She said, "Cut it off, I need a change!"

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hey everybody and welcome back to deeper than hair tv this beautiful girl right here is melissa i am going to take her first of all she had this cute satin scrunchie on there i was so in love with her curls when she walked in i'm going to put the link for satin scrunchies in the box below just in case you want to get one of course they are just good for your hair no different than a satin scarf and her hair was so beautiful so i'm like you sure you want to get your hair pressed today and she's like yes i want something different i want my hair straight and i'm ready to wear my hair straight for a while now she just wanted to try something different with her hair now melissa is one of the people who came in my direct messages on instagram and was shooting her shot and we just ended up talking and i told her to come on in so as you see her curves are nice and strong she is in the four category of curls what most people would say so i'm loving her hair it was it was hurting me to see it uh go for now but you know she'll get them back when she washes her hair but you'll see what i mean as this video goes on i absolutely love curls they're just so fascinating what our hair is capable of it's just such a beautiful thing that i feel like should always be embraced so i'm going to go in and i don't do this often on my channel watch on camera maybe like i got about four videos where i watched on camera but i am going to shampoo it right on film so one of the keys to washing your hair is to make sure that you wet the hair down completely before you add the shampoo if you ever notice like a lot of times especially when it's a lot of build up on the hair you put the shampoo in the hair and it doesn't lather on the first lather but if you wet that hair down enough you will not need as much product in your hand to cause a lather and you will be good now to make sure that her hair is moisturized and full of hydration today i am using our first class to morocco shampoo just to make sure that her hair is reaching its full potential when it's time to style so first while i'm shampooing i like to focus in on the roots and just take the pressure of my fingertips and my nails to just go through that um shampoo and make sure that you are getting all of the roots anywhere that it's itchy anywhere that you just know needs a little extra love you hit it with them fingertips also a little tip if you have flakes on your scalp it's better to lift it first with a fine tooth comb because if you wash the hair with the flakes still on your scalp the water is just going to cause it to stick so after that once you're shampooing you also want to like run your hands through the entire hair like just pull through see i'm doing this now just pull right through and what this is doing is helping to eliminate extra tangles so whether you're in the shower washing hair whether you are washing a client just always pull through the hair as much as possible to help the hair from knotting up it just always feels so much better when somebody else is shampooing your hair if i could just have somebody else shampoo my hair for the rest of my life that'd just be absolutely amazing i love getting my hair washed but i hate getting it blow-dried out the blow dryer is so dramatic but getting your hair shampoo is top tier now after shampooing it twice then i'm just going to go in with the first class to morocco conditioner and i'm going to rub it all throughout her hair and then she's going to sit under the dryer for about 20 minutes on hot air make sure once it's time to rinse the conditioner out to rinse it out thoroughly a lot of times people reach out to me like how do you get so much movement and body in the hair and one of the things that will cause it not to is if it has a buildup of a conditioner it'll weigh it down so make sure that you get rid of that now if you look closely you'll see she has like a band of heat damage right here um she told me where she thinks she got it from but i'm not really positive um if that's exactly where it's from it was like from a product so i don't want to name the product and we don't have proof that that was the case but nonetheless you have to be careful because the smallest little things will mess with the integrity of your curl pattern now that her shampoo is done i am just putting some satin shield heat protectant on her hair because we are about to blow dry it and you know that we don't want to put any form of heat on the hair without protecting it with the heat protectant heat protectant just causes a barrier between the hair and high temperatures um here i'm just giving you a closer look at this heat damage you see her it's curly then this is a little straight then it's curly again it's such an awkward place for her to have damage you know what i'm saying because usually it's the ends that end up getting like that or even the edges but the fact that it's just all in between like that it's almost like looks like relaxer was placed like right there and that's it and then rinse back off so it's all good so now it's time to start parting her hair out and getting ready for the blow dry just get that first section now you see i always start by the nape first and i am going to put that other hair away and i am just going to go in and i am going to comb her hair gently as possible you know hair is weakest with a sweat one of my favorite lines and you know just go in and comb their hair from ends to roots and then go in with the blow dryer [Music] so once melissa got here and we started talking i you know i asked her what she did for a living and she's living in la acting and so the problem is why she wants a big change for her hair is because she always plays super young on camera um somewhere like pretty much like 18 she plays a teenager all the time but she's 31 years old and that's how young she looks is that they always use her for super young roles so you know she wants to do something to help her get a little more older roles because she's ready to you know move forward with that so she came in with these ideas of what she wanted to do with her hair and i'm like oh my god are you sure so you know we came up with a happy medium and you will soon see it so right now she's working on um the fresh prince reboot which is called bel air which is one of those things where i was like we don't need a fresh prince reboot like we didn't ask for that you know how you get caught up in how you used to love your shows and you like don't touch my show like why are you doing that and come to find out this guy just made a trailer for a fresh prince reboot like a drama type of vibe to it and he put it on youtube like a year ago and then will smith saw it and like reached out to him like hey we need to talk and so i was like let me see this trailer so i'm gonna put the link for that trailer from a year ago in my in the box below too because i looked at the trailer i'm like oh you know what i'm not mad at this so i happen to really be excited about the new um belair reboot which i wasn't before and it takes a lot to impress me when it comes to messing with my shows and my movies now so i'm a little excited so go watch that trailer too let me know what y'all think about it because i'm not mad at it i'm not mad at it at all now another tip is if you want to wear a bang or want to have free range with your part always blow dry your hair to the front don't blow a part into it just do it so that you are free to do whatever you need to do especially if you're doing bangs you never want to blow dry or press a part into it because it's going to be super hard to get rid of it so i'm going in and i'm just going to part her hair out um to get ready to start pressing it now once i get this section out i realize that it is a little bit shorter hair you know closer to the nape so i'm going to just re-part it and pull that shorter hair out because you always want to trim every part of the hair every single part i always tell people go around the edges get the shortest parts too because if anything those parts of the hair need the most love so make sure you get them splits everywhere that you possibly can [Music] now i'm going in and i am pressing her with our 22 titania flat iron we just had a really successful sell and i want to thank everyone who helped with that uh and they will be back on sale for the holidays so i just figured i'd give you guys a heads up for everybody who wanted to know now melissa informed me that she just doesn't want to wear her curls anymore for a while she's basically saying for you know for a few years she just want to go straight and do her thing on the straighter side and just because she asks to wear her hair straight for the next few years that doesn't mean go over her hair more than one time you know because no matter what we don't want to mess with the integrity of the curls because that adds to the strength of it as well so i'm not saying that heat trained hair i know a lot of people like to propose a huge argument of heat train versus heat um damage but heat trained hair is basically hair that's you know just used to being straight because it's always straightened it still curls up when it gets shampooed but not as tight so some people call it heat trained and i'm not judging whoever does you know but it's not that big a deal but i still will not recommend her doing that much heat to her hair just because she doesn't want to wear curly anymore i think that it's still important that we take care of her hair the best way possible and straighten her hair with caution and love as i'm pressing her hair i'm making sure to only do one pass per section that means every time you part out hair and you hit it with the heat just one pass don't go over any piece of hair twice i see this so when i asked her what style she wanted today she showed me and this is in the middle of the press she showed me this picture of zendaya with a really short bob like maybe sweeping the shoulders but closer to the chin um length with bangs and i'm like oh my goodness you're trying to go there go there today like oh you want a new look for real for real so you know we talked about it she's like yeah i just want to cut i just want to change i'm going straight i also want it cut off and i'm like okay cool so you know we talked a little more about the bob and then the bangs so of course like usually when people ask for a bang or a few different hairstyles that i know is going to last a while i try to make sure that that's what they truly want because the in-between stages for most haircuts are very annoying so you kind of gotta make a decision if you really want to be stuck with that situation for a while you know so i gave her all the pros and cons of having a bang and she still decided that she wanted one and so in the midst of me pressing her hair when we got to the front just like i told you not to blow dry apart in the hair you also shouldn't press apart in the hair so i press i'm pressing her hair forward and we're talking and like i'm going in to comb it to press maybe the second and last section and her all the like under her hair closest to her forehead was like wet and i'm like boo you sweating and she's like yeah i guess i am but i'm like you sweat like this all the time she's like i mean you know i'm like listen one thing will tell you about them bangs you cannot have bangs on a forehead that gets overheated because then bangs not gonna stay straight they're gonna sit up in the air and you will be sick so i was like let's just press it a few more times um you know as you just keep getting it done and then let's see what happens because one thing about coming from just straight up natural to going straight all the time is you got to get through that in between in between stage two where you know your hair isn't puffing up right away my hair me right now i press my hair like every seven eight months at this point and when i press my hair is pretty much a joke like it'll last for a few minutes if i'm in the house i'm good but i go outside no matter what's going on it just starts puffing up it's like a little cotton ball because my hair is not used to it anymore it's not trained anymore so you know we had to have this talk i'm like you know i know you want this bang but it might not be the best suggestion for now it might not be the best move and let's just wait a few more times so she was totally with it and she was like well i still want to cut a lot off and so i was down for that i was definitely shocked but that's what we're gonna do today we're not gonna cut it all off but you're gonna see we about to chop quite a bit so now that we are finished pressing her hair it is time to cut okay so let me just say this a lot of times i watch instagram and i see people getting their haircut and people be this is this is where she wants her hair cut people be in the comments always freaking out when people cut their hair and i understand a lot of people are attached but it's okay it's her hair it's her decision everybody doesn't love long hair all the time she has options it's going to grow back and i just want you to know that sometimes people cut their hair because they want to not because they had to and what's so funny is while i was cutting her hair like right around this part i actually put this video in my insta stories on instagram um when i was cutting her hair she said it's like a rebirth you know and it's like that's how she was feeling and apparently this hair has been a weight on her for a while and she was ready to release it you know and i was telling her you know coco chanel said a woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life and of course i always look at that as like shortcuts like you know some people just do their big chop or they get a shortcut after having long hair all of their life so it doesn't matter like anybody who's releasing something or letting go of something if cutting your hair is part of it and it's the decision that makes you feel best then that's what you should be doing i am using my hair strands of hair shears to cut her hair they have been out of stock for a while but she said that she's bringing them back for the holidays so look out follow her strands of hair on instagram for more updates but i can't wait till the sheers are back in stock because i'm ready to switch up and get another pair one thing i could tell is that she definitely took care well takes care of her hair you know so her hair is just very full you see it's just shining and it's it looks like she gives love to it all the time um because you know a lot of times i you know as a hair stylist you could just tell what's going on at home is the hair does not lie or you can also tell what could be going on inside the body sometimes people come to me with questions that only a doctor or dermatologist might be able to help with so you know if you having hair problems especially hair problems that are coming from the scalp don't rule out talking to your doctor or dermatologist and seeing what might be going on on the inside of you because it might be something as simple as a vitamin deficiency or anything like this so never rule that out [Music] it always feels good to be a part of somebody's process um when they just want to make a change um and when people are super happy afterwards it is no better feeling now another thing i've talked to you guys about on the channel if you are in hair school do not try to freehand cut for school it's not the way to go this takes a lot of practice and patience and and over time free hand cutting might be the way for you but just do how you were taught you know what i'm saying is you won't not pass the test trying to freehand cut um and just practice on mannequins don't practice on people when it comes to cutting and coloring you you know eventually you're going to have to do it on somebody but just just get the feeling down and the technique down first and then start using it on humans you know what i'm saying like seriously that that type of practice and get you dealt with if you don't do it right so now i'm going around the sides just to even that off with the back and i'm pulling it forward making sure that both sides are equal and then because her ends are kind of tattered along the front and a little bit jagged i'm going to go in and give her i you know i like to call it the aaliyah layer so i'm just going to kind of go in and give her a little frame along her face so we chose she said she usually wears an off-center part so you see it's not quite in the middle it's just a little off so i'm going and do those layers right in the front i asked her if she was cool with it first she was of course cool with it so now i'm going to go in and i'm going to handle that so it's like she couldn't wait look at her it's like she couldn't wait for me to be finished with that that last part of the cut before we go in and do the layers on the inside she was so excited and her excitement made me happy this is the feeling i'm talking about it just feels really good for someone to be this happy with their hair and this happy with their new look when you are look when you are done melissa was such a joy okay so let me show first of all let me show y'all melissa look at her 31 wear i'm confused of course she gets cast for teenage roles but this straight hair definitely is probably going to help her book a little tiny bit older but i don't know about in your 30s sis you you might have to wait another 10 12 years for that honey [Music] so now that she's completed her happy dance i'm just gonna go in and do a little tiny bit of layer because i don't want her hair to be all one length i just wanted to gradually go down into that blunt cut so i'm just taking a little bit of weight off of those ends by doing this and after i finished her hair i didn't put this on the camera i should had but afterwards i was kind of scared to let her walk out with her freshly pressed hair after wearing it curly for so long so what i decided to do was just wrap her hair i took some sanic strips and wrapped it because i just wanted it to lay i wanted it to get used to being straight at least overnight she has a scene on the show like two days after i pressed their hair and i'm like so what you're gonna be doing at work she's like well wednesday i'm gonna be a cheerleader and i'm like oh no i don't want you jumping all around with your freshly um pressed hair it was scaring me because i just don't want her hair to blow up on camera but it lasted and it stayed straight she's been doing tic tocs and her instagram i'll put the link to her instagram in the box below too so you can follow her and get to know melissa because hopefully we will be seeing a lot more her faces on our tv screens and um yeah so i just told her wrap it up every night with a soaker sand scarf and that'll just help her hair get trained to be straightened more um so it won't puff up super fast going in with the glass bringing shine put a little extra razzle dazzle on there and then um she is set to go and i'm just happy i could be here to give her this would she call it a rebirth so yeah melissa is happy i'm happy and i'm just so grateful that you guys watch my channel i can't tell you thank you enough and i will see you guys next time bye you
Channel: Deeper Than Hair TV
Views: 186,966
Rating: 4.9500709 out of 5
Keywords: Bel-Air, hair, hair care, hair tutorials, haircut, natural hair, how to grow your hair, how to get longer hair, how to get fuller hair, baby hair, edges, black hair, African American hair, black girl hair, shampoo, conditioner, hair tips, 4c hair, 4b hair, curly hair, straight hair, heat free hair, healthy hair journey, flat iron, so shear genius, deeper than hair, shear genius collection, fuller hair, thicker hair, braids, ponytail, hair loss
Id: SaH-ljsC8Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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