Lazy Wife Fires Her Loyal Long Time Maid, Instantly Regrets Decision | Dhar Mann

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gloria this counter is a mess you still haven't cleaned it yet i'm so sorry miss jacobs i i have been very busy today i clean it right now i know like what does my husband even pay you for mom can i have some juice sure honey you haven't done the dishes yet either i mean seriously what have you been doing all day ah i'm so sorry mama i i'm working as fast as i can we'll work a little bit faster then [Music] great now i'm going to be like for yoga but pour jamie his shoes when you're done yes yes and if you see my yoga pant the laundry isn't done oh i'm so sorry man i'm so sorry i i i was going to do that next i just been so busy oh busy doing what i mean how hard is it to take care of a house it's not so easy as it looks this morning i did the breakfast and i i i i in the clothes you're just making excuses mom i'm thirsty i'll bring it to your room jamie i'll just do the dishes myself and see what the point of having you here is oh no i can do that mom i can do that you know what you can just leave yeah because you're fired oh no mom please don't do that i i really need this job well you should have thought of that before you decide to slack off now go we don't need you hey honey you uh cleaning dishes shouldn't gloria be doing that yeah well i had to fire her you did what but then who's gonna take care of the house just hire another maid the job isn't that hard well you don't know how hard someone's job is until you try it yourself so why don't you try it fine i mean how difficult can it be with gloria now gone she's about to realize just how hard taking care of a house really is she tries to cook breakfast for her husband and jamie but ends up burning it [Music] she tries to do the laundry and take care of everyone's clothes but ends up ruining them she makes the bed fluffs the pillows and tidies up the entire bedroom [Music] she sweeps the floors vacuums the carpet and cleans all of the counters the day has barely even started and she's already exhausted [Music] mom can i have a drink i'm thirsty sure honey [Music] hmm what's wrong mom it's it's nothing it's nothing and sweetheart how's it going it's terrible i didn't know how much work taking care of a house really is yeah i figured you said that that's why i brought someone i think you'll be happy to see [Music] gloria oh my god thank goodness you're here look i am so so sorry for how i treated you before can you please forgive me of course i can thank you i just i didn't realize how hard your job was until i did it myself but i promise you from now on i'm going to appreciate you so much more that means a lot to me miss jacobs do you need some help with those dishes oh yes please hey dar man fam i hope you love that message please remember we're not just telling stories we're changing lives and when you share my videos you're helping to change lives too i appreciate you and i'll see you in the next [Music] video [Music] you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 15,459,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dhar mann, life lessons, gold digger, the golden rule, being kind to others, life lesson, why you should be kind, treat others how you want to be treated, kindness, being kind, respecting others, motivational, inspirational, life lessons inspirational, being a kind person, how to be more kind to others, showing respect to others
Id: WcbSDoYijMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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