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hey y'all welcome back to my channel so in this video we're gonna take it all the way back like all the way back we're trying the curling wave gel activator bias crew [Music] you but first things first if you are new here first off welcome grand gang welcome back for that third video I think every natural well maybe not every natural but most of us used to use this way back in the day I know I did when I first started wearing like wash and gos she was here but the only reason that I am revisiting it I blame miss fame came across our video a couple of you guys have actually asked me on Instagram have I used it so I'm like maybe this is just a huge trend going on in the world I don't know again I have not use this in years so but um I'm gonna go ahead and pair it with my wet line extreme gel now I don't remember if she did this as well I'm a pair of these together because I just I remember this BAM super watery so this is the anti phrase olive oil argan oil and paraben free is 10 ounces which stores the hair it's proper balance moisture balance by Lester's curling way gel activator we know so the second ingredient is glycerin I mean everything in here really me amazing mother yeah I'm gonna use just one time so you had 12 months uses they do have an expiration date on the back this was 529 OH oh my god you smell like this madman and when you walk when you walk into like an herb store like this feels like incense and stuff and then like your grandma's no 6nu subscribes huh okay down below free you have fun [Music] so wait hold on I plant my mouth into handsome rent together early massage into here go oh no ma'am then applied luscious pink oil moisturizer does the same thing about wedding you're here but obviously we're gonna wash it go and it just works better so we're going to just take what's on the top Oh yet see it will is just like it used to be it's watery yeah just no no no no me I mean prejudging like mud okay it me that this time you okay [Music] straight off the bat I could not use this alone even if i single they just wouldn't work in my favor I don't know what it I'm kind of better curl definition off of the levy [Applause] alright so we're just gonna go ahead and head on to the wit line they say my favorite one because the original one it's no longer alright so we have the wet line [Music] look how straight it got my hair Wow wait a minute oh this way just one second wait wait wait back with well away okay let's go hang a shingle oh wow wow wow this lake let me just try a couple more sections before I'm a little speechless at the moment yeah no that's not like me I mean this is some hilarious it just feels like I didn't put anything on inspection this is the wet line I'm applying the wetland on top of the section that I already applied the activator on Wow so so far and I want a black shirt my bag so far don't mean eat like a whole lot of sweat line now I'm sticking my hand back into the wet line to get my roots because y'all know look at this you can already tell what section I got already as opposed to the root area I always say this you don't get your hair flat iron you knuckle check the flat iron right here so don't be that what you're watching goes now go back and always get my roots and if you're new here give me my roots really allows for me to have movement and longevity soon my washes up but I am literally cutting back on how much product I use okay wait a minute Lester [Music] yeah it really if activated my curls because legit like my curl is already doing this without even shingling like I didn't single this part and it's so curl got my juice thing me catch the Holy Ghost up in this video now my see me speaking my heavenly language don't play with me okay this comes out I'm gonna be jumping for joy but we all know that we don't get excited too gosh until it dries that's right so this section does not have any of the activator on it and I'm tempted to try it without wetting it but I'm just like this is dry like so let me do it [Music] now I'm gonna take this large section to be this large and I'm going to take about this much of the crack later again we rub it it like literally disappears and again I'm not I don't use any events when I'm trying new products new camera and this claims so much moisture it has this or a second from ingredient I'll be fine so yeah it doesn't feel like I put anything on my hair like it doesn't feel like I played anything we have the activator on amical head and subsection or I apply the wet line I just dip my finger in there get about that lunch might have been too much fitness section a little bit too much for this section I got a little excited you know the application isn't as smooth together but look at how it like literally weighs my hair so once I put the wet line on top it really kind of instantly clumps my curl like this this is not shingle so it really does almost in a sense clumps your curls because it's activating those now this comes out here anything on bucks behind so I'm awake this chart a little before applying the wet line I already have the activator of this section I'm gonna take a little bit less product than I did with the last section I and together look how weak lumps my curls I'm the only complaint I have is not even really a complaint it shows the fact that the application isn't super smooth and like slippery for me [Music] and that really makes shingling like a breeze because our rate like clumped the curls and kind of separate them almost it's very strange strange it's very strange but I'm not complaining okay I'm not complete the Popish the Popish is saved and sanctified okay and filled with the Holy Ghost package it on cuz you don't do none of this stuff and it's supposed to be doing it just behaves it just behaves so when me goes on my hair it doesn't really smell as strong as it does just putting your nose in fact it or right to the product so that's good we must speed this up turn me on some music for free chance [Music] all right so we are finished sort of kind of know like as I'm going on some parts of my hair really bounce back or like this section that's way more looser than the other parts of my hair I thought that it would kind of activate better but no I don't know how I feel just yet so this comma here is looking I'm gonna go ahead and finish drying it I stretched this side of my hair I'm camera I don't look that bad but in person and let me just let me just finish my home for I say anything but okay so you can see my shrinkage right and then this is the stretched side y'all know how I stretched my hand but just in case you're new here and you still haven't subscribed or anything like that [Music] all right um well first I mean it's not horrible you know because this is mainly glycerin sort of kinda um you have to be mindful so do I like it um no ma'am no ma'am no ma'am I mean I could pass it it's not a must you know if I was down to my last $5 29 cents I probably drive through somewhere and gave me something to eat no kidding that's I really don't have that much frizz um even though it looks like it I really don't have a whole lot of phrase and if any of the phrase that y'all see is because I created the frizz so let's get into this section I don't know what went wrong over here now this usually is my problem area and I don't even want to say problem it's just not my preferred side of my head I do have a whole video on how I style different textures of hair I have different textured curls profligate so if you haven't subscribed to me if you haven't click that subscribe button yet you can tell probably that I have different textures in my hair I just knew that this side was gonna pop I knew who was gonna match the Popish that what I like to call my good side this side was chuckling and when I think of activator okay II didn't activate nothing I was feeling very very soft no korch hold at all very soft the smell dissipated it didn't take a whole lot of time to dry I think I would have really liked the results better had I did my hair to the side because you know this part would have been hidden anyway I'm just being dramatic y'all know I'm a little mad alright my hair does feel moisturize its has definition it has you know the shine it has that I didn't feel like any oils or you can like that on my hair need some serums whatever I didn't put you that on my hair I mean girl give it a try you know we quarantined if you want to try it this is done you know it's not a must-have for me it's not a good combination for my hair would I buy it again probably not but yeah so I hope this video was entertaining you was helpful I hope you laughed I hope you liked it if you did go ahead and give me a thumbs up it would be greatly appreciated thank you guys so much for watching this video hope you are saying safe well and if you are taking care of yourself during this time love you guys and I'll see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: happycurlhappygirl
Views: 142,821
Rating: 4.8520594 out of 5
Id: 59YR5Q5LNs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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