How I Got to INAZUMA In ONE DAY On a New Account | Genshin Impact

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there are several Adventure rank Milestones AR for shorts that we need to meet but the most important thing we need to do is get to AR 30. because at AR 30 we unlock the beginning of the inazumin chapter Autumn Wind and Scarlet leaves which actually takes us to Inazuma there are several ways to gain AR exp through General exploration and even the story quests themselves give a considerable amount of AR exp but never enough to get you to the next required AR you will have to do some level of exploration by and far the best method of leveling Adventure rank however is to do daily commissions and spend resin both of which can be unlocked when you reach ar 8 and 12. the only problem is that both of these things can only be effectively done once a day now the most important part about any journey is having a good name so after a full 10 seconds of consideration I came up with speep it sounds like speed but it has a p at the end my strategy in the beginning was very simple but it evolved as the Run went on at first I wanted to grab every chest I could locate on my way to the Statue of the seven activating the statue of the seven would bring me up to ar2 I would collect more chests on my way to monstat and gain another AR level that way afterwards I would meet up with Amber with Amber on the team I grabbed several more chests before heading on my way to monstat where moments before disaster I remember that Timmy will stop you and yell at you because his dad left him so I decided it was better to drown than interact with them in the end I just swam around the bridge so after 30 minutes of collecting chests I arrived at the city of monstat I got my glider and reached ar5 we used that glider to clap the vollen's cheeks thus allowing us to unlock the wishing feature the wishing feature isn't exactly useful until I can pull for Kirara but I use my first 10 poles from the male on the standard banner and received the best thing I could have asked for we got saiyu on our Inazuma run after that I knew I had to get that Tanuki home after getting saiyu I grabbed several chests in the city and headed over to Amber's domain where I reached AR6 I then reached AR7 in Kayo's domain and after completing Lisa's domain I finally was able to reach ar-8 this was huge for me because it meant now I could spend my resin on Ley lines after a few more hours of Exploration and using some resin I deposited all my name oculi at the Statue of the seven and reached ar-11 which meant that I could finally begin act two of the prologue at this time I had other story quests I could complete as well so while progressing through the main quest I progressed through those quests as well which led up to this point where Amber watched me Rob the cathedral later I remember that commissions were unlocked at level 12 so before finishing the story I was on my way to see Catherine where I reached ar-14 because pymon was hungry this was definitely a calculated maneuver unfortunately the first commission we get is to talk to Timmy and feed the Ducks I wish I could say I shot those ducks in the face but I was in a hurry and just wanted to get it over with so I would never have to talk to Timmy again once I completed my commission I went back to Catherine and claimed My Rewards this brought me up to AR15 at the five hour mark so we're already halfway there anyway having reached AR-15 meant I could do Lisa's story Quest but then I quickly abandoned her to finish the main story this unlocked weapon Ascension domains which I was going to need to get my weapons to level 40. with that said I still needed to reach ar18 to start the Final Act in the prologue I apologize to Lisa and completed her Quest and decided to go exploring while I was doing some exploration I remembered that the adventurer's handbook also gives AR exp and opened it to start collecting some rewards after that I unlocked the weapon Ascension domain and monstat for later I dodged my first Co-op request since reaching AR-16 new accounts I learned later get a lot of Co-op requests I eventually made my way back to the cathedral and silenced Amber she's seen too much to keep her quiet we had to track down another criminal so I essentially became a snitch in the middle of the quest I promptly abandoned her to meet a better pyro unit I played through fangling story Quest 2 but don't worry Amber I did not forget about you I still need you to keep quiet and hand over your AR exp a little while later I dodged another Co-op request after finishing up Amber's and changling story Quest I finally made it to ar18 at 6 hours and 22 minutes so now it was finally time to go to devaland's Lair which if you hadn't already guessed the remainder of the animakulai were and again I gathered countless chests and in the immaculi for about 30 minutes to gather as much AR exp as I could after collecting the last one I clapped Dragon cheeks for the second time so then we finished up the main story and I watched a currently unplayable character commit NSFW acts on an arcore by the time I had finished the prologue in monstat I had reached ar-19 but I needed to be ar-23 in order to start chapter 1 in leeway I deposited the last of the inimakuli in Monster to max out the statue of the seven and had completed Bond stat in 7 hours and 46 minutes foreign I took this opportunity to level up and upgrade my characters a bit since the content would be slightly more difficult than leeway I especially needed to upgrade an em weapon for Lisa in order to do the weapon material domain in monstat at around the 8 hour mark I made my way into leeway and resonated with the power of Geo this is where having sayu would be very helpful for me because both Geo Traveler and in a Nemo character are required to do many of the puzzles scattered throughout leeway that and she do be quick so I started making my way to leeway Harbor collecting what I could along the way I also remembered I could collect Barbara despite having zero plans to use her I upgraded a few artifacts to plus 4 and collected more rewards from The Adventurous handbook and then I finally went back to the weapon Ascension domain in monstat to use some more resin and get more AR EXP I did three runs here so I got around 300 exp after that I unlocked another statue of the seven in leeway and went to go do some domains in monstat the first time clear rewards for this gets me two things 500 AR exp per domain and a shrine key doing this allowed me to reach ar-21 which unlocked a few more story Quests for other characters I decided to use the rest of my resin at the weapon domain in leeway but I called in a little help for this one so I hid myself in a rock for a few runs while I let my other self clear the domain I figured I may as well do some bosses to just finish off my resin after clearing the last Abyssal domain in mindset I was still roughly a thousand AR exp away from the next level so I was starting to feel some pressure so I decided to go to D Luke's story Quest and even some side quests along the way and finally after completing his story Quest I was able to reach AR-22 but I still had another level to go before I could start the leeway chapter I had to reach ar-23 so I met up with wolf boy and dodge another Co-op request while completing some side quests Under Pressure I decided to start collecting some gioculi I developed a system to mark giaculi on the map and then change the marker when I had collected that g oculi finally after over an hour later I reached ar-23 so I wrapped up my exploration in King Che Village deposited my geoculi and started the leeway chapter we were finally just getting started after starting the leeway chapter I started started to feel somewhat relieved but at this point the quests were starting to get longer and exploration was starting to get harder because leeway is almost double the size of monstat and the Topography of leeway was much different than monstat it's mostly just mountains so traversing leeway was a chore in and of itself so I gave up and I went back to monstat for some easy Shrine exp since I still had six Shrine keys and each chest was around 60 exp I got 360 AR exp this way which put me that much closer to being ar24 at this point I had been playing so long that the server had reset so I could actually do more commissions as well I reached ar24 while doing more commissions and then I unlocked the spiral Abyss in case I needed to come back to it after all that I went to go do some more of the main quest I cleared Cloud retainer's domain I went to see Mountain shaper who I personally blame for making leeway so annoying to explore 13 hours had passed and I was starting to get sleepy then I said that and did some leeway exploration I painstakingly marked every G Oculus in leeway so that I could go collect them I believe there's roughly 160 giaculus in total this was absolutely one of the most exhausting parts of my run but I needed both the AR exp and the stamina Boost from the statue just taking in the sheer size of this Monumental task made the Run start to feel hopeless and it didn't help that I was so sleepy however I eventually made it through and I found a good stopping point after that my resident filled up enough that I could do some Ley lines again I filled up the statue of the seven again and coincidentally had just enough gioculi to make it to level 9. I needed 30 more to get to level 10 but I was done hunting for geoculi at that point I felt like I had enough stamina for what was going to come next doing all this exploration in leeway took me about three hours it's taken me from ar24 to ar25 with only a thousand one hundred and fifteen AR exp left to 26. at this point I went back to chill to finish up act 1 of the leeway chapter it immediately started act 2. given that I spent the last three hours on exploration I had to cover more ground quickly I leveled my characters up to challenge the spiral Abyss to complete chapter 5 missions of my Adventures handbook we then went to a shady Hiller Turtle Camp to cook blue rocks with Mr Zhong Lee met the biggest thirst trap in all of leeway gave zong leave some perfume and stole a precious heirloom from an old woman with possible dementia then got sidetracked by my impulsive desire to start random Quest after taking care of the side quest blocking the main quest I lost my very first 50 50. [Music] and thus completed Act 2 of the leeway chapter at 16 hours and 51 minutes but I wasn't done I still needed to get enough AR exp to get to ar-28 I want to explain something really quick currently we are still at World level 1 because in order to ascend Beyond ar-25 and reach the next World level we need to complete an Ascension domain now I wanted to use this fact to my advantage I probably already had enough exp at this point to get close to ar-27 but there is one particular area that I left untouched up until this point Dragon spine so as soon as I finished Act 2 I went to Dragon spine to get all the AR exp I needed to reach level 28. the plan was simple it was to start the side quest and complete them while I explored and hunted Crimson negate for the frost bearing tree next I had to unlock the statue of the seven in order to access the map this was important because I needed the map unlocked so that I could start marking the locations of every Crimson a gate in Dragon spine now at this point I'm still running low on sleep admittedly I did take a nap at some point because I just really needed to but because of this I was under a lot of pressure at the 17 hour mark I only had seven hours left to reach ar-30 and complete all of the prerequisite quests so I was moving quick unlocking every major chest I could find collecting every Agate I saw all while progressing the major Dragon spine quests I scoured high and low as quickly as I possibly could and in just two hours I deposited all the crims in the gate I collected dodged more Co-op requests and completed Dragon spine foreign I collected my quest rewards and picked up some straggler side quests with high AR exp yields and at 19 hours 9 minutes I found myself with a whopping 15 705 AR exp it was time to complete the Ascension domain at this point the only two characters I had apart from the starters were Barbara and say you Barbara wasn't very useful in my opinion and say you could not be ascended so I've become kind of an expert with the starter team and was able to complete the Ascension domain pretty quickly after finishing off the electro hypostasis at the end there it was chapter 1 act 3 the Final leeway Quest that I needed I also unlocked story quests but I don't have any story Quest keys so I couldn't do anything with that so with five hours left on the clock I had to start immediately so we fried pymon's brain met fake cat girl entertain the leeway kishing grab the fake Adept eye sigils and wait for it we found Coco goat again we had to clap chills cheeks we used Lisa to single-handedly prevent Calamity in leeway Harbor and save leeway in just an hour we met the unplayable character again and asked these losers about our sister and finally leeway chapter was finished at 20 hours and 22 minutes and to top it all off there it was Autumn wins Scarlett leaves but I wasn't done yet no I was still ar-29 I still needed over 5 000 AR exp and I'd already explored leeway monstat and dragon spine [Music] it was time to meet Dane's Leaf completing Dane's Leaf's Quest gave me another 800 AR exp but it wasn't enough so I still needed more so we continued the second part of his quest this is the quest where we found the upside down statue of the seven honestly I hated this Quest only because of this platform part but with sayu I was barely able to make it in one try collapse I'm Abyss Harold cheeks met a nun that I haven't seen in a while clap some more Abyss Harold cheeks then I remembered I could do World bosses so I clapped the violence cheeks but for 300 AR exp this time and for the first time put Barber on the team who I didn't even really end up using I completed the quest and was so close to ar-30 I just needed 1 245 more exp so I went to leeway and did an Abyssal domain which was worth 500 AR exp Lisa clapped some lava Turtle cheeks and I went to fight the wolf that's another 300 exp down I still needed more exp and was starting to get desperate I only had three hours left to get to AR 30 and finish the quest to get to Inazuma so I went to the chasm but not for long I only really went there to get to the Statue of the seven then I went to sumuru and finally after unlocking the deepwood artifact domain I reached ar-30 I was ready but first I got another statue of the seven in sumru just for safe measure and then I asked I asked at the wrong Quest but after that it was time to start Autumn winds and Scarlet leaves so I matched through the NPC dialogue had to Glide to Guion Stone Forest because I hadn't unlocked it yet clap some Abyss Mage cheeks for fun and met the best girl in leeway we clapped some man's cheeks Tracked Down The Thief had Lisa clap his cheeks and once I heard the music in the cutscene I just melted I'm almost done or so I thought who the is bywin nope that's not by one that's not by win either that's not buy one well whatever we completed a short part of a quest and continued the main quest it was time to take saiyu home [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] come on you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] come on I'm supposed to be myself [Music]
Channel: Kam1koi
Views: 1,000,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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