Saving Shadowheart parents | Baldur's Gate 3

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Shah's parting words make your flesh craw there is no lesson to be learned here only a family's torment a spiteful goddess's whims and an unspeakable choice to be made she's gone I I don't understand sha will never admit defeat not until she has stolen one last thing from you we cannot allow your future to be the last prize not after all your mother and I have endured to see you again your companion understands I think help her please help her see what must be done no I I can't I came here for them and you did you found us all these years that dream kept us going that you would would break free no matter what they made you do to us we knew you were still in there I knew the dark woods wouldn't frighten you you were always such a brave girl she was and still is you've saved us now save yourself you'll be out of Sha's reach and we will be at peace but I only just found you again after all this time I can't lose you again we'll still be with you by the moon maiden's grace we'll never be far please Jennifer but the curse we'll just have to go on like this suffering I didn't come this far just to give up at the final hurdle we we're leaving this place together I'm going to take care of you our time has passed jevel you must not let us burden you you're no burden you're my strength I think I know where my willful sight comes from now but hush anell Jen wants her family Jen shall have her family how can we help dear get out of this place as soon as your strength allows there's a camp you'll be safe there I heard Birds song at dusk coming here you don't know what it's like to hear music like that again after so long without thank you Sam I think she's still trying to find the words she still feels responsible I fear I don't want her to punish herself old I was a young woman when they seized me anel and I hoped Jen would be joined by siblings but that dream's gone now and there's a stranger in the mirror but I still have my teeth that first Apple was worth the [Music] weight apologies even the littlest thing wears me [Music] out I should rest a little we'll talk soon Arnell oh I see do forgive me you've shown great kindness allowing my wife and I to remain with you thank you I'm I'm glad geneville found you there must be stories you could tell but perhaps another time I'm afraid my strength has not returned just yet decades in that place has left me maimed Body and Soul she is strong but she is also human the years were harder on her than on me in both body and mind Sha's pit robbed us of precious time we can never have back whatever we have left I must make count for double triple but later perhaps I still need time to recover my strength some rest perhaps will make me better company nor is jeval perhaps that is something I shall need to talk to her about when the time is right whatever jeval wishes of us she still has other fights but when she's ready we'll be there to be a family again I'm sorry but what happened in that room it must stay within the family just know that we endured and are grateful for your help doesn't look like anyone's been here in a while perhaps people lost Faith or forgot about it I wanted to come here to see if I felt anything that I hadn't done before now that I know what I know now that I know who I am I don't know for so long I only felt what she wanted me to now I have to do it for myself and I feel like I'm drowning so much time's been lost already most of it I can't even remember what I do remember it would have been so much easier to just become a monster I have my family back and now I can't even look them in the eye I don't deserve to be anyone's daughter that's not true not even close I'm sorry you shouldn't have to see me like this alive free feeling I've dreamt for years of seeing you like this seeing you as yourself again Jen it kept us going all this time I can't be your geneville not as you remember her of course you can no I'd be turning my back on too much Shadow heart is as much part of who I am as geneville I can't just forget her that's not what I do anymore besides Shadow heart still suits me even better than before perhaps you can't cast a shadow without some light don't worry I'm still your daughter if you want me to be I'll call you whatever you like so long as you're happy AR now the moon Maiden guides and helps us find our true selves Shadow heart daughter Moon maiden's blessings to you we are a small family smaller than I hoped for but we are whole again it comes and goes and eventually it will come more often than it goes time is far cruler than sha could ever be I do not think I will ever get better but I wish to make the most of the time I have left with my family besides I'm tougher than I look I'll fight on now that I have something to fight for now this old lady will be getting in the way in your fine Camp I'm afraid don't worry I shall pull my weight and help how I can after so long in captivity it feels good to use my hands again sala's blessings to you my wife will need care there I wish to find somewhere quiet close to Nature where the sun can warm us and the moon can watch over us as we sleep and Shadow heart too may wish to join us perhaps once she's helped you put down this absolute threat I've gleaned enough from word around this cemp to know you're more than capable you will prevail of course only a fool would alienate his child over a name Shadow heart must determine her own path that is what the moon Maiden teaches still I am unused to it I can only hope she forgives a slip of the tongue now and again until I adapt I am but with sala's guidance I learned how to control the Beast long ago I only Let it Loose again when my family was threatened unfortunately I was unable to stop what beell us as neither elf nor wolf
Channel: DanaDuchy
Views: 91,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: choices, games, danaduchy, all options
Id: 6ziS4gpnLMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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