Girl With ANXIETY Is HUMILIATED, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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okay class who can solve the problem how about i know [Music] so [Music] laughs how about samantha hey julia my birthday party's coming up in a couple weeks at giuliani's will you come i know you're still new here but you haven't come to any school events yet you have to come to this one yeah it's gonna be so fun are there gonna be a lot of people there yeah pretty much the whole class if you don't come you'll be the only one not there i'll think about it see ya that was weird i think she has really bad anxiety that's probably why she never goes anywhere no i feel so bad for her why didn't you just talk to someone about it julia what are you doing in bed it's 4 p.m just leave me alone please come on let's get out of the house what do you say we go get some ice cream no i don't want to you know when i was your age i'd always be hanging with my friends after school you couldn't drag me home yet here you are laying in bed missing out on everything all by yourself please just leave me alone can you at least please tell me what's going on with you i already told you i get really bad anxiety around people anxiety there you go with that again what could you possibly be anxious about you just don't understand see this is the problem with your generation you have no real problems to worry about yet you just have to create some kind of please just get out of my room this is unbelievable oh look you've been invited to a birthday party but i bet you're not even gonna go again no i'm not going now please just get out of my room i don't get it what are you so scared off happy birthday to [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello are you gonna answer oh here we go again julia open this door right now this is ridiculous hey what's going on is everything okay uh no julia has locked herself in her bathroom once again and is not coming out please just leave me alone oh no what happened oh apparently she's dealing with anxiety as if that's a real thing it's very real a lot of kids suffer from it what are you talking about when i was a kid we didn't even have such things sweetheart can i come in please i don't want to talk to anyone right now i just want to be by myself oh no i feel so bad for her she must be going through so much right now you're joking right she doesn't have to worry about the rent or the electricity she doesn't even have to put food on the table what in the world could she be so anxious about roger i don't think you understand how anxiety works oh really and we'll make you such an expert because i went through it okay that's how i know what you didn't tell me this sometimes you're not the easiest guy to talk to that's why i never told you mom you had anxiety too hey yeah i never told anybody just my therapist you see when i was a young girl i was always laughing and smiling i was probably one of the most popular girls in school but then out of nowhere my dad got a new job and we all had to move across the country i begged my parents to let me stay but they wouldn't listen suddenly i found myself as the new kid in school everyone already had their friend groups and i felt like such an outcast i was too nervous to talk to anyone so i would eat lunch all by myself and that's when my anxiety started suddenly i found myself scared to raise my hand in class i'd create these imaginary situations in my head of answering the question wrong and everyone laughing at me flying on airplanes forget it i'd feel paralyzed and suffocated like i couldn't even breathe even basic things like eating at a restaurant became a challenge the whole time i would sit there shaking and sweating thinking that everyone was judging me [Music] so you see i know anxiety is real because i went through it oh my gosh i had no idea all that had happened do you think that's why she's feeling this way it's not always one reason sometimes there's no reason at all we all go through different things at different times the important part is that you know we are there for you honey and we're gonna help you get through this thanks mom you have no idea what that means to me everything you just said is exactly what i feel every day i've just been too scared to talk about it well that's probably my fault i know i haven't been the easiest person to talk to i feel terrible for the way i've been treating you i'm so sorry it's okay it's hard to understand if you haven't been through it oh but you beat it how can i get through it well my therapist used to say you can't heal what you don't reveal so the first step is just to be able to talk about it you can always talk to me honey i promise i'll never judge you again thanks dad so you think i should see a therapist then no i don't think i need it that decision is up to you some people get over it on their own and others seek professional help we can't choose for you that's a decision you need to make i guess it can't hurt to talk to someone right is that okay sure sweetheart whatever you need come here i love you so much julia smiles for the first time in a long period after finally opening up about her anxiety [Music] she decides to go see a therapist and completely opens up about everything she's feeling the therapist offers her lots of advice on how to control her anxiety [Music] once she gets home she practices meditating every day for 30 minutes the meditation helps her control her thoughts and relax her mind she starts living a healthier lifestyle by getting enough sleep eating healthy meals and exercising every single day by living better she starts to feel better she even decides to get out of her comfort zone to practice controlling her anxiety when she feels the urge to run away instead she closes her eyes controls her breathing and counts to five it doesn't always work but every once in a while it helps her overcome it [Music] and then several weeks later julia does something that shocks her entire class okay class who can solve this problem oh wow julia i have never seen you raise your hand before come on up the answer's b yes that's correct julia amazing job [Applause] you don't have to if you don't want to [Music] actually i i don't think i'm ready yet it's okay it's a process you're doing great remember you can always talk to us because i know you can't heal what you don't reveal exactly so do you just want to go home then actually i was thinking maybe you could go for ice cream instead yeah that sounds great come on let's go society is very real julia gets invited to a birthday party but she has really bad anxiety so she doesn't want to go a lot of kids suffer from it it reflects how i would feel you know in high school you had to go up and answer a problem you didn't know
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 16,530,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: s3I7PC0Y10E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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