Cute Little Tiny Necklaces - Eps 156

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[Music] [Music] guys I have great news for you because wire wrapping takes a lot of practice even doing the same pattern over and over again you get a little bit more refined each time and that little bit of refi nation if that's a word can make the difference between catching somebody's eye or maybe not and so practice practice do a lot but stones cost money wire cost money and so right now I'm going to talk about as you practice this and practice this and get good at these patterns you can start trying smaller stones with smaller wire and the amazing thing is a lot of people like dainty or little necklaces better a lot of people don't want to wear something big and overpowering you know there's plenty of people who do there's you know you have your extroverts out there but you can take these same patterns use a slightly thinner gauge maybe bump down to the next thinner gauge or maybe even to experiment and you can get a stone half the size one-third the size and do the exact same patterns and teeny tiny little cute stones and wire just to show you how small these are think of this that that is an American penny worth one cent but is it to show you even more how small these are this is how smart small they are next to Melvin an actual spider look at that and they're so cute on top of it they're so teeny tiny and cute and the good news is for you women most of the times you have smaller fingers so you can navigate these tiny little turns and tiny little curves with less trouble than the the poor men with their clums big clumsy fingers now I've developed all kinds of superpowers so I I can just you know just do magic like just move my finger certain ways and new stones disappear and the cost benefit in making these is phenomenal you think oh they're like one-third the size they might cost 130 materials no it's way less cuz thinner wire costs less per foot you use less lengths of wire use smaller stones sometimes a smaller stone going to cost 1/10 as much as a bigger stone or even less use up these little chips that cost very little compared to a big big old stone like this so you can make probably a dozen pieces for the same price as one piece normally and they're easier to store more of them fit on a display you can offer your customers more more options or if they're gifts you can have more gifts for people so many things amazing about these good little goes now the wire is a little more delicate it's easier to like have it walk out somewhere so you know you got it be a little bit more careful that's why it's better to practice with the big wire with the big chunky ones because then you get your your Styles refined and you know your big mistakes like this you work those out and get them really you know try to work them out work out the big mistakes and get better and better then he gets a tiny thing like this even if you make a little mistake it's so teeny-tiny nobody can see it and it doesn't even look like a mistake it's so adorable there it is anyway so let's make some together this is 22 gauge and over here is 26 gauge the silver said it was 22 it feels like 24 I'm not sure but any that basically we're using between 22 and 26 that's what I'm saying and let's make some of these shoots little gosh here's the simplest of them all this is an oval teardrop it's about one centimeter 1/2 an inch long and I'm using 22 again I think this is 24 even though it was labeled 22 anyway it's very thin and I'm only cutting about what am i cutting about 7 inches this is drilled straight through this way so this is what this works for any kind of flat bead any flappita at all this abalone seashell of course is one of my favorite so I'll bring it to the middle of the wire crimp crimp that's pretty much my standard now make a loop at the top that's also my standard now here's the part where it just gets so simple it's almost unfair hold the loop in your finger wrap this around the periphery that's why it's good for a flat bead and then these two join each other and they finished coming around like this and then just cross in front of the loop try to show you what that looks like see I have these two strands here on this side I only have one strand that's fine and I'm holding it tight like this crossing out whoa see just jumped right out of my fingers this is the the want the part where you you got to be very gentle hold it right like this try that again and just cross right over carefully stack the wire just like you would with a larger piece go around as many times as you want until you feel it's come to the top choice around for me I feel like that's plenty lift this on a diagonal gently get in there now even though it's small you want to be very precise cut it right in the middle of the part that goes across the loop so you have these two ends sticking out see those two ends and gently tuck them in but these two ends will still stab someone more than ever maybe because there's they're tiny so get them tucked good and then look at that it's pretty much done I mean this is a little bit fragile you could put a little tiny tiny bit at you six tiles and or super glue around the edge but I mean if you do it tight enough and it's a small enough bead I feel like I feel like that's pretty stable necklace and then just you know jump rings and a little chain so that's our first one here's the one you could do with leftover teeny tiny beads stones chips I like to do the three and I like to do the upside down snowman like big medium small but you can do it the other way you can do small big small any pattern you want but I like to do them like this big medium small hanging straight down like that again it's just like not even like 5 inches 10 centimeters same wire it's either 22 or 24 stack them on this is the one of the few times we don't go to the middle whatever part is the bottom we go to the end and take our round nose pliers turn it 90 degrees about about less than a centimeter about a half inch and then roll it the opposite way roll it roll it roll it to get this cute little loop and then press it tight against the loop and take the same round nose pliers crimp it again hold them right about here right about there you'll get a feel for what you know what's right about halfway down and wrap it around those pliers now see that's not tight yet you roll it you roll it to get it tight roll it reposition roll it it's funny thing about this camera when I get up to close and then I try to focus it forces it out of focus it's like it's rebelling like a bad little kid okay and then once it's tight enough and these are not moving up and down then I've done this a bunch of times but I love doing it I'll do it for you guys over and over cuz it's so fun diagonal across into the crevice diagonal across into the crevice behind it diagonal across and then around the loop now you just normally we'd scarf the bottom here but this is so dainty there's almost not room to scarf it I'm just gonna cut it with just enough tiny bit enough wire if it will let me focus to just tuck that in to itself so it's gone no scratching and now now you just play with it a little bit you get it you hold it this is the front facing out make sure all your diagonals are right where you want them you can kind of move them with your finger sometimes I like to have that face board now this is cute you get to hang a little charm right there like a little teeny-tiny heart or a leaf or a key let me show you okay so you haven't tasted some of you don't want to know what a heart or a key looks like leaf key hearts elephant Dalmatian butterfly cold weather warm weather warm tropical weather exercise no longer tiny anyway you get the idea let's do another one these little teeny tiny seashells disks are just so cute [Music] this is 26 gauged how thin is that 26 is about seven inches you can barely see it on the camera look at that bring it to the middle crimp crimp make my loop oh my gosh so tiny it's almost like falling apart as I'm making it let's have to be extra careful give that a little twist hold it in place and now we're just gonna do our standard you'd fold this down fold this up great fold it down fold it up fold them across they start to wrap around each other so cute some people love this little dainty threading like I don't know it's just something I guess the same reason people like little tiny dollhouse furniture and stuff so what do we do I'm just gonna come around the back like this come around this side I'll look at me I'm still running even with teeny tiny wire I don't get myself enough still one little loop can't even see what I was doing my fingers are so fat and that's it like nothing too crazy or fancy just simply separate these yeah when they're that tiny and you separate them it's so dainty so dainty oh that one doesn't even make it to the top well take more than seven inches take eight inches nine inches just to be safe no I just wrapped that around there I'm gonna tuck in this and cut it it's like this overwhelming rule with this channel is that Matt tells you to take 12 inches take 16 if Matt says take 20 centimeters take 30 just to be on the safe side I almost forgot that tiny little piece sticking out it's so tiny you can't have a piece sticking out like that so we're just gonna curlicue it sorry it's so small how do I even curlicue it sometimes you got to use your round nose pliers have thinner tips unless you get those really expensive flat nose pliers with it like laser sharp tips that I just don't want to invest in because I go through so many pliers I like getting just that economy once five bucks sometimes so that's that's not even a a swirl that's like looks like a barely an excuse for a loop and that's about all I can do with this wire is so tiny still cute [Music] I don't like that I'm gonna make it you know he's such a perfectionist sometimes I'm gonna make that a tighter swirl if I can very carefully very carefully I'm gonna try to actually I was gonna put it under there but I'm not sure that looks any better but whatever we'll keep it we'll take it just fold that out a little more [Music] but the tiniest bit of uh you gonna take a tiny bit of wire and you yeah let's do that I'm trying to stay away from using the e6000 on the stones try to stay be a purist use as much just just plain wire as possible and give it a little crank crimp take this piece here up get my fingernail under there lift it it's the same as same as doing a big one it's just in the beginning you're gonna be like oh this is a little bit challenging it's so tiny and everything is so flimsy but as you get into it you're gonna be like these guys are so cute I want to make a hundred of them so that wire there is just gonna hold those two ends from oh look look what I did magical now I have more more wire to scarf the top and I that the top could use some more scarfing make it look a little prettier oh yes see that of course you don't the camera hates me see that Oh beautiful [Music] so careful tuck in the dainty little part note you got to cut it just right if you have too much it doesn't want to tuck it starts sticking out if you have too little then it's also not good you can't sometimes get enough of an angle alright that's good I'm happy with that this is not super tight I'm gonna crimp this whole thing there we go I feel better now that that back looks kind of act but the front whoa yeah so I don't like the swirl again let's move it somewhere what can we put it to put it down there that's I just messed up the other swirl Wow look at how easily you can mess stuff up on here to bend that back what am i doing I'm just causing trouble that's okay someone's gonna love it there we go anyway you get the idea oh there we go I got it back alright good good good finally I got it okay I'm gonna take my fingernail just oh it's safe it's wedged in there almost looks like a heart now i doffed add any glue or anything voila last one you've seen me do this on much bigger stones so let's just do this real quick it's this time I made sure to take an extra amount of wire I think I took about almost two feet bring it to the middle crimp crimp Luke twist that loop make sure it's secure there you go fold fold swirl swirl wrap around and around and around the North once you get this swirl here's a cheat a chore trick for this world once you get it kind of starting the swirl you can just hold it like this and twist and you can just keep twisting around and around as many times as you want it gets a tighter - but I want to end it right here I want to come around the back I want to come up here just do some craziness just fold it my finger I'm using my finger nails to put the pressure on we're in the Pat and the bigger ones I'd use my fingertips finger nails are acting like teeny tiny little tools and gripping it sorry it's going off the camera there we go oh yes there we go instead everything's so flimsy it'll just bounce around you just keep pulling it back just keep bending it where you want it until it starts to strengthen up as you add all the little components together all right cut tuck them in WAM them so coat sir curbs just get these guys tied up right there and it slipped out of my fingers almost you got to be careful you'll also stretch the wire really easily you think cuz it's thinner wire you can be gentle or no you be firm you grip it tight cuz it's so much easier to slip and then you scratch it up let's get fingernail under there just loosen those up a tiny bit get the wire under there oh man it's fighting me get under there I got under one there we go I hid my fingernail under and squeezed from these sides that kept that little bit of crevice open so I can get the wire under and this is just to hold these two guys and I'm just gonna go like this twist just a couple twists and I'm gonna further I should use the thinner wire for this even then it's 22 but that's okay back up scarf over the top again bring it up here that should go around twice now we're good and cut it with just enough remember those sharp ends will shoot when you cut it so point it away from yourself or make sure you have a glasses on or goggles or something or close your eyes oh sorry there we go tuck tuck tuck tuck I am gonna throw some e6000 just right in there just because I have a cup I've four different ends tucked in that tiny little spot and I don't want any of them to get rubbed loose but that e6000 is not touching the stone so we're good all right yeah it's not screwing on okay there we go well off I don't notice these are sticking out the sides that's not too bad they're not they're not going to catch but I'm just going to shove them back a little bit because they moved from where I put them yay voila and what makes a dainty little teeny-tiny pendant even cuter is having a teeny tiny little delicate chain to go with it how do you find cute little chains well you can actually read the size of the links and this one I believe here is like literally like one millimeter or less but two millimeter links should be good when you're ordering them also you can cut the chain a lot of times if you get these chain you can get in a spool but if you get these pre-ordered with the little clasp already attached they come usually in 18 inches but you can specify 16 16 makes it tighter on us somebody especially with a small neck you can go all the way down to 14 14 is like choker territory but more than just measuring it on a ruler and those are inches by the way you can measure it on the person's neck or somebody similar if they could if it's a gift and you can always have chain available to switch it out if the person wants a different size obviously always bring your tools with you to every show and always have like backup supplies of at least you know little things that might need to be switched out yes and I forgot another cool thing which I'm sure you a lot of you are thinking if you lose an earring take that leftover one single earring and make it a necklace pendant or make your necklace pendant and make matching earrings they could be the same size they could be a little bit modified a little smaller [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matt's Crazy Art
Views: 59,957
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Id: OhTJA34WKgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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