Baldur's Gate 3 (Minthara Romance)

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meaningless welp end the latter to save the former you took a life now yours will be taken in turn a fair exchange perhaps I will not be slandered General you saw my reports you know it's not my fault the facts suggest otherwise you were ordered to retrieve the artifact you failed to to do so if I had been given Dr Warriors instead of goblin trash boy what you Scag enough a blast of mental energy washes over you filling the room tple squirms urging you to obey let me make sure I understand this you're claiming that General Thor gave you the wrong soldiers yes no you blame the absolutes chosen for your failure of course it is not the General's fault who's [Music] then Zell's mind is a steel trap but you cautiously ease your way in you just need to shift her focus a little I'm being unkind anyone might have struggled with such imperfect tools goblins are prone to failure yes it's the Goblin's fault they failed you general not me General take Menara below someone will have to consider her fate no please Mercy please bye-bye princess you were adored Menara brought up from the darkness and into the absolute light she cherished you but it wasn't enough you were distracted by your own desires blood lust murder chaos and most damning of all an inability to follow orders I obeyed to the best of my ability and isn't that depressing you are nothing the Dr reaches out to you psychically connecting with you for a moment she is infected like you and her mind is disintegrating come to observe true Soul she is a lesson none can rise so high that they cannot fall again we are erasing her yes your Authority is great we can learn watching you break what little remains of her mind immediately your mind is swept into a greater Vortex a pionic storm with Menara at its Center cannot I submit Embrace her torturers are not dominating her they're destroying her mental defenses and exposing her to something else the absolute navigating the storm you reach the Nexus of her mind it is a wound bleeding raw emotion and shattered Memories but she senses your arrival so it is you who will end me make it Swift then anything to silence that thing that voice but first let's make these bastards bleed her mind fills with warmth and she gently releases you impossible she was broken broken I expected to be greeted as a hero but the wretches imprisoned me and tried to tear my mind apart I didn't think anyone would come for me agreed lead the way oh deal with them or I will we heard she'd been escorted from herself cell not that she could leave the tower the general ordered that she be repurposed not freed apologies truso perhaps I misunderstood the General's orders for the absolute I last left moonrise as a commander in the absolutes Army obeying the voice of a God I thought I had found a home and a purpose now I leave as an exile but you risk your life to rescue me for that I am grateful the artifact connects with her pulling your minds together and showing her all that you have seen the prism your dream visitor the protection that keeps you from obeying the absolute and becoming athid she knows it all in a moment her mind reels but is no longer clouded she accepts the the truth she has no choice there is much we must discuss do you have a safe place to camp nearby goodbye for now I will see you soon it does not compare with the Comforts of home but your Camp is almost palal in comparison to my previous accommodation thank you for allowing me to come here and for bringing me back to myself each memory that returns to me is more disturbing than the last the things that I did in the name of the absolute the things that were done to me they broke my mind the best cure is vengeance for both of us while our tadpoles live and the cult have the means to control them we will never be safe we must eradicate them starting with General Thor I mean Cather my deference to him is a habit that will die hard I fear it is the safest place to be swear that you will keep me close until the absolute is dead at least the prism will protect me you will fight alongside me and help me to get my Vengeance I knew you were different to other true Souls when we met but I could see nothing clearly now thanks to the prism the absolute does not cloud my thoughts at all I see that together we can have our Vengeance on those who infected us rest well and keep your widths about you tomorrow we go to war with the cult of the absolute I would gladly join you in the fight leave one of your other allies here and I shall you wish to consult me I will was the absolute dagger I remember every throat that it held me to and every drop of blood it forced me to spill I take no responsibility for the lives I took I did nothing in the absolutes name I was merely a weapon that had wielded I would rather die then endure it again the tadpole the absolute they work together like a drug I did not feel I was compelled to act against my will I felt ecstatic to serve every action seemed a deliberate Choice the best choice even though I could no more have resisted its commands than flesh can resist Decay even rational Minds like ours cannot reject such a powerful influence the absolute can make The Impossible seem inevitable I took up my oath long ago when I swore bloody Vengeance against any who defied Lo now I myself have sinned against the Spider Queen though my faith is shattered my oath endures I am sworn to destroy all those who serve the absolute it is not Noble it is necessary if we do not destroy the cultists they will destroy everything we are all that stands between this world and Annihilation I fought at his side once shortly after my conversion before the battle he was everything a general should be a charismatic leader with a brilliant strategic mind and when the fighting began he led his troops from the front and cut through the enemy like a scthe through stalks blows and arrows rained down on him and before long his face was a mask of blood but he did not fall he did not even falter when we won the day krick's armor was bent and shattered but his flesh was [Music] unmarked I have lived long enough to know that few things are impossible in this world cath's power is a rare thing though I have never seen its like the Necromancer Balthazar is krick's Chief adviser one who has Mastery over the dead May well be able to help the living cheated we should ransack his Chambers and see what Secrets he keeps for the great General A desperate collection of vagabonds and Strays did you have anyone particular in mind I have never known anyone so ferocious and unassailable in battle and yet so fragile and impermanent in their very being I often think of mortality as a curse in time all that I am and all that I have known and learned will be lost in time our cities will be dust KAC does not seem to have such anxieties perhaps because she cannot afford to she exists in the moment and she will burn out and be gone in a moment there is something very beautiful about [Music] that it would have been better for us had she embraced sha and claimed the power of the Goddess but it is better for shadowart to be free of that poisonous influence the night singer has some admirable qualities far more than her insipid sister but her followers are repressed take the child's Shadow heart she does not even know who she is but still manages to pity herself the very concept of shon worship is self-indulgent they would have you think every whispered word and hidden thought is of value but it is not so I have performed a thousand interrogations squeezing out the most guarded Secrets held in heart mind and soul I can tell you this when the trivial Parts have been whittled away and I have sifted through what remains in most cases a person amounts to nothing at all he is exceedingly self-righteous amusing considering he bound himself to a devil will doesn't just have blood and dirt on his hands he has stains on his soul those last more than a lifetime it is as it should be purity of soul and deed will not help us to survive the absolute I would rather be allied with a warlock than the spoiled son of a noble who has more experience with diplomats than Devils I have encountered few gith yanki in my life those that I did were Raiders they croaked out pleas for mercy in their alien tongue as they died meeting laen makes me wish I knew more of their culture I no longer listen to The Whispers of the spider Queen's web I only obey my own heart's desires most gith do not seem to know their own Hearts nor do they need to they have strict hierarchies and commitment to a single cause even now infected and Far From Home Lael stays true to the cause that shows resolve the wizard no their Mastery of the weave is commendable but they are poor conversationalists in my experience they do not usually live long enough to make the effort of befriending them worthwhile either the enemy recognizes they are a threat and kills them swiftly or their curiosity leads them to combust while experimenting with the limits of magic our wizard is already in a state of suspended combustion thanks to that orb between his ribs you dare Show Yourself here after all you've done you have betrayed me you have betrayed General Thor you have betrayed Our God and for what these Harpers moonrise will be their tomb and in death you will all serve the absolute I will never serve the absolute again Zell and I will take your prattling tongue as a reminder of this moment I will never Tire of sitting on dead men's Thrones power always has but I shall not get too comfortable here we must be free if we are to rule and to be free We Must Destroy This cult and krick's co-conspirators along with it I know one of them all too well bal's blood Letter Orin to think I thought her to be speaking for the absolute I worshiped that woman you make it sound so simple she is the chosen of Bal Lord of murder and one of the cult's founders indeed she is the one who indoctrinated me with the absolute lies [Music] she is fierce vicious and cruel in those respects we are alike but she is dangerously unpredictable if there is a way to turn this design towards Slaughter rather than control she will take it she is the one who brought me to Moonrise and into the presence of her socalled God the absolute now I know that those memories are lies there was no God Orin held me down in a cocoon of Flesh while a mind flare forced a parasite into my brain and she laughed at my fear I will find her I will murder her and I will smile it is as if you read my mind perhaps you did in killing cck we fractured the cult's leadership ship when we break the other Chosen and claim their nether Stones we can take control I expected you would be but know this what I propose is nigh on Impossible but if anyone can succeed it is us we have the prism and we have the courage to slay Gods we may fail but we must try the power of the enslaved Elder brain could reshape the world we could reshape the world and then we will need no Gods we will be their equal we will be absolute we have a purpose and a bond by my oath I will fight with you while that purpose holds there is yet one thing about you that troubles me though something I need you to explain why come to moonrise where the cult's power is strongest why not walk away drought famine and warfare are threats to the world as well do you intend to eradicate them the cult are a threat to you that is what matters now I am ready to leave this damned place whenever you give the word the city awaits I for one will miss the shadow curse for all the pain it caused us it did at least obscure the incessant son I take no pleasure in his passing whatever faults he may have had cck was a great leader life was cruler to him than death it is no great wonder that he found his strength in Merkel I believe he was an honorable man but the gods used him as their play thing first sha and her sister then the three behind the absolute I sympathize it is a sharp mind that feels sympathy for one who suffers unnecessarily not a soft heart I saw strength in kth that had been diluted by pain but I will never forgive him for handing me to Ain for that I hope merkl Hollows out his bones and lets them be dust a true Soul came to my city preaching a message of togetherness accompanied by two novices menzo bransen is not fertile ground for such messages I killed them and hanged their bodies in my garden I thought so too this world is full of fools after all but in this instance I was mistaken our visitors were not fools they were baited even as the Flesh sagged and sloughed away from their eyeless skulls their audacity infuriated me I had to know where they came from and whoever sent them was counting on my curiosity overcoming my caution yes all it took was a simple Act of necromancy and the corpses told me where I needed to strike moonrise Towers no I was prepared for combat but I intended to strike subtly as it turned out to my shame I Was Defeated without even drawing my weapon I came to moonrise with a retinue of Warriors and assassins the best house ban Ray had to offer I expected a battle but found a fully laden Feast table and a welcome befitting a hous matron Krick expected us expected me and I fell for his flattery perhaps I deserved what came after the welcome as well cck proposed an alliance between Moonrise and meno banen I admit I was captivated by him he invited me to the head of his table as his guest of honor I was wary of course if I had been in his position the food would have been poisoned it was not the food I should have been wary of it was the pale woman at the foot of the table Orin the red we had barely begun to eat when she spoke for the first time I only caught one word my name then quick as Lightning she climbed onto the table a dagger in each hand and skipped toward me slicing the throats out of my men as she passed them few things frighten me Orin is one of them cck held me still his hand on my shoulder the grip tight enough to crack the bone when Ain stood before me she touched the dagger to my eye drawing out a tear of of blood I want this one she said cck nodded his permission and I was taken below you've seen the horrors of the colony Orin kept me there for days she forced me to watch as my men were processed some for food others as THS and then she placed the tadpole in in my eye herself I deserved it I was passive weak proud you know the rest as well as I do there were massacres before the Grove religious communities mostly those who refused to convert then there was you and now there is freedom soon there will be Vengeance I do not understand why the matrons sorry Patriarchs of the city do not open their gates to the refugees I was not suggesting they be allowed to roam free they should be put to work the city needs laborers and father to protect it yes and if they work hard enough for long enough the city might allow them to earn their freedom one day the next urchin that tries to pick my pocket will lose its hand if I take its head how will it learn from its mistakes even here A child deserves a second chance huh I am reminded of the Brave in the stench streets of meno banen where the sick and the outlawed make their homes despite the destitution there is profit and opportunity to be found in such places if one is willing to Wade through the Squall yes I only know it through history books and hearsay a city of murder and grief I expect it will live up to it Legend you have never visited huh most likely I am a ban Ray born into the city's most ancient and Powerful house my life was one of privilege and danger like you I lived in Karo high above the city's sprawl I enjoyed every luxury whether harvested in the underdark or stolen from the surface and I survived my first assassination attempt while I still suckled at my mother's breast I tasted her blood that day she covered my body with her own and a blade bit deep into her chest almost puncturing her heart when I came of age she tried to take my life herself and I gave her fresh scars to match those she earned protecting me I expect so if the world were to end I think my mother would survive to rule over the ruins she taught me to be resilient and to guard my heart from those who cannot be trusted literally and figuratively when I choose to let somebody close I do not do so lightly that gives a great depth of meaning to the bonds I do share patricide is often the first step toward greatness but I hope will does not regret sacrificing his infernal Powers I am not on edge I am alert as you should could be too Orin could be anywhere could be anyone despite her protestations to the contrary it is clear that Menara is [Music] afraid H I doubt it her father is murder incarnate and she is a devoted daughter to please Bal she would butcher the world she has the scent of our blood and she will tease and toy until she tires of the hunt then she will obliterate us without a second thought we need to watch over each other now more than ever he is rather fond of himself self if he truly intends to be the savior of Boulder's Gate perhaps he has reason to [Music] be even if I personally faed down the army of the absolute and drove it from the city single-handedly I would not be welcomed as a savior no matter what I do the people of balder's gate will always see me as an enemy I agree what matters is that they respect us and fear us when we have all three nether stones and control the Elder brain all of fyon will have reason to fear us as you approach Menara you feel her mind reaching out to yours tentative and curious then it Retreats soft as a whisper sorry old habits I did not ask permission when we first met I did not think we would ever share anything more than an uneasy Alliance born of our mutual enmity for the absolute I was wrong a deeper bond has grown between us I trust you but I would like to to touch your thoughts again now that my mind is my own may I of course I do not hide anything from you when the absolute fell silent I thought I would be alone I expected to spend my days among surface dwellers who knew nothing of my culture I did not expect to meet another Outcast from the underd dark who understood me I did not expect you I have been told that I am special since my mother first held me in her arms the burden of expectation before the absolute I lived a life of certainties I knew that I was destined for greatness because I was born to it I also knew that my inherited privilege came with a cost that the bonds of fellowship and family could be broken by Envy and ambition I could not enjoy the taste of food for fear of poisoning and I could not enjoy the company of lovers and friends because I feared they hid knives behind their smiles in spite of the danger I was happy I knew myself and I understood the world around me now nothing is certain without L without the absolute without my home I do not know myself but you do I think show me myself Through Your Eyes let me see what I am to you she joins her thoughts with yours and you are as one you share in her strength of mind and for midable will but also the doubts that eat at her conviction those doubts cluster in swarms and the thickest is around her sense of self she pushes past revealing the image of her you hold in your mind what does she see the cold shell of manara's Mind melts away and you are drawn into the heart of her warm passionate and dangerous ous I have never lacked confidence but this conflict seems so much bigger than the two of us it frightens me I do not know if we will survive it but whatever life remains to us I would gladly spended fighting at your side and lying with you at night her mind touches yours feather light and hesitant a stark contrast to the confidence with which her thoughts intruded on yours in the past tonight there will be no voices no orders no Gods I belong only to you this city of stone and steel is an endless scream in Nature's womb I have felt no peace here your eyes deer there is pain endless and deep but also devotion blazing like the sun you're in love are you not you are wise to admit it when it comes to love vulnerability is armor truth a sword and trust a shield I pray you wield all three s bring the one you love to me I will look into your hearts and see if your love is eternal or doomed eternally I know my heart and yours better than this creature ever will but we can indulge it if you wish close your eyes little ones be still as Stone to Earth and remember to breathe ah glorious your bond is sweeter than Nature's due I see you know you but do you know one another men a mask of ice hides a heart of pure fire you do well to call her close listen think what does the Dr miss most about the under dark it is true surface food lacks flavor house ban Ray Banquets were legendary your bond beats in pleasure it is an honor to behold many pass through our lives their touch Rippling across time but who does Menara admire the most presumptuous but not inaccurate you have earned my companionship that is no easy task our touch has been that of sunlight but now we must ask the Deep the difficult those with an icy facade hide their true selves well but pain breaks us all in the end what is the worst thing your love has ever done I do not know what weakness of mine allowed them to take me that haunts me more than anything they did to me you know my heart and I am glad you are the first I press my finger to your bond and find a shield impenetrable it is beautiful your love is one few have cherished It Go in peace seedlings and know that you made one whose heart was long quiet beat with love a new hard to believe she is dead after all that she did to me I do not often doubt myself but surviving Orin took courage and strength I was not sure I had I could not have faced her without you you are trying to raise my spirits I appreciate it but any Joy the sight of orin's corpse brings me is but a speck of comforting shade there is little relief to be found from the heat of the storm we are caught in while the brain is still free and we are still infected we will never be safe but we can talk of this later for now let us be glad that we still draw breath and that Ain does not does your blood sing as mine does my love there is no time for Words let us join the battle no if this is to be our end we will die together but do not think of endings think of the Glorious battle to come and rejoice that we have a part in it we are in the midst of a battle against a being that can kill world holds with a thought and we are still standing I am fairing exceptionally well given the circumstances I know that we can if you have doubts rid yourself of them they are infectious the world wakes to a new dawn and we are here to greet it not as conquerors but as SA AV yes I would like that no more gods or Monsters no Devils or demons to manipulate Our Fate we reclaimed our freedom though everything was against us what would you do with it I would have preferred to claim the whole world when we had the chance but Boulder's Gate is not a bad place to start we can put the Gans back to work rebuild the steel watch and March to Water Deep with an Unstoppable Army at our back and a song of Conquest on our lips the sword Coast will be our Battlefield and Boulder's Gate will be the founding city of a new Dynasty my name belongs to my mother so our house will have a new name your name and the world will learn to fear it but we can look to the Future tomorrow or the day after today let us think only of ourselves in this moment we have won a lifetime together in the six months since the nether brain fell you and minara have set so many schemes in motion that it is hard to keep track of them they are all interwoven to create one grand plot ensuring everyone of importance in the city owes you a favor a debt or their life Menara is happier here than you could ever have imagined and she fully intends to rule the city one day from the Shadows with you at her side but now you must leave not on a matter of business or Intrigue but for pleasure the Allies who stood with you against the absolute are gathering and you are invited thou W called here son some from above some below for With Thine bond together thou Hast kept the wheel of fate spinning when it threatened to Halt though thou W drawn far apart in the months after the collapse of the absolute tonight fate renews thy Bond once more thou shouldst take care to preserve it it is a great weapon wielded in the hand of good go know one another once more yes my Lord are you done talking to your friends can we leave I think not they may respect me or fear me but I do not think they like me your affection is the only thing that matters let us finish our socializing and be done in truth I have never enjoyed parties although they do present the perfect opportunity for a poisoning excellent taste my lips they are already laced with toxins None Shall be spared tonight not even [Music] you now go mingle carouse indulge tomorrow we return to balder's gate and now camp pain to control the city's undesir continues we will need all of our strength I always have strength enough for you do not make me wait long
Channel: DarkYamiThe3RD
Views: 32,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5Share, ShareFactoryStudio
Id: nG-bb0yX3JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 22sec (3022 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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