YAE MIKO REVISITED! (Genshin Impact)

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hi muglets so it's been a while since I've done anything with yay Mikko so I wanted to revisit her especially now that dendro is a part of the game and uh even that's been a while ago so figured it's time to take another look at her and maybe try some aggravate cap was telling me gilded dreams is one of her best sets uh I still have not gotten a full gilded set so that might be what we start with actually we currently have 123 pieces granted some of them are four stars since I haven't foddered those yet let's start by seeing if we have any Electro goblets we do have one doesn't look great but element Mastery is going to be important for her as far as aggravate is concerned goblet is usually the off piece so we're going to come back to that later actually it's always good practice to start with weapon of course we do have our signature here kagurus Verity so we're going to be using that obviously and since kagura is a crit damage weapon typically I would go crit rate especially because I don't think we're gonna be able to get an amazing set with like super high crit rate Subs the sub stats we're looking for are actually kind of these em critstat's attack let's just go ahead and get this one up to 20. pretty much nothing can really go go wrong because all the stats are useful for her great damage fine gilded also does make sense because it doesn't even really matter what your team is she will either get attack bonuses or Elemental Mastery bonuses and both are going to be useful for her what do we actually get there I think cred rate and an element's Mastery role so overall I'm satisfied with it I think like the stats in general rolled pretty low but they're all the right stats so I can't really complain let's look around this has double crit so we're going to get it to a plus four and see what the last sub is hopefully em or attack percent attack percent okay this might be our next one just don't go too much into energy recharge we gotta crit damage crit rate increase nice another crit damage roll these are actually turning out really well plumes and flowers generally aren't that hard but I'm honestly super happy already and it's almost only been going to the crit stats as well okay we did get one energy recharge there but it's all right and now we get to the hard stuff here we do have an attack stands with almost perfect Subs just flat HP there that could screw it up but otherwise double crit lines almost Mastery that's definitely a contender let's look around though first of all all I got to see if I even have an element Mastery stands oh yes I do have one it's pretty bad though no crit at all that is my only element to Mastery stand so let's go ahead and raise it to four and see how it goes flat attack I would really hate to use that honestly let's see how this Attack One rolls see if it kind of mostly avoid flat HP we'll see first roll went into element Mastery which is good maybe we could just get away with an attack Sans and have a bunch of element Mastery boosts in the team crit damage we're actually getting a lot of crit damage which means definitely we're probably gonna have to go crit rate Circle it uh there goes the flat HP it was only one so if they can avoid it this time for plus 20 I'll be happy there's only a 25 chance of failure ah of course man it's really not that good anymore let's see what the fourth stat on this goblet is if it's one of the crit stats I may go on peace goblet and off-piece Sans we'll see it's HP percent uh very sad since I think Mika will be the only Electro on the team that means she's gonna get 150 extra elements Mastery from the four piece set plus the two-piece set bumming that up to a total of 230 elements Mastery so we could have enough without an em Sans yeah honestly all my Creator codes are pretty bad what is my best off-peace electro goblet this is the best one with uh 10 query seven crit damage in 35 em but I'm actually wondering if two piece wander two-piece gilded with way better sub stats would be better than four piece gilded we'd only get 80 elements Mastery instead of the 150 from gilded but if we could make that up via sub stats it would be worth it I am happy with the plumen flower so that could be our two-piece set I have 19 attack percent Sans rage though so I'm probably going to start with that this attack stands has 82 elements Mastery on it that could be interesting also on one under a troop I think we're going to start with that and then we already have this decent Electro damage bonus which means we could go off piece here for circlet let's check our crit ratio it's 51 to 166. actually I think we could get away with the lava Walker circlet 69 to 228 actually could be a little better but not bad she also has over 300 elements of Mastery which I think will be good once we get like Nikita and maybe kazuha Buffs in there so if I were to give her a four piece gilded we probably would have a little more elements Mastery but less of almost everything else less crits less attack of course four piece gilded with these stats would be better but what can you do unfortunately we do have red c0 which is kind of sad because our first couple constellations do sound really nice if memory serves right she could have three of these tinko Thunderbolts after doing burst and that's 24 energy which is kind of nice because she has the most expensive burst in the game at 90. C2 also sounds good increasing the damage and attack range of those little Thunderbolts created from her Elemental skill but yeah I'm not gonna go over all constellations just know that she is c0 so yeah but yeah I think she's pretty much built let's go ahead and throw her in a team she would be kind of closest to a main DPS in this team so I would like to boost her em with like Nikita and I'm gonna try kazua again though I can never really get him to do what I want most of the time as for the last member of this team uh looking through all uh like 60 units we have in the meantime I'm gonna go with someone I usually don't go with ever um this dude I forgot what his name is actually I thought he's pretty good for like uh decreasing res or something and I think is a shield that's decent we're gonna go ahead and start with our dailies just because I have to do them anyway we can get a decent feel for like her raw damage no buff numbers although in this team how she's like currently built is more favored for team Buffs like aggravate and element Mastery boosts but we'll try and more or less solo with her I guess for now um basically just starting with these uh three and there's really not much else we can do besides some normal attacks they are doing 11k which is honestly so surprising considering we have nothing going on right now now that's actually quite a lot of damage for no Buffs at all okay now they're doing 8K for some reason oh it's because we only have two on the field I didn't see that they actually have good range they have really good range oh and then here we have three daily quests right next to each other that's pretty sick I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do here I don't know if there are even any enemies to fight here uh no there were not I bought her charge attack 9300 not bad not bad though I mean it takes a while so I'm not really surprised either but I mean she got through them relatively easily she's a little bit hurting right now though okay this last Quest isn't really a fighting one either I think okay I have to follow where the actual weasel is going I see that was it okay whatever let's start with dendro Q would probably be the easiest just to see like aggravate damage maybe I'll get a zhangly shield also just to be on the safe side we can uh prematurely place our three things here I guess and just maybe start attacking okay uh we're getting like what 12.4 okay 27.5 that may have been with aggravate then okay well he's dead already that was very very fast I don't know how that worked well we're not gonna actually kill him all the way because her Elemental skill also does not snapshot which is a good thing honestly it means once we actually have the aggravate boost it should do more after that [Music] Quicken okay that's weird there must be some sort of internal cooldown on something going on there because it took him like three shots to even get quickened and then another two to actually get aggravated and on the actual aggravate hit it seemed to do like nearly twice as much we're gonna be trying a slightly more normal boss here the uh aeon blight Drake we're just gonna start with getting those three down go to Coswell burst real quick sure swirl it a little bit Nikita burst applying with dendro I don't think we did let's just get a strongly Shield that actually should be good uh let's go ahead and get those three back and do her burst boom boom boom boom 52k each it looked like I don't know if everything worked out properly let's check out her current elements Mastery which is at 602 I don't think she has Cosmo's C2 anymore yeah Causeway should actually be the last one probably that goes in because uh Nikita's verse lost way longer than cause he was oh no don't die ah he died uh I actually think since kazua's burst pulses he could actually just go like right before let's actually just have jungling go first So the plan would be to get jungle Shield uh then get nahitas burst but uh currently doesn't have it so that's annoying we can do a little bit as quick and then spread anyway just to kind of see what those are doing now 32k I saw in there I was actually pretty damn good just for her her like passive damage yeah there's a 60k from her Elemental skill but he was disabled which means resistances were less but still I'm actually really impressed already I don't even know what I'm doing yet let's go to massanori I know I know but at least I did do a couple of other bosses first before heading to massanori credit words do right guys all right here we go just going to get those on now and I think we're just going to go straight to a burst please on block he's blocking stop blocking no okay I didn't see anything really there 22k 34k from her Elemental skill that's actually crazy just this passive damage he Taps e three times and all that damage he blocked the burst though which is super annoying I hate massanori it's just nice though because he revives immediately unlike every other boss you have to wait like five minutes for them to come back they're just gonna place these three down while we're inside the ring and uh I guess do the burst um okay uh it was like 50k I don't know if we actually had aggravate at that point let's place these three Elemental skills back down while we still more or less have most of the Buffs um yeah I have a feeling cos was not swirling the electro probably her passive damage is what I'm actually most impressed with at the moment let's go ahead and try it again um 68 this time from one of the burst hits maybe everything worked out that time I saw 48k from something there I guess I was one of her eprocs I do want to see really quick how much elements of Mastery we do have inside all of these bursts we're sitting at just shy of 800 so I think that actually should be enough for a decent aggravate increase the damage bonus provided by aggravating spread by almost 200 percent I'd say it should be pretty good I also want to try putting Mikko before kazuha placing her three things down going to Causeway real quick doing his stuff and then coming back to Mikko I don't think dendro can be swirled so there really shouldn't be any issues but I don't know uh yeah the issue is he doesn't actually ever have Electro on him really so it's really hard to even swirl the electro so we'd have to like get electron in first then scroll with kazuha but that buff only lasts like eight seconds or whatever and then we can maybe do cause oh wait he's probably dead yeah damn it how long does Cosmo's burst last also only eight seconds it might be barely enough time to get like one hit on him I don't think Nikki just burst applies dendro we just maybe need to avoid doing her Elemental skill so let's try that all right let's see what we can do just Nikita uh this and then we're going to get him with Electro and then go to Cosmo's burst now he's definitely swirled with Electro then we go back to Nikita do the elemental skill real quick and then reapply some of these do a burst and boom 64 76 okay that's definitely the highest we've seen I think we finally did it correctly once it is a little stressful though since we only have eight seconds after doing Cosmo's burst to get all the stuff we want to in and I think it actually did work that time but that was definitely pretty nice I wasn't able to spot any of her Elemental skill hits because again I think those are actually overall more impressive considering they're technically like off-field you know though again they don't snapshot so they're going to be less impressive if you actually use them as off-field Electro obviously if you're just using them for Electro application that is fine they don't necessarily need to do a lot of damage I was gonna try Mikko with an elmwood's Mastery stands instead of attack but considering the attack sounds we already have has 82 elements Mastery and we'd only be gaining a little over 100 on top of the 800 we already have I don't think it's going to make a big difference however losing 46 attack probably would so I'm just going to assume it would be worse in this specific case maybe if she was in a team without a bunch of elements Mastery boost it would be better but that's getting really complicated now in very specific so in my case I think she's better with an attack percent stands because of all the other em boosts we're already getting in fact now that I think about it swapping kazua for a bow user and using elegy would almost give us that same 200 and it wouldn't be so stressful granted he does also have his passive boost here and of course viridescent but I want to see how close we can get to that like 75 to 80k burst hits without kazuha now that I think about it official might be a bit of an issue because I need to make sure Mikko is activating the aggravate and not official aggravate isn't like superconduct where it's a debuff for the enemy it's more of a buff for whoever triggers it I mean I guess it doesn't make some sense because elements Mastery plays a part in the Boost you get from aggravate so it would matter who triggers it anyway I don't know if this is going to work or not but we're going to try yulon there are very few bow users who hit consistently off field Elon can do that with her burst and we need like four stacks for elegy to proc so let's just do a test run here see if it works out at all let's go ahead and apply that um let me see here there is hyperbloom aggravate I just saw an aggravate in there so I think it actually works wow he died very fast in fact it just passed midnight so he should get a midnight massanori all right we are ready now let's go ahead and just do everything as fast as possible see if we can get another aggravate in there I'm just gonna do her burst um 59 I don't know if we actually got an aggravate it wasn't bad definitely far away from like the 75 to 80 week we got with kazua but so yeah she is a super nice character I don't know why I sleep on her so much just for the insane passive damage alone her burst how I see it right now anyway is more of a bonus thing a bonus damage for when you have it and I I don't know I wouldn't necessarily build her with a ton of energy recharge or you know force a bunch of like energy generators to make sure she always has burst because compared to her skill it doesn't do that much more which is very weird because like this is a 151 multiplier at level three which it usually is at and then this has like 534 at the most I saw was 75 to 80k with the tinko Thunderbolts obviously kagura does have something to do with that because we get 36 skill damage bonus after using her skill three times I just kind of figured her burst would do more but yeah I mean at least with kagura her skill is just what I think Makes Her Shine the most but yeah especially now with aggravate I guess she could be pretty good for hyper Bloom as well well though her Elemental skills Target enemies so they might have a bit of AOE but enough to trigger the blooms on the ground I don't know let's try it I guess so um there is a bloom on the ground let's place that there oh look at that hyperbloom okay has a pretty decent AOE it seems so I guess she could be used in a hyperbloom team which is almost what we're in anyway yilan Nikita it's basically hyperbloom actually they don't have like infinite range though so if the blooms like go super far away then yeah it might not be that consistent but yeah make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping a like or subscribing if you enjoyed as always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 150,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, yae miko, yae miko genshin impact, miko genshin, yae miko build, yay miko, yea miko, moga, mogawty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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