I FINALLY Tried Jheri Curl Juice and the "New" Wetline on my Type 4 Hair πŸ‘€| Bomb Product Combo?? 🀨

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hey y'all welcome back to my channel it's caramel quails back again with another video i feel like i always come on this camera looking crazy in the beginning so today should be a little exciting because i'm going to be trying out this jerry curl activator juice i'm madly i know this has been trending on youtube for a couple of months now wasn't it so somebody on instagram said that they wanted to see me try this on my channel so i was like you know what why not and i'm gonna be pairing it with the wetland extreme gel so i haven't used this new one yet i actually purchased this a little while ago with the hopes of showing you guys how it works on my hair but i haven't really gotten around to it so i thought today would be the perfect opportunity to do that because based off most of the videos i'm seeing this um jericho juice by itself is not going to hold my hair it's not going to do that much it's not until you pair it with like an eco styler gel or the wet lighting stream is when you start to see you know popping results so we'll see how that go how that goes are you guys familiar with this i don't recall this from my childhood at all i don't think my mom used this on my hair all i really remember is like lusters pink lotion hair grease and stuff like that my mom never really used gel on my hair so i'm curious to see how that's going to work today as of right now i'm going to go ahead and wash my hair because it is much needed my hair is just all dry and crusty y'all this is the perfect example of what not to get your hair to look like you should not be waiting this long to wash your hair like i did but i have been slacking with my hair i've been sticking with youtube i've just been slacking overall i don't know what's gotten into me but i'm trying to get back in my you know i'm trying to get back into my groove so yeah y'all like i said i'm gonna go ahead and wash my hair and come back once i've applied my leave-in conditioner and we're gonna jump right into it all right y'all so let's go ahead and get into it i've already applied my leave-in conditioner today i was using the strands of faith holy grail collection leave-in conditioner this is i think my second time using it and i actually really like it it's very hydrating nice and moisturizing the detangling process was smooth so i'm gonna go ahead and section my hair so we can get into these jerry curls i got my spray bottle make sure it's nice and wet this reminds me of the um y'all remember that candy the squeeze thing i forgot what it's called but the candy where you suck on this and um glue comes out that's what that's what it looks like definitely does not like it it just smells like grease to be honest i'm gonna use this much ooh i'm filming what i'm filming what do you want um is poyo okay for you yeah yeah that works perfect thank you what time we're gonna go alex get out place too much but so far y'all my hair is looking it's actually looking pretty defined if i'm being honest so i know it came with the moisturizer like a spray moisturizer but i wasn't even gonna play myself with that because that doesn't really do much for me so put a little bit more wow nothing crazy i mean they look real wet it looks really wet and my hair does look a little defined but it is extremely lightweight which i expected but it doesn't look bad it's just the boots that work so i'm gonna go in with some wet line real quick and see what it's looking like what line is coming through clumping the curls a little gel for the roots okay so to be fair i'm gonna go ahead and go in with this jericho juice around my whole head just so you guys can see what my hair looks like with the jerry curl juice alone and then show you what it looks like after i add the wet line so after i do this section right here since i already started this part it primarily um separates my curls rather than clamping my curls and my hair doesn't really clump until i bring that wet line out see how much nicer my hair clumps once i've added the wet line such a big difference and you guys know my hair i have different textures different curl patterns all over my head so y'all for example with sections like this where my hair isn't as defined naturally as other sections honestly and truly it feels like a leave-in conditioner you guys know how defined my hair usually looks when i apply that second product in there and this is looking very much it's like the product just disappearing so i've added so much to this section and still it looks like i just have leave-in conditioner in my hairs see now for example this section that's a looser curl pattern and a softer texture not as kinky it looks nice like my hair looks defined it's actually doing something rather than this section it's not doing anything at all to be honest i mean it's doing something but not enough for me like [Music] so um if i'm being honest y'all my hair my hair is soaking wet i will say that my hair is soaking wet i can't believe i almost used the entire bottle let me show y'all this is how much i have left y'all so i used all of this to style my entire head and this is what it looks like it's just not really doing much for me like i was saying before in some sections where i have a looser curl pattern or more defined pattern naturally softer textures it really defined those sections like for example the back the top well if that i mean it's looking a little frizzy now and then you have other sections that don't have much definition naturally like here and my hair just looks like a little fro so to use like the entire bottle and to have a mini fro um with very little definition and my hair's soaking wet i don't know as of right now i'm not that impressed to be honest if anybody's out here trying to use the gel by itself um yeah you're definitely playing yourself my hair doesn't really feel moisturized my hands feel very squeaky like like i have water in my hands water or alcohol one of the two now let's finish using this wet line and see what it's looking like come through definition elongation we love to see it y'all i have not used wetland in so long oh my goodness and well i haven't used this new one at all this is my first time using a new one but [Music] so yeah i just finished styling my hair and i will say that this wet line i'm here for it activator juicing i don't know mixed feelings about it we'll see how it goes once my hair fully dries but as of right now like my curls are very much popping right now my hair is very defined elongated and i want to give credit to this wet line gel i feel like low-key i could have just gone in with this gel with my leave-in conditioner and my results probably would have been the same or probably even better to be honest i'm starting to see some frizz already and i want to say it's because of this i don't know if this has like glycerin in it it does have glycerin in it glycerin is actually the second ingredient and like i said my hair is already starting to look frizzy in some parts i don't know if you guys can tell it's really hard to see you guys can kind of see the frizz i'm talking about like my hair was a lot more clumped when i first applied the gel but now that my hair has had time to kind of like set and sit there you can kind of see my hair separating it's not as clumped and there's like a frizz starting to to develop you all know how clumped the back of my hair was when i first when i first finished styling my hair and the fact that the hair is still wet and you can start to see the frizz already like if i'm gonna have a bomb wash and go as once i finish styling my hair the definition is out of this world the clump is just out of this world and although don't get me wrong there's my curls are hella popping i do have hella definition the fact that my hair is already starting to frizz up like towards the ends is not the best sign i've been noticing lately whenever i use products with glycerin in it once i finish styling my hair instead of it laying flat until it's like fully dried i start to see frizz in some spots so i expect frizz once my hair is dry not when it's still wet soaking wet well it's not soaking but y'all know what i mean so i'm gonna go ahead and sit under the dryer and get back to you guys with my finished results since my hair is dried and most likely once i stretch my hair too so go ahead and let me know your thoughts in the comment section i think we all know i feel like this is going to be a bomb product combo like my hair is going to look good because it's what line i think whose hair doesn't look good with wet line so so y'all these are my day two results my hair doesn't look bad i just feel like i have lots and lots of frizz a lot more frizz than i normally would have considering it's day two hair considering i paired that jerry curl juice with wet line you guys know this this wet line i mean it's my first time using it but if the hold says 10 you know i've used wetland before and my hair is usually mad crunchy i have zero crunch no crunch whatsoever my hair is really soft and my hair has lots of fluff it definitely softened the hold of the wet line gel again like i said this is my first time using this wet line gel but i can only imagine the hold on this is probably crazy but i literally have no crunch whatsoever my hair is nice and flowy it feels really soft i'm just not a fan of this definition considering it's day two hair on top of that it took my hair forever to dry i literally sat in the dryer for over an hour it's day two now and my roots i still have some parts of my roots are still a little damp i can't even imagine how long it would have taken for my hair to dry if i would have air dried and on top of that my neck was so sticky because the product just leaves this like residue on your face and on your neck and it's just it was just a mess considering how much product i had to use considering how long it took for my hair to dry considering how sticky i felt and how much of a mess i made i personally wouldn't recommend this product if you have four dollars to spare and you have spare time then go for it but i definitely don't think you're missing out if you don't use this and you guys saw how my hair looked when i first applied it it just didn't really do much i felt like this stuff was completely unnecessary for my wash and go like i said my hair feels soft that's great but there are plenty of other products out there that leave my hair feeling really soft and bouncy i know you also had a definition when i when i applied this to my hair i feel like i would definitely get a bomb wash and go with that yeah will i be trying this combo again definitely not what i recommend you guys to try this product it's up to you but go ahead and let me know what you guys think in the comments section for those of you who actually have tried it go ahead and let me know what your thoughts were but that pretty much sums up this video thank you guys so much for tuning in i'll see y'all next week my
Channel: Caramel Coils
Views: 207,006
Rating: 4.9132986 out of 5
Keywords: jheri curl juice, jheri curl juice on type 4 hair, lusters s curl, new wetline xtreme, new wetline gel, new wetline on type 4 hair, type 4 hair wash & go, wash & go on type 4 hair, bomb wash & go on type 4 hair, defined type 4 wash & go, jheri curls on type 4 hair, lusters jheri curl gel, jheri curl gel, jheri curl jel, lusters curl and wave jel activators, curl jel on type 4 hair, lusters jheri curl juice
Id: jxf2AKFCWd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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