chaotic crit koko vs weekly bosses

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this might be the most stupid idea I've had so far we'll need a strategy yeah we will I've seen a lot of people do these crit cocoa builds but usually these are built based on the blizzard Shire in a free scene but no that is not what we're gonna do we're gonna build crit Coco but in a way that doesn't make any sense as you know my cocoa is always built as a full-on support on the thrilling tales on a four-piece tenacity but no this is not the cocoa we're taking today I want to basically get all of the artifacts that have the highest amount of crew trade in them maybe we could get some two-piece sets maybe even a four piece who knows the golf is not to quit a lot the goal is to create at least once we're gonna start with the weapon and I already have a weapon because guess what one time long ago I got myself a battle pass that happened honestly I think like nine months ago at this point and I specifically did it because I knew one day I'm gonna make a quick cocoa video this is what our crit Coco is gonna look like she has two piece shimanawa two-piece a flower of Paradise Lost and let's quickly go through all of them flower feather Sands goblets and circlets her stats present themselves like this she has a bit over 200 Elemento Mastery wapping six percent fruit rage 108 crit damage a bit of energy recharge and that's it I know that there are proper ways to build crit cocoa but this is a test it's not supposed to work out as Coco once said we need a strategy and my strategy is that we're gonna go through three weekly bosses that I think would be the most difficult to defeat but well since we have great Coco nothing is impossible I'm thinking specifically the two newest sumaru bosses so the big warmth it's got a puppet God and uh wait what if Asia has Hydro let's see no really out of all of the weeks I chose a week that has the hydro Asia we have the power of archons and Crick Coco on our side but I think we're gonna leave Asia for last time just a thought you know the realm of Beginnings you know what the name fits I already feel the regrets but I guess let's do it there's no turning back now all right um oh no I pressed the Q2 to too slow all right well this is gonna take a while and I'm out of stamina oh wait I can't die like if I die the video just ends by chance oh I did see a crit another one let me go I don't have stamina to fight you like that I didn't even know some of these attacks existed because usually by the time he's already dead go we're gonna specifically refer to her as fruit Coco like nothing else this is not Coco this is crit cocoa a different completely character no no this is not the same girl I mean we're halfway there oh my God I'm so used to like tanking everything with my cocoa and now um I think I need to start dodging some stuff oh God I am kind of worried about the little buddies that are gonna appear in the next place because it usually in general takes kind of a long time to defeat them because there's just so many of them I mean it's just the first face like we still have two more faces to go through but you know what we're getting there yeah yeah first face we did it I am worried actually can I even do what can I even do it yeah you know that's a good question you cannot even do it stop it you asked people stop it you're so aggressive I do not like you stop I cannot can you start shooting this fish the big fish he's done now we have to get rid of this um at least we're getting some Bloom damage over there that they are monsters oh right that's definitely what I'm looking forward to the most come on yes okay come on come on I guess since we have so much time we can just like look at all the monsters how they look like so usually I just killed them you know so fast I never pay attention to their Graphics aren't you supposed to get the heart of Oasis to like the max because can you stop because if you are then like I'm not gonna do it stop it oh my God stop it no no no no no is this actually possible to do it with now that I think about it uh hold on let's heal first and let's let's strategize this is that even possible to deal with Coco because I'm pretty sure that green bar you remember that green bar pretty sure you need to get it to Max to defeat this phase but it was not going up for us because we weren't killing the enemies fast enough um I'm saying abort the mission uh no one saw anything definitely um I I honestly thought we're gonna do it now let's go for Mr Scara I'm having my hopes up because we do have this little flying Piggy on our side oh my this is this is gonna take a while but you know what with the previous boss at least we got to the second phase maybe maybe we're gonna get to the third phase with this one oh this one is the one I'm worried about no no no no coco no we're we're having a second chance with this one ah the other one I don't think it's possible for us to defeat um but maybe this one we will so I should have healed before I came here let's go for the diamonds okay we have the burst just in case it's gonna I frame I mean I don't know I'm gonna just do something with my purse no no no no no give me close to my gym jelly is not enough bursts with the jellies also I don't know I failed another boss I I I'm failing myself I'm failing Coco this Honor on my family dishonor on my cow I do not deserve the divine power of crit Coco I believe so what do we just go for I guess this one is gonna be the ultimate test sweater my cocoa works or not Immortal Coco is not mortal and we're not gonna talk about that other couple of times that she died I feel like we're doing like relatively more damage which we're not doing more damage but his health bar is going down faster I think can you come out already please I feel like Asia is so slow but so am I because of course oh I forgot that they explode oopsie maybe we just need to stand a little bit further away from him oh he's absorbing the power of hydro this is the ultimate truth this if we go through this phase we will do it I believe so we need to stand like I don't know here maybe watch out for the little bubbles um no no no no [Music] one more time okay come on my idea for this video oh it's gonna be so fun is so original so different but I'm just dying I'm just dying cause oh I didn't finish talking this experiment is gonna be a complete fail really expected there's gonna be a fun video but I'm not having fun maybe I should have put cocoa on like a team or probably like build her properly probably like if you want to build great cocoa like you have to build her in us right because if you build her randomly and like I did you probably will not achieve anything but I mean I guess you live and you learn when you also learn something new maybe you've learned that some ideas are better if they stay as just random ideas in your head you know don't let your intrusive thoughts get the best of you as they did with me okay we're leaving we just need to look out for the bubbles because bubbles are deadly as it turns out oh I see I see there is one coming our way oh bubbles are gone wait I forgot that he takes away our life when we're marked huh obviously this project is for science only so to verify our hypothesis that my crit Coco did not in fact work we're gonna run one more test with the weekly boss I dislike probably the most and that I assume we're gonna die very fast yeah this one not excited um what is it called no oh my God right in you're just as impatient as Asia oh my God I no you have to retry I I just I didn't dodge oops can you let me heal myself first oh I think I might die okay almost no no no no no one last time let me at least get my stamina now okay Friday please let me thank you she actually did wait exactly until I get my stamina that she did not hesitate to cut me down I don't know how to tell you this maybe building crit Coco in that way is is not the best idea I mean I probably can build her like different way you know either with the ocean Clem set or with four piece blizzard Shredder and then actually put her in a freeze team I know I know I just I wanted to test this and the results were quite um disappointing unfortunately but on a serious note one more thing before you leave I actually have kind of a big announcement to make basically I'm gonna do my very first stream yes I'm gonna start streaming I promise that I'm gonna start streaming once I graduate and well I haven't graduated yet but uh the only thing that is left for me to do in uni is to go for my deep events which will happen on the 12th of July but besides that I am almost free and my very first stream is gonna happen on this Monday actually on the 3rd of July 2023 just in case at 4 pm GMT plus two time on Twitch uh which my channel is just katodaling and also I'm gonna be uploading my vods to my second Channel which is katos streams I think this is the beginning of a new adventure so see you there
Channel: katodeling
Views: 10,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, kokomi, critkoko, crit kokomi, boss
Id: Ea4dImkSdFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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