Subtlety Levelling Explained Further (WoW Classic)

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yo guys you all wanted another video so oh here it is I'll discuss leveling himself with a bit more detail fuel so you've just made your first rogue character you've seen our strong making be welcome to the club do you know the biggest complaint from melee classes is how difficult leveling is but fear not I'm here to tell you that leveling is actually a piece of piss it's as hard as you want it to be let me tell you where you're going wrong as melee before I even get started on how to level a rogue efficiently I can guarantee right now that 80% of the people watching this video will rush high-end yellow quests which means you're doing quests there are two levels above your actual level some of you will even go ahead and try to solo orange quests which are multiple levels higher than your actual level this leads to fighting mobs that will dodge you like crazy parry all of your attacks and you'll miss everything that isn't dodged or parry leading them to an untimely death do you want to know how to level easily as a road warrior and ret paladin prioritized Green quests before anything else they give the same amount of XP as they would when they were yellow there's a misconception that they give less experience just because they're green only the mobs do and you make up from the diminished experience with the mobs by dropping them up three times as fast and before one of you little elitist scumbags to comment saying lol your spec is so bad that you have to do green quests no we can do yellow and orange quest of this spec but doing green quest is the most efficient way to leveling classic and there's a ton of people that want to get keep this information to make it harder for other people to level there are also a ton of new players that struggle with the basics and leveling using this method is the easiest and it's the best way regardless of what you say let me tell you another advantage of leveling like this I didn't touch stranglethorn until level 34 not a single quest I didn't even turn up to tenaris until 45 not a single quest this meant I was always way above the average levels of the zone because I was constantly doing green quests this meant that absolutely no one of me at any point because I was read to them it was to me if I decided to kill them or not they are entirely at your mercy when your multiple levels higher and by leveling efficiently from doing all of the Green quests you constantly remain above the threshold so you always have a significant advantage over mobs and other players question around you this means that you never struggle whilst leveling unlike that one guy that spawns for help and insists on clearing orange-red quests in a zone before moving on this doesn't count all of the Train quests people skip just because they agree or how many times people abandon quests just because they're green the biggest mistake people make or go into zones at their entry level this makes the game much harder than it needs to be due to your negligence regarding doing quests now we'll get into how to actually play my spec everything I speak about is from personal experience with the game and I don't really have time to be proving to people at the spec is good using statistics you Eva Troi or you don't try I'm only making this video because I've had people comment asking me to go into detail and it's videos for them specifically when you hit level turn though put a point in master of deception so you can do your work quest easier to get your agility dagger that's where you spend your first point I'll now show you the order in which you will plan your talent you aim on getting preparation at level 30 and hello by 31 you get vanish at level 22 and you want two points in elusiveness by the time you hit level 19 so you can get ghostly straight right away at level 20 now I'll discuss what happens if you happen to go into the deadmines and you win call barb disregard all the other weapons so you've won call barb who've now conflicted I've told you to spec into ambushed and you've just won a sword most people will sink into their confusion and go and respect it's not worth respecting just because you plan on putting points in improved ambush it does not make a significant enough difference to warn you to spend one gold on a respec let me tell you what should do if you're in this situation even if you're on board side and you win that cactus maze that I've got remember the name of you make a macro so that when you're in stealth or about to ambush you equip your daggers then when you're spamming senator strike it swaps to your sword this makes the most out of everything and you maximize your damage this way until you find a dagger to a place you call bar or you can just do this all the way to 60 using the various daggers and swords you find it's up to you how intricate you want to be with it [Music] [Music] yes compared to a combat robe you will miss more often due to not having the hit percentage the one you crit and to shop mobs and players and when you can survive it's a totally different story when they're dead on the ground they'll wish they were you hit rating is almost irrelevant when you're fighting mugs and players are green to you as well now I'll cover the rotation the rotation rules are really simple but it depends on the circumstance if you see a mob there's a caster you'll know because it has a mana bar you almost always open with amber as they're likely a cloth armored mob with low armor value you can basically kill these in seconds this also goes for leather and male targets as well if you see a plate armored mob with high armor values which will know because they're usually wearing plate or a shield and you have immortals attacks up then you can ambush that too as it will likely crit and still do good damage if you haven't got remorse as a tack shop then you want to go at it because the high armor values will absorb your ambush Lucky's a thorn in their side if mobs are taking you a while to kill or you're struggling then you need to pop your bleeds it goes like this as soon as you open with ambush or gerak the first thing you want to do is pop ghostly strike as you're making the most out of the improve dog can slice and dice straightaway after that you pop hem oh and can use your bleed or eviscerate depending on how far it is from death when it comes to fighting players the same rules apply unless the warrior you're fighting is badly geared you probably shouldn't ambush him unless you're confident you can crypt them as the rock will end up doing more damage over time then your ambush will do to their high armor values another tip is to never pop evasion slash grocery strike against warriors even I've been guilty of doing this sometimes out of instinct and it's a bad habit more than anything so a bit like when you're so used to driving your car start to drive repertoire don't pop evasion and as you want them to overpower and kill you in free hits you wants a crippling poison quite warriors who bleed so they die slowly while staying just in range so they can't charge or intersection when it comes to fighting warlocks you want to burst them down as fast as possible and kick their first fear because if you sister fear you're dead meat especially in this phase with no PvP trinket if you let them dot you you're also because you won't be able to ambush them again unless you know how to turn the tips which is pretty advanced gameplay your hardest fight as a rogue is a Shadow Priests be weary of these guys the stupidest matchup you can possibly face as a road as a constantly pop power word shield fear you Hill themselves and do insane damage I almost never get good crypts on priests because half of it is absorbed by their bubble even if they're incredibly trash they can still beat you fighting over royal which is an easy matchup if you don't mind playing dirty if you see a road he wants open with ambushing instantly rupture so they can't vanish or Reese tell alternatively you can open with Goro and vanish ambush it's up to you how you do it but after that it's basically an easy win for team hunters you want to nuke them as fast as possible and if they're be smarter II wait for them to pop be still wrath and then vanish away from them so you don't get flared wait for it to fade then open again go and blind their pet as you down them do not try to fight be smarter e wonders when they have beasts to rough up as you cannot CC their pet all of the other classes can be beaten using these methods or you can figure it out it's all fairly simple if you want more explanation to leave a comment and I'll reply to it also you don't want to Train gouge kick or anything like that after Rank 1 as it's a serious waste of your gold it only improves the base damage of the ability rather than giving you a difference in effect you don't need a good dagger to do insane damage as rope scaling is actually done in the game when it comes to abilities like ambush and eviscerate we can literally delete anyone when using all of our cooldown but you decide to fight with vanish unavailable then you're probably going to die especially if you don't create on your opener I'll use toxic revenger all the way until level 47 noise dpsing in zelf iraq with it still matching the majored and warlocks i was in a group with because i was quitting all the time part of the clips I've uploaded are using that dagger you really don't need to upgrade your gear at all either of course it helps but it isn't necessary to get level 60 or to put good damage out this play is okay the dungeons but it is nowhere near as good as combat at endgame you only want to use a spec to get level 60 and to obtain your devil sword Priebus after that you want to go combat the PvE as this is a PvP survival spec more than anything I've been using the spec in end game dungeons and Walsh it can help other melee because of demo it really isn't worth it if you're trying to map it out your damage the last thing I'll discuss is leveling your lock-picking don't slack on this as down the line you can use my method of gold farming to get your mouth if you don't mind having a low lock-picking skill and you don't mind walking out gold herbalist four faidley's all the time then you won't need to bother I hope you guys like the video I know some of you've been waiting for it and I hated it goes down for miss anything then please comment and I'll get back to you as soon as possible thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: AzAMOuS
Views: 187,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world, of, warcraft, wow classic, classic wow, world of warcraft classic, wow classic rogue tutorial, wow classic rogue video, wow classic subtlety
Id: Gx32HH-yVX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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