SINGLE MOM Is Shamed By Soccer Mom, She Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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so then i said no honey that's caviar [Laughter] has anyone seen scott he's 30 minutes late i mean is that really a surprise hi we're here i and i'm so sorry coach the waitress that was supposed to relieve me was 30 minutes late but we are here hey scott hey coach go ahead and warm up your son is a great player but please try to get him here on time otherwise he's not gonna be able to play in the big match next week right right um okay i will um thank you isn't this the second time this week your son has been late yeah yeah it is it's just so hard juggling work and being a mom all by myself you know you don't have a husband to help you no it's just me you're a single mom [Music] that is such a shame i'm i'm sorry well everybody knows a child needs a mother and a father to be successful i mean it's proven that kids from single-parent homes end up on the streets wow uh well tina thank you for your concern but that's not gonna happen to my son he's going to be just fine well you don't have to get defensive about it i'm just telling you the statistics i mean look at these kids they're all practicing with their dads and who's helping your son nobody which is why he's never going to be any good at soccer for your information hey mom check out this trick i just learned from dad that is so good now get back out there and keep practicing with your dad so what tricks does your son know all right honey good luck okay okay oh what about my diet oh yeah ah let me get that okay okay okay it's not perfect but it'll do okay thanks i didn't know scott was in speech and debate uh yeah he just enrolled and he's really excited about the upcoming tournament why does his suit look so big on him well i bought it at the goodwill um it's kind of hard to find the perfect size what you bought him a used suit that is so sad and what is up with that ty look i don't need you criticizing everything about my son or the way that i parent it's already hard enough being a single mom okay okay fine sheesh oh all i'm saying is that if he had a father he would at least have a proper suit and tie are you serious right now take a look around look at all these fathers who are helping their sons prepare and who is helping your son exactly which is why he's never going to be able to compete against the other boys look tina i am really getting tired of you stating the facts oh i know honey the truth hurts hey sweetheart you need anything i'm good thanks mom all right there you are and there you go and i apologize for the wait we've been a little short staffed it's not a problem oh hey samantha cute uniform hey uh let me know if you need anything else i didn't realize you worked here who's watching scott scott comes to work with me and he's right over there that poor kid he has to spend his weekends at a restaurant watching you work well actually he doesn't mind and besides it's a good way for him to get his homework done oh wow he doesn't have anyone to help him my husband always helps jeremy with his homework that's why he gets such good grades well i'm really happy for you that's really great but anyhow i've really got it oh hey he's probably going to graduate at the top of his class i am so proud of him um what kind of grades is scott getting i mean since he doesn't have a dad there's seriously enough with a single mother comments tina just because he doesn't have a father does not mean that he won't be successful you see when i found out i was pregnant it was the happiest day of my life well that is until i told my husband he didn't want to have any children or any responsibilities so he walked out on me on the spot and i couldn't stop crying and after scott was born i promised him that even though i was all by myself that i was going to be the best mom that i could ever be to him to give him the best chance at success possible and as he got older even though i would be exhausted by the time i got home from work i never let that stop me from playing sports with scott [Music] and even though i can't buy him new suits or even put on his tie perfectly i still make sure to help him prepare for everything that he wants to do in life and i know it isn't ideal to have scott wait around for me while i'm at work but whenever i get a free moment i help him study so that he can be as successful as possible even without a dad to help him [Music] so you see even though i have half the hope i give my son twice as much love and that is all that really matters [Laughter] that is the silliest thing i have ever heard but hey if that makes you feel better you just keep telling yourself that okay samantha [Music] excuse me miss oh hey you better get going they may need you to take their dirty plates away samantha stands there so upset with what tina just said but also knowing deep in her heart that she was about to prove tina wrong the next week when the soccer match was taking place both teams were tied to two with seconds remaining tina's son gets the ball stolen from him and everyone thinks their team isn't going to win except samantha's son comes out of nowhere and takes back the ball he kicks and scores the winning goal for his team everyone's so excited well almost everyone at least then at the speech and debate tournament tina's son gives a great speech to the entire class tina and her husband cheer their son on so excited for him to win the competition however when the teacher goes to give the trophy she walks right past tina's son and gives it to samantha's son instead who gave the best overall speech samantha and her son are so excited while tina can't believe what just happened and then a few weeks later tina comes to pay samantha a visit at the restaurant and there you go two spaghetti and meatballs is there anything else i can get you 99 out of 100. um give me one second my son he got 99 out of a hundred on his report card wow so you came all the way over here to tell me that uh yeah i told you he would be top of his class [Laughter] wow tina that's really nice i'm really happy for you but now i really have to get back okay um i kind of forgot to tell you but i got my report card back and i got all eight pluses what let me see that 100 out of 100 [Music] no no way see i told you he was doing just fine but how how could you do that without a dad to help you i don't need a dad i've got my mom in look i know that she has like half the amount of time to take care of me but she gives me twice the amount of love that's what really matters [Music] i love you so much [Music] and i am so proud of you i love you too mom we can all do like a tick tock video together you're way too old to be doing tick tock out okay you know my dream was always to dance what are you trying to do make us his followers i was just trying to embarrass me just leave you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 17,758,459
Rating: 4.9128404 out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, being a mom, motherhood, being kind to strangers, single mom, being a single mom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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