Black Stones / Purple Metal / Dollar Store Stones with Dollar Store Wire - Make Pendants for only $2

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I made a bunch of attempts at this and they didn't quite fit where they overlapped too much but they didn't come around the no so live and learn I now have these crazy purple rib cages that can use for my next Halloween monster movie project and of course that's going to be for purple disco mate alien man but what I learned is you can wing it so far but sometimes you gotta measure a little 20 inches seems to be like a good amount because I tried 16 inches and I tried 24 1 was too big one was too small it's like the Goldilocks effect so I feel like 20 will work well but let's start with the medium size stone first and see what we need to do here now I was often like to start with the top loop although you can switch it around if you find the midway and make one of the other loops to your loop but then in case you start with a loop and figure out what we want to do here so I feel like we want we're gonna have one arm here coming around one arm here it's one arm here one arm here one two one two three yeah so I feel like this this is gonna be enough to get it around the first part that's me more than enough so if it's too much rather than undo it let's just give it a little squiggle bend it a little and bend it back and I think that might be cool hopefully we'll see we're gonna need another one get these tights sometimes you got it carefully because you don't wanna scratch the coating off squeeze them this one is just gonna be a nonsense I was trying to make this civilized and good but this is just gonna be a wacky crazy alien just like in fact this is gonna be worse than ever see what happens when I try to measure it just ends up you know what I give up let's just do this if it comes out wild and weird and it does and if it comes out horrible then it does and then we're just gonna we're just gonna go with it because I have no idea what's going to happen at this point [Music] all I know is if you make enough of these you'll start to get a feel for how much why are you need based on the stone well that's pretty much it right there I just want to let me make this guy start dancing with us with his purple arms and legs and his stone body I feel like that's it that's all we need in life all right so that one should be good and so we didn't quite need that much this one we're gonna need more let's see if this actually this one actually works it might just so good so far and this takes a lot of pressure to keep the stone in the wire from sliding around each other that's cool I like that so far let's get this to the edge of table so I can get better leverage I like that I like that idea let's get this last guy to do something let's see what's happening on the back - all right not bad he needs a little bit of a pinch move him over there now we can bend him a little bit just to get a finger hold in there and I already I can feel like the stone is starting to be secured let's press him in this can get pinched a little more okay what are these guys gonna do he's just gonna come up here and that's enough right there I feel like I feel like more than that would overdo it so what do we do with this extra Y or o first let's get these in the back all straightened out this these two are overlapping I'm trying not to have them overlap if possible although in the past the overlap has made some cool effects but try not to scratch the stone too much too even though this is the back of it when you have patterns like this you move one wire and the rest of it moves and then you got to move it back and then you got to move it again and that's gonna be an overlap maybe unless I can okay I got that out of the way if I can maneuver this part around those guys that would be really cool I don't know if I can do it let's find out ooh I think I got it in there look at that that's wild it's actually making it really strong - whoa that's cool I've never done that before okay let's get it in there and I feel like that's gonna scarf that guy right there except now this needs to be flat against the stone and this needs to alright so you're wrestling this is a lot of wrestling and [Music] Wow just when I think now it looks like a mess it's a total mess it like and then it turns out okay let's try to roll this really tight you're ready go to the edge of the table again sometimes it does that's I can't help it that's gonna overlap so hopefully it doesn't look too terrible and this this needs to be tighter and it needs to be tighter that needs to be tighter believe it or not just when you think oh there's no way it's going to work it really starts to work you know what I don't want him there I'm going to turn this guy more up I'm gonna use this to come down here this instead of scarfing it I'm gonna use it to come down here and anchor it's the first time I try to anchor something like this usually I try to make it as simple as possible but this guy is just not gonna be strong otherwise so I think I'm gonna see if I can anchor him under here pull that up this is a totally new idea I don't even know if it'll stay in there all right no that's not gonna work let's let's get it in here this is crazy are you guys still watching it's like a huge craziness I hold off on this guy this guy I want to make him come around and kind of kind of scarf like an arm across his his neck like whoa he's that actually doesn't look too bad Wow that actually looks kind of cool okay very alien very awesome I'm loving it oh I just scratched that purple right there but I can I can touch that up with some nail polish get yourself some purple nail polish that you can get that it usually you can find some at the dollar store too that's one more dollar you're paying but that's it between the the wire the stones and the nail polish is three bucks and you can make some really cool pendants in fact not just gold pendants the pendants different than everybody else is making all right I think I got I got that coil in there look at that random totally weird it's gonna stick out against whoever's trying to wear it so I can't leave it like that I mean I can but that's not my style to have it that you know stabbing you in this in the collarbone or wherever your your stomach where however you're wearing it but at least there's no star pin that's gonna point or scratch you that's not the worst thing actually that's not terrible we're really feeling this okay so I'm gonna call this one a semi success I feel like I might not be able to sell it for a million bucks but somebody would like to wear it to a party as a conversation piece that would be pretty fun and it's pretty stable it's it's a little wobbly but there's been a lot of pieces people made wire wrapping that are much less stable you know that I'll leave that aside for now go for the next one let's hammer this guy bad tighten them up a little I always leave this long end in case you even watch the other videos so I can scarf the top loop after I wrap it and bring it all together let's see if this works mmm I feel like it's gonna be too much again but let's find out what happens so one arm over the top BAM and this head got twisted up get that back tighten that up another arm cross oh this is kind of working out that's cool I like that push that back [Music] they push this in a little more all right get that leg over the top good all right let's get this turned a little so we have room for this one let's make this a little tighter turn him a little and he's in it's not really he's overlapping a little let's try to get this guy out of the way a little more and it works let's turn this guy a little bit and it works lo and behold you can mold this stuff even after your hammer it we're learning new stuff every day turn him ooh and it works look at this gives me a cool one squeeze I'm just gonna have just got to believe press as I want that tighter maybe if I put like a napkin and then press it so I won't scratch it but I can't see what I'm doing if I use this part of the pliers nice to see ya yeah I couldn't really see it I think let's do the scarf part then we might have more control so this guy is gonna come around and come across bring the neck out a little bit we want we want it tighter across there it's not coming tight I'm gonna pinch it turn it right there give it a pinch there we go all right come around see it got it got a little bent there okay all right it's good this scarf is gonna go scarf scarf it's gonna be good it's gonna be a good scarf I feel it get your cutters cut it halfway across tuck in that sharp end pinch it pinch it in and then pinch down to get rid of any sharp corner them I salute you can't leave that's a good scarf that is a good scarf all right make sure that sharp end is not coming out the other side all right this oh this is gonna make some finger strength on you guys oh my goodness so you can apparently still mold this quite a bit after you're hammered that needs to come around and you bring that's the last part right here we need to just bring this around maybe we can roll it on the table not bad not bad all right so we need this guy to cover a little bit more right there so got to turn him a little more and now this guy can come out back where he was like that and press these guys keep popping up in the back pressing back and that is secure little scuff marks here in there get some purple nail polish or some any kind of metallic like a purple sharpie sometimes will help I actually have a metallic purple sharpie somewhere around here believe it or not you need to pull it still want to pull them out a little more there we go that's better this will give you a workout guys but I believe you can do it and if you keep practicing and you plan a little better than I do and you're not afraid to mess up 10 or 11 times you'll start getting a system down and then I mean you could get like you could play with tons of these but you get all the stones for $1 the stones come up like three cents each alright so I got this one you got this one and let's try for our last little one this little baby flat one I feel like it needs very little water I started to make this one that's way too much so let's try again all right so thinking I'm gonna do the Scorpion tail for this that was in another video see if this works yeah I think this might work scorpion tail you just go back and forth like this some people say it looks kind of like a lobster tail you can call it whatever you want just don't tell me you're calling it something different cuz I find out you change the name can be really upset like it's like books I'm gonna just be very very beside myself looks like a butterfly like a fat butterfly alright I think that's gonna be good so far right some do one more of these one more of these and let's um tighten these a little bit Hey right let's see I feel like that's gonna be good now the bottom part we need to make the tail the whole thing is like a tail but the bottom part is like a more of a tail tail you know what I mean probably not because it doesn't make any sense but we're just gonna make little tiny bends because that's gonna fold up over the front and keep going I think that's good it's hammering alright let's see where's the front and back I feel like this is the front of the stone alright ready are you guys ready let's do this the first fold comes around second fold comes around ah you got to kind of keep those back parts from flopping and back up this is very hard because I don't have much leverage to bend it I was worried about over killing and having the arms overlap and I actually were barely coming around but I think they're gonna come around just enough to hold it still and then the tail will finish it up it's just very okay we got this let's just do little little curves a little bending a little bit at a time man that that bottom is not even holding it okay a little bit of curve love the curve I'm learning with you guys because well obviously you can tell that all right so this guy see what's happening back here let's push everything down if we can doesn't want to go down and wants to stay once keep sliding back up all right there we go that we got that there look at that there's like nothing in the front this tail is gonna be the whole part of it so therefore let's make this tail really last let's bend him even more let's make him do some dancing wiggle him back and forth um I like it but I feel like looks like purple lightning now I feel like I should just try it again let's see I think I used up all my wire nope one piece left now we're gonna make this work we're gonna make it work somehow you and me let's figure it out pull this down bend this more there you go he's snuck in there he's snuck in around there now he's there's no overlap okay he's in and he is coming around the scarf yes Oh baby we were about to give up there now let's tuck this probably could've been him or to cover up the more of that those spots he's really strong this is the strongest one no surprise because it's a flat stone and it's a small stone so those should technically be easier to make strong but I don't like that empty spot right there it's just bothering me well let's cut this see we could do about that in a second a little bit of wire left we start this guy I feel like we just need one more piece of purple lightning to just come up there let's see if we can add it I'm gonna take this one apart because it's the last of my wire so I'm just gonna cut a straight piece and and just see what I need to do probably not gonna need this much always since my last piece anyway we'll just try to be more safe than sorry straighten it out as best we can and hammer it flat all right let's figure this out can come up through here and then go through there so why don't we just do that and then we'll figure out what to do with the middle part of the wire so we want to start right here and when on the bend come on Bend ah okay good so far it bend enough to use pliers for this went in to kind of mimic the other lightning book part so he can't be too straight he has to be kind of squiggly I should have probably made him swiftly before I hammered him but again live and learn okay oh man that is some really intense I'm glad this aluminum is hasn't broken on me yet alright I think that's about as good as we're gonna get and that's that's actually not bad all right when I'm up higher here not sure I'm gonna get what I want all right that's as good as I'm gonna get there all right what's happening up here over here there's nowhere to put these pieces we're gonna have to fold them over each other there's nothing else to do this guy can scarf again so this guy let's just anchor it let's make the scarf fatter sorry I'm making their scarf fatter here can we go around one more time now that's too fat it looks bulky all right we tuck it is that enough to tuck it I don't know gonna have to go around one more time make it bulky okay all right so it's a little bulky now we can tuck it tighter hope that was on camera all right that's a good talk he's good stuff enough room for jump ring up there all right this guy's sticking out like hey hitchhiking going this way and we do have that one still needs roll around more can we just have a third lightning yeah let's do it let's make him a lightning first and then see if we can do this ready this is hard we're turning him on his side instead of how we're used to turning him alright let's bring him around here and he's gonna have to pulled over there that's actually not terrible that doesn't look too bad don't fold him back here and boom I think we got it I don't want this sharp there's nowhere to tuck that sharpen actually can we tuck it under here it's fine now this may be the weirdest thing yet if I can get under there I don't even know if I can get on the news my cutters to try to get under there oh look at that it's pinching it open as squeezing under there ok see if you can do this let's get it under there and then jam it under there pull this up well the man that was hard pulled up jam it in squeeze pinched it oh it's in oh my gosh it's the weirdest it's like doing surgery I feel like I'm in a 16-hour surgery with it with it I delivered a black stone baby with with a purple purple mummification issue that's the wildest weirdest thing ever only a mother could love it but fortunately I am it kind of its mother so I do love it hopefully you guys have got to witness look at swaddled just like a baby all right there they are crazy wild black gunmetal jump rings because it's really hard to find a purple jump rings and you don't want to try to make the jump rings out of this aluminum it's not going to be strong enough or it's gonna be weird but black looks good we have black and purple more black blacks not gonna hurt and also these are 10 millimeters so it's a nice big chunky ones 8 millimeter would work too but this is gonna be good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Matt's Crazy Art
Views: 55,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar store, tutorial, wire wrap, aluminum, floral wire, thrifty, inexpensive, black, stones, necklace, pendants, diy, how to, step by step, handmade, jewelry
Id: B10AkLq90MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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