WTAL Worship Part 1

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reaching from heaven the funny thing for me is something that i've been teaching lately is that everything begins with the thought and one of dartmouth is no different it began with the thought that i had at the end of a counseling session a day of counseling uh various women who were dealing with different problems and challenges they had in their own life and i went home and told my wife i said so many of these women are going through the same thing and i think if we brought them all together and counseled them together that they would benefit not only from biblical answers to sociological ills but i think they'd benefit from understanding that they're not the only one so we decided to have a it was really a sunday school class and uh that was the only slot we had open so we we put away our sunday school books and said this sunday we're going to deal with this during the sunday school place now this wasn't a mammoth crowd it's a little tiny place i think you might have seen maybe 200 people 250 people but at that point and at that time it was unbelievable this is before the movie before the huge conferences before the play before the books this is before any of it this is just sunday school but what starts as a seed turns into a tree ends up in a fortune translates into different languages reaches around the world transcends every sociological economic barrier that you can imagine there is no typical woman there are loose individuals she's black she's white she's latino she's young she's old she's a grandmother she's a teenager each with their own stories some sexual abuse some divorce some rape some neglect some confusion some hiv positive all types of different stories there is no typical story but there is a typical solution and christ is yeah is yeah look at your name and tell him one more time one more time come on get your groove on everybody here we go break it down break it down now how many are really really free yeah that was kind of good but that wasn't good enough how many of you really free yeah that was about a three it wasn't really that good i want a 10. how many of you know your free indeed everybody when jesus walked the earth in physical form he touched a lot of people he healed blind bartimaeus he turned the water into wine at the marriage of cana he opened up blinded eyes sometimes with spittle sometimes with word he stopped the widow of name as she grieved over the death of her child touching not the child but the casket only and the boy sat up out of the grave he had such power and such glory and such anointing as he moved in the earth realm it was mesmerizing but the closer he got to the turning point the less the crowds gathered as long as he was handing out fish and bread as long as he was healing people sick of palsy as long as other people were benefiting from what he had to give the crowds were so big that they had to cut holes in roofs they stayed and heard him preach until they were about to pass out of hunger but when he set his face to go to jerusalem no crowds gathered at the cross no 5 000 gathering around the cross in fact as long as he wears insulated by the crowds they were afraid to touch him but there is a time in your life that god will move back the insulation so that the revelation of the inner seed of life that is in you might come to birth he'll cover you and protect you until he gets ready to reproduce you but a seed that is covered cannot reproduce the outer and covering around the seed is not the life factor anyway once the outer encasement is moved you will find that the life is on the inside hence jesus said except the grain of wheat fall into the ground and die in a bite alone but if it die it will bring forth much fruit i know it's unpopular and it's out of style and people don't like to hear it much anymore but i still believe that flesh has got to die and the people who are pumping your head and keeping your flesh alive are not your friends those who seek to save your flesh are your enemies oh yes they are when peter got ready to stand in between jesus and the cross jesus said get the hints behind me satan when judas kissed him that executed the sentence of death he called judas friend for his betrayal and he called peter the devil for his protection because let no man protect you from your destiny whatever happens let it happen healed people along the way but that was not his purpose he raised people from the dead along the way but that was not his purpose it was on his way to his purpose that he did this it was the the the um it was the appetizer before the entree it was the honor before the main event it was it was the preliminaries if you please the closer he got to his purpose the less people gathered around it got so tight that jesus began to question his own disciples listen at his mentality when he says wilt thou leave me also sometimes you've been betrayed so much that you live waiting on the next one oh you don't understand after a while it has set such a cycle of events into motion that you get so used to it that whenever you meet somebody you say yeah i'm ready i already know the game jesus says will thou leave me also who god really wants to use in the last hour are not the turn coke johnny come lately people who just want what they can get from him god wants the residue the remainder that that will not leave and says whether shall i go call me a dog but i'm not leaving till i get my miracle i'm gonna stay here until i get a touch from god whether shall i go for him thy hand are the words of eternal life rain on me is here we go oh oh is women throughout the world united and took houston texas by storm at woman thou art loosed 2011. i don't want to be around anybody else love me you get me or you there was ministry and inspiration for every woman by bishop td jinx this is serena jakes pastor cheryl brady god is teaching you about you he's teaching you about him he's teaching you that he'll be closer than a brother dr cindy trump he wired us to become the solution hallelujah to some problem in this world and pastor paula white from her wisdom and for how god brought her out can we thank god lives were transformed and now yours can be too woman now at least is available just for you on cd dvd or flash drive so call 1-800 bishop 2 or visit our website today join bishop td and mrs sarita jakes october 4th through 6th for woman now at loose 2012. i want to give you a personal invitation to hurry up and call us for woman our loot they are responding from all over the world i do not want you to listen meet me in atlanta georgia where me and my team of preachers and leaders and singers are going to push you through the process of delivering what you have within you harry we're running out of seats real fast and i want you to be there i think i think bishop had requested when i heard what the theme of the conference was facing forward had requested the song moving forward and it's a song we've recorded on a number of occasions but it seems so appropriate for for the conference but also in the time that we're in you know people just need to need to hear listen one foot in front of the other don't stop keep moving don't go back and uh and it seemed to have really resonated i'm just i'm just honored to have been asked to be a part of the project and certainly to be a part of the conference you have risen with all power in your hands you have given me second chance a third chance a fourth chance a twelfth chance oh i'm not going back is moving forward my new sure you one more time in my own frivolous mind where were the ten lepers at the cross i wonder where were the 70 elders he anointed at the cross oh you don't hear nobody preach about the cross anymore but i'm going to bother you a little bit today because i'm going to take you back to the cross why was the crowd that enthroned him as he espoused the beatitudes why were they at the cross where were the multitudes and the masters of people that he healed touching them they were so crowded around him that often he had to escape the masses preachers don't let the crowds fool you people follow you as long as you are giving them what they want but the moment you don't perform the way they want you to perform they will leave you like cold liver left in a kindergarten place where was the man that jesus healed that was lowered through the roof heal from palsy where are they at the cross don't be shocked when the people you help the most turn around and leave you the reciprocity that you seek will never be attained from those people they cannot give you what they do not have loyalty is something that they don't have and they cannot give and your relationship with them is not a dual relationship it is not a bilateral covenant it is about what can you do for me they had thinned out and left him in the incubative state of loneliness alone is never as powerful as it is to those who were once popular if you've never been popular you cannot understand how quiet it is in a room when you're used to hearing the roaring of a crowd before you experienced it it would have never bothered you but once you have heard the roaring of the crowd the only thing that is louder than the roaring of the crowd is the shrieking of the silence when they are gone and god does not call men or women in a crowd god called abraham alone god called moses alone and if god is going to do anything in your life you have to say yes to being alone and until you're happy by yourself you cannot make me like your company if you don't like your company you have not earned the right to entertain me ladies until you've learned how to entertain yourself and invite me into a party that started before i ever even got in the situation and then you become an asset my dear sister and not a liability all that could leave him did leave him and all that can leave you will leave you but understand as they go they are not the life they are the outer encasement around the life and paul said if they left us they were not of us for had they been of us no doubt they would have continued with us if they could leave you clap when they go there are some that are so inextricably connected to your destiny that come hell or high water good times are bad to the thick and the thin through the health icebergs they'll stand on the ice chip and say though he's slaving oh god i'd rather have one of them than ten thousand of these phony shaking baked people women throughout the world united and to houston texas by storm and woman thou art loosed 2011. i don't want to be around anybody else who learned to love me there was ministry and inspiration for every woman by bishop td jinx this is serena jakes pastor cheryl brady god is teaching you about you he's teaching you about him he's teaching you that he'll be closer than a brother dr cindy trim he wired us to become the solution hallelujah to some problem in this world and pastor paula white from her wisdom and for how god brought her out can we thank god limes were transformed and now yours can be too woman thou art loosed is available just for you on cd dvd or flash drive so call 1 800 bishop 2 or visit our website today love redemption sonship you'll find it all in my father's house stable provider girding guarding guiding correcting he had to come to the end of things before he discovered god and i think that a lot of this church age has had to come to the end of things he was there when it started he was there when it ended he was a stable place when everything was going crazy when you didn't acknowledge him as god nor call him god or admit that you had a god he was there all the time for your best gift in helping us reach others we'd like to give you bishop td jake's three message set in my father's house on dvd and when your gift is 90 or more we'd like to add manpower 2011 breaking new ground seven soul-stirring messages on dvd just visit our website or call 1-800 bishop 2 and draw close to the father today join bishop td and mrs sarita jakes october 4th through 6th for woman now at loose 2012. i want to give you a personal invitation to hurry up and call us for women our loot they are responding from all over the world i do not want you to listen meet me in atlanta georgia where me and my team of preachers and leaders and singers are gonna push you through the process of delivering what you have within you harry we're running out of seats real fast and i want you to be there cause i'm facing forward no more distractions oh foreign it's been so wonderful to share this with you it's absolutely amazing i hope you get your hands on the worship this is first time you can get the music we work real hard to provide that for you and you get the music you get the dvds and all of that it's great it's great to get that and throw a little party like people are doing all over the country invite people over and have their little woman are loose at their church or in their living room if you please at work i thank you for that being there is even better you ought to think about 2012 right now it's not too early to get ahead of the curve and be a part of woman there are luther in we're going to atlanta i'm out of time but it's been a joy to be with you and i thank god for you and i praise god for maximizing our time together
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 21,126
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: TPT120902, WTAL, Worship, Part, 1
Id: mFoGjnHO_MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2012
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