Male Coach HARASSES FEMALE Player, Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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there's my star athlete come here hey larry how are you oh uh should we get started yeah yeah uh let's work on some stretching first all right we need you nice and loose for the tournament next week okay um sounds great okay we'll start with the hamstrings oh okay [Music] so you know all the college scouts are going to be at this tournament with the right introductions you could end up with a full-ride scholarship and one day even become pro huh oh my god that'd be my dream i've been practicing tennis my whole life for this moment yeah well in this sport it's it's not what you know it's who you know remember that you just do what i say i'll make that dream happen okay good why is this so hard you know what let me help you all right now you take the ball in this hint i don't just relax oh i'm sorry i don't feel comfortable i'm trying to help you get better i mean you do want that scholarship don't you well yeah well then you better start doing what i tell you you understand good oh and you you should work on how to talk to those scouts so why don't you come by my place tonight and we'll practice oh i don't think that's a good idea wow really okay well maybe i should introduce them to someone else someone is a little more interested in getting a scholarship no i know i'm serious it's just i don't okay good be in my place today i'll text you the [Music] address hey girl how was practice that's all right sure you don't look too good it's larry he always makes me feel so uncomfortable the way he looks at me how close he gets vanessa that's not normal i don't think you should see him anymore i have two he's one of the top coaches in the country you don't need him listen to me the only person who decides how successful you become is you remember that ah there she is come on in hi hey sit [Music] so can i get you something to drink some wine perhaps uh no thanks i'm not even 21. i would never say anything can we just talk about the college scouts relax we've got plenty of time to talk about tennis how about we talk about something more interesting like you and me what are you what are you doing come on don't act like you don't want this the only thing i want from you is for you to help me become a successful tennis player nothing else exactly and like i told you in this sport it's not about what you know it's about who you know huh so you make me happy and i make you successful the only person who decides how successful you become is you you know what i don't need you i can do this on my own goodbye larry what you you think you can walk away from me you'll never be successful without me we'll see about that vanessa leaves the coach's house determined to make it on her own now even more inspired vanessa is ready to work harder than she ever has before she starts practicing all the time on her own spending hours on the court each day [Music] before long she begins acing her serves she's playing better than she ever has before and then comes the day of the big tournament vanessa signs in feeling confident and ready to play [Music] she feels good knowing she's made the right decision on the day of the tournament vanessa quickly beats her first opponent she then wins her second match sweeping all of her sets and even goes 6-0 against her next opponent advancing all the way to the finals and then came the moment she was waiting for vanessa now leads 40-30 in this tie breaker game serving for match point [Music] [Applause] [Music] well well well look who it is what do you want larry well you may have won the tournament but um where's the college scholarship huh tried to tell you that without me you'll never get a scholarship excuse me vanessa great performance today my name is dan walters i'm the scout for stanford should i talk to you or your coach oh i don't have a coach but you can talk to me great we would love to talk to you about a full ride scholarship to come play for us how does that sound what really [Music] oh my god that'd be amazing thank you so much wait wait wait she doesn't even have a coach she has no one to represent her ah that doesn't matter to us it's not who you know it's what you know and all you need to be successful is you come on let's walk and talk wow this day could not get worse larry hassler i need to have a word with you hey principal wallace how you doing something wrong we've had complaints from parents and students about inappropriate behavior what no no no this has got to be some kind of mistake i mean clearly there's some big misunderstanding here there's no way how about you come with us larry hassler you have the right to remain silent hey dar man fam make sure to subscribe to my channels and check out this next video i know you're gonna love it when i first saw your photos i thought to myself i am gonna make that girl it's always been my thing to be a movie star mr wesley harry i'm sorry i just don't feel comfortable is everything okay no in order to get this contract you just gotta do exactly what i say
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 12,368,200
Rating: 4.9265509 out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: h5wAAGnm6_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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