Simple Wire Rings Eps 25

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[Laughter] [Music] today we're gonna make some of the simplest wire-wrapped rings you could ever imagine in your life straight wire straight metal no stones needed here we have some bright copper it still has a clear coating so it's not going to tarnish kinda like a nail polish coating you can get it raw - and then it's gonna turn whatever color depending on how much moisture it gets over whatever time period but this is antique copper this is kind of how copper turns when it tarnishes a beautiful dark red but uh again this is a coating to mimic the color and this is antique bronze or vintage brass depending on who the manufacturer is again to mimic what tarnished brass looks like all really great earth tone metals very warm and then here we have black on metal - shiny black and here we have just straight black basically as far as I know they're all copper with different coatings because copper is a great metal it's strong and it's flexible and that's what we use most of so anyway let's get started we have our ring mandrel get the kind that's stepped people by these just to measure rings but I make the Rings right on there so that's why you need it stepped so you have a lot of room let's start out with some bright copper this is all 16 gauge by the way 16 gauge is really one of the strongest gauges that's also gives some flexibility for making these rings you can do 18 you can do 20 I really wouldn't go below 18 but sometimes I do 20 and if you want to be really tough you could go all the way to 14 remember the gauges are the opposite of what you think the lower the number the thicker the wire but 16 is a nice happy medium it'll strengthen your fingers and your arms and it won't be too frustrating if you're careful always use good body mechanics always take your wrist bend it reposition bend it if you ever feel uncomfortable reposition don't twist and twist and twist with a lot of pressure in an awkward way because doing that only 10 or 15 times you're going to give yourself some inflammation all right so I marked these numbers down then I rub them off just as fast make so many rings we go let's make a seven I like to just wrap it twice it doesn't use up too much wire but gives a little bit of a sense you can do three times but there we go twice around and now we turn these sideways and they start chasing each other around we call it the dosey doe like two people square dancing with their arms linked turn turn turn turn as it starts to get tight this this could be an open swirl if you want to be a closed swirl you're gonna take your pliers and hold it tight so you don't slip give it a little bit of a more tighter feeling and then go some more give it a little more some people make their swirls just completely tight I like to leave a little bit open room come around come around and then decide where you when you want to end this whirl every now and then I take it off and give it a good flat squeeze it kind of evens a swirl out and also flattens it but eventually these each of these sharp ends is going to get tucked in underneath so you got a kind of guess how much you need to tuck in to make it good or you know eyeball it pretty much try it a few times you'll learn so now I grab the end very tightly I give it a little pinch like that give it a little bit of a bend focus camera and then I grab it right behind that part and I twist it in so it is that sharp end is stuck in there in between the ring part and the flat swirl same with this one pull it out a little bit if you need to get a better grip you do not want to slip make sure you have a good grip grab it squeeze hard give it a little turn and then grab right behind the turn and tuck it look at that swirl look how pretty that looks you can give another little squeeze another little squeeze on this side check it make sure the sharp edge has completely disappeared now I've been doing this forever so I'm pretty good at tucking them in another way instead of tucking them right in that crevice you can totally turn them around so it's a full loop and the sharp end is touching the side of itself and that's another way to tuck it and just always double check always feel if you feel a scratch at all reposition pull it out try again cut it do it again last thing on earth you want to do is scratch someone with a beautiful ring so that's a real simple one there's another simple one I'll show you will do the antique copper for this one oh I didn't tell you how much I'm cutting this is like very little wire you're using to look just literally like find out how much it is before I just guess guessing is so much more fun though just what I thought I was gonna say under a foot this is about ten inches and watch you're gonna see I'm gonna cut off a lot of it - it's probably way too much you could probably get away with seven inches anyway we're gonna do a size eight again we're gonna come around twice until the wire is about parallel with itself like that when we're wrapping it around here I'm putting a lot of pressure all the way around if you wanted to have a nice perfect round shape you don't want it to if you don't put pressure all the way around you'll get like a kind of a wonky oval and then it's hard to get it out of that so we can use these cutters or these cutters I have our right on the end there and this I'm just gonna do a figure eight infinity sign and really only need like less than an inch to stick out on each side wait till you see this there I just cut off two and a half inches right there so now you want to grab this up right on the end very carefully and Bend reposition grab it again bend some more tuck it into itself boom grab the other side in fact that's still too much I'm gonna cut a little bit more off a little bit more I'm gonna grab it and there we have it play around with it a little bit get the Infinity just the way you want if you're a perfectionist like I try not to be and often find myself being okay now you want to go like this make sure your sharp edge is fully talked to take it off check from the other side perfectly smooth I've been doing this forever so but if it's not sometimes you want to grab it right here and squeeze to get that lined up better grab both sides sometimes you might want to grab it here and reposition it now this one it is a little bit prone to snag when you put it on eventually that could catch on something but it's if you keep it pretty flat against the finger you're and you're using 16 gauge or even 14 gauge pretty good and this one is really neat because this actually makes the ring adjustable grab these two ends pull them like this and you can pull it tighter of course it'll make a different design it'll be more like that or you could push them back out and make it looser again slightly different design but that still looks pretty people like that so this is a one you can really tell people interesting thing depending on inflammation depending on whether you exercise how much water you drank a lot to do with the weather in the time of year most people's fingers will swell or shrink half a size between summer and winter depending where they live and some people tell you that you know their fingers will change size based on a lot of things so having a slightly adjustable ring is always really cool let's do our next one and I grab the black gunmetal for this so let's do the straight black this stuff this this coating is like a plastic is very slippery so you got to be careful this one is going to look really easy but this one's actually a little tricky again we're gonna come around this time I'm not making the loop completely against itself I'm opening it up a little bit okay come around so we're like this alright see that we're gonna cut about the same amount we needed for the last one with the two loops but this time remember when you cut these sharp edges I'm used to it now but they tend to shoot out so if you're anywhere near your face close your eyes or make sure you're wearing glasses or at the very least they shoot they tend to shoot away from so just kind of point them away from yourself but even then they can bounce off the table and hit you so be careful last thing you want to do is get a piece of sharp wire in your eye now this is I have to hold very tight and go very slow cuz it will slip and it will gouge and it will not look good grab it twist twist twist see I'm even after doing this hundreds of times I'm doing it very carefully twist there we go might want to practice this with 18-gauge this is takes a lot of careful pressure twist looks so simple but so easy to slip and when you slip you scratch off that black coating and you expose the bare copper underneath which is not the end of the world you can hit it with a sharpie but you also can create a sharp edge see that if you want to be a complete stickler you can cut this a tiny tiny bit and then cold close that loop to make the loops exactly the same size some people kind of like them a little different but this is another one like very neat people love this it's kind of a goth color and another again adjustable tighter tighter looser and we're gonna mess around with the too much put it back on the mandrel you know make sure it's still taking the shape of a finger not getting wonky but go and our next one let's do some let's give ourselves a whole foot this time gonna be really creative and there's limitless possibilities for how many shapes you can make so if you guys want to make some take a photo put it put your photo in the comments I'd love to see what you come up with but you can go around three times this time just to you know give it a little more strength to show you some options and I have this wire left I'm gonna go twist twist twist start out with the regular swirl and I'm gonna do something different I'm gonna make a loop here another loop see that and then I'm gonna come around with this one go all the way around underneath here there's no right or wrong it's just what works and what doesn't and then with this one and go backwards make a swirl grab it very tight so it doesn't strip scratch [Music] all right you make these loops grab that right there and make the swirl better these loops a little tighter sometimes a wire willing to jump in the direction you don't want it to so all right you just put it back where you want it and tell the wire who's boss and tuck this under here and I'm gonna come back with another swirl going this way [Music] now squeeze it pinching it well a great way to always keep it flat but then when you pinch it the stuff moves sometimes where you don't want it to be so repositioning repositioning and voila what is that that is some unfocused camera that is some craziness antique brass fun crazy little flower floral swirl design going on let's do one more with the black gunmetal again I'm going to give myself about a foot in two inches try to make a little more steampunk one this time again we'll come around three times all right now see these guys I'm gonna grab them all the way down and grab grab them all the way down here not so far down that the cutters get them if you get some good ones they won't have cutters in the middle but you know I'm gonna grab them here and make a sharp right angle like that and then I'm gonna grab here and make another sharp right angle and I'm gonna do the same with this I'm gonna do the dosey doe swirl and bang the camera 17 different ways but it's time doing the dosey doe swirl now I got to take it off the ring mandrel because it make I'm bumping the ring mantel too much and now I'm gonna start making myself some squares look at that squares all day now be cool if they could stay this way they're not very stable right now squares are getting in the way the other squares so start to bend these you might find a way to make these squares really cool somebody come up with a square swirl that would be awesome again put your photos in the comments love to see him look at that it's like the geometry ring now we got to end this sharp and I don't trust it hiding right in here because you know it could come out and scratch someone so I'm gonna tuck it into itself make a little loop unfortunately a little bit of a triangular loop it's not not a square like I would like but now you could probably make a square loop let's try mix square loop there we go oh yeah look at that it's kind of a square loop [Music] now it's kind of fun what's up with that these are a little wonky they're sticking out too much I'm gonna bend them in a little bit it's not exactly the squares anymore they're kind of turning into some strange rectangular diamond thee things there you go it's kind of a 9 by the way if you're gonna make a men's ring the average men size is a 9 or a 10 now average woman sizes 6 or 7 if your fingers fall far out of that range do not feel bad at all there's nothing wrong with you it's just an average it just means if you want to reach a wide number of people safe to make a six or seven for women although women can go from a three all the way up to it twelve or more and men can go from basically a six all the way up to like a fourteen and beyond there's no right or wrong now I could pull that tighter and tighter I'm gonna leave it like that make sure there's no sharp ends and there we have it here's one I just started working on this is German silver which is kind of a more of a dull silver than bright silver it's a mixture of several different metals it's very strong more importantly it's non tarnish stays this way I'm not going to need to polish it or anything it's waterproof but I did my swirl and then I came out I did these two loops now I'm out here on three loops and the loops will start to get like this so we're gonna flatten them as we go and as we flatten them they move so we repositioned now when you start to come out really far remember you don't want your ring to be snaggle so you want to come back and anchor it if you go out too far so this guy we're gonna swing back and we're gonna anchor it underneath our swirl and that keeps this much more stable and we're just going to come under here I'm gonna cut it just enough to make myself a loop watch out the sharp ends will shoot grabbing this tucking it sucking very carefully pinching pinching pinching and I'm pushing it down see that sharp edge that will scratch you come on camera at work with me shove it in there it's at work still no good let's push it up against another piece of wire another flat piece and he scratched no it is tucked this this is shooting out like an airplane so let's put it on our ring mandrel we're about it an eight look how much that's sticking up flatten that down [Music] take it off the ring man Joel flatten it some more by pinch squeezing it with the flat ends squeeze it from all different positions sometimes you'll grab these little loops like this and turn it turn it and it'll it'll change shape again you just put it back it's best you can where you want there's no right or wrong if it doesn't come out look exactly how you planned just let it go leave it for a day come back look at it you might like it even better and someone who never knew what you intended for the design might think it's perfect that's the beauty of art doesn't always come out the way we want sometimes it comes out even better and we don't realize it at first this silver is harder to work with than regular copper it takes a little more muscle even for the same gauge so go slow and careful if you're gonna use it it's a really cool silver it's a very industrial look right there's our flower with some petals coming off or some leaves depending on how you want to look at it how about this guy what a g-clef how did he do a G cleff relax just practice making the regular rings get really good at that get your hand strength up maybe I'll do a video on the G cleff another time [Music]
Channel: Matt's Crazy Art
Views: 727,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, step by step, simple, wire wrapping, silver, copper, rings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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