shot give it a shot see God had proved himself to David in private now God would prove himself to David in public you have to know the Lord in private before you come out and David's weapon of choice was God the Father that was his weapon let's go to verses 40 to 42 so David takes his stick in his hand and picked up five smooth stones how many how many lessons have you heard on the five smooth stones I've never heard one but I talked to Christians and they have so many where did you get this from some say it had to do it with Goliath but they're not there they're not there who are the Giants the Giants are from an Hakeem if from the Nephilim sons of God angels detestable angels who impregnated women and there were giants so they were destroyed in the flood how did they reappear they did it again and then what did God do God took those Nephilim and put him in prison according to Jude 6 so they can't do it anymore but it's legitimate it's not like they came out of nowhere the anak team were in when Joshua went in Giants but he didn't bring five smooth stones because there were five Giants did you ever hear that story why did you believe it why us-- why you spiritualizing the scriptures there's straightforward why do you have to make it more spiritual than it is you're exaggerating and not only exaggerating but you're lying look if you give me a gun and say rabbi I'm going to give you a gun I can give you one bullet in the magazine or I could fill the magazine up what do you think the rabbi is going to go for David David was confident in the Lord but is it so terrible to bring a few stones they weren't little pebbles you're not going to knock down a 750 they were big how much could he carry so what if what if a couple of other people came out then he's got a few more stones what if he doesn't kill him with one then he is 2 or 3 it's that simple why are you trying to look for something beyond keep looking for the riddle in the mystery I'm not Perry stone just just read the scriptures all the mysteries have been told read Ephesians the mystery is that God stepped in his creation and was tortured and killed for our behalf mystery revealed and now not only is it a Jewish thing but it's also a Gentile thing and we're one in Messiah there's no white Southern Baptist there's no black African Methodist Episcopal there's no presbyterian there's no nondenominational there's no interdenominational there is a son and daughter of the Living God period you'll see if you're born again when he comes back you'll see I'm not going to know messianic groom say takes a stick and he takes five stones from the riverbed he puts him in his Shepherds bag they're big he's a little boy then with his sling in his hand he approaches the Philistine the Philistine has his shield bare ahead of them and he came nearer and nearer to David he's approaching him because he's going to intimidate him big guys intimidate people you don't see no 140 pound bouncer to Baal he's not the boss I used to go to in New York the Philistine with his shield bare ahead of him came nearer and nearer to David guys these scriptures God's Word is not like anything else I know there's people that authors that are eloquent and they know how to paint with words nobody paints better nobody paints a better masterpiece than the author of life when you read the Bible you should see it you should see it you should see the dusty road you should see the scars on Goliath after all the battles he fought you should see them they shouldn't be words on a page that you're just memorizing it should come to life this is the Living Word it's living and breathing and the reason why I teach this to you is because I want you to read this way because if you read this way and you see it it's a game-changer now the Philistine looked David up and down which didn't take too long and he had nothing but scorn you can imagine can't you imagine a 750 pound train not just a big guy there's big guys that can't fight I'm talking about a trained highly skilled probably one of the best in the land at fighting she's looking at this little boy with a stick and he's got a javelin and he's got a sword you know how good he is with his sword you have any idea how good he is with his spear or his javelin and he's literally poking fun which is understandable he looks him up and down he has nothing but scorn he sees this boy with ruddy cheeks and reddish hair good-looking little kid just a good-looking little sweet little boy what a scene man what a scene but see Goliath didn't know about the intangible and the intangible was the power of the Living God he didn't know God so of course he didn't know his power he might have heard the stories about the Israelite people but you know they would delivered not by any power right the Red Sea split and covered over they had nothing to do with that right even last week remember we talked about Jehoshaphat I mean so I told you should we just sing I don't know if you realize but in that story Jehoshaphat went down to fight with his army they went down to fight and then they saw them already turn the swords on each other but they went to fight guys the battle is the Lord but you're going to have to fight you're gonna have to fight through your faith you can't just lay down listen you know that song jesus take the wheel if you tell Jesus take the wheel you're going to hit a telephone pole okay you have to fight god helps those who help themselves I'm telling you with all the religious mumbo-jumbo you're going to have to fight Israel fought to make them strong because the battle is never going to stop when you're asleep you're sleeping on the battlefield you don't realize you think you're safe in your home you're not safe from the enemy you think oh you say I cast everything out he'll come and get you you always have to be on God when a cop comes up to a window you know why he's got his hand on his gun I think he Chevy drawn you be a cop for a day all these nuts out there trying to pop them because he's a cop go ahead I'll pay you 35 grand a year to do that job it's incredible you got to always be ready with the enemy and if you said to me rabbi don't feel the enemy that's probably because you're not doing anything now this is where it gets dicey this is where the story really comes into its own is where we really see the power God verses 43 to 45 the Philistines said to David in my a dog just goofing on him you know like he's looking back at his army going you kidding me a little boy they send a little boy God could have sent Saul do you remember when Saul told him put on his armor Saul was six foot six David's a little boy 130 pounds maybe you're not going to put on a six foot six guy's armor and be able to move why did God send out David when he sent out song God's looking to get the glory God needs he's all God is doing in your life is injecting you over and over again with face over and over again God's going to put you and you'll say Oh Lord just just just make my life a blessing what do you what are you thinking you can't have faith unless you're in a situation that's going to create the faith God doesn't sprinkle faith dust it doesn't work I'm not goofing it doesn't work you've got to have a situation where you see God come to the rescue and then you fall in your face go oh my god and the most situations you have like that why didn't God send the children of Israel up the coast man up the way of Horus they would have been there in two weeks what he sent himself for he was creating worshipers God needs to put you between a rock and a hard place so he can deliver you he alone so you could be a worshiper because God is looking for worshipers and those aren't singers those are people who obey Him worship isn't a song it's an act it's kissing the hand of a master like a dog kisses his master's hand God wants a man after his heart he wants a woman after his heart somebody who will obey Him because he has work to do and he does it through us and he necessitates and you get a chance to partner with the creator of the universe am i a dog that you're coming at me with sticks and the Philistine cursed David by his God they had their gods it this is not a fight between David and Goliath is fight between the God of Israel and the god of this world and that's the fight you go through every day then the Philistines said to David come here come here little boy and I'll he he was so strong that he can literally rip David's arms off his body physically said come here I'll rip your arms off and I'll feed it to the wild animals are you kidding me David answered the Philistine you're coming at me with a sword and the spear and a javelin short-range mid-range long-range fighting but I'm coming at you in the name of Allah noids to vote the Lord of heavens armies and the god of the armies of Israel who you have challenged now the word name you have to know it's a very important name in Judaism okay Orthodox Jews call God Hashem which is the name the reason why they do that is because they don't want to limit God they don't even if you say he's the delivery's the high tower he's my salvation she's my defender you'll you'll you'll exhaust it rabbi I know a thousand things God is God is so much more than that so they call him the name because they don't want to box him in because he's infinite they want him to be limitless which is really quite beautiful but look at the word name it's what I told you Shem it's God's reputation when you say I coming you in the name of the Lord you're coming at them in his rep is rep his fame his glory his magnificence his all-knowing all power to the person himself when you say you're coming at somebody in the name of the Lord you're coming at that person in the person of the Lord Himself okay then he says you challenged this god Horus which means you've taunted my father you've been so you've not Dillard's you slap God in the face I'm taking you out in his name First Samuel 1746 what amazing confidence look today the Lord will hand you over to me you notice he didn't say I'm going to take you out you see guys do you see and listen to me please listen to me I'm saying this in all due respect you know when somebody in the South says all due respect you ready to get ripped up one side down the other but listen to me some of you are proceeding in false humility it's deplorable you can fake me you can fake yourself but you can't fake God don't be falsely humble don't be like I nothing to do with it when you when you're fishing for spiritual cookies just let God have the glory leave it alone because if you start glorifying yourself God's going to expose some things give him the glory today I don't know he will hand you over to me I will attack you I will cut off your head I will give the carcasses of the army then I'm not only coming then we're going to come after the Philistines we're going to put you to rest finally and feed your army to the birds of the air and the animals in the land then all the land will know there is a God you see what he's doing this is to God's namesake every battle you go through is for his great name in his fame it's all about him people say it but I'm telling you it's true it's all about him this is amazing the confidence he has and why does he have this confidence the next verse because the battle is the Lord's this is the Lord's battle it's about his reputation it's about his great name it's not about me it's not about Israel and it's not about you now the less part of the scripture is for a second first Samuel 17 48 49 51 52 when the Philistine got up he approached and came close to me David now what do you think he's thinking when David said I'm going to I'm going to come and attack you all I know is if I had a little kid who was like 10 years old and he said that to me I might think what does this kid know that I don't know like what else does he have on him she have a gun they forgot that's what I would think cuz I'm that's the way I was raised so I'm thinking that the Philistines second guessing this thing now he's maybe thinking wait a minute this isn't right this guy is fearless right now and he's not backing off he sees approaching he thinks he's gonna back off you know that's what bullies do but he's not backing off in fact it says David runs at him you see how much you miss when you just read the story quick you miss God David hurried and ran towards the army to meet the Philistine he runs across the valley he's attacking him it's crazy David's running he puts his hand in his bag he takes out a stone curls it with his sling he strikes the Philistine the fall head buried itself in the forehead so that he fell facedown on the ground what what did I just read you a few verses ago that the Philistine was wearing what then how'd he get hit in the head in his arrogance I bet you he took it off I bet you he handed his armor to his alma beer and said I don't need this are you kidding me I'll step on this kid pride comes before the yeah it doesn't pay to be full of yourself and if you're fully yourself you can't be full of the Holy Spirit it struck the Philistine in the forehead and buried itself into the forehead so that he fell down on the ground I think he just knocked him out I don't think he killed him with one stone but this is the sick part he runs over them takes out Goliath's sword because Goliath you got to understand an average-size head scientifically speaking is 10 pounds a guy this size forty pound head as the guy still breathing he's cutting his head off in front of the army David ran stood all the Philistine took his sword with his own sword drew it out of its sheath and finish killing them cutting off his head with it when the Philistines saw that they hero is dead they fled and that amazing I mean if he could if a little boy could take out a giant they have no hope what what else is waiting for them in that beautiful see how what God is doing here also I don't know if you realize something but David's going to be the next king God setting him up to be a leader nobody wants to follow a marshmallow today we we have a cupcake Society the men of Israel and Judah got up shouting and pursued the Philistine all the way the gas and the gates of Ekron remember I told those are the two of the five cities the wounded Philistine fell down all along the road mushara een to God connect run all the way to the Mediterranean that's unbelievable you see the result of David's action that confidence spread like wildfire and gave all of Israel boldness remember the ten spies who came back with a bad report can anybody tell me one of their names no you can stop spreading bad reports start spreading good reports spread the good news for superior than the bad news the bad news you'll always have with you you're going to watch CNN and watch Fox and watch what bad news all day long it's bad it's bad and it's getting worse and what are you going to do to change it you can't change your neighbors fence you're going to change Washington instead of talking about the bad news and being the bad news bear why don't you just try to extinguish the bad news by speaking good news the gospel David did not defeat the giant through the Lord David did not defeat the giant through the Lord most people see it that way even some people see David just being this this master warrior who just defeated the Giant and David gets the credit that's not what Dave was looking for David doesn't even want you to give him the credit saying I defeated you in the name of the Lord no the Lord defeated the giant through David and the Lord can defeat Giants through you the battle was the Lord's the battle is the Lord the battle always will be because it's about his name and his glory let me let me show you two scriptures first samuel 1710 on the same page with first samuel 1726 go to that next slide there you see the difference here the Philistine added I challenge Israel's army today give me a man and we'll fight it out that's what Goliath said David said who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he challenges the armies of the Living God you see the difference you see that this is all the difference in the world guys this is the story of David and Goliath this is the story you see Israel put Goliath next to themselves but David put Goliath next to God and that changes everything how many people in here by a show of hands is facing a giant come on up here for a minute if you have to get to Zaxby's right now I understand but this is kind of important the reason why I'm telling you it's important is because I'm not a guy I pray in private a lot I pray in the morning for for myself to be a man of God for for my family because trying to figure out the needs of four children I'm very I'm very paternal I don't know if you go through it but trying to figure out where they should go to what they you know four of them is overwhelming it's a job in and of itself for me and and then trying to do this it's it's just overwhelming I mean I I just I'm overwhelmed all the time I'm overwhelmed all the time and and it's driving me crazy but you I'm sure of you I'm sure some of you are facing fear or depression or financial woes or doubts you know isn't it amazing how how the enemy at times can get us to almost I mean isn't it crazy it's not it's not a disrespect to you or me but isn't it crazy house we've seen the Lord we felt the Lord we've tasted Lord we've encountered Lord and yet there are times in our life where he can get us to even wonder if what we're believing in is even true that maybe what we believe in has been made up by men who wrote this and and they wrote it after the fact like Danny wasn't written when it was really written isn't that amazing and we've all experienced that so I just need you to know that we all experienced that and it's not fair to other people for you to carry on like all as well when it's not because then you make them feel strange do you know how many things we go through with our families my whole family is lost my whole flippin family is lost according to the Word of God I'm not going to see them again and then I struggle with you know I'm working so hard with strangers some of you are strangers to me and my own kids sometimes I give fresh bread stranger and my kids are sitting there starving and they get stale crumbs and the enemy beats me up he's like look at you you think you're doing well and people call and they want you and they want you and then the minute you don't call back you're done it's over what life is overwhelming it throws curveballs at you you know I thought I was eating healthy way before anybody was juicing organically I wouldn't touch a chemical I wouldn't use a deodorant I was doing things 40 years ago that nobody was doing the only people that were doing it if you remember the health food stores 40 years ago everybody looked anymore on death's door you ever see those people help but so they just look like they were dying nobody want to eat health food and look like that I did everything perfectly I didn't know I was gonna have vascular disease you don't know right you get married sometimes everything goes well and all of a sudden your spouse turns it says not love with you anymore any like how could how could this be how could this be oh you raise a kid up in the ways of the Lord and and then you're visiting him in jail you're like I remember you I remember you own you a little boy and I held you I prayed over every day how he would tell what happened man you don't want to disrespect God you know you don't want to do that but in your heart you like freaking break and you can't say that in church you know you know because church folk don't like that you know you just put on your game face in church all is well with you soul and go home and cry alone it's poison guys it's poison it's a poison system it's a religious system that doesn't work and I don't pray for people like a lot of people there are people that are prayer warriors and they pray I pray in private but I want to pray for you today not because it was my idea I promise you it wasn't my idea I promise you last night before I went to bed the Lord said at that time when you talk about giants pray for the people Lord you don't need me to pray to help them son when I say somewhere pray for you you know I there's so many of you I thought like there'd be two Lia and I already have I don't even have enough oil but guys I want you to pray for me and I'll pray for you just to keep the fight just pray for me don't pray for me to stay in the fight pray for me to not give up because I get a day and then I want to give up and then I get a day and I want to give up and I don't want to give up because frankly I got nowhere else to go and I'm not saying that I'm working with God by default I I can't do anything else I think it just about everything I barely could do this I've been fired from every job I suck but it seems like this is what I'm supposed to do but it's overwhelming it's overwhelming just my four kids and then these kids and then India and Africa Australia and never miss al the prizm ish I get closer I get calls from Harvey Levine I'm on the phone for two hours I get called from our tour guide he's having a problem I get called from people I don't even know in town and you know what it is to pour yourself out and they leave and they feel better right and then you're like who's gonna pour into me and I'm saying this because I know you go through the same thing I know you go through this and some of you are sitting out there you're going to be up here maybe next week some of you need to come up here but you won't and you're thinking God could touch me humble yourself in the sight of the Lord humble yourself God didn't tell me to call these people up to embarrass them he told me to call them up to identify them identify them so he can lay his hand on them and he could do what he needs to do it's like a torture chamber isn't it when you're going through something and where is it it's most of the time it's not even physical this is the battlefield of mind it doesn't not listen it doesn't make you a bad person it doesn't make you a person that lacks faith everybody has a breaking point Joe was the best human being that ever lived and in chapter 38 he said okay enough get down here We Need to Talk I'm done that's what he said that's what he said so it's understandable I'm here to tell you that I believe that God's going to give you more confidence to fight the Giants I believe that after you leave here and the enemy is going to assault you on the way home listen to me you're going to get home you're going to see a husband your wife who doesn't really want to come here because they think I'm arrogant full of myself and so you're going to come home want to talk to them and they're going to listen to you the enemy is going to control their mind and lay sinchon you're going to go don't let him do that don't let him do that it's the enemy it's not God you must stay in the fight he's going to finish this thing it's all his doing it's for his great name it's not about us it's for his great name you're going to finish it because he's going to finish it for you this is not the end of the story it's not the end of the story we have to go through these things so that we don't embrace the earth too much that we don't embrace the things of the world too much we have to go through this pain and suffering we have to fellowship with him so when we get there it's going to be such a glorious party if your whole life is a party and you have another party it's nothing special my whole life was a party everything came my way everything was easy and it was a big party so the next party was nothing special I went to a party Trump had a party Tina Turner came out it was no big deal because I've seen it before the party so when you keep going to parties there's nothing but when you struggle what do you think that party is going to be like when your show returns you've been to weddings before right what do you think the wedding feast of the Lamb is going to be like and guess what I won't serve you and you won't serve me the Bible says Joshua is serve us what's that going to be like when he puts a plethora of food in front of you and he grabs you by the face and looks in your eyes he says you did great I was with you every step of the way you didn't cry alone I cried with you but look no more tears and he's going to go you are only going to feel this you're only going to feel this that's going to be it and you'll never you're ducks will never tear up again do you know the glory of that feeling can you imagine so you have to fight to get there you've got to fight to get there you cannot lay down now and the days that you're doubting the days that you would think God is this even real it might be a bad day there's always tomorrow let me tell you I don't believe there's anything new with the Lord except his mercies so if it doesn't work out today then tomorrow he has tender loving kindness for you Father I ask you in your shoe is mighty name to anoint these people that are standing before your throne anoint me Father anoint me and father give us the confidence in the boldness and your great name father help us to dispel through the power your Holy Spirit doubts and fear help us to be strong and courageous in you father God many giants come our way father help us to slay those giants in your name slay those giants father through us give us victory father God give us some light give us some victory father so we could be injected with faith and go on and slay another father we're tired we're weary we're fearful at times we're confused you don't want that for your children but we can't get out of it ourselves we don't have the power in and of ourselves we desperately desperately need you father God we're here before your throne begging you father you know better we defer to you we'll always defer to you but father give us that strength in the name of you should we pray amen and our men guys you may be seated and I'll just finish this thing up thank you thank you for the willingness to come up and hopefully God will fulfill his word in issue his name I just have one last word for you and then we'll depart the premises let me show you um First Samuel 17 57 to 58 this was at the very end of the story David returned some kill in the Philistine Abner who was his guard before Joab took him in Berlin to show we'll listen this is crazy he goes to show all he goes into the palace the head still dripping the blood he just said that he's holding a 40-pound head by the hair in his hand he's a little boy I don't think she'll ever thought that he had a chance now she'll knew him right he was he was his harp musician so why did he say young man who Sonny you he knew what he was saying from his remember he said your family whoever your family is they're not going to pay taxes there's greater what he wanted to know who his family was and David answered I'm just a son of your servant I'm a son of your slave Jesse from Bethlehem a little town a little know-nothing town nothing great came at the Bethlehem it was like Nazareth no big deal with just Shepherds guys it's not important who you are some people say who are you on the lawyer I'm a doctor I own this I own that it's insignificant it's not important who you are it's so much more important who's you are you're a son and daughter of the Living God you're a royal priest you're part of a holy nation and you are a princess and a prince we may not know what the future holds but we do know who holds the future and this is all we have and this is all we need without God we are hopeless and helpless last but not least like I closed last week first Corinthians 15:58 so my dear brothers stand firm I know what times you feel like I'm going backwards stand firm stand firm being movable it's hard I know it's hard always doing the Lord's work don't get caught up in your sorrows I'm telling you work for the Lord the preach speak go to the prisons do because because when you're doing your moving you're moving forward and when you're alone that's when the enemy comes after you that's when the enemy comes after you he's a thief just like amalek always doing the Lord's work vigorously intensely knowing that United with the Lord your efforts are not in vain they are not in vain they are not in vain they have eternal benefit guys next week I'm going to finish this off please if if you can't come you know watch if you can't watch watch later but we're going to talk we talked about Jehoshaphat and the ammonites and the Moabites we talked about David and Goliath next week it's the creme de la creme we're going to talk about Moses and what he experienced and hopefully by the end of that we'll have somewhat of a faith injection I hope and pray that that the enemy stays far from your vineyard I hope and pray that this was time well spent and believe just just believe he you you guys are the guys I know something I don't know but the guys I know you've spent a lot of time in prayer a lot of time in the word a lot of time in helping people you know the Lord step out and face those giants in the name of the Lord you know in faith and he'll make it happen in Yeshua's name let's stand together hallelujah we got to make it we're gonna make it may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up is very countenance upon you and give you peace in the name of the Prince of all peace Yahshua evil wrath on annoy face maratha your Aaron - oh Vanessa Vanessa yes I don't know poor novela ha the assemblée ha ha [Music] um shabbat shalom guys
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,773
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 41sec (4601 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2017
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