Yes, Yoimiya Is Worth It (Genshin Impact)

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as some of you have maybe noticed I've been using yomiya a lot lately but here's the thing she has not one Crown invested in her yet and I think that is a crime so that's what we're doing today I've been using yomi as my main DPS for like at least a couple months now so she definitely deserves them we recently had a yomiya rerun which I just ignored because there was a new character but next time she comes around they probably want to get her up at least a C2 as of now though she is C zero I don't know how many books we'll need but they should all be open so we do need transients which you don't have enough there yet man crowning is such an expensive Endeavor I don't even know if we have the Mora to do so but uh let's at least go ahead and start oh do not have any like brown ones why do we have 42 of these then gonna get Eula in there come on Eula three bonus zero bonus on 14 okay man that does allow us to spend our first Crown here on her basic so we're gonna go ahead and do that very very cool obviously the multipliers don't change too much here we need two more how about our Mora we should have enough but barely I think the next level is 700 so yeah it's like 1.2 million from 8 to 10. it's crazy dude but we do have everything else really so it's more or less just some book farming we gotta do we have 34 resin and I'm pretty sure zero condensed there is one other thing we could do which is this Adventures instruction bundle 25 books Tim has been bugging me about this telling me I need to get it I need to get it it's good deal I really don't think so but I just just to make them happy I guess we'll get it and there we go I guess what is 25 books anyway let's at least make sure we for sure know the right name so it's transients okay oh yeah we have over a hundred of these I'll do that at one point let's just get all 25 right because I think we'll still need more than that anyway but it'll take a bit bit of the resin burden off but I mean that was like 600 Genesis crystals which is 600 Primo gyms which is actually a decent amount of resin what's done is done forget about eight I I spent 15 bucks on eight gold books maybe Eula can you help me out no she can't why did I do that Tim that was dumb as hell what was the point I think that was the worst way I've ever used money before that was maybe four condensed runs worth of books for 15 bucks okay maybe it was like 10 bucks whatever but hey we could get it up to nine and we're only 10 away now let's make five condensed let's grab our transient here so let's see if my theory holds up we're going to make five condensed resin real quick and drop them all in the domain and see if we have enough then we got eight gold from the pack getting an actual purple drop is very rare though considering the minimum drop for a condensed is like a purple and a half anyway we only need to get like one or two purple drops and I think we'll be able to make 10. I think I mostly use Shogun here all right that first run took forever because the team wasn't set up properly and uh no one had their burst but uh okay we got the worst drop possible as far as I'm aware but even this is a purple and a half so we come over here do venti burst uh go ahead and do Shogun burst I mean well yeah now Shogun burst but I meant Sarah burst uh where's the other oh they both just got one-shotted all right that was nice and then hopefully a little bit time left here okay 39 seconds not bad for this domain because it is kind of like spread out and all over the place next drop the worst again now that I'm thinking about it temp may have meant that I can use that pack and the 25 Silvers in there as like an emergency storage for when I need a few more books for a character on an off day where I spontaneously decide to raise them but I didn't check that their books are open what's the next drop the worst possible again at this rate I don't think we'll get to 10 purples but yeah even if I were to use it in that way I still don't think it would be worth it I would rather just be more prepared rather than just having a emergency stash of books honestly that one's pretty good 38. finally we did get a purple so with the silvers this was a two purple run but this was the only two purple runs so far so I don't know we're gonna have to get pretty good luck on this last drop oh that was potentially one of the best drops possible we got four Silvers and a purples that is a near three purple drop let's go so do we have enough I think we need 16 total because we got two drops um now we need eight more we can only make six maybe Viola is super nice and makes up for the fact that the last 20 didn't have a single bonus in it Eula probably should have just gone for like sincho or whatever no that's probably better but now we we need one oh wait no we do have Browns what the hell uh okay we didn't even need a bonus but yeah I kind of forgot it also drops these okay well more than enough from five condensed I'm only gonna get one because why would I bother thinking for the bonus though Eula uh it would have helped and then watch yomiya be the last character in the entire existence of gen to need these books just so that the bonus Eula did give me was useless although I might raise her burst eventually but at the moment I don't care for it too much so here we go an extra three percent for her Blazing Arrow damage man it sounds so small but uh there it is and now I usually do do some sort of showcase it feels a little redundant because I've played with her so often and to be totally honest crowning skills is kind of unrewarding in terms of getting some actual damage increases as you saw it went up like maybe six percent total oh yeah I guess I should show her stats and build and whatnot she is of course on the Thundering pulse doesn't suit her that well visually in my opinion but that's what she has quite sure it's her signature anyway we are running four PC Manawa that's what she actually started on and then I moved her over to four piece Crimson because I was doing some shimanawa versus like Crimson on my hutau I don't know there's probably some difference in there between hutau and yoemya when it comes to Crimson and vaporizing and stuff and it kind of turned out that Crimson wasn't doing much less and you didn't have to worry about shimanawa's energy penalty but with you I actually like the penalty here because in most cases I don't waste time doing her burst and to get the third stack here for the 40 normal damage increase you can't have full energy if for some reason reason whatever I'm firing at isn't dead by the time yoonya's Elemental skeletons then yeah sometimes I'll throw her burst down before I swap out it's just more important that I actually have the 15 energy to proximinawa but I guess while I'm on the subject of shimanawa and yomi as burst and all of that I guess I should note that I heard the most like effective sort of rotation for joymia is doing her burst first swapping out to the supports and then coming back to you to do her Elemental skill that very well may be true I just don't like that it makes the rotation messy maybe I'd get a little bit more damage out of it but I have enough damage and I don't care so artifacts are mainly just focused on typical DPS stats crit element Mastery try to avoid energy recharge here you have a decent chunk of all three I guess same for here mostly Elemental Mastery there the attack Sans is all right as well mostly crit damage there of course pyro damage bonus the only redeeming quality is its criterate a little bit of attack as well then finally a crit rate circlet bit of element Mastery overall it's quite bad I'm sure I could improve it but that would take a good amount of effort running shimanawa trying to get one specific circlet you know that has extra crate damage on it and it's like eh I'll just wait for it to come into the strong box here's her overall stat page she has a lot of attack for some reason at 2531 credit ratio is pretty good I would like to have more crit damage but that's the way the cookie crumbles I think 145 elements Mastery for a vape yomiya is perfectly adequate Zero Energy recharge so I think it's a very good yomiya build if I do say so myself obviously could be better especially the circle it there but what can you do it's probably gonna be quite hard for me to actually see any difference but one thing I have been doing somewhat recently is this new mechanical boss I do have to farm it a ton more for Candace anyways so let's go in here and do a run real quick I know typically how fast we can kill it uh this run might be a little slower because we don't start with bursts like we normally do oh no that's gonna be horrible let's warp away try that again we usually start with a good old zombie burst get the shield uh go to Elan do her burst couple of E's real quick Fanny boost of course a little slash and then uh just start spamming with yormia I don't do anything with her burst really 90k I don't see 90ks actually maybe there was some difference that did seem a little faster actually it might be a placebo effect but actually just like the 90k itself with such a simple setup as I usually run with I just like it simple don't judge because it is also actually as you can see a very strong team anyway maybe 15 seconds or whatever maybe he was dead in 16 or 17 seconds beforehand you know how about this final hour looks pretty bad I guess we're gonna hit up a Terrace room as well just for fun let's just go ahead and start with the Elon as usual good old Beanie Boos and then uh um Joy Mia here yeah um what can I say I mean those two bosses are very squishy but yeah Primo geovis shop let's just go ahead and start our little rotation here uh your lawn all right starting over here Benny boost join me we have a shield so it's fine and here we go we're starting oh my god dude just absolutely shredding that's that's so crazy I guess we need one more fragile here so we can do our weekly bosses part fire resist which is a little annoying but it's all good let's see if we can do it without Elon because I know she is kind of carrying I at least won Benny though all right her damage without yolan is obviously not as impressive but it's still actually pretty impressive with just Binny there maybe maybe we had jungling Shield still I don't know uh yilon's burst thankfully is ready but Binny's I don't think will be now but let's just see if we can do it without oh yeah okay he's already going into Electro but there is Rock frog I'm probably gonna keep that one short it's just not really that great showcase material because it's always broken up into chunks how about with Shogun and this team if everything goes right we can usually one turn her let's see if that is the case here I mean it takes two rotations but you know I just mean before she gets her Shield come on you and Mia go I think we can do it actually not even close she was only at three-fourths full I don't know maybe those little multiplier increases are deceptively big usually when I try and kill Shogun before her Shield comes it's either very close or it doesn't work because I messed something up I don't think I had any massive mistakes here maybe I could have been a little bit more efficient or whatever this will obviously be a little harder as Senora has a lot of pyro resistance let's go ahead and do solo join me a gear because both Benny and yilon's skills weren't ready but now they'll be ready for when we actually need them I mean Elon is obviously going to carry pretty hard here with her off-field Hydro stuff but let's just see what she can do also obviously quite a bit less yeah um season like 30 I saw some 30ks in there now it's more like yeah around 10. oh but she's almost dead yolan definitely carried uh but she got her tornado off anyway so close I think there's only been a couple times I could kill her before she started twirling with her tornado she does it really quick once she passes a certain HP threshold okay there we go anything good here not really did get a dream solvent I guess I haven't needed those for like ever I did kind of just want to stick to the team I have mostly been using and not like experimentally with different teams because I don't really see the point I did try a couple of the yomiya teams and I think it was a testing the meta video or something pretty recently but I wouldn't have really been able to feel any differences in teams I'm not familiar with you know also yes yolon here very strong uh she is of course also responsible for melting the bosses with her burst damages she's doing like 30k damage every time her her skill procs like once a second a pretty massive amount of damage honestly for me a lot and also so I do feel like those three skill UPS uh did make a pretty large difference actually and I definitely don't regret a single Mora I don't even regret the Genesis crystals I had to buy to do that thing well I regret that a little bit because I could have just farmed the books but yeah make sure to tell me what you think comments down below dropping like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoy as always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 302,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, yoimiya, yoimiya build, yoimiya genshin, genshin impact yoimiya, yoimiya genshin impact, yoimiya guide, yoimiya showcase, genshin yoimiya, is yoimiya worth it, is yoimiya good, yoimiya dps, yoimiya gameplay, yoimiya best team, genshin impact yoimiya build, dragonfly genshin impact, is yoimiya worth pulling, yoimiya review, yoimiya damage, yoimiya worth
Id: 18DEurJkJWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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