Wyll Complete Romance with Karlach origin (All Act + dryad + NEW EPILOGUE) | Baldur's Gate 3 PEGI 18

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you have [Music] loen there you are yeah hello I was hoping you wouldn't notice I was gone really I'm honored in truth I don't feel in a festive mood and I didn't want to cast a gray cloud over the night I'm a devil I love the people from The Grove but I unsettle them deep down as I seem to unsettle everyone nowadays you don't want a devil at your party claws will pop the balloons you see and the Sweet Cakes don't taste half as good as raw eggs with this blasted Fork tongue if only half the world had half the heart you do but off with you this is your day have a dance enjoy the music you must have stumbled out here by complete accident too much honey wine can do that you should watch yourself let me think why are you really here you must be Volo in Disguise out here to Harang me for some tales of the Frontiers what a cruel disguise my nerves started hammering the second I thought she was the one looking for me it's a long shot but maybe you've grown fond of me Gods know I've grown fond of you Gods know why you'd be well within your rights to burn me alive well it just so happens I'm fond of you too though I can't say I've earned the honor I mean the blade hasn't exactly lived up to his own reputation and here you are cheering me up when I almost tore you down I'm not sure that I am but it means something that you think so now you've got a party to get back to don't forget tonight is about you there will be another time for us I thought you'd be in the city by now we were ambushed by cultists half of us were captured the other half around here Gods I'm glad to see you again there's something I have to tell you well two things good news and bad news I only need one more piece of infernal iron to craft an insulating chamber that could make it possible for you to well touch people pure tling Ingenuity that engine of yours is like nothing I've ever encountered hard to change but possible to enhance well all right this shouldn't take [Music] [Music] long same as last time you'll need to install it yourself the should do the trick go on give us your hand damn I'm good and you you're very touchable my pleasure before you go there's something I need to tell you that engine of yours It's contained for the moment but it's just too hot to exist here in the material plane indefinitely I know you know that but the thing is there's a cure I wasn't making any Headway with the mechanics none at all the environment here is just too cold to sustain metals like the ones inside you you have to return to a verus for good or this thing is going to burn you up from the inside out and sooner than you think I won't stop trying to figure out a cure but at this point I think I might be beaten I hope you're right and I hope I'm wrong good luck carac look after yourself or right so Gearhead can't fix this [Music] thing I've never considered it an option the memories are too fresh I can't go back to a verus I can't let her get her claws in me again even if it means I I have to sounds spect spacular if nothing else maybe take out a few mind flares with the shrapnel the old buckets got a bit of life in it yet enough to get home that'll do me my gods that' be enough that said this thing might be a liability but I'm allowed to touch people again let's take it out for a spin h yeah [Music] oh sorry I didn't see you standing there lost in the steps truth be told I need them to be just right I wouldn't want to fail my new partner I know a few people who might beg to differ but the only one that matters is here with me now may I have this dance don't worry it's not really about the dance it's about who's we're dancing with [Music] [Music] bravo bravo no need to be modest you were a delight to behold now perhaps we might try a more intimate [Music] Style [Music] [Music] so much Shadow around us to think I almost missed the light well it's getting late we can't face tomorrow if we don't bid farewell to the now I'm tempted trust me I thought my heart might burst with every step but I still keep faith in the old Tales of love the once upon a times and the happily ever Afters I'd like to do this the proper way the way of the old romances sung by the BS till next time good night and dream sweetly I'm here for you always my favorite subject ah how to answer a question with so many layers as that you are the red of the sunrise the yellow of high noon and the orange of Sundown if you were a song I'd never stop singing if you were a s I'd never stop praying you make a damn fun dance partner too violence erupts here my home my refuge in this city of stone and steel your eyes steer there is pain endless and deep but also devotion blazing like the sun you're in love are you not you are wise to admit it when it comes to love vulnerability is armor truth a sword and trust a shield I pray you wield all three s bring the one you love to me I will look into your hearts and see if your love is eternal or doomed eternally I'm more than gang let's do it close your eyes little ones be still as Stone to Earth and remember to breathe [Music] glorious your bond is sweeter than natur do I see you know you but do you know one another will the courageous heart tormented by the infer listen think what on his Darkest Day would make him smile indeed you are a source of light among Shadows still are for that matter your bond beats in pleasure it is an honor to behold we cannot live this life without others others to guide us to Aspire to who does the blade most admire indeed we've not always seen eye to eye but his every thought Every Act was in service to his people among men there is none greater our touch has been that of sunlight but now we must look Beyond to the uncertain to the Future life is a difficult and tumultuous thing with every smile a tear often follows what is Will's greatest regret he gave me no choice but it's true I often wonder what if I'd said the right words made the right promises maybe I'd have been with him on the journey from elel maybe there'd be no absolute no infections no this you know me you understand me and for that I'm forever grateful I press my finger to your bond and find a shield impenetrable it is beautiful your love is one few have cherish it go peace seedlings and know that you made one whose heart was long quiet beat with love and you it's funny as the blade I faced Untold brutes and beasts together we've seen athid Horrors most Souls could merely fathom I lived at the mercy of fiends a devil's play thing trying to write the coasts wrong but I've only now come to see who my true enemies been so you'd think but the right answer is much simpler than that time time is so God's damned greedy it can never give only take it builds mountains and deserts only to tear them asunder it fails armies it conquers kings queens even Gods we blink and we're gone and our hopes our memories our heart bonds are gone with us lucky for us I found a way to stop time if just for a moment come let me show you the Wild and Oak Legend has it it stood since the age of Dawn I used to come here and climb it when my father's eye was turned elsewhere Daydream of the stories it might tell if I listened close enough the dragon Lords sparking the skies above it the moon elves first plucking the strings of the weave standing here I feel like I can see into forever I was hoping you'd think so I've been thinking a lot about forever more so I've been thinking about everything that comes before and who I want at my side as it passes my mother always said the Wild and Oaks acorns hell just a touch of wishing magic if that be so then may my greatest wish come true tonight I love you will you be mine today and tomorrow and reaching into eternity Gods you've made me the happiest soul in all the realms your skin flushes and your soul sings As You Palm the acorn wishing magic affection Love whatever the cause it's as real as the ground beneath you get down here already it's time we started our happily ever after [Music] the blade of a verus a new name for a changed man the four pillars finally rise Within Me courage Insight strategy Justice I'm not to abide them but to become them ah but enough reflection for today I'm of a mind to celebrate a hearty meal would do the trick a few hunks of fresh venison a round of brown ale what do you say wonderful you hunt the deer I'll scr up the ale prepare your belly for a roast Al blade let's hope Gail doesn't take offense if I assume cooking duties just the on I love the coast I love its people the blade of aerus will toil for them but he'd rather not toil alone fyon doesn't need just one hero it needs two say you'll fight with me then let it be so could any man have wanted a partner more ravishing you make me so proud and when the Elder brain Falls the people of the sword Coast will see what I see a shining star beckoning them to a brilliant future my favorite subject a few Moon Rises back I thought the answer was complicated but it's quite simple really you are my yesterday my today and my tomorrow the nether brain shakes us Quakes us claws at our minds and all for not it's afraid it knows we will fight it and it knows we can [Music] win I will give you as many kisses as you need darling but we don't need luck for we have something far greater courage nerve and a reason to win I knew we hadn't seen the last of this place come let's hear what the emperor has to say I can't say we've much of a choice courage Insight strategy Justice these were the lessons my father taught me they are the the shields that protect us from the nether brains attacks and the blades with which we will strike it suffering and hate can never Prevail for as long as we wield them and Devastation blood and battle so our path is set and we've no choice but to follow if the fires must spread and the walls must tumble at least we have each each other to cling to it's afraid it knows we will fight it and it knows we can win ah that little voice in the back of our minds All Is Lost it cries out and it's all too easy to believe it there's only one good response to it shut the hell up you are not just your fear and your doubts you are your bravery and your Valor your skill and your strength let those voices drown out the others they're the ones that will guide you to victory [Music] now there's a sight to see not that I'll miss them with the GIF Yankee gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be rebuilt but it seems that Gail's mind is elsewhere the crown it's somewhere in the gontha if I Salvage the stones I can reforge it and once I have I'll return it to mistra she'll cure me of my Affliction and I'll finally be free and a more deserving one this time around if this adventure has taught me anything is that there are things in this world far more valuable than power besides gr quite fond of this merry band of ours but I'd quite like to see what happens to it I'm sure Mr will summon me soon enough but until then I propose we celebrate our Victory the Mortal way with a drink in our hands and Reckless abandon in our hearts a nippa dance and a song Don't Mind If I Do I think we're due in evening's reprieve what's our leader have to say I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to the ow what the oh no oh god well it was it was nice when it lasted I'm sorry I I have to go I doubt we'll ever see that face basking in the sun again the tension dissipates your companions begin to relax you feel the warmth of their relief their Joy their peace in each other's company and in your own heart the Restless biting sadness that burns within you threatening to break you can make it till dawn if you gather every bit of strength you have you can survive the night one last night to say goodbye one last night to live it's over and it's all because of you you who were destined to become a th thanks to you there will be no elith Empire no death Gods tyranny you have earned your place amongst the legends of the sword Coast you are the saviors of Boulder's Gate [Music] my shining star since I've known you we've shed more blood than could ever fill the Chon the wounds we sustained were the Testament to our might but last night I swear to you your touch healed every one of my bruises and wiped away every scar through you I've been born a new a moment passes Will's eyes GL up to his horns there's something I need to ask you something terrible something greedy something unreasonable I'm the blade of aus I swore to cleanse the hells of the Devils that threaten the coast and I know my first Target maora I won't let her claim one more Soul slay one more victim I'm going going to make my way to the hells and tear the horns right off her damned head I want you to join me I want you to live carlac we can have a life together even in a verus a real life I knew you'd say yes all these years as the blade I've been called a champion a hero a legend names I never asked for praise I never sought but you you've earned the right to be called a hero a thousand times over what a gift you've been to the sword coast and what a gift you've been to me what an honor to walk alongside a true legend come the next page in our Saga Begins six months have passed since you defeated the ne brain and since then you have seen more of life than you ever thought possible you are greeted as a savior a champion a hero but sometimes you feel like something else entirely an adventurer a traveler a Survivor you face down the gods you thwarted The Grand Design anything seems possible but before you can write the next chapter of your story you must end this one that's why you're going back to where all of this began answering an invitation to gather with your allies and Friends thou W called here some from above some below for With Thine bond together thou Hast kept the wheel of fate spinning when it threatened to Halt though thou W drawn far apart in the months after the collapse of the absolute tonight fate renews thy Bond once more thou shouldst take care to Pres deserve it it is a great weapon wielded in the hand of good go know one another once more there you are my friend breathe deep can you smell [Music] it you take in every scent the night Breeze carries sweet honeysuckle tender violets and an earthy fragrance you can't quite recognize forest trees draped in Moss Bittersweet Smokey and that faintest hint of vanilla a far cry from the rancid of Earnest Heat that's been clogging my lungs I swear carac and I have faed enough cambian to build a fortress with their horns who would have thought that just one of those fiends held the key to escaping a verus for good one of them sported a map and some blueprints if you want all the Gory details carlac can fill you in I think the splinters I made out of the last bone devil I saw speak for themselves not to Pat myself too hard on the back but I'm not such a bad Ranger if I do say so myself I've missed you too carlac the most generous Spirit the fiercest heart diamond and Cinder forged into a precious treasure all on its own if I had to do it all over again and I'd rather not to be clear I can't imagine not having you at my side I've seen him more than a few times and he's as proud of me as I am of him he's leading the city's renewal opened the gates to all newcomers rebuilt the council from scratch and he's back in his element commanding the flaming fist with brave heart and no shortage of empathy the likes of Gort as can bend people's minds with a few chosen words no tadpole needed Bane's chosen primed the fist for a war they weren't meant to win he convinced them there was an assassin hiding in every shadow that cruelty was the correct answer to crisis with a few exceptions fathers pardoned every last fist if my forgiveness not be tears will so be it I shall forgive them all the same his words not mine he still believes in the bow and the blade but with fic's help he's teaching the fist a new lesson Valor is found not in the wounds you inflict but in the lives that you have bettered may they all take it to heart well that's enough hell talk for the moment the night's young you shouldn't go wasting it or wasting any of the wine for that matter I plan on Downing half a bottle myself oh did I say half a bottle I meant half a dozen Oh and before you Saun her off I love you hasn't changed never will this one night is like any other and yet different Thou Art the savior of Boulder's Gate until such time it requires saving again how does thou feel I am pleased to hear it the satisfaction of one's intention is to my surprise a rare accomplishment enjoy the rry of the day thou th ears and listen the balance of the world restored the balance of these lives mortal and otherwise brought to account hear me th Heroes wasts friends I have waited long to tell you these words it is for now thou played thy part in weaving the fabric of Fate itself but for every thread you sowed so did the gods unravel another sleep rest Revel but be ready for thou May yet be needed until we meet again I wish thee every possible Fortune health wealth love and above all problems worth solving to you [Music] a
Channel: Saber Kitty
Views: 4,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xa42QXEpjcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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