When Lawyers Got The Opposing Lawyer Fired In Court - r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories

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subscribe to the channel lawyers did you ever win your case so much that the opposing lawyer quit all was fired from his job in the office they used to call it the trial of the year it was one of my most successful cases ever even so much so that it ended the opposing lawyers career not that I have intended to the client I was representing had slim chances of getting away he was accused of property damage because he was allegedly drunk there was no reported CCTV of the accident nor did the police managed to do any tests to prove that he was intoxicated because the incident was reported only hours later and they had to track the car based on the description of the witnesses moreover the witnesses claimed this all happened because my client was drunk if this proves to be true then my client will lose his license which would be detrimental for him because he works as a truck driver as the trial went on the witnesses brought forward kept claiming and claiming that my client was indeed drunk which caused the accident to take place arguing one witness can be cleverly successful if done right by a lawyer with experience like myself however arguing multiple who claimed the same story can get tricky my opponent seemed to have a very easy case on his hands and I envied him for that the case was getting to an end and I could see my client getting more worried about the outcome I wasn't satisfied neither all of a sudden one of the witnesses strongly wishes to show one more piece of evidence that will backquote put the nail in the coffin and conclude the case the witness who was brought forward made similar claims as the previous ones he kept same back quote the guy was drunk I have seen drunk drivers before he was definitely on something and all that then he proceeds to state that quote and I have the video to prove it the statement makes my heart jump I could also see the opposing lawyer suddenly standing up looking worried he wasn't aware of the video either the witness proceeds to show the video to court indeed showing my grant arguably tipsy I could see my client feeling sorry for himself ready to admit his possible quilt but I tell him to shut now we have them this is perfect I proceeded to stand up an object telling the judge that this evidence was not disclosed before the trial hence crucial evidence regarding the case was withheld from us with the intention to catch us off-guard which means that my client does not have the chance to a fair trial disclosing relevant evidence is a must do in a lawyer's textbook and usual processes the judge was extremely dissatisfied to hear such silly mistake coming from the prosecution as a result of not respecting the legal procedure the evidence the video was not taken into consideration for the final verdict sometimes the best way to argue something in court is to pick holes in to what the other person is saying or not saying rather than arguing the facts or the evidence my client ended up agreeing with the person who accused him to pay the property damage which amounted to a relatively small amount based on what was damaged however the accuser was left with a bill from an incompetent lawyer which was twice as much as the amount he got back from my client this was only unfortunate however fair and well-deserved if you employ someone who doesn't know how to do their job properly I haven't seen that lawyer since this is disclosure 101 maybe he went back to law school I didn't like it all the situation I was in you just had to pursue law didn't you I said to myself while nervously trying to make my way through the horrible traffic I was stuck in but that wasn't the whole situation it was actually the least horrible part about it I had a trial that day one of my first big ones and I couldn't have been more nervous and anxious about it the other side was represented by Mike Holland a well known and appreciated lawyer all across town I was honestly afraid about losing my job but I had to do it and even if that was going to be my faith I had to walk towards it with dignity or at least make the impression of it finally arriving my client was already waiting but seeing her asking me if I was all right and trying to man me up actually made me feel even worse Mike was already there I saw him on the way arrogantly smoking his cigar while drinking his expensive coffee fetched by his new assistant for the week he is known to change assistants almost weekly for the simple reason of not meeting his needs perfectly the way he likes to put it still the waiting list for getting this job is ridiculously long everybody wants to get through his file loops in hopes of becoming the next Mike Holland in town or at least the second-best as the trial started I felt rushes of a trend line continuously pumping through my veins and in a few seconds I had managed to pull myself together and decided to follow a completely different plant from what I had already prepared I wasn't sure of it in my head but my gut was in the right place and they say the gut never lies for a reason as I managed to cleverly make up a counter-argument for every single one he brought to the table Mike was getting visibly irritated and started to lose the sense of clear thought he started to shout and spit out arguments he had already used before and even worse started to break the protocol any lawyer has to obey in court finally I objected one of his stands and rightfully so and all of a sudden he grew silent he stuttered trying to find something to say that he seemed to just be blocked the judge started asking if he is feeling alright or if he needs a moment but from out of nowhere he changed completely putting on the calm arrogant mask on saying come on George I've known you for so long can't you see this lawyer is nothing compared to me just finish this already and let's all get home a loud crowd gasp was heard across the room as the judges face kept getting redder and redder from the anger and shame it was a common thing for lawyers and judges to know each other but to refer in that manner in a middle of a trial is shameful outrageous and clearly and insults only after he finished did Mike realize the words that just came out of his mouth he had managed to get the best of him the trail was interrupted Mike was kicked out of the room and Mike land one Mike did not speak again after that as he very well knew anything more he said could be used against him in court he was also fired from the firm he rep funny to think that now he is going to be the one that fetches coffee if he even gets that lucky that he could practice law in the future sometimes you can just feel that things will go your way I had this client who was accused by his neighbor that his house was burgled and the person responsible for it was my client there wasn't much evidence against my client there was this fingerprint belonging to my client which on the doorknob nevertheless that could have been easily argued they are neighbors after all they do visit each other however the more serious issue playing against us with my clients previous convictions he served time for burglary so I knew the judge will not let us off easily the opposing lawyer was well known for being an expert in burglary cases and my colleagues at the firm kept making fun of me that I will be schooled but wasn't intimidated everybody needs to lose at least one the opposing lawyer turned 10 minutes late he apologized to the judge blaming his lack of punctuality on the traffic the judge was dissatisfied with but allowed the trial to proceed my opponent went on presenting their case but making small mistakes along the way such as mispronouncing names or altering facts about my clients past convictions this was quickly emphasized by my observations in the judge agreed with his lack of professionalism he was running on thin ice now I could see his client getting more worries as well he then went on saying what I knew he would say bringing into discussion my clients fingerprint on the doorknob this was pretty much the only back won't reliable piece of evidence against us I counter Arbutus claiming the commonality of the fingerprint reaching the doorknob given the fact that both individuals are neighbors swiftly attributing the benefit of the doubt to the whole situation I expected a quick counter-argument to this given by the opposing lawyer however when I looked at him I saw a blank face likely wasn't expecting me to respond so well that kind of surprised me that he didn't take such a response into consideration as it seemed just common sense he started a little bit then he kept on referring again to my clients past convictions which can imply the that my client would be more inclined towards committing such criminal acts as a response I raised the issue to the judge claiming this argument had been overused and that it starts to feel like a discrimination a man should not be judged on the basis of his past actions who he is now does not necessarily represent who he was in the past the judge upholds my argument and criticized the opposing lawyer for not bringing anything valuable into the trial a pairing and prepard he forgot to mention out guilt my client was found not guilty as it was not proven beyond reasonable that he was responsible for the burglary happy days the person accusing my client was obviously not happy with the result after the trial I could see the opposing lawyer and his client arguing he kept saying I won't pay you a dime you completely blew it I will let all my family friends who were interested in your services know how lousy of a lawyer you are maybe I should get in touch with the other lawyer ah that was music to my ears a week later I have sent my card to him after that I signed three more clients which all were recommended by the client I have faced in court quite ironic but oddly satisfying as for the opposing lawyer I heard he went back to drunk driving cases maybe he was a bit under the influence on that day too it was the morning of a very important day and I was worried about being late to court I had a very big case that day and prepared for it like never before I was determined to win I had even taken care of resting well and eating a full breakfast I got to court in time put my client up to date regarding what stand are we going to get and finally as we were waiting to enter the courtroom got the chance to check the competition surprisingly only that client was present nervously making phone calls trying to keep it all together you could see clearly he was panicking of course he was guilty but I already knew that the whole lawsuit was allegedly about a mix-up of papers regarding an old house they were fighting over who owns it only later I managed to find out in my research that the other side tried to get a hold on it illegally this is going to be piece of cake I thought to myself as I was watching the accused visibly panicked and his lawyer nowhere in sight few moments later though he shows up trying to keep a calm face excusing himself for being late and blaming the traffic but the signs were clear even from his appearance his tie bit loose his shoes unpolished and his shirt badly armed he had obviously not studied enough and wasn't feeling prepared he looked like he had a really long night before him a few minutes pass and we are told the judges ready for us we enter and are allowed a few moments before it all begins I had only drank a bit of water and tried to quickly recap the whole case in my mind I could already see the judge settling in his seat and raising his hammer only he could not finish the action as a loud gasp and a really vulgar curse word was heard across the room for a few seconds everybody grew silent even the judge but everybody had their attention towards the other side clearly feeling the tension there the lawyer and the client stared at each other before anybody could say anything what did you just say repeated the client a couple of times my apologies sir I cannot imagine how this happened I stuttered the lawyer already breaking a sweat and all read something wrong gentlemen the judges deep-toned voice was heard across the room not implying the happiest attitude excuse us your honor but my lawyer here apparently did not bother to bring with himself my case file therefore I would like to apologize for the interruption and let you know I will be representing myself from now on if that's okay your honor everybody grew even more silent and the lawyer even more so finally realizing what was happening he quickly and nervously gathered his belongings not many anyway and left the courtroom without saying any other word the judge didn't allow the trial to proceed considering all this and rightfully so I didn't mind that fact it gave me even more time to prepare and maybe find new arguments and easier ways for my client to win a month passed and I was once again up and ready for this case arriving to court after speaking to my client I let myself notice that the other side was represented by a new lawyer from another firm from what could I tell it didn't matter I won anyway and was really proud of how fast I managed to convince the judge that the house was rightfully my clients only later did I found out from a paper released that the other lawyer was fired for making such a huge mistake and about a week later I saw him come in at an interview at the firm I'm also representing poor guy he's not going to have a new job anytime soon subscribe thanks for watching up go to indid try like and subscribe button if it [Music] you [Music]
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Id: vh5JGHUJwqM
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Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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