I Spent 100 Days Mastering a Single Element in Genshin...

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can I beat genjun with only animal characters this might sound impossible considering the attention is made for us to utilize all the elements in the game to solve puzzles and even forces us through mandatory quests that require certain elements to proceed while being an emo as I am I want to challenge myself to do this whole ordeal so I created a brand new engine account exactly 100 days ago back in version 2.2 and to restrict myself to only using characters with an animal element and see how far this could take me in hopes of me being able to complete the spiral Abyss with only animal characters and to collect all of the animal characters in the game there are of course a few rules in this series first I can only use animal characters if there is a forced trial character in a certain story or Quest as long as it is possible to complete them then I will avoid using the trial character this means that even if we are given a character that could easily complete a quest by simply using our skills or just by using physical attacks we will try to find another way around to complete the quest when I do co-op on this account the people that join me will have to use anime more characters as well no this is not a free-to-player account so if push comes to shove and I cannot obtain a certain animal character in time then I'm bringing out a wallet anyways when I created this account I decided to re-roll for another animal character to start this account alongside traveler so for day one I did mostly re-rolls in hopes of getting an animal character I chose to reroll a standard Banner because I could get other animal characters such as Hazel saiyu and even 5 star weapons and Q so it's better than The Beginner's Banner with the only animal being sucrose and a little chance of pulling Gene plus pulling on a standard Banner builds towards Petty as well fully ventral guaranteed 5 Star which you guys will see while this is important on later in a video so I named myself votimo because let's face it we'll slowly become an emo the further we get on this account so after seeing the same cutscene for over 10 times and a total of 5 or so hours of rerolling I finally got my first animal character to join my traveler please just give me an animal character so close say you sucrose oh well Hazel is a pretty good character especially in early game the one flaw that he has is that his essential materials are locked behind both the underground Chasm and Inazuma so we'll probably be stuck at level 20 for a while so for the first week I basically continued where we left off after our standard Banner pulls we had to get to the tutorial domains with a startup monster characters join us after we complete the domains for Amber Her domain was pretty straightforward we grabbed the chests and got it to the end of the domain before we were faced with a spiral Monument luckily for us there was some torches sitting near us so we could just take the damage and Infuse ourselves with pyro to light up the totem and complete the domain police's domain I basically just skipped 90 of the domain by utilizing the wind currents and guided holds the end the last tutorial domain we went through was kais and we came across as underwater spikes area where the game intended for us to use Kaya's cryo skills to freeze the water to walk through the platforms well I did a smarter Choice which was to Simply jump over the spikes so we got to do this domain pretty easily after getting all the starting characters I immediately talking about my party because we won't be using them other than animal characters usually on new accounts we just have to explore and complete quests to get to a higher Adventure rank so we basically spend the rest of a week doing so on day 8 I met up with Kaya in the favonia's night headquarters and started his treasure hunting Quest We rescued his informant from some helical enemies and got a piece of paper which we used to discover the first location that contains the clue to the treasury we climb up to the top of a windmill and found a paper that pointed us towards Springdale but before we went there we got run over by a boar so we killed labor and also went to unlock the statue of the seven there we encountered variable storm which on any other account should be a pretty easy fight but in this animal-only account we had to use our Travelers physical attacks to fight it because the giant animal ball is immune to the animal element so it made out Hazel useless against his boss besides tanking the hits for us well with over 10 minutes of struggle we finally defeated the Iowa storm but hopefully we won't encounter animal ball anytime soon or else I might become an emo very early on in this series emo Jokes Aside we made it to the location a map pointed us to and were met with some cryo monuments we were graced by the animal Arkham because luckily there were some cryo slimes near the monument so we basically just swole a cryo with our Travelers skill into each of her monuments to activate them after that we enter the domain containing the treasure inside we defeated a few slimes but my Hazel was met with an unfortunate death yet again no if you jump into the fight we reached the end where we had to fight our very first Rune guard with Kaya joining us as well as a trial character but since we couldn't use him because of his element He just won the bench first as we defeated a rune guard we got a precious chest after and also completed a quest on day 9 I made a pretty big mistake that I didn't realize until later I met up with Amber Mueller Cathedral and started her quest in order to get a gliding license the first part of the quest was pretty easy since we just had to Glide and collect Rings within the time limit the second part however was something I really me up on so we had to track down a treasure holder inside this domain and here is where I realized I screwed up first of all there's this helicho Archer that is just chilling on a platform where I couldn't reach so I had to waste my Travelers first to get it down I know I know I could have just used Amber to shoot it down but remember this is animal only so we are not allowed to use even Ambrose physical attacks anyways after getting this haricho down we got access to the next room which gets even worse well this puzzle intended for us to use the Amber again to Shield the electro switches with her pyro charge attacks in order to drain the water but there is another way to cheese it by plunge attacking and opening the switch this takes us to the room of Doom with multiple halito Ultra enemies standing on the top of the platforms where we couldn't reach I tried finding ways to climb up without traveler but I kept on falling down and totally I even restarted a domain and came back with our Travelers burst but it did more harm than good for me I struggled for a bit afterwards but ultimately decided to give up for now and complete some other quests first before coming back to this domain on day 10 I basically just found Primo gyms and Adventure exp and feeding me we managed to get to AR-10 on this account I know I progressed very slowly on this account but hey I'll catch up soon just wait anyways after reaching Adventure Rank 10 we could take out the 10 fades for the male and do a Tempo on a standard Banner okay if I say the number 10 again you guys will have to subscribe to me I've done 10 at least I think he's open already on my fifth post so we'll see if you can get any animal characters if not then it's all right oh uh of course [Music] cool oh we got a weapon as well with zip okay so that would be cool good for hazel I guess so on day 11 we got to finally continue the monster archon quest we met the animal arkhan himself venti and he immediately triggered our worst nightmare were just to fight against the giant animal ball hello well luckily last time we didn't struggle as much since I figured out it's attack patterns but we still had to endure around 5 minutes for the fight because our traveler was the only one I could deal damage well hopefully we won't be encountering the animal ball anytime soon but if we do then I'll be you know on day 12 I continued the Hong Kong Quest and infiltrated a cathedral in order to borrow the holy life we had to avoid being detected by the guards inside but I was greedy and I wanted some exp books that were hidden inside our chests at the original end Lafayette we got to the holy ladder first and we were framed for stealing the holy land after we escaped we took shelter in a Tavern and met dinuk later on jinosa decided to join us and together we formed like DPS AKA led the violin protection Squad with our mission to uncorrupt the violin and preventing disaster from striking Master the next day we went to infiltrator for three hideout in Woodlands will take back the Holy Land Tito also joined our party and as always he'll just keep the French one for us luckily there were no pair of puzzles inside of them and we could collect the keys and proceed to the final rule inside there was a fatoui agent and even though we couldn't use didn't we easily defeated the boss and stole back the Holy Land we headed back to the tavern and met back up with Ben TMG and using that the volunteer for benty we purify the holy lion and ended day 13. to end our second week on this account we went out to find some multi-valent Tears first we encountered a rune guard and quickly defeated it to open a chest that contains at the volunteer there's one more tier that we need to find but before that I got Prius new fight with a puzzle I was originally trying to use myself a pyro from a campfire but I accidentally put out a fire with my traveler's skills so I had to find a different way to infuse myself of the pyro now luckily there was a pyro helicho pseudo nearby that burned the ground and we could just Infuse ourselves to a powerless way and went on to light up a pyro Monument who knew touching grass can actually be good never mind I take it at that this wasn't mandatory since it was from another Wolf Quest but we still got it the volunteer afterwards on day 15 I went to complete a domain in order to obtain the last violences here right outside the domain I met with my Archer Nemesis a giant animal ball fortunately we didn't have to find a ball since we could just enter little name inside we quickly beat up some enemies before we came face to face with his pyro or best mage levels of water near us so we made ourselves wet and destroy it showed instantly so I decided to play around with it I'm not gonna kill you I'm just gonna push you down just so you can get a taste of falling to the void goodbye [Music] okay it's not gonna be quick well lesson learned don't ever play with your food anyways after we completed the domain we also retrieved the last two so now we could continue the monster quest after leaving the domain I was greeted by the animal ball again but I just ran away and ignored it on day 16 I went back to meet up with the DPS in Town winery and used all the appeals that we've corrected to successfully cleanse the holy life after that we went to Star stats Cliff we went to summon the volume only for him to be attacked and a holy liar destroyed yet again afterwards this basically ended at two of the prologue in Monster since when now locked out of our Conquest because our adventure rink is too low we spent day 17 starting our newly unlocked daily commissions they were all pretty easy and doable as a Nemo so I'll travel and Hazel both carried us to the Finish after we completed dailies we went to complete the world quest so continue on from day 14. I returned to the duper Gorge to finish up A tri-seal world quest this time we encountered an electoral monument and luckily there was an electro R2 on a sniper's nest so we just let it shoot us so we can light the monument however it was just one problem where electro infusion was overwritten by Hydro since the monument was surrounded by water fortunately with some quick thinking I figured out I could just use my first while I was infused with electrode to the mission electoral tornado and hey maybe this will come in handy in the future next I came across the final seal which was a cryo Monument but it was a problem the monument was locked until we complete this Challenge and although they were cryo slimes in a challenge we couldn't reserve one to infuse ourselves with cryo so after we completed a Time challenge there wasn't any quail enemies left nearby for us to light up this Monument so we'll probably have to come back to this later on day 18 where we find irresponsible people to get him to return books back to the library we were eventually led into a domain but were trapped because we were locked behind a door and the only way to open a door was using an electro character since there weren't any enemies inside this domain that could Infuse us with Electro I gave up and left the domain to pull a quest on hold after that I actually went to complete the trial quest for hazel since he was on the radar Banner back in 2.2 we were able to get a few only caboodles to ascend our Hazel to level 40. on day 19 I finally reached ar-18 so now we could continue on a monster or Conquest we returned to Don Winery to meet up with the DPS again and stormed the storm Terrace layer after getting to the top of a tower we went to break each of the three cos later and confronted the corrupted the violin first we had to chase after him by massaging his back with pellets while constantly dodging his meteor attacks after a little game of cat and mouse we got to the real boss fight against the violin on Eagle grounds we also had venti joining us as a trial character and since he's an animal character with a fan finally use our first trial character the whole boss fight was pretty easy now that I taught him hundreds of times so we easily defeated the Marlin and then did his Abyss order brainwash we returned back to monster to have a date with Amber but I kind of stole her seat when she was about to sit down that's made a cussing kind of funny and unexpected anyways we went to meet up with Jean and benty at a cathedral and return the holy liar to Barbara outside we were introduced to lasignur one of the fat three harbingers and she basically stolen his noses and ran away so I vowed the Revenge of the next time we see her so on day 20 I returned back to the Ambrose domain with a campy hilly choose just in case you don't know this was back in 3.2 soventy was the only animal bow character backline so without a bow character we had to do things the hard way remember how I said I made a mistake starting this Quest well that's because I was also locked out of Co-op until I complete this Quest so we'll have to complete this domain before we can start co-opping though is actually a way we could jump up to the top and reach the helichos on a platform but La jump was really difficult and harder than it looks so before we got to the final room remember this long helichola with the Opera Stone well we could just hug the wall and simply jump up the platform to hit the helicho down well now until we blow ourselves up with air as well I struggled for a long time in a room of Doom let's slowly tested my patience and since I streamed the whole process live you can see me slowly turning into an emo as time went on Come Running [Music] solely but surely I was getting used to jumping and I could make a second jump occasionally thank you lovely full of prime I'm gonna do this for you foreign [Music] key it just made me move forward like why with hours of experience under our belt I figured something out you know I can just give you a sub I want to earn it oh oh okay okay I got it I got it I don't know why my itos just decided to jump a bit farther now for some reason as soon as I see eater's head to this right and then hello hello I'll do this [Music] no I quit well after that I just logged out for a day on day 21 I stumbled upon d-duke fighting an abyss Mage near one of the monster's side Gates and started a dark knight Heroes Alibi Quest first we went into a domain with diluk joining us again to keep the bench warm for us inside there were a lot of times to fight and with our animal characters things were pretty easy for us the hydro a best mage was tanky because of his shield so he slowly depleted it and eventually defeated Abyss Mage next we headed out to the main monster gate to defeat some attacking enemies after that we returned back to the tavern and completed a quest so on day 22 we finally gathered enough Fates to finally do another Tempo on the standard banner I could get animal character please so close say you l what oh come on like at least four characters just keep showing up just so I could use him I guess well at least Sarah could be used to ascend for some standard fleets in the future on the same day I eventually to discover a new region like awaits our animal only account we fought and defeated our first horde of enemies later and completed a quest at the same time I also started to collect both the animal oculi and the Geo oculi in order to level up the statues for both Nations and more importantly get more stamina so this doesn't happen anyways we fought Hands-On against some ruined guards discover some treasure and completed some more World quests on day 23 I returned to monster and stumbled upon a domain in order to stack some goodies like Primo gyms eventually exp and a shrine of depth ski if anyone knows where I can just drag an electro slimes here in this domain to infuse myself of Electro then let me know because he will be my savior for the 4D Primo gems but in all seriousness does anyone know how to solve this puzzle without an actual character I also went to farm some level up with the rest of our resins the next day I decided to return back to the emperor's domain to complete this Quest once and for all even though I reached queer in our previous attempt at clearing this time we have the experience so hopefully the hours of struggle won't be for not alright I know some of you guys are thinking this hey voti why don't you just use traveler and Hazel's Spurs to Hitler hallucos down or even easier just force the helichos to shoot the barrels to blow themselves up well I'm glad you asked first of all I already tried all the options and even though our travel could get two of the helitos down along with hazel finishing a job by hitting the third one down this happens wait there's more yeah so after unleashing all of our bursts there's a second wave of helichols that's waiting for us but last time we are out of burst so we have no choice but to do this the hard way anyways after refreshing our memories with the countless fails less happened ow okay let me see if I can get up there running out of my heels so it's getting a bit painful huh still Vibe oh I'm stuck oh never mind okay I think this is a good range okay okay I got up I got hello it's gonna not die [Music] okay so last time when I finally jumped up I immediately made a mistake that costed me everything [Music] so this time I decided to go with a different approach and just push the heli tools down without touching them get down stop okay one is down no oh they don't explode the barrels actually going back to the comment from earlier's Arrow doesn't blow up a barrel so I couldn't force him to hit the barrel to blow themselves up anyways this happened I gotta jump up a barrel though so I'll say you teach me help oh no okay like this right and then I just Dash jump or something of Traveler uh no since I dashed but somehow the jump didn't register so I'm back to square one again at least we get to beat up one of these headaches that have been sniping at us all this time okay no worries I can go back up again since the barrels are not destroyed yet this is like Peak ginshin all right so no I jumped up I pressed like w or something so I just over jumped I was supposed to jump and I got shot down I kept on making the same mistakes and messing up so I decided to change to Hazel because why not maybe this is the change we need to finally complete this domain and sure enough it worked okay let me try Hazel jump okay Hazel can jump up as well so that's good ow stop yeah what he said okay [Music] and be Hazel has secret powers but if I don't jump up [Music] okay get down okay got him down finally okay now the second wave was spawn [Music] okay second wave yes after all that we finally got to the first wave so now we just have to repeat this one more time before we went back to our parkour I tried to eliminate one of the heavy trolls using my Hazel's burst but the most unexpecting thing happened let me just explode this one because this one is kind of annoying wait no well I got outsmarted by Aquarius line on my next attempt I quickly jumped up again oh okay uh no I was I was so scared of the arrows that I just fell after my mishap I completely forgot how to jump up anymore and I spent the next few minutes reloading again close it then welcome back hey sorry for shouting yep that was too close no after I respond again this Lucho just slipped down again oh you just made a wrong choice so I was actually lucky this time I made it a bit with hazel though so maybe Hazel has a special power that he can do I just want to get up there one more time give me a chance nope let everything clicked and we finally made that jump again okay I'll line up like this yes okay get down get down okay good one more in that win right okay they they get it there's the third one and I swear okay there's none anymore okay we finally did it well after a total of three hours we finally got through the Ambrose domain and went to the cathedral to speak with Amber to obtain our gliding license and a PhD in jumping Al Hazel was also too tired of jumping that he twisted his ankle as well on day 25 I continued to level up my account by doing some more quests we went to woven Dome and were attacked by some slimes there we also met Razer to start his story Quest we were joined by Amber and ran into some dehydrated wolves after that we had to fight a big doggo in a challenge we had Razer in our team but he's just warming up the bench for us like usual when a character is an animal anyways this boss is immune to the animal element so he could only use traveler's physical attacks to view any damage it took us a while but we successfully defeated him and completed Razor's Quest on Day 26 I finally unlocked KOA so I also recruited a few people from my twitch stream to help out with the pleading resins and completing commissions they were also forced to use the animal characters in my world to stay true to animal cell we went to fight at Andrew's weekly boss this time and because of Co-op we easily defeated it around day 27 Keisha's version 2.3 was finally released and during that time we had an animal Banner to pull with both wonder and bows on our leader we did buy Wilkins and saved up our Primo gems just for this moment so hopefully we'll be able to get some follows on copies and maybe even wander oh okay okay chill let's get a Wonder Aussie I doubt I'll get him in six thousand posts or Primos oh wait okay I guess that works not far as them but we got so close so we go third teammate my second tempo I got Yankee and my 30th pole I got an eye of perception which was fine since we have two Catalyst users now our very next Tempo got yempei again so that wasn't really good godina had emergency premiums that I could use to pull more so I claimed my mailbox and got around another 20 posts worth of Primo gems little Catalyst okay no if I was on though I'm only getting one force out of each Tempo so not the best polling session by exchanging into 20 Fates in the Stardust shop we were able to scavenge another Tempo which this time will be our 60th poll Liz Paul gave us another yenfey and our very first pharaoh zone so we finally have a full roster of four animal characters now so took us 60 posts before we got faruzan but surprisingly we got a sukos as well this means that we finally have four characters in our Arsenal for future content going forward and we only needed around 20 more posts to get our 5 Star character which hopefully can be wondered on day 28 we also went to complete La Misti dungeon event during this event there were a few dungeons we could enter and luckily we got to use animal trial characters for each of the stages one of the stages had Wonder thousand and say you solo domain was pretty fast and easy there was one that had Gene and kazuha as trial characters and even though it took a while we managed to complete the domain we also got to salvage a decent amount of Primo gyms for a Wonder so it's getting closer and closer until the day we pull come me up to nearly one month of playing on this account we ascended both sucrose and thousand to level 40 and leveled up the width of 250 as well now we can finally tackle our first Ascension domain even though we have a full lineup of animal characters now we still don't have a kill room so we'll have to watch out and not take unnecessary damage oh oh okay I don't have a Heroes I gotta be careful as well I don't want to get killed by Rune guards we easily got due to the last chamber where we had to fight our final battle the purple Q since this was the first Ascension domain we took it out without much trouble and successfully ascended Our World level to three on day 30 I finally decided to start the video in our Conquest we got to the UI Harbor and witnessed wreck slap his doing his best imitation of Xiao by plunge attacking we tried escaping the scene but got discovered by the Miller lifts while running away we got rescued by a child another one of the fatoui harbingers and travel to me some adeptide we met a giant reindeer moose thing and fitted off some Miller lifts that tracked us down next we also encountered Xiao in Wang XU win and defeated a wound Hunter surely afterwards we got an almond Tofu for Xiao and headed to Mount hulao to meet an angry crane rescue someone trapped inside the Amber and I decided to stop the quest here on day 31 I decided to take a short break and pull with the Primo gyms I have by this point we had done around 77 pools already so if I star is imminent and by salvaging all of our Primo gyms that we had we finally got our first five star on this account let's get our chichi yes give me chichi Gene yes so I thought you using some reverse psychology of wanting Chichi I won't lose my 50 50 and 90 Penny but unfortunately that was not the case and we might have to break out the Old Reliable for wonder I also had enough standard Fates for another Temple so maybe we could get a surprise Jean all right not gonna get any five cells here because we know we're gonna lose yep just what we needed as well cool [Music] official okay it's getting through all the random four stars so apparently all these four star characters are attracted to my animal only account well I guess we could get more standard face by leveling up all of our characters after what happened I rage quitted for the rest of the day on the very next day I decided to continue on our Conquest we landed on Mao aokang and offer some food for cloud retainer we were invited inside a domain but little did I know this was another turning point for my animal only series inside the domain I was greeted by listening which if you don't know we need pyro in ruler to light up the monument without a pyro I had to try other options in hopes of completing this domain since this is the Liu archon Quest we'll have to get through this domain no matter what who else will not be able to continue and it will be the end of this account for that burning stink there's no slimes over here so anybody got a pyro element I can borrow there's no way there's an there's definitely other ways you can get up there right let me see if I can actually choose this domain no is it right up on top of a tree and then I can just Glide ruler well won't we wonder be very awesome right now so in order to cheat through this domain I have to climb up this Tree near The Domain and glide all the way to the platforms on our other side of your back well if only we had gotten Wonder this part wouldn't be as hard but on the bright side we could challenge ourselves and become more emo right because like it went through I could just literally float like fly up and then that's it but now I have to like climb the tree like a little peasant I am and then okay sliding down Ambrose donate domain though okay never mind oh sorry climb up to that door [Music] irritating as an Ambrose domain but I was trying to see if we can actually get up there [Music] so first we have to get used to climbing S3 so we'll have to channel our inner kazua to be able to climb only if you got scarra yes it was scared I think we can just solve 90 of our puzzles best Cara though I'm taking that as in yes I'm trying to climb on top of this specific Branch so I can get higher up in order to attempt the Glide but after a few tries I was able to jump up but this happened right after I jumped up I'll just change to walking so I won't slide down I am siding down though budge he basically slipped and I jumped down from the tree it's okay we can try again I'm getting more and more used to it though so as soon as I get up there I'll try gliding now nope I kept on jumping over a tree branch but with perfect space and timing we were able to get on only to trip over myself and fall back down the tree branch for some reason this always happened when I jump up a tree so my traveler will just automatically fall I tried gliding without jumping up on a tree but we came a little bit too short if only I have scar right then I'll be able to clear this easily I tried aiming name with thousands so I wouldn't fall off the tree branch but an even surface caused me to get stuck so I couldn't really move after trying to jump up multiple times and failing I realized I had to take a different approach this is really testing my patience again [Music] worst part is this is mandatory so in order to with the archon quest I need to complete this all right let's see if I'm high enough to get on nope just a bit short so I know now that I definitely need to jump on top of a tree I got a bit more used to jumping on top of a bench but every time I jumped I immediately fall off I actually made a quick jump off the tree branch oh did I make it yes yes [Music] But ultimately I came up short again but we know it's possible and if I actually get a little bit of height I believe then I can make it not like that so after I could jump off the bench consistently I figured out a trick that I wouldn't fall off and it was perfect if I walk up this Branch maybe oh okay I think this is perfect right this is a branch I need to collide from so I'm gonna reach you this time I think boom okay and that's it and we were finally able to meet Cloud retainer I'll be impressed [Music] um sorry I lost my call here for a second anyways after completing a domain we went back to newer Harbor and also finished the First Act of the new archon Quest so for the next two weeks the win Trace event came out as well and of course as a self-proclaimed best Winters player I was busy playing it but I see somebody gliding away double kill double kill what double kill hello what no he's not behind me I think yes oh uh I promise that wasn't me screaming that was just my emo twin anyways moving on to day 48 we had to rush because the Wonders Banner is going to be over soon luckily we were still doing dailies and also collecting a daily welcome Primos as well so we still have a good shot for Wonder we return to new Harbor and medal back with child to continue the our Conquest we were introduced to Zhong Lee and did all sorts of chores for him we also had to return to monster as well and by taking advantage of a cooking pot near us we were able to infuse ourselves with pyro and light up the fire for the giant cooking pot remember back a while ago where we were stuck on this try seal World quest well we couldn't find any cryo enemies near us well for this archon Quest there was a cryo helicho shooter that spawned so we took advantage of it and got to light up a monument but yeah thanks Sony for contributing to my Wonder refunds on day 49 I returned back to Liu and spoke to Madame ping and we got sucked into a teapot inside we quickly defeated a few enemies without much trouble other than Hazel being stuck at 7 HP next we went to the guizon ballista and cleared out a treasure quarters there and after that we went to bubu Pharmacy and met baito in the evening we went to a restaurant and had dinner with Tony and we also met gongnu who told us niguan was waiting for us at the Jay chamber afterwards we completed Act 2 of a video outcome quest with halfway through our series let's go challenge the spiral Abyss early floors to get some Primo gems to pour for Wonder the first floor was pretty easy as our characters were level 40 compared to the enemies being at 25 with our full animal team we basically just spammed our boost and kept the enemies at Bay so we completed each of the first three floors pretty effortlessly we were able to get 900 Primo gems from getting 4 stars which took us to 1 600 Primo gyms to pull for Wanderer okay we'll try let's see see Rainbow of course not maybe some flowers on cons [Music] okay that's good enough got Goro again it could be borrow some but not if I was on it another carry for standard fate I guess that's a very weird tempo on day 51 I went into Co-op and began by fighting an animal Cube for sucrose essential materials I basically got carried through since I was just jumping around with hazel next we went to complete some weekly boundaries as well and they were also pretty easy since my teammates were pretty strong but yeah thanks again to our Co-op teammates we were able to get our dailies and weeklies out of the way so on day 52 I decided to finish up the Final Act of Olivia El Conquest we climb up to mount Tien hung and defeated everyone Hunter to collect a chest I also discovered a Geo Oculus that was unreachable because we were supposed to use a Geo character to activate the monument in order to create platforms to get to that point so we'll have to put this Oculus on hold for now we return to the queen Zone barrester America who told us how to get to the Jay Ching group there we had the child of ninguang who told us to investigate the fatouli we defeated a few of them and met back up with zhongi we returned back to Deer Harbor and made our way to the Golden House there we met a child and had to fight him in order to defend ourselves the first two phases were pretty easy but an adult phase or Hazel died what we were eventually able to defeat out and earn but we are immediately taken on to the Jay chamber for the final fight to defend the green zone ballista with the power of Lara that died we got a few Buffs that made us stronger and we were able to defend Liu and agree on ballester we went back to the Northland Bank only to find out that Tony was a georcon all along and that he made a deal with a familiar face afterwards we finally completed the Lewis or Conquest on day 53 I went to complete the yamfei quest to obtain our very own teapot I built my visual spot with two animal characters next to it and then did another tempo for wonder if they don't get Wander of this pole I'll just go farm and then I'll do more pulls towards the end of my swim as well let's go and hopefully nerdy Petty [Music] this will be good if I have saw you since wonders Banner was almost over and I was like 30 pulls into pity I just decided it was time to swipe before that I invited some people to my teapot to help me with the ritual I used their website to top up so I tried to joke with my twitch chat saying I could make Genesis Christos appear on my account so I'll show you guys a way you guys can make Primo gyms up here definitely not cap make sure to stand yes double jump and then Elemental skill and then you do a burst oh okay definitely worked but yeah jokes aside I got enough holes to reach 70 pennies so hopefully I'll be able to get wander early [Music] see still purple let's get photos on yeah I'm just praying for any pigs I can just save up all the rest of my Genesis Crystal basically basically and then oh God again so that'll be useful definitely oh no 50th pole we got another thousand coins making her C3 the next Temple got a sacrificial fragments yeah this is like why I was you I'm using Jessica so because I'll probably not even get Wonder at all if I just Farm knowing my luck all right this is like the 70th hole or something so what's up pity of course no early to farm supremos I quickly went to start a TCG Quest and completed a tutorial for some Primo gyms and bummed enough to finally reach soft pity I returned back to my teapot to do singles until we finally got Wonder on our 78th pole over the next few days I went to tackle a dragon spine region this region is notorious for its difficulty Spike compared to monster and leeway and with a roster limited to only animal characters let's will pose as our first Big Challenge so my goal was to complete this region solo without any help since it will feel more satisfying so I decided to not do this in Co-op don't do dragon spine alone I'm gonna do dragon smile alone because it'll be more challenging that way if I do it in Co-op and it'll be too easy I just noticed like parts that kind of difficult which I want to challenge myself in and see if I can beat it we first stumbled upon Frosty The cryolour Troll and had a difficult fight with him but we were able to cheese do the fight and Destroy his shield with the help of the Scarlet chords next we unlock the frost bearing tree in a statue of S7 after that we had to thaw out the shards in three specific locations however I realized that we had another problem I think this place has like the cryo that I need to do okay I just remember that let's think I had to drag a slime somewhere how else am I supposed to do this thing so in order to complete this part of the world quest we need to infuse ourselves with cryo and light up the cryo monuments following the exact order of his CV fortunately I figured out that you could just get infused by cryo and quickly teleport back to this Waypoint and use our traveler to light up the monument I repeated this a few times and in the end I used my purse to light up the final Monument to complete this puzzle immediately after that we just defeated the Rune guards and throw out the shards underneath the final Shard was locked behind this time Challenge and surprisingly it wasn't as hard as I thought wait is this even hard we broke the acquire with this major Shields pretty easily with Scarlet quotes and then we were able to style the final shards here we made our way to the summit and had to fight Frosty once again it was a hard fart battle but in the end we were able to defeat him after reaching the top of the Dragon spine we had to thaw out the shards near the sky for US Nails I got a big carried away while doing that and forgot the most important thing wait okay never mind I can't climb back I can't climb up over here because I don't like Pyro [Music] no Michael well I guess this is why you should have healed now I gotta go back up there again at least we got an achievement so that was good anyways we climbed back up to the summit and launched this pillow to space we also unlocked the domain and collected all the chests after that we returned to The Adventurous camp and report it back to Iris to complete the dragon spine World quest with his account being two months old I made my way to qasim and out to sumeru to unlock the statue of the seven there both Wanderer and thousand require materials from sumeru so we'll be Scavenging for them in order to ascend both of them I recruited more people from my Co-op to fight against this giant Dorito boss with us and we defeated it pretty quickly because Wonder's Banner is gone we set our size to our next animal Target which is saiyu so on day 61 I decided to do a few pose to get to my 4 star pity in hopes of getting her I'll do the pulse and if I get a 4 star then I hope I saw you if not then doesn't hurt me I'm hoping I can get four star like at my this is the eight four I believe until Petty four star Petty okay let's do beside you now doesn't hurt me until Ryan comes home okay the reason why I didn't want to risk it that many posts was because Xiao was confirmed to be on the next version which was in 3.4 so I just stopped here temporarily on day 62 I could just do the Ascension domain again and this time it was a bit more difficult since I wonder is still not leveled up yet we were still using the same team we managed to get through the first Corridor without much trouble although a Hazel was sitting at Red HP we made it do the first few Chambers without Hazel still hanging on at 37 HP whoa definitely avoided that because of skills I was expecting my Hazel to survive off of a charge and people in my twitch chat were freaking out and telling me to heal but I answered this you guys don't want me to kill Hazel why he's a big boy he doesn't need any Hills I feel like I should listen to my viewers more because soon after I said those words this happened took a while until it got all right I guess Hazel does need food after all I just see the bubble like coming towards me so that's why I ate my own words so took you guys's advice after that we defeated a purple Baddie and ascended a World level to five the next day I returned to monstat and went to start part one of Dean's left's Quest we made things left in a Tavern and went to introduce ourselves he took us to a few domains and we just defeated all the enemies there we also went to woven Dome and cleaned out a bunch of enemies before we were taken to the storm Terrace Lair we found some clues about our siblings whereabouts and then parted ways with things left shortly afterwards to complete part 1 of his questline on day 64 I just continue on the danger of quest we had to go to Liu and speak to gang Yu who sent us to an abandoned ruins where we found an upside down statue of the seven before we could leave the domain we found it in the best Herald and proceeded to scare him away outside the domain we found things left daydreaming and went to beat up some of the best Majors I also took out my Wonder for the first time and even though he's not quite ready for battle yet he's still defeated a rune guard despite the level differences after that I went to the cathedral and was told to meet Gene outside woven though we also discovered the best Herald in the middle of a woven Dome and helped out a wolves by defeating their best Herald with my backup of things left and together we return back to the mysterious ruins there we reunited with our best Herald and quickly defeated it and as Dane and I were about to capture larabus hero he got rescued by none other than our own siblings we became an emo but on the bright side we're able to complete a quest in the end on the next day I made my way back to the uh Harbor to find ways to get to Inazuma we stumbled upon kazuha and Beto on a ship in order to get a ride to Inazuma we had to enter a tournament where we just beat up people without any Visions we quickly Rose above the rankings and got into the finals only for our opponent to check it out and steal the prize together with kazuha we tracked down a treasure holder and proceeded to unofficially beat him up and win the tournament after that we returned back to the tournament area and completion request on day 66 we went on to Beto's ship and set sail to Inazuma there we met Tomah and announced our first terrible Waypoint we immediately ran into some troubles and decided to follow this substitute not sauce at all well after reaching the food star all he smelled me maybe not oh never mind he still sees me when he started running I started running as well and we found his secret hiding place later on we busted him and Thomas came to the rescue we learned that Tomah was from the yashiro commission along with the kamisato clan and also tried to live in Rito but was stopped because we didn't have a traveling permit we went to the kanjo commission and met with a commissioner and he wanted us to deliver letters later that evening we also met a commissioner starter and she also wanted us to deliver letters in exchange to help us leave Rito so we decided to help her out first we had to escort the transport building and protect them from enemies I don't we succeeded we were able to complete the first part of the Inazuma or Conquest on day 67 I decided to hop into Co-op again and since we just unlocked in Azuma we can start farming for wonders essential materials as well we went through the entirety of narukami Island and defeated all of the kairagi and nobushi enemies while picking up some chests along the way we got a good amount of farming done so once again thanks to all my Co-op teammates so since I pulled the flu last time while trying to get saiyu our next four star will guarantee a character on an event Banner this means that we'll have a pretty good chance of getting inside you so I decided to pull in hopes of getting him I basically got convinced to pull because people really wanted me to get her based on my YouTube comments and also the fact that Xiao needs a lot of healing so I gave them and their singles in hopes of getting my four star early but it was all three stars so I'm not sure but on our last single hole which is our guaranteed 4 star this happened please bisayu will also be Emo oh okay nice so before against his version 2.3 ended I picked up the battle pass for the extra Primo gems and intertwined Fates and also got a death match weapon in preparation for Xiao so fingers crossed I will be able to win our first 50 50 push out over the course of the week I decided to explore the upper casting area to both the market domain and also collect some Primo gyms for Xiao we also needed to get to the underground to another ruined serpent pass in order to ascend Hazel first we met to the show and started the World quest we had to remove each of the barriers by destroying all of the federal Keys before we could complete the quest little while pretty soon forward and didn't require any big brain things like what we did in Dragon spine so we found all of the Bedrock keys and destroyed each of them I tried to unlock an artifact domain in Chasm but even though I had the plan this happened I mean for this thing I think you need a joke construct but luckily we have this dude over here Geo samacharo whatever you call him these guys will summoned a Geo construct and I'm gonna beat them to summon it I won't kill him I'm gonna beat them like this guy was summoned right and then I'm Gonna Leave and then hopefully I won't be able to use Geo and I can solve this puzzle so let me just go back here and do a punch attack which is I believe how you trigger the earthquake and then let's see what oh yeah the Dual constructs disappeared because we went too far away so we have to come back to this later on day 78 I returned to monster to start a police story Quest we had to go talk to a few people in the tavern before meeting up with Genie In the favonia's Night headquarters we ran into clean moments after and went to find treasures with her before we got there and the best mage already stole a treasure so in order to get it back we chase the best mage into a domain where we were locked out at entrance to get in we had to infuse ourselves with pyro to light up the Torches inside the domain we beat up some enemies and found our best mage at the end who decided to blow itself up not knowing at least treasure was a bomb back in the following his Knight headquarters Creek got grounded and got put into solitary confinement but on a bright side we also see Primo gems for completing her story Quest on day 79 I went to complete Sanders interview quest to rebuild the Jade shampoo we found a domain and decided to hop inside even though suno joined as a travel character she'll be busy warming up a bench since she's a cryo character this domain was actually quite difficult with big scary Elite monsters like Rocky the jio Lauer show I'm actually kind of scared because I'm pretty sure I'll get one shot by them so I gotta play more carefully now it's actually actually here I'm scared please don't how long is this domain still stop doing slimes at me ow stop I'm so terrified like both of my sucrose and Frozen on on like on life support so all right traveler has the most HP so I guess he can tank a little bit let me just destroy the shield and then hopefully I can start staggering him oh my story we were able to deal some good damage but not after this happened no how are you generating yourself faster than Zone Lee okay I knew that what happened and in July which was actually the most scariest one because like I can't swirl the elements at all so I'm basically a Sitting Duck yup I'm hoping that this is the last enemy that I need to fight although we were able to defeat it in their end I started to have another concern okay peace this rungar is looking extra scary right now because it might just respawn luckily we didn't have to fight the ruin guard and instead it just fell into the water we got to a maze and healed up our team after that we encountered some enemies we had to fight and dealt with some damage to the core soon after another Dean spawned oh no this Dingus here as well okay like stagger them it's getting pushed to the water so we're able to like swirl ow we're able to swallow like Hydro on it so that's good it was easier than rocky so we killed the Joe Bishop without any casualties the next Challenger was the Rune guard Rune guard is here there's two of them with a hydro infusion we were able to do some pretty nice damage but let's eventually changed I'm so scared of the missile attacks oh this wasn't cute but I didn't register alfaruzan also got Beyblade no okay the lingering attacks basically killed me one died that's good this one's almost there so we're good so after completing a domain we collected what we needed and went out to find another material now we actually mashed out as well imagine if you pull over here oh he's looking at me proof you called boring I'll be here [Music] disappear oh we're winning not 50 50 now worthless so we use Wanderer will lose our 50 50. sucrose will win a 50 50. Frozen okay we'll win 50 50 but if we use Wonder we'll lose our 50 50. okay lunch well it seemed like we figured out a secret strategy to win our 50 50. eventually we were able to rebuild a jinching boom but we got attacked by another sea monster the boss fight was actually pretty tricky since there were multiple heads we had to fight at the same time after some struggles we were able to defeat a boss and save the UFM yet another disaster from striking I spent a majority of a week from day 80 to 86 in Co-op having people help me with my weekly passes and also dailies we also found for some artifacts as well together now that we are ar-45 so it was a pretty productive day for us so on day 87 it's finally the day we've all been waiting for I finally stocked up enough Primo gym support for Xiao and with our secret shell ritual there's just no way we'll lose a 50 50. so I'm actually very confident this time on our first Tempo we got a fervonious lands second temple we got yunji and on our third Temple we got yo-yo with our next two tempos getting Yayo as well our 60th Temple was actually very close to South Petty but unfortunately me we didn't get any five stars I took out some intertwined Fates for my login event and proceeded to do singles which all needed me 3 stars 77 wait huh [Music] tension this should have the five star right if not then I swear what huh so now I'm getting worried with around 78 poles in I still haven't gotten the five star yet that's full okay I feel like I miscounted unless I'm just seriously gonna go to 90. so with us not getting Xiao 81 pulls into pity I just decided to do this all right I'll just do a temple this won't guarantee me the five star pretty sure it gives a much more suspense even if I win the 50 50 then that's fine since it's worth it [Music] I'm cozy my eyes okay oh I don't even need to close my eyes Okay well to my surprise I finally got Xiao and also won my first 50 50 on this account since I'm feeling lucky I also did a few posts on a standard band and on my 75th pole I got this all right if I saw oh okay is it actually give me advice on 75 now so uh uh I guess my traveler has a new weapon now with us getting shout and Aquila favonia sword I started a lantern ride event on day 88. for those of you that did this quest in version 2.4 you guys know that I'm going to be forced to use yalan only at some point during this Quest and since she is not an animal character I started thinking of ways I could pass that part without attacking That Swing eventually I found a helicho so I figured out I could just Veer the helicho to the grass next to the Sergio water and basically Force the treasure holder to touch the burning grass this actually took me a solid 30 minutes to complete and that was on a verge of becoming an emo but we were able to avoid using yalan to complete this part of a quest so fingers crossed we won't run into another Force trial character in the future anyways after traumatizing a treasure order we returned back to real Harbor and completed the quest on day 89 we basically just finished up the lantern event we went into co-op mode and played The Wave Rider Mini where whoever collects the most coins after the timer runs out wins we also went to the other combat game modes as well and got carried during core the radiant Sparks event was actually pretty fun as well we just collected the coins and reached a destination before the time ran out last but not least this paper theater was a bit hard but we still can't do them and correctly all the Primo gyms in the end we got to pick a free 4 star leeway character and I chose shincho since I didn't have him and his crafting passive will come in handy in the future on day 90 I went to co-op again and tried to unlock a qasim domain again since we had someone keeping a Geo summer true busy once we activated the Geo earthquake we were able to unlock their domain without using any Geo characters ourselves we found the domain together and I got this cursed artifact [Music] why well yeah thanks to everyone I joined my Co-op world and if you ever want to also help me with your animal characters make sure to follow my twitch Channel and join me live as I stream this every week anyways by day 91 Audi became one with a win I learned to become an emo orcon so I did this camera glitch and I basically just walked in the air and collected some of a Geo Oculus that I missed in the past so it was very handy to get to places I couldn't normally reach so the next few days I focused on maxing my New Year's statue of the seven before that we leveled up our weapon and artifacts for our characters to prepare for a cheat of dual questline when to investigate the ruins and found their chest next we went to kinta Village to solve some puzzles when the puzzles were located on top of the mountains so once again we turned into animal archon in order to reach a summit after solving the puzzles we enter the Vault that contained some Rune guard enemies the Rune guards weren't as hard as I thought but the boss I struggled with the most was a ruin Hunter by itself the Rune Hunter wasn't much of a threat but ladina got me was a Falling Rocks not one shot in my followers on I didn't bring the Healer because I thought my farrozon could just shoot down a ruin Hunter while falling the booty caught me off guard luckily we were able to defeat our enemies here on day 96 I went to complete the Lisa domain I put on hold earlier this time we had a Wonder with us so we could just fly around until this happened this place is so glitchy like [Music] no what oh wait did I get in inside we defeated all of our enemies and beat up the square the best major at the end on day 97 I went into Co-op and completed the nameless Island World quest with metal arch nemesis the giant animal ball again but as time we got back up we kept on hitting it until it ran away and then we chased after it only for the ball to be defeated once and for all by the power of our animal team on day 98 I went to do yet another Ascension domain this is the second to last one but it wasn't that hard now that we got our weapons and artifacts leveled up we sped through the first few Chambers rather quickly and ran into the purple Baddie I learned the fight was as easy as always so I let my guard down when this happened Charlie wonder I mean why did he almost beat the boss so I don't think we need any healing maybe I could just do that what no oh Wonder approach huh no no no I got a little bit cocky there I was gonna like I thought wonders float will last longer well even after my Wanderer died we still completed a domain and raised our AR to 47 and I wore level to 6. on day 99 I used everything I learned since starting my animal only account to fight at the following weekly boss foreign [Music] with 100 days on his animal only account I learned more patience tasted Agony and used my brain engaging impact don't worry this isn't the end of our animal only series because this series just began I have yet to completely in a Zuma or Conquest so there are still a lot of things I have to do and more characters I have yet to collect I just want to take a moment to thank all the people that commented the tips I've used throughout this series because it really helped me out a lot and I'm sure you guys know more about Kenshin than I do so feel free to comment more tips and I'll also showcase your comments in the next videos once again I want to thank everyone for my twitch streams for helping me out in Co-op and you for making it to the end of this video also special shout outs to all my YouTube members as well for devoting yourselves to the devotees and if you enjoyed this video make sure you like the video and if you haven't already consider subscribing to the channel for more kitchen content like these with over 10 episodes now in this series if you guys want to watch more make sure to click on this playlist here to watch more and I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Voltyea
Views: 935,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, voltyea genshin impact, genshin impact 100 days, anemo only, genshin anemo only
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 49sec (3709 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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