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Wow thank you let us pray father thank you for the blessing of this evening we are so excited to be here and we thank you we ask that you speak to our hearts speak to us and lead us into your perfect will we give you thanks in Jesus name Amen you may be seated what a blessing first of all before I go any further I want to welcome my wife to come you may be seated Alleluia what's a warm welcome I'm very happy to be here this evening and to see your balcony for the first time I can see that it means that you're going and I pray that as Christians are growing the laborious also are growing man and I want to salute your Bishop ie for for his faithfulness and constancy all these years and I also want to salute his wife and all the great pastors and lady pastors and shepherds and now Basanta leaders who stand with us for the harvest and I pray that we will never become complacent or have the feeling that we have arrived I will press on so Jesus comes or God calls us home thank you and god bless you hallelujah what a blessing father thanks a million for this few minutes that we have together we ask you to speak to our hearts so grateful in Jesus name Amen well I bring you greetings from so many places and I've been here in London for the last two days visiting with the Archbishop of Canterbury in his palace so it's been a good experience going around to the Parliament house and all the other important places you have so I [Applause] bring you greetings from him as well tonight I'm just sharing a short very important message and I want you to listen as carefully as you can because I'll be preaching about you alright but how many enjoyed watching the healing Jesus campaign videos yes Jesus died for everybody and the reason why many churches are empty today is because people forget why we exist and what we are supposed to be doing and we get filled with pride the pride of our lives and we forget about the real reason for our salvation which is we are saved to save others and it will never change it will always be the same so when we forget about the real reason why we are here and why God has given us what we have we change and so tonight I want to share with you what I call the laws of fruitfulness Luke 13 verse six the laws of fruitfulness and he spake also this parable a certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he came and sought fruit thereon and found none then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree and I find none cut it down why cumbrous it's the ground and he answering said unto Him Lord let it alone this year also till I shall dig about it and dung it and if it bear fruit well and if not then after thou shalt cut it down so when it comes to the laws of fruitfulness which is a very important subject the first thing that I need you to see about God is that he comes to you seeking fruit look at the scripture very carefully it says he comes to seek fruit I come seeking fruit I come seeking fruit so God comes to you alright God comes to you seeking fruit from you you are a tree that he has planted and he is coming to you looking for something from you there will never be a time God is not looking for something from you he is looking for something from you he says I come three years I come seeking fruit so law number one fruitless Christians will be taken away fruitless Christians will be taken away John 15 and verse 2 every branch in me that beareth NOT fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he projected okay so every branch that beareth NOT fruit he taketh away can somebody let that come you have a hammer I don't know the sound man I don't know if you are aware that you have a bad hum in the church all right now he comes seeking food you you every Church is expected to comfort with fruits God really wants you to bring forth something and everybody really gotta expect some food from you so if you are a believer all right you must know that God has some expectations of you maybe no one told you but I'm telling you and his expectations are very high so lighthouse chapel mustard seed ud first love Church I don't know what your name is it doesn't matter you know God is expecting fruit the reason why we have all these different groupings is because one of the things is that we don't want diseases to spread we don't want diseases to spread so when there is a disease in one group is you stay in that group and not spread to the next group so with time you are going to not be saying you D so much as mustard seed or whatever the different names are because that's going to become more prominent and each denomination is going to be more identified as what it is so the idea is that diseases should not spread from from section to section how many people are certain other sound one two three is it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello yeah and the idea is that you should realize your responsibility you see most people come to church with a sense of entitlement like God has to do something for me you know what God God better God better do something is that this is his last chance to really touch my life if he doesn't touch my life I'll leave God is even lucky that I came tonight god is lucky that I pay my tithes God should be careful otherwise I'll change my mind about him I want you to know that God doesn't need you you need God you need God badly so don't be sitting there thinking to yourself you know God needs me you know that's what spoils relationships and marriages so people start to feel so big in the relationship is almost like it doesn't really matter but it matters and when there's humility you see that people behave the right way you see the first sin in the universe was pride I learned that from Derek Prince the first sin in the universe was not when Adam and Eve sinned Adam and Eve sin was disobedience to God but the first sin was Lucifer when he was filled with pride and he said I will I will arise I will be like the Most High I'm going up there God I'm coming to get you so there's some bigness that develops you know but we have to realize that we we we need God we really need God and God doesn't need us you know and then the second thing that we need to realize is that God is actually expecting something from us it's just I come three years seeking fruit how long more is God going to expect fruit from you and it's not going to get it but in John chapter 15 and verse 2 we see the first law of fruitfulness it says John 15 verse 2 every branch in me that beareth NOT fruit he taketh away now what does it mean to be taken away what does it mean to be taken away there are many possibilities it could mean you'll be taken away from the church it could mean you'll be taken away from your the family of God it could mean you die it could mean you be extracted by the enemy I mean I don't know what it means then I accept the English words that are there if you don't bear fruit he takes you away now if you look at the church today I mean many of the buildings like these are empty if you go to France next time you go to France sit in a train you'll be going there for holidays soon when you sit in a train cover your eyes like this and just look out of the window and you see the steeples of the churches trans and Church you know today white people hardly go to church but you can you cannot imagine how spiritual and religious Europe was so extreme there is no little community that did not have a building of a church everywhere that's why there are so many spare buildings so many you know when and resist every branch that does not bear fruit he takes it away and today many churches that used to before it's just left with a few old people the last members to die yes I once visited a church in Zurich and it had 1500 seats I counted assisted managing time I counted the host place and so I spoke to the vicar after and he told me we have Church here every two weeks don't have church every week we have set every two weeks like we have checked this Sunday next Sunday there's no church website this week last week there's no church judge this week so I said really so how many members do you have said we have eight we have eight members Oh old very old people they are only eight and he told me they find it difficult to climb the stairs to come up so he can see that very soon they eight people who stopped coming so a church and Christians have a great duty God expects food from you three years and some of you God saved you you know a wicked person like you God saved you God rescued you God did something for you look at all the things that are happening now in your your crimes and so on you have here or knife fighting and many things in the world you could have been dead sleeping in your grave and God saved you and planted you and God washed you God was kind to you some of you are even married how many are married wave if you are married Wow how many are not married father let me pray for marriage father send more weddings into this change so ever show everybody his or her partner show every one of us our our right and true path I pray in Jesus name Amen [Applause] so now you see it happening practically [Applause] now I hope you are listening to me so now God is expecting something from you yeah some of you have been given good jobs some of you we're Hustlas some of you are still hustling [Applause] some of you are hustling in town God is expecting fruit from you whatever your situation he says I been coming these three years seeking fruits God is seeking fruits from you girl God is seeking fruit from you instead of thinking of yourself how to do your hair how to buy more clothes how to look more beautiful how to buy more things to go more shopping think of the fruit God is expecting from you many young girls don't know what is they are not thinking of when they are getting married they are not thinking of what is going to be expected of them the mind the mind goes only up to the wedding and the dress and the reception and the flowers somebody says you shouldn't be a leader don't be angry because these shots very short-sighted the marriage is far more than the wedding there's so much more that's why the wedding you see the older people don't look so happy now we all know that the Assad but they are not as happy as the younger ones because they have experienced the realities of marriage that in marriage something is expected of you as you get mildly well I've got so many duties they expected to do so many things this is what it want this they want this they want this they want this does the beginning of career and you don't know how to do any of the things that they want you only know how to dress how to do your hair and how to look nice and it's not even nice [Applause] the reason I'm saying is not even nice is because people don't tell you when you are not looking nice they always tell you that you're looking nice even when you're not looking nice yes it's a pity so just as so much is expected of you when you get my show what is expected of us when we become Christians and so much is expected of us when we become a church we were not a church now we become a church and all of you are part of the church and God is coming to his tree that he has planted God's planted us here this church was filled with other people other type of people yes the ugly shop of condom he was telling me he said we were we were proud when the time came you know and the people were migrants were immigrants were coming in the 60s and so on and we were coming we didn't accept them and now they've become huge churches yeah it's amazing different group of people all over so with the church you got to be careful cause in a sense you could say that men each others have been taken away so I I take this church away I take this church away I take this person away and one of the ways you can be taken away you become irrelevant irrelevant means you are not important you are not essential God can do without you everything can go on without you what you say doesn't really matter anymore what you do doesn't matter anymore he says every tree and every branch that does not bear fruit he takes it away all those watching in all the viewing centers I hope you are listening very carefully because I am fully aware that you are all out there watching and hearing shout amen wherever you are no not you they [Applause] hallelujah so God is coming you know I come seeking fruits I come seeking fruit these three years every time God comes to me he's seeking food from me when he comes to give food for me because you see where I come from people who are my color rarely get saved in Ghana you know I'm a half swiss and half Kenyan so people like me who are half and half we were like a group of you know not really fitting in people when you come to here they say you are black when you go there they call you white rarely do you find this type in church in Ghana some years ago in my family I can hardly find born-again Christians you get it so then I found myself being saved by the Lord why would he save me why would he invest in me and rescue me you know and I and I went to school I became a doctor so you know that that shows there's something a little more than water our hoods up there you get it and so he's expecting something from me that's why I wrote all those books because it's something is expecting from me it's not a business there's an expectation of God he says I come seeking fruit three years so leave it for one more year then I'll take a decision God is not a bad leader he takes decisions strong decisions say no you not gonna bad fruit you are out you're not going to give me what I'm looking for from you you are out and he will take a decision you know the Jews when Jesus came he told them a parable he said a certain man made a vineyard and he sent he went on a journey and he sent someone to come and look for fruits from them and they beat him then he sent another person and they beat him up and the third time they they killed the person then he sent his son and then he they killed him and they said they would take possession and he says what will happen he says the Lord of this vineyard is going to come and take the vineyard and destroy those people and give it to others who are worthy more worthy of it and the Bible says that the the Jews the Pharisees were angry because they realized that he spoke this parable against them now what was Jesus saying he was talking to the Jews you know everything came from the Jews Jews are the ones who had the prophets they're the ones who had Abraham Isaac and Jacob and they're the ones who have all the great prophets and then Jesus told them he's going to take it from you and give it to some other people and as the Jews were listening they were they were so angry but that's exactly what the Lord did he took away the presence of God and the grace that he had given to this special group of people the Jews gave it to the Gentiles and the Jewish country and the Jewish people became irrelevant to what God was doing he just took it from them and gave it to the rejects and I'm known groups and spread it all over the world in fact the nation Israel was completely disbanded they couldn't believe you wouldn't believe it but this is the whole point that he will take it away and give it to someone who is more worthy of it and then he tells us also the same thing warning us when I give you something I come to you expecting fruit and you and the fruit is clear fruit is not money sometimes he expects money from you that's not what God is expecting from you forget about your money you know the church is far more richer than anybody here never think that the chat needs your 10 pounds or your 20 pounds it's a wrong way to think when you think like that you are thinking like a robber you are like a criminal in the church think of fruit your life bearing fruit for God doing what God wants you to do with your life is what God is looking for from you if it includes your money then so be it so God warned the Jews he will take it away from you and make you irrelevant and they couldn't believe it and the Jews were this fast now when we go to Jerusalem I don't know if I have a chance to go in through you see the Wailing Wall I'm sure you've seen the Wailing Wall where people go to pray you know they go to put the little pieces of paper people are very superstitious you know when they go to these places but um what it is is that they used to be if if there is a place you can see the proportions the Temple of Solomon which was renovated and expanded by Herod right became was like a huge edifice so glorious so beautiful the people used to come from all over the world to come and see it everything to do with God was focused on that place you see and people would come to this temple to pray everything about God was the in Jesus stood on those steps that was the same temple where the man who was lame was then Peter and John came to the temple to pray and they found a man on those step that's on the south southern part of the temple when we go to Jerusalem you see the western wall which is where they pray and the steps the southern Patrick there's some few steps there that you can see so this is big square that used to be the temp but now on top of that where the temple is a mosque yes so everything that had to do with God was to do with the Jews and he said I'll take it away from you I'll give it to some other people every fruit that that's not bad he just he just he just walks away he just walks away from you you just irrelevant to whatever he's doing he picks up people that are completely likely to be like rejects and people that you wouldn't think they would ever amount to anything and just uses them I've seen it over and over again even in our little church people who look like they were important became completely irrelevant there are so many little girls who became important because some guys didn't value what they were given so some girls and ladies became important but they are doing men's jobs because guys didn't want to do it and that's that's that's God he's been taking things away from people you don't like it okay he moves and you just he's like you you can be you can exist and be irrelevant irrelevant to what he is doing it's just amazing and it's a constant warning he says every tree that does not bear fruit he takes it away he takes it away you are not relevant to my my my my my plan what I want you are not relevant to it anymore I change your position and many people's position is changed in relation to God yes and you can see now when you talk about Christianity in this country it's virtually an immigrant's affair yes people may claim they're going to check my prayer in reality few people of this country go to church or even believe in God when you talk about those who are praying to god it's like migrants that's the reality and so amazing but this was the church church was so great so relevant and so important that bishops City in the House of Lords today because the church was I mean it tells us everything you want to be the king of Bishop is going to make you the king oh yes it won't be the case gonna make you the archbishop will make you you can make yourself everything is church today you can be taken away and you may be standing there and say I am I am important but you are not actually important anymore so you need to watch out because God sent me to give you this prophetic warning yes so the loss of fruitfulness starts with fruitful fruitless Christians will be taken away number two fruitful Christians will be purged he says every branch that beareth fruit he pages it that it may bring forth more fruit so once you are doing something in the house of the Lord and you are fruitful in God's house God works on you God works on you he patches it that's what it may bring forth more fruit so the law of fruitfulness is that you only move to more you only move to the next level which is more proverbs 4:18 that part of the just man shines more and more until the perfect day if you are a just man or a Christian yo you're shining increases it doesn't decrease so those of you whose shining seems to be sort of gradually tapering off you are not a just man you know another just man you've got to be shining more for me I look at myself and I say you know am I still preaching like I used to preach but I still preach about Jesus like I used to be how many times do I preach now compared with when I was younger do I still start churches am I still teaching I'm uh still preaching I'm I still pray for the sick am I still having camp meetings I'm having a camp now yes I had a camp here i had a camp here some years ago called what was the first camp called double mega missionary church that is out of that camp that came pastor Peter even I got only one person is fine I preach the same things you know I've been preaching the same thing in different fright sometimes boil it different ways yes even if I got only one person I got a church in Australia out of that hallelujah and I'm grateful to God hallelujah no God will only take you Father and higher sometimes I look at people and you see they looking older yes you can look older but the oddness is different from weariness yes many people don't look older they look weary and worn out and exhausted it's like all the babies that can come out of you have come you are now declared barren you see you see a lady who has become old in her mind the mind is older you know one day I told somebody she had about twitch children or three children and I told I said rise up my dear because if you didn't have a husband you may have and you were not a Christian you may have been somebody's boyfriend by now jumping all over the place and doing everything that can be done but at this age you are almost retiring and making yourself suffer from premature aging and premature retirement from life yes there is no need to retire when you are one is not yet over when you are in the coffin and you knock upstairs and you see it's not opening then you know that yes it's over but until then it's not over are you listening God hasn't finished with you once you are still walking and living on this earth there is so much expected from you you are not dead you are not dead I say you are not dead and I want to especially tell the ladies you know because you see if your lives vision is to have a child you know you have a child by a certain age then it's like your life is over half finished you know I finished I've got my ring I've got my picture I've got my child I've got everything and that's it's the end of my life it is not the end of your life it's the beginning of your life receive life in the name of Jesus now he project it means you come to church and you receive electric electric bolts to wake you up and tell you rise up and do some more for Jesus now let me tell you let me tell sit down first love chat let me tell you because the first love church are not here today let me tell you something let me let me tell you something if you sit down to let first object is separate from you D is different from you t now yeah you may not know where it is if you sit down and let first love church displace you in importance I'm talking to you D then you are mad yes it's true I don't have any other way then this you don't understand because you may live to be 90 so it's as if you are just being born now added to your age you see that is like your life is start starting many people live very long and you've made yourself like a grand ground elderly I don't even know what were to do you to describe you [Applause] yes and Drake crouches some of his most funky music he was producing it when he was 65 years old yes some of his nicest albums he produced music from the beginning all the way till he was 70 plus he was producing very nice music all that this the one he made let the church say man all those ones they were this saying almost 70 he was releasing those music when he was 30 in his 20s and 30s I was going around singing suanne will soon and very soon take me back and I was doing with twenties and thirties I mean you would you would think that and even when he couldn't sing and his he was bent over like this you know if you watch his concert in LA bent over like this and he could have seen he had these people to sing in Hulme do you see him letting them sing and he's so happy and they sing and interpret is so very well yes so no one no one displaced Andrew Crouch no one this place under that if you sit down for younger whippersnappers you understand what that is to cut up and just displace you and make you irrelevant you are of not understanding I don't even know the English word to insult you without sounding like I'm insulting you because I want to insult you but I don't know how to say yes because God God God does not need God it once you are alive you are relevant but you see people just sort of feel in your mind oh it's over with me nobody's talked about with you because the the part of adjustment it's it gets brighter and that you only come for purging magic amen you only come for paging some of you here are in your 50s 40s if you are here you have come for paging writing is washing of watching your colon do you know what is paging from the back wash and pay to put pepper in a path everything comes out and you need some strong big doses of hot pepper to make all toxins come out of you and the toxins that enter you are toxins of Pride and stiffness you become stiff [Applause] one of the reasons why people come bear fruit at the point is because they become stiff yes and that's why for Sarah to hear wet from the law when when you hear away from the Lord all you're supposed to say is amen yes some of you ladies you think you are past marriage but if you listen to my message tonight and you tell yourself hey I'm not past non-nato I am I am around no past no nothing yes you'll be shocked some practice will come on your face and you see that God will send somebody when when you offer the person a veggie in the position you know when God gave when God gave the promised land it was that land which was already occupied God was giving a second hand land and land that has already been used so that's what I want a longer as the lease [Applause] yes a promised land is flowing with milk and honey it was a land mr. Francis you're welcome it was a land it was a land that have already been used by Giants Giants have occupied the land and Gaza does the land I'm giving you I'm not giving you a veggie land I'm not giving you an ant Island and giving you somebody's land somebody's house somebody's farm receiving in the name of Jesus so if you understand the message you are going to rise up and never allow yourself to be satisfied yes sit down please so I'm telling this to the UD make your shine your face won't get either found our oil or something your face bright you are not the secondhand lung that somebody is coming to use because I tell you you'd be surprised that you can do more I had of carrot again I was blessed by Connecticut when he was 63 years old it was thought he was taught in status there's some young level when you are sometimes second handle already well used by life you see that you can rather now bear bigger fruits and more fruits amazing amazing amazing yes so don't look at don't look at the young ones and the younger people are now going to see certain things that that when they see them we will now see whether they can stand see me azuz [Applause] so the second law of fruitfulness is that there is those who are fruitful are being paged all the time till you are dead when you come to church understand the message as a kind of paging for more fruit yes there will never be a resting time never never none of you you were sent to Mexico isn't it you were much smaller she was just like this and she was sent to Mexico to grab a fruit now you are here why you see in your mind you may be thinking oh that was some time ago and I over with me I'm finished it's not a turn of others you see but that is the whole point that God says that he is message to you is always paging you to bring forth even more than what has happened up to now so receive it as a prophetic word yes don't allow yourself to retire you know one day a bishop said he could feel he says some people are trying to retire me but I cannot be retired yes and it's true he could not be retired he's still relevant yes so you will be relevant to be relevant yeah don't think to yourself I'm a used land I'm a second homeland Ted hand for hand the land that God gave to the Israelites was not a brand new land it was a well an occupied land by giant not even ordinary people Wow so I'm just saying to the UD don't let me first love group you get it affect your feel you know once I was working with some lady Ange and she realized that she was Sarah she was two big fat to fit into the young people that were working there she well either when they take one step and she was taking one heavy-duty stairs [Applause] so she decided to lose weight yes he said I'm joining this group at her age she decided to slim down and join the group properly there's all these people that have not had children you see them very small like mice and later on they become like rabbits bigger so from today so we are you see so we have this building here we can have more of these buildings I don't know why you've retired he only comes to pay just to put fire into the bomb bomb and that creates of noises [Applause] and every button in you will come out and you are going to bear my fruit for Jesus hallelujah [Applause] Sadler of fruitfulness cleanliness and purity and needed for foot bearing because as soon as Jesus started to give the laws of fruitfulness he said you are clean through the word that I have spoken to you hallelujah now God cleans you up as you listen to his word I've never seen somebody and you become clean enough to work for God now I've never seen anybody who has looked at his personal life and felt good enough how many I felt good when you really analyze yourself really how you really are and you feel good say oh yeah this is me I'm mister holy you are mister no sense you are not mister holy you know God ah mister holy when did you become mr. holy stop stop stop pretending tell your never stop all these looking good and top of me you look so like what we're solid be real [Applause] any brother listen I'm speaking only to brothers brother should listen carefully are you listening any brother who says that you are being free from lust since you became a Christian up till today just please stand up should please stand up please stand up or raise your hand if you are brother and you say you have been free from lustful desires and feelings since you became a Christian at the age of sixteen after today please stand up any brother who has never been free from lust since you became a Christian up to today please stand up if you have never been prepared I want to see the brothers who have been freed from lust where they they're mostly at the back mostly the guys are the back they are outside the upstairs [Applause] look you cannot deceive us no matter who you are the last is there it is that you say we're pretty bite is there Oh tyonne a bottle a you can't deceive me [Applause] so listen whenever God wants to use you the fast feeling you have is you feel bad sisters how many of you know you know about raise your hand brothers are using them look at that before you children you know nobody has to tell you you know wha [Applause] sit down so listen are you there you know as soon as you hear the call of God do you know what their natural responses you respond like Adam and Eve you run to hide between the trees these are the trees [Applause] other many were hiding in between the trees cuz you look at yourself you say what I cannot go like this [Applause] so Jesus said something you are clean through my wet you are clean through my word you are clean through my wife you are clean through my word you are clear to the word hallelujah you know if only you expose yourself to the prisoner you you'll be surprised how he to purify you you know I was 25 years old when I was in a town called swim in Ghana and I was listening to Kenneth Hagin preaching and suddenly in 1988 something happened sit down please you are blocking some exotic the circuit Yves was sitting behind you you are blocking some executives 10 to the negative behind you say sorry for blocking for blocking your view [Applause] now I was in this town trained and listening to preaching you know I was listening to it not so consciously byte was on it was always on but I listened and then I pray and like that and suddenly in the middle of the night something jumped out of the tape and entered my belly and then I had a voice saying from today you can teach I was only twenty five years from today you can teach a 25 year old boy now can you imagine that kind of last data was having at that age can you imagine even when you are over 50 you are still experiencing like how much more 25 but you see you are clean through the word that I have spoken to you so if you expose yourself to repeat that preaching especially preaching even the same message if you like try it I'm not talking about new message keep on listening if you like it listen again listen I really benefit from listening to your message once I have to keep listening and I want to hear it again and here that's when it starts to soak in so that's what we call soaking in a message that it sucks in don't try to fight your losses like say I'm going to fight hunger hunger is going out of me today in the name of tea and rice get it out of my life I cash under the name of Jesus please let's be serious [Applause] your sinful jealous feelings your fear feelings of fear your anger your bad behavior is part of dislike hunger that's what is conflict all the time that's why people marry with such high hopes and say one brother the other day he just touched my heart he told the sister is her sister there's something that I want to give to you she said what is it he said I want you to keep his bag precious so what is it I'm gonna give you my heart he was proposing to hell this was this was a proposal is the proposal [Applause] telling people have levels of the proposal on the higher levels of proposal where I Junya he told that listen I want to give you something what did you keep it for me what is it said I would give you my heart if you can't keep it for me Wow but you'll be surprised that people say such things then later you hear so [Applause] I said don't you gonna have your heart in me I can squeeze it just I thought they were happy to you so listen said I don't know why I asked I followed as soon as they get it behind you blocking the alley what are we what are we been talking about what was the topic not clean you thought I'd forgotten I'm trying to see what that you can remember so God is telling you that you do change when you expose yourself to the word I've not seen a young man who doesn't change by listening to them to the way you are clean to the way the more you listen to the word you read the way you check the word and it's coming to you and it raises you up you see that you change nobody will change you you change yes and you stop hiding but as for the feelings and young Ito said when he was a young man he was always praying that he will be old so that he will not have the feelings that so from today expose yourself get the podcast go to the mechanic download the mechanic vodcasts just keep soaking in and checking your scriptures to see whether it's saying what you what they are saying as a lady you see how you change yes don't don't think of don't think of getting married think of bearing fruit your whole orientation will change you see one of the reasons why sometimes a brother comes to you and he doesn't stay is because he finds you empty like when he talks to you there's no substance it's like you are just hair and nails and face and shoes and like this number four what is the first law of fruitfulness what the first law of fruitfulness fruitless Christians will be taken away God is looking for fruit and fruitless Christians will be taken away was the second law of fruitfulness fufu kisses will be passed I'm always being paged every message here is trying to page you number three and how the cleaners going to come through the world amen number four closeness is needed for foot bearing closeness you always have to be close to God if you are going to bear fruit because he said I am the vine you are the branches how is the vine connected to a branch is matched with the branch matched with the branch the some of you don't realize that your quietness and your staying away and staying far in the church makes you fruitless yes some of you have chosen the backseat as your permanent resting place you always go to the back you always go upstairs you always go far away you never come near but that's not a good thing closeness is as I am the vine you are the branches so the kind of closeness that is needed for fruit is deep closeness yes really close you know there's no space between a vine and a branch there's no space it's merge together so the most fruitful churches are churches that are like families and you'll notice in our church that there's a lot of closeness like we stay in church we come to cheer people to understand why that's real check what are you doing in the church well what we are doing that just we are matching in the church we are matching we get into ourselves and the closer you are the more you can bear fruit because without being close you will not bear fruit when a man and a wife a closed path an internal part of him edges the body the two bodies match this is closeness that is necessary for fruits so don't be far from today don't be funnin co-op you know I'm had a type I don't like though I don't want to get so here you are shut up stop saying these things come closer that's what I got come closer to me I wanna heal you okay so all those of you who ended up being at the back it must only be because you were late but not because you've chosen that place in the name of Jesus tell your neighbor from today I am close I'm getting closer in Jesus name number five the fifth law of fruitfulness abiding in Christ is necessary abiding me staying stained amen now stayin abiding in Christ is to stay in Christ so stayin in a church for some time for some years it's necessary if you don't stay you are not gonna amount to much why because stayin you know it's like when I started playing golf you know I was the guy was I was asking like what are you ever going to really be able to play and then the guy said that the more you play and as a how would the more playing ever change or improve this terrible thing that we are doing but it does even in soccer the more experienced players seem to I don't know what they know because it's not just a scale but experience and time even in singing sometimes when I feel do not always feel the new singers I can see the difference between singers experience because so many things are always happening when you are on stage and so the more experienced you are with singing you know that you are different from when you're an inexperienced in guys singing I'm gonna need experience in guys you can see that she's got a good voice or he's got a good provides no experience on stage so everything has experience linked to it so the longer you staying cries the more likely you are going to be to baffle so when a couple gets married they are not they don't that you can't just start treating a person for not having a baby till after almost two years 18 months you know two years before you would even say oh this may be something we want to treat there's nothing like that without long enough time you are not really expecting much so that is not really expecting much from you when you are so new she expected you to hang around after you've been hanging around for some time that is gonna start expecting now now that you've been around for some time and you understood what it means to be a Christian now we expected something from you you know you see how many of our faces are young faces is very good but this same faces must be old faces in the church in some years to come now those of you who look older I can see a lot of the front benches look a little older yeah you must realize that you rather are even more poised to bear fruit because you've been abiding with abiding for years so instead of becoming a wasteland and instead of saying that my time is over you can rise up and better I'm bearing fruit now I'm over 50 I'm over 50 years old I've been preaching when I was 25 I was a pasta before was 25 I was like 16 and I was 17 18 oh I was fully preaching from the time I was a teenager I've been preaching and I'm very for that I can do certain things more I can bear more fruit and do bigger things done then I then I then I I did when I was 18 or 19 when you I buyed you you become more price to be fruitful you can give more and I have people now who give more since I started this new project where we have ten thousand dollars to build a church you know if you give me $10,000 I build a full church for you from foundation to roofing painted everything with the name on it so many people have been giving me this money to build except England yes except England it's only England that nobody has given that but I have so many people in Ghana and did you just give up build me a check build me a check build my church many I can show you pictures if we could project it I'll put it up there I'll show you the churches plenty especially in the north where we showed you the video oh yeah some years ago people couldn't give $10,000 like that it just gives you another one kiss I want to build another one please build me a chest which we choose that town and they build it within a few with this roof red roof everything white painted beautiful yeah some are even choosing to build Kathy but I mean these are people that have been abiding in the church for years sometimes I go you ask even 4000 what they tell you though they don't have disposable income have disposable income so it's amazing that when you stay around longer there's greater things you can do one brother told me I don't want to build this those little smaller churches you have done I want to build a cathedral no problem yeah we pay for the cathedral it's okay I'm pay for Cathedral I want to build a big one yes they know the church is not taking anybody's money anywhere well you I knew you will think oh they maybe they're gonna get some money from you or somebody wants to take something from you is because we are new if you've been here four years you've never it would not even cross your mind that somebody here start to get something for when you see that to said well we went you you I've been afraid if they say quad mission go to this place you run away when you see that place is there anywhere in this in this UK or where that is like here you can see that's what at the end of the film we said no we're too far no cities are we too strong Jesus has called us to the ends of the earth and we will go hallelujah we'll go to the ends of the earth so abiding in Christ is very critical for you to bear fruit and number six we're getting to the end now slow deterioration and withering is the sign of those who no longer irrelevant slow deterioration and withering is the sign of those who are no longer relevant or who bear fruit watch the church the test doesn't go up in one day pastors don't go up in one day they wither slowly Jesus said any branch that does not bear fruit amen is cast forth as a branch verse six and is with it it's what with them the church today is a with that version of how it used to be many churches are withered version many pastors are a withered as you wither means like you would have been bright and standing like this but now you are like this you still there but like it's different like the bright green is like a little change in the color green it before it's getting too Brown so you sue people see when you still still be mentioning data stuff this is all we are the dish that we have is that we we do this and how often is this and now that is this embitter not but it's actually there's been a change Shu gradual change look at your neighbor's face closely and see what is withering check whether he's withering it's very slow so you need discernment you need assignment look very carefully and see what is withering Wow is it amazing number seven fruit bearers are guaranteed answers to prayer yes fruit bearing Christians are guaranteed answers to prayer yes if I bet food my prayers are more powerful than he also are not bearing fruit sure I mean everybody has people who a new island they ask you for something more likely to get an answer true you are not true yeah there are some people they ask me I'm likely not answer sometimes I don't even answer I don't even know what to say mm it takes are asking for something I don't because I don't know what to say because I don't know how to say no or sometimes I don't know what to say I just say nothing I just don't leave it up and said God has a lot of people right he doesn't know what to say to them just doesn't answer yeah but he said if you abide in me and my words this is see this is when Jesus was giving the laws of fruitfulness from John 15 from verse 1 so when you go to verse 7 he said if you abide in me you bear fruit and if you abide in me and my words abide you shall ask for to that time that I pray and I tell the Lord I used this face I said Lord you know that I might have been a Christian for more than three years once you have food Perry Chris and your prayers are different from somebody who's not bearing fruit I mean a food bearing Christian is not going to ask for nonsense you know you know what you ask for I don't remember ever asking God for certain things it doesn't even come up in my prayer topics I have other topics a lot of other topics even you won't pray for husband you see that but if you have foot bearing say lord give me if we surprised God will do it for you how many believe God is gonna do it for you I believe it and the last one verse 8 God is very happy with those who bear fruit is that law if you're barefoot God is happy with you God likes you John 15 and verse 8 what does it say Wow John 15 and verse 8 herein is my father glorified that you bear much fruit God God is happy glorified miss Happy's an old word for happiness glory you look glorious you look glorious everything is beautiful when you bear fruit when you wear fruit so today God is telling us and so in this beautiful healing Jesus service I believe that all of us are being challenged to be even more fruitful than we've ever been before and you see us in the crusader preaching and doing as much as we can God is only paging us that will bear more fruit yes once you are very fruit expect paging I want more God is always I want more for me God the reward for hard work is more work the reward for hard work more work the one who had one talent test five talents when he used the five talents God gave him work to be the ruler of our cities so the reward for hard work is more work yes so today God is expecting more fruit from all of us and it's going to bless us mightily stand to your feet everyone hallelujah let us pray for a moment father we thank you so much let your hand and give yourself to the Lord Lord say Lord I want to I want to be fruitful I says I come three years seeking fruit three years are you looking for something from you three years Lord what are you looking for from me give it to me oh Jesus let me come forth with what you are looking for everybody standing in every center wherever you are God is looking for fruit from you in Sheffield in the North Dublin and everywhere God is looking for fruit from you for everyone father we thank you for your great blessing that is released hearing is my father glorified that you bear much fruit thank you for these wonderful laws of fruitfulness touch everyone here and make us truly fruitful in you Lord we live in here in London in England use us use us to have Crusades use us to win the lost users to bless Europe use us oh Jesus use us to help your work use us to build churches use us to serve you use us to bear fruit Lord we thank you thank you that will never be irrelevant and will never be set aside thank you thank you thank you for everyone that is hearing your word today thank you that nowhere is too far because nowhere was too far for you Jesus thank you for the spirit of missions the spirit of fruitfulness but it's come we give you thanks in Jesus name and as every head is bound for a moment if you are here and you don't know Jesus as your Savior I want to say pasta please pray with me I want to give my life to to Jesus tonight maybe somebody invited you but you don't know Jesus as your Savior I want to pray with you pasta if I die today if I die tomorrow I don't know what I'll go to heaven or hell please pray for me pray with me I want to go to heaven I want to know God I want Jesus to save me if you are here like that wherever you are standing wherever you are pasta please pray with me I want to give my life to Jesus I want to change I want to follow God in every viewing center worried about you I want to give your life to Jesus I want me to pray with you just lift your hand up now and I'm going to pray with you lift your hand up high above your head god bless you lift it up high pastor pray with me I want Jesus to change my life this evening I want to be born again just your right hand up high god bless you God bless you God bless you if you've lifted your hand I want you to do one more thing come to me I'm gonna pray with you just come come from where you're standing come come let me pray with you god bless you come from upstairs come from the back come from everywhere start right here just face me this way we're gonna pray with you you want to give your life to Jesus come come come god bless you from upstairs from the back I need Jesus I want to change come come and join them god bless you I'm waiting for you from upstairs in everywhere every viewing Center come to the front you want to give your life to Jesus come let me pray with you God is changing your life God is saving you today is the beginning of a great change in your life come god bless you I bless you come on my friend I'm waiting for you come on one more coming one more coming come to Jesus this tonight is the beginning of a great change a great change I need Jesus I need Jesus Jesus it's real Jesus it's real Jesus is real God bless you God bless you God bless you Alleluia now lift your hand and close your eyes and let's pray together say Jesus thank you for tonight please forgive me for all my sins I am a sinner but tonight tonight I come to you just as I am have mercy on me Lord clean me cleanse me forgive me have mercy on me Lord Jesus please wash away my sins tonight with your precious blood tonight I open my heart and I receive Jesus as my savior as my master and as my lord thank you Jesus for saving me tonight please write my name in the book of life say it again please write my name in the book of life thank you Jesus from tonight say from tonight I am yours Lord Jesus Lord Jesus please become real to me change me set me free from demons from evil from tonight I am a child of God I'm going to save you lord thank you Lord for saving me tonight now say after me Satan listen carefully from tonight I will not obey you I will not follow you I will not serve you in the name of Jesus I belong to God I belong to Jesus from tonight I belong to Jesus I will serve Jesus thank you Lord Jesus lift your two hands and say thank you Father for saving me tonight thank you Jesus for saving me tonight I love you Jesus I thank you Lord for what you've done for me in Jesus name I pray and everyone said amen [Applause] hallelujah god bless you god bless you god bless you i want to give you one of my books my book one of the books this is my gift to you I wrote this book it's called how to be born again and avoid jesus said you must be born again and avoid hell so this is a gift read it it's based on the Bible and your life is changing England is changing Jesus is changing England in Europe because God's church will always come out victorious even if we have a low moment or a low season the church will always be victorious today the church has a low season in Europe but it's going to climb out so that is a blessing now I also want to pray for every problem and every sickness and every disease and any problem whatever it is so whatever problem you have you just stay where you are stay here any problem you have anything just if you can put your hand there fine if you can't just put your hand on your heart if its financial merit our personal crisis everybody needs something amen keyboards please gently father thank you that you are sending your mighty power tonight European in England everyone who's watching thanks Jesus father we come to you Lord because you are God Jesus the Saviour Saviour of the world Jesus Saviour Jesus healer heal our lives and pray concerning every situation every problem at home Oh father that your mighty power your palm the balm of Gilead rub into that painful place to that painful point and here every life Jesus thanks a million for your mighty power everywhere thank you that you are the healing Jesus you heal our lives heal everyone here tonight receive your healing the curse is broken and it's breaking in Jesus name Jesus power is changing your life wherever you are wherever you come from whatever kind of problem because I sense many different kinds of problems my God is touching you father I thank you tonight for your mighty mighty Jesus is working Jesus thank you your mighty power is changing every life yes I guess every sickness every root every crisis every financial problem every immigration problem every family problem every personal problem every secret problem in the name of Jesus receive your healing right now receive it I cast out devils in Jesus name as it go out right now in the mighty name of Jesus father thank you thank you for many miracles thank you that you are the Lord that healeth us tonight now just lift your hand and thank him right now he's the Lord that he loved us tonight you are the Lord that he you are ah [Music] you sent your word Jesus you sang and you receive healing from sexual problems emotional problems marital problems receive it now in the name of Jesus you are the Lord and he love me you are [Music] his hands your [Music] father thank you for many miracles here tonight thank you for your power thank you for your mercy receive your healing you are going back to your house to step on this link that is frightening you from your own house when you go back to your house the head of the serpent will be cut off i prophesy to the roots the root of your problem the source of the problem and I catch the root of the problem in the name of Jesus the Savior I command it to wither to fade to vanish in Jesus name let the grace of God appear and bring you salvation bring you deliverance because you are present here and because you are watching let the angel of the Lord also watch over you let the angel of the Lord our company you because you came me the angel of the Lord go with you and help you Mythili to bear fruits and to do the will of the father father I thank you for testimonies thank you for good news thank you for miracles in the mighty name of Jesus and everybody said amen give a lot of mighty sonic [Applause] you may be seated
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 17,232
Rating: 4.7831326 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 24sec (5904 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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