Israel Houghton | Worship Night | Strong Tower Church

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[Music] night is falling your car than me the hope exhausted you will be my strength this you won't give up no kid [Applause] so whatever season typically promises to me that's not stuff complete to shine you won't [Music] I can't [Music] [Music] without that says [Music] [Applause] feel it [Music] [Music] you feel it in my soup [Music] good all right so if this was like a Tuesday night that would have been amazing [Music] but it's Friday night come on down [Applause] whatever-whatever ceiling we're hitting right now let's just bust through it now right now no you boys feel it in my [Music] [Music] just you [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's Thanksgiving season I've decided in my life though that I'm gonna make every day Thanksgiving season [Music] singing Here I am to worship and Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that [Music] [Music] for your second away what would we be whether it be without you [Music] and what could I possibly give in exchange for oh you turn [Music] why can't you [Music] [Music] we're to worship Here I am - fountain he will game to say that [Music] together altogether beautiful [Music] altogether wonderful beautiful powerful faithful God altogether wonderful beautiful faithful No [Music] so we worship you [Music] a voices raised to listen [Music] two words [Music] [Music] you [Music] take a moment and just tell them who year's summer the whole together lovey if you rock [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] look [Music] so dude [Music] [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] man who knows who needs new breed when you come to strong tower so right singing worship you let me hear you say [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] we charge [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] true [Applause] which [Music] nobody got a reason to rejoice I really like the way y'all are singing so just you and me just you and me the band's gonna they don't smoke but they gonna take a break real quick [Music] my review [Music] that you hear me we're not is it you [Music] well let's get that verse again same [Music] tell somebody next to you I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice [Applause] [Music] oh my [Music] see [Music] [Music] you call me oh just one more time just you see [Music] all right just one more time I promise is the last time [Music] let's see if I basically for the last 30 years have written songs that when I didn't know what to say I just said Oh if somebody pointed out to me the other day like you realize every one of the songs you've ever written has some sort of a section it works watch I'm going to show you [Music] [Music] one more time everybody say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hidey-ho but daddy's up outside here so the pub yes feels over God will not be shaken Jesus you are just tell me we shake jus-just [Music] it's a cat [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I don't know about you but I'm glad to know that I'm not fighting alone that he is fighting for us anybody glad that God is fighting for us before you seated find 2 or 3 people and tell them God is fighting for you God is fighting God is fighting for you and if God be before you there's nothing or no one that can stand against you as you're bringing seated put your hands together let Israel know how much we appreciate him here tonight I said let him know we appreciate him here [Applause] just a moment we're gonna go right back into praise and into worship into celebration into declaration I love how that song says I will live and I will not die sometimes you just got to make a declaration and set the record straight I'm gonna live and I will not die yeah 30 handle paneer right there just to make that declaration one more time say I will live and not die yeah you got settled in your mind set it in your heart I'm gonna live and I will not die we'll give this a moment here to [Music] generosity and giving I believe that generosity giving liberality is part of the heartbeat of God I'm grateful that God is not stingy concerning us he gave his best he gave his son to us but the Bible says that he hath given to us all things that pertain to life and unto godliness I'm glad that we serve a God that does not withhold any good thing from us but liberally herb I say liberally liberally he gives unto us we've been in time of praise and worship and celebration here tonight and I believe that with our praise we ought to also put with it a gift and again no Amen no talkback right there I believe that with your praise you ought to put a gift with it why do I say that praise you have to know is more than just a rhythm more than just melody more than just music praise has a power to it praise has the ability to open up something as a matter of fact if you look in the Bible you know that when the children of Israel when they went to war oftentimes they would ask who shall go up first and they would say sin Judah first sin Judah Judah means praise as we well know send appraisers first because the Prazeres have a way of opening up a thing they have a way of clearing out some space they have a way of causing the enemy that would stand in opposition to move out of the way and so they would send Judah first and then they would go in and the victory would come after the praisers went in first I believe tonight we've been clearing out some space we've been making things ready we've been opening things up through our prays and through our worship it's in that moment that you should seize the opportunity to give because you're giving then makes room for the blessing that comes after I don't know about you but I'm believing that tonight doesn't just end but tonight is a beginning that my praise opens up something that my praise clears the way and I'm gonna put a gift into this atmosphere because I believe following my gift will be blessing an opportunity and favor and the goodness of God so let's take this opportunity while we're in this space in this place of praise and worship and celebration while the atmosphere is open let's put something in our hands let's put a gift with our praise and give here tonight let us demonstrate the heart of God which is liberality and generosity through our giving here tonight if you need an envelope there should be one in the seat pocket just in front of you if not just shoot your hand up in the air and one of our service assistants will be sure to serve you giving stations are open at the back of the auditorium many of you like to give that way some of you like to give by way of the giving app and certainly that's available tonight as well but let us be liberal let us be generous let us seize this opportunity that we have opened up with our praise to sow something right here and right now awesome everyone's preparing the gift give you a moment to do that see our service service assistants are quickly passing out envelopes again we welcome everybody that is here tonight what a great great time we're having in the presence and in the power of God what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pray over our giving here tonight immediately after that there'll be a quick video of some upcoming things that are happening here at the tower and then after that I'll talk to our good friend Israel for just a few moments let's lift up our giving all over the building list of are giving our seed our generosity father we thank you for this another opportunity that we have to give in your house it's in this atmosphere that has been opened up with our praise and with our worship that we sow here tonight may the gifts may the seeds that we give cause what's fruit to come forward in our lives let a harvest a blessing in favor be released upon your people as they give tonight in the mighty name of Jesus and that every glad hearts say Amen god bless you as you give and while you do watch this [Music] someone's saying oh yeah got some exciting things happening here at the tower as we always do and you saw some of the special music guests that'll be coming in the Katinas will be here on the 15th helping us to celebrate Christmas if you have not heard Eric Taylor he is phenomenal on the violin we had him in last year and just just loved him he's gonna be back with us helping us to celebrate the Christmas season and then New Year's Eve night right here at the Tower our good friend Leon Timbo is gonna be with us as well so again mark your calendars invite some people to come out with you I know you're gonna enjoy your time here at the tower on each of those days is really my good friend let's chitchat for just a moment as I mentioned earlier we've been known each other for quite some time about 25 years or something like that you're down no your real friend I tried man I tried I come when you call me and I ain't been here seven years so I don't know what that says about me just count just totally messing with you I'm just kidding totally kidding totally kidding [Music] man I want to first of all say thank you I was thinking about you and I was thinking about the fact that you've made such a tremendous contribution to the body of Christ for nearly 30 years you've been writing music you have been leading worship you have been travelling the country you have been going to the nations of the world and through your god-given gift you've inspired hope and faith in the hearts of so many as I mentioned earlier much of your music has gotten each of us through difficult seasons it has been your music that has helped us to celebrate the great seasons that we've been through and what you have contributed to the body of Christ I recognize does not come easy that it has cost you something so I just want to say thank you man a couple more times and Toledo you've been with us yeah I can remember times in Mexico that we've been there together this recently you came back with our Bishop from South Africa ministering at many of our churches over there you crisscross the world time and again tell me a little bit about what you have seen and what you are seeing in churches in the area of worship and praise what's happening I mean I feel like you know when I first sat down in 1995 to write what has now become like the vision for what I'm doing now I was writing stuff that made no sense like I wanted I want to lead a group I want to call it new breed I wrote this in 95 new breed didn't really form until 2000 but in next year I'll mark 20 years that we've been together at that cornerstone and Toledo was when we first and but I remember writing these exact words I want to put a group together that is intentionally cross cultural cross generational and cross denomination let me stop you right there because that sounds good right yeah why is that so important well I mean now I understand you know especially in the times we're living in that it is so easy for us as humans to kind of draw lines and go this is where I stand this is where you stand this is what I like this is what you like and if we're not careful we bring all that with us to church Wow and and so you know and I wrote that then almost as a voice crying out in the wilderness until I got around people who thought the same way Bishop it's yourself are two of those in particular that I was like oh we all we all speak the same language and our language is not what's my box look like right my language is what does the world look like and how can we how can we help paint it so to speak because I believe glory has a sound and I believe that our whole purpose was to cover the earth with the sound of the glory of God and so in that you know everywhere I go I feel like I'm just helping cover the earth paint the earth you know and so just just just now I'm seeing I kind of shared this the other day I'm seeing what I believe to be what I hope to be amen just a an awakening another Jesus Movement Wow so my mom got saved in 1971 in kind of at the beginning of the hike of the Jesus Movement which is over almost 50 years ago she was seven years pregnant of seven years seven months pregnant that's some kind of pregnancy right [Applause] he was a long time coming long time comment brother she was seven months pregnant eight months pregnant in a late she was 17 years old she had been doing drugs throughout her whole pregnancy state of California said you know as soon as this child comes we're taking him away from you because you are unfit and a lady you know you've brought if you've been here for any length of time you've probably heard me share this but a lady just crossed the street where she was and shared Jesus with it and I I like to look at it and go that's amazing they weren't in a church hmm there was no organ playing I mean there was no kind of structure for an altar call to happen but an altar call happened it happened and she gave her life to Jesus right there and I know that this is rare but literally the second she prayed the taste for drugs the appetite for drugs the addiction will and I know listen I know that's a miracle no that's not that's not normal but neither is Jesus all right but I I find myself very interested without mentioning names with what's happening in culture right now and how the name of Jesus is being shouted on regular broadcast networks not just in church and and as excited as I am about that I'm also very concerned that the church won't know what to do with the revival that's coming to it like because I feel like we've we've become really good at going so we're the church and this is how we do it so stand here and make sure that you learn the handshake and the Christianese and everything that goes with there and so my prayer as of late has been God everything we've learned as worshippers and as professional Christians they've been no shade that that we would unlearn that and that a real Jesus movement would hit this nation again and hit the globe again and I really believe this time around worship has a significant something to do with it you know and so I'm seeing it I'm seeing this just this thing man there's crackling this electricity all over the world we certainly Bishop and I spent almost two weeks in South Africa a couple weeks ago and just you could see it you can feel it you can hear it there's a lot of questions there's questions that are coming from outside the church as well as within the church and I feel like if if ever we needed something disrupted it's the church needs a disruption and good old Jesus disruption so I'm excited about it man you mentioned a couple words you mentioned awakening you mentioned revival you mentioned disruption right I think all those are connected I did and they and then wrapped up in there you said but we got to unlearn some things quite possibly it's not that we need to learn something we need to unlearn something before we can learn something my prayer as as of late has been that God I want to unlearn some of the stuff I've learned and by the by the you by that I mean after doing this for thirty years professionally right I know how to get into just about any environment and say the right thing right so that so that if I'm feeling slightly insecure I know how to I know how to make my ego feel better by saying things like I can't get no help in here and everybody goes and yet ain't nobody changed right I might feel good for four seconds but it's the same old same old and so you know I remember when I first started leaving worship matter of fact I'll try and tell this story very quickly on pastor called me on a Wednesday morning I was the drummer in our worship team I was 19 and he says hey I want you to consider being our worship leader and I said what you say to the pastor when you don't want to say no what did I say I said oh yeah praise God I'll pray about it and he go he must have anticipated that this was coming because I liked being back in the cut in my little apartment back there had AC and everything in there and I was good just playing the drums he must have known that that was coming he goes well okay cool pray hard and pray fast because you start tonight I'm not making this up this is a true story so I gotta care what the Lord - yeah you start tonight you do start tonight God said so I got up there and I'm gonna make a long story short I I just crashed and burned for about six weeks straight I knew two songs celebrate Jesus celebrate about three weeks in I added jesus is alive and we met lead those joints breakthrough can't meet and then I knew remember that yeah basically I just wanted to be wrong cannoli that's really what I'm driving up and it was so bad and every week I'd go to the pastor on Sunday night that's back when we had Sunday night service amen and I would say to him hey praise God pastor I quit and every time he'd be like yeah I know that was a rough one there's rough but I'll see you Wednesday you leave more Splinter I feel like a man come on please like I just want to play the drums our drummer is terrible like let me jump in there again find somebody else and every week he'd be like hey you know but I remember the first when he asked me to lead worst if I called my mom I said mom I get to lead worship tonight you know what should I do and my mom was like what are you gonna wear that was her main concern like what are you wearing to make a long story short I kind of got that all figured out and learned more songs and more importantly I got with God off of the stage you just said what a concept like nobody had told me that worship could be a lifestyle worship was just not just singing Russia is not just music matter of fact that's that's the end result of that worship is the placement of your heart and so I went home and got with God and and I simply prayed this prayer God if this is what you're calling me to do then teach me how to worship you teach me and I sat in my little piano there and just invited the presence of God into my little house and and I believe all these years later I'm here as a result of that but if I fast forward from that moment maybe 15 20 years and at Lakewood leading and I'm on my way to church and somebody calls me and says hey I've got courtside seats tonight to to the Rockettes and the Lakers Kobe Bryant you know yeah me and like it was back then I'm dated myself a little bit but and I say this to my friend oh man I would love to but I gotta leave worship tonight and he goes hey we'll no problem you know we'll do it another time it's always good to know a few rich people so he had season tickets whatever and as I get off the phone with him I'm driving to church and I felt God say to me let me make sure I heard you correctly and he reminded me that the first time I ever was asked to leave were sore when I didn't know nothing I called my mama and I said mama I get to leave worship tonight but now that I've sold some records and done some tours and won some awards now I'm like I got a lead worship tonight like my get two turned into a got tuna and on that's a word for certainly every worship leader and team member here but that's a word for every Christian that's the word for every believer one of the reasons why I like coming here every seven years is [Applause] I'm just kidding I'm totally kidding let that go please let it go what are the reasons why I love coming here is because this is one of the few churches in America that understands that it don't matter what's happening on the platform got six people in agreement with me work on this that that when I when I come to strong tower when I go to Cornerstone when when I go to people who have been taught right and who teach right everybody comes in the door with an understanding that I have something to give to the my atmosphere I'm not just coming waiting for something to happen this is a gift to imagine I'm just wondering imagine how our services would go if we all came together around to get to yes like I'm not here out of obligation I'm supposed to serve this week so I mean I got a sir but like imagine like imagine how our offerings would go they'd be so simple be like okay now we're gonna give everybody yes I get to give I know that sounds euphoric and fantastic but I just I decided that the further I've gone in this thing the more I want to unlearn and the more I want to get back to that kid who whose leg was shaken out of control when he is on the stage going god this is a privilege this is an honor and I'm scared to death about it and I just need you to come and do do what you do because I've realized the my own strength I can't be nothing and so I just want to encourage everybody you know there there is there is a revival I don't believe it's coming I believe we're standing in it right now I must say it again I don't believe it's on the way I know we're conditioned to go get ready something's coming right but I believe if you look around you if you just could take five minutes in here the person's story next to you you would realize you are sitting or standing in an actual real time revival book and what would happen if we every time we came together lived at that kind of understanding that God is moving we're not asking him to come do something matter of fact he's the host where the guest so he's like get involved in what I'm doing because there is something about to get your home not seen in this city there is something that is stirring all over the world men SiC somebody next you say it is a privilege it is a gift to to be in the presence of God so that's what I see happening and that's what I'm excited about [Applause] [Music] I appreciate you challenging us because that's what you just did is to move from got to and back to get to that's a major shift right there and I think if we can make that shift we'll be able to participate in what God is doing right here and right now put your hand on yourself and say this with me tonight I'm moving from got to to get to come on let's worship God some more here tonight [Applause] how many see it as a privilege [Music] you check with the enemy man for me and you churn it for good you turn it for good you take what the enemy meant for me you turn and you turn it for good say it now you take with the enemy and you turn it [Music] you know that second you take you [Music] again [Music] you check what the enemy [Music] we're gonna sing that we're gonna sing the whole song in a minute but when we get to that section there's choreography warned the person actually there's gonna be some choreography here guys [Music] at the very least at least and I know there's some people way too cool for this so at the very least you take [Music] that's not too bad right it's dark enough you take [Music] but to the degree that he's turned things around for you come on let's go you take I'm doing this [Music] turn that thing [Music] you turn how many have seen God turned some great things around in your life [Music] maybe former it won't prosper when the darkness falls in won't breathe because the god I serve knows only China [Music] my god will never fail sing my god I'm gonna see your picture me I'm gonna see you No I wanna see you picture me [Music] to you oh Jesus [Music] everyone [Music] whoa [Applause] to you take you turn you tear it now you tell me [Music] [Applause] to turn if you turn [Applause] [Music] you take with the enemy meant for evil [Music] say do you take [Music] it sounds good come on little bit louder say you take [Music] say you take [Music] God we thank you for turning it around [Music] [Music] thank you for turning in [Music] thank you for tuning out for me turning it around for me thank you for turning it around turning it thank you for turning it around for me turning it around for me thank you for turning turn it I wanna thank you for telling me turn it around the lake [Music] turn around turn around [Music] [Music] thank you can I get a witness [Music] thank you for turning it around [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's like you know [Music] that's the slow duty [Music] this water was satisfied Jesus sure cup that won't run time singing no is [Music] [Applause] to me the treasure the treasure we miss you [Music] no the hold yep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the tea [Music] let's become [Music] your breaths experience the club [Music] it's become [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] say nothing in this world singing [Music] jeez later [Applause] we're sinking [Music] [Music] [Applause] sir was singing geez [Music] [Music] yes Oh [Music] Oh [Music] to [Music] to [Music] to [Music] say two words review [Music] and you've done all you can do said all you can say describe Oh [Music] to worship you I live say to us [Music] [Music] everything else aside [Music] to [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] caught up in you presents [Music] I just wanna see [Music] caught up in this holy [Music] another one [Music] and I'm not here for blessings Jesus you don't owe me anything more than anything you can I just [Music] and I'm sorry when I've just gone through the motions I'm sorry I'll just say another song take me back to where we started I open up [Music] Jesus I'm sorry when I've come with my agenda I'm sorry and I forgot you're enough take me back to where we started I open up to you [Music] I just wanna see caught up in this Foley [Music] we never wanna leave [Music] I'm not here for blessing matter-of-fact Jesus you don't know me you don't know me anything [Music] more than anything that you can do I just want you I just want you and nothing there's nothing there's nothing else will do I chose for you nothing there nothing else nothing else will do [Music] nothing no nothing else [Music] [Music] say hi [Music] nothing there [Music] nothing [Music] fighters your words with your own son fill this face with words fill the surprisement word god we only want [Music] I just want you to [Music] let me and learn everything I don't wanna be a professional Christian I just wound you Jesus I just nothing [Music] [Music] to version [Music] too soon [Music] [Music] sing it again to us [Music] the dumps about so we crying [Music] [Music] come on lift your voice one more time say [Music] [Music] [Music] are you what is [Music] [Music] these worries [Music] were these [Music] worthless were these [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your outfit oh man yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] heads lifted all across the town all weekend [Music] begin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] some might be wondering why are we standing in this moment why are we moving on to the next song why isn't someone saying something I think sometimes we can get so programmed into looking for what's next that we miss what is now [Music] sometimes just recognizing that we're standing in the presence of God [Music] knowing that he is in the midst of us is the most important thing that we can do I just want to wait and bask in his presence just a little longer we're not gonna hold you all night but quite possibly in this moment what you need God is wanting to do for you right here and right now as the musicians continue to play just embrace the presence of God right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right here in this moment I want to pray one prayer while the Spirit of God is ministering to our hearts why we can sense his presence in the midst of us quite possibly they are some here tonight that feel the Spirit of God drawing you closer you can't really explain it or really describe it but you can feel the Spirit of God just drawing you closer maybe it's because you have been disconnected from God maybe it's because for a while for a season you've been going your own way doing your own thing but in this moment you can feel the love of God the presence of God drawing you close maybe you're in here tonight and you've never been in an environment like this never been in a setting like this and you've never ask Jesus Christ to be the lord of your life but at this moment you can feel the love of God you can feel the heart of God reaching for your heart just a moment I'm gonna pray a prayer if you hear today you you can sense that that love that grace and you say tonight I want to draw close to him I either want to return back to him or tonight's my night to ask Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior we gonna pray up here together matter of fact take your neighbors hand right here everyone around the building begin praying one point another father we pray for the one on our left and on our right that no matter where they find themselves here tonight may they sense your love your grace reaching for them may they since within their heart that you love them that you accept them tonight if there's anyone in this building that needs to return to you or to come to you let tonight be the night for them I pray for my sister my brother let them not leave this building without saying yes to you let them not leave this building without saying yes to you spirit of God touch hearts now spirit of God draw by your spirit now in the name of Jesus while you're holding that hand if you're in here tonight and you say I need to say yes to him I need that I either need to return to Christ well I need to accept Christ for the first time squeeze the hand of your neighbor just to let them know tonight's your night squeeze that hand let them know tonight your night to say yes tonight I'm gonna receive his love tonight I'm gonna return back to him tonight I'm gonna get it back on track with God tonight is my night squeeze that hand if if that's you to let your neighbor know tonight's your night it's what we don't do we don't lean it to this moment all together if you squeezed somebody's hand or somebody squeezed your hand you're following me if you squeeze somebody's hand or somebody squeezed your hand let's raise those hands up together all over the building see hands going up all over the building I see hands going up all over the building let's take a moment and celebrate someone receiving someone coming back someone's saying yes I said rejoice because somebody today [Music] wrap those hands once again this weekend way to pray this prayer together everyone repeat after me dear God I come to you tonight and I recognize that I need you thank you for sending your son Jesus to die for me tonight I accept him as my savior and My Lord Jesus come into my life and I'll serve you for the rest of my life tonight I declare I'm saved if you're thankful for salvation one more time to give the Lord of raisins now right here come on if you're thankful that Jesus died for you that he paid the price he settled the score he has sets you free I feel like I gotta pray one more prayer if you're in here tonight and you're in the midst of some kind of struggle [Music] during the mists of some kind of struggle some kind of battle I don't know if it's with drugs or alcohol or lust or perversion but you're in the middle of some kind of struggle you wanna be free but it feels like you can't get free you want to move forward in your life which it feels like something keeps pulling you back some kind of struggle could be with depression could be with thoughts of suicide could be with eating disorder if you're in the middle of some kind of struggle feeling this moment that we should move on until we pray a prayer of deliverance and the yoke of bondage is broken here tonight [Music] can I tell you that the Jesus that I serve is greater than any struggle that you might be in here tonight the God that I serve is greater than any struggle that you might be in here tonight I wish I could get a witness right here today [Music] watch this has anybody ever been set free from anything lift up your hand let there just be a witness the hands are lifted just to make testimony and declare that Jesus is able to break the yoke of bondage and to set the captive free you can lower your hands because we get ready to pray if you're in here tonight and you're struggling with something you're in the battle now with something and tonight you want to be set free by the power of God you want that yoke of bondage to be broken off of your life shoot your hand up so I know who I'm praying for I see hands being lifted hands being lifted hands being lifted it's what we gonna do if you lift it up your hand you're in a house here that believes in the power of God and believes that God wants to set you free tonight if you've got your hand lifted run down to the front of this altar right here and right now and we're gonna pray with you and we're gonna pray for you that tonight is your night of liberation in the name of Jesus Church I need you to clap right here to rejoice right here for all those that are coming forward to be set free from every yoke of bondage that might hinder and hold them come on you're not cheering like somebody's getting ready to get free you're not cheering like the enemies get ready to lose his grip and lose his hold on somebody right here and right now you not cheering like somebody is getting ready to walk out of a prison cell and into freedom they're still coming look look I'm on my ass one more time if you're in here and you're struggling with anything that would hinder you from being the person that God wants you to be you know what it is you know what the battle is you know what the fight is over you know the struggle if you're in here tonight don't you sit in your seat don't you stand there come down to the front of this altar and let us pray with you and for you that tonight you are set free by the power of God every addiction every perversion every yoke of the enemy that would hold you we come in after it we're coming after it we're coming after it we're coming after it tonight [Music] those of you gathered around the front of this building look at me for just a moment I can't tell you how overjoyed my heart is to see you in this altar right here right now [Applause] I can't tell you how happy my heart is to see you standing here the easy thing to do would have been to stay in your seat the easy thing to do would have been to bought into the whispering voice of the enemy that would tell you you don't need to come forward stay right where you're at that ain't for you he's talking to somebody else but you came to the front of this building in Jesus is here for you Jesus is here for you taking the time to look at each and every one of you because when I look in your eyes I can see stories journeys [Music] everyone at the front of this building has a story has walked a journey and I'm grateful that your journey has led you here Church extend your hands this way we could made a pray for these father I thank you for every man woman boy and girl that's standing at the front of this auditorium I thank you for the courage that it took for them to walk forward I think you for the faith that they have in you to set them free now in the name of Jesus I set my faith in agreement with them and I speak words of deliverance over them now in the name of Jesus and I command the hand of the enemy to loose them and to let them go I command every yoke of bondage that has hindered them and held them to break now in the name of Jesus I speak to the power of the enemy that has held you captive and I commanded to let you go now in the name of Jesus I speak to spirits of lust and perversion I speak to spirits of alcoholism and addiction I speak to spirits of pornography and I command them to loose their hold and to let you go I speak to spirits of depression and suicide loose loose loose loose every captive in the name of Jesus loose loose in the name of Jesus set free now set free set free set free set free set set free now in the name of Jesus Lucy bound we set you free now in the name of Jesus come on church pray right here loose loose loose [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus every tonight set free tonight set free tonight every yoke break every chain break freedom begins tonight freedom begins tonight freedom begins tonight tonight in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name Oh [Music] Jesus all over the building let's lift up hands right here father we thank you all over the building hands are raised father we thank you [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank You Larry bring him forward thank you yeah yeah Mike talking right there the chance in the name of Jesus tonight it turns for you tonight it turns for you [Music] tonight it turns me it's our Astra dude no more never again [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we thank you tonight thank you tonight that you never leave us but you never forsake us that your ever-present help in time of need thank you that when we call your name you here with us thank you tonight thank you tonight amen and amen fine two or three people get a big hug right here we don't sing just one more song but I want you to share a little bit of the love of God right here one with another share a little bit of the love of God right here one with another come on jump up on your feet hug two or three people let somebody know God loves them let them know you love them let them know that God is a good God [Music] for I spoke the word you was singing over me you've been some sucker and for our to the breath you breathe your life [Music] Susu see [Music] [Music] I was your PO soon [Music] you're better [Music] soon Shanker [Music] yeah design [Music] [Music] what shadow you will light it up about - you won't fly [Music] so while you don't picked up by you won't bye [Music] [Music] that's true saddle - sir [Applause] [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] good [Music] I'll see you again soon
Channel: Strongtowerlive
Views: 61,544
Rating: 4.9190898 out of 5
Keywords: Strong Tower Ministries, Fredericksburg, Virginia, Senior Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith, Pastor Smith, Lady Nicola Smith
Id: EjdLokBVy3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 17sec (8057 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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