Xiaomi 14 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Galaxy S24 Ultra - The Camera Comparison

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[Music] now it's time to test the day video again I have the xiaomi 14 Ultra on the left in the center the iPhone 15 Pro Max with a beautiful HDR by the way just check yeah definitely cannot see the sky so clear with the hdr on the xiaomi and on the right I have the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra guys so I'm here on top of taloni and the Tessalon Castle which also used to be a prison it's part of the otoman Empire banum so a lot of history here but please appreciate the Magnificent view that I'm able to give you and let me know what you think Down Below guys which phone is doing a good job now just by looking at the viewfinder I have feeling that the sky is very dramatic on the iPhone footage and a bit more realistic on the s24 ultra and also on the xiaomi 14 Ultra as I told you Chinese phones had a history of shooting bad video but in the last years they managed to really improve so I'm really eager to see also what you think now I'm going to initiate a run to test that stabilization and one more time a spin for you and now guys the m t I'm going to turn to the back cameras and with this incredible view we're going to be able to test Zoom detail everything before we go there let's address the video and sound quality from the front camera now we can all see that the xiaomi 14 Ultra is not handling as so well it overexposes the sky it's almost not present and we can also see that the iPhone 15 Pro Max really puts a lot of dramatic effect so it's not so realistic my skin is not so red so the s24 ultra is a darker footage but it's way more accurate and I don't believe it wins in the video domain from the front camera but now let's speak about the sound because what we see is that the s24 ultra also comes on top with sound quality xiaomi 4 ultra the sound quality is nice but the noise canellation is bad and on the iPhone 15 Pro Max I'm not able to recognize individual work so here the s24 ultra delivers better results on the video and with the sound from the front camera here it is guys the beauty of the tesalonica CD 4K 60 FPS for your viewing pleasure it's marvelous City so I strong strongly recommend if you visit Greece northern Greece H keying Talon really a gem a lot of history here but this video is not about history guys this video is about testing cameras so xiaomi 14 Ultra left Center iPhone 15 Pro Max guys and on the right I have the Galaxy s24 Ultra let me know what you think the recommends which footage looks the best to you now guys I'm going to Center the phone and try to initiate 32 on the xiaomi I'm going to put 2x on the iPhone and I'm going to put three on the s24 ultra okay we have here I think the best possibility to test Zoom so now I'm going to go 5x on the xiaomi 5x also on the iPhone they should be all Optical and also 5x on the Samsung Galaxy s24 all right and I'm going to try to show you the same object and you tell me what you think Down Below in the comments where do we have the most details as I go high up with zoom so I'm going to go now to 10x on the xiaomi 14 Ultra 10x also on the iPhone and 10x also on the s24 ultra and I'm really trying to show you the same object so let's pay attention to this church here and you'll let me know where do you think the video has the better quality I'm going to do a very slow P so that you can appreciate a bit more of the SE and also of the details and you let me know Down Below in the comments where do you think we have the best quality okay so we have a ship here we try to get that ship in Focus as I'm holding these three phones believe me they're very heavy the max Zoom is 15 and the max zoom on the iPhone is also 15 and the max Zoom guys on the s24 ultra is 20x so 20x s24 Ultra 15x B on the shev 4 ultra and on the iPhone 15 Pro Max okay let me show you the ship here and then also here and of course I'm going to go now directly to the ultra wide so Ultra wide on all the three phones and you will let me know in the comments which of these transitions is the smoothest one so I'm going to do now Ultra wi 25 on the xiaomi all right this is how it looks very smooth by the way really impressive now 0525 on the iPhone oh say the iPhone just a tiny bit slower compared to the xiaomi and now 065 also on the s24 ultra which is probably even the slowest one is the xiaomi 14 Ultra doing here the best oh my God I think so yeah it's absolutely impressive guys see 0525 on the iPhone it's very smooth but also slow and the moment it does the crop you can see how it shifts now one more time 0525 and the shami is really like a king guys wow Jesus that's impressive this really wins it crazy now S4 ultra 0.6 to 5x oh my God now let's try to do a manual zoom so this is here from 06 to 20x on the s24 ultra oh my God it's shoppy it's shoppy all right now staying back to 1x I'm going to do the same on the iPhone okay 15 to 05 I would say quite nice now when you do it like this on the iPhone it's nice yep now let's check the sh we guys 0.5 to the 15x yeah maybe this this test is won by the iPhone and now guys I'm going to go back to one now let's try to do a stabilization test so I'm going to run towards the fence and see how the phone behaves very very nice I'm giving you one more spin of the beautiful tesalon guys and remember if you enjoy videos like this you're more than welcome to enjoy subing for channel and before I showed you the Night video samples let me share with you my opinion on the back camera performance overall I'm very happy with the quality all three phones are doing very nicely in terms of HDR and the way they proess the video I have still some remarks about The Sound col from the iPhone 15 Pro Max isolation of wind noises and noises in general is very bad so the Galaxy s24 Ultra ttin the voice but still is able to do a very nice sound isolation voice isolation so I would really give the crown of the sound to the Galaxy s24 Ultra now in terms of the zoom lens cycle I was really really very press from the xiaomi 14 Ultra being able to switch so quickly from the ultra white to the 5x was just amazing iPhone 15 Pro Max also comes really second very close and I'm a bit disappointed with the c LM switch on the s24 ultra it's still Cho it of course a bit better than the predecessor s23 Ultra but it still locks behind from the iPhone current generation and the xiaomi 14 Ultra but again the video quality on the web cameras from these three phones is nice and outstanding okay now let's see some night samples 4K 60 FPS xiaomi 14 Ultra on the left iPhone 15 Pro Max in the center and the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra on the right as I'm working here in tesalonica Greece you have the chance to explore the explosion of colors and also let me know what do you think Down Below in comments like which phone is able to capture a better video right I'm going to do a slow turn okay I have to tell you that I'm not impressed with the s24 ultra KN video apparently but this is only what I see in the view finer So eventually I hope it's going to come out better and the iPhone 15 Pro Mark seems to be very bright by the way as I can also see from the viewfinder so XI 4 ultra is this a big Leap Forward really hope so because Chinese phones were not great in video in the last few years but they have improved a lot now pay attention guys I have a lot of artificial lights and I have the sky here so it's very important to see how the sky is rendered like noise handling uh okay this is going to be a good test to see what happens and now I'm going to initiate a run to test the stabilization front camera all right and now again explosion of colors the xiaomi 14 Ultra tends to overexpose the bright areas which completely blows the highlights and and that's not okay the s24 ultra is a tiny bit too dark for my preference so overall the iPhone 15 Pro Max has the best video from the front camera maintaining very nice exposure showing enough details in the highlights and also in the dark shadow areas now let's check the back camera guys we're checking for the same things with some artificial lights all right and now let's check the focus handling all right iPhone shy for Ultra by the way not bad the iPhone and also the s24 ultra one more time okay and now artificial light lens flare all right now I'm going to do another turn for you to be able to experience the light and now guys let me just do a slow run to test the video stabilization is it good or not let me know what you think Down Below in the comments now I'm going to go inter section where we have even more artificial light this time it's yellow why well I want to test the white balance handling so let's see how that works all right and also by the way we have the dark sky now why is this SC important guys well we have the dark sky then we also have artificial light light and down below we have also a white light so we have a combination of a white light a yellow light a blue sky and also this very beautiful runda in tesalon Greece in front of me there is a big tree and now I can give you the night sky so let me know what you think down below which video was better one more time I'm going to do a spin for you all right I still believe that the video with the back camera on the iPhone 15 Pro Max is still the best out of these three second place is for the sharing 14 Ultra Galaxy s24 Ultra has still some serious issue with very dark scenes and it adds a lot of tin to the sky it's very unnatural and I really hope that Samsung will be able to improve this with future updates let's start with photos from the main camera this is shot on 1X and all three photos look very uniform a closeup shot here reveals no big changes we are now engaging with 3x so it's 302x Optical zoom on the xiaomi 14 Ultra 3x on the Galaxy and there is no 3x on the iPhone so I would say it's hybrid what is important to be notied here is that for the first time we see a big difference in the overall exposure the photo from the s24 ultra is very uniform to the photo from the iPhone in terms of oral exposure and also wide balance but the one from the shiai for Ultra is different it's a bit more on the darker side different wide balance it has a very different feeling the the first photo sample from the ultra white reveals the same perspective the s24 ultra photo is aligned with one from the iPhone and the xiaomi 14 Ultra has a darker touch although all the photos you see in this comparison are shot with the Leica mode proceeding with a photo sample from the main camera shot on this dark and R day and you can see how the three phones handle situations quite differently the 2x crop from the main sensor is able to preserve quite a lot lot of detail on all the photos and again here the difference is just the overall feeling engaging with the 3x camera we can see some of the very small first tiny differences a bit more detail in the xiaomi 14 Ultra 3.2x photo 5x Zoom is Optical on all these three phones I like the level of detail very nicely handled I don't like the fact that the iPhone 15 Pro Max is oversaturating the sky and xiaomi 14 Ultra and s24 Ultra were able to preserve the real feeling in that rainy day going back to the main camera will only reveal how close these phones are sometimes in the way they process things this is a very I would say equalized output from all these three phones on the main camera on this example shot on the main camera I like the footage from the xiaomi 14 Ultra it really comes very closely to what my eyes were able to see the iPhone 15 Pro Max photo Sims to be off in terms of the wide balance and the Galaxy s24 Ultra is also some kind of a hue so the most realistic photo here for sure is the one on the left shot by xiaomi 4 ultra it's time to check the 3x Zoom a good job from all of the phones very good output although xiaomi 14 Ultra really is again the best for me in terms of color accuracy and reproduction of the real feeling this is a2x crop from the main camera pay attention to the details we're still able to see what's happening outside so in terms of HDR all phones did a good job and now it's time to see how well these phones handle people and faces yes faces indeed because xiaomi 14 Ultra claims to have Master portrait but in this situation you can see how Overexposed the phas is so I don't like the output here on the xiaomi 14 Ultra the iPhone and the s24 ultra did a better job in this particular shot and yes we can still see the overexposing of the face in the next shot as well see how natural the s24 ultra photo is and the one from the iPhone 15 Pro Max this disappointed me a bit because I really hoped for the xiaomi 14 Ultra to be the best in portra photography and that's not quite the case but I hope that they can make it better with updates in the future and in those examples again we see how xiaomi is just lightening the face and iPhone and Samsung are able to produce a more natural skin tone and color rendition all right let's go back to HDR testing this is a very hard shot I am standing inside and shooting outside and yes we still able to see what happens outside which is actually a very good recognition for all these three phones in this example shot from the main camera we can see that the shy for Ultra is taking the edge a bit you can see how well it preserved all the details all right let's speak about Zoom just as a reference we are going to be zooming on this object and this here is a shot from the main camera this is already a 3X shot so far so good remember the iPhone doesn't have 3x Optical and it's doing still a very good job this here is a 10x shot and I have to say I'm really impressed with the zooming capabilities from the xiaomi 14 Ultra it's able to preserve a lot of detail and it looks really sharp not too sharp I think just quite right and I'm even more impressed with the 30X shot see here fading out on the iPhone iPhone can only 25x by the way the s24 ultra seems also to have lost some of the zooming capabilities you know they upgraded the 10x Optical sensor replace it with a 5x so I'm even not sure if that's an upgrade but the xiaomi 4 ultra is able with AI and without AI Zoom to give a very nice output when shooting 30X and I do believe that these next examples will prove this starting from the ultra white going through a shot from the main camera this here is a 3X X shot bit Overexposed on the iPhone this here is the proper 5x Optical shot from all three phones this is the 10x shot and we can see there the iPhone is already getting softer right but still I would say quality level is nice and now the Shocker guys 30X you can see iPhone has a lot of noise but it's still realistic the s24 ultra looks like kind of a painting and the xi4 ultra is really so crisp is insanely good and now let's turn back to low light this phones should be able to do some very nice photos in low light and yeah we're here to test it this is a footage from the main camera and this here is a 5x optical zoom from all three phones I'm really happy with the output and now pay attention this is 10x really impressive shot by the xiaomi fory ultra very good shot on the s24 ultra in fact I do believe that the s24 ultra was able to give the best shot here with all the details and you can see all the marks on the hand of the lady and I'm disappointed with the iPhone 15 Pro because it just turned the night into a day and this is not really how I like it we're looking here at a Twilight example 2x crop from the main cameras I would say quite nice and consistent result the 3x photo already shows some processing differences in terms of how wide balance is handled and the overall feeling is absolutely different I like the footage from the xiaomi 14 Ultra because it really comes close close to what my eyes were able to see and another 5x example all phones doing quite okay and now we're slowly approaching the territory of n photos this is a shot from the main camera the sky from the iPhone photo looks bad so here xiaomi and Samsung definitely better result the 3x Zoom photo comes close on all these three phones and so does the 5x no major or big differences another interesting shot from the main camera combining different light sources we have yellow light and white light and all three phones are quite decent but pay attention because it's really getting interesting right now in this scenario you can see how well the shaming 14 utra was able to control the exposure not blowing the highlights which results in the fact that we're able to see the actual bulb inside a terrible job on the iPhone also in terms of lens frare handling which is quite bad and it looks very very yellow so the white balance is totally off and circuit the same result on the s24 ultra now I have to make this disclaimer all these photos are shot as a point to shoot camera so I know that you can play with Eevee manually most probably also get the exposure down to also visualize the bulb on the other phones but this is what an automatic point shoot photo will get so impressive results and impressive exposure control on the xiaomi 14 Ultra this is a shot from the ultra white and you can see how bad the s24 ultra photo is the sky is completely ruined and the details it's really very ugly iPhone 15 Pro Max a bit better and this here is the same shot but from the main camera where the differences are not so drastic now let's talk about night portraits and I have to tell you I was disappointed by xiaomi 14 Ultra again because you can just see it's not able to handle wi balance so the skin tone is yellow and that's not accurate but also the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Galaxy s24 Ultra were able to shoot better portraits even in yes I know it's surprising but this is how I see it a few more night snaps after the rain I really love the Aesthetics of this photo and I'm very happy with the result on all three phones this is short on the main camera and now a tricky scenario why well we have here different light sources and some very strong light sources the 3x shot is already showing some artifacts on all three phones and in this scenario you can see how well the shiai 14 Ultra is able to control the exposure meaning limiting the highlights but not also trying to crush the shadows and I really believe that in the next scenario this is quite obvious pay attention to the figures s24 Ultra they're very much illuminated and this is also the case in real life you can see there is a very strong light source but xiaomi 14 Ultra was able to expose the stadio and the figures quite well so that we can see a lot of them iPhone 15 Pro Max came second and s24 Ultra Sly came third yet another a great example how different HDR proing can be on all of these three phones I do love the output here although it's not equalized this here is a 3X Zoom photo I'm happy with the output on all three phones and this is a similar scenario but with 5x again no major complaints here this is it guys I really hope that you enjoy this video if that's the case well just sub for the channel share with your friends like it and please stay safe thanks so much for watching vsst over and [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Velian Speaks Tech
Views: 36,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VelianSpeaksTech, VST, Hands On, Review, One UI 6, Android 14, Samsung, Camera, Performance, Photos, Portrait, 100x, 10x, 30x, 12Mpx, 50Mpx, 200Mpx, Official, S24, S24 Ultra, One UI 6.1, Samsung Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24 Ultra, S24U, 5x, Zoom, Comparison, 200mp, 50mp, 3x, 5x 50mp, 5x 200mp, 3x 200mp, 3x 50mp, S23 Ultra, Xiaomi, Apple, Xiaomi 14 Ultra, iPhone 15 Pro Max, Apple vs Xiaomi, Apple vs Samsung, Macro, 4K, 4K60, iPhone vs Samsung, Xiaomi vs Apple, Xiaomi vs Samsung, Samsung vs Apple, Video, video
Id: iwEuVAU9ggA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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