Why EVERYONE Plays: Hu Tao | Genshin Impact

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This is blasphemy! He forgot about Flat is Justice, Best Girl, and Thicc Thighs save lives.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Memo-Explanation 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2023 🗫︎ replies
even though genshin is one of the rare few gotchas that doesn't fall victim to power creep to the same extent as others inside its fair share of units who were once good but have lost representation due to more convenient or efficient options being made available some of the game's earlier meta units like d Luke monashal and even benyu have seen better days not to say they were nerfed or are no longer good at what they do rather there are just so many options to choose from as opposed to before where their only real competition was each other and that's sort of what's been going on in gangshin for the better part of version 3. there are so many viable strategies that discourse revolves around two of those things ever so slightly better than the other even though in practice it doesn't really make that much of a difference futon on the other hand despite being part of the OG 5 Stars if we want to call it that has been one of the longest surviving characters even to this day what makes this all the more impressive is that all circumstances expected a different outcome for a unit like her she consistently boasts very high usage from Overworld exploration to spiral Abyss for casual and hardcore players and whatnot so for today's episode of why everyone plays I wanted to analyze how she managed to withstand rest of time when so many of her peers couldn't I'd argue a big part of that being experiential not just statistical if you've been keeping up with my recent 901 Place videos you've likely noticed a recurring theme among many of them that is times have changed what they're good at isn't as much of a priority anymore in this day and age by no means does it negate their usability but like I said earlier with so many options now players have become more picky about who they want to use even though realistically what worked before still works today who tells them during history could also be attributed to circumstance only unlike the white known Place characters her kid and play style were adaptable enough to at the very least not be negatively affected by the gradual shift in player expectation she was the first non-niche DPS character widely accessible to players and that carries a lot of equity in terms of player loyalty of the initial 5 studs in version 1 the title of big dumb damage would have gone to either D Luke or kutsing most likely the former every gotcha has a handful of units that are your all-purpose damage dealers The Benchmark if you will thing is it wasn't easy to get your hands on D Luke outside of being lucky with them on this Banner as the continued the earlier version 1 the 5 Stars he received were venti Klee child jongli Albedo benue Xiao and then hunto venti and Clay were both spectacular damage dealers but their ranged weapon types are more of an acquired taste and now widely appreciated by all players not to mention venti's almost exclusive multi-target usage and increased uncomfortable attack animations child was a bow user but had the option to switch to melee although given that he could only access this for a period of time that got in the way of him seeing widespread use neither to only nor alvedo could be used as main damage dealers and though ganyu was a very popular addition to the game she was once again a bow user and some people couldn't get used to her AimShot play style only using her out of necessity Saul would be the first melee-centric main damage dealer but even he would be in acquired taste as his gimmick was based on punching attacks another somewhat unexplored awkward playstyle that was in everyone's cup of tea then we arrived at Hutto another polar fighter and the first character since D Luke 2B acknowledged as a big dumb damage unit only she was far superior than her fellow fire unit when comparing numbers to numbers more over she was the first universally acquirable big dung damage it didn't take a very long time for people to notice that polands were one of if not the best weapon type in the game by nature of having the same attack speed as swords with a bit more rage great swords have far better area coverage but at the cost of too much speed while both had long delays in between attacks if you're using aim shots and could only hit a single Target if using normals catalysts were by far the worst weapon type for many reasons who tells the attack style was easy for players to get around and though she had fluctuating power spikes not unlike child the downtime in between was short enough to not result in a clunky character with the trade-off and power being more than worth it coinciding with the early dominance of pyro huta became the Statesman of the once best element setting the gold standard for 5 Star on-field damage for the remainder of version 1 and well into version 2. she would maintain that position uncontested until the start of version 2 where the long-awaited ayaka was finally released the next big gun damage character the two five stars would have an equal share of the market going forward with version 2 being the turning point of the game's meta as we know it more extremely powerful 5 stars came out but view if any were non-situational yoinia strong but blow user not a popular weapon type Shogun incredible but more of a team player instead of big thumb damage kokomi support Ito the dumbest of big damage but requires a very specific team composition to be used shinho support Niko team player damage ayato would be the final main DPS of version 2 before version 3 rolled around here's the catch every big dumb damage unit that succeeded Hutto gradually veered away from personal damage and more towards reaction pressure technically speaking ayaka Shogun ayato I'll hate them and so on and so forth were considered on-fields attackers but you'd be hard-pressed to say they have the same exact purpose as who taught bringing me to the first and in my opinion most influential reason why everyone still plays her Pluto was the first and only globally available big done damage character to be released in genshin every other DPS unit that came after her had something in their moveset or a playstyle that either wasn't exclusively power oriented or made in non-player agnostic in other words much of uta's lasting representation is because the meta-ship it away from her and thus every new 5 star that came out after went in that direction inadvertently making her stand out I think I speak for many of us when I say hutal is a very comfy character no strings No Frills just plain old damage and very big damage at that in an age where every top meta team requires proper understanding of reaction chaining swapping crowd control ability timings Etc putau is a very relaxing pick when you want to turn your brain off and just attack anything that moves all you had to do was buffer up a singtel and you were basically good to go I wouldn't say she's the easiest character to play though what with the animation canceling for Max DPS and all but she was the definition of Unga Bunga big attack stat that tears through everything a lot of New York 5 Stars steal ridiculous amounts of damage but under very restrictive conditions one of the most apt examples of this the nude her Bountiful Bloom teams like top three best constantons of sheer power but there are a lot of prerequisites you have to meet before you can tap into that and for every box you don't check off it reduces the consistency of that team comp planning an execution mattered a ton it may not be the flashiest or most efficient form of damage but her main draw is that she has the most inoffensive play style that everyone can wrap their head around and more importantly a playstyle that works for every situation whether you're fighting one enemy or several big or small I mentioned that ayaka was the next big dumb damage unit after hotel but even for her freeze doesn't work against bosses there's nothing that can lower huttal sufficiency any conditions that can affect their damage are very easy to meet the only meaningful one is that you want to keep your health below 50 you can easily do that via her skills Health cost and keep her safe using Shields that's really the only thing you have to worry about I know everyone's going to go off in the comments about how she's mechanically difficult due to animation cancels but personally I don't find it all that hard then again I have constellation 1 so maybe I don't have the right to remark on that anyways I don't think there's anyone more straightforward in this game than hotels since every 5 star from version 2 onwards has ability descriptions longer than College dissertations she's very intuitive with very fluid animations and game Flow being the only choice of that kind of playstyle lens a ton of credence to a unit's popularity since they effectively have no competition therefore you have to use them if if you want that kind of gameplay fortunately though you're not compromising much to have that gameplay when Hotel first came out she was broken like absurdly broken she had version 2 levels of power in version 1 when it came to scaling and base numbers with sufficient Max Health casting guide to Afterlife with skyrocketer attack step from one thousand to three thousand instantly putting her in a weight class above every other unit at the time with the only exception being Noel but unlike Noel putau could boost their power even further with reactions and she had the perfect Elemental burst to do just that sparesuder was the second front loaded screen no burst preceded by Childs everyone else with a damage dealing ultimate had his spread out through multiple hits could sing D Luke ventik on you Etc or were Buffs or supports only Albedo Mona Clee but as we've established already child was in everyone's cup of tea while eula's life was sword though it has a higher ceiling is backloaded not fun loaded moreover being a pyro character who tells could vaporize with Spirit suited to have of its damage to extreme Heights her skill and burst gave her equal parts consistent DPS and heavy one shot damage everything you would want in a big dumb damage character I understand why they made us so overtuned though we already had D Luke Clee Bennett and Chang Lee with pyro being as power Centric as it is the only thing you could realistically do on Hutto is racer numbers attributing to her very simple design the Pyro element as a whole has been losing market share in favor of reaction teams but thanks to her absurdly High bass numbers on top of a very fluid and non-complicated playstyle she practically stayed relevant through brute force that end external circumstances helped you out a lot too Pluto managed to survive most of early version 2 but Midway through he was getting increasingly more difficult for her to compete with the not prevalent meta teams like ayaka freeze taser Roger National ayato carry and even manojio to a lesser extent if things continued as they did she would have fallen off at that point thankfully jelan came on giving rise to double hydro which is basically an extension of hudpala and xinjov at that point you can debate whether it really is sutal or just until carrying her but that's the thing hutal is the best candidate for double Hydro because she has such a simple game plan pop both of their Elemental bursts and then just go to town on everyone that's one one other thing I'd like to go over as we know sub DPS AKA off-field units are in many ways better than main TPS AKA on fielders by virtue of needing far less real time to do their job but seeing as how you need one person on field anyway might as well choose someone with a very high on-field damage and hutau is perfect for that guide to afterlife's buff has a 9 second variation and 16 second cooldown 9 seconds is a healthy amount of time for damage and during the 7 second off time that's when you can swap to other characters to refresh Buffs other odd filters either take too much fill time or are active for too little that's another reason why Hutto is the best for a double Hydro the other installed cooldown is 18 seconds shingles is 21 hers is 16. so everyone's Buffs come back up around the same time preventing you from mistiming anything that leaves you with an open fourth slot which you can Flex anything into if you want more damage you can go kasuha or sucrose for nuclear explosions if you want to grab pyro resonance you can go shangling or you can do what everyone does and put into only who can shred enemy pyro and hydro resistance while allowing hotel to stay at the 50 threshold without concern for her safety final gameplay aspect element mention is that she is a fantastic constellation one that in my opinion is what constellations should be quality of life enhancements I'm sure everyone knows what C1 is but for the two of you out there who don't it negates the stamina cost over charge attacks during Gita afterlife letting you spammer and power charge attack like this no tomorrow there are so many characters who should have this as their C1 technically it's a DPS enhancer but the real purpose of C1 is quality of life constellation 1 lets you circumvent a ton of mechanical execution on her normally to conserve stamina without C1 you have to jump after her charge attack to cancel the animation since if you dash to cancel it you train your stamina even more see one let's use charge attacks even at zero stamina meaning all your stamina can be used for dash canceling which is much easier to pull off positionally this in turn increases her damage but it makes the character more accessible which is what I believe constellations should do make the character more accessible you can still function at full power without it but it's a nice convenience to have I suppose for lack of a better analogy hutal is like the Charizard of genshin impact are there stronger Pokemon like Solomon's Metagross and Tyranitar for sure but they're a pain in the ass to level up Charizard is popular because he's reliable relatively easy to get going great stat line and type coverage just about everything you can expect from a DPS oriented Pokemon as time passes and more and more Pokemon come out the game May slowly get more and more sophisticated and saturated but when in doubt you can always rely on Charizard that's how I and I assume many of you see who tough she's someone you can count on this may be an unpopular opinion but I actually find myself using her more often nowadays than back then I enjoy using other teams especially ones with nahida but there are days where I don't feel like having to construct a new team for spiral Abyss or something and just want to speed run it through with Hotel double Hydra she does a crap ton of damage in a very one-dimensional way and that can be pretty refreshing especially in light of how crazy every new unit's descriptions are these days sometimes if a character becomes too complex it actually hurts their play rate even if they can achieve better results since as you know gamers are lazy we want the best outcome for the lowest effort or investment required putting it together everyone plays to talk because she's different from conventional wisdom in a good way gameplay wise she's a solitary type as opposed to everyone being team player's thumb she likes reactions but doesn't base her entire gameplay around them while still outputting comparable damage to reaction teams story wise though I think what made people click so well with her was that she was the most animated and trophyll character back in version 1. child is a love and more hate him character D Luke cuttings only Albedo ganyu shal Rosaria YULA and kasoha were all the serious brooding stressed outer edgy type and in comes a Whimsical warm friendly somewhat creepy character whose demeanor belies a very competent strong intelligent and surprisingly thoughtful and considerate personality she stands out a lot for in genshin's already colorful cast it's kind of a Trope in anime games where people in positions of authority are always a silent brooding or overly serious types compared to ninguang it's only koching di Luke Jin YULA Etc hotel is an absolute dork but just like her character description says her Antics and eccentricity belies a role as the 77th director of the Wang Shang Funeral Parlor who treats the parlor's operation patients with utmost importance and holds funeral ceremonies with the highest dignity and solemnity she's a derp but not for the sake of comic relief and knows when she has to be serious tldr yapmoi everyone loves Gap Moi all of us went crazy for coaching for being a sundret only Sim sending's personality she has both character appeal and gameplay strength more importantly she was the majority of the community's first main damage dealer therefore having a special place in everyone's Hearts while being good enough to still be worthwhile to use to this day hashtag the 80 gang hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know your thoughts on hotel in the comments down below if you agree or disagree with my points as always it would be awesome if you could leave a like And subscribe don't forget to follow me on Twitter at vars veram join my Discord server and check out my other why everyone plays episodes if you haven't yet before now thanks so much for watching and I'll see you again soon in the next one take care [Music] whatever [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 44,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin hu tao, hu tao, hu tao banner, hu tao constellation, hu tao rap, hu tao gameplay, hu tao build, hu tao team, why everyone plays hu tao, why no one plays, why no one plays hu tao, hu tao genshin, hu tao top tier, hu tao double hydro
Id: dvnsaqV8w24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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