Even More Baldur's Gate 3 Moments That Made Me Laugh

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I am enjoying our walks together aren't you gang um sure in silence speaking truthfully I'm a little surprised you chose to Shield a star let's hope it doesn't come back to bite me later somewhere intimate somewhere we can indulge in each other thank goodness we're all such good trusting friends then On My Honor the only thing on my mind is depraved carnal lust I'm growing to like the whole package honestly and you clearly like me too so maybe there's more to you than I thought the creature gulps the food down it seems he hasn't eaten in some time with a hungry chirp he steps forward he wants more the hand that feeds is the hand that's loved it'll never leave your side now alarmed by your companion's approach the Cub turns heel and runs I stand corrected come on come on what are you hiding can you summon the dead bring them back can you oh can you shut up and let me read no I won't kill them well maybe Gail I can't I won't now stop let me go ah hello I can't reason with them they exist to protect that book no he's not eating this one it's too valuable Gail slurp that thing up like a horse with a carrot so will with a Y bodies everywhere why that's right accident or sabotage why why a great uncle name my father said but I just figured he couldn't spell goblins are such vile little parasites given your own nature are you really the one to judge gods are Al a paladin you lot are drier than sh in the Noonday sun and the Sweet Cakes don't taste half as good as raw eggs with this blasted Fork tongue there are spikes in places there really shouldn't be warm fire scratch reminds me of Big [Music] Brother used to mother ate him cleanse the rot destroy them I admit I like this one's approach a little genocidal but effective Aran how is the rat diet going it may soon come to an end if you don't shut your mouth I'd kiss you but neither of us deserve [Music] that what's in the sweet H were you thinking activating that lot I was right there God do you have any idea how much that [Music] hurt next time no no no if there is a next time I'll be the one aiming the all powerful weapon thank you though I do appreciate you trying to fix your mistake just don't do it again now shall we go or do you have any other chaos you need to unleash here I didn't exactly dress for hiking mountains shame we can procure some pack mules or horses horses perish the thought those ill tempered beasts are prone to biting well so are you but we keep you around don't we those who seek danger over cheese don't tend to live as long the barrel is filled with smoke powder as an expert on the subject my dear lady I'd like to point out that blowing oneself up is never the solution shut your mouth look at this place such Horrors defy description silence can be best give it a try sometime poor Gail he must be in bits after hearing that I'll distract him tell him I haven't read a book since Secondary School watch his face melt off once you could hear Nature's Symphony in this place now it is quiet quiet and dead I can make some animal noises if it will make you feel more at home you bleed well enough as it is careful in future you can't just stick your hand in every strange hole you come across enough if the wizard were given the choice what food would he be you think so little of me at least you didn't compare me to a spotted dick Bears have perhaps the best sense of smell of all animals a curse in a place such as this breathe deep that is the true scent of Boulder's Gate assaulting your nostrils atress him call her a cat again and I assure you you'll feir no better in her estimations than she apparently fares in yours I know you love me perhaps it was too much to expect you to love my cat as well I mean Tres him you have bonded with Gail Body and Soul his scent lingers on your skin if there is to be anything between us it must be with his consent as and perhaps someday his participation take your time I'll be [Music] waiting anything I can do for you consider it most enthusiastically done what like a child [Music] much of a Wizard's power simply packaged and picked up well picked up by all but M when he touches the many delicate little jars oh how the wizard shout in stare fear not Minsk you have a wizard at your side who positively encourages such [Music] curiosity obliged wizard should we find our way to a weapons SP in will rough you up a little so that you too can fit him lovely day this now but it is a fine thing to walk with friends beneath the warming Sun friends might be a stretch but otherwise yes I fully agree might have your cloudy logs to keep the heat off your head do not forget that Minsk has boo we will be like like twins eh we will God 200 years and I've never miss seen my reflection more no one goddess or no it is a fearsome sting to be let down by a lover and to hear of it from another of her bright Birds it must be difficult for Gail to imagine great elminster recording writing poems doing certain Deeds it is difficult for Minsk to think of too let us speak no more of it of elminster and the sex I mean [Music] take wave save me I cannot take my are you all right if you need me just say the word now look closely at Minsk and what do you see your gaze is naturally caught on my handsome face the face that is loved by all but cast your eyes down just a little not so farest to make Min blush myor fishan what's that me please slow down use your words Min has thought of how you might be a more virtuous vampire ped on fish instead they are made of not but neck it's a sweet thought but um fish just doesn't have the flavor of full blooded red meat no you do not agree buo I told don't you you have been spending far too much time around the pale one a sad thing to raise a child down in the darkness Small Wonder Shadow heart is so pale and smelling of damp I forget why I began this long and winding story yes boo we have been spending too long around the wizard to forswear the strength of 7,000 Souls that is an act of true strength says SP aarian may borrow Minsk muscles whenever he is needful Brave powerful pun aaran yes all right that's more than enough comfort and support thank you G you will perhaps be able to explain where Buu has not what exactly is the difference between a devil and a demon ah fascinating question one that boils down to which criteria we choose to apply are we speaking about the physiological theological eological uh just how to kill it oh then for your purposes they are exactly the same from right beneath the devil's nose we have stolen his horific or oric Earth may I borrow this hammer and beat whoever named it about the brains so we have the hammer now all we have to do is actually I'm not really really clear on what we have to do but I assume we're smashing something it seems Raphael is not always the best [Music] hostal a damn it to end a devil in the hells is to end him for True Bo was hoping to make a hobby of killing Raphael over and over [Music] again a puzzle is it who is most Adept at their soling no matter where Min guides the nuts who is always able to sniff them out I'm rather a dab hand myself when it comes to a spot of intellectual Intrigue the nuts are in my Pocket Wizard please do not go pting at Minsky's person let's hope Gail doesn't take offense if I assume cooking duties just the once has a Keen Eye for a nice vintage why were we scaming in barels and crates for supplies when he could Source these thanks Peter with us God I remember one evening when we had to eat 14 apples some fish heads and a stale loaf of bread just to get by away my friend Minsk shall soon strip and buo would not see you blinded
Channel: Cyanoic
Views: 129,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Astarion, BG3, Baldur's Gate 3, Boo, Gale, Jaheira, Karlach, Minsc, Shadowheart, Wyll
Id: 25gyuiD-7H0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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