Baldur's Gate 3: New Karlach Romance Epilogue Endings (Patch 5)

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[Music] well Soldier here we are it worked my engines calmed down I shouldn't have let you come here this isn't going to be easy you know zaro's going to come at us with everything she's got Gods like clockwork they'll be on us soon but there's just enough time thought I was done with these but then There Was [Music] You imps are fast but careless don't let them tie you out just get rid of them and don't forget you asked for this better let these [ __ ] know I'm back and this time I'm not [Music] alone [Music] the invitation came you were hip deep in Lor slime swarmed by hell wasps and about to drive the killing blow on a magma claw cutting through the Dreadful Buzz of the wasps and the screams of the Damned a familiar comforting voice echoed in your mind with us he Rec requested your attendance in fyon to gather with your friends and allies those who stood against the absolute at your side a reprieve from the blood War a few hours of Ras bite with the stars above and good company to cheer you carac heart can take the strain of leaving a verest for a few short hours but it might burst with joy to see those friends again thou W called here some from above some below for With Thine bond together thou Hast kept the wheel of fate spinning when it threatened to Halt though thou W drawn far apart in the months after the collapse of the absolute tonight fate renews thy Bond once more thou shouldst take care to preserve it it is a great weapon wielded in the hand of good go know one another once [Music] more oh [ __ ] oh my gods he wasn't kidding where is you mad bastard you brought us back Commander Zula won't know where the [ __ ] we went oh man I can't wait to say hi to everyone look at them the bees rest up Soldier my Tin Can will be all right for the night and you and me will get to sleep with both eyes shut for the first time in 6 months then again again maybe we won't sleep at all me too my love see you soon come here you goon [Music] oh hey before you go I've been thinking about those blueprints we found zel's probably got a load of cambion guarding that Forge I'm sure she knows I'll want in she'll do anything to stop me from fixing this thing I might have an in with one of the guards though you you may remember my old friend Flo not sure she'll help us but maybe we might get to come home permanently maybe even sooner than we [Music] think the balance of the world restored the balance of these lives mortal and otherwise brought to account hear me th Heroes wols friends I have waited long to tell you these words it is over for now thou played thy part in weaving the fabric of Fate itself but for every thread you swed so did the gods unravel another sleep rest Revel but be ready for thou Mast yet be needed until we meet again I wish thee every possible Fortune health wealth love and above all problems worth solving to [Music] you goodbye son goodbye see goodbye [Music] a I'm ready I I stand back I'm going [Music] to [Music] thou feels it still she is not here she who means the most Hast thy thoughts been with brave GAC often [Music] no it is not thou brought Joy to the dark of her last hours it was the greatest gift thou could have given her life her happiness was you thy life was hers for a while it is now thine again live it well in the Fugue plain her soul Burns so bright it pains the gods to look upon recall that in time all changeth and all is rejoined Thou shalt be with her again [Music] Soldier thank you but Beauty no longer concerns me this vessel this flesh is but a means to experience the depths within and without before all I cared about was survival now I think I'm ready to live I love you too before that love was an irrepressible Inferno now it is a calm cool object of beauty maybe you're right I feel this less changeable less afraid I feel ready for whatever is to come at your side I have learned to make peace with death to accept New Life to conquer all that stands in the way of us and our destiny we are indomitable and the life we lead will be legendary let us begin together as one and since then you have seen more of life than you ever thought possible you are greeted as a savior a champion a hero but sometimes you feel like something else entirely an adventurer a traveler a Survivor you faced down the gods you thwarted the grand and design anything seems possible but before you can write the next chapter of your story you must end this one that's why you're going back to where all of this began answering an invitation to gather with your allies and friends are you enjoying yourself my love [Music] bold there'll be plenty of time for that after we're caught up with our old friends anyway I need to visit the doctor on our way home he said there's a potential in his infirmary a very old woman recently diagnosed with a wasting sickness she seemed uh interested in what I have to offer I want to have a good long talk with her before we make an arrangement though if I'm being very selfish I hope she'll say yes I'm absolutely famished and think of all those memories I don't hide it well do I some things don't change even when everything else does it's funny I'm hungry in my body but in my soul too that woman has lived a long life births deaths love Misfortune and if she agrees I'll be able to give her a dignified end and remember it all in her honor but hey I'm getting ahead of myself let's enjoy ourselves this is a rare enough treat isn't it always [Music] [Music] darling the balance of the world restored the balance of these lives mortal and otherwise brought to accard hear me thou Heroes wols friends I have waited long to tell you these words it is over for now thou played thy part in weaving the fabric of Fate itself but for every thread you sowed so did the gods unravel another sleep rest Revel but be ready for thou May yet be needed until we meet again I wish thee every possible Fortune health wealth love and above all problems worth solving to [Music] you well Soldier here we are it worked my engines calmed down I shouldn't have let you come here this isn't going to be easy you know zaro's going to come at us with everything she's got Gods like clockwork they'll be on us soon but there's just enough time thought I was done with these but then there was you imps are fast but careless don't let them tie you out just get rid of them and don't forget you asked for this better let these [ __ ] know I'm back and this time I'm not [Music] alone [Music] the invitation came you were hip deep in Lor slime swarmed by hell wasps and about to drive the killing blow on a magma claw cutting through the Dreadful Buzz of the wasps and the screams of the D A Familiar comforting voice echoed in your mind with us you requested your attendance in fyon to gather with your friends and allies those who stood against the absolute at your side a reprieve from the blood War a few hours of Ras fite with the stars above and good company to cheer you carac heart can take the strain of leaving a verest for a few short hours but it might burst with joy to see those friends again oh [ __ ] oh my gods he wasn't king with is you m bastard you brought us back Commander Zola won't know where the [ __ ] we went oh man I can't wait to say hi to everyone look at them the bees rest up Soldier my Tin Can will be all right for the night and you and me will get to sleep with both eyes shut for the first time in 6 months then again maybe we won't sleep at all me too my love see you soon come here you goon oh hey before you go I've been thinking about those blueprints we found zel's probably got a load of cambian guarding that Forge I'm sure she knows I'll want in she'll do anything to stop me from fixing this thing I might have an inn with one of the guards though you may remember my old friend Flo not sure she'll help us but maybe we might get to come home permanently maybe even sooner than we think
Channel: Naughty Gaming
Views: 105,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, pc, naughtygaming, naughty gaming, ps5, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate III, BG3, Larian, Studios, romance, Gale, Shadowheart, Karlach, Astarion, Halsin, Minthara, dark urge, bhaal, Isobel, Dame, Wyll, Mizora
Id: 6kL56nnRAdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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