The Purr-fect Teammate for Nilou? [Genshin Impact Swords Only]

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well well well it looks like I was right I mean I was kind of just guessing and it was between two options but the new character new four star Kirara is indeed a sword user that is the good news the not so good news is that we have to try and get her of course in our last video on the account we did get a nilu constellation and two Doris so we have no pity for a four star hey so a future Java here for a quick little Interruption you see the wonderful little software known as OBS AKA my recording software I I guess they decided that they didn't like my settings anymore because they completely wiped half of them so what does that mean for the video you ask well it changed my bitrate down to about two or three thousand or something like that for those of you who don't understand what that means the easiest way to put it is that the higher the bitrate the better the video quality so as you can see here if we do this like there's a lot of different colors on screen there's a lot of motion and it's it's nice and crisp this seam cannot be said about the rest of this video if we hadn't done some polling in this video I honestly debated just scrapping it entirely but then I know people would want to see me pulling for the new four-star character so I'm just gonna do my best with what we have so I apologize for just how terrible this video looks especially when we decide to delve into the spiral Abyss now getting key Rover is very important for this account right now since we are trying to build a nilu team nilu means lots of blooms which means lots of damage to our own characters so having a sword character that is either dendro or hydro and provide sustain would be very good for us I would like to go to the Cat Island over in Inazuma I feel it's a very fitting place to go to but I don't actually have it unlocked I know there's a dog in the city somewhere but is there a cat just wandering the streets we must find ourselves a cat and then oh that's a dog once we find a cat we can do our like 12 pulls if we're lucky oh oh Cat found one hello little guy now listen apoyo verse do not give me a five star if I see gold I'm just all f4ing out of the game I don't actually know what happens if you do that but I'll do it okay good now show me cat I'm standing next to the cat so it's only fitting that we get cat right and we get girara oh we actually did oh well that makes my life easier it's so nice when you actually get what you're hoping for now what are your constellations looking like maybe a misunderstanding but is her C2 just a co-op constellation it says you need to crash into other party members and you can only do that in Co-op all right I would say the two that I would be most interested in are C1 and C4 but I don't expect us to get there so maybe I'll just keep throwing some wishes onto the banner and hope that I can get a C1 I don't want to go too deep here because key river is the only character that we want on this oh oh an early purple right here C1 oh yeah I do actually have five acquaint Fates I don't know is key River already on the standard Banner or is that only after she's done here oh our last polls on here were her four star as well so I'm actually expecting nothing but if we could see a Kiara of the need of that'd be pretty nice all right last one can we see purple nope all right well once we get four more wishes on that Banner from whatever means then we'll get a purple now something I am worried about is what it's going to take to level up her talents later on although I guess the good thing is this is the account that we are farthest on in terms of story progression so if she uses scaramouche's drops then we could farm for them wow for some reason I forgot how low stats are at level one like 42 46. those are pretty good numbers now the real question is how long does this last because getting around faster is always very nice okay you know that not that bad it lasts for a decent while okay I don't mind while the cat just feeds the dog really quick oh wait let me uh yep there we go very nice let's let's do it again cool now as a support shielder character it makes sense that a lot of her scales with HP but that's kind of unfortunate because we don't have the five-star HP sword I'm kind of hoping that since they're creating more characters that Scale based off HP and our sword users then maybe we can get a free four-star sword that scales with HP percent oh oh she uses Specter drops oh we're back to that huh I would have been a happy man if we never had to farm those again oh wait what the heck is this where do you spawn the uh well huh I've got to be honest I have not watched any of the gentian upcoming stream stuff in a long time so I genuinely have no idea what this boss is I just looked up where it is but I still haven't actually seen what it looks like watch me get over to this boss and then it's completely immune to dendro for some reason I mean to be fair against a boss that I have never even heard of before I don't know if it's the best place to test out a new character but with that being said that's exactly where I'm gonna be testing out a new character do I even wanna know what that thing is and what's in this domain uh oh new artifacts H oh that's right there is a new HP person I didn't know about that but I guess I never went to that domain on any account unless this area just released in which case I have a good reason for not coming here I don't actually know when this section was added I just had to run up some cliffs in the cat box form made it pretty what what is that excuse me are you like the Sealy of this region Ray Chris no you're not a crystal what are you no wait are you this silly you're very slow silly if you are one okay here oh there's a second one well I don't need that I just need that we still got a ways to go before we're at the bus though so I guess I'm just gonna hit what what is this thing is this Chasm 2.0 it is the chasm 2.0 they even have the bells the Taco Bells Are Back Bring It Go activate it oh trial run I know I was away for a week but how was there so much stuff in this game that I've just never seen although I guess star rail did come out so I was playing that for a while I mean I'm still playing it too but I kind of took a little break from genshin when it first came out time to put the cat box to the test oh well uh-huh okay this is not going so well and test is really not going well it is time for you to make up for what just happened all right never mind I take it back somewhere around here there should be a baptism going on we should just find a dude with a bunch of babies in a dunk tank and it looks like it is right below me I that maybe this way how does one get there wow you guys annoyed yet what is going on over here excuse me I'm here for the baptism I would uh ah oh it's like a it's like a Herald okay um nice I kind of forget how to play the game I'm not gonna lie but what wait what am I supposed to do this my do I I break these I oh my gosh they break me and I kind of don't have a Healer so this is a it's going well I mean I'm doing literally no damage and I'm I'm dying what am I missing because obviously attacking him is not what you're supposed to do wait wait I'm doing some damage now okay oh wait he's got oh uh you're dead that's right okay he do be having a shield up um that looks dangerous so I'm just gonna burst so I don't have to do anything about it and then we go back into cat box we knock down your Shield we do some of this and oh he's just infinite Shields what the heck I wanted to use my new shields I don't care about your Shields it's looking like this is another one of the fights where you're forced to bring three different elements kinda like the dendro hypostasis would have been good to know that beforehand destroy all of the elemental rings but I kinda I kind of can't I don't have pyro at my disposal I do like the animations though can you stop putting up the cryo one that is the one element I can do nothing against something tells me that until oh never mind wait it might be okay oh what happened to my shield oh I am not looking forward to when this guy makes it into the spiral Abyss he gives you like two seconds to hit him in between all the shields okay all right let's go regroup unfortunately it seems like we need to build a team specifically for this boss and also there is gotta be a faster way to get to this boss that I am just not seeing yet alright so put up your [ __ ] out do you scary uh can I just let's just break these let's um let's not nope that's not what I wanted just get rid of all of those very nice luckily the shields aren't that strong I would say this is going you know just slightly better than last time it's pretty comparable but you know just you know a little just a little better okay you know what I uh now that I have the right team for this fight it's actually kind of fun just shredding through all of the shields I don't mind that fight I think the part that I don't like most is just getting to the fight but the boss fight itself is not bad no no no let me through please no let me through there's a waypoint down here that I think would be a little faster for getting to the boss but we we can't we can't get to it I'm assuming it's locked behind story stuff maybe maybe not now unfortunately we are going to be needing more of the dendro fragments and gemstones and all that stuff and we're already almost at none because of Al hate them now does our Al Haytham need any more boss drops yes and he doesn't drop the dendro either so I'm gonna have to farm a different boss just for those unless I just want to spend tons upon tons of the Dust oh oh I have like no Specter drops on this account I kind of clicked on it expecting to be able to craft out of like a hundred or something like like these aha I I see these are indeed very sad times now one thing I am curious about and I kind of don't expect this to work but I'm really hoping it does if we use shincho's burst and then her Elemental skill I can't see what's happening does it proc the swords no it does not I was really hoping it would and we are back at this fight already this is such a weird team but if it works then it works now I'm just curious if we couldn't get a little lucky with some artifact drops I am farming for deep wood which we did get two of because even though stuff like the HP sets might be okay for Kirara I feel like the deepwood memories I don't have anyone with a 4p set so that's probably the better option and because I have the Stellar reunion bonus going on right now I don't have to use condensed in here and I can still get double drops so for both of those reasons I think it's just a good idea to farm in here at least we are getting the set that we want and HP okay we could probably use that I mean this one has HP percent too so we're probably gonna have to slap that on her when I was going to put artifacts on hero I realized or I guess remembered just how bad of a state this account is in terms of artifacts and you would think after all of this time I would have some good sets built up I mean I guess kaching does but with exception of kaching everyone else has uh you know not not the best I mean we still don't even have a blizzard trigger set for ayaka show me HP yeah it really likes the attack percent today okay it is now the next day I did some Specter farming and the the little the fruit things that Ryan uses I don't actually know why I just came back into the crafting table but yeah uh these little guys I think that kirriver is the second character to ever need these after Ryden and that's fine with me because they are easy enough to collect now what we need to do is go back and fight the boss again which for you guys we probably just fought this boss but for me it has been quite a while and I know now not to spam all of my bursts the second the fight starts because it's a waste the dude is kind of immune to damage at the beginning it's so satisfying to just break the shield over and over and we did get lucky with three drops very nice we do need three more but then we can Ascend her again so what I probably should do is go farm some Ley lines because I'm about to be completely out of the level of material I would much prefer to spend my resin on things like artifact domains because that's more exciting but I think that this is the better option I also forgot to swap my team because I love having kazua for these kinds of situations and by these kinds of situations I basically mean if you're playing gensian impact it's good to have a kazua and now we're already fight this dude again thank goodness I did get three drops again because that's exactly what we needed here goes another Ascension now we definitely won't be able to send her up again today I mean if I wanted to waste a ton of fragile resin I could but I don't think that's the best use for it and for the time being I'm just going to full oh well I guess I'm ready out of those as I was saying for the time being we are only going to focus on her skill because the shield is what I find most valuable for how I'm going to be using her so the thicker her Shield is the better now I'm sure there's some of you guys know better than I do so just in terms of you know a good team to run on one half of the Spiral Abyss do you think it's better for us to focus on this team with nilu or this team with hyperbloom and if we ran this team we could swap traveler out for Kirara now but obviously we can't run cookie on neelu's team because you need just dendro and hydro not that I want to suffer right now but I'm just a little slightly curious how far we could get in the abyss I'm not gonna go super try hard but I just want to give it a little test run also maybe it's just me but using Al Haytham and kaching kind of at the same time like not the same team but I'll hit thems on the other team it gets a little confusing to play the two because I'm always pressing e too many times for I'll hate them or not enough for kaching oh there's some big blooms going on right now and they're not even hyper I saw a 20K pop up on the screen we gotta make sure that our skill is up with her as much as possible so that we're not taking tons of damage because now I don't only have to worry about the enemy damaging me but also myself now obviously I'm trying to not show too much of this because it is just floor 9 and that's not too exciting oh but this this is oh look at that it's so nice goodbye Shields we are now moving on to floor number 10 and I know this first seems a little wacky there's just a lot of different elements we have to fight so I didn't want to bring only one DPS because both Kuching and ayaka Infuse their normal attacks with their respective elements and that would be kind of annoying plus again it is only floor 10 so it's not that big of a deal to run weird teams it's floors 11 and 12 that are kind of the issue this going pretty well though my shield goes away very quickly it seems wait how am I healing I didn't think I had anyone that could Heal Me does key Rover somehow let you heal I'm gonna feel really stupid if she does but I swore she didn't I mean I guess it could have been Shing Cho's swords that is a possibility oh my gosh we just shredded those two well floor 10 was pretty easy I think it is safe to say after rereading every skill here that she is not the one healing and I think it was just the swords it is time for one of the dreaded floors of this parabus floor eleven I cannot see what is happening I am pinned in the corner am I winning am I doing it right I think I'm winning oh I hate these things I hate these things so much nice thing is we don't really have to worry about Hydro application here oh perfectly timed burst can you um kindly get out of the sky this is actually really annoying with only swords because I have a hard time hitting the birds oh no no no no no no no no no no use this only used it to dodge uh yeah there's there's really not much I could do here this is getting kinda dangerous for that one I feel hyperbloom would have been better because then we wouldn't have had an issue of hitting the birds this is interesting it's basically just a game of keep spamming every skill and burst that comes up although that is kind of the Spiral Ibis in general it's just that I took the energy recharge card so I can spam them even faster first side is performing very nicely second side I fear for my life and uh yeah but that's that's exactly why I feared for my life these guys are so tanky they don't Clump together and they uh they kind of do a lot of damage I think we need to leave now we're back in the second side is running a hyperbloom it's time to once again just get pinned in the corner and not be able to see what I'm doing I gotta admit it's not going quite as smoothly as I would like but it is still going so I guess that's good now we are back to where we died last time I don't know if there's a way to group these guys up better or really at all but if there is I would love to know it I feel like this is definitely doing better damage and it doesn't do as much damage to my own team oh gosh they do so much damage and I have two sustained characters I guess I do a lot of damage as well so it's more of a matter of who can kill the other one faster and every time I swap the cookie there's a good chance she's gonna die that's the one thing that I don't like about it oh oh that wasn't even all I thought that that was it no oh don't kill her please no honestly I'm using Kirara just as a way to get cookie in safely oh there we go I didn't have any time to actually look at their health bars I was just too busy spamming buttons trying not to die oh oh oh tank man's here I forgot he existed although I have to be honest I kind of like fighting tank man because he is okay can you stop that I thought I liked fighting him maybe I don't like fighting him as much but they're just like giant sponges that absorb all your damage so you kind of throw down bursts like especially ayakas and they die it's kind of funny how I'm explaining all this as if you guys have never done spiral Abyss when I'm the one who usually doesn't do it like in case you guys didn't know these enemies are actually in the abyss and this is the best way to defeat them according to me because I'm sure you all need me to tell you how to play the game oh that's right hyperbloom does not get rid of Electro Shields I forgot about that we are not going to be beating this with three stars I could tell you that much it's actually going to be really close even for two stars that's kind of disappointing I guess we'll still try out floor 12 though my expectations are very low now uh once again I have never seen these enemies before in my life I have no idea what I'm doing so I guess it's just a normal day in the engine you know I was about to say my time is you know it's ticking down but it's not that bad and then I remembered that this is only the first half so we were able to beat it and we're already down to two stars fantastic start I genuinely don't know if we're ever going to 36 star the abyss on this account I feel like we have the characters for it definitely but because I'm very slow to progress on any of my accounts since I have too many of them and the abyss slowly keeps getting harder it's not looking so good uh there's even more animals from the zoo on this side I don't like that even with a Healer and a shielder I can't stay alive I'm getting constantly just stun locked by these two all right well it would seem that we still cannot beat for beat floor 12 even with one star so since the last time we took on the abyss probably months ago we have made basically no progress that's always nice to see you know what else is nice to see akirara C1 constellation well it was worth a shot I am happy that we were able to get a copy of Kiara because there was no guarantee of that and if we didn't get her on those first few pulls or any of the polls today that would have been a cat astrophy you get it because the all right never mind again I apologize for just how terrible this video looked as you can see now it's nice and fixed at least until OBS decides to undo that again I hope you were still able to enjoy at least some part of this video and with that being said I will see all of you guys next time [Music]
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 283,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin impact, genshin, genshin gameplay, genshin impact swords only, genshin swords only, swords only genshin, genshin sumeru, swords only genshin impact, genshin pulls, genshin impact ayato, genshin wishing, genshin ayato gameplay, genshin sword, genshin game, wishing genshin, genshin archery challenge, genshin challenge, genshin 3.7, genshin nilou, genshin nilou pulls, genshin impact nilou pulls, genshin nilou wishing, genshin impact kirara, genshin impact nilou, kirara
Id: CYaitvND68w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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