Most Oddly Satisfying Video to watch before sleep

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hello friends it's me and today is satisfying sunday so prepare to be relaxed candles versus the hydraulic press who will win okay where'd the fire go that i got extinguished real quick forbidden spaghetti there was candles a second ago we got a whole entire paint bucket oh pull it up pull it up i want to see it come out clean like a trash bag oh it's like a blanket oh that was nice the whole thing came out perfectly good work what happens when you heat up a toothbrush oh it's getting crunchy is this how they make ramen noodles no it's too much you went too far i kind of liked it when it got like crispy on the outside oh what kind of marker is that i know crayola ain't that juicy oh first the marker juicy and now we got the knife very nice very nice nice stroke do it again again oh the grid it's perfect me trying to understand how slicing lines into a cube is so satisfying oh i can say something right now but i'm not going to oh okay it's paint that's better that's much better all right we got a yellow one now just get rid of it all that extra paint i want to see it come out dry excellent you just want to take a fat scoop of mud and just oh press a slotted spoon against it very nice it's like squeezing multiple pimples at once it took a whole entire container of slime except it's in it so perfectly don't be shy pull out the whole thing i want to see it come out clean leave no crumbs oh the way they just like pull it up out of that thing kind of like melted cheese oh this is nice it took me a hot second to realize wait what's going on he's literally like massaging the color into the floor so it's the paint it's like a brown glaze for the wood and when he wipes over it he's like whoa that was very nice sir oh lava versus glass who will win oh it just keeps breaking well obviously the lava's gonna win i think the glass was gonna break without a fight but here we are i love these crunchy slime balls listen to that the crunch better than a dorito okay maybe not that good oh that won't look like a brownie don't be shy just take a bite oh it's play-doh with nail polish that one didn't crunch throw the whole thing away oh the plaster that one was a nice one 10 out of 10. good crunchy slime ball i thought it was wet why are your hands don't come out wet oh you can make bubbles out of it too what kind of slime is this forget slime what's data matter is it a solid it was a liquid very wet slimy slime i want to jump in it i finally found a restaurant that does this i just need to go there but look look look a bubble has emerged oh wow way to ruin it you see that kid right there everyone was like whoa cool billy was saying your birthday cake he like did a little clap for himself like it was his birthday or something so some beaches they just got like kinetic sand because they're just like dropping it like this and making a sand castle kind of looks like an evil sand castle maleficent's castle kind of vibes they pulled the most unusual object i have ever seen out of this mold right y'all put tangerines in a corn mold someone was bored oh you ever just wait for your paint to dry so you can just like peel it off delicious don't be shy press it ooh is it flour i think that might have just been flour or something you know i'm a big fan of sticking my fingers in places they don't belong get rid of that extra cement it's that easy spit it out you got one more left in there how many balls he hiding inside that skull just a wa-bam i'm uncomfortable no you're making it worse that was kind of nice though on the crack in your screen is so bad you can just like magic not magic broken that knife went in a little too smooth like disintegrated where are the remains there are none was that a plastic knife is that why right it just really went into the unknown some tells me it ain't coming back though he had a bucket of orbeez right orbeez versus lava i have never seen it done before but wait that's not lava it's liquid metal and ended up making a coral whoa how do you do that nothing like a brand new fresh wrap on a car it's so nice oh the strokes is just so nice how they do it no air bubbles or nothing only silky smooth car you ever melt chocolate and then slide your knife through it get rid of all traces of hershey's now they'll never know where it came from the marching of the ducks why are there so many of them that's a lot of chickens they're all going into the water you know if i didn't have my glasses on i would have thought this was a giant bowl of cereal were you asked to borrow someone's pencil and they asked what for what you mean what for to shred it to oblivion that's what for mind your business what's for breakfast today slime waffle oh and then they take it out and oh choke it oh is that shaving cream oh and they put food coloring too oh the way it just like comes out it's a party now it's like growing a brand new head of hair that was nice are those rubber bands oh get rid of it okay i was like this is not going to be satisfying unless they get rid of every single rubber band that phone was about a bust like a watermelon almost like there is no way that it can cut a stack of paper that fat my dude doesn't even care i don't care how thick or indestructible my gloves are i would not feel safe having my hands like anywhere near that but part of me also wants to be like no not today excuse me are you cutting the ice you can't do that slicing it like a dang piece of cheese and i picked it up yeah i wouldn't cooperate either after getting sliced water balloon versus heal oh no mercy i would have been scared i would have started like maybe poking it a little bit just destroyed it in one step i thought it was gonna stretch a little when you got a fat stack of coins oh all of them down the money hole you go it's like a slide they went wee ooh just took a chunk out of the lipstick it's ruined i don't think that was that satisfying oh that's much better this is how you slice the lipsticks i mean if you're gonna slice them this is how you would do it and we got two just to make up for the other one that was desecrated let me get a slice of that all right these berries looking sus are they berries well i ain't anymore it's just mush now i don't know what this is y'all wanna slice of the cone shaped pie oh that's a very nice slice oh we cut the whole cake it's not a cake of sand that is a lot of chocolate for one donut i ain't complaining though put some m ms on that bad boy chocolate chips know this too much i don't know what this substance is what they poured into it but i made it go fluffy fluffy salt oh even more coins no you won't no you won't oh i was gonna be like you glued them together or something for them all to just balance like that he just held them all like that all right next to him he got a money tower cheapskate would be like imma get every single drop of toothpaste in this tube wayne wasted nothing and then wait look it's flat as a piece of paper cut it open and then look inside i don't want to see a drop in there look at it it's literally empty i hope you got what you wanted we got the whole squad cleaning the floor like everybody grab your mops come on let's go get that water out of the way let's clean these floors a giant pencil sharpener for your cucumber why does this feel illegal she put on her face the charlie is that the dunkin drink whoa even better is slime complete with slime cubes oh and then mix it all up together it's such a nice color three-year-old me definitely would have eaten that there is nowhere i would rather be today than inside a tornado said nobody ever but this guy so he made a tornado and then he's like let me just chill here wow very cool 10 out of 10 experience oh seal that floor the finishing touch just slide it on down and oh blur the lines between baseboard and floors it's like house frosting and they keep going more excellent that was nice that's a a candle a clear candle it looks like a crystal but here it is melting oh that's weird but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one was the most satisfying and if you guys enjoyed make sure that like button up yes and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe join the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,188,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, satisfying, oddly satisfying, satisfying video, oddly satisfying video
Id: aUIe76FkVmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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