SEA GLASS from the Dollar Store!!! Eps 323

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[Music] so many good options and colors can you sell you this light blue very nice this is very very faint light blue there's some white green blue it's a good one well it looks like a good ending that's kind of cool I like this one this one and I guess we got to do a blue right it works right hmm nevermind let's do that one like I'm both let's do them all these are the easiest when they're flat and they have these little crags and everything for the wire to grab it's almost too easy let's do some 20 gauge black gunmetal love it let's take about 3 feet it's about a meter let's put the wire put the ends together find the middle of the wire make a loop I could just make it around my fingers but let's do it with the pen make it nice and cute cute little loop wrap it around like two or three times give it a couple twists oh look at ya decide what's the front what's the top I like it just like that that's the top right put the bail right there the way you like it oh there's teenagers coming and making noise wait till you hear this Oh make it stop make them go where's my anti teenage gun just kidding it's not a real gun it's just it just saps them and makes them act mature they hate it it's like a like mature zapper so here you go this guy is now an official light blue sea glass party animal look at those long arms dint them time to turn Tontitown ten time time to that you should go join the teenagers yes I think I will her wait wait get back here ah you have to become jewelry today no fair yes it is fair no fair sorry alright let's wrap these arms around here it's like one of those where you wrap you come up behind some and you wrap one arm around their shoulder and one arm kind of under their other arm you better be very friendly and close to them because if you do that to a stranger that's a good way to get security called so let's link these arms together it's kind of like a sweater they threw over the back of their shoulders except they threw it over kind of lopsided and let's keep going with this let's make ourselves a swirl a nice swirl look at that now wants to pop off see it's like a hanger does this see how it looks kinda like a hanger but we keep we put it back on and pretty soon it's just gonna be stuck there let's separate these go right there boom that's a cool look right I hope I was on camera most of this time all right come in the back let's uh cross these guys figure out where they're gonna come out I see how easy this is this is so easy the wire just grabs it and you can make any design you want anywhere you want so we can keep these wires together or we can separate them again like we just did I'm trying to think what I want to do now cuz I have a little bit of space here to play with make something pretty make something cool let's uh-huh let's see well we'll come around here again and yeah we'll just make it easy we'll come around here again come around here again okay so we'll make another swirl right here another link make a smaller one we don't want to like have to perfect two swirls competing whenever you make two things are exactly the same think you're kind of in competition that's why something about symmetry they're anti symmetry and art is you want things to be staggered a little you want things you want slightly bigger over here slightly smaller over there because that way there's like this natural hierarchy where that's the big swirl that's the medium swirl that's the baby swirl like Goldilocks you know as mama bear papa bear and baby bear you know you never you don't have like three of the exacts three mama bears with no Papa or baby that would be a weird story because then the three mama bears would be like arguing over who gets to use the most sink space in the bathroom and all right so anyway so this is slightly different swirl and we don't want it to impede on that area so we're gonna pull it back like that make it into a little loop here it's kind of pretty I was gonna keep looping it up through there maybe I will I don't know kind of like it just like that maybe I should just end it and come and come and get back around yeah let's stop let's go back around again look at that it's pretty just like that see that and now we'll come back to the bottom and we'll watch this will go really pretty swirl come up like this come around so we're not in the way of that of that other swirl and then we'll do one more one more a little uh like that is that too busy is that too much or is that good yeah it's a little too busy I feel like it's too busy let's let's pull these guys around back - ah that's cleaner see how that's cleaner and now we just have a little space in here and we can just solve that right now we'll just come across here like this and and finish them off scarf him that is that strong that's not strong because I came from the side so I'm pulling up on it and see it's it's loose so that's no problem because all we need to do is just come around one more time will do do one more scarf here and then all we need to do is take one of these wires and just anchor it down there and that'll make it strong again let's take the longer one so we can bring it back into the scarf and that's right just using 20 gauge by itself as it's my old favorite that's how I started wire wrapping just using 20 gauge with some craggly stones that are not slippery or smooth because the the wire bites into the crags it's great way to start it's just you could just have fun and pretty much as long as you follow a few simple rules everything comes out really stable and secure so I'm coming back up up here to finish scarfing like this and we come around as many times as we want until we feel like it looks pretty and then we stop cut it halfway across tuck those sharp ends in you got to cut them just right just enough sometimes I don't cut enough sometimes I cut too much it's a learning process but tuck them in there boom we're done full tight that's strong it looks kind of funky and weird but cool I feel like these swirls are pretty but these straight lines are kind of boring so I'm gonna crimp them that'll add more strength and make it look cool put a one little crimp there that's kind of cool maybe one little crimp here that's cooler when you're gonna crimp um always try to crimped in the same direction because it kind of makes it look more uniform so he crimped this guy right here let's see what happens yeah I like that too and we'll do one more up here that's kind of fun now now it looks all wild and nutty but in a good way separate that one a little more so you can take your fingernail and just kind of move them around a little bit sometimes that's cool feel like this wire is boring let's do something with this let's just give him one more crank we put him just in the right spot it might look cool yeah it's different alright not bad not bad all right there's one let's get a good look at him fun different it could be kind of masculine a guy could wear it or a girl or a key team mm-hmm wacky teams have their own category because they're just wacky you should go catch up to those teams that were screaming and making noise and be like here look a weird wacky piece just for you cuz you guys are weird and wacky and they might be like hey thanks but they might be like what is it what does he mean we're a wacky what is he trying to say I think he's trying to say we're dumb that's not nice oh my gosh okay I just crimped the back you can crimp the back all you want because that just makes it stronger it doesn't matter if it looks messy or not because it's it's the back although this kind of shows through which is also cool alright I'm just rambling now let's do the next one let's see what do we do let's do this very simple white one with just 24 silver very very thin silver plated wire and let's just make it nice and simple and pretty take about two feet once again we're gonna make we're gonna come to the middle and make like a triple triple loop for the bail and when dere's something sometimes when you make two loops and twisted it's fine but if you make more than one more than two the middle ones kind of float and they're not as stable you might have no idea what I'm talking about but just trust me so I'm actually gonna take this piece of wire and thread it through one time because believe it or not that stabilizes all three loops and now these wires are together let's put it right here again this is decide where you're that's my top this is my front obviously I like to have it stuff weighted like a teardrop the heavier stuff on the bottom this just kind of feels right you do it like that too I mean there's no right or wrong but I always feel like this just feels right so come over here and let's just take them both around both one side like this and let's not even worry about the stability because we're gonna make it pretty cuz this is just gonna it's gonna be stable no matter what it's it has a lot of crags the wire will grab it will be good so let's come around give it a real pretty loop here you know it's it's bouncing all over you got to keep it steady on the stone until it starts to become secure I'm gonna make that comeback and then we're gonna make this swirl kind of snake up and back real pretty and you could separate the wire as you're doing this or you can keep it together both both looks are nice sometimes you can keep the wire together and I'll see those two separated themselves now if you don't like that you can push them back you can kind of pinch them a little bit and then grab them and they're together and kind of if you can find the right wire you can kind of fold it back but I kind of like them separating right there so I'm gonna do that just come around here like that should zoom out a little so you can see better okay hope that was mostly on camera this is you will come around here just comes straight across there's not much space to play with them because it's a small stone so we're not gonna try to make it too busy just elegant and pretty come around one more time and this is where it's starting to secure it on the stone because we're wrapping it around and around make sure that bail is right back where you want it because we're about to scarf it just come around scarf it once ok it's pretty secure but it's not it's still a little flimsy so we got to come back here and look at what we need to do okay is easily let's put a little crimp in in the middle of each of these actually let's do this thing I like to do well actually let's take that back let's make a second X crimp would you like this is your X pimp like this there you see that I've bent a little divot going up and a little divot going back I'd to bend it four times one two three four and now there's two wires are like hugging each other and that'll be a little spot to wrap the new wire where it will stay it won't slide we'll do the same here I'll show you slide these guys up a little so that you can get a good grip and then give a little divot going up like this and then a little divot going down like that okay so now watch this so one of these wires we take one of these wires and he'll come underneath here well I made it nice and tight sometimes you gotta get your fingernail under there to really get it to lift up if you make it look nice and tight you could get on there come on get on there I'm getting annoyed now you better get under there I made it too tight get under there there we go he's under pull it slides right into the crevice if it doesn't you can just kind of slip it in make sure you're pulling it tight okay and then come around one more time well again position it pull tight position it sometimes it'll try to move it's like threading a needle of a regular thread you guys some kind of they got direct where it it ends up okay now it's that's pulling tight on there and now we'll just come up in or anchor this is pretty much anchored at this point if I go from here to the scarf that's like the whole pieces be stable but give it some extra strength I'm gonna thread it under this one also if I can get that up in the air these are also really tight it's going through there there we go see I messed up the divot with my finger no that's okay probably no idea what I'm doing this pointer buddy just like he's rambling and he's making a mess that's all I know if you keep watching though you will learn how to mam and ramble and make a mess too and then you'll be able to trick people into thinking you know what you're doing okay pull that tight nice and tight come around one more time get in there there we go grab it pull tight BAM okay I see those are super anchored now now we come back up with the wires back together can give them a twist if you want to really get them together give them couple twists and now come back up and now we finish scarfing and pull on that that's really strong now yeah it is really strong but I feel like it's still still pulling it this way a little bit there's nothing pulling in that way so I'm literally gonna anchor it one more time right here because why not give it a little more strength it's I normally don't go out of my way this much to give it all these anchors but this is 24 gauge which is really flimsy so sometimes you just it's better to be a little extra extra safe police guys out so I can get under and go pull that slate and bring them back alright and continue the anchoring I mean continue the scarfing sorry cut it across here and cut across here and again make sure you have just the right amount to tuck I took those two little tabs into this pole made by the scarf get them in there alright pull much more secure and I still don't like this part this is like so I'm going to crimp it let's try now better better it's pretty strong still not as strong as if it was like 20 gauge but unless someone really Yanks with all their might it'll stay as a necklace all right oh gosh let's do our last one green or blue well we did the light blue so let's do green that way they'll give us an excuse to use some nice copper let's go from super thin wire to super thick this is 16 gauge square I've never used it it was gifted to me by the infamous spectre monkey and I used the 18 gauge square on a couple pieces I loved it with 16 gauge this is intense this stuff is heavy might be too heavy for this stone as is we're a mistake what am i doing yeah why not have fun live once live up crazy live a little vicariously wait that doesn't make sense by carelessly means live through someone else's experience anyway so let's take about how much are we taking since I've never used this before I'm just took a wild guess and say let's take that was hard to cut let's take this it's about 15 16 inches a little over a foot and we'll go to the middle and make a bail oh man this stuff is hard just one one one loop is good enough for the bail hear that right there oh man I mean this is a party animal but this this person has stiff arms he's like hey party time but his arms can't move very much everybody's like wow your your arms are kind of knocking all the lamps over in the party he's like sorry can't help it alright so oh whoa I am NOT crossing these arms we're just gonna we're just gonna make this into a pretty whatever I do here this wire is gonna hold so we'll just make some really try to make some really pretty loops oh you weren't watching that sorry wow this is hard to bend oh my goodness it looks so good though right just come around like that and it'll bend it back ah it's a good thing I worked out today okay and then now we'll bend it around the bottom and that's secure that's done well yeah you know that's something necklace right there necklace with party arms party arms no I'm just kidding it's almost secure this wire is intense what do we do here let's take take this wire here Oh we'll come up this side now wow it is so intense and attempt another loop but it's really cramping my hand you might need to go in to see the doctor after this remember you don't want everything to be the same so these loops shouldn't be the same size let's make this loop smaller so he's not like trying to compete with the other loop he comes up there now what does this guy do well this guy obviously is gonna have to come up the other side but where let's see put him right here and now he can kind of echo you can kind of come up together with this guy they'll kind of come up together like friends friends in the same neighborhood hope this was on camera I hope I wasn't going off too bad right come around come around all right that's that's pretty good what are we doing on the back here yeah the back we can really secure this better so let's take this guy here bring him up through here wow this is really hard to do pull Oh see if I can get him under he's not going on day he's not going anywhere try again ah try to get him under nope not happening try again Steven get him on oh there he goes wow that was hard okay doesn't move this so you can see what I'm doing pull whoa whoa that's intense alright let's make him a swirl before we get any further first make a loop and Wow look at that that's way off the stone let's press that flat oh it does not want to press flat this wires like man I'm gonna have to go lay down after wrapping this alright so the part of the stone that really needs some more love is this right here which is perfect because this guy's ready to come around again so he's should I bring him from down here or from here questions let's see if he needs any securing you know let's let's bring them all the way from down here because that's going to make it really secure and let's give them a funky funky little twist just a little teeny-tiny funky twist because we need something else going on here funky twist keep making it tighter and tighter when you do with a just funky twist sometimes if you start out with the loop or the the yeah the curve and then you keep bending it and it keeps getting tighter and tighter and it's just good enough to go right in between these just like that come across BAM we are done we're done we're pressing it tight from every direction is it secure this thing is pretty monster secure but just to finish up man that's not going anywhere but just to finish it off well scarf the top loop just come around a bunch of times with the wire that's left do we need to secure it at all nothing is strong I'd say no looks fun in front come around one more time one more time pretty much used up all the wire that we took we're we're pretty proud of ourselves yeah that's good so we'll cut this and tuck it oh my gosh the pliers are all messed up so I get for buying these cheap cutters see how pink they are that's how you know that I got these in the fisher-price set actually I stole them from a little five-year-old so my first wire wrapping set by fisher-price saw this little kid walking around I said hey I'm bigger than you give me that I took took away the kids wire wrapping set that's why it's pink and blue and purple all right so this guy's strong that's kind of loose let's tighten this up in here now that just walked out whoa whoa all right that doesn't want to stay that's bouncing look at that it's like a toy now it's like a fidget spinner then then then then then then then then then then then that but that's not what we want so what do we do now well we're gonna have to secure that I'm gonna do something I never did I'm gonna unwrap this cuz I want to see if I can do this without adding any extra thin wire so I'm gonna unwrap now let's leave it I don't want to fight with it a little bit of thin wire right there and we'll be secure you could even take another piece of the thick wire and wrap it but let's let's not try to kill ourselves today all right first that needs to move down a little bit so just pull that let's actually turn this curve a little more that pulls in even that pulls him right there actually that starts to do the job oh that does it right there almost not almost doing it without adding any to the thin wire look at that but that will walk out if somebody bumps it so and I look at that space I don't like that space there so let's take some thin let's do 26 gauge really thin thin copper same bright copper thinner let's just take about nine inches thread it in there well this is so easy after using that incredibly heavy wire I'm not gonna make anything but heavy rings with this 16 gauge from now on well 16 gauge square anyway oh my goodness it's a monster and there's actually the same person who gifted me this gave me 14 gauge square can you imagine what that's like working with I don't think even think you're I think you have to get a special permit in some states to use that or you could let you have to wear a weight belt all right so that's see how I made that little connection there that tightens that up right there let's fiddle around pull on it see if there's any other loose spots it's pretty strong everywhere else it's pretty secure it's not going anywhere this is kind of moving a little bit we'll just keep wrapping the wire down just because it's why not we have it there just keep threading it make that connection nice and strong and that said how about that that that's strong to the whole piece pretty much I could have just done it with the 16 gauge square I didn't even need this but it feels good to know that that extra little amount of protection is there and just in case I'll just take this amount I'll take this in here twist it bunch of times and I'll have it come straight up here and we'll wrap it right into the scarf you can do that you can take thin wire and just wrap it into the scarf that's heavier wire and it just disappears no one even knows it's there and then as you come to the top when you want to tuck it around twist them again and then we'll cut them they're Fisher Price we didn't really steal this from a little kid we we just walked up to the little kid and said I'm bigger than you and you should probably hand over your set to me and then the kid did it willingly like there was no struggle at all the kid just kind of like got a little sad face and just handed it over and so I feel like the child really wanted me to have this his little my first wire wrapping set and I'm grateful I also saw these at Walmart in case anybody wants them like you want to start wire wrapping get this set pink purple and blue eight bucks you beat that you can't beat that but you can if you stumble across a little five-year-old who has their own set five-year-old shouldn't even be having cutters I probably did him a favor anyway here's today's dollar store seaglass wraps so pretty pretty pretty yeah yeah yeah we are and sometimes just to secure the tiny little wrapping of the scarf you just put a tiny bit of e6000 just a little drop in the back and you just wipe it out just a tiny little drop just to hold that little tuck right in there just do it for each one just to be on the safe side rubs off your fingers real quick rub it off because it's not really good for you to keep on your fingers it's not good to breathe it either people keep reminding me so when I do go to breathe it I try to limit myself to five minutes of you know breathing it in and then I kind of have to lay down after that and I'm usually not good for any videos till the next day so anyway here they are again and oh yeah by the way I couldn't help but do the blue one I had to do it simple wrap you didn't get to see it sorry haha that's my joke pretty funny joke haha have a great one guys [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matt's Crazy Art
Views: 122,327
Rating: 4.9046984 out of 5
Keywords: wire wrap, tutorial, step by step, how to, diy, handmade, jewelry, copper, silver, sea glass, necklace, pendant
Id: QOcDA9FdNnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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