Yoga Teacher FAT SHAMES Woman, Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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i don't know if i should do this mom what if people make fun of me stop you've always wanted to do yoga and now you're finally here don't look back you're right thank you i'll see you in 45. you got this oh watch it i am so sorry what are you doing with my mat oh i didn't know it was yours my bad oh today's my first day i'm jasmine nice to wait don't tell me that you're here to take my class uh yeah i am you're joking right i mean i've just i've never seen anyone do yoga who's your size before oh well there's a first time for everything right i want to be a yoga instructor one day really you want to be a yoga instructor i think you should focus on losing a few pounds first but hey what do i know i'm only the head instructor for the most popular yoga studio in town welcome yogis i'm emma your instructor i see some new faces and sizes in here all right let's get started with our sun salutation everyone step to the top of their mat inhale arms up exhale and swan dive it out into your downward facing dog and hold here for a few seconds [Music] breathe this is harder than it looks well judging by how much you weigh i'm sure it is all right continue to hold exhale and you can slowly start i can't hold it you know if you can't even hold it for 30 seconds then you really shouldn't be in my class i'm sorry i'll try to do better can you at least go to the back of the class i can't see anyone behind you you're blocking my entire field um sure [Music] take a deep breath here and step into your forward hold exhale and roll up namaste i must all right you guys that was a great class i'll see you all next week hey you hang back a moment will you uh sure is everything okay i take it after today you won't be coming back oh well i know i'm still trying to get a hang of it but i have to keep trying i don't think that's a good idea see my classes are usually really full and to be honest you're a little should i say big distraction um well what about if i practice at home that way i'll be better look i don't know how to make this more clear in order to do yoga you need to have a certain uh body type which you don't have try losing 50 or 100 pounds and then come back okay but i'm trying to be a yoga instructor that's why i'm here [Music] you're serious look that's a cute dream but big girls can't do yoga you have to be skinny look this is what a yoga instructor looks like not you so don't waste your time but look i have another class coming so you better go i'm sorry [Music] what's wrong why are you playing i never should have come here a newbie big mistake what happened i completely humiliated myself in there the instructor said i'm too big to do yoga that only skinicles can do it that's crazy i'm gonna go talk no mom just just leave it alone i don't know what i was thinking i mean i could never be a yoga instructor hey you listen to me you can be anything you want to be as long as you work hard for it and don't let anybody tell you otherwise okay but what am i supposed to do now she said i can't come back you don't need her or this class or anybody else come on let's go home i have an idea the mom has a plan when she gets home she puts on yoga videos from youtube and asks her daughter to practice the daughter reluctantly agrees the daughter continues to practice all the time even though she struggles with even the most basic moves in the beginning she never gives up and keeps on trying as time goes on she starts to get a lot better after weeks of practicing at home every single day she finally starts to get the hang of it the mom is so proud she takes photos of her daughter practicing yoga to post them on instagram and talks about her daughter's whole journey eventually the daughter gains a big following from people that are so inspired by her story the daughter can't believe it and then a few months later the daughter even accomplishes her dream of opening her very own yoga studio namaste great job everyone i'll see you next class okay thank you so much hey emma what are you doing here i saw on instagram that you opened a new yoga studio so just thought i'd come check it out okay how's everything going at your place not so great actually it's um it's just that ever since you opened up your studio my business has been like a little bit slow i'm so sorry actually kind of why i came here um i was wondering if maybe you might be hiring i think that i might actually have to shut down my studio what's up you're on the cover of your book a magazine you're kidding let me see oh my gosh this is so exciting i'm so proud thanks for believing me mom let me see that i can't believe they put you on the cover i don't know anyone who's gotten that but i don't understand i thought after my class that you would just give up well i was about to give up until someone told me that i can be anything i want to be as long as i work hard for it i love that so do you think it would be possible for me to work here yoga instructors are supposed to make people feel better about themselves not worse i don't think you'd be a good fit i'm sorry but i have another class coming in but thank you for stopping by [Music] three have you gained weight two she looks beautiful one you look like a whale oh my i don't want to do this anymore you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 11,772,929
Rating: 4.9231801 out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, don't judge others, don't judge by appearance, don't judge a book by its cover, showing kindness
Id: eV5kjxOfQAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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