Xiaomi 14 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Camera Comparison

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today we're going to do a camera comparison between the xiaomi 14 Ultra versus the iPhone 15 Pro as you can tell I'm in the laser right now so we're going to see a bunch of that today so as you may know the xiaomi does have two different color profiles the like authentic and the like a vibrant I would say the vibrant color profile gives you a really standard cell phone look so very saturated and very Punchy colors and authentic gives you a more shadowy darker look I prefer to like authentic just because I like the colors and the darker Shadows so that's the color profile I'm going to use throughout this comparison now to get the obvious out the way the telephoto lens is definitely going to be better on the xiaomi especially once you hit Mac Zoom at 15x on the iPhone it's a day and night comparison so if you love to zoom it in your pictures and you notice that you do it a lot then the xiaomi is obviously going to be the better choice another obvious thing is with the wide lens you do get more bouet or background blur on the xiaomi just because it has the 1in sensor if you're a regular consumer then you probably won't care about it or you may not even notice it but if you are a photographer or videographer then of course you want the lowest f- stop as possible just to get the buttery creamy background blur and for the ultra white it seems like the xiaomi is just a bit wider so that can help when you're in tighter rooms or situations I feel like for the most part people use ultra wide and wide and they both look really great throughout the daytime and even at the 3x Mark they both are very good and then there's the colors which is a bit different and people have their own preferences and for me I am leeding towards the xiaomi just because I feel like those colors looks more natural and of course this is on the like authentic color profile so the Shadows do give a more darker look which I also prefer but I feel like the general audience likes the more brighter Shadows just because they can see the whole picture and it seems more exposed to them now I've been saying this for a while now on iPhone there's always some sort of like light teal or yellow or some sort of like light greenish Hue to it and it's for both photo and video so I'm not a really big fan of [Music] that and then moving on to the low light images I feel like the XI pictures are a bit cleaner just because it has that 1in sensor which really helps during these low light situations now the ultra wide and wide are still pretty good but once you have the 3x on iPhone that's when you see the noise coming in whereas on a 3X on a xiaomi it's still pretty clean and of course by Mac Zoom at 15x you can see a lot more [Music] noise [Music] [Music] now for push mode is something different here where you could actually see the millimeters which is something photographers or videographers really would like to see and enjoy and you still get that Master lens system on on the xiaomi like past phones but they got rid of the the full body mode which is pretty confusing and this whole new system of using the millimeters feels really right for the photographers or just the audience that they're trying to cater this phone to now in this specific mode they have Master portrait and Le a portrait and I do like the like a portrait more because they tone down the highlights a little bit where I feel like it's a bit too hot on the master portrait color profile which you can see on my [Music] skin and the Wonder sensor really helps with video as well where the background is just a bit more blurrier but again if you're a general consumer you probably wouldn't care about this and then shooting video with the ultra Wi on the xiaomi 14 Ultra I feel like it's one of the best stabilizations I've ever used on any phone it definitely looks like I'm on a gimal for the most part and for the colors it doesn't seem like the like authentic color profile does apply to video so as you can tell the greens do have a bit more pop to it whereas on iPhone is a bit more muted now for the Y the stabilization seems a bit more even here and also the colors are just a little bit different again so it really depends on which one you prefer and of course having really good stabilization on a xiaomi it really helps during low light just because you can see less micro jats meaning the images are just or the video is just a bit clearer so on top of having one of the best stabilizations in Ultra wide video because of it being so good I see less Mar jits therefore I think it gives you the one of the best video qualities in Ultra wide as well but in general shooting Ultra wide video in low light is just not that good but I'm just saying xiaomi is one of the best ones from my experience now for the regular white lens of course the xiaomi does have his advantages using the onein sensor but I feel like the iPhone does handle the mic just a bit more so it's less jarring and a bit easier to watch on iPhone so that is the comparison between these two phones and I know the iPhone 15 Pro 3x is not the best of course the 5x on the max version is going to be the better comparison but just in general overall the xiaomi is the one for photographers so if you want to take pictures or if you want the more camera based UI experience then a xiaomi will give you that wears on iPhone is very generic and very simple which is obviously for the Casual General consumer so let me know your thoughts thanks for watching and I'll see you guys later
Channel: Daniel Sin
Views: 17,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daniel sin, xiaomi 14 ultra vs iphone 15 pro camera comparison, xiaomi 14 ultra camera test, xiaomi 14 ultra camera zoom test, xiaomi 14 ultra camera review, xiaomi 14 ultra camera comparison, xiaomi 14 ultra camera zoom, xiaomi 14 ultra camera vs, xiaomi 14 ultra camera lens, xiaomi 14 ultra camera portrait, iphone 15 pro camera review, iphone 15 pro camera test, iphone 15 pro camera zoom, iphone 15 pro camera comparison, xiaomi 14 ultra, xiaomi 14 ultra camera
Id: X8Mht2vxMRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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