Galaxy S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max Camera Test AFTER Update!

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what's up everybody this is Danny and this is it this is the follow-up video to the Galaxy s24 Ultra versus the iPhone 15 Pro Max after the big camera software update from Samsung so does Samsung now have what it takes to be Crown the king of cameras in 2024 and is it better than the iPhone well let's find out of course to take as many pictures and videos as possible we did go to Disneyland but this time in California for the kids birthdays but for the first day we stopped in Long Beach to see the Queen Mary since my son is into ships and this gave me a different but fun environment to see if the camera's actually improved with the Galaxy s24 ultra's large camera software update so I'm going to kick the series off with a daytime photos on a bright sunny day and I know this is common sense but to be honest both of these cameras can be wildly inconsistent so it's hard to put a generalized blanket statement about the colors or brightness you can say that the Galaxy s24 Ultra still creates a slightly brighter and more vibrant image but then you just look at the next photo and you can see that's a Brighter Image on the iPhone 15 Pro Max so I'm not really going to dive into these things this time but instead I want to show you more of what happens just on everyday photography and how these two handle things differently and then you can make a decision which one is best for you after the software update I do take a lot of portrait mode photos of my family and I'm betting that you do too so I tested this heavily this time around and both have incredible 5x portrait modes but you can see that the gray is more dramatic on the Samsung while the iPhone produces brighter highlights in this case making the gray and the tan pants more accurate along with the skin tone but they both have great traits about them but I feel overall the Galaxy s24 Ultra has the less digital process look especially on the 5x portrait they both Miss parts of the portrait cut out here at different points so they aren't perfect but here's another example just taken seconds later so slightly different pose the iPhone extremely impressive with their hair while the Samsung just Blends my daughter's hair into the background when I was talking about it being less digital take a look at where the cutout is where my daughter's arms are and you can see it right away and I was really scratching my head on this because I've never noticed this before on the iPhone so this could be limited to the last update but the 5x portrait mode definitely looks oversharpened and even noisy to a certain degree this is a cool shot of a throwback actor on a typewriter on the deck and they both look good but when you punch in to analyze they both have their faults but looks like the iPhone lets more noise happen to preserve more detail in the suit so let me know which one you think looks better but this one was the one that surprised me the most the white balance is better on the s24 ultra preserving my skin tone where the iPhone went colder but punching and just look at my lips here on the iPhone so I hope apple looks into this in a future software update and who knows it could be fixed by the time that you see this but I do want to be clear this does not happen on every shot so I know it's software related and like this shot here the iPhone sometimes does take a better 5x portrait shot so I did notice something when I got home I was trying to shoot something closer up with the 5x portrait mode and it looks like it could be using digital crop instead using the main sensor instead of using the 5x because when you actually look at something further fur in the background you can see that 5x lens switching so I'm not sure why this is happening during the day but I hope apple looks into this in a future software update I'm working on a ton of other camera comparisons right now but let me ask you something can you see what camera comparison that I'm working on next the reason why you can't see it is because of the product from the channel sponsor 3M I'm using one of their new 3M bright screen privacy filters for laptops and I'm using this on my M3 Max MacBook Pro 16in right now I know from personal experience how annoying it can be when nosy people are looking at what you're doing on your laptop especially in public but this is the easy solution to that problem so why use this one versus the other privacy Shields that are on the market right now first this is much thinner than some of the others that I've seen so when you apply this that means you can close the laptop with no issues just like a familiar screen protector second is the brightness I thought applying this would impact the brightness severely but here's a comparison so you can see for yourself the 3M bright screen privacy filter installed on the left and nothing on the right side and the brightness level is maintained so that is great and when you start moving angles that's when you see exactly what it does and it's unbelievable how well this works and on top of that this filter gives you the benefits of a matte display with reduced fingerprint so this is a major win of course I had to try this outdoors and you can see just how well it works you really have to be uncomfortably close to see the data that is on the screen so if you're working on sensitive or confidential data in public this is something that you should look into and since this doesn't adhere the same way as a normal screen protector would there are no air bubbles to worry about or even if you left some dust underneath it you won't ever see it so I appreciate that and if you aren't into the matte display thing they even have glossy versions too so I'll leave a link down below for you so you can check current pricing on whatever laptop that you have I can't wait to use this on my next flight because even if I am editing a secret Tech video I don't have to worry about it because they can't see it I am back and forth on who does the skin tones better because it depends on the scenario but the iPhone gives me and Josh a more yellow skin tone where the Samsung goes a little too red so I would like a mix of both of these when it comes to accuracy though it really does go back and forth here the iPhone got a cast member in the back and focus there creating a very cool shot but the Galaxy s24 Ultra just miss both in fact this was a trend that happened to me multiple times a day look here on the horse at Disneyland and here when we were at the Queen Mary with my son then again here with both of my kids so I was super frustrated but the great thing is is if this happens to you then don't worry you can go back in the software in the gallery and all you have to do is refocus on the subject and boom it can be fixed so I hope Samsung optimizes this accuracy for portrait mode in future software updates so what about dynamic range and highlight clipping did that change any after the update on the Galaxy s24 Ultra well I am seeing some improvements and in a lot of scenarios it is very comparable to the iPhone 15 Pro Max or sometimes even better which is great but I am still getting highlight clipping in some some harsh environments as you can see here but I do want to reiterate that the iPhone also Clips highlights even this far into the life cycle so this is not just exclusive to the Galaxy s24 Ultra this is combination of overexposure and midtone miscalculations so this happens to the best cameras as you can see here on the iPhone 15 Pro Max selfie shot when it comes to The Brighter shots the iPhone still has the overall better balance the yellow on the submarine is more preserved more of the detail is also preserved not letting the whes clip I know we are nitpicking here but this is what is coming down to these days because these cameras are just getting so good the differences can be minor but you can see it shot after shot you can see how Samsung tried to tweak this in the software but it's still not quite there yet while I like the dramatic contrast the s24 ultra produces the iPhone actually expresses that super by condition with specular highlights and with a little higher dynamic range and while the s24 ultra does retain a little bit more Shadow detail look here how it minimizes the sunglass but if we're going to talk about glares or flares here no I won't dismiss the iPhone's light flares yes they do exist and I really hope that the next iPhone really has a physical fix for this it can cast a hazy look to some of the pictures and it is more of a problem at night now we definitely cover that when we hit low light but remember all of these lenses have some type of lens flare is just worse on the iPhone but when it comes down to dynamic range and HDR processing I think at this present time I think the iPhone is still better the rendition and overall processing is just a little smoother back at the Queen Mary it gave me a different but more challenging dynamic range scenario and it was interesting how they both handled it the s24 ultra was metering for the bright windows so you can clearly see the city behind you but the iPhone was really trying to balance the entire shot with the best blend of dynamic range and Shadow detail so I like this better here because look at how crushed the foreground is on the s24 ultra it is completely dark in this Ultra wide angle shot I had to make sure that I didn't have these backwards because it's usually the iPhone that I have this is with but the Galaxy s24 Ultra completely blew out the windows in the back while the iPhone also wasn't perfect but it did a lot better in this complex shot with a lot of different textures and lighting variations I do like how the iPhone went warmer preserving the true color of the clear windows where the s24 ultra went way too cool and the iPhone picks up that nice warm glow from the sunlight in difficult front-facing camera shots while not super different you can see that the detail peeping through on the iPhone on the blown out background here's another shot a little wider so we can try to make it as Fair as possible and the same results basically again the brightness of the overall skin and photo go back and forth the s24 ultra does a good job of neutralizing that harsh Lighting on my face while the iPhone allows it creating a more accurate shot here this one almost has the same outcome the s24 ultra almost handles it like there's an ND filter attached where the iPhone allows some variations in the shadows and brighter highlights so let me know which approach that you like better in this one I really like the warmer approach of the Galaxy s24 Ultra so I prefer it on this this shot it looks more accurate and natural but I would like an in between of these two because sometimes the skin can be too yellow or too red and selfies and skin tones are hard but in this one this is a good example the slightly Brighter Image on the s24 ultra here allows a little bit more flattering skin tone while the iPhones is too red so again it's just hard to generalize and I'm not saying that the Galaxy s24 Ultra doesn't have great colors or high dynamic range or even handle some of the shots better because it absolutely does sometimes but the iPhone in this round of testing had the better dynamic range highlight control and overall balance but play around with the different resolutions that you can choose on the s24 ultra because all of them have different processing and different outcomes and of course the 200 megapixel is absolutely amazing when you need the most detail that you can get this is compared to Apple's 48 megapixel hgif Max and when punching in a ridiculous 200% scale look at how legible the international City Bank sign is and you can still make out the individual Windows which is absolutely insane and also look into the new 24 megap mode in expert raw app on the s24 ultra this takes a 12 megap and 50 megapixel shot at the same time and it processes it together for a detailed 24 megapix image it is very comparable to the iPhone's default 24 megapix output and the detail is very promising it looks to be less processed as well this picture of the back of the CrossCountry logo really got me when you punch in and take a closer look you can see all the individual little scratches is very clearly so Samsung you got something here and I think you should run with it couple of things before I move on to video and that is zoom and not much has changed here at all and not sure it ever will but I've said this in other videos the zoom all the way up to 10x digital Zoom is actually closer than you would think it would be yes you will get slightly better quality most of the time from the Galaxy s24 Ultra but since Samsung moved to the 5x lens this year it is closer than ever but it's when you go beyond the max 25x zoom on the iPhone is where you see the 30X on the Samsung really pull ahead and of course that 100x Zoom if you really need it it is still there for you and the words of floss to do scumbag activity in bright daylight here is an example at California Adventure of course there's some slight variations with contrast and shadows as usual the 5x Zoom is very very close during the day but just looking at the pure Zoom quality I mean you're good up to 10x digital on the iPhone I wish Apple would just add an option for this in the camera app I think they would be able to get away with this what do you think here are a couple shots that I took with macro mode and they do go back and forth on which one is better I technically don't use macro mode very much and I'm not sure about you so let me know in the comments if you actually use macro mode but they both do really well I'm not sure if this is a category that I should really focus on so if you really like macro photography let me know in the comment section below because I'm thinking about actually skipping this on the next camera comparisons okay so let's finish with video and Samsung has come a long long way when it comes to video and I think The Narrative of the iPhone just being way way better on video I think needs to be re-evaluated at some point because for what people normally use it for I don't think they'll be able to tell a huge difference I do clearly remember when switching from other lenses the iPhone always had the smoothest Transitions and that does still remain true to a certain degree and you will see the Galaxy s24 Ultra have one slight hiccup here that I caught and once in a blue moon you will see that but for the most part the video experience is so good on both of them when it comes to color interpretation and brightness this will definitely come down to personal preference but I do still want to point out that for people that want to use their phone for professional purposes the Apple log feature is insane I did a full video on that so make sure you check that out but the regular video straight out of the camera app the Galaxy s24 Ultra still shows some oversharpening and that is my only gripe about the daytime video I know you really can't see this well on a small screen but if you look at this on a larger screen like a monitor or TV you can see it but I do want to say this has been improved a lot from before so that is good news but where the s24 ultra does have the advantages on resolution it can still shoot 8K video at 30 frames per second so this is a great option if you need to capture as much detail as possible when you punch into this dock you can see that the Samsung does remain sharper with some more detail but that also goes to show you how great the 4K is on the iPhone that's why it Remains the king of video because they are very similar despite the resolution bump so while they're were some improvements with the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra with his first large camera patch I'm looking forward to some more fixes because as you can see this wasn't the magic patch to catapult the Galaxy s24 Ultra into being so much better than the others but you can get an idea of where Samsung is going and I believe this is not the major software update that we need to evaluate as the end all Beall I think that will come sometime in the summer with some major processing improvements but the nighttime results might change your mind so make sure that you watch the next video where I jump into the photos videos at night so come see me over there thank you for watching and stay tuned And subscribe for a lot more videos like this and I'll see you guys very soon
Channel: Danny Winget
Views: 186,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samsung galaxy s24 ultra camera, samsung galaxy s24 ultra camera after update, galaxy s24 ultra review, galaxy s24 ultra camera review after update, galaxy s24 ultra camera test after update, galaxy s24 ultra camera test, iphone 15 pro max vs galaxy s24 ultra camera, iphone 15 pro max vs galaxy s24 ultra camera test, galaxy s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max camera, galaxy s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max, 3m bright privacy screen, danny winget, s24 ultra vs iPhone 15 pro max, update
Id: g4g4MgQD7OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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