JEWELRY HACK!!! Make Necklaces UNDER ONE DOLLAR!!! Eps 455

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[Music] wire wrapping can be so fun so awesome all you do is get some wire and some stones and you go and all of a sudden you're a jewelry maker you're making jewelry you can have a business you can give gifts to friends you can bling up your whole style and make yourself amazing and it cost nothing because you did it yourself or does it some of the nicer craft wire some of the wire that's plated with nicer metals or even solid nicer metals can be very expensive and stones can be very expensive if you don't know how to hunt for them the right way where you can get discounts and deals which the world is full of now like you could get gorgeous stones that you could never get 100 years ago without spending half a life's fortune but still a lot of people worry they practice and practice and put this wire together over the stone and it messes up and they cut it off and throw it away and they try again and they mess it up cut it off throw away the big crumpled up piece of wire and they get frustrated and angry and even if they don't get frustrated they're wasting money trying to make this quote-unquote free jewelry [Music] so a lot of people are like how do you do this this is actually more expensive than i thought well i never had that problem because the very first piece i ever wire wrapped i just have this ridiculous confidence when it comes to art maybe being the kid of an art teacher i don't know but i just i made a piece and it wasn't that great and i said cool let's sell it and i put it out on my board with my other jewelry that was much nicer quality of other styles i've been doing for years and i sold a pair of earrings there was some dollar store sea glass i wrapped in some copper and it looked ridiculous compared to what i do now and i sold the pair earrings for like 12 bucks and that was the end of it and i very rarely cut off any piece always trying new styles new things and it doesn't come out the way i like i usually just keep bending it and twisting and trying new things until i come up with something even different than anything i thought of and that's how i get a lot of newer styles by just pressing through the mistakes and not cutting the piece off and not throwing the wire away but occasionally i will just get to a point where i'm like i want to start this whole thing over and i i will cut the wire off and i understand most people are not like that most people they want to practice and practice and practice and if they don't get it to a certain level in their head they want to keep cutting it off and throwing it away and trying again now i'm a big advocate of practice i say do something 100 times before you judge yourself so if you're going to do that you don't want to make 100 pieces that are not going to be sold or given away or have any value to you at all because you're just going to cut them all off and pay for expensive wire and expensive stones so here's the hack dollar store stones and hardware steel wire now you're paying pennies on the dollar to make tons and tons of pieces but even better these don't have to be practice pieces these could turn into really nice pieces for very low cost you can make two dozen of them give them to all your friends wear seven of them yourself at the same time make yourself a little stand just for fun and see if people want to buy them charge ridiculously low prices and just to prove that i'm going to put all the ones in this video up on my etsy for like just a couple bucks and see if people want to get them and you know just have fun with this so [Music] so hmm this galvanized steel wire is 20 gauge and it was only six bucks for the same price for six dollars you get ten times as much wire as you would get buying craft wire even from some of the better price places and this is 18 gauge for another six bucks so between these two gauges you can do tons of wrapping get your dollar store stones knock them out and this steel stuff galvanized steel is non-tarnish it won't rust this stuff is good pretty much forever so wrap some fun stones now you can get a three pack of these three pairs of pliers from these cutters for just eight bucks at walmart in the craft section if you don't have a walmart near you i found them on amazon for 11 bucks and if you can't get these literally literally just go to a hardware store and get some needle nose pliers just make sure they don't have teeth make sure you get a kind that has a flat smooth surface but other than that and then get some wire cutters you don't even technically need those they come in handy sometimes but if you just have these two you can do most of the stuff we do here and have a ton of fun now any of these stones are great but what make the best pendants and the easiest to wrap are those that are the most flat and unless you have a friend who's really beefy and kind of a viking or a warrior you probably don't want to give them one that's really humongous and heavy but again it's up to you like have as much fun as you want don't let me limit you in any way we're going to wrap these five and have a lot of fun with these so let's get going 20 gauge is what i use the most in almost all my tutorials so break out this galvanized steel 20 gauge wire and just have a ton of fun let's take about um i don't know let's take about two and a half feet and do our first one first pattern this is going to be the simplest pattern take your wire put the two ends together so that you can find where the middle is make a little loop with that middle you can wrap it around a pen if you want to try to make it really good but you can literally just roll the wire like this around your fingers and make a little loop a little circle and then go around it a few times this is going to be the part that holds on to the cord so there you go see how i made that nice and imperfect give it two twists one two and now we're gonna pick which part of the stone we want to be the top sit that right there like that pick the front put this behind it and think of these as two arms and just wrap them across the chest like this holding everything tight in place about a third of the way from the bottom of the stone cross these and then holding everything tight twist just give it about two three or four twists that's it easiest thing on earth press them down tight against the stone push make sure everything is right where you want it it didn't move too much now we just wrap these around the back and we do the exact same thing we just come up right here cross them give them two three or four twists press it tight against the stone and then come around around pretend that's a face and wrap the wire around the neck like that a couple times lock it in take this one wrap it around a couple times lock it in and that's it we're pretty much done feel your stone it's held really tight now what we're going to do is just wrap this two or three more times around we're going to stack the wraps up kind of like we're giving this face a scarf make sure the other wire doesn't get out of here get it get in your way if it gets really just shove it and then cut this part right here halfway across the loop boom and then tuck this little sharp end into that little area there inside the loop just grab it like this push it in there and then kind of pinch it to get it down so the sharp end disappears it'll never scratch anyone take this one wrap it up a little higher make that scarf go a little higher get it around a few times just to lock it in and do the same thing cut it about halfway across tuck it in tuck it down and boom now you just want to adjust this if you have jump rings you can add jump rings and add a cord or a chain but if you don't have jump rings just take this and turn it a quarter turn like that that's it and now you can add a nice cord you can get a whole pack of these cords on amazon for 10 bucks and they have the clasp ready to go so you can clasp it they have a little bit of chain on the end they're nice depending on which ones you get they're like about 19 to 23 inches just a good length for most people for a necklace now if you want to make these even tighter you go straight down like this hold tight and then twist always keep going the same direction hold really tight so you don't slip i almost slipped right there twist twist twist that gives it like a cool lightning bolt look it also makes it much stronger you can do the same on the back you can pretty much put it this is called crimping and you can put as many crimps as you want in it you don't want to go too crazy and risk breaking the wire but pretty much this is really strong wire this wire is going to be hard to break now i want this to be more like that there we go here's another simple wrap again take about two feet and again put the two ends together so you can find the middle roughly and make yourself a nice sizable round of loops right there just like you did with the other one give it two twists again and again pick where's the top of your stone gonna be in the front i like that like this and this time we're going to turn it this way immediately and we're just going to wrap around each and grab each corner of the stone this is great for a stone that has corners especially so we're going to press it down like this and then we're going to bend these two ends out like that and bring them together twist about three times and then press it against the side of the stone the edge of the stone like that and then we're going to come across and grab this corner here do the same thing fold these over like this twist and this can take some practice so again this is where when if you mess up your wire you can just cut it off and try again because you have tons of wire and the wire comes out to like pennies per piece or less fold it across here same thing twist doesn't matter how many twists just get at least two if you do three or four that's good and then come back up to the top same thing grab the top wrap it around grab the top of the other wire wrap it around and feel that it's already really tight but again wrap these up until you can scarf them and check to see if any look like they're going to slide off the stone like this one right there grip you can use your fingernail or your pliers and just pull that back muscle it back across the face of the stone to really lock it in and again you can leave it like this it's pretty strong or you can also add some crimps in there this time i'm going to put a double set of crimps in each little arm of wire just to show you some variation and this is another good thing because you don't need to worry about scratching the stone because these are like you know inexpensive stones boom now that is locked in there so tight very hard to get that off now that we've got some basic patterns down let's show you some fun you can have so this time we're going to take three feet make your triple loop [Music] wrap your three or four corners there same as the last one this time instead of scarfing with the last two strands of wire we're going to take them together down like this press them against the face of the stone pretend this is the front and we're going to press with our thumb and wrap like this this is going to give us some decorative designs that we can do then we're going to wrap the other one make some loops make some patterns and you can make up your own you don't have to follow this one but you can separate the wires if you want at different parts [Music] fold it over you can do the same thing on the back because the person might flip it and wear it backwards anyway so sometimes it's cool to put a cool design on the front and the back plus it gives you more practice so see if you take one strand at a time and you press them just right with your thumb you can get all kinds of wild separations and cool things and you don't have to do a loop you can just swirl it back and forth like that like [Music] waves and you can move them around [Music] with your fingers or with the pliers depending and then you have them together it's even easier to scarf them together once you get back to the top [Music] and just stack the wraps like this [Music] until you get up about as high as you want and then cut the two ends and tuck them [Music] in [Music] [Music] boom pretty fun right [Music] but wait you can have even more fun take three feet again i've been wrapping my loops around the paintbrush to get a nice round effect because paintbrush is a little skinnier than a pen and then twisting it is pretty easy just like that and you just gotta it gets pretty tight but you just gotta wiggle it off press them together it gives you a nice set of loops there and then let's come from behind let's wrap the two arms around like we're going to hug but this time instead of just twisting them let's press your thumb right in the middle of the x and start to bend around and hold tight and then bend this one around now it's going to want to slide off the stone you got to keep it tight keep pushing it back where you want it then this one around and this one around keep pressing it tight and look what you start to get you start to get a swirl and then holding everything tight where it goes bend the swirl down and then hold it bend the wires back and start making a crazy wild wavy design you can press them to get the waves really tight they can separate or you can keep them together until you get to the bottom and then i'm going to separate mine a little bit like uh separating them allows them to grab the stone a little better and then on the back you can see the stone is sliding all over the place you got to keep putting the stone back where you want it in the back i'm going to bend them and twist them because the back i'm not trying to make pretty at this point trying to make the front look really pretty let's see all right so we got these and everything's going to keep trying to slide so you just keep putting it back where you want it until it starts to lock in now we're going to come back up the front on the back here and actually scratch that let's separate let's do some wild stuff let's separate these grab the stone this will hug the stone better grab it around here and around here and where are we going to make these come back together let's make them come back together right here and do another crazy spiral this one will make a little smaller and make this one wave back up to the top all it's scratching is the wire scratching the table you won't have that problem because you won't have to hold your stone directly under a camera when you do yours hopefully and then come back and scarf the top lock it in boom let's see now it's starting to feel tight it's still a little bouncy though so i'm gonna come back feel the parts that are loose they're wiggly and we're going to strengthen them so i'm going to take this and wrap it through here now we're going to do some strength weaving pull that tight that's good all right all right the whole thing feels a lot more stable now there's this is kind of a loose spot right here so i'm gonna take this one come around put it through here there we go pull that through [Music] you can manhandle it really play hard with the wire because if it slips off the stone slips off if it's a mess you just crumple up the wire and start over because this wire is so inexpensive and now we have this space here let's fill this in with something just fold these over twist them let's come back up here i'm just making this up as i go i didn't plan this design you're probably like thank goodness because it's wild a little too wild for me all right let's do some more swirls right here some more uh loop-de-loops loop our way right up across here and we'll come around and scarf it from that side and we're pretty much at the end of our wire so we'll end it it's a nice fat scarf and i just gave you a whole bunch of ideas this is kind of frankensteiny and crazy but that's okay because you can use half of these desire these designs some of them none of them it doesn't matter just have a ton of fun tuck in your sharp ends good make sure it's strong go back crimp anything that looks like it is a little bit loose crimping on the back is good if you want to keep your swirl but you can also crimp in the front in key places if you want to make it look more interesting and this is one of the more wilder ones but i'm liking it i hope you like it if you don't you make something better because i know you can i believe in you and if you make a mistake but you think one extra piece of wire will fix it like see this is nice i like this but look see that could slip right off all it needs is one piece of wire just holding these two parts together let's just grab another piece of wire and stick it on there's no rule that you have to do one way or another now it's much stronger literally for just one dollar for these stones [Music] a few dollars for the cord five or six bucks for the galvanized wire what does that add up to 15 bucks total and you can make 30 or 35 or 40 of these so they come out to less than a dollar each or you can just use one and keep cutting the wire off and practice and practice practice but make a whole bunch of these give them away to your friends they don't have to be awesome they don't have to be perfect they don't have to be amazing they could just be real simple like this just give them to your friends be like here let's all go camping we'll wear the stones that i made or you know we'll all go to a campfire or a party cookout or something everybody will wear the stones i made you know here's a free gift for you all you have to do in return is promise to wear it when we go to the party and get everyone talking about the stones you make and start simple and then you'll build your way up to making really fun patterns i believe in you [Music] do [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Matt's Crazy Art
Views: 96,783
Rating: 4.9495921 out of 5
Keywords: wire wrap, step by step, tutorial, how to, handmade, diy, galvanized, steel, wire, dollar store, stones, necklace, pendant, cord
Id: x0s9wyppL1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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