Level as fast as possible in WOTLK Classsic - 2 methods to currently powerlevel

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foreign fastest way that I currently know of leveling your character during the joyous Journey we finally have this beautiful buff and I thought I would make a video showcasing how I level as fast as humanly possible with this buff finally being out the two fastest ways that I know of is Thorns boosting and the dragon blight Crypts boosting now these two methods kinda require some specific things so and if you don't have access to these specific things I am sorry the video might not be for you but maybe you can have a friend help you out so what is Thorns boosting well if you have a Max Level Druid you can use thorns on a low level guy I am casting a Max rank Thorns but it will automatically scale down to the lowest rank so you don't need to worry about that so if we throw thorns on my little warrior here with no nothing else to boost it we can go up to any mob and it will instantly die and we get full experience as long as we have touched them up some way either dealing damage to it doing some AOE ability that puts a debuff on it just anything we will still we will get full experience a way to get the biggest Thorns possible so you keep one shot in any mob that touches you for the longest time possible is to have a specific spec I will have a link for this spec in the description down below do not worry about that um some of the things in here are important and some are not important at all uh brambles is very important it is 75 percent more damage to your thorns lunar guidance makes your intellect equal spell power and spell power makes your Thorns even bigger we have improved Moon can form so your spirit is now also spell damage and then in the Resto tree we have stuff to increase our all our attributes increase all our intellect and then we go all the way down to increase our total spirit these are all the important talents the rest of them don't really matter we just want to get as much spell power as possible and to get this number even bigger we can use a flask we can get up our food buff so let's see before our Thorns did 76 damage at level 1. let's see if we can boost that up so we got our flask we got our food buff big old Moon can form and now we're sitting comfortably at around 3.1 k spell power so the way to get the biggest amount of spell power to snapshot your thorns on anyone is to either have double proc trinket or have one proctoring it and one on used trinket this isn't very very easy thing to get here you just need 50 emblem of triumph which is kinda easy at this point we should have a lot if you have been raiding so what we do is we try to um make our little trinket proc we want our Pandora split that is a procs we go Moon can form we use potion we use our trinket ampcast phones that was about 4.7 k spell power if I saw it correct let's see how much damage we do now 76 before 134 damage now we're dealing 134 damage to mobs that only have 40 HP now Thorns will scale very very good when you hit Level 14 from Level 1 to 13 it pretty much deals the same damage the entire way but when you get to level 14 it will almost triple in damage because you get access to a new rank now some people have asked during my streams take note why don't you get tier 1 from molten core um well I think it was changed in Lich King but the all tier one does now is increase your Thorns damage by four and that is not flat four that is just an additional four and it increases the duration by 50 percent um using three set here will make you lose way too much spell power in your other slots and therefore make your Thorns weaker the only scenario where I can see that being good is if you want to buff it on your guy and then you want to solo a dungeon that takes more than the base duration of 10 minutes that doesn't really happen though in my opinion so to summarize get as much Bell power as possible use this little one key spec and both thorns and you will be just powering through you don't need any gear just hit them up once and they will always die oh The Little Door Mist there we go even this guy two levels above me they just get one shot and you remain full experience a neat little trick that you can do if you do not have two accounts like I do and you have a druid on your account is icon on this guy that I want to level I can press alt f4 and then I can quickly log in on my druid get my procs and buff myself I just alt afford as you can see here on my other account but I remain in game for a good amount of time before I'm actually locked out and even though this character is no longer logged in I can still cast on it so if you alt f4 on your alt log in on your Druid get your procs you can pause yourself and look back in just a neat neat little trick if you only have one account so now that we have thorns on our guy how do we utilize that the best the best way to utilize it is hyper spawns if you don't know what hyperspawns is it's basically as soon as you kill the mobs the game forces there to be a certain amount of those mobs always alive so whenever you kill them they will instantly respawn and you can just gain insane amount of experience there is a couple of spots in the open world that I know of I don't know all of them probably but I know quite a few that are very very good the first place that I know of I usually start there around level 9 or level 10. and that is Westfall up here in Westfall you have some crabs right here you will have six crabs that spawn and the game will always Force at least four of them to always be alive when these are a little bit too low level you can move down here and they will be a bit higher level I usually do Westfall from around level 9 or 10. until Level 17 to 22 depending on whether or not it's contested or whether or not I'm getting ganked the second spot that I know of is in eastern kingdoms as well and it is wetlands down here we have some Knoll camps these camps work the same way as the crabs they will force a certain amount of mobs to always be alive and you can gain a very very good XP there I leveled one of my Mages here from level 17 to level 25 in a very very quick manner the next spot I will speak of is also in eastern kingdoms and it is probably only for horde it is the hill spread feels on each and every one of these Farms you have hyper spawns and you can just walk around as you please and I did one of my matches here from Level I think it was 22 until 30 and it was very very good and very very chill the next spot I will speak of we go to calendar ashenvale and we have the seders right up here the entrance of this we will have to come from the north side walk along the mountain and go through the cave and you'll have them right there here I usually did from around levels of 26 27 until like level 34. yeah 33 34 is probably where I lived the last open world hyperspawn that I know of is also in calendar and it is in dostuelo Mars it is the murloc camp right here and along this Shore this entire section is connected so you have to clear all of that to force the hyperspawns you do however not only need to do open while Farms or thorns what I have done on any character that had access to a tank spec like for example a druid Paladin or Warrior was that I leveled them through dungeons with buffing myself with thorns if you give yourself stuff like fish Feast you stack as much stamina as humanly possible would be Luis enchants soloing dungeons is very very comfortable as long as you remember to pick up your little heirloom if we go collections heirloom trinket this thing right here is why you want to Stack as much stamina as humanly possible having two of these makes you regenerate four percent of your total HP every time you kill them up and Thorns killing them up counts as you killing it so that is a very very very good combination the dungeons I have used while leveling my characters was I went to shadowfang keep and did 17 to level 25 there and keep in mind this what I'm showing you right now is older footage where I do not have access to joyous Journey so if you want to know just how good these dungeons are right now with joyous Journey just add 50 percent more experience per hour to the counter you see in the top left corner it is very very good now when I got either dungeon locks from sfk because it's a very fast dungeon to do or I hit Level 25 26 ish is I would go to race off and crawl and do five quick runs there I would go in turn right and then go down in the little Chasm inside and kill all the boars in that Chasm and reset and I would usually do that from around about 25 to 29. at level 29 I would go to Scarlet monster at Scarlet Monastery I would start out with some graveyard runs when I was strong enough I would go into the library and when I was strong enough I would go into Armory and then into Cathedral and I would usually do that until 42 but you can even do Cathedral until 44 before the mob starts turning gray after that you can go into sulfur rack until 48 at 48 you can go BlackRock depth until level 60 at level 60 you can go blood furnace until 68 from 68 to 78 you can go into Botanica I don't have any footage of this as that footage is too old but that is something you can do now for the second method of leveling as fast as humanly possible right now this next method is a lot simpler but yet again it does require you either to have a friend helping you or that you have two accounts yourself and this method is the dragon blight Crypt boasting and it is fairly simple you're just gonna have the character you are leveling in a group with a max level character and the max level character is just killing a lot of mobs this Dragon byte Crypt boasting finds place in dragonblood it is directly below naxramas basically as you can see right here this is where I am and this is the entrance right here so we just go in and you can see it is already a quite popular spot so your the character you are leveling you will just have a stand AFK right here while I'm jumping and then you will just be running around killing these hyper spawns and generating a lot of experience now as you might see there's a lot of dead corpses here and I will explain the strategy for you as you will also be able to see in the footage I have I have dead people in my group and more importantly dead level ones that are dead near the mobs and in ghost form near you and the guy getting experience and you might ask why would you do that well having these level ones in your group will bring down the average group level of your group and it will also Grant you access for the group to the group bonus experience you get from being in a group um having three dead level ones in your group will increase your experience by about 40 percent it is uh quite quite good it is of course not required to have these dead people in your group but if you have friends who have nothing better to do you can summon to them summon them to the Crypt have them go AFK while they're dead or if you're one of those people with five accounts yourself you can do it yourself this spot works from Level 1 to level 80. however I would not really recommend it from level one I was going the fastest it's basically like 10 to 12 minutes per level um and the XP you get here scale with your levels so it's quite consistent with 10 to 12 minutes per level and that is 10 to 12 minutes from when I was here and I was here from level 40 to 70. but however if you get here at level 1 you can see how getting 12 minutes from Level 1 to level two is not really that good right so if you have access to the Thorns boosting I talked about earlier I would do that until like level 40 at least and then get summoned here at level 40 and then do this all the way to level 70 plus you can go into level 70 here you don't have to stop at 70 but I always did because I was boosting Mages and I was faster to solo with God keep but however if you're leveling something you find very boring to Quest on Etc you can just stay here basically until Level 80. in the footage set up and rolling in the background while I'm killing this I have shown two different level ranges uh so you can see the experience you get at certain levels when you get here let's say you get here level 45 you might not be thinking is that good XP but as soon as you hit Level 50 all the mobs just grant Double XP and again when you hit 60 they can double XP again so there will be some major jumps in experience here I hope you enjoyed the video if you do have any questions the easiest way to get a quick answer is to find me on twitch.tv slash techno TV or you can ask in the comments below I don't check YouTube as often but I'll get to you eventually other than that have a wonderful day and see you in ICC
Channel: TakenoteTV
Views: 87,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: druid, warlock, leveling, wotlk, cata, world of warcraft, classic, wotlk classic, hardcore, fast, powerlevel, thorns, crypts, dragonblight, 1-80, wotlk 1-80, faster, how to level fast, fastest leveling wotlk, how level fast, quick level, quick wotlk level, leveling wotlk, boosting, dungeon leveling, dungeon levels, hyperspawn, mage, paladin, rogue, death knight, priest, hunteer, hunter, shadow, retri, protection, balance druid, affliction, destruction, hyper leveling, wotlk fast leveling, joyeous journey
Id: IQ9bZozClHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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