WHICH ONE!? Galaxy S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max BRUTALLY HONEST

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biased people or the Samsung biased people or the Android biased people are in my comments with the swords out tripping like yeah that's what y'all sound like YouTube hear me and hear me well if you're going to charge more than your competitors you better for sure beat your competitors let's get into this versus this is about to be a hot and heavy conversation cuz obviously it involves two of the most controversial Brands Samsung SL Android versus Apple and the iPhone so we got the 15 Pro Max going up against the s24 ultra I waited to make this video why would you wait CJ because how can you do a versus video with the brand new release s24 Ultra that you only have for days or a week against an iPhone 15 Pro Max that you've had for many months so again I like to do thorough and realistic content coverage on these uh smartphone devices which is why I waited a while just to you know see how some of the software updates possibly improved or maybe didn't the user experience in between the two too another thing I got to point out to you guys the biggest separator in between these two is bias literally at this point in a smartphone Arena we're in a weird space so much is so good or like the technology is so welldeveloped that in essence the biggest separator in between these two is bias and everyone has a preference everyone has a bias even the reviewers that you watch whether they disclose it or not y'all know my preference um and even yourself you have a bias you watching this video you have a bias and a lot of that will influence your decision as to what you feel is the better device in between these two devices now with that being said let's get right into it we're just going to start off with the basic comparison of design build quality and so forth all right so obviously these two from a design standpoint are very top tier very highend I could never say that one is better than the other because they both look great in this natural titanium obviously in a sense of design design is very much different the side panels are obviously different you have more rounded with the s24 ultra versus a more flat with a rounded corner on the iPhone 15 Pro Max but at the end of the day both are extremely premium and both are ideal build qualities we got 232 G on the s24 ultra versus 221 G on the iPhone 15 Pro so 221 versus 232 honestly like holding KN with the weight distribution and the size they feel like identical as far as weight goes in my honest and true humbl opinion so it's not a deciding factor period all right now sizing in between these two very much close yet the s24 ultra Galaxy device as usual has a taller spec basically 6.39 versus 6.3 in as far as the width 3.11 in versus 3.02 in and as far as how thin or lack of thin so 8.6 mm of thickness versus 8.3 mm this all negligible as far as design goes build quality these are both built with some of the best materials on the market we have these you know frosted back glasses we have the titanium aluminum infused whatever siding on both of these now as far as that goes as far as in your hand and how it really feels from everyday user experience uh the iPhone has has the flat edges but that rounded uh Corners that they did really improved and they also have the rounded Corners as far as the full design which is making it less boxy and a lot more comfortable to hold the s24 ultra although you know we have the rounded improved sidings it still has those more pointed like Corners which to some users is a nogo to others it doesn't bother I don't care either one of these I can use uh I will say you know the s24 ultra having like a larger size and the corners it's a little bit much more to like handle and you know deal with but at the end of the day uh they're both equally ideal as far as design build quality and usability in a one hand to twoand you know perspective so all right an area where we're definitely going to have difference is in the OLED panel these OLED panels are vastly different as there is different techn techology the s24 ultra introduced this new anti-reflective coding on their AMOLED panels and it has mixed reviews and in all reality in the gaming world when it comes to like you know gaming displays anytime you have an OLED panel and they put the anti-reflective coating on it the Gaming Community is at odds with it not Everyone likes that because OLED paired with the shiny glass equals that you know that OLED Clarity and crisp uh picture that everyone appreciates so uh Samsung throwing this anti-reflective coding threw a lot of people off cuz we're used to the shiny glass and that beautiful AMOLED you know goodness from Samsung so it kind of like mutes it a little bit and then even the Vivid screen lovers were up in arms because you know Samsung's Vivid uh screen selection wasn't as Vivid as people expected to be so they you know released a software update to help correct that now the iPhones panel is the iPhones panel which is typical you know High color accuracy the DCI P3 gamut focus and things like that they're more geared towards color accuracy and you can get color accuracy or close to color accuracy on s24 Ultra if you use the natural screen mode which is exactly what I use but the anti-reflective coding adds another element in this year's setup so let me do this right let me pull up the same photo really quick all right so case in point right here these two photos are identical and when I look at them honestly even with the reflective there's no effect as far as color accuracy and representation these look identical which goes back to the point that I have to make that the biggest separating factor in between these two devices is bias or preference and that is the literal truth I put these two side by side with some high-end HDR content on YouTube you know looking at them neck and neck I mean come on it's like tip for ATT both panels both screens deliver high quality OLED goodness now the anti-reflective quality may be something that leans over an edge for you in favor of the s24 ultra versus the iPhone which has that more traditional glassy look with the OLED pick your choice pick your poison whatever however you want to spin it it's all about the bias now the next area that we're going to talk about still leans into the the bias and that's platform the platform in between these two is 100% subjective as to which is necessarily better than the other but the platform of the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 which is a 4 nanometer technology versus the Apple A7 Pro which is 3 nanom and on paper in numbers is the winner a clear winner in performance when you look at geek bench and you know basically benchmarks and so forth like that the A7 Pro is winning that whole performance battle but in the area of GPU the Samsung the dino 750 versus Apple's GPU six core Graphics the GPU on the s24 ultra and benchmark scores and things like that outperforms Apple's uh GPU so there you have it I guess that's the balance CPU power w win over over here GPU power w win over here all in all from a user experience perspective you can't go wrong either way they both are at that point where it's sheer raw power it's hard to separate it and the efficiency and optimization is starting to become slightly equal I say slightly equal because optimization still yields a more optimized and proficient performance on the iPhone in comparison to the s24 ultra but the s24 ultra even going back back to the s23 ultra because that's the culprit that started everything the battery performance the efficiency the optimization with this new s dragon for Galaxy you know from the 8 Gen 2 to the 8 Gen 3 is yielding the results to the point where it's no longer a separating factor to where you just say hey if you want more efficiency if you want more battery life you just go iPhone you can go either or and have a similar to almost identical experience in between the two again the separating factor is biased but something else that separates these two that has nothing to do with bias is price point I said it in the beginning if you're going to make your device more expensive than the competitors then you better for sure beat them the s24 ultra is the most expensive Flagship smartphone on the market the iPhone does not hold that title even back for the last couple of years of iPhones Apple has maintained the same price point it was as if recently that they did a slight bump but even with that slight bump they are still out pricing the s24 ultra so again if you're going to cost more you better do and perform and actually be more in the overall combination of it all so we're going to talk about that a little bit more towards the um in where we will give a final verdict once you get past pricing there's another most important topic to talk about whether it seems important to you or not it is important and that is the cameras and how they perform versus one another and for that we always go outside and get real results in real sunlight all right so front-facing camera on both of these devices direct sunlight and uh yeah so we going to see skin tones just overall performance video Clarity uh microphone performance and just in general which device yields better results so we got the 15 Pro Max right here on my left and then on my right we have the s240 now Clarity and performance has always been great on both uh consistency has always linked more consistent on the iPhone versus the s24 ultra as I've had some inconsistencies in certain areas obviously but in general both of these devices when it comes to camera quality are like right in line with one another especially at this point there's some fine tuning and tweaks that can happen on both ends but essentially both have a great experience experience user experience especially for front facing and rear facing cameras there is a separator in between these especially around video and that's with the iPhone having prores log log footage for those who even dare to you know dive into that world it just opens up so much more the dynamic range the color science and the um color manipulation and just the realism of a video camera that outshines and outclasses the s24 ultra by far I'll show you guys a clip in a second where I'll do uh prores log on the iPhone but right now this is just the main rear wide angle uh video lens that everyone's going to use so which one is looking better to you be honest leave the bias to side but at the end of the day we're all biased so that's going to play a factor and it just is what it is so right here I'm using Apple prores log versus you know Samsung's normal camera app and so forth uh now Samsung and Apple both have well actually not Apple no now Samsung does have a pro video mode which I prefer now Apple lacks a pro video mode that's native but the Black Magic Camera app is really really good has a lot of great you know Pro features kind of extends even beyond what you get on the native app on Samsung but the reality is Samsung's is native Apple's is not but progress log right now I'm just shooting internally on the um phone I'm not doing any crazy tweaks versus Samsung's uh video offer so Samsung's highest video offer in this 8K video and Apple's is just 4K with the pror log so these are technically two of the highest offerings on both who has the better quality who has the higher end deliverance and which one would you rather use another 8K versus 4K with prores log all right Ultra wise direct sunlight on both of these devices this is for you vloggers out there or people who just need to capture a wide shot you need to get everybody in the shot you need to get a lot more going on the uh aperture changes which means the amount of light that's been able to be captured within you know the ultra wise is far different than when you're uh yeah just using the main one the main one you can shoot more low light than you can with that so just keep that in mind but at the end of the day which one's looking better now when we get into the 5x on these devices the main thing I want to see is um Clarity and representation uh obviously both of these sneakers are quite different one is a little bit more wrinkled got more creases on the right side than the left but at the end of the day uh which 5x is just bringing true realism colors and Clarity and just a overall better video experience boom so you guys have seen seen it I haven't touched or edited or done anything crazy you know what I mean I can't really give a visual verdict off of the cameras I can go off what I've seen using these for these past months side by side right you guys know I have my year old my age-old complaint to Samsung about skin tones and the funny thing is I was looking at someone else's like you know photo comparison they were doing in between these two right and even on theirs and their skin tone is of a different skin tone if you get what I'm saying it was the same thing and I can tell Samsung's uh camera on any day like if you do a camera comparison between these two devices I don't even need to know which one is I can just see it uh sioban he was doing this video where he had unboxed this and he did like a little slight comparison and it was like which one you guys I knew instantly especially since his skin tone is closer to mine I knew instantly which one was the Samsung so it is a valid argument again I don't care if it's cultural and things happen differently in different cultures I understand that but it needs to be able to have his AI all of this Advanced AI recognize oh this is a said certain skin tone this is how we you know edit that same thing that's across the board Google was able to do it Apple has ideal representation it's not perfect but it's more ideal for my skin tones pixel I think has done it the best apple is next and Samsung is I mean they're at the bottom of my list it's as simple as that but if I take that out again you know the only separating factor is bias the camera quality of the s24 arer is amazing the camera quality of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is amazing but there is separating things like Apple prores log which is someone who uses professional grade video cameras and understands what that means for a smartphone that is an Technical Edge that is a creative Edge that is an edge in favor of these cameras over these I don't care how you cut it and how you try to say it oh I won't use proesl good for you but if we are doing these subjective and realistic comparisons we got to look at everything the full list again the s24 ultra gives you 8K video the iPhone can't so in that regard you know the s24 ultra has 8K quality but prores log is a true separator and I think I challenged Samsung before and I'm going to challenge them again bring a Samsung log to the market everyone's going to say you copying Apple but who cares because we need log over here to help compete over here period that is the end of my rant about cameras uh my preference my realistic bias in the Camera World leans towards the iPhone because I don't have to do as much to get it correct but with the s24 ultra which I'm going to show you guys in a video upcoming when you get into pro video and Pro Photo mode it really kind of eliminates the point of what I'm speaking of and it just takes this camera to a phenomenal level that outweighs my you know complaints that I have so that's where I stand with the cameras let's carry on battery life I kind of uh spoke about it slightly but I didn't get too deep in it this is the most important one of the most important user experience factors when someone considers spending or experiencing one of these Flagship devices is the battery life that's why we get these big phones that's why we deal with the big phone fatigue you know the trade-off is we get a nice battery period battery is phenomenal either way you cut it again the separating factor in true reality is biased although let's be real and Technical I think the battery life leans a little bit more in the positive for the iPhone over the s24 ultra it really depends it's all subjective to like the apps you have and things that are running in the background and so forth you know iPhone is more aggressive and killing apps in the background than s24 Ultra but Android has been including a lot more you know settings for doing those more aggressive shut off of apps in the background and things like that that's why it's really become a Level Playing Field so I don't care which way you go the battery is amazing on both the standby time is legit on both of these devices so I honestly can't pick one over the other I've been using them both in the same regards I charge my devices I let them live I do my thing and that's literally what it's about and that's user experience and that's battery life my battery conclusion do I stress over charging this device oh if I don't great battery life it's not about all I'm a screen on time and all that stuff listen my user experience and your user experience if you can use your device the way you use it and you don't stress about battery that is a phenomenal and great battery and I can do that on both of these in the discussion okay we talked about you know the battery we talked about the camera what else is there left the most important thing to speak about is user experience again this is where you lean more into bias your preference because the user experience on both of these is ideal and is great now I do have one issue with the s24 ultra versus the iPhone 15 Pro Max and this is big in user experience I got Wi-Fi 7 in here I got one of the latest routers I'm in latest technology whatever this device claims Wi-Fi 7 Wi-Fi 7 speeds it's claiming it I have yet to see it I saw it like one time literally one time maybe twice that I did a speed test and actually hit those speeds because I got five gig up 5 gig down I saw like up to two gigs I think it was like 2.5 two something that was once or twice ever since then it has been horrendous now I'm going to do a test live now I haven't done this in a while so with whatever we see I'm I'm with you I'm witnessing with you I didn't do it before this video or nothing they're both on individual SIM cards with the same carrier no excuses y'all I don't want to see those excuses in my um comment section no excuses any excuses and this is what I'm talking about when I talk about consistency the iPhone has given me consistent wiphone 6E or Wi-Fi why I'm talking about wiphone bro I'm bugging okay and this is where I talk about consistency right the iPhone has consistently given me Wi-Fi 6E speed which is the one to 1.5 gigabits up and down literally consistent every single time I run this test I'll do it again boom and people going to be like it's your router you need to change something in your router no it is not my router I have multiple devices multiple uh Wi-Fi 7 devices Wi-Fi 6E devices everything else is consistent this is not this is an issue this needs to be corrected it's something inside of this phone it is not my router I repeat it is not my router I've done researches looking at forms looking at other people with the same device and the same issue okay into that rant let's continue on in the user experience perspective um s24 orra this thing like butter you know it's the biggest baddest Droid around I will say this uh like I told you guys uh bias preference is everything and if a content creator doesn't Express their true bias and true preference they're not being honest with you I use mainly Apple products because I use them on my computer uh my main device true main device which I have multiple SIM cards but my true main is an iPhone right now when it comes into the Android world I've always kept an Android phone along side my iPhone I do that on purpose I do that to have balance and a realistic perspective on life and technology people who use only one and only live in one world you are absolutely biased in your opinion is n en void let's just be real from a software perspective in the Android hemisphere my preference is pixel pixel software pure Android I'm a pure Android Enthusiast where does Samsung fall why you cover so much Samsung CJ Samsung got the hardware Samsung got the features Samsung is you know the Big Bad Wolf The Big Bad Wolf can't blow down the house all the time it's not consistent you feel me I say that to say that when I use an s24 ultra mind you I'm an Galaxy Note user Enthusiast that's where my true love for Samsung came you know what I mean yeah when I was talking about features and stuff I was talking about the Galaxy Note just to clarify but this user experience on the S Ultra which is you know today's modern note uh minus a few certain things is ideal it's so solid I mean I love this thing I love to use it I love to watch content on it I love to do business on it I love to just do my everyday UI and user experience on the s24 ultra so when people are like oh you just Apple something something Fanboy because I actually call Samsung out on things that they need to correct on this device like skin tones in the camera app you know what I mean their WiFi 7 chip not giving me anything near Wi-Fi 7 if if you ask me that's like a Wi-Fi 65 chip in there and they just wrote a seven on it at least that's what I feel like from a user experience perspective obviously I mean I'm I'm giving them the benefit of it out they just got some faulty Ali Baba wifi sevs or something going on but outside of those like two little nitpicks um I don't think I have anything else to really complain about on the s24 ultra is bringing that sauce it's bringing what the s23 ultra did with a little extra kicking sauce you feel me we got the anti-reflective coating which I'm not in favor or I'm not against I can deal with it with it or without it and that's pretty much my s24 ultra conclusion on user experience it's good battery life solid it's booming and my battery life is about to die on this overhead camera so give me a second that's why you supposed to check your batteries before you start recording you know battery life on cameras matter battery life matters everywhere this camera has great battery life by the way I just been grinding a lot that means a lot of content is coming your way trust me for real lock in subscribe turn on the Bell now back to what I was saying stamp of approval you can't go wrong with the s24 ultra I don't care how you cut it how you slice it how you Dice it from a user experience perspective 15 Pro Max as much as people hate to give the credit and the props to the 15 Pro Max or Apple iPhone in general I don't understand it this thing is a great phone oh you try to like downplay it you try to make it seem like people who use iPhones aren't as intelligent or tech savvy as you listen bro I'm probably about as tech savvy as it gets I can get super nerdy I don't want to go there I keep it human I'm not going to sit here talking you know mathematical equation type of tech talk just to sound smart or feel like I'm smarter than you which a lot of people on the Android platform want to feel like they're smarter than iPhone users and even the other side like the you know the people on iPhone want to feel like they're better or I don't get in any of that no Li void all that matters is the user experience and the user experience on the iPhone 15 Pro Max is phenomenal it is stamped and improved by me like it started off Rocky with the software stuff as did the s24 ultra you know what I mean listen it's all the same again the separating Factor is bias or preference whatever so user experience solid on this thing this thing is smooth this thing is consistent that's what I give to the iPhone it is consistent oh everyone says that that's because it's true when people say it something over and over about a product it's true like people say iPhone they like apple cuz it just works it's true gez like why why do people get mad cuz people say the same thing if people are always having something different to say or there's always a different issue and something different the consistency is not there the the consistency is here on the 15 Pro Max that's what I love about it consistent battery life consistent standby time consistent performance consistent uh delivery on everything consistent quality consistent iPhone simple as that um do I have any issues with the iPhone or cons um like again I think that they could give us finally the customization of our grid some people want their icons at the bottom versus always being forced to the top especially when you get a bigger phone like this having to reach all the way up like if I want to do just four folders and I just want the four folders down here for easy use like as you can see on my Android which is customizable all of my icons at the very bottom makes it easy to use a larger phone that's one of my biggest kinds with apple I think they need to let that go and just give us the ability to move our home screen grid the way that we choose please another thing that's spoken about I'm going to do this one for the people remember I speak for the people I read your com comments a lot of people still feel like that Apple should just give us the Dual you know multitasking on this large screen being able to open up two apps at the same time whether Apple feels that it's you know worthy or not like the people are asking for it and I think you should just give it to them just Cod it into the AI you may not like the way it interact just take one for the team I feel like apple could take that one for the team and make a lot of uh iPhone Max users happy I don't really care to use two apps at the same time time on these devices I do that on computer screens big computer monitors that's where I like to see that like on the phone listen bro your brain is not meant to multitask anyway there's no way you can focus on two things at once I don't care how much you think you can you're not you you're leaning U more towards one than the other when trying to multitask so the true reality is you have a bias I have a bias every YouTube reviewer has a bias whether they try to make it seem like they don't they do do I've met a lot of them I see what they really using we ain't going to get into all that listen everyone has a bias everyone has a preference and that influences their decisions and perspective in covering or leaving a comment about said product bias is everywhere that's I think that's probably the most annoying part in this like Arena which I mean it is what is cuz I play it to my you know I troll y'all too you feel me there's so much bias that's why you can't can't just say one is better than the other because really if I say the iPhone is better than s24 Ultra the s24 ultra biased people or the Samsung biased people or the Android biased people are in my comments with the swords out tripping like yeah that's what y'all sound like and look like if I say the s24 ultra is better than the iPhone in my comments I don't know if I'm hearing I might be hearing crickets I mean there's those few little apple snobs that's going to say something and all that but they're not that's I'm sorry that's what I envisioned in my head when when I read those Android hate comments when I if I say you know the s24 ultra is better than the iPhone you know the people who are just locked in to the iPhone world and don't care like they probably going to comment they going to say all this dud is wild and they're going to skip to the video but they're not going to sit there writing hate comments you know what I'm saying I'm talking about the different audiences the different bias the different perspectives and the reality in this space it doesn't matter I can literally have ended it there but for me personally uh if I were going to choose one remember I already told you guys my preference and my buy I'm leaning towards the iPhone 15 Pro Max as the better phone because in my everyday use case in my everyday user experience it suits me better in my communication everyone around me who's more iPhone focused even some of them creators and FaceTiming things like that you know what I mean air drop all that yes it's a true factor and it's a reality now this does have the new sh share I forgot what it's called Andro a quick share and it's fire I love it it's just if there's no one to Quick Share to when you out and at these Tech events it's not really that beneficial you feel me oh I got to make a Google drive folder and give everybody Google drive folder or something like that that's like jumping through hoops things like that those are like the separating factors like for some people they don't mind it for others they do you know what I mean that's just my choice that's my reality whoopity woo get off yeah you mad and you typing right now I don't care call me whatever I'm unsubscribing cuz you like apple at least I told you bro at least I told you everybody that you sitting there in their thing and they're Waring them and they championing you up and you don't know their true preference you might want to rethink I'm out yo I'm back baby in the new uh Studio setup so new studio tour coming really soon I got you guys I'm still working on everything I got to get my sound right I got to get everything right but I had to get this video to you guys because I know you've been waiting I got a ton of videos coming a ton of projects a lot going on I'm behind so let me get my behind to [Music] work new watch no diamonds new watch good timing yeah no middle man I'm the man man send it in I like what I like me I know my right is sipping in I lay having fun I do what I want it's what it is for my son and son for my daughters yeah it's for my twin I work through the night
Channel: CJKnowsTECH
Views: 25,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iphone 15 pro max, iphone 15 pro, iphone 15, s24 ultra, s24 ultra samsung, s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max, 15 pro max vs s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max, galaxy s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max camera, iphone 15 pro max vs s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, samsung galaxy s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max, iphone 15 pro max vs galaxy s24 ultra, iphone 15 pro max vs samsung s24 ultra, samsung vs iphone, s24 ultra review, galaxy s24 ultra review
Id: qYv_DmWaaaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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