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hey y'all welcome back to my channel so in this video we will talk about why I watching them says just inches ain't poppin we looking into it and I got five tips I will share with you guys so Oh cue danger [Music] [Applause] [Music] first things first you are new here first all will commence operation - ok welcome back for another video so a long time ago your girl only did twist outs Roller set yeah pretty much that was all I did because I could not master ain't watching though so over the years I have learned how to master a washing though okay so let's go ahead and get into it first things first about me oh I am a loaf prosity that just pretty much means that my cuticle my hair cuticle is pretty much like shut is bound so I'm going to be hard to penetrate my strands just because the chemical lays so flat okay so that is the very first thing y'all the first tip that I think almost every youtuber naturally to me that knows what they're talking about well tell you that you need to know your hair proxy's how many people are stuck on hair types don't matter but hair porosity will show you and tell you more on how to care for your hair because you're learning how your hair kind of deals with moisture and as naturally stuns a monocle okay we need to know how our hair is retaining moisture the same way you may need to know how your body is retaining salt to kind of help with you know losing weight or whatever you know is cheating if certain things you just need to know in order to get results okay so number one number one tip number one is finding your hair broccoli that's wax dated but I do have low porosity hair so we're using the texture I D styling cream one of my favorite for years I did not know my hair porosity you know they're so stuck on hair typing and I feel like that really hindered my washing don't process I'm really getting my hair to walk great okay well shocking my hair thinking that I needed to seal that cuticle before I did any saddling no sis no so let's go ahead and get into tip number soon so I are you subscribed yet I just you know gonna flesh we gotta ask these things hey mom tip number two all right I'm gonna be breaking up my wetland extreme but there is a reason why I'm breaking out my wet line extreme Jim now y'all know I usually stick to these two jokes the ecostyler at the wet like extreme June when you're trying to get your wash and go to copses you gotta know your texture I have a lot of different textures some of my textures are her friends prone so for me she heard rainin I am going to be using a chilled I know little combat that fritz which for me is the white line extreme gentle pants down it's just everything so I'm gonna use a stronger chill I use a gel that is trifling meaning I'm not gonna using gel that's a like hold sand like it's not relief don't really have that back you know I mean Jeff is gonna have my back I do get more phrase back here because it is brushing all the time on my clothes which usually are cotton I'm not walking around with subscribe every day you know I'm saying I'm just going to get the type of chill or if maybe if your case it might be creams I know work that has prints fighting properties just you know you have to really listen to your hair and you know certain parts aren't just more joyful if you don't plant them you gotta work with it if you you don't really want to combat that bridge so what I have preached I think religiously happen not only do you want to have a good technique when you're doing your lashes up meeting - are you breaking I like to rake and smooth on some people like to Shinbo some people like to I don't know do other things to get they watching good pop you know but one thing that's very important for me is getting my roots now see go back to my old videos I'll be saying it I ended up just like you would pressure hair okay flat iron you're not gonna start your flat iron right here since okay and all this be you know a different texture from this I mean I will hope you would so what the same my radio stylist with this look we're close to you know your Scout in your room so that you can have that movement so everything matches you got to do the same thing with your washing though do not neglect your roots hitting your roots really really helps and I know a lot of us tend to have issues with puffy roots and stuff some type of product on your roots it really helps move meat so after my hair dries I'll be able to move it a lot more I can be stiff you another tip that y'all see me do a whole lot right now this thing listen listen to this and don't miss this okay listen okay so this part of my hair gets really crazy okay and that could be for a number of reasons so I either just kind of deal with it or if I really just don't want frizz I just find ways to combat it and that can be switching out my style or at least asylum and I know it's gonna work so obviously you definitely went to section like crazy if you are having problems since which you're washing though you want to subsection my crazy sometimes your sections may not be enough what always helped me over the years is thinking about those days where I used to press my hair I've been impressed my hair and fired my hair in huge sections why because it's not gonna be my hair just not gonna come out it's not gonna be effective I may miss some areas so think about it that when you're doing when you're washing over and closer to the top of my hair I subsection more than I do in the back this isn't a lot of hair right here but for me if I'm going for a particular look I will go ahead in section next again when you section here you kind of see oh wow like this whole section really doesn't have any products on it so then I'm gonna go ahead and get my roots because of top I don't know just yet but how I want my part and so you don't have to like part your hair before you start really don't have to is my opinion if you get your roots you can kind of play with it kind of see what you want to do as you're stopping your hair I think I'm gonna go for a side part there's a whole science behind phrase so if you're just really like particular about your friends and nothing that you're doing that's working you might just have frizzy hair like I just have Ricky frizz prone areas and I can you know moisturize you know my life away I can be conditioned my life away all that but I just I just I deal with frizz and it's kind of inevitable well you do have natural hair it happens you know to me there are different ways that you can come back your first then the majority of my videos for watch knows I'm always using a smoothing tool which is dimming brush this helps tremendously for my hair texture and laying down and making sure that it's nice and smooth it has kind of helped the gel going on there and really help to smooth it out where I get my shine I get my definition and I also uses to obtain a thicker and fuller looking washing double chop video on as well how you can kind of fake your little pool watch and go if you're not playing there's ways around you got to watch that video soon okay but the dipping brush is my friend now some people don't like I'm not some people a mom I'm in now I'd like your hands are blessed and touching Tommy's favorite I don't you may need a tool to help you with your washing those days you know raking scooping is all fine and dandy for me but I've learned over the year that the demon brush just really helped to really create the look that I'm going for which there's a lot of definition a lot of shine out of control I like control in the beginning because a lot of have a 7 to 10 day washing though if I really wanted to what are tips hitting yourself a demon brush or a tool that's going to help with definition going to help to color your curls together that's look that you're going for this not only helps with smoothing but it also does help with creating that curl one thing I have that curl so yeah adding a tool just beside your fingers your hands your palms whatever it may be very helpful so just kind of you know think about it then stick back okay this side of my hair is much more trifling and this out of my hair this side of my hair doesn't get as dry but the experience is a lot more frayed the other side of my crazy right thought for me please tell me what happened in the back for me I am going to skip the styling cream that I use all on this side the illumination instead I'm gonna take a spray that's for water and like and not so creamy that stuff on the bottles I don't find that but this is the pro vitamin leave-in conditioner my apogee I'm not eleven averaging like that show was more of a watery end because I don't really need a heavy cream because I'm trying to get the most definition on this side to kind of convince the phrase or didn't get your wash you gotta pop sometimes you gotta do some steps are kind of not believing typical use event I'm still go ahead and use my wet line extreme this textures a little bit different from this denture not really care to use you know super creamy leavings on this side so you got my camera cutouts I don't know exactly where I left off so I don't use the creamy on this side I just use being pro bottom in like a spray leave-in and I just noticed that my hair just tend to act better on this side of my hair I mean I still stick to the wetland extreme gel not really switching up my technique I just changed my team in to kind of accommodate how I want my hair to look or to accommodate my phrase I just switched up my sleeve in because the events tend to kind of affect my hair depending on what it is if it's too creamy too much too many oils then the style of doesn't really act right and this out of my hair y'all hear me hear me hear me hear me but there's out of my hair you guys it's much looser than this side of my hair so what I do and - it might be a little bit too much for y'all but I'm just sharing my tips and tricks I go ahead and switch to a gel that it's very similar to the spider that I'm using overall but because this is looser I don't want such a heavy heavy gel to way down this side of my hair so I think we just break this you know nothing big deal for me okay you don't have to do this this is just what I would works for me I'll go ahead and just take my eco and stead the properties in the Eco just works better the ingredients on this I don't matter just works better like I stand my hairs trifling like y'all don't really believe me so if I'm really more like a cop in Washington I will do that I will break out a different Jill of times I will use a different Jill only for the back and the different shows to the top I'll be making a stronger Jill of toxic kind of control and combat your phrase different way the different tips and tricks that you can do to get your wash you go to to pop it may mean different steps different products is up to you if you it's just your preference thank you do it 1 2 3 - I'm not judging so before I come back with the final look paint mom let me just say I do not do this every washing other why because I have perfected my technique I know it works because I've been doing wash and gos 14 plus years on my hair if you decide to use all 5 6 9 or tips are named have when to wash and go steady then that's up to you and only one tip works and that's what it is but I just want to put that out there right now somebody go say something I do not do this or everywhere I go okay these are just tips and tricks and we're putting all into one video we're gonna use it every washing or setting so yeah yeah there are tips and tricks in the book that will help you with your washing though why should go seasons can be coming up pretty soon as we enter into the summer months the hotter months you know calleda have seasons but you know I'm trying to be you know thoughtful everybody mindfully so I hope these tips and tricks help to a little bit I kind of wanted to kind of update my tips thank you have them owner tips and tricks on how to perfect your washing joint so important that I posted a couple years ago but I wanted to update my tips my tricks to kind of be of assistance and help hopefully at least one thing helps you by early understand that your clothes gonna be your curls okay don't try to compare your curls that makes you to bruise or your friends sisters whatever beautiful there anything there and boxes don't let nobody or don't let email don't you let yourself discourage yourself and mom in trying to beat your cross look like someone else's they don't look like you're her own I just wanna put that out there but then on my spirit I just have to encourage somebody home today that you know your hair is your earring it's beautiful don't don't appear just don't just don't do it okay okay that bling pretty much it thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you on my next video love y'all [Music]
Channel: happycurlhappygirl
Views: 128,319
Rating: 4.9602785 out of 5
Id: SZCzgBx6QT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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