Wrapping MORE Undrilled Stones - Eps 202

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I finally decided to look at some other videos and try to figure out how these proper people wrap stones without any hole drilled through it especially a nice chunky round almost round one really slippery like this has no crags has no flat sharp edges - for the wire to catch in so the wire slips around so it's much harder and I looked at what they did and I didn't like it so I did half of what they did and then I modified it and did my own thing so I got something like this and once again I found out I didn't have enough wire or I would I mean I had enough to do this but I would have done crazier stuff but I used up just the very edge of what I had left so see what I learned um let's get 22 gauge right and take more than I did this time we're going to take two full feet twice so stretch it out it doesn't have to be exact but just get pretty close so two of these you need two of these each of them is 2 feet long I just got one and then hold up the other one make sure they match and put the ends together like that and then come to the other set of ends and then bring all four of those ends together like zap and then this way you pull it across and you can find the very middle of all of them and give it a little pink pull like that and then basically give it like 4 or 5 twists one two three four okay that's good and now you want to stretch these guys supposedly the person in the video said make it kind of like a rectangle right okay now you take your stone and work from the bottom this time so so decide which part of your stone is gonna be the top the bottom the front and it's helpful despite how you might like put your stone down like that and see how it rolls sometimes you'd be like oh I really like it just like this but every time you put it down it flips a different way and that different way is probably the way it's gonna sit on the person's chest so sometimes you want to kind of go with the way the stone wants to go and you know flip it around and find all the different ways that sits naturally which way it's it's the best naturally and decide okay that is gonna be my front back top whatever okay so here's the bottom put it down this is the only kind of tricky part these wires are gonna be all over the place so you got to hold them tight from every position with all your fingers and you're gonna bring these up and you're going to yeah this wires getting the way of everything basically cross them about in a little less than a dime fingernail size up from the stone like that much space see you and show you like this okay that's better we can do that so we're gonna cross them about right here and we're holding this tight let's see it's slipping all over the place so just be patient train your fingers to get used to the holding from all different positions and then trust it's going to slide anyway but just you know be patient and then give your give yourself another four or five twists here all right okay those are some ugly twists there see that so um and then press the twists flat against the stone okay now here's our bottom again and do this on the other side and this these goofy wires want to move up and move all over the place fold them over give yourself about a fingernail space and twist four or five times so you have a total mess now put it flat against the table every now and then to make sure you're you're putting it in the place you really want to and so we're building up these scaffoldings on each side but right now they have nothing to latch onto so they're just slipping all over the place like like insane but you want to hold them as tight as possible pressing pressing up from the bottom pulling give it a good pull and now we're gonna cross these across each other to join and again holding it tight from everywhere twist twist twist twist twist pull these out of the way push that flat again against the stone everything pulls tight and goes flat against the stone as much as possible right we're coming up to the top so these two naturally you're gonna cross also and we're gonna do the twist twist twist twist twist and press it against now come up to the very top and all four of these arms are gonna be like reaching out to each other like hey hey guys hey big hug group hug and this is where you're like oh man this thing is never gonna hold together it's a mess it's so flimsy it really is it's a mess so this is the part where don't do what the other people tell you unless you want it to come out good if you want to come out it crazy and ridiculous and do what I'm about to say so just make all these arms to come together just kind of pinch them like this like whoa crazy underwater sea creature and then and then just give giving all good twist like they're all one unit like just twist and twist twist and now we're gonna do a whole bunch of twists with these we're gonna make a long thing of twists so just keep twisting them and try to make it neater than mine try it try to not to keep stretching them out make sure they don't get twisted at the top but really don't stress about how messy it is cuz it's just gonna get messy so once you have like a whole inch or two centimeters of this twist right now just double check make sure it is tight on the stone I mean at this point you could give it a good pull and get it undone but if you just give it little tugs from here and there it should be grabbing the stone pretty well if it's not you might want to start over but if it's if it's grabbing it fairly well then put it down again decide which is the front okay and then assuming this is my front right turn this on a right angle like that and then get your round nose pliers and start to roll it little bits at a time so it looks smooth and you're rolling it into a bale you're rolling it into a now you can turn it this way so you have your cord going right through but you know me I always like to make the bail facing you like it's a face and then use jump rings later so it's like an extra little touch I don't know why I just love it so this is this is actually fairly easy pull this three four strands together like this they're now friends they're moving in unison finish making your bail right I see that one's a little smaller so maybe take more than an inch depending on the size of your stone more more than two centimeters but depends how you like it I'm happy with this I would've like it a little bigger but this is totally gonna work and actually gonna use parts of the ends of these to be alright there we go see that now holding it tight wrap these guys around all the way around tight strangling that little face put it down again make sure it's facing the way you want and now comes the fun part to strengthen this up we're gonna wrap around a few more times but this is where you could do anything you want you can go through some of these you can cut through them go underneath them if you do that you're going to strengthen the stone because you're going to be pulling tighter connections and covering up more of the stone where the stone would actually slip out like if somebody grabbed it the wrong way and bent it but what you can do if you're worried about it being strong if yours didn't come out as tight as this one looks you can come through and go straight down perpendicular hold tight put little crimps little quick I'll do a couple on the back just to show you just go straight down and just twist till you feel it pulling tight and then just twist if you do them all in the same direction tend to look better but it really doesn't matter where it's kind of cool it gives a lightning bolt look I don't want that look in the front so I'm just showing you in the back but you really could do it all around if you want it gives a cool look now it's like I said you'll be swore to play with with this one I took all four and I just went straight down and I went rip did a little loop came right up the back found out one of them didn't even have enough length to get up the back because I didn't get myself in a wire so I took that one and I threaded him back around the front to kind of mimic the first four but a little different so if you look real closely you could see there's five there there's the normal four and then there's this other guy kind of doing his own thing but it adds like an extra dimension and that way I had coming up the front he had more room to scarf and I just scarfed them all and tucked him right in there so I don't even know what I'm gonna do with this one I'm gonna have some fun and you know you could take one at a time and do something all four you have to play with or you could take all four and do the same thing or you could break them into two and two I think I'm gonna break them into two and two because that's fun so which two look like they go together these kind of go together and these kind of go together where's my that's my okay this is my front I got to remember okay so coming across the front of the stone now and I was gonna do some loop-de-loops some swirly swirls this is where your artistic sense comes in just like what do you feel would look pretty on that stone just have fun with it and this is also where like I said watch this I'm gonna cut right through these two I didn't do that on the other one bit I'm feeling kind of like this would be fun because I could do it smoothly cut right through those two and now I have a strengthened part as well as the pretty design that I'm forming so when you come around it also keeps your loop-de-loops from being snaggle if they're tucked under and some of these guys make another loop going the other way and look at that I'm coming to the end of my wire so you could literally take three feet and three feet you know you could do more I always seem to get myself to two little wire but that's okay I still have plenty to come up the back so let's see I'm gonna come around here and this is perfect because now we can strengthen the back so I'm gonna take this guy put it through here pull up a little of your fingernail if it gets tight too tight whoo I made that so tight get in there there we go pull him through whoops he wants it getting away you get out of the way okay pull pull him through there make sure the back designed make sure I didn't pull it so tight he got messed up I'm gonna thread him around again this is going to make the connection stronger pull it really tight and I'm gonna come up right through here that gives me a little extra hold right there and move these guys out of the way and I'm gonna scarf to start the scarf start wrapping him around I'm not gonna go all the way up because I want to leave room for the other three but I'm gonna go around like two or three times so it's secure and and then when I'm ready to tuck I'm gonna cut him halfway across the loop so there's a little end and then diagonally shove that end right into the little ball it made shove that right in okay so these those sharp edge he's gone all right one down three more to go so this one naturally would be the next one it parted my same design and what I'm gonna do with him well I'm gonna go through here again help strengthen this up pull that tight and I'm gonna this is a wide open area here this the stone could technically maybe slip out probably not but just to be safe I'm gonna bring this guy all the way across here put him through here pull tight double check make sure your design didn't get messed up yep see that loop got pulled a little tighter than I wanted it to no problem just kind of push him back there we go get it another way you wanted it's good yes yes and whoo could look at that he could come up like a third another one kind of like mimic the design but do I have enough wire to make it work it's cutting it really close but I'm gonna go for it because I can make it like quite a bit tighter to try to squeeze out a little extra wire right and let's see if I get it made a belt like that can you make it with enough room to still wrap around and tuck now I feel like that's too junky I liked it at first but I'm just gonna make him into a traditional swirl so we're just going to take take this and a little pinch and then just start wrapping him into a swirl all the way down wrap them all the way down to a swirl there we go now where would he look pretty well this is kind of empty out here let's find a place to kind of put him down in here and so he's not snagged will see house in a global that is I don't like snag abou let's tuck them under one of these two guys which one what do you think you're gonna tuck them right here cause I think I'm gonna do some other designs with the other two so you can get him under there there we go and that's pretty secure moves a little bit I might put a tiny dab of glue like right there make sure making sure it doesn't I liked it to have the glue touch the stone anymore I'm trying to be a purist so he might put a little bit tiny bit of glue just have the wire to holding on to the spiral so the spiral doesn't kind of move around but he's pretty secure okay now I've these two left to play with do I do I think I'm just gonna it's gonna get too busy if I just make too many crazy swirls so I think I'm just gonna try to mimic the first two and I think I really like this I think I'm just gonna bring all four together again in the future instead of separating them so you guys can do that if you want just put all four strands together and just make the beauty like extra extra luxurious now I feel like this is getting too junky again I'm gonna do something different what could I do you see all right we have pretty spree here pretty here nothing here let's see what we can do around this side let's undo this hopefully I didn't make it tight enough it kinked stretch that wire back out all right all right what can we do down in this area here we go do a little pre loop here that's good cuz the stone is gonna spin a lot on the person's neck because it's so round and not flat so if you have different swirl if it spins and you're having different pretty parts to see from all angles that's always a good thing right so we'll just I don't want this to look too generic like I just have the same loops everywhere so I'm gonna bring him around again like this make this a double I would go around itself twice to see how that looks now it looks junky I don't like it getting used to this 22-gauge it's it's so much more delicate I did 20-gauge forever and ever and ever I kind of like that little curve it made so I just do some wavy waves just do some wavy waves that's pretty push them in tight I don't like when they get wavy waves get too far out from each other there we go wavy waves that's pretty and let's tuck it under here go up to the top scarf it and that and I think we'll be done let me see don't try to reinvent the wheel if you find an easy spot just grab it unless the more difficult spot gives you a lot of advantage and another way that's easy just tuck that right in there let's come up here scarfing again because it's wire so thin you can go over the same spot and it doesn't look as junky as it would if you had really thick wire so just cut that right there about halfway across the loop tuck in that little tiny sharp end diagonally just shove them right in the bowl and got one more see if are there any weak spots yeah it's this part right here still wide open so just give it take advantage of that let's just come through here and just grab him let's grab that one right there he's not grabbing right okay oops I'm messing up that design now okay let's get this design secured by going through here so he's not going to get messed up there that little swirly swirl is now staying right and you know we want to come through here let's what how we didn't do that I think we can come straight through now so you've witnessed how I play with the wire when I'm doing a new style I've never done before and yet from there I feel like it could just go straight up scarf and now I'm gonna wrap it a little higher on the scarf and all the way to the end almost really used that water really really well hey that's in that a little tighter it down make sure everything faces the way you want so this is um curlicue City I just have curly Q's everywhere and I like how that one came out better but again you're just watching the experiment so this is just fun and I really do feel I feel like he's tied up in every which way he looks more like a it looks kind of like a hostage you know tied up in a chair except with cute little curlicues everywhere so um I'm gonna put those extra crimps in because I feel like these you have cute curly Q's and then you have these harsh straight lines sometimes straight lines are beautiful but in this case they're not working for me so putting these little crimps in not sure if it's gonna make it better or worse but just try experiment see what it does right I'm even gonna crimp this one with the loops here I feel like that'll give it a better wave all right it's wild if I didn't do this curlicues I actually think I like it better from the back I like just the straighter lines and the just the webbing look so this could be reversible you could have it look it's it's it's like that could be either way let's tell the person if you want to be like girly cutie swirly loopy dupy or you want to just be like cool rap stone however you like this one's definitely prettier in the front right that's that's cool too so have fun you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Matt's Crazy Art
Views: 55,957
Rating: 4.9021549 out of 5
Keywords: necklace, pendant, wire wrap, silver, aventurine, semiprecious, stones, how to, tutorial, step by step, easy, simple, fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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