How to wire wrap a round tumbled stone

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all right guys i have finally felt like i have enough experience wrapping all sorts of shapes and sizes of crystals and tumbled stones or points that i felt like it was a good time to share how to do it because when i was learning and starting out with wrapping these i couldn't find anything on youtube with this kind of pattern specifically um i could find things like this with string it was wrapped in string or yarn but i couldn't find anything wire related it was either really super fancy or it was really kind of plain and so with really just trial and error i finally have figured out how to take just about any shape and size of a crystal or stone and successfully wrap it to where it looks pretty nice so i'm just gonna start first video with my favorite shape which is something pretty round symmetrical medium size and i'm going to use silver wire for this guy wire cutters little needle nose pliers and this guy looks like a needle nose plier but he's actually got round tips and that's what i used to wrap the very top loop where you would stick your necklace through so i usually end up taking about four pieces of wire for something this round and this size and i feel like i don't ever measure this i just kind of guess and it's usually about a foot so a foot clip that literally just line it up with the next clip number three clip it and number four one thing i have found and would highly recommend is that whatever you do you try not to bend right in half the wire always kind of try to keep it with a bend instead of taking it and literally bending it folding it harshly on top of itself because it will snap eventually you'll just kind of weaken it so what i do to start this is i take two of the wires make sure they're lined up pretty evenly i take my pinky and i just kind of fold it in half to find the middle bend that just a little keep the roundness put it aside then i take the other two same thing bend it in half but then i take it down here with the two ends one over the other fold fold just twice and then i kind of make a little hoop right in here and again you want one over the other so this is my top one narrow down your little circle that you're making this is going to be the base the very bottom so i want this hole or this hoop to be smaller than the width of my stone so something like that that way the stone doesn't slip through hold it and twist it twice and that's what you should have two wires i always take this part and kind of pull them apart and you'll see why so then i'm going to take it like this take one of the wires that i bent slip it through that hoop that is our base and make sure i'm focused here so what you're going to do is kind of pinch it just a bit twist it over once it's hard to hang on to this twist it over once and twist it over twice and this is the part where i like to just go ahead and connect these so taking your original wires here take this guy that you just put on and you're going closest wire to closest wire so one over the other and you can kind of decide how big you like these circle areas to be but i like to keep it kind of the same no matter what shape stone i'm doing make sure that little thing that hoop that you connected to the base stays in the middle and take its adjacent wire fold once fold twice so you have like half a flower i wonder let me get a white piece of paper behind here maybe would help i don't know okay half a flower this is the original wiring that you did right here so take the other wire that we folded stick it through the hole this can be hard to hold on to at the beginning it gets better all right so twist over once and twist over twice and while you're holding that guy right there fold these to make your third little circle and last two same thing one wire over the other fold once fold twice so that's what you have so far that's the base so i'm showing you from the opposite angle this is the bottom this part can be a little tricky to hang on to um you could kind of play with it set it however you want to to find what you like the best but i like i don't even know how to explain it um the additional wires that we added to that base i like them to be in the front and the back of the stone so whatever you choose to be the front or the back just whatever looks the best you'll find out once you actually start wrapping these what you favor more than the other as far as design goes so here's the front of my stone take one wire over the other meanwhile you're holding all this other wire in place it's a little tricky and slippery fold once fold twice see if i can get better lighting maybe so that's what that part looks like and then i just kind of turn it and keep going so closest wire to closest wire that's how you know you're doing it right and i don't ever try to pull too hard because then you'll end up with kind of an unsymmetrical unsymmetrical hoops but keep your wire pushed up against your stone wire over wire fold fold and you can still you have time to adjust your wire on your stone if it kind of slips out of place wire over wire focus there we go fold fold and we just kind of keep going around making sure that you're holding everything in place and i don't ever try to do harsh how do i say harsh bends on the wire i kind of keep it pulled this way while i'm twisting so this way instead of like right it's hard to show you but i try to keep my wires kind of pulled as i'm doing this so that i don't kink them up too bad make sure everything's pushed up fold fold just twice and fold fold so this is what we have so far and at this point once you're about halfway up everything seems to kind of stay in place for the most part so it's not as tricky to hold on to all right you do want to be careful as you get to the top of the stone where your your bail will be which is the part that the necklace goes through um we really could stop here because if you keep trying to pull this way toward the top and keep going you're kind of going to give yourself no room to connect you have to stretch basically opposite wire to opposite wire to create your bail and if you make these go too high up on your stone you're not going to give yourself room so actually let's stop pull these straight and last chance to decide where is the front okay so what i did is i pulled two opposite wires the sides in this case kind of up and away but again make sure you don't just completely bend it in half kind of keep that curve to it and then what i do is i do one extra wrap so three twists on that final wire before you do your bail and our goal is to make these kind of meet right in the middle that way it's nice and even so i'm going to pull one last time make sure everything's tight and then as always wire over wire trying to stay in the camera i just twisted it kind of halfway once seems to be about in the middle but there's time to fix that so i straighten one up and if your stuff starts to come undone just a bit it's totally fine just make sure you twist it back up and then we like three twists for this last piece at the top so i'm just gonna pull this with that wire that we left straight upward this is probably one of the most complicated parts is getting that bail started but once you do its cake promise okay just twist these together this is the best way i've found at least to keep kind of some structure and sturdiness to that bale i'm not twisting hard i'm just folding one over the other so now you have four wires that are all twisted together for your bail and then again make sure you've got your front it really doesn't matter it's all pretty symmetrical but i like to take my little round nose pliers and give yourself a little bit of space i like to use the biggest part though of the round nose and just fold this guy over because that's going to be your bail loop and then i take it right here fold that just so i can get this a little closer and then i take these guys and they just wrap perfectly around and then if you want you can kind of pinch these together actually just to make sure it's nice and tight and then i tend to take one wire at a time wrap it around a few times and then take your first wire put it through your hoop and then just kind of use your fingers to pull and get that extra slack out of there because you do want this to be nice and tight you don't want it to be loose loops or loose wraps around the bail okay let's see if i can show you this well enough i just take it and snip it pretty close to the edge there's you can see that little tiny bit and i take my regular needle nose with the flat surface and that's how i get the wire to nice and snug fit right around the other wires that way it's not sticking out poking it's nice and tight kind of pulls everything together too if you have a little slack in your wire boom and then this guy wrap around a couple times kind of up to you just at least do it a couple times and then i'm going to stick this through the other side one two three wraps around trying to keep this focused snip it close you can see that little bit left on there take your flat nose and just twist it around and you can always feel around and oop my finger's getting caught on that little bit much better all right so we've got all these hanging out the back end i like to leave those for last let's give this guy that one last third twist give him a little pull make sure everything's nice and snug and then i like to go under the back see how symmetrical the wiring is around all four so just pull not too tight but just to make sure it's all snug come around the back wires one more time and then i separate these two and then one at a time i just bounce back between this side and this side as far as what to which one to wrap my spare wires around so one two three snip it close have that little bit of wire hanging out twist it around make sure it's nice and soft you can see that little pokey edge there we are and since we just did this side i am going to twist and flip and we'll do the other side so i always try to keep it too i don't know if i can show this keep it to the bottom oops you can always pull this back out i made it through one random wire so pull that out try again there we go but when i pull a wire through this loop i like to keep the initial one at the bottom here and kind of end on where i haven't wrapped around yet so i'm going to end it right up here about three loops around make sure it's not poking out all right and then take your time look at it again before you finish up make sure that it's nice and straight to your liking you can always take any of your pliers to and just kind of get some of these wires more straight so now this is probably one of the easiest parts as long as you can kind of follow your wires and make sure you unwrap this properly all right so now we're just basically making a bigger base of the bail and then ending by wrapping it around the hoop two three snip it close there we go and then we'll take another put it through your loop really trying hard to stay in the focus in the actual camera zone [Music] all right two more so if you like a big fat base of the bail this part here by all means keep wrapping i like mine to kind of be wider at the bottom and gradually work up so you can see there's like a harsh harsh line right in here where it there's i don't know i could fill it in with more wire so that's what i'm going to try to do so here here that's better and then wrap it around the side and by wrapping these up it not only makes it to where it this is not going to come undone at all but also makes your loop or bail a lot more sturdy all right last one pretty sturdy okay snip it close and finish by wrapping him around nice and smooth there we go i do like to set it down on a flat surface because that's how you can really tell what will be the best side to have up against your chest if you're making a necklace which something like this with a bail probably for a necklace just trying to move wires around just a little see if i can so either or but there you have it um i just felt like people might want to know how to do this because this is kind of what i was going for when i first started to do this um in may may this year and i just really couldn't find anything nothing not like this not with wire so hopefully this is helpful it's pretty easy once you do it enough times um kind of just learn as you go on how many wires to use for what kind of shape if it's round like this or like this this guy's a little bigger same concept four wires you make your flower pattern and you just work your way up and around you can even do on smaller pieces this guy is also four wires as you can see so yeah it just kind of depends anything more round i like to do four wires and i will definitely show you what it looks like to do like when you would do three wires or when you would do i've not done more than four wires i don't think it's totally necessary i haven't found that to be true yet at least so even this guy this guy's a weird shape four wires four feet of wire per stone but yeah uh that's it for this video this is orange calcite by the way i do have an etsy shop you can find everything that i wrap and then some and i list them for a pretty reasonable price that way these are everyone's able to get their hands on these i don't think that they should be terribly expensive honestly so to go even further trying to help those who actually want to learn how to do it by themselves that way you don't have to always buy it you can go pick out your own stones whenever you want wherever you want when you need it and i swear given enough practice you can do this it is not that hard it's just weird hand maneuvering and a little bit of cramping once in a while but all right next video to come will probably be a point we'll do this in the next one still round [Music] but it's a point three wires stay tuned
Channel: Scattered Sphynx
Views: 65,048
Rating: 4.9505496 out of 5
Keywords: how to wire wrap, wire wrapping a stone, wire wrapping crystal, how to wire wrap a crystal, netting wrap on stone, how to wire wrap a stone, how to wire wrap a tumbled stone, how to wrap a stone with wire, wire wrapping
Id: wCYkCw2iaoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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