When companions make their own good choices | Baldur's Gate 3

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carved into the bench's rotted surface as strange half faded sigils a magic circle of some kind thick with darkness and Decay a ritual Circle and the complex one of that I've seen such a construction before in the writings of the weave paser Al Raven though his vision was not so tainted sigils are written in a c ious mix of tongues ancient kashite nees something else I can't quite make out if I'm reading it correctly it was used in the creation of moon lanterns it's been mostly drained but even now contains a powerful dose of Shadow weave the discarded pixie corpses might still contain enough Essence we one of the broken Lantern casements yes I think I'll be able to craft one more l Lantern and with a slight modification of the casting gesture it might be able to wield the Shadows instead of repelling them though mr's eyes may be upon me should' forbid me dabbling with such magic she want it destroyed wasted arguably forget what mistra wants think about yourself and what lady Sha's power could do for you Gail make the lantern spread her will very well stand back if you please it doesn't take much the sigils fade the circle's tainted magic dissolving harmlessly Into The Ether not bad for a wizard who slept through his C cesi lessons eh Madness you flood me with this this heresy I I will hear no more of it I served Flack the whole of my life learned her words fought her battles yet she names me her shlock your words carry truth I will meet you in Boulder's Gate do not make me regret it Lael I see TMA gear in you sister in Freedom together we will be our People's Light take this it is a qualith a psionic detector the Queen's Warriors hunt you the quani will sound you out when you come near their portals hear its cry and prepare for battle or slip away I should go vet's gaze pierces the Seas and skies she believes me loyal and I can't afford her mistrust keep the astral prism close let no one take it from you slay any who try now to Boulder's Gate I'll be waiting laso her fate is mine to seal let me handle this the Fate you seal is your own to be a dark justicier is to turn your heart from everything but loss you will know no love no joy only servitude until of course your mistress inevitably discards you and there is much she does not tell you a terrible blood price that may extend beyond my own death you feel Shadow heart bristling this is important to her but your bond is strong you may yet be able to sway her from the path of Duty to the path of light and Night song is not blind to your conflict behind that raging heart is the Restless beat of one who knows too well that her fate hangs in the balance well well well what's that I sense a spear intended for my heart empowered by your goddess I empowered to kill the child of a god do you know what I am little assassin for I know you a Lost Child frightened by wolves in the dark what did you say much has been promised to you hasn't it but what has been taken from you what do you know of your own heart your own life I sense more in you than you know I what do you think what should I do you I I can't believe I just did that lady sha will disown me what will happen to me not what will happen what will you do your past is not yet lost your future is not yet fixed lay a hand on me in Friendship not quite Shon and I will fight the battle that has been waiting for me this last century there then oh then we will have much to [Music] discuss our lady of silver hear me she who guides the moon Maiden saluna mother of the soall Night song The Night song is no [Music] more [Music] I am resplendant and your allies slayed the undead Terror that was once the great answer you are stronger than even the great worm you will be the one to part the storms and lead the people through you not answer are the Savior we need first you will fail the absolute then we will rebuild Boulders gate we will take back our city together I will name you Boulders Gate's nearest Grand Duke of the council you will be hailed heart of the gate Grand dukee I look the part of a fiend I will tell the citizens and the patriar of your good works they will know you carry your father's Banner uncertainty fills the air will has reached a fork in his path in which direction will he travel will I fought to write the wrongs of the coast to slay the men and monsters that hunt the helpless it is in the Wilds that I find my courage not in the halls of upper City Estates there will be no Grand dukee will ravengard and there will be no blade of Frontiers I am now the blade of aerus for as long as demons and Devils imperil the sword Coast they will be my prey then go with my blessing be Fun's great defender courage Insight strategy Justice let these be the lights that guide you my son hail the blade of a verus a cal settles over you the Elder brain is a menace but with the blade of a verus at your side you know you can Triumph here lies a Stan's Tormentor the one who's haunted his nightmares all this time get your hands off me worm I'm not the one in the dirt one last thrust and I'll be free of you I'll never have to fear you again and then what will you be without me a Sade a spectre in the shadow aoid of all purpose you might have made me what I am but I can be so much more than what you created me to be but I am grateful for one thing you showed me how to really save a moments like [Music] this [Music] a is is it over is he yes he's gone what does that mean for us it means you have a choice you can hide here living in the shadows like parasites or you could be more than what he made us to be you can choose differently of course but the consequences are on your head and what does it mean for them the poor wretches in the cells are innocent they shouldn't have to suffer just because I led them [Music] here they'll need someone to lead them take the tunnels into the underdog find somewhere well not safe but less perilous what no we can't just try to keep them out of trouble you killed one vampire but released 7,000 of his spawn have you lost all sense they were Innocents to kill them would have been an even greater crime but if you do decide to go hunting them no they include your children they they survived well that depends on how you define survived really but they are free they're making their way into the underdog as we speak this is difficult news we will need to decide what it means thank you for what you have done slaying kazador was a great justice as for the rest well time will tell thought occurs to you as you gaze at the monstrosity above Gail's orb remains an option one that could put an end to the absolute once and for all you're plotting something aren't you come on then out with it I'd rather know before we take on that cerebral monstrosity I thought I made my feelings plain I do not want to take that step not anymore there's no sense dwelling on such a future if it is locked behind the looming shadow of the nether brain first we must fight then we deal with the crown you make it sound like such a small thing no I do not wish to die if there is even the slimmest chance of success once we Ascend I wish to pursue it I'm glad it would be more than a touch awkward if you tried and I had to turn on you that said should the worst transpire and we seem destined to fail well the orb remains an option I truly hope it does not come to that [Music] [Music] we did it Soldier the city's going to be all right and so are you engines finally cooked held on just long enough so how' I do so are you my friend my companion I Adore You careful hot I never gave up I did my best I did my best that's the one thing I can't beat isn't it I wanted to live in my city with my friends life is still the living and I saw goodbye son goodbye see goodbye no stop I won't allow this carlac you're coming with me back to Aus we can't let her die not like this not [Music] now you can't so what do you say die here now or live on with people who love you asariel won't touch you I swear it carlac all right all right but we have to go now I can't hang on much longer thank the gods you've seen Sense come to a verus we go our next adventure awaits well Soldier here we are it worked my engines calmed down I shouldn't have let you come here this isn't going to be easy you know zaro's going to come at us with everything she's got Gods like clockwork they'll be on us soon but there's just enough [Music] time thought I was done with these but then there was [Music] you [Music] it are fast but careless don't let them tie you out just get rid of them don't forget you asked for this better let these [ __ ] know I'm back and this time I'm not [Applause] alone
Channel: Pikajulie Art
Views: 142,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, baldursgate3, astarion, karlach, wyll, shadowheart, laezel, game, gameplay, gaming, playthrough, cutscene, dialogue
Id: lO0jhLL7XHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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