Wuthering Waves Battle Pass Weapons Worth it?

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hey guys Crow here and today we're going to be comparing all of the battle pass weapons with five and forer weapons I'm talking about whether they're wored or not the Pioneer podcast aka the battle pass is unlocked at Union level 9 there are three different versions the first is the free version which everybody gets and then we have the $10 version here but there's also a $20 version between the two paid versions I don't think the $20 one is worth it I mean you get the 10 battle pass levels which are pretty easy to get one upgrade material for your weapon the guilded Ginko which is a tuning material for the golden Eternal weapons which are the battle pass weapons that you get at Battle pass level 30 as you guys can see this one these weapons so basically what it is is if I go to a random weapon and then go to upgrade screen and then go to tune then I can upgrade the weapon's rank to increase the weapon effect and the g Geno works on any of the battle pass weapons so this is basically like getting the battle pass weapons by a second time but actually not getting it for a second time you also get three extra luster ties and a Sigil I don't think this is worthed I mean you'd get more if you just get a $10 version twice and you can have two different weapons or two different characters I think that would be better for your account I could see ve buying this if they want to like Max their weapons faster with this cuz then instead of 2 months You' only need 1 month to upgrade your weapon and also the drip if you're like into that but I personally would choose the $10 one if I were to buy one so there's eight days left when I'm recording this for a battle pass and if you guys aren't caught up I mean if you're a veil and you have the money then you can go up here and click on purchase level and then you can use your asteroids to buy levels so 100 asteroids is like one level guys please don't do this it's not worth it unless you're a veil with too much money so with a free battle pass you get the top row here so everybody gets everything that's here if they Max it if you get the weekly 10,000 then you'll get here before you even know it and then the bottom row here is the $10 one and the $20 one so if you look at the rewards then you will see that most of the value is in the first 50 levels this is the last one where you get a wish and then after that just like credits Echo upgrade material and then credits Echo more upgrade material and then after 61 it's just all credits same trend is here it's basically credits Echo upgrade material more credit Echo and yeah here is just Echo and credit so yeah like I mentioned earlier you don't get the weapons until you hit battle pass level Tory this where you get the weapon so you get a chest and then you can pick a weapon so if you guys want you don't have to clean this right away you can just like have the chest in your inventory and not choose a weapon yet until you're sure so from the free battle pass you get five lusterous Tides five Crystal solvents 234,000 coins eight random golden Echo some character XP some Echo XP some weapon XP five of these weapon and skill upgrades materials so you get 200,000 credits and now a lot of you guys if you're in the early game you're like oh my gosh that's too much but if you get to Union level 40 then it's not that much I mean look here guys I need like 100,000 for one of my skills so basically these two skills is all of the money from the battle pass it gets expensive so yeah I'll use those 200,000 credits before I even blink if there's something that I would change or add to the battle pass and it would be some tuners I feel like the battle pass would have been very better if they added like some golden tuners I mean even if it was a reward for like the last year like level 70 then it would motivate people to like level this more instead of the 5,000 credits but it's still a nice thing to have I don't want to complain about this much I mean it's free and you can't complain about free stuff so if we go to the paid version we get 680 asteroides like when we hit level one and then we get five rant Tides two lusterous Tides seven Crystal solvents 1,1 145,000 credit 19 random golden Echoes some character XP some Echo XP some weapon XP nine of the for or weapon and skill Ascension materials four of the five star weapon Ascension and skill materials 250 golden tuners and a four star weapon selector so guys what do you think is that worth it want something to note if you guys are watching this video like the battle pass is about to end then don't worry even if you buy like if I buy it right now at 65 then I'll get all of the rewards up to 65 so I don't have to like start from the beginning so you can buy this whenever you want and still claim the rewards all right now let's get to the weapons so for the weapons there are like five different weapons and what I would recommend you guys to do here is is to go to pride. G and then find a character that you want like let's go to Kari here for example and you can see his best weapon is the lusterous Razer the five star weapon and then the autom tra is his best fourstar weapon at S1 and his best fourar weapon that you can get from wishing is The Helio Cleaver so if you Max it at S5 then it's like 2% better the autom TR is 2% better and if you have the S1 a helus Cleaver then it's like 4% better so that means main reason why some people like the battle pass weapons are because of the crit rate so not all of them have crit rate but the ones that do are pretty good so this is like 4% better than the fourar free to play version now remember guys this will be a lot easier to build with since it's crit rate than an attack person weapon cuz then you won't need as much luck with your Echo rolls and then we have the Lumen gloss so for the video I'm going to pick dungeon and then you can see here the best weapon for her is the five star weapon this is the only five star sword in the game right now and as you guys can see the Lum gloss is here but the free fourar weapon is better for her by two % at S1 so some of you guys might pick that for Rover since Rover is pretty strong right now so if you go to the Havoc Rover then you'll see the Commando is still better than the Lumin gloss by 2% I'll just go with a Commando you can get it as a free to play so this is a 4% this is 2% and then this here the tunder bolt so for that let's just go with chick and of course uh five star weapon is the best for her at 100% and here we see guys the ton of Bolt is all the way at the bottom and even the craftable weapon is higher than that even if you go to like Morty Fe which a lot of you guys probably have it's like almost at the bottom and if you go to Alto then yeah it's the same story she has 76% and the crafted weapon is 79% 4% 2% 3% what's next the stone let's go to Gian and see so something that you guys should keep in mind is that there are different roles when it comes to the best weapons so if you look at support the three star is the best for her S5 so make sure you guys don't throw this away or use it to level up other weapons but if you look at the DPS and hybrids then the five star weapon is better for her so yeah if you go with the thep hybrid Bel then we'll see it's like a point 33% difference so i' personally just go with the hollow Mirage it's better and it's not $10 all right let's move on to the last weapon the augment I feel like this would be good on nland and if you go to Yen of course her own weapon is the best for her so usually this website like uses the standard weapon as the 100% And then like their signature weapon as the best yeah this always like 100 the five star version the augment at like Max refinement at S5 is the best four star for her it's almost as good as a five star weapon but if you guys have the S1 then it's almost the same as the Gin shke keeper again guys you can always go to this website yourself and then make your own decision because this website gets updated pretty frequently so if I were to pick one of these weapons and I would go for one of the crit raate weapons because it'd be a lot easier to build around with the echo I mean if you want a DPS character then you need a good balance of crit damage and crit rate and this helps you with that since it already has some crit raate and also because my echol lock is pretty bad so this would be a huge help for me but also for the character who I don't have a better weapon for again guys before you make an opinion just keep in mind that I made this video in one point I don't know when you're watching this but with future updates there might like more characters who could get better use of these weapons and their effects I mean they have pretty good effects it just depends on the character who's using them so yeah just check the website in conclusion i' say the battle pass is not the must have I mean the difference between the battle pass weapons and the normal weapons aren't that huge it's just like a few percentage unless you like Max them like the weapon for you and Lyn that's like a big difference almost as good as a five star version but if you want to support Kuru games then go ahead if I were to spend money in this game then I would rather use the $10 on the $5 month monthly pass I would buy it two times the lunite subscription I mean you would be getting 6,000 asteroides instead of 680 and if you go to the store then you would see that 6,000 asteroides usually costs $100 so all you got to do is wait 60 days and you'll get more out of your money I mean you don't get the weapons and the wishes from the battle pass instantly either so if you're a light spinner then that's amazing for just 10 bucks you can get like 6,000 asteroids but I can see some of you guys just buying it for the weapons or residual which I won't judge you for I mean it kind of looks good if the video was helpful then make sure to leave a like subscribe guys I mean like not even 1% of the people who watch my videos subscribe so yeah guys can we at least get it to 1%
Channel: Krow
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Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves tips, wuthering waves battle pass, wuthering waves beginners guide, wuthering waves review, wuthering waves combat, wuthering waves beginner guide, wuthering waves characters, wuthering waves pioneer podcast, wuthering waves battle pass weapons, wuthering waves battle pass worth it, is wuthering waves f2p, is wuthering waves f2p friendly, wuthering waves new, new wuthering waves, tectone, f2p, weapon
Id: hT07ATe5TKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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