Come Back Around Full Circle - Bishop T.D. Jakes | Woman, Thou Art Loosed! Virtual Experience

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[Music] i want to welcome you into our final service i hope that you have been blessed and been challenged and inspired uh by the many speakers and music and all of the things that we prepared to bless you to have the woman out loose virtual experience that will be life-changing and transformative if you have not been you need to go over into the master class and allow a deeper conversation about some substantive things that i believe will change your life we're proud and honored to be able to present that to you i want to take just a moment too and also remind you that i have just released a book called when women pray and the reason that i did the book is if ever was a time we needed praying women it's right now i don't believe that we can get through the days we're in or the days ahead without praying women that does not absolve men of their responsibility to pray but because i'm talking to women i want to challenge you to join us on our knees as we believe god for transformation and really quite honestly i want you to pray for the men too because we need your prayers and so i want you to get your hands on a copy and make it a part of your life and your devotional whether you read it all at once or you just read a segment each day there are 10 women that i talk about whose prayers change their world and i use some principles that will help you to change yours so take a look and go over into our e-commerce area and pick up some tools that you can use when the conference is over have i thanked you i want to thank you for being here for supporting for coming and being behind us and i want to thank all of our staff and all the people who have worked tirelessly to put together all of this and we could have the virtual experience that we're having right now without your professionalism and your techniques and and lending us the instrument of your own mind we would not be able to present it on this level so thank you thank you thank you to all the work that goes on behind the scenes to make this possible as the founder of woman dire news i just want to tell you how much i appreciate you all of our staff and all of our volunteers and all of our church and all of our partners around the world we celebrate you and we appreciate you your support made it possible for us to be able to have this conference and to present it on this platform and not to have a registration or anything that people could be able to come and get it because the times demand the times demand that we share this word on an open platform trying to keep our people uplifted in times like these so thank you thank you thank you thank you for all of you who supported who gave offerings who sowed into it i'm going to give you a chance at the end of the service to do that again or throughout the service the uh the information may come up on the screen how you can attach yourself to the seed to this movement to this woman art loose movement and experience the power of god in your life i'm now going to take you to the word of god i'm going to the book of acts chapter 1 verse 9 through 14. uh when you have it say amen okay let's take this apart after he said this he was taken up before their eyes and a cloud hid him from their sight they were looking intently up into the sky as he was going when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them men of galilee they said why do you stand here looking into the sky the same jesus who has been taken from you into heaven will come back in the same way you have seen him go into the heavens i want to read that again the same the same jesus who has been taken away from you into heaven will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven come on then the apostles returned to jerusalem from the hill called the mount of olives the sabbath day's walk from the city when they arrived they went upstairs to the room where they were staying those present were peter john james and andrew philip and thomas bartholomew and matthew james the son of alphaeus and simon the zealot and judas son of james they all joined together constantly in prayer along with the women and married the mother of jesus with his brothers i want to read that again they all joined together constantly in prayer they all joined together constantly in prayer along with the women and and mary the mother of jesus and with his brothers can you say amen i want to spend a little moment with you today using the subject come back around full circle come back around full circle this same jesus that you see us in shall descend in like manner why standing here gazing at him spirit of the living god fell fresh on us now we're opening up your oracles to experience your truth to be transformed by your revelation inspired by your word we lay before you as an empty vessel fill us until we want no more we're hungry for the living bread now more than ever we need a word for you there's been so much slippage [Music] so much drainage so much loss we want to see restoration until we all come back around full circle i thank you for what you're going to do have your way great god that you are in the name of jesus we pray all of you that love him shout amen right there just shout amen amen amen amen amen now brother luke here is allowing us to look at a very intricate moment in the time of history luke is not one of the 12 uh apostles he could have been one of the 70 we're not sure we're not clear about that what we are clear about is that he is a physician and because of his intellect and his education his his articulation and his flair for the writing stands in a category all by itself it enables us to see clearly into this transitory time period going on in the lives of the apostles between the gospel of saint luke and his companion writing of the book of acts he gives us a comprehensive overview of the early church its inaugural experiences and its preceding occurrences in an unprecedented way actually the two books were really one book divided into two books all written by the same author he gives us a view of what precipitated the birthing of the church the cross the crucifixion some some eyesight into the gospel walk with jesus on earth the atrocities and the pain and the debauchery of the crucifixion the awful silence of the waiting period before the resurrection the resurrection from the dead the opulent explosive resurrection from the dead where christ proved himself to be triumphant over the world's greatest enemy death itself yanking the sting out of death of the victory out of the grave he rises from the grave undaunted proving i am he which was and is to come he does that in the most flamboyant way then he begins to show us how christ having triumphed from the crave shows himself alive for 40 days with many infallible proofs not to the world not to the skeptics not to the pharisees not to the sadducees but to the believers he appears what we are looking at in the text right now is is the nebulous middle between the tempestuous transition of dispensational authority between the son and the holy spirit this transitional period comes complete with the death of the messiah his resurrection and now his departure you can imagine with me that there is a certain feeling here uh in the text of forlornment almost a hide-and-go-seek of a roller coaster ride he is he is not he's he is he is apprehended he is crucified he is ours he is taken he is with us he is gone he he he he's he's back he's risen what he's risen hallelujah he's risen from the dead the women say he's risen from the dead let's run down to the tomb and see he's not there peter and john run down to the tomb he's not there he's rhythm from the dead he's alive he appears in the upper room and they get to see jesus again and to eat with him and to touch him and then he says i'm leaving again you're leaving again can you imagine with me what it would be like to hear i just got your back and you're leaving again imagine a loved one coming back from the grave and you prayed if i could just see mama again if i could just hold daddy again if i could just have my husband back and you finally got him back and then they say i'm leaving again all of that is conveyed in the simplicity of this text that they go with him as far as they could go and then he leaves on a cloud and they're standing there gazing at where he used to be much of the church today is gazing at where god used to be their vision is restricted to their last experience with him and these men who are called to go forward are gazing at where god was i i think a lot of the church today is gazing at where where god was the the the the the angels had to shake them and say wait a minute men of galilee [Music] why are you staring at where god was you've got something to do much of our doctrine most of our dogma most much of our way of worship much of the way that we do everything is staring at where he was that's not totally a criticism it's just an observation i i observe the fact that they're staring at where he was his loyalty and love that makes us want to hold on to where he was that's my last sighting of him but i also know that we stand on the precipice of a commission to go forward and we cannot go forward if we are staring at where god was some of you are stuck upon the leaders who are staring at where god was some of you are staring at where god was and success to you is to bring all of us back to your last sighting of jesus jesus is the gift given he is he is a gift for unto us a son is born and unto us a child is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and of his kingdom there shall be no so the disciples understood that he was a gift given his name shall be called emmanuel god tabernacled with us so you can imagine what a shock it was to their faith to their theology to their expectation to their messianic understanding of who christ was to find out that the jews have finally got a king while they're up under the oppression of rome and now the king is leaving leaving them still oppressed politically liberated spiritually but oppressed politically he's gone these are the same guys who were arguing about who was going to sit on the right hand and who was going to sit on the left and now there's neither hand to sit on because he's he's gone he shows himself a life for 40 days with many infallible proofs and then on the limousine service of a cloud he hops on the cloud and makes an exit and they cannot go with him and they're left staring the gift given has now become the gift hidden the gift is given and then the gift is hidden we rejoice when the gift is given hallelujah he is given he is here he is with us we can put weight on him the government should rest upon his shoulder he is here they left their jobs they left their livelihoods they left their wives they left everything to follow jesus he was the gift given he was the messiah the long awaited messiah and then he went to the cross and the gift was taken and they watched the gift be murdered and die and they were confused and shut up behind closed doors and then they got the announcement he's back can you imagine the trauma that these men were under he's here he's gone he's back and then they watched the gift go beyond the veil and they said they stared at him until they until he was hidden from view so the gift given has now become the gift hidden how do i believe beyond what i see perhaps that was what he meant perhaps i'm not sure but perhaps that's what he was meant or alluded to when he told thomas you believe because you have seen but blessed are they who have not seen it yet they believe perhaps jesus knew that real faith is not built on the gift given but the gift hidden anybody can believe when the gift is given walking on water healing the sick raising the dead turning water into wine the woman with the issue of blood touching the hem of god lazarus come out of the grave anybody can believe here's mine and here's bread here's food two fish five loaves of bread father we got that what do you do with the miracles stop flowing what do you do when the dead stopped being raised and everything that you were betting on and everything you were hoping on and everything you were expecting to achieve is now hidden that's when we really need faith that's when faith flourishes that's when faith really comes ahold what not when the gift is given when the gift is hidden and there they are standing at where he used to be gazing at his last sighting much of what we have built and much of what we have done and much of what we have said and much of what we sing about and shout about is gazing at his last sighting the gift has now been hidden from view and we are still singing writing preaching about where he was the angels had to shake them get out of galilee why stand here gazing god didn't call you the gays at where he was do you not know that he's going to come back around full circle this same jesus that you see a sin shall descend in like manner what i want you to do is go and when when they said go it made me think of a gift card because gift cards we in my day we didn't have gift cards now everybody gives you a gift card and it's like giving you a gift but you don't have the gift all you have is the card but the card represents a gift but it's not really a gift you can't drive it you can't wear it you can't eat it you can't put it on you can't use it it's just symbolic of the gift and now they don't in the absence of jesus all they have is a promise you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you but it's almost like a gift card i haven't received it yet it's just a promise i don't have the gift yet it's just a promise i don't have the healing yet it's just a promise i don't have the miracle yet it's just a promise it's a gift card and so that a gift card isn't exactly a gift that gets you off the hook but it's not really the gift the promise is not the gift it's just a promise of the gift it's a gift card so the gift was given the gift was hidden and now we have a gift card that's redeemable in jerusalem and what we are watching is this awkward uncomfortable in-between place and it reminds me so much of where we are right now we're in between everything uh the virus is better but it's not gone it's it's leaving one city it's mounting in another it's better over here it's worse over there the country is still surviving but uh up under attack the the racial tensions are up the stress is up but we're still supposedly the greatest nation on earth and and it's that nebulous spot of uncertainty that really drives us crazy this feeling of going around in circles is enough i don't know about you but when i'm really worried about something and i start pacing the floor i have a tendency to go around and around in circles like the children of israel did in the wilderness they went around in circles have you ever felt like your life was just going around in circles never will forget my mother and father would drive to mississippi and alabama in the summers and whenever my father got lost he would never admit it my mother would have the map and be trying to tell him where to go and my father would get lost but he would never admit it but i was sitting in the back i wasn't allowed to get in the conversation but i kept noticing i've seen that ice cream store before and after about the third time around i dare not say anything but i knew that he was going around in circles i want to talk to you about going around in circles because because god is a god of circles and cycles yeah he's a god of circles and he's a god of cycles that's why ezekiel called him a wheel in the middle of a wheel imagine that a wheel in the middle of a wheel he is telling us that god is a god of circles i gave my wife a wedding ring it is a circle a circle represents eternity having no beginning or end a line has a beginning and it has an end but if you draw it into a circle it has neither beginning or in the circle it's symbolic of eternity it is a symbol of god he is he is neither the end or the beginning he is all of that he is continuous david tried to find his beginning he looked back he couldn't find it he looked forward he couldn't find it he said from everlasting to everlasting thou art god is going around in circles i can't find the beginning if you were a lion i could find the beginning but you're not aligned you're a circle from everlasting to everlasting thou art god i work i walk myself to death trying to find your beginning because you are eternally immutable everlasting unchanging god is a god of circles and god is a god of cycles because god is a god of circles when he stepped out on nothing and said let there be something he spoke out of his own isness and everything he spoke came out in circles he created the earth and the earth came out in circles and it started spinning around and around the sun in circles and the solar system is just a circle in a circle in a circle in a circle and ezekiel said god is a wheel in the middle of a wheel in the middle of a wheel and the circles determine the cycles and the cycles make up the seasons and the seasons only change because of the circle and the only reason this winter is because this the circles create the cycles and the cycles create the seasons and if there were no circles there would be no cycles and if there were no cycles there would be no seasons and everything the same jesus that you see us in shall come back around in a circle come back around full circle the power of understanding god begins with circles and cycles and and the evening and the morning was the first day it was only the first day because of circles circles make days that's why in the if you open up a watch a regular watch is if you open it up and take the face off it it's a bunch of circles because circles make time the spinning of the circle creates time and the evening in the morning we're the first day and whatever if it's 12 o'clock if you wait long enough it's gonna come back around again full circle and this same jesus that you see us in shall descend in like manner because god is a god of circles he is a god of cycles he is a god of seasons and they're in this strange nebulous and descript place in between seasons you know how it is in between seasons where it's hot one day and then cold the next and you don't know what to put on and you look up and it's raining and then you come on back and you got you got on a jacket now you need on shorts and you don't know what to do because the weather gets strange between seasons and god is a god of circles and cycles and seasons they have been through the cross but they have not quite had pentecost and they're struck between where god is where god was and where god is going and they're standing looking back at his last sighting that's the text that's the text today it's it's circles it cycles it's season if you understand that god is a god of circles and cycles and seasons you can overcome your enemy you remember when the children of israel came to jericho and joshua had to take a bunch of farmers and fight a bunch of men who had chariots riding on the rooftop of wall so high they couldn't climb them and god told them how to defeat him he said just go around in circles just take a circle walk and then go get some rest and then on the seventh day go around seventh time and when you do the seventh time blow the trumpet because seven is completion and you've completed the circle which is the end of the cycle and the the wall came down somebody boom your wall is coming down boom your affliction is coming down your poverty is coming down your crisis is coming down because you're going to walk around the circle for the last time and when you walk around the circle for the last time everything that's been standing in your face it's coming down it's going to break it's going to break the financial curve it's going to break it's coming down that physical this boom is going to break it's going to come down you have gone around for the last time i'm talking about circles and cycles and see the only problem with the woman with is your blood is that she got stuck in the cycle see god gave the woman a circle and then he gave the circle a cycle she had the circle but she broke the cycle because she was supposed to have a regular menstrual cycle for a certain amount of days and it was supposed to stop but she stopped in the middle of the cycle and she was bleeding to death because she kept she stopped moving in the cycle and she was going to die she crawled toward jesus because there is nothing worse than getting stuck in a cycle [Music] that's where life starts to hemorrhage when you're stuck there's somebody listening at me right now that you've been stuck in a cycle and that that should have been over he's still bleeding and whenever something that shut up it over is still bleeding you become faint and she lost all her money you become broke and she lost all of her confidence and her courage and her friends and she was about to lose consciousness because she was stuck in a cycle that should have been over why standing here gazing at what should have been over you're stuck at his last sighting and you've got to go because you have an appointment with destiny and there's somebody who's still bleeding over something that happened 10 years ago still bleeding over something that happened three years ago still bleeding over something that happened when you were 12 or 15 or eight or seven and you're still imaging like the woman with the issue of blood it's all right to be hurt but to be hurt 30 years is to be stuck in a cycle in a hemorrhage in a bleeding it makes you untouchable but i feel god's saying you're gonna come around full circle and that's what i see in the text today it is not merely the intermediate nebulous in the script stage between two designated points it is that they stopped the cycle because they were still stuck in the circle at his last sighting which would have broke the season that would have brought pentecost if they would have stayed there gazing at where he was they would have missed where he was waiting in the person of the holy ghost you see god was about to do something in jerusalem and they could not afford to be stuck looking at a cloud when there was going to be a cloud of glory to come down and envelop the room they were looking at clouds but god was getting ready to send a sound from heaven and a mighty rushing wind and clothing tongues were appeared over them and god was going to sit on them and feel them with the holy spirit of god itself and it was according to luke the physician he takes the time to give the detailed narration that it was 120 people made up of the disciples and the mysterious women amongst them i called them mysterious women because the women had no name they they they didn't even speak to the women yeah men of galilee there were women there no one addressed them and many many times in the kingdom nobody addresses the need of women that's why i started woman our loose because the church thrived off of the existence of women but did not address the needs of of women they are the mysterious women that keep the church going and keep the doors open and keep the giving and keep everything taken care of they are the people who go out to the polls and vote they are the people who bring in the bacon and fry it up in a pan and yet the mysterious women are not even named in the text they are silent there were women amongst them remember that there were women amongst them nobody addressed them but there were women amongst them nobody called their name but there were women they listed out the 12 apostles name by name by name by name and when it came to women they put them in a category incident and there were women amongst them the mysterious women are circles with cycles they hold the mystery of creation in their body their body holds the matrix of life and their cycle is a projection of the creation through which all life passes it will always be man that is born of a woman they are the gateway from eternity into time the mysterious women amongst us there is no legal entry way for eternity to come into time say if it comes to a woman that's why god himself when he got ready to come and abide here he had to find a woman who had a circle who had a cycle to gain entrance into the world man born of a woman and he came out emmanuel god tabernacles amongst us the mysterious women amongst us watching me from all over the world right now have the mysterious women amongst us making up the 120 is some mysterious women amongst us when god got ready to partner in the creation of the human species he chose you as a partner to go into labor and be a part of the creation of a human life the mysterious women amongst us so he gave you a circle and he gave you a cycle and he gave you a baby which stopped the cycle so that you could give birth to the circle of another human soul because you are the universe and the universe is you and you are the mysterious women amongst us and that is precisely why the enemy hates you because you are partners in creation because you represent an expression of the circles and the cycles and the seasons of god and you are on the list of hell and the first person satan came against when he hit the earth was the one because he had come from circles and cycles and seasons and there he was slithering like a snake coming up on a circle a cycle and a season i call them the mysterious women amongst us i'm sorry i can't call your name even luke does not list the names of the women but they made up the 120 and the 120 would have been incomplete without them and isn't it odd that they had exactly 120 the lifespan of moses 120 years made up the lifespan of moses from birth to the promised land 120 years of life three decades three three different generations rather representing 120 years made of the lifespan of one man from being birthed out of his mother's circle cycle and systems to going up on the mountaintop to go back to god the ultimate creator of the universe is exactly 120 years and there were 120 people and when moses reached 120 years it was because he was on the precipice of the promised land and so were they the gift card remember the promise you shall receive power [Music] after that the holy ghost has come upon you you should be witnesses unto me and he used a hundred exactly 120 people to push them into a new season and he took 120 years of moses life to cash in on abraham's gift card i will deliver your seed back into the promised land exactly 100 and 20. can i go deeper these mysterious women are mingled amongst these men and they come into the upper room to wait on the promise of the father they are waiting on what god is going to do next just like you have been waiting what god is going to do next sometimes without a job i'm waiting on what god is going to do next sometimes preaching at home waiting on what god is going to do next sometimes dealing with your children at home waiting on what god is going to do next watching the news looking at the politics looking at the craziness looking at the killings looking at the shooting way of what god is going to do next and the devil is trying to make you think that god has forgotten on you has forgotten you has forgotten your prayers and forgotten your dreams and forgotten your agony and forgotten your labor of love but the devil is a liar god has not forgotten in fact he told me to tell you that everything is going to come back around [Laughter] full circle and if there's anything that you lost or anything that slipped away or any deterioration or any rusting or any mitigation of circumstances the situations i want you to declare right now is coming back around full circle say it loud and clear it's coming back around full circle it's coming back around it's coming back around it's coming back around it's coming back around it's coming back around it's coming back around it's coming back around it's coming back around it's coming back around it's coming back around full circle you should have killed me when you had the chance you should have killed me while i was still confused you should have killed me while i was staring at my past you should have killed me where i was while i was still looking at where things used to be because it's coming back around [Music] full circle and for ten days they waited ten days he showed himself alive luke tells us for 40 days with many infallible proofs and 10 days they waited in the upper room 40 plus 10 is pentecost is 50 and when the day of pentecost was fully come and they were in one place with one accord something happened that broke the barriers that open up the floodgates that caused heaven and earth to kill that caused eternity and time to hug something happened where eternity came down to her thy kingdom come thy will be done suddenly there was a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind and something that we have never seen recorded before cloven tongues appeared like as a fire we don't see this anywhere else in the bible where a mighty rushing wind and cloven tongues appeared like as a fire and sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost can you imagine what it was like to be the 120 men in that room and find yourself overcome by the power of the holy ghost can you imagine what it was like to be in that room and hear a sound from heaven and it wasn't quite an earthquake and it wasn't quite lightning and it wasn't quite thunder it was like a mighty rushing wind but it wasn't a wind it was wind but nothing was blowing it was like ass a mighty rushing head it was like a mighty burning fire but it wasn't a fire it was light it was like it was like because they had never seen anything like it before and it fell on all of them they have been around the holy spirit they've been around the anointing they've been around the power of god but they had never experienced this in their life and they were all filled with the holy ghost and the man had nothing to compare it to it was not like the amount of transfiguration it was not like jesus walking on water it was not like him raising lazarus from the dead it was not like anything in their repertoire of experiences there was nothing in their past that they were looking back at that would prepare them for what god was about to do and god told me to tell you he's going to do something in your life that's unprecedented that you don't have a point of reference for that you cannot even describe it to anybody because it is not quite going to be like anything that you have ever had him do in your life before and if i'm talking to you give him a praise and if i'm talking to you clap your hands and if i'm talking to you give god some glory and if i'm talking to you this will not be like that it will not be that it will not be what was it will not be what used to be what god is going to do you're not even going to have a word for it you're just going to say it was locked and the holy ghost came upon me [Music] it came up under all of them and they were filled with the holy ghost that's two different things it came up on them that's outside inside they were feared with the holy ghost and all 119 of them were shocked because they had no point of reference for what was happening in the room and did you notice when it mentioned the mysterious women it says the mysterious it says the women came along with them and mary the mother of jesus is mary not a woman why is she in a distinct category apart from the other women i'm glad you asked me that can i tell you 119 people had something happen in that room for the very first time that they had never had happen before the holy ghost came up on them and they were all filled with the holy ghost but there was only one out of the 120. who has something to compare it to remember hell mary you have been highly favored amongst women you shall bring forth a son and his name shall be called jesus and the spirit of the lord came up on her and she was filled with god himself as i prepared to close mary was the only woman out of all of them and the only person in the room who said this is familiar i have had the holy ghost come up on me before that's how he came and she is the only woman in history who got to carry her baby twice [Music] when the holy ghost came upon her and she was filled with the holy ghost she said look at me it's all come back around full circle i got my baby back [Music] that which is within me is conceived by the holy ghost what are you trying to tell me every thing you lost everything you cried about eli was about to be my god my god why is that for me everything you stared at as it hid behind the clouds where you could not go everything they got stuck in the cycle of life everything that seems unjust and unfair and unfavorable and unkind god said if you keep on walking with me it's all going to come back around full circle i don't know what that means i'm just a male man i didn't open your mail i just delivered it i'm just a fedex delivery boy bringing you off a package i didn't open up the box i just brought it to your house but whatever it looks like you lost and whatever that looks like has gone away and whatever you've been staring at saying i may not ever have that again god said why stand here here gazing this same thing you lost is coming back around again [Music] full circle everything that the devil stole from you is coming back around full circle it was just a season it was just a cycle it was just a circle and while they were all speaking in tongues and praising god she said i've had this feeling before out of the 120 people in the room i'm the only one who has had the holy ghost come up on me and been filled and walked out of the room carrying my jesus in another form god says it's coming back to you in another form on the next level don't stare at the form that left prepare for the form that's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming as we come down to the end of this conference don't you leave this conference staring at some cloudy idea that has escaped your view of what god had in store for you but right let's get ready [Music] for what is about to come because it's going to come back around to you full circle now i want you to close your eyes with me and i want you to think about what you lost i want you to think about what you had to say goodbye to and what you had to do without i want you to think about what you've been staring at that's hidden from you i want you to think about the gift cards that god has given you that you haven't cashed in yet there are promises that you haven't received yet i want you to think about them i want you to think about them i want you to think about the things in your life that you've been carrying like i carry gift cards in my wallet that i have not cashed in and i know i should and i know i i wouldn't and i could have and i should have and i would have but now is the time for you to cash in on the promises that god has for you because in the craziness of this life it has all come back around it is all everything you lost everything in your mind everything in your head every vision every job every dream every accomplishment every anointing every gift is coming back around full circle it may be in another form it may be in another state it may be in another city it may be in another area it may be in another movement it may be in another organization but god said everything that he ever promised you that you had to do without that you cried over that you stayed up at night worrying about that you walked the floor about that you have anxiety about that you wondered what did you do wrong to lose what you had god said is coming back around full circle and if you can believe it you can receive it it's time for you to cash in your cards get your gift cards out your pocket but get them out of your wallet get them out easily it's time to cash in on the promises of god our yay and amen it's time to make calls you were afraid to make it's time to knock on doors you wouldn't knock on before because you thought it was over and you've been stuck gazing at a gift hidden it's time to cash it in if not you who if not now when now is the time for you to walk in your destiny but you can't walk in your destiny if you're still staring at your history you see it in your mind's eye with your eyes closed but your vision opens your eyes close but your vision open your eyes close but your vision open that right there is coming back around full circle [Music] i want to challenge as many people that are able i know there are many people that are not able and that's why we made it a free conference and many people that are able to sow a hundred and twenty dollar seed if you believe you're coming into the promised land and you believe this is your season and god has blessed you to be able to stretch on that level of faith if you're tired of going around and around in the circles of the wilderness and you're ready to break the cycle and come into what god has for you join me i'm going to do it and i want you to do it and i'm believing god in the stead of all the women who can't do it and all the women who are watching up under a bridge and watching in homeless shelters and all the women who are in crisis centers and all the people that are in circumstances where they can't do it you make it possible for them to have this experience but more than that you are saying to the devil i am in the upper room and i am 10 days away from the explosive power of god and i will not die in a waiting position wandering in a wilderness going around in circles i break the cycle i break the curse i break the barrier i break it in the name that has been exalted above every night i hear somebody said i don't have 120 anywhere in my life if i had it i paid my life bill but i want to sow so 12. so 12. so so 12 but don't miss this moment because we break the cycle and we stand on the promises of god and we believe for things that so that seems so impossible he's going to come back around whatever you thought if it's just a hallelujah whatever you're so just going to come back around full circle i hope you've been blessed i hope you've experienced the power of god i hope that somebody who sang or preached or ministered has brought to you a revelation to change your life i hope you stop over into the master class and allow the master class to give you the tools and the training and the talk and the conversation that prepares you that what you need to do to go to the next level i hope you leave here prepared to vote i don't care what the obstacles are i want your voice to be heard i hope you leave here armed and dangerous to get the breakthrough that breaks the crazy cycles that have perpetuated themselves for years and years i hope we break it in your country in your community in your life in your family over your finances over your body over your circumstances to all the countries of the world it's time to break through the cycle and experience the power of god it's time to break the yoke it's time to give birth it's time to see the glory of god it's time if you don't do it you are the one [Music] 120 you are the one you are the one that will see the restoration of what you thought you lost and among them among the women amongst the men were the women and mary the mother of jesus for her it was plain and simple restoration may god restore everything you cried about everything you thought you lost the virtual conference is over but the virtual experience will go on and on and on and luke had so much to write that he wrote the acts of the apostles about what the apostles did on the backside of this amazing breakthrough they subdued cities they took over territories they established churches they cast out devils they healed the sick they raised the dead they commanded breakthroughs they took over territory that the enemy had up under his control they rebuked simon the sorcerer they reclaimed cities that had been taken over by debauchery and corruption all of it was done up under the pen of luke the mysterious disciple who was not an apostle but whose pen gives witness that everything that you lost will come back around full circle god bless you and thank you for woman thou odds loose [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 119,768
Rating: 4.8814545 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, Come Back Around Full Circle, woman thou art loosed, WTAL 2020, WTAL Virtual Experience
Id: bUlWXBu4Gsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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